Agora Financial's Legendary Copywriting System

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Some of the key takeaways are that Agora Financial looks for curiosity and a willingness to read in new copywriters rather than writing skills. Their copywriters also come up with marketing ideas through research rather than creativity.

Agora Financial looks for people who have a deep sense of curiosity and enjoy reading, not necessarily writing or marketing skills.

Agora Financial's copywriters come up with marketing ideas through research rather than creativity. The research process uncovers benefits, hooks and ideas for campaigns.

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Agora Financial's Secret Copywriting

The FREE Training Series

LESSON #1 of 7:
"Here's What I Discovered About
Agora Financial's Secret
Copywriting System... 
In My First 60 Minutes In

From: Todd Brown
West Palm Beach, Florida

This was totally shocking to me...

I saw it within the first 60 minutes in the Baltimore

headquarters of Agora Financial (AF)...

Even though their copywriters routinely bang-out million-

dollar-plus marketing campaigns, they're all just... Average

None of them are gurus, marketing wizards, slick salesman, or

skilled writers. 1/6
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"That's not what we look for," said Joe Schriefer, the Executive
Publisher and Copy Chief, as we stood in the foyer of their office

"We simply look for people who have a deep sense of curiosity
and enjoy reading. That's it. That's all we need to be able to
turn them into folks who can create multi-million-dollar
marketing campaigns."

That's it!?? 

That's all they look for, I thought to myself. Seems like there
should be more.

"What about writing chops, grammar, and all that stuff," I


"Nope. Despite what most marketers believe, that's the least

important part of being able to write sales-pulling copy," Joe

Okay. So now I was intrigued. 

"So, why curiosity and a willingness to read? Why those two


"It's simple," Joe said, "because to write good copy, you need to
be curious enough about a product to dig into it, from lots of
different angles, to find out every possible benefit, advantage,
and hook.

And a willingness to read... because that's where the hook, or

Big Idea, is found. The new idea or angle for the marketing is
discovered thru reading. Thru research."

Now let me stop the story for a second and say this:


This is something I've known and understood for years now... 

All great marketing campaigns begin with a simple process of

research or Examination as it's called in the E5 CAMP Method.
(We'll talk more about Agora Financial's specific research
process later.)

For now, just know...

Before you write a single word of copy you should have deep
insight into three things:

1. Your Prospect
2. Your Competitors 2/6
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3. Your Product

* With your prospects: You should have insight into their

wants, emotions, and existing beliefs.

* With your competitors: You should have insight into what

hooks, angles, and ideas they've already presented to your

* With your product: You should have insight into the benefits,
advantages, and the Unique Mechanism behind the product. 

All of this... BEFORE you write a single word of copy for your
marketing campaign... 

And all of this is uncovered with some simple research. (Again,

more about how AF trains new copywriters to do this, later.)

Now, back to the story...


"Okay, so I get the value of curiosity, and certainly reading, but

what about creativity," I asked Joe. "Don't you want people that
are creative types? I mean... if they're not creative how are
they coming up with these multi-million dollar marketing
ideas so often?"

Shaking his head, as if I touched on another "copywriting

myth", Joe responded...

"No. It's not about creativity. They don't need to be creative

because the ideas don't come from inside their head. They're
discovered thru the research process we teach them. Thru the

"Here, let me give you two examples," he continued. "Both big

winners for us."

And for the next 20 minutes we talked about the following two
marketing campaigns - ironically, two of my favorites to come
out of Agora Financial: 3/6
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...selling a simple $49 per year financial investing newsletter


Listen to me, Joe, and the copywriter, Scott, talking about the

Did you hear that?

"The research."

And the second campaign we talked about...

...selling an olive leaf extract supplement. 

Both ideas made a bunch of money and generated thousands of

new customers for AF. Both for pretty run-of-the-mill products. 4/6
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And, like all of their winning marketing ideas, both came from
two ordinary copywriters doing some straightforward research.

Here's me talking about this with David, my Apprentice, and

Nate Rifkin, the copywriter behind the Spanish Army's Secret

Pretty cool, right? And pretty simple. 

So, look: 

Just in the first 60 minutes with AF's copywriting team we've

learned several foundational things for you to recognize:

  To create million-dollar-plus marketing campaigns you

don't need to worry about being some guru, marketing
wizard, slick salesman, or skilled writer. 

  You don't need to get caught-up in grammar or writing

rules, or be able to crank-out great prose. 

  You don't need to be wildly-creative or get flashes of

marketing inspiration.

  You do need to have a healthy level of curiosity and enjoy


  You do need to accept that your big-money marketing

hooks and Big Ideas will not come from inside you. They'll
come from following a simple research process any
Average Joe can do...

All of which should be as incredibly exciting for you to hear,

as it was for me (as someone constantly on the hunt for new
copywriters for MFA). 

And remember.... none of that is coming from me. That's

straight from Agora Financial -- the undisputed king in the
world of direct response marketing. 5/6
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"Alright, enough intro stuff."  I said to Joe, busting his

chops."Let's get to some of the real juicy stuff. 

Take me into the copy room and let's start at the beginning of
what you teach new copywriters. And how the heck you're
turning average schmoes off the street into bonafide
million-dollar-plus marketing producers. I need to hear this."

"Sure. Let's do it..."

And off we went... 


Let's learn from each other...

Share your biggest takeaway below: 6/6

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