ILO Strategic HR

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promoting workers' rights

Human Resources
and competitiveness in Egyptian
export industries
Copyright © International Labour Organization 2016

First published (2016)

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Human resources management systems: an applied and training guide for companies / ILO DWT for North Africa and ILO
Country Office for Egypt and Eritrea. - Cairo: ILO, 2016.
ISBN: 978-92-2-128561-8; 978-92-2-128562-5 (web pdf)
ILO DWT for North Africa and ILO Country Officefor Egypt and Eritrea.
Human resources management / human resources planning / job analysis / Egypt
Also available in (Arabic): ‫ دليل تدريبي وتطبيقي للشركات‬- ‫نظام إدارة الموارد البشرية‬
(ISBN 978-92-2-631141-1 (print), 978-92-2-631142-8 (web pdf)), Egypt, (2016)

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Promoting Workers' Rights and Competitiveness
in Egyptian Exports Industries

Human Resources

An applied and training guide for companies


The International labour Organisation (ILO) is one of the specialised United Nation (UN) agencies established
in 1919, with a unique tripartite formation. It comprises government, employers and workers’ organisations of
the member countries. The ILO is aiming at setting standards and work policies to raise the concept of decent
work all over the world.

Since its establishment and among the extensive body of rights at work set by ILO standards, freedom of
association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of
forced or compulsory labour, the effective abolition of child labour and the elimination of discrimination in
respect of employment and occupation are recognized by the ILO as fundamental principles and rights at work.
The ILO has also issued a recommendation number R195 – “Human Resources development”, 2004 (No.195),
recognizing that education, training and lifelong learning contribute significantly to promote the interests
of individuals, enterprises, economy and society as a whole, especially the critical challenge of attaining full
employment, poverty eradication, social inclusion and sustained economic growth in the global economy.

In light of these concepts, the idea of developing this manual came as a contribution from the ILO Cairo Office
to highlight the importance of adopting Human Resources (HR) management systems on the workplace,
to improve the working conditions, maintain workers' rights and combat labour challenges, such as labour
Turnover. The manual also, is highlighting a layout for an effective HR department, through the application of
HR Functions. It also encourages the companies’ management to better comply with the national labour law.

I seize this opportunity to thank the project team for their exerted efforts in preparing this manual. Wishing
these efforts would contribute in raising the management and workers awareness on the importance of
human resources principles. Which will help improving the productivity levels and guaranteeing a decent
work environment.

Peter Van Rooij

Director of ILO Decent Work Team
for North Africa/Cairo

An applied and training guide for companies

An applied and training guide for companies

Project Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Job Analysis and Description ........................................................................................................................................................... 9

Job Analysis Questionnaire ............................................................................................................................................................... 11

Job Description ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 16

Module for the Job Description for the HR Manager ......................................................................................................... 18

Selection and Recruitment ............................................................................................................................................................... 21

Application Form .................................................................................................................................................................................... 28

Performance Management ............................................................................................................................................................... 32

Performance Appraisal Form ........................................................................................................................................................... 38

Critical Incident Appraisal Form ........................................................................................................................................................ 43

Conflict Management In The Work Environment ................................................................................................................ 44

Cadre Retention Management ....................................................................................................................................................... 46

Job Satisfaction Survey ........................................................................................................................................................................ 52

Training and development ............................................................................................................................................................... 56

Sample of Training Needs Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 62

Sample of Training Plan as a result of TNA .............................................................................................................................. 63

Training Evaluation ................................................................................................................................................................................ 64

Training Feedback Form ..................................................................................................................................................................... 66

Training of Trainers ................................................................................................................................................................................ 67

An applied and training guide for companies

Project Overview

This project contributes in promoting decent work in Egypt through improving

compatibility with labor basic rights and principles, strengthening cooperation
between employees and employers and achieving higher productive levels in
export sectors.

Thus, it focuses on improving the outcomes of both employers and employees

in intensive-labor Egyptian export sectors such as: garments, textiles and food
industries that represent a crucial resource for operationalizing and Egyptian
economy growth.

In this context, the project seeks to promote compliance to national labor regulations and bylaws and productivity in
export factories through three parallel and integrated themes:
11. Capacity building for work inspection department.
22. Support employers and their representatives for improving compliance to work and productivity standards.
33. Establishing social dialogue systems and representing workers in factories.

Organizations always achieve competitive edge by having a resource that differentiate an organization from others.
In this regard human capital resource can meet such terms distinctively, achieve continuous competitive edge for the
organization and raise employment level in various sectors by promoting decent job opportunities in these sectors.

Today the HR Department is considered one of the prime functions in any organization, and is not by any standards
less than any other functions in an organization: like marketing, operations, finance; this is due to what appeared to be the
importance of the human beings and the way they can affect the productivity of any enterprise. The understanding of the
HR Management has spread in such a way covering prime diversified activities topped by the job analysis, the HR planning,
the attraction and motivation and development and training of the HR, in addition to the traditional activity related to the
administration of the HR affairs in an organization.

In this unit, we will address practical applications of the human resources department as following:
11. How to apply job analysis to issue job description cards.
22. Performance management and its importance as well as methods for applying Performance appraisal.
33. How to retain human cadres and to measure job satisfaction.
44. How to develop training needs analysis and design, conduct and assess training plan.
55. Training of trainers.
66. Selection and recruitment by laws.
77. Good communication between the three administrative levels, settling disputes and solving problems.

An applied and training guide for companies

Job Analysis and Description

Job description is one of the most important management tools companies take as a basic for selection and
appointment systems, performance appraisal, wages and training, etc. Further, the importance of job description appears
in determining responsibilities and tasks assigned to each employee, which means that there is a legal necessity of this
tool. In order to start designing such job description, we must first carry out a job analysis, and as much this process
completed in a scientific, correct and accurate manner, as that facilitate conducting a credible job appraisals process. Job
analysis is as follows:

Job Analysis
Job analysis is a process of collecting, studying, analyzing and recording data on the job and its various dimensions
and work conditions surrounding, and the relation of this job to other jobs - basic requirements to be positioned together
with the employees’ capabilities. Direct results of this analysis are preparing job description cards that explain the duties
and responsibilities and also defining functional specifications in addition to why and why this job is done, which are a list
describes knowledge, trends, skills, qualifications and experience required in the employee to perform the work effectively.
It represents the human side - which identifies the ideal individual in respect of physical, mental, personal and social

Collecting and analyzing data available on the job through:

• Its activities, duties, authorities – equipment and tools used in performing it – work circumstances with the aim to
define skill level.
• Experience, qualification and other personal specifications required be to in employee.
• Planning cadres` preparation

Job Analysis Usage:

• Recruitment and selection
• Training and development and the Training Needs Analysis
• Labor needs planning
• Labor performance appraisal
• Wages and salaries determination

Job Analysis Steps

Build Build the

Supervisor to Sign
Administration Organizational
Agreed JD
Levels Chart

Employee to Sign Design the Job Strategic

Agreed JD Descriptions Business Plan

Review JDs with Review IDs with

Gaps Analysis
Supervisor Employees

An applied and training guide for companies

11. Analyze the gaps of the enterprise through a questionnaire that all employees in the company must respond to.
22. Study well the Strategic Business Plan of the Enterprise (Vision, Mission and Objectives) to define the direction of
the enterprise, in addition to the requirements for the future phase, specifically what is related to the current and
future staff of the enterprise.
33. Reviewing Organization Chart ensuring that it would fulfill the potential Strategy through the offered posts,
also review the functions and defining the nature of each post in the company / factory in order to define job
responsibilities for the enterprise as a whole.
44. Identify specialists (often HR specialist in cooperation with immediate supervisor of the employee) responsible
for analyzing and describing jobs, determining material resources required for implementation, the period and
number of personnel needed for conducting the study, and the general and secondary job groups.
55. Selecting methods of job analysis: at this stage, the method of data and information sources collection (from
employee, direct supervisor...) to be chosen. Data Collection Methods are three:
• Questionnaire
• Interview
• Observation
It is preferable to gather at least between more than one method; Questionnaire and
Interview, while conducting job analysis.
66. Explaining and defining Job analysis dimensions of the management and employees so that there is no fear of
the analysis process.
77. Collecting and analyzing data and information stage: At this stage data on all jobs will be collected from many
sources, mainly: workers themselves who occupy jobs (clarify duties and responsibilities related to their jobs)
and different department heads who oversee directly on jobs, where they are asked to submit their views and
information about jobs that will be analyzed.
88. Data collection requires designing forms (as shown below) and developing records that illustrate various
operational steps to job analysis. Then next step is to analyze, review, remove inconsistencies and confusion from
such data and classify them in a number of analysis factors that can be measured objectively in order clarify the
nature of each job, its level of difficulty, responsibilities carried by employee and the qualifications to be met.

Demand for
Demand Exceeds
Compare Recruitment
Define Establish Assess Current Supply
Human Resources Demand for and
Organization Corporate Goals
Supply of Human
Mission and Opjective HRMS: Gob Analysis Supply Exceeds
Resources Decruitment

Supply of Human

An applied and training guide for companies

Job Analysis Questionnaire

Purpose and instructions

Dear Colleagues,

The purpose of the questionnaire is to obtain current information on your job based on a review of job duties and

We need your help to get an accurate description of your job. We are asking you to complete this questionnaire that
asks for information about your job duties. The questionnaire does not ask about your job performance; only what your
job requires you to do.

Your supervisor and manager will also be asked about your job, but they will not be allowed to change your answers.
We appreciate your active participation in this important study. If you have questions, please feel free to ask your supervisor
or division administrator.

Please return this questionnaire to your supervisor.

Your Name:..........................................................................................................................................................

Division:........................................................ Department:................................................................

Employee ID:............................................................... Your Job Title:..............................................................

Reporting to:.........................................................................................................................................................

How long have you been in your current position: ....................... years........................ months

Number of Employees in Department:...................................................................................................................

Supervisor's Name:....................................................... Supervisor's Title:......................................................

What is the primary purpose of this job? Answer in the space provided. It may be easier to answer this question after
completion of the questionnaire.

