Using UML Activity Diagrams For The Process View: Ben Lieberman

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Copyright Rational Software 2001


Using UML Activity Diagrams for the Process

by Ben Lieberman
Senior Software Architect
Blueprint Technologies

In the article"UML Activity Diagrams:

Versatile Roadmaps for Understanding
System Behavior," published last month in
The Rational Edge, I discussed ways that
system architects and designers can use
UML Activity Diagrams to detail use cases,
capturing basic, alternate, and exceptional
flows of execution. In this month's article,
the focus shifts to a particular view in the
4+1 Architecture Views, defined by the
Rational Unified Process.TM We will
examine how to use Activity Diagrams as
"roadmaps" for the Process View, to
capture processing flows as a series of steps. We will also discuss several
techniques for creating these diagrams and ensuring their effectiveness.

Highly complex software systems are inherently difficult to construct and

maintain. These challenges are often further complicated by a lack of
comprehensive documentation explaining the responsibilities and
dependencies for each system module. Then, to add insult to injury is the
current industry drive to create reusable, modular, distributed systems
(e.g., EJB, CORBA, COM+). These forces, in combination with an
increasing need for more and more complex processing, can lead to
fragile, non-maintainable systems if the architect does not find an
effective way to describe and model critical system dependencies.

Embedded and real-time systems, for example, are subject to these

pressures. Often they have tight time and resource constraints, which
places a high premium on the efficient use of system resources. For real-
time applications, process timing is often critical (e.g., the system must
acquire and display a target in under .05 seconds) which may require
parallel processing or other high-performance mechanisms. Likewise,
embedded systems have steep performance requirements and must make
maximum use of available system memory and processor power since
these systems often run on dedicated hardware. Finally, the need to meet
these performance requirements creates increased demand for distributed
systems that are deployed to 1+N processors. These deployments require
that the architect be able to rapidly determine the exact functionality that
is distributed to each processor and the control mechanisms that must be
implemented for synchronization of parallel or asynchronous processing.
Developers of such systems would therefore benefit from an accurate and
complete description of system processing.

The 4+1 Architecture Views1 present a set of models useful for describing
software systems. Of these, the Process View is often used for modeling
the processes and threads executing in a software system. Descriptions of
the Process View have often focused only on the static structure of
interacting processes and lightweight threads using UML stereotyped class
diagrams.2 This article presents the counterpart Dynamic View to the
static class diagram representation. As will be shown, UML Activity
Diagrams are used to capture the "roadmap" of the processing flow as a
series of steps. The astute reader will note that this technique is very
similar to flow-chart modeling familiar to experienced software developers.
The primary difference here is the level of abstraction used to focus
attention on critical processing details while hiding much of the underlying
code complexity. These diagrams quickly capture and summarize the
system dependencies at a processing level, leading to a better
architectural definition of the system.

Note, however, that this technique violates some of the defined semantics
for Activity Diagrams in the UML standard: most notably the requirement
for all activity transitions to flow from entry to exit. In the example
diagrams this requirement has been relaxed to better display the parallel
nature of threads and processes.

Overview of the Process View

Processes are usually necessary to run executable computer programs.
These processes are created by the operating system and usually run in a
dedicated memory space with priority usage of the processor(s). In
addition, "threads" are often required by many applications, particularly
for batch or asynchronous processing. As we have already noted, the 4+1
views of architecture describe the overall system, focusing on the Logical,
Implementation, Deployment, and Process Views. The last of these views,
the Process View, is particularly well suited for describing the processes
and threads that comprise the system.

Processes are heavyweight system run-time entities. A process is

expensive to establish and requires time, memory, and CPU resources.
Processes can communicate using various mechanisms provided by the
host operating system; this is usually referred to as interprocess
communication (IPC). Often this communication requires synchronization
so that one process will not corrupt the state of another, particularly when
using shared resources.

In many modern operating systems, processes are permitted to spawn

lightweight executing "threads" that operate within the memory space of
the running process. These threads can either operate independently or
communicate with one another. Threads often need to coordinate the
synchronization of data or processing between other threads and the host
process. The primary value of threads is that they reduce system resource
costs, since a thread shares the resources assigned to the parent process.
A real-time system often needs to use threads to perform parallel
processing that is coordinated by another thread or the host process itself.

The Process View is defined as the static structure of threads and

processes (i.e., ownership, control, coordination), and the dynamic
aspects of their interactions (i.e., synchronization, communication,
timing). The static nature of the system processing is often shown using
stereotyped UML diagrams (Figure 4). Although the dynamic aspect is not
often discussed and few examples exist, Activity Diagrams are particularly
well suited to the description of process and thread interactions. Figure 1
shows the symbols and extensions used for UML Activity Diagrams as well
as three stereotyped "Activities" useful for describing dynamic processing.
We'll review these below.

