AP English Literature and Composition: Course Framework V.1 19 Course and Exam Description
AP English Literature and Composition: Course Framework V.1 19 Course and Exam Description
AP English Literature and Composition: Course Framework V.1 19 Course and Exam Description
LAN Literary
CHR Character SET Setting STR Structure NAR Narration FIG Figurative Language Argumentation
Characters in literature allow readers Setting and the details The arrangement of the parts A narrator’s or speaker’s Comparisons, representations, and associations shift meaning from Readers establish and communicate
to study and explore a range of associated with it not only and sections of a text, the perspective controls the details the literal to the figurative and invite readers to interpret a text. their interpretations of literature through
values, beliefs, assumptions, biases, depict a time and place, but also relationship of the parts to each and emphases that affect how arguments supported by textual evidence.
and cultural norms represented by convey values associated with other, and the sequence in which readers experience and interpret
those characters. that setting. the text reveals information are a text.
all structural choices made by
a writer that contribute to the
reader’s interpretation of a text.
Skill Category 1 Skill Category 2 Skill Category 3 Skill Category 4 Skill Category 5 Skill Category 6 Skill Category 7
Explain the function Explain the function Explain the function of Explain the function of Explain the function of Explain the function Develop textually substantiated
of character. of setting. plot and structure. the narrator or speaker. word choice, imagery, of comparison. arguments about interpretations
and symbols. of part or all of a text.