An applied and training guide for companies

• Describe specific job responsibilities/duties, listing the most important first.
• Use a separate statement for each responsibility.
• Most positions can be described in 6-8 major responsibility areas.
• Combine minor or occasional duties in one last statement.
• Each statement should be brief and concise, beginning with an action verb.


Perform other job-related duties as assigned.

General Education & Experience
Education-check the box that best indicates the minimum training/education requirements of this job. (Not necessarily
your education, but the requirements for the job).


□ High school diploma □ Master's degree

□ Vocational/technical/Business school □ Doctorate degree

□ Some college or associate's (2 year) degree □ Other

□ Bachelor's degree

An applied and training guide for companies

TYPE OF EXPERIENCE NEEDED: Please indicate the specific job experience needed. Be sure that the experience stated is
what is actually required by the job, not what is preferred.

Check the box which best indicates the minimum amount of experience described above. (Not necessarily your years of
experience, but the requirements for the job.)

□ Less than 6 months □ 3 but less than 5 years

□ 6 months but less than 1 year □ 5 but less than 7 years

□ year but less than 3 years □ 7 years plus

Do you supervise, provide leadership or coordinate the work of other employees on a permanent basis? If yes, then list the
position title(S) and number of employees you supervise, direct or lead.

□ Yes
□ No

How accessible is the information required to solve these problems?
Information Accessibility Key:
(E) Easy to obtain,
(G) Generally available but some investigation necessary
(D) Difficult to obtain and usually incomplete
(V) Vague or unavailable

Are you allowed to make decisions that would commit the division, department, or unit to spend a substantial amount?
of money or other resources? □ Yes □ No If yes, give examples of range of authorized spending:

An applied and training guide for companies


Do you serve as a specialist advisor to management with business decisions, which may significantly -wide or departmental
operations or policies and procedures? If yes, explain:

Are you responsible for developing, monitoring or administering an income and/or expense budget in your Department?
Check the appropriate responses below to indicate the budget related responsibilities.

Income Expense

No responsibility for developing or administering a budget

Gathers facts and figures used to develop a budget

Processes transactions

Tracks and reconciles budget activity

Analyzes variances and prepares status reports

Provides forecasts and projections used to develop a budget

Develops and administers a budget

An applied and training guide for companies

List the title(s) of employee(s) whom you directly supervise:

Title Grade/Level Number of Positions

Mark true (√) or false (×):

1 Do you activate and follow up supervisory methods plans? ( )
2 Do you participate in designing and implementing supervisory plans? ( )
3 Do you follow up work needs? ( )
4 Do you follow up implementation procedures to achieve agreed objectives and write down observations ( )
and recommendations? ( )
5 Do you engage in electing to attend supervisory methods according to training needs? ( )
6 you encourage some distinguished workers to do supervisory methods? ( )
7 Do you encourage workers to join higher studies, courses and different supervisory methods? ( )
8 Do you coordinate with related agencies to participate in professional and performance development? ( )
9 Do you maintain to deliver practical experiences that improve learning quality and raise workers` level? ( )
10 Do you encourage and motivate workers to labor precision and productivity? ( )

An applied and training guide for companies

Job Description

After job analysis, data collected from workers will be entered into a form named job description card. It is a full description
of responsibilities and duties assigned for an incumbent, educational and practical qualifications required and powers
authorized as well as to whom he/she will report. It includes:
11. Job Description Section:
To define functional responsibilities and duties required and work nature.
22. Incumbent Specifications Section:
To define experiences, educational qualifications, skills and personal characters required to be in an incumbent.

The importance of Job Description:

• Refer to job description when assessing employee`s performance, and comparing actual performance with required
one through responsibilities and duties stated in the job description.
• Refer to job description in case of promotion or redistributing workers.
• Refer to job description in case of developing training programs for workers.
• Refer to job description when recruitment and selection process to review job responsibilities and specifications

Content of Job Description Card:

Group 1:
Identification that includes basic data on the position to differentiate it from other positions:
• Job Title
• Job No.
• Department
Reporting Relationship data as shown on the administrative organization chart of the company:
• Reporting to
• Reported by

Group 2:
Detailed position responsibilities and duties include:
• Position objectives
• Main Responsibilities
• Additional Responsibilities

Group 3:
Includes data related to functional relationships, exceptional and common responsibilities and duties of position, including:
• Areas of authorities
• Functional relationships
• Duties of committees, working groups
Group 4:
Educational certificates, skills and adequate experiences. Specifications required in a qualified person for position, including:
• Education
• Training
• Experience
• Skills
• Languages
An applied and training guide for companies

Group 5:
Data on those who developed and approved job description and approval date.

Other criteria
Powers authorized to incumbent:
• Position responsibilities limits
• Define volume of investment, revenues and expenses + number of supervised employees.
• Work circumstances
• Performance appraisal criteria
• Appraisal measures and Key Performance Indicators KPI’s must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, attainable, Realistic,
and Timely)
• Competencies required

An applied and training guide for companies

Module for the Job Description for the HR Manager

HR MANAGER Issue date and number: (.....) July 2015

Sector: HR
Department: Human Resources Industry:
Job Location: Egypt Reporting to: Managing Director

Overall Purpose of the Job:

Responsible for planning and administering policies relating to all phases of human resources activity as well as
managing a variety of general office activities in the daily operations of the department and performing duties including
Staff Affairs and coordination of special events.


External Relationships Internal Relationships

Managing Director

Medical service
HR Manager All Employees

Social Insurance

HR Senior IT & Admin Senior

Primary Tasks:
A. Essential
• Establishes short and long-term departmental goals and objectives.
• Reviews and supervises the efficient and accurate processing of contracts.
• Supervise the HR and IT departments and directing them towards company’s strategy.
• Confers with management to identify personnel needs, job specifications, job duties, qualifications, and skills.
• Recruits, interviews, tests, and selects employees to fill vacant positions.
• Supervise and direct all pubic relation activities and outside relations such as; lawyers, oddities and municipalities.
• Recommends and maintains an organizational structure and staffing levels to accomplish company goals and
• Formulates training policies, programs, and schedules, based on knowledge of identified training needs, company
production processes, business systems, or changes in products, procedures, or services.
• Administers benefits programs such as life, health, dental and disability insurances, pension plans, vacation, sick
leave, leave of absence, and employee assistance.
• Conducts wage surveys within labor market to determine competitive wage rate.
• Advises management in appropriate resolution of employee relations issues.
• Prepares reports and recommends procedures to reduce absenteeism and turnover.
• Identifies legal requirements and government reporting regulations affecting administrative functions and ensures
policies, procedures, and reporting are in compliance.

An applied and training guide for companies

• Approves requisitions for equipment, materials, and supplies within limits of department budget.
• Maintains safety files and records.
• Review and supervise all maintenance activities and check lists including factory, outlets and admin.
• Handle the final receiving of outdoors booths and new outlets being developed according to specifications with
the coordination of business development and logistics.
• Prepares recommendations for management evaluation.
• Supervise the IT specialist in managing company’s database and mailing lists.
• Handle all IT and backups and outsourced deals like the ERP Microsoft company and POS simple touch company
• Creates, edits, and produces newsletters and others materials.
• Approves requisitions for equipment, materials, and supplies within limits of department budget.
• Directs investigations to resolve problems such as license revocations, and legislatives issues.
• Formulates procedures and guidelines for examining and licensing drivers and registering vehicles in accordance
with statutes, rules, and regulations.
• Plans and implements safety policies and procedures in compliance with labor law and industrial safety rules and
regulations in coordination with HR department.
• Recommends and implements improvements in use and maintenance of equipment’s related to administrative
support functions.
• Researches and develops resources and methodologies that create timely and efficient workflow.
• Confers with department heads to arrange for vehicles inspection, service, or repair.
• Provides guidance to media and public government relations specialist in field of work.
• Assumes management responsibility for emergency operations, public safety administration and special event

Areas of Responsibilities:
• Finance & Accounting Management
• Budgeting & Auditing
• Payroll Management in coordination with HR Department
• Tax Accounting
• Cost Control
• Financial Risk Management
• ADMIN duties management
• IT Management

Education, Skills, Experience required:

• Bachelor degree in Commerce with a major in accounting.
• 7-10 years previous experience in same role any industry.
• Experience in bookkeeping and database management.
• Excellent English, verbal / written communication.
• Excellent mathematical and analytical skills.
• Excellent Computer skills.
• Proven leadership skills in training, coaching, and developing a team.
• Excellent communication skills.
• Strong & professional presentation skills.
• Excellent planning & organizational skills.
• Ability to communicate and develop customer relationships.
• Multi-tasking ability
• Ability to effectively manage time and budget.

Board Steering Committee:

• Business development - ID
Legal Affairs Managing internal Audit • Finance & investments - HD
Director Office Manager (PR) • New Product Devel. - AS

Administration & Financial Operations

Business Development Manager Manager

Business Sales & Cairo Branch Production

Finance Delight Alex. Manager Supply Chain
Development Marketing
Shop Supervisor Preparation
Client's Coordinator
Sales Support Research Chef Resp.
Accounts Coordinator Production Senior Sales
Development RM Stor Supervisor
Planning Assistant Chef
An applied and training guide for companies

Budgeting RM Stor Supervisor Preparation Junior Sales

Outdoor Stor Helper Assistant Chef
Burchasing Sales Stor Helper Baking & Filling Delivery Supervisor
Stor Helper Helper
Human Office manager Media & Stor Helper Finishing
Delivery Helper
Resources & Coordinator Graphics Dispatch Supervisor
Dispatch Supervisor Steward Delivery
HR Specialist Administration Distributor
Distributor Baking & Filling Chef
HR Specialist Distributor Quality
Maintenance Distributor Quality Control Assistant Chef
Alex. Control
IT Distributor Distributor Assistant Chef

Fleet Supervisor Fleet Supervisor Helper

Driver Driver Chef Steward Helper
IT Alex.
Driver Driver Assistant
Finishing Chef Resp.
Driver Helper
Call Assistant Chef
Alex. Branches Helper
Assistant Chef
Shop Supervisor Helper
Helper Chef
Senior Sales
Helper Chef
Junior Sales Helper Chef
Delivery Supervisor Helper Chef
Delivery Resp. Helper Chef
Delivery Helper Chef
An applied and training guide for companies

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

• % of company’s employees’ adherence to ADMIN procedures.
• Employee recognition and incentives programs are regularly implemented
• Actual time taken to fill a position is reduced
• Development of Career Path of staff & employees
• Organizational Structure stability
• Training plan and ROI of training
• % improvement in work flow cycles related to ADMIN side.
• % Turnover Rate
• % Efficiency of IT system
• % of reports filed within timeline

Selection and Recruitment

Recruitment section in the HR Management is responsible for attracting, selecting and appointing potential candidates
in the organization. However, it doesn’t mean that it is authorized to take the hiring decision but its job to clarify all the
data and requirements then coordinates efforts with the Higher HR Management. In turn, the Higher HR Management
coordinates with the concerned Manager to take the appropriate decision on appointing the candidates, who gained test
committee's acceptance because of their relevant qualifications, specializations and experiences, to fill in the vacancies.
That is how information is gathered and hiring procedures and requirements are determined.