Figure 1: Activity Diagram Symbols and Extensions

Review of Activity Diagram Symbols and

Processing Activity. Activity Diagram symbols encapsulate activities
performed by the system. These activities may have associated entry
conditions, exit conditions, and actions. The simplest and most useful
form, however, is the one shown in Figure 2; it represents the
functionality to be performed. Processing activities the most numerous
Activity Diagram components, represent the actions taken by the system.
As Figure 1 shows, the symbol for these activities is a rounded-off
rectangular shape with a neutral color. Please note that the color is
intended to add meaning and understandability to the diagram. Addition of
too much color detracts from the simplicity of the approach; not enough
color leads to bland, uninteresting diagrams. See the figures in this article
for guidance in selecting diagram element colors. Also, the Appendix to
this article contains a script that can be used to automatically add color to
Activity Diagrams in a Rose model.

In addition to the standard symbols provided by the UML, this article

introduces several extensions that permit additional information to be
conveyed for special system activities.
<<interrupt>> Stereotype. Batch processing must allow for
interruptions of the processing flow for input of information and control of
the system. When this stereotype is applied to the standard activity
element, it indicates that the activity will generate a system interrupt to
the current processing. These elements are colored red to draw particular
attention to this type of critical system interaction. Interrupts can occur on
both processes and threads if allowed by the deployment operating

<<idle>> Stereotype. All batch processing activities, user interface

activities, and asynchronous communications require the ability of the
process or thread to go into an idle state. While in this state, the
process/thread requires limited processor time and can permit other
system activities to proceed. The <<idle>> stereotype is applied to
activities that will enter into this "wait" state.

<<thread>> Stereotype. Many processes, particularly those involved in

complicated batch processing, will spawn lightweight processes that run
within the parent processing memory space. These are referred to as
process threads. The <<thread>> stereotype is used to indicate that an
activity is related to the creation, suspension, resumption, or destruction
of a system thread.

<<process>> Stereotype. All computer software is composed of

processes that are loaded into and run on a hardware CPU. The
<<process>> stereotype is used to indicate an activity that will result in
the creation, suspension, resumption, or destruction of a system process.

Creating Process View Activity Diagrams

Determining the correct level of abstraction in modeling is always a
challenge. This is especially true when creating models for the Process
View. Since this system description information is critical to multiple team
members, including testers, developers, managers, and system
administrators, there is a high premium placed on the clarity of these
models. Countering this force is the high level of complexity inherent in
parallel, asynchronous processing. How should we capture this information
at a level that is most useful to the largest audience? Perhaps more
important, who should be responsible for the creation and maintenance of
these models?

Process level information is a design activity and as such is under the

control of the architect and component engineer. Thus, the creation of
Process View Activity Diagrams most naturally falls to these roles.
However, since the consumers of these models include the test team and
deployment engineers, it is often beneficial for a member of one of these
other teams to act in the role of analyst. An individual who is not directly
involved in the system design but is technically knowledgeable (such as a
technical tester) can capture the model information from the design team
at a level of abstraction more appropriate to a wide audience. The level of
detail required by the model and the expected stakeholders will heavily
influence the decision as to which team member should perform the
There are two cases that require system modeling: design of new systems
and reengineering of existing systems. The techniques for each case are
sufficiently different to warrant separate discussion.

Modeling a New System

For new systems, system process definition (i.e., the Process View) occurs
during the Analysis and Design workflow. Following the Rational Unified
Process, the Architect and the Designer perform this activity. The usual
progression in the creation of these models is to find the core processes
(as defined by the static model), then follow with a design session to
outline the processing flows.

As shown in the Figure 2, the system under design is intended to use

standalone threads listening on a port for a message. The primary process
spawns two threads: a BroadcastThread and a monitor thread called a
ThreadWatcher. The ThreadWatcher is responsible for a keep-alive
function; it periodically checks to see if the Broadcast thread is still
functional. The interval for the checks is defined by the guard condition on
the transition from the idle state. Once a message is detected, the process
simply passes the message to the BroadcastThread, which attempts to
send the message to other registered listeners (shown as a network object
using TCP/IP protocol). If there is a failure to broadcast, then a log (shown
here as a file object, but any kind of design mechanism can be defined) is
written. Notice the use of guard conditions to indicate the transition
coordination, and that each processing path leads back to the idle state.
For this example, each thread will continue indefinitely until an external
interrupt is generated to kill the process and associated threads.

Also of note is the use of Swimlanes to indicate the threads and processes.
While it may seem redundant to use Swimlanes named for the process and
threads when there is a specific activity to represent them, remember that
the intent of the process/thread activity is to show when a process/thread
is created, controlled, or destroyed. The Swimlanes are intended to show
the parallel processing for each zone of control.
Figure 2: Using Swimlanes to Describe Processes and Threads
Click here for full size image

Modeling an Existing System

One of the most effective techniques for eliciting a model for an existing
system is to conduct a personal interview with the subject matter experts
(SMEs).3 This works best in small group settings (three people or fewer),
with a facilitator who creates the model directly into a modeling tool. This
allows for the rapid capture and direct presentation of the model to the
SMEs for feedback. In my experience, the best mechanism for this is to
attach a projector to the facilitator's computer and project the model onto
a large screen that is easily visible to all participants. Alternatively, the
group can gather around a large monitor.