Selection and recruitment steps

Step 1: Review
organization mission
objectives strategies

Step 2: Review human

resource objectives and

Step 3: Assess current Step 4: Forecast human

human resources resource needs

How many people are Step 5: Develop and implement How many people will be
available now, and with human resource plans to match required, when, and of
what qualifications? people and job openings what types?
• Recruiting & selection
• Training & development
• Compensation & benefits
• Labor-management relations

HR planning:
• HR Management studies labor plans and changes in departments in the shadow of the given data and the strategic
goals of the company then submits them to the Higher Management for approval and adoption.
• According to labor plans and approved departments, HR issues " an annual labor plan including the estimated
annual budget for salaries, cash and in-kind benefits and submits them to the Higher Management for approval

An applied and training guide for companies

and adoption in no later than the end of November of the same calendar year. Any amendments on the annual
assembled and approved labor plan are to be submitted to HR manger to study and to get the approval from the
Higher Management.
• A copy of the approved annual labor plan is sent to the Director of Finance for the inclusion of the estimated annual
budget of the labor into the general budget of the company.
• In case there is need for unlisted labors in the approved annual labor plan, the assigned manger writes a (request
for job needs) form and sends it to HR department supported by adequate justification and with a period of no
less than a month from the date required for the job. The HR department studies it and submits it to the Higher
Management for approval. Finally, it is inserted in the report of implementing the annual labor plan.


Identify and select
resource Recruitment Selection
competent employees


Provide employees with

Orientation Training up-to-date skills and

Performance Compensation Career Retain competent and high-

management and benefits development performing employees


Recruitment and selection policies:

Recruitment and selection policies aim at setting recruitment and selection system, issuing instructions and
determining responsibilities to provide the company with scientifically and practically qualified labors for the job vacancies
in the approved organizational structure in order to develop the performance and achieve the strategic objectives of the

1. Responsibilities:
HR Management is responsible for issuing and/or amending and implementing the recruitment and selection method
with the approval of the Human Resources Manager and the adoption of the Higher Management.

2. Eligibility terms:
It is required from all the applicants the following:
• Holding Egyptian nationality. Non-Egyptian can be accepted after proper justifications. In that case recruitment
is under a fixed-term work contract, taking into account the organizing requirements for hiring included in the
applicable labor system.
• Applicant shall not be less than 18 years old and no more than 60. This term may be excluded via providing
appropriate justifications.
• Applicant shall meet the scientific and practical qualifications necessary for the job according to the approved job
description with providing the original documents proving such qualifications.

An applied and training guide for companies

• The applicant shall be medically fit by a medical report recognized by the company.
• Applicant shall be of good behavior and should not have been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude or
dishonesty-related crime proved by an official document- its issue date does not exceed three calendar months.
• Exceptions of any / all the conditions mentioned in the previous item are taken by the Higher Management.

3. Recruitment sources:
Priorities for the vacancies according to the following arrangement:
• Via promotion or transferring from one department to another or via seconding from affiliated company.
• Announcing the job vacancy/ vacancies in the internal advertising boards of the company to give the employees
of the company the chance to apply to the required vacancy/ vacancies.
• Reference from one of the enterprise current employees due to his knowledge of the Organizational Culture and
means of adaptation of the new recruit.
• Searching in the work requests previously submitted for the possibility of finding requests match the vacant job(s)
• Via publishing it in one of the recruitment sites on the internet.
• Via recruitment company, and shall obtain the adoption of the Higher Management.
• Via personal contact.
• Advertisements on the enterprise web site.

4. Interviews:
For the applicant from inside the organization:
• The applicant employee goes through all the technical tests and interviews to determine how suitable s/he is for
the job.
• If the applicant is proved suitable for the advertised job, HR Management takes the necessary procedures to transfer
or promote the applicant to the vacant job after filling in the data in "changing job procedure" form and the
approval of the direct current manager and the approval of the Higher Management.

Applicant from outside the organization:

Receiving and classifying job applications:
The human resources management evaluates job applications compared with the approved job description and sorts
them as following:
• Refused applications: These are applications that do not conform to the minimum conditions of the vacant job (s).
• Accepted applications: These are applications that conform to the minimum conditions of the vacant job (s).

Holding interviews and technical tests:

• The Human Resources Management sends the accepted job applications to the relevant manager to review
and determine the extent of matching the experiences and qualifications of the applicants compared to the
requirements of the vacant job / jobs.
• The designated manager prepares a list of candidates names required to conduct the interviews and technical tests
and sends it to the HR Manager to determine the appropriate appointments for the interviews and the technical
• The human resources Management fulfills candidates' data to conduct the interview described in candidate's
statement form for the interview and calls the candidates to tell them about the date specified for each candidate.
• Present the approved applications to the Relevant Manager (the supervisor of the Job in questions) for his remarks
regarding approval or rejection.

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Failed to meet minimum qualitications

Initial screening
Failed to complete application or failed job specifications Passed
Completed application

Failed test Passed

Employment test

Failed to impress interviewer and/or meet job expectations Passed

Comprehensive Conditional job offer
Problems encountered
examination if required

Reject applicant
Unfit to do essential elements of job
examination if required
(conditional job offer

Permanent job offer

A committee for interviews is formed and includes:

• The manager who requested labors
• The manager of Human Resource Management
• All members of the committee shall evaluate the candidates using "interview report" form
• Interview results are gathered in "interview committee report" form that shows the arrangements of the candidates
and the committee recommendations. HR Management sends letters of thanks to the rejected applicants according
to the committee interview result by using "letter of thanks" form

Interview questions (just as samples):

11. Tell me about yourself? 1212 What is your career ambition?
22. Why do you want to leave your current job? Or why 1313 What is more important to you work or salary?
did you quit from your last job? 1414 What is the biggest or the most important problem
33. What is your experience in this field? you faced with your manager or your previous
44. What do you know about our company? Management?
55. Why do you want to work with us? Or to work for this 1515 What are the reasons behind giving up your current
company? job?
66. What is your expectation about the salary? 1616 Talk about your ability to work under pressure?
77. Do you prefer working in a group/ teamwork? 1717 Can you work extra time, on vacations or at night?
88. In your point of view, how are you going to be 1818 Are you ready to move (maybe to another city) to
beneficial for our entity? one of our branches in future?
99. Why shall we hire you? 1919 Are you ready to travel inside the country or abroad
1010 What are your weakness points? to finish some tasks related to your job?
1111 What are your strength points?

The direct supervisor needs to follow these steps before and during the interview:
• Prepare a simple list of questions, but needs to improvise during the interview
• Review of the applicant’s CV and applications Before the interview
• Must prepare a friendly atmosphere to make the applicant feel at ease with Positive energy
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• Ask the question and listen well. Hearing is not enough

• Take notes allowing the candidate to speak without interruption
• At the end of the interview you must inform the applicant exactly what is going to happen
• Write the report

5. Recruitment documents:
Candidates shall provide the following documents:
• The original computerized birth certificate • Original Form 6 from the Social Security
• The original graduation certificate or an approved • Work Permit “ for foreigners”
copy • Work Certificates*
• The original military status certificate for males • Training certificates*
• Work permit • Copy of a valid Driving License for Drivers
• Criminal record three months maximum • Certificate of skill measures (for technical posts)
• (4) recent personal photos size 6X4 • Certificate for relevant Association membership
• Copy of a valid ID • Health certificate for workers dealing with food and
• Exit Statutory records: *from previous job drinks (also coffeemen and canteen)

All the documents shall be kept in a file as long as the candidate works for the company and the candidate gets them back
when the work is finished for any reason.

6. Job offer letter

• The final result of the interviews and job offers for the candidate(s), needed to be hired, are sent to the Higher
Management for final approval.
• Having determined the final choice of the candidate(s) for the job, the HR Management specifies the salaries and
cash and in-kind benefits to the candidate according to the adopted payroll structure in section (job offer).
• The Higher Management's approval is needed in case the salary exceeds the maximum limit of the salary mentioned
in the adopted payroll structure. (not advisable as this will have a direct impact on the overall Salary scales as it
widely opens the door for exceptions).
• A copy of the job offer letter shall be kept in the employee's file.

7. Medical examination:
• HR Management sends the candidates to the medical examination.
• HR Management receives the results of the medical examination and decides the candidate's suitability to work. In
case the candidate is not suitable, they go back to the candidate's list to select others. If the candidate is proved to
be suitable, the rest of the recruitment procedures are to be completed.

8. Work contract:
• HR Management prepares a work contract by using "fixed-time work contract" form and the candidate signs it. The
fixed-time work contract shall be for only one year from the first day of work.
• In case of expiry of the fixed-time work contract, the contract becomes unfixed-time work contract and it becomes
subject to the applicable work system.
• If the candidate signs on the work contract and starts his job, it is an approval, acceptance and commitment from
his/her part to all the provisions and terms of the contract.
• Three originals of the contract to be signed by the employee and employer: an original with the employee, and
original with the Enterprise, and an original to be sent to the Social Security.

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Reasons For Rejection

Selection Process

1. Formal application Deficient qualifications

Insufficient ability, ambition, or poor interpersonal

2. Interview or site visit qualities

3. Testing Poor test scores

4. Reference checks Poor references

5. Physical exam Physically unfit for the job

6. Analysis and decision Overall potential is low

9. Recruitment, work initiation & test period:

• The Human resources management issues an “identification card” form and puts it on the internal advertising
boards in the company for 15 days, until all the departments become acquainted with the new employees.
• The Human resources management hands over the new employee a copy of (Job description, staff directory to
introduce him/her to the applicable internal policies and regulations in the company.
• The employee must sign the relevant Job Description to ensure his full comprehension of his duties for the job.
• The direct chairman is responsible for introducing the new employee to his coworkers and briefs the new employee
on the tasks s/he will handle, the powers and responsibilities of his job as well as getting him to know the appraisal
criteria which s/he will be subjected to.
• The HR Department needs to define a specified program for definite dates – to be agreed upon between the direct
supervisor and the employee – to build awareness of all other departments in the enterprise.
• The new employee is subjected to test period of 3 months once s/he started the job, unless otherwise provided in
the work contract. The employee’s validity is to be judged during that period according to Performance Appraisal
• The employee is appointed once his test period ends without receiving a written termination letter.

10. Temporary employees:

• The Human resources management in coordination with the direct supervisor may hire temporary employees to
handle urgent or temporary business, provided that it clarifies to the employee before hiring him/her and it also has
to get the approval from the Higher Management.

11. Recruiting Egyptian & foreign experts:

• Higher Management may contract with Egyptian or foreign experts, if necessary, on a temporary basis for jobs that
requires academic qualifications or experience not available in the current Egyptian workers. Temporary employees
may be undertaken some tasks or temporary businesses and all conditions set out in the contracts signed with
them are in effect. To recruit foreigners, they are required to get the necessary permits according to applicable laws
at the time when the contract is signed.

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12. Transferring and seconding:

• An employee can be transferred upon his/her request provided that it leaves no damage for work and to get the
approval of all his mangers in sequence.

• The department manager who requests the transfer of the employ to his department shall write a "transforming/
seconding request" form.
• Transferring request approved from both sides (department s/he transferred from to the one s/he transferred to)
shall be sent to The HR Management then the submitted request to be revised upon the knowledge of The HR
manager in the shadow of the organizational structure of the company and its positive effect expected for the work
• The HR Management writes" job change procedure" form and submits it to the Higher Management for approval
and adoption. The employee gets a copy of the procedure as well as sending copies of the procedures to all
relevant departments.

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Application Form

Name:................................................................................................................................. personal
Position Applied for:............................................................................................................. photo
Date:................... ...............................................................................................................

Personal information

Date of Birth:....................................................................... Place of Birth:...............................................................
Nationality:......................................................................... Phone No.:...................................................................
E-mail:................................................................................ ID/Passport No.:............................................................
Marital Status □ Single □ Married
Gender □ male □ female

Educational Background

Degree Specialization University / School Date of Graduation

Read & Write

High School






Reading Writing Speaking

Weak Good Excellent Weak Good Excellent Weak Good Excellent



Other Languages ( Please Specify )

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Computer skills

Computer Programs
Weak Good Excellent

Training Courses

Training Title Training Place Period

Work Experience

Company Information Job Title Salary

Name Starting

Reason for leaving

Tel. Number

Occupation From To

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Company Information Job Title Salary

Name Starting

Reason for leaving

Tel. Number

Occupation From To

Company Information Job Title Salary

Name Starting

Reason for leaving

Tel. Number

Occupation From To

Please explain thoroughly the duties and responsibilities involved in your previous job?


What would be your aspirations and hopes if you work at our company?


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Health Information

Do you suffer from any physical disability, hearing or vision impairment? □ Yes □ No
Please Specify
Have you undergone a recent surgical operation? □ Yes □ No
Please Specify


Name Company name Job title Phon / no

Do you have any relatives currently employed at company? □ Yes □ No

If yes, what is the job title/position?

Do you mind working night shifts? □ Yes □ No

Do you mind working overtime (on weekends and holidays)? □ Yes □ No

Please Specify Expected Salary...................................................................................................................................

I signed below, hereby certify that the foregoing information is correct and may be taken as part of my contract.

Name.................. ....................................................................................................................................................


Date of Submission...................................................................................................................................................
Information submitted in the application form is confidential.
Please attach Curriculum vitae, copy of certification degree, and letters of experience

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Performance Management

The Performance Management draws the wide lines for the overall politics, and the procedures to be followed by the
enterprise regarding the measure of the performance of the workers, which are well defined based on any urgent changes
related to rates of development and Investments, in addition to the maximum utilization of manpower and helping them
to achieve them.

Performance management is a process of continuous development and appraisal that deals with worker`s behaviors
not personality and even alters performance from being a routine work course into achieving a clear and drawn goals that
have been designed, clarified and defined to workers by such Performance management.

Performance Management Objective:

11. Behavior management -- ensure to encourage workers to behave in a way that allows and promotes better work
22. Performance Improvement -- in the organization thoroughly, team, individually and organizational effectiveness.
33. Development – if there is no constant development for individuals and teams, ….
44. Achieve job satisfaction and then productivity increase.

Performance Management Tools:

11. Training – education – development.
22. Designing key performance indicators based on the company`s / factory`s strategy.
33. Designing appraisal mechanisms for job performance.

Identification of Workers Performance Appraisal:

It is a system used to measure the job performance of employees through comparing actual performance to standards
and criteria predefined. The main objective of the performance appraisal is to give workers a feedback on their competence
in doing their duties as well as direct them to develop their performance in the future. Accordingly, the importance of
assessing the performance of employees became clear to us in order to highlight training needs and urge workers to make
the most of their efforts in order to achieve the required standards of good performance, and then prove their eligibility in
bonuses and incentives

Performance Appraisal Objectives:

11. Delivering organization`s objectives to employees
22. Fair distribution of bonuses and incentives
33. Employee promotion
44. Developing lateral opportunities not only vertical
55. Motivating employees to improve their performance
66. Defining training needs

Patterns of Performance Appraisal:

Patterns of performance appraisal can be classified into two main forms:

First: Formal Performance Appraisal

Supervisor or manager evaluates employees` job performance during a specific period then the supervisor informs an
employee with the results.

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Second: Informal Performance Appraisal

In this case a supervisor or a manager has a personal impression or vision of an employee`s performance, and rarely the
supervisor or manager informs the employee about this appraisal.

Factors Effecting on Performance Appraisal

Appraisal Timing
Based on firm / factory strategy, performance appraisal can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannually or annually.

Performance Evaluator:
Appraisal may be conducted by a direct supervisor, performance appraisal committee or co-workers or be a self-

Performance Appraisal Methods:

Method of Outcomes and Objectives

It is an administrative action in which goals are defined collectively to maximize work for a certain period and factors
that hinder reaching these goals had been realized for redressing. At the end, results to be reviewed and analyzed in order
to evaluate the performance of supervised, to move away from inappropriate goals and to develop other alternative
targets that enable the entity to achieve its objectives before others with minimal effort and least possible cost.

Application Strategy of Management by Objectives:

11. In the light of the capacities and circumstances of each individual in the company / factory, the goals that must be
achieved during a certain period of time (may be related to a specific project - weekly - monthly - quarterly - yearly)
will be agreed upon and contracted.
22. At the beginning of the period / project, director of each section will define with employees what is required from
each employee during such period and what the firm / factory will provide to such employees in return for their
33. At the beginning of the period specified, obligations will be reviewed to ensure the fulfilment of commitments and
reward individuals for their achievements and to negotiate on next period goals.
44. Appraisal process will be conducted at the end of the period while reviewing commitment contracts than include
all key performance elements to be negotiated.

Management By Objectives Form

Basic Staff Names


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Production Description

Estimated days

Total Hours


Represent the % of your time to achieve objectives

Technical Performance

Specific service / areas of focus

General skills of focus (independence, efficiency, delegation, job planning, materiality,

appropriate communication with partner, meets deadlines, etc.)

Firm Support

Areas of focus (special projects, ability to prioritize Projects, aware of others' time, etc.)

Client Relations & Development

Areas of focus (gain respect & confidence of clients, cross-selling services, etc.)

Firm Development & Marketing

Areas of focus (represent firm in professional manner, knowledgeable of firm services, attend some professional / social
events to represent firm etc.)

Subjective Criteria

Areas of focus (positive attitude, professionalism, innovation, team player, etc.)

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General Notes



Head of Department Date:

Quarterly and Annually Performance Appraisal

The performance appraisal is an important matter for both the firm and employee. For the firm, it represents a standard
that demonstrates whether the employee dully do his duties and responsibilities as required or not. Through that, it will be
clear to the firm employee`s weakness and strengths and whether he has the capacity enabling him to perform designated
duties fully or not, and then that clarifies whether he has the potential for development and progress in the firm.

Equally important, performance appraisal determines workers group who do not achieve the firm`s / factory`s objectives
desired from their employment, making them a burden on the firm and unjustified cost. That ensures, in turn, taking due
measures to replace them with other more qualified employees who have the ability to achieve the goals.

As for employees, performance appraisal is an expression of the possibility of continuation and promotion in the firm,
through avoiding their shortcomings and providing the best level of performance possible.