Begin the interview by asking where the processing begins, then capture
the response as the entry point into the diagram. If the existing processes
and threads are known, then they can be captured as Swimlanes at this
point. Otherwise, they will be discovered as the information capture
progresses. After you locate the entry point, proceed with the interview by
asking what the steps are for the system processing. Decision points are
of particular interest, as they represent areas of the system where
branching will occur. Data important to the process flow should be
captured in notes attached to the related activities. Interrupts affecting
processing should be indicated where they occur. Figures 3, 4, and 5 show
an example of how a distributed travel reservation system can be
diagrammed for the Deployment View, static Process View, and dynamic
Process View, respectively.

The Deployment View diagram (Figure 3) presents a hypothetical, "pre-

existing" travel booking system. For this example we are assuming a "Web
services"-based architecture in which most of the system is accessed via a
distributed mechanism (e.g., via CORBA or SOAP type interfaces). For the
ticket fulfillment service we are proposing a design containing a core
process and between two and five associated threads (one for the printer
output and up to three for the printer queue; Figure 4). Within the
Ticketing Service Activity diagram (Figure 5), we can see the interaction
between each of the different threads during a request for processing.
Here the main process is responsible for polling against an MQSeries
message queue for printing requests. When a request is found, it is parsed
and forwarded to the PrinterOutput thread. Based on the priority of the
job, the thread will choose to interrupt a current job or queue the request
to wait for a free printer. The PrintQueue thread(s) will check for the first
available printer for processing the request. If an available printer is
found, then the job is resubmitted to the PrinterOutput thread for printing.
Not shown in this diagram is the handling of errors, but a technique similar
to the one shown in Figure 2 can be used here to indicate the handling of
exceptional conditions. Upon program termination (again shown here as
an interrupt operation), each thread will perform additional activities to
free system resources (e.g., Disconnect from Network Printer and Close
Print Queue).

Figure 3: Travel Planning System Deployment View Diagram

Figure 4: Travel Planning System, Static Process View, Process Class Diagram
(Ticket Fulfillment Subsystem)

Figure 5: Travel Planning System, Model of Existing System Elements for the
Dynamic Process View (Ticket Fulfillment Subsystem)
[Click here for full size image]
Technique Use and Abuse
As with any modeling method, there is a high potential for misuse that can
limit or eliminate the effectiveness of the technique. When using Activity
Diagrams for modeling system processing, it is important to capture the
initial information at a relatively high level of abstraction. This top-down
approach allows you to emphasize important details while hiding
programmatic ones. If you get trapped in the low-level processing details
(e.g., algorithmic flow-charting), then the diagram will become cluttered
with programmatic activities that obscure the model's true purpose: to
indicate key processing activities and dependencies. Low-level details that
can seriously impact the clarity and usefulness of these models include the
description of complex algorithms, specific steps in persistence operations,
system-level connection and communication details, and other such
specifics of operating system activities. For the interviewing process
described above to be successful, the facilitator should be practiced at
finding appropriate levels of abstraction and be on guard against
programmatic details entering into the model.

A High-Value Technique
The Process View, as defined in the 4+1 Architecture Views, is intended to
capture and communicate the system processes and threads. This article
presents a technique for capturing the key processing steps for system
processes/threads and shows the utility of such models during the
software development process. These models are not simple to create, but
they do represent complex system processing in a "clean," efficient way.
By using Activity Diagrams to model internal system processing steps, the
test team, architect, and system designer can achieve an identical
understanding of the key processing steps and subsystem dependencies
present in the software design. For complex systems such as embedded,
real-time, or distributed systems, this kind of understanding amongst
team members can be of immense value: It ensures that the system the
team creates can be maintained and extended, and that it meets the
needs of the customer.

Appendix - Rational RoseTM Activity Diagram

"Colorizer" Script

This Rational RoseTM script (for version 2000 and greater) will
automatically add diagram element fill color to the Activity Views on each
Activity Diagram included in the use case model (e.g., under the Logical
View root package).

G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh, et al., The Unified Modeling Language, User
Guide. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison Wesley, 1999.
A. Cockburn, "Goals and Use Cases." Journal of Object Oriented Design,
September 1997: 35-40.

P. Kruchten, "The 4+1 View Model of Architecture," IEEE Software, 12 (6),

November 1995, IEEE, pp. 42-50.

D. Leffingwell and D. Widrig, Managing Software Requirements: A Unified

Approach. Boston: Addison Wesley, 2000.

J. Rumbaugh, I. Jacobson, et al., The Unified Modeling Language,

Reference Manual. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison Wesley, 1999.

1See P. Kruchten, "The 4+1 View Model of Architecture," IEEE Software, 12 (6), November
1995, IEEE, pp. 42-50

2G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh, et al. The Unified Modeling Language, User Guide. Reading,
Massachusetts, Addison-Wesley,1999 and J. Rumbaugh, I. Jacobson, et al, The Unified
Modeling Language, Reference Manual. Reading, Massachusetts, Addison Wesley, 1999.

3D. Leffingwell and D, Widrig Managing Software Requirements: A Unified Approach. Boston:
Addison-Wesley, 2000 and A. Cockburn, "Goals and Use Cases." Journal of Object Oriented
Design, September 1997: 35-40.

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