Implementation Strategy of Employees Performance Appraisal

11. All firm / factory employees with different responsibility levels to be appraised at least once annually, mostly at the
last quarter.
22. Flexible and clear appraisal forms (as below) will be developed that enable evaluator to present a clear picture
on employee`s performance being appraised. Employee direct manager will conduct the appraisal as well as
self-appraisal. Inputs demonstrate that appraised person will give a chance to comment on his performance in
performance appraisal form and some proposals, training or development he may need in future to level up to the
performance expected by the firm.
33. Appraisal should be conducted by direct director and its content to be confirmed by the concerned general
manager and approved by executive manager.
44. Forming an internal committee in each section and headed by the executive manager. Its membership includes
three officials from the same department to review all appraisals and make sure of their accuracy and validity.
55. Appraisal is the key factor to take any decision for or against an employee.
66. A copy of each appraisal to be kept in employee`s file.
77. A copy of the appraisal must be given to the employee for self-improvement.
88. After reviewing appraisals and based on the results, employees will be categorized into main Five classes:

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Grade Appraisal
Description of
levels Grade

1 Outstanding performance exceeding what is requested on all aspects with 5% exceeding

an innovative mind. The employee shows continuous efforts to improve 94
given situations

2 Performance exceeded requirements and achieves expectations in other 10% 85 - 94


3 Employee reaches expected peformance in most of aspects and has shown 70% 70 - 84
improvement, where performance was previously less than required

4 Performance does not reach expected level in most of aspects, where there 10% 60 - 69
are a number of areas the employee is requested to improve skills and

5 Performance is far less than required in all aspects and the employee needs 5% less than
significant improvements in all areas or the employee cannot continue in 60
this job

For those working during probation period, they will be appraised as follows:
11. Eligible and to be employed in the firm / factory.
22. Not eligible and terminate contracting.

Regarding the yearly appraisal for all employees:

• Based on the results of the appraisal, an improvement program must be set for the ones that received grade level
“3” in order to raise performance levels.
• For employees receiving grade “4” their performance must be reviewed and decision ought to be made. Their
points of weekness must be defined and the employee must be given a chance for development. Also, an adequate
training program to be designed to improve the performance.
• If the performance result was “5” for the first time, the employee must be informed that the enterprise will have to
let him/her go if improvements are done perceived till the next appraisal.
• If the appraisal results of the employee is “5” in two consecutive years, then enterprise must decruit the employee.
• Upon results, development programs will be designed for those who achieved two top ratings (excellent & V. good)
to enhance and promote their performance.
• As for those who achieved third and fourth ratings (Good & medium), their performance will be reviewed and a
sound decision to be taken under the following criteria:
◊ If employee`s rating result was (medium), his weak points will be defined and giving him a chance to
improve his performance as well as developing necessary promotion training programs.
◊ If first rating was (weak), employee will be notified that the firm may terminate the contract in case he does
not improved his performance in next appraisal.
◊ If rating of two consequent appraisals were (weak), such employee will be sacked.

Verbal appraisals will not be counted if they contradict with results of the approved general appraisal and what is kept

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in his file. If it is later became clear that the appraisal was not accurate, evaluator will be held responsible. Each employee
will review his appraisal after approval and be informed with his weakness and strengths. If there is no objection, employee
signs his appraisal, if any, he will mention it in writing. This objection will referred to performance appraisal committee for
consideration. Then the said committee will inform the employee with its decision on his objection. If the objection was
right, the appraisal will be corrected as well as drawing evaluators` attention.

Employee must not resort to object on his direct supervisor`s appraisal results, unless he has strong evidence supported
by reasons and reasonable arguments.



Innovative mind

with excellence

Did the job as



Did not do

the job as


1 2 3 4 5

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Performance Appraisal Form

Name: :‫االسم‬

Position: :‫الوظيفة‬

Department: :‫القسم‬

Section: :‫القطاع‬

Appraised by: :‫اسم المسئول الذي ق ّيم األداء‬

Date: :‫التاريخ‬

Evaluation Period from - / / to / / / / ‫إلى‬ / / ‫ من‬:‫فترة التقييم‬

Reason For Appraisal :‫الهدف من تقييم االداء‬

Annual: :‫ سنوي‬Promotion: :‫ ترقية‬Quarter app. :‫تقييم ربع سنوي‬

Probation period: :‫ فترة االختبار‬Merit: :‫زيادة سنوية‬

Unsatisfactory Performance: :‫ أداء غير مرضي‬Other: :‫أسباب أخرى‬

General Factor Employee Rating Manager Rating Remarks

‫التقييم العام‬ ‫تقييم الموظف‬ ‫تقييم المدير‬ ‫ملحوظه‬

Accomplishment the work according to 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

the required level 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
‫إنجاز العمل بالمستوى المطلوب‬ 3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Cooperation and helping colleagues 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

‫التعاون ومساعدة الزمالء‬ 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

loyalty to the company and preserving its 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points
interests 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
‫اإلخالص للشركة والمحافظة على مصالحها‬ 3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

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Ability to understand work rules and 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

procedures 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
‫القدرة على استيعاب قواعد وأساليب العمل‬ 3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Regularity and discipline at work 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

‫الترتيب والنظام في العمل‬ 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Observing company policies and systems 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

‫االلتزام بانظمة وسياسات المؤسسة‬ 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Caring of work improvement and 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

development 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
‫االهتمام بتطوير وتحسين مستوى العمل‬ 3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Initiative and creativity at work 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

‫المبادرة واالبتكار في العمل‬ 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Ability for taking sound decisions 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

‫القدرة على اتخاذ القرارات‬ 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Working hard and responding to work 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

pressure 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
‫االجتهاد والتجاوب مع ضغط العمل‬ 3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

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Flexibility and ability for adaptation at 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

work 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
‫المرونة والقدرة على التكيف‬ 3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Accomplishment the work according to 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

the required time 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
‫انجاز العمل في الموعد المطلوب‬ 3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Preserving the company properties 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

‫المحافظة على ممتلكات المؤسسة‬ 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Ability to work without supervision 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

‫القدرة على العمل دون مراقبة‬ 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Ability to bear a larger responsibility 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

‫القدرة على تحمل مسؤولية أكبر‬ 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Respecting others 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

‫احترام الغير‬ 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Accepting directions and criticism of 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

one's manager 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
‫تقبل توجيهات وانتقادات الرؤساء‬ 3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

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Personal behavior 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

‫التصرف الشخصي‬ 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

Appearance 5 □ 100 – 90 points 5 □ 100 – 90 points

‫المظهر‬ 4 □ 90 – 80 4 □ 90 – 80
3 □ 80 – 70 3 □ 80 – 70
2 □ 70 – 60 2 □ 70 – 60
1 □ below 1 □ below 60

General Evaluation ‫التقييم العام‬

Total Scores from 100 ١٠٠ ‫اجمالي عدد الدرجات من‬ Performance % ‫النسبه المئويه لالداء‬

Recommendation: ‫التوصية‬

Promotion: □ :‫الترقيه‬ Bonus: □ :‫مكافاءه‬ Annual Increase: □ :‫زياده سنويه‬

Transfer: □ :‫نقله لمكان اخر‬ No Increase: □ :‫يحرم من الزياده‬ Dismissal: □ :‫االستغناء عنه‬

Supervisor’s Comments - (Additional comments may be attached)

) ‫تعليق المدير المباشر ( يمكن ان يرفق تعليقات اضافيه‬

Actions Plans/Training and Development Goals

(If, applicable, summarize any specific projects, performance objectives, or training and development for the next
review period)
‫ اهداف التدريب والتطوير‬/ ‫خطط عمل‬
)‫ او مشاريع معينه او اهداف لتطوير االداء او االحتياجات التدريبيه والتطويريه خالل الفتره القادمه‬،‫(لخص اهداف العمل خالل الفترة القادمه‬

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Employee Comments/Reactions
(Optional- If employee wishes to do so, any comments concerning the appraisal may be indicated in this section, or by
an attachment)
‫ رد الفعل‬/ ‫تعليق الموظف‬
) ‫ فيمكن ان يكتبه في هذا الجزء او يرفقه‬،‫( اختياري – اذا رغب الموظف ان يكتب تعليق معين‬

I have read and discussed this evaluation with my supervisor and I understand its contents. My signature means that
I have been advised of my performance status and does not necessarily imply that I agree with either the appraisal or
the contents.
‫ وهذا ال يعني‬، ‫ واوقع هنا علي انه قد تم نصحي بمستوي ادائي الحالي‬، ‫ واتفهم محتوي هذا التقييم‬، ‫لقد قرأت وناقشت هذا التقييم مع مشرفي‬
.‫بالضروره بانني موافق علي التقييم او محتواه‬

Employee Signature :‫توقيع الموظف‬ Date: :‫التاريخ‬

Supervisor: :‫المشرف‬ Dept. Manager: :‫مدير القسم‬

HR Director: :‫رئيس الموارد البشريه‬ Org. Manager: :‫مدير المؤسسة‬

Date: :‫التاريخ‬

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Critical Incident Appraisal Form

This appraisal is used daily or regularly to evaluate employees` performance in the short term and its standards will
be developed based on the objectives representing the desired outcomes. Hence, achieved outcomes will be compared
with objectives to see whether objectives have been achieved. We attempt to correct deviation if required. Performance
is to be assessed based on the following elements:

11. Work progress reports presenting accurate, clear, comprehensive and sufficient information.
22. Focus on finding deviation reasons.
33. Determination of procedures that have been taken to correct deviations.
44. Build cooperation with supervised in correction period.
55. Holding discussion with employees on supervisory system is a mere tool to measure progress and improve
66. Active supervisory is accompanied by specific individual responsibility.

Name Responsibilities & Duties Targets Achievement

Pros Cons

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Conflict Management In The Work Environment

Conflict is defined as disagreement over a certain issue leads to hinder decision-making to select alternatives. It can
also be defined as a case of disagreement between two or more because of an interaction that leads to tension between
dispute parties resulting in poor performance as well as decision confusion. Conflict is an inevitable phenomenon of
entityal environment that cannot be avoided. Its severity and impact on the firm and individual vary based on the matter
and conflict parties.

Undoubtedly, there are countless reasons beyond conflict, mainly:

• Different Cultures.
• Values and trends are different.
• Different views.
• Different experiences.
• Different targets and goals.
• Different personal patterns.
• Different judgment on items.

Conflict in entities environment has two aspects, positive and negative:

• Positive Conflict: it happens when public interest overcomes personal interest through developing the entity and
changing dominant relationships.
• Negative Conflict: it exists when personal interest overcomes public interest effecting negatively on group
coherence and interaction and goal achieving.
Further, there are many trends on conflict in entities, including:

1. Positive Trends:
A trend considers conflict as a good chance to figure out weakness in the entity and then find successful solutions.
That is through receiving suggestions and different views on dispute issues, encouraging innovation and creative
ideas to develop procedures, methods and entityal chart for improving performance, increasing productivity and
building new good relationships between individuals by making a real change to achieve desired targets.

2. Negative Trend:
A trend sees conflict from its negative side as it distracts efforts and consumes a great deal of entity's resources
which leads to increasing work stresses on workers. This decreases productivity and disturb relationships and then
cooperation between workers becomes impossible causing offensive actions between individuals.

3. Balanced Trend:
A trend looks to conflict on a reality as some conflicts are welcomed and others are not depends on circumstances
and potentials. It sees that some conflicts can be avoided not to concentrate on and others could be addressed and
managed effectively leading to solve the problem causing the conflict.

There are many types of conflict, including:

11. Individual conflict: it is a conflict between two or more persons.

22. Working group Conflict: it occurs when there is a split within the same group.
33. Conflict between the whole team and the Leader: this would occur when the entire team turns on the Leader collectively.
44. Working teams Conflict: it occurs between two or more different working teams.
55. Entities conflict: it happens due to competition between entitys providing similar services or products.

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Conflict mostly occurs between parties spontaneously and sometimes intentionally as a director or supervisor may resort
to it for causing tension between individuals in application for "Divide and Conquer" principle to serve his objectives and
goals. Notably, conflict occurs between all employees; directors, supervised, male, female and in different ages, positions
and educational levels. Conflict takes different forms of tension, worry, fear, objection, not responding, loud voices,
abusive language, etc.

Appropriate Management Strategies for entity Conflict:

11. Scientific strategy: an objective analysis of conflict causes and then develop appropriate solutions.
22. Political strategy: Give each group member equal right in proposing, discussion and opinion and take the majority
opinion in decision-making.
33. Legal Strategy: Looks for the laws and regulations on the problem and then take what applies and enforce it.
44. Hierarchy strategy: subject to the highest authority in the entity according to its entityal chart and consider its
opinion on the solution process.
55. Solution Participating Strategy: bringing all parties involved in a conflict to a round table to exchange views to
reach a common agreement that satisfies everyone.

Other conflict solving strategies:

11. Conflict Avoidance: Adopting a method of non-confrontation with the other party through the postponement or
22. Use of Force: This method is used to force the other to accept a particular viewpoint or let him to perform
something unwillingly by the use of power. This method is feasible when you are facing a crisis, do not have
sufficient time to think or to use it with individuals who you find they are difficult to control.
33. Adapt, Indulgence or Waiver: This method depends on accepting the other party`s idea without looking at your
ideas or opinions, in other words, is to meet the demands of others against yours.
44. Conciliation or Compromise: This method relies on a negotiating style in which one of parties to sacrifice some of
its demands against the other sacrifices of some other of its demands also.
55. Cooperation: This method depends on reconciliation and avoiding disagreement key points, i.e. to work on
common interests between the parties. However that is beneficial to all parties, the possibility of raising problems
are expected. The reason behind is that the points of disagreement have not been resolved and understood.

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Cadre Retention Management


Sustainable competitive edge for entities can be achieve through directing the human element which primarily
includes changing the way of thinking in the human element of being a mere cost on the entities to a strategic
advantage. Competitive advantage for entitys can generally be realized through organizing their activities.

Competitive advantage can be comparative from one entity to another and within a certain period and would be
ongoing feature that characterize such entity for a longer period of time during which none of competitors can imitate
or simulate this feature.

The improvement of business owners` and managers` skills in how to build and strengthen institutional loyalty will
enhance loyalty of workers. Through administrative strategic plans for human resources and its development, and
maintaining motivation and reward basics, administration could find personnel`s loyalty. This leads to multiple purposes
at the same time to achieve the entity objectives and enhance its competitiveness, development and growth in the right
pattern, and incite workers to exert efforts in progressive levels of efficiency, skill and creativity.

Different studies have proved the following:

89% Of managers
Of managers believe employees leave for more money employees leave
for other reasons

12% 88%
Employees leave
for more money Of employees leave for reasons other than money

The real reasons for employees turn over are the following:

Supervisor - lacked technical skills
Poor senior leadership
Supervisor - incompetent
Poor working conditions
Supervisor - poor employee relation
Supervisor - displayed favoritism
Not liking what i am doing
Unavoidable reasons
Working hours
Supervisor - lacked leadership skills
Job duties boring/no challenge
Supervisor - lacked respect/support
Limited career/promotion opportunities
Coworkers' attitudes

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

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Case Study

A human resources manager working in textile manufacturing faced employees losing (turn over) and not Retention,
he conducted a questionnaire on this regard. He found some deriving factors:

1. Seeking a Better Salary (that does not represent more than 12%):
Some see better salary as the main cause for moving employees to another entity; privileges and big salaries entice
employees and there are entities and firms provide so which are enable workers to meet the burdens of life.

2. Personal Disagreements and Nepotism

The main and sufficient reason for employees to think to move to another position is personal differences and not
enjoying their rights to promotions as well as nepotism and favoritism. This leads to keep those experienced workers
who had served for many years without having a chance to promotion, while recently appointed employee becomes
a manager as he has a kind of favoritism.

3. Lack of Kind Treatment

The issue of treatment varies from one place to another, we must look for the reasons that make an official treats an
employee differently from the others, surely this employee may does not do his job properly or absent many times.
There are also some entities have harassments and unjustified controls imposed by those responsible. Thus, they
became entities or sectors that dismiss experienced employee and bush them to move into a third party even if the
salary was less.

4. Economic element
It is expensive living conditions, rise in prices and the employee search permanently for the best to meet the burdens
of life.

5. Administrative Development, Bureaucracy, Decentralization and indiscriminate individual decisions

6. Lack of training for creativity and brilliance

7. Employees Hunting
By providing an appropriate salary, privileges and allowances commensurate with the nature of life in which we live
whether in terms of housing, transportation, social insurance, health care, leave, psychological and moral comfort and
job security, entities hunt an employee or worker and make him not to think moving into another place, whatever
the temptations.

Employee Retention

Employees are valuable assets to any entity (employees are assets not costs) so it is necessary to protect this
vital resource because they play a crucial role in the growth and overall success of the entity. Focusing on retention
techniques can have a positive effect on the entity, increase employee productivity, improve performance, increase
profits, and reduce staff turnover and absenteeism from work.

Successful companies keen now to study the reasons behind employees` leave or staying at work and if experts can
offer their observations hence each entity has to determine the reasons for its own retention. Many business owners
realized this high importance of retention and they appointed a so-called employees retention official. Rarely, it is
happened to appoint a person in human resources department to ensure retention procedures and proper execution of

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regulations and laws that are in favor of worker. That is through conducting job satisfaction search, analyzing problems
and find out the strengths and weaknesses of the entity, and then converting weaknesses into strengths, which is a good
trend the entity uses to retain workers.

Psychometric Assessment is the most advanced and contemporary way for Employee Retention, defining different
Profiles for every job and creating a job-fit between the employee and the job.

The Psychometric Assessment measures how well an individual fits specific “job matching”, and it enables you to
evaluate an individual required to successfully perform in a specific job. It is used throughout the strategic workforce

The assessment will also define the best employee for the job based on his personality and enternal skills. It has
been proven that matching the employee to the best secures a higher success rates for the enterprise through their
employees, in addition to greater job satisfaction, decreasing negative issues like work pressures, conflicts, miss-
communication and increasing potentiality among employees.

Non-Retention Implications

11. Efficiency loss that cannot be easily restored that took a long time to get the current level.
22. Wasting money and efforts on training and rehabilitation of ex-employees of all levels.
33. Required spending to replace the competencies that leaved the entity is increasing.
44. Time waste for teaching and training new employees in order to understand the new work in the entity.
55. Profitability and productivity will be Affected.
66. Loss of competitive advantage a former employee adds to the entity and gives his expertise to another
competitive entity.
77. Instability of the entity`s development plans and programs.
88. A high percentage of job evasion gives a bad image of the entity among competitors.

Factors Effect on Employee Retention:

1. Job Security
Many individuals have seen a deterioration in job security over the past years, and the most important reasons were
downsizing, acquisitions, IPO, merge and institutional restructuring which affected employees loyalty and retention.
a great number of senior workers had suffered from dismissal and job reductions in some of the entitys leading to
raise high anxiety levels among remaining employees and therefore they started thinking of leaving the entity before
being dismissed.

2. Culture and values

The institutional culture is a model of common values and beliefs of the workforce, and instill its values to serve a
customer and engage player. Such efforts lead to the employee retention and create a good reputation with the

3. Business owners Effective Management

Good administration and retention issue impact on individuals and their decisions to stay on or leave work.
Institutions undergo less functional rotation when enjoying distinctive positive cultures, including a clear job security
for workers and what it provides as advantages and salaries.

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4. Recruitment and Good Polarization

Employee retention is affected by selection and polarization process. A group of entitys has found that job turnover
rates are high in the first few months of employment and it is often associated with bad selection efforts.

5. Work environment
Environmental and material factors, such as space, light, temperature, noise, offices position or work machines, effect
on the retention! Moreover workers want a safe working environment, especially in dealing with risks and accidents.

6. Low Salaries and Work Stress

Low wages, salaries and incentives as well as they do not fit with the pressures of work and productivity are one of
the factors for the employees` evasion.

7. Lack of Moral Incentives

The lack of moral incentives can be reflected negatively on employees` job satisfaction, which also adversely affects
job performance. Workers always want estimate their efforts in the performance of their jobs, which comes directly
from their managers or supervisors.

8. Lack of career development

Career development is promotion to higher position in a jobs line. If a worker did not find a plan and future
upgrading career path, he will surely leave his job to look for a higher Position.

Recommendation on Employee Retention

Most important proposals for promoting employee retention are:

11. To achieve functional justice among workers in their access to promotions through an effective functional
evaluation system.
22. Applying Training Needs Assessments plans and development of employees` skills to achieve a two targets: the
first is to increase workers` skills and improve productivity, the other is to develop their cultural level.
33. Concern about achieving workers job satisfaction and raising the level of functional privileges provided to them.
44. Design a human cadre qualification plan and draw a career path for workers.
55. Create a suitable work environment (Ventilation - light - temperature -noise - offices positions or working
machine, etc.).
66. Job enrichment by giving powers to the worker to make decisions fit with their capacities, examining problems
and assigning him with more tasks that are higher skills.
77. Encourage employees to participate in the study and make decisions as it makes them feel that they are part of
the entity and work in one working team.
88. Good dialogue with employees and applying Management by Walking Around, which is a time allocated for
supervisor or manager to walk around to listen to workers and their problems as well as motivate them.
99. Rewarding innovation and excellence in work and promoting initiatives.
1010 Thank workers and reward them with prizes and certificates.
1111 Link bonus with good achievement not with job standards and limitation.
1212 Build respect spirit by praising and appreciating their good achievements.
1313 Dealing positively from the management of the entity with employees, in terms of retention, giving them the full
rights and assisting them in adversity and difficult circumstances.
1414 Strengthen indirect compensations; i.e. everything provided by the entity to employees with the exception of
direct compensations (salary). Indirect compensations are a number of services and guarantees that help an
employee in his career and living and achieve level of comfort and confidence for the future of his work with this

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entity. The employee will feel that his entity seeks to satisfy him because he is an important part and not just a
number in its structure. Key advantages are:
◊ No Interest Credit Programs
◊ Social Services Programs (Pilgrimage trips and old and leisure)
◊ Pension
◊ Health, social and accident insurance, etc.
◊ Honoring the ideal employee
◊ Rewards for constructive proposals especially when performance and production were improved
◊ Housing projects for workers
◊ Subsidized home appliances programs
◊ Transport Services to the Entity
◊ Providing education support programs for workers` children and free university educational opportunities
for high achievers
◊ Diversified health services, could also cover family members of first degree with a minimal fee

Assessing Job Satisfaction for Employees Retention

Job Satisfaction Survey aims to find out employees` satisfaction from their work in the entity, knowing that such survey
is confidential. A statistical study will be conducted on the results in order to address weaknesses and strengths through
SWOT, and then try to overcome the weaknesses that affect employees` performance and continuity within the entity
and improve firm human resources, which reflects positively on achieving goals.

This survey can be made on annual or semi-annual basis and formal or informal dialogues. These dialogues do not bear
fruit without giving attention to what workers say; i.e. honesty in the dialogue.

Job Satisfaction Survey Steps

11. Conduct Job Satisfaction Survey
22. SWOT Collection and Analysis
33. Job Pros and Cons Indentification

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Information about Profiles XT – Psychometric Assessment

This assessment reveals consistent, in-depth, and objective insight into an individual’s thinking and reasoning style,
relevant behavioral traits, occupational interests, and match to specific jobs in your organization. It helps your managers
interview and select people who have the highest probability of being successful in a role, and provides practical
recommendations for coaching them to maximum performance

It also gives your organization consistent language and metrics to support strategic workforce and succession
planning, talent management and reorganization efforts. Why assess employees? Given the opportunity to land a new
job or to be promoted, people may tell you what you want to hear instead of the truth.

Additionally, so much of their success depends on the specific type of job and the organization in which they would
work. Success seldom transfers automatically. The cost of a bad hire is very high considering the hiring and ramp-up
costs, low productivity, and disruption to customers and co-workers.

Did You Know?

• 46% of new hires fail within 18 months.
• Only 19% will achieve unequivocal success.
• Technical skills are not the primary reason for failure.

The ProfileXT gives you an objective inside look at the behaviors and motives of job candidates to help you make
better hiring, promotion and organizational decisions. Giving this information to managers helps them be more effective
and get the very most from their people. How does the ProfileXT assessment work? Prior to assessing candidates,
our experts help you develop peak performance models for your jobs in question that you will use to compare job
candidates against.

Once established, our clients deliver the PXT to their candidates over the Internet—hiring managers or an HR
administrator simply forwards a link. The assessment does not need to be monitored, so the candidate can take it from
any computer with Internet access. The system instantly scores the assessment and informs the hiring managers where
they can access the results.

The hiring manager can use the results as a screening tool or to assist them in the interviewing, selectionand
onboarding process.

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Job Satisfaction Survey

The main point of this survey is to find out the extent of your ‫الهدف من هذه االستمارة هي معرفة مدى رضاؤك الوظيفي‬
career satisfaction in company/ factory .‫ دقيقة‬20 ‫ الوقت المسموح‬.‫جميع اجاباتك سوف تكون سرية‬
All your answer will be confidential, expected time is 20 min. .‫بالمؤسسة‬
Current job :‫الوظيفه الحاليه‬
Department :‫القسم‬
Nature of Job: part time □ Full Time: □ . □ ‫وقت دائم‬ □ ‫ بعض الوقت‬:‫طبيعة العمل‬
Date: :‫التاريخ‬

Work place ‫مكان العمل المؤسسة‬ 100% 75% 50% 25% 5%

Company/ factory is a good place to work ‫المؤسسة هي مكان جيد للعمل‬ □ □ □ □ □

I understand the company/ factory vision ‫أفهم رؤية المؤسسة‬ □ □ □ □ □

I understand the Core values to the company/ factory □ □ □ □ □

‫ المؤسسة‬/‫أفهم ماهي القيم األساسية للشركة‬

My own goals is linked to the company/ factory goals □ □ □ □ □

‫األهداف الخاصة بي مرتبطة بأهداف المؤسسة‬

The direct manager notifying me my tasks and duties □ □ □ □ □

‫يقوم المدير المباشر بإخطاري بالواجبات الواجب عملها‬

It’s easy to get the answers for the questions that related to employees policies □ □ □ □ □
‫من السهل الحصول على إجابات على األسئلة التي تدور حول السياسات المتعلقة بالموظفين‬

All my suggestions are taken into consideration □ □ □ □ □

‫يتم أخذ المقترحات الخاصة بي بعين االعتبار‬

Work environment helps me to be productive □ □ □ □ □

‫تساعدني ظروف العمل المحيطة بي على االنتاجية‬

I feel that my salary is weak ‫أشعر بأن الراتب الخاص بي ضعيف‬ □ □ □ □ □

I participate in the decisions that affect my work □ □ □ □ □

‫أشارك في اتخاذ القرارات التي تؤثر على عملي‬

I don’t have work pressures ‫ليس لدي ضغوط في العمل‬ □ □ □ □ □

I have a clear path for career advancement ‫لدي مسار واضح للتقدم الوظيفي‬ □ □ □ □ □

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Work place company/factory ‫مكان العمل المؤسسة‬ 100% 75% 50% 25% 5%

My job description is related to my duties □ □ □ □ □

‫وصفي الوظيفي متماشي مع مهامي وواجباتي الوظيفية‬

I feel that I play an important role in achieving the mission of the company / □ □ □ □ □
‫أشعر بأنني العب دورا هاما في تحقيق مهمة المؤسسة‬

Relationship with Colleagues ‫العالقة مع الزمالء‬ 100% 75% 50% 25% 5%

My management encourages the team work ‫تشجع االدارة الخاصة بي فريق العمل‬ □ □ □ □ □

The company/factory members are qualified to do the work □ □ □ □ □

‫أعضاء المؤسسة مؤهلين بما فيه الكفاية للقيام بالعمل‬

I discuss the job duties with my colleagues □ □ □ □ □

‫أقوم بمناقشة الواجبات الوظيفية مع الزمالء‬

Every individual in the factory/company respect me □ □ □ □ □

‫كل شخص في المؤسسة يكن لي االحترام‬

Management/department ‫ القسم‬/‫اإلدارة‬ 100% 75% 50% 25% 5%

I have the Authorities which helps me in managing the work □ □ □ □ □

‫لدي سلطات تساعدني في ادارة العمل‬

All the management members are implementing the business plan □ □ □ □ □

‫يقوم جميع أفراد اإلدارة بتنفيذ الخطة الخاصة بالعمل‬

There is a good Compatibility between my management and the others with □ □ □ □ □

no need for coordination
‫هناك توافق جيد بين االدارة الخاصة بي وبين اآلخرين دون الحاجة للتنسيق‬

My management is fully aware of other relevant departments within the □ □ □ □ □

company / factory
‫ادارتي على علم تام باإلدارات األخرى ذات الصلة داخل المؤسسة‬

Direct Manager / Department Manager

100% 75% 50% 25% 5%
‫ رئيس القسم‬/‫المدير المباشر‬

I can understand my manager expectations ‫أستطيع أن أفهم جيدا توقعات رئيسي‬ □ □ □ □ □

The department manager is concerned evaluating from time to time □ □ □ □ □

‫رئيس القسم يهتم بتقييمي من وقت آلخر‬

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The department manager motivate me when I do good job □ □ □ □ □

‫رئيس القسم يقوم بتحفيزي اذا قمت بعمل جيد‬

The direct supervisor as a positive role model ‫المشرف المباشر بمثابة قدوة إيجابية‬ □ □ □ □ □

The morale of coworkers is greatly appreciated □ □ □ □ □

‫معنويات زمالء العمل هي موضع تقدير‬

Customers ‫العمالء‬ 100% 75% 50% 25% 5%

It’s easy to deal with customers ‫من السهل التعامل مع العمالء‬ □ □ □ □ □

The customers are chosen carefully ‫يتم اختيار العمالء بعناية‬ □ □ □ □ □

The relation between the employees and customers are good □ □ □ □ □

.‫العالقة بين الموظفين والعمالء جيدة‬

General Evaluation ‫التقييم العام‬ 100% 75% 50% 25% 5%

Benefits and compensation are satisfactory ‫المزايا والتعويضات مرضية‬ □ □ □ □ □

Technical equipment of the place is satisfactory ‫المعدات التقنية للمكان مرضية‬ □ □ □ □ □

I’m proud of working with the company / factory ‫أنا فخور بالعمل في المؤسسة‬ □ □ □ □ □

1- What do u like the most in the company / factory?

‫ ماهو اكثر شيء تحبه في المؤسسة ؟‬-1

2- What is the company / factory Values?
‫ اذكر قيم المؤسسة‬-2

3-Explain the company / factory vision and mission?

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‫ وضح رؤية ومهمة المؤسسة‬-3


4-What are the areas that need more development? Explain according to the importance?
.‫ ما هي األشياء التي تحتاج إلى مزيد من التنمية؟ وضح وفقا لألهمية‬-4


5- What are the things that you don’t like in the company/factory?
And how can we overcome them from your own point of view?
.‫ من وجهة النظر الخاصة بك‬,‫ ما هي األشياء التي التحبها في المؤسسة ؟ وكيف يمكننا التغلب عليها‬-5


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Training and development

Training is a structured process designed to provide workers with specific knowledge and development skills and work
performance changes to help achieve the goals of the organization, and also helps in upgrading quality.

Types of Training

Specialized training: This type includes higher functions than the technical and professional job, as it requires specialized
expertise and knowledge to practice the profession.

Management Training: Includes categories of administrators in the upper or supervisory or medium levels, it includes
broad areas mostly concentrated around the behavioral, leadership, financial, accounting and developmental aspects.
(leadership skills - Business Administration - supervisory skills).

Vocational training: and it is training in the field of crafts that require a large extent and variety of knowledge and.
(knitting – mechanics – electricity).

Training of trainers: the trainees are trained in order to prepare them to do their part through skills development to be
able to deliver information (coach - teacher - professor).

Training Goals

11. Improve the company / plant services.

22. Rehabilitation of new employees to adapt to the working conditions of the company.
33. Helps staff to gain efficiency in their current and future work.
44. Highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the staff to work on their development and improvement of performance.
55. The possibility of higher position nomination.
66. reducing the proportion of accidents in the workplace.
77. Insure the Return On Investment ROI for the Training Dollar spent.

Steps of the Training process implementation

Identification of training needs.

The complete review of the enterprise’s Strategic Business Plan to ensure the adequate perception of the required
objectives in short and long bterms. The Human Resources Management in June or November of each year addresses the
specialized directors to determine the training needs of the staff using the "identification of training needs" (TNA model)
To verify the suitability requirements of the nature of work and compliance with quality objectives.

The specialized managers send those needs to the human resource management department in under two weeks
following the date of receipt.

The Human Resources Management studies the training needs of the student bodies in terms of repetitive topics and
training candidates and the possibility of internal or external training and the estimated cost in comparison with required
budget for the training of staff and approval of senior management, as the proposed training views are determined by of
the company's approved training department.

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The issuance of the annual training plan:

Based on the study of training needs, the human resources management issues the annual training plan, which is presented
to senior management for approval and accreditation, and then other departments get notified with their approved plans
for training.

Accreditation training views:

The human resources management chooses the training institutions after evaluation of the technical and financial aspects
using the training evaluation model, and the decision is made as follows:
• Training views that you get a very good evaluation or excellence in the assessment are deployed as a certified
training party for the company.
• Training views that get a good evaluation is re-evaluated.
• Training views that you get weak evaluation are not acceptable.

Types of Training

Training that is done by workers in the company / plant to their colleagues or subordinates. This type of training has several
benefits such as:
• Develops the skills of both trainer and trainee and strengthens the relationship between them.
• Focuses on the subjective applications and problems in the company / plant.
• Coaches are eager to develop the skills of the trainees.

External training:
What characterizes it the most is that trainers may have wider experience in the field of training and have the theoretical
or practical background. The benefits of external training are as follows:
• Adds ideas from outside the company / factory and allows workers to see from another point of view.
• May provide means of training that aren’t available in the company / factory itself.
• Training sessions involves more than one institution which allows trainees to discuss and dialogue and exchange
expertise and learn from the experiences of other institutions as well as building a good working relationship.

Preparation of the Training Program

11. Determine the training subject in accordance with institutional needs.

22. Determine the time and venue of the training.
33. Define the preferred Training style for the trainees (workshop, role paly, games, ….)
44. Budget determination.
55. Identifying participants.
66. Choosing the work team.
77. Preparation and processing training file.
88. Determining the implementing agency for Training.
99. Send the nomination form and invitation letters.
1010 Placing a checklist.

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Implementation of the training program:

11. Visiting the training headquarters and selecting the most suitable place for it.
22. Creating a proper sitting area for the trainees that enables the use of the display and the implementation of activities
in groups, which should preferably be in U-shapes or Round Tables to create the competitive athmosphere for
easier and effective interactions between the participants.
33. Providing the necessary supplies for the training program (training material on PowerPoint – flip chart papers - Felt-
tip pens, if possible – and preparing the display screen and making sure it works on computers).
44. Determining the beginning and end of the training.
55. Preparing an attendance and departure listing for participants.
66. Having a rest period while providing snacks and drinks.
77. Coach evaluation.

Evaluation of a training course

It is a model used in measuring the efficiency of the training programs and its success in achieving the goals, and the
extent of quality required in the training process, and the evaluation of records, place of training, Information gained from
the training and the training program as a whole.
It also provides session-related proposals, to be re-evaluated by Human resources management during a one week period
from the date of the end of the training session.

Periodic assessment of training providers

11. The department of human resources developmental management follows and verifies the performance of its
services effectively by training evaluations provided by the trainees and issuing the assessment of training provider
model (Periodic assessment) after the completion of each training course.
22. Training parties that accomplishes a very good evaluation or excellence remain dealt with during the implementation
either the current training plan or the upcoming training plan.
33. Training parties that get a good evaluation are re-evaluated after a second training session to come up with a final
decision for them.
44. Training parties that get a weak or acceptable evaluation are terminated in terms of dealing with them.

Evaluate the effectiveness of training:

The designated manager provides assessment evaluation for his apprentice trainee three months after the implementation
of the training using the "Assessing the impact of training" model in order to know the extent training goat achievements,
and evaluation is retained in the trainee’s own private profile.

Identification of Design of Preparation of

Training Needs Training Plan Training Program

Evaluating Presenting Execution Of

Training Effect Training Program Training Program

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The Training Profile

The human resources management keeps a file for each trainee placed inside their profiles, It includes:
• Copies of the training programs certificates.
• Training record.
• Training effectiveness assessments.
• Assessments of trainees by the trainers.

The success of the Training Plan Report

By the end of the annual training plan for the company / factory, the development of human resources management
issues the success of the plan report. Illustrated by the following:
• Individually evaluation of implemented training programs.
• Number of trainees and actual course plan.
• Number of implemented planned sessions.
• The estimated and actual costs.
• New staff training programs.
• The difficulties faced during the implementation of the training plan.
• Number of uncharted courses (emergency training).
• Recommendations for future programs.

Training Needs Analysis

Personal data




Direct Manager:

Starting Date of Job

Actual Tasks and Duties:

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What knowledge, skills and attitudes are required to do your job?

What would help you to perform your job better?

Training Needs

Training courses proposed by priority training requirement

11. Importantt and not urgent
22. Important
33. Importantt and urgent

Course Name Employee Manager

1 1 2 3 1 2 3

Employee Name: Direct Manager:

Signature: Signature:

Date: Date:

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The list to insure the preparation for the TNA

Before the Training Yes No

• Send invitations and training schedule

• Preparation of course materials
• Prepare Training equipment
• Prepare slides
• Visit training location to insure convenience

During the Training Yes No

• Take attendance
• Insure the availability of Over head
• Evaluate Trainer’s capabilitis
• Evaluate Trainees response to Trainer
• Insure that Snacks are of good quality
• Insure that the Training location is qualified

At the end of the Training Yes No

• Pass around a list to collect contacts of the trainees

• Balance out loans
• Collect the materials that were not used
• Distribute certificates
• Distribute the evaluation for the Course
• Read and analyse the final evaluation
• Write a report to senior management about the course

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Sample of Training Needs Analysis

Skills for budget preparation for offered projects

Kills for recruitment and employee selection

Skills of contemporary management
The ability of strategic thinking

Implementation of ERP system

Preparation of work plan
Pressure management

Change management
Communication skills
Time management
Presentation skills

Customer services
Health and safety
Negotiation skills

Decision making
Leadership skills

Problem solving
Computer skills

Appraisal skills
Report writing

Fire fighting
Sales skills

First aid
Name Div Dpt Post

1 Employee name Admin Legal Legal Consultant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 Employee name Admin Security Security Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 Employee name Admin Finance Accounting Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 Employee name Admin Finance Accountant 1 1 1 1
5 Employee name Admin Sales Partial Sales Supvr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 Employee name Admin Sales After Sale Support 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 Employee name Admin Hr Hr Specialist 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 Employee name Ops Maintenance Tech Maintenance 1 1 1 1
9 Employee name Ops Factory Operations Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 Employee name Ops Supply chain Head Of Logistics 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 Employee name Ops Supply chain Branch Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 Employee name Ops Supply chain Supply Chain Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 Employee name Tech Quality Quality Control 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 Employee name Tech Quality Equipment Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 Employee name Tech Stores Representative 1 1 1 1
16 Employee name Tech Stores Stores Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
17 Employee name Tech Stores Stores Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1
18 Employee name Tech IT IT Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Total number of days for each training course 10 8 6 5 10 8 9 10 6 12 10 4 11 10 2 8 2 9 11 5 9 7 4 7

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Sample of Training Plan as a result of TNA

Number of Training Number of Training Total training

Training course
trainees priority groups days days
1 Report writing 10 A 1 2 2
2 Preparation of work plan 10 A 1 2 2
3 Computer skills 8 A 1 5 5
4 Skills of contemporary management 9 A 1 2 2
5 Leadership skills 10 A 1 2 2
6 Presentation skills 6 A 1 3 3
7 Time management 12 A 2 2 4
8 Communication skills 10 A 1 2 2
9 Negotiation skills 4 A 1 2 2
10 Appraisal skills 11 A 2 2 4
11 Skills for budget preparation for offered projects 8 B 1 3 3
12 The ability of strategic thinking 6 B 1 1 1
13 Pressure management 5 B 2 2 2
14 Problem solving 10 B 1 1 1
15 Health and safety 8 B 1 3 3
16 Customer services 2 B 1 3 3
17 Implementation of ERP system 11 B 2 15 30
18 Fire fighting 9 B 1 2 2
19 Sales skills 2 C 1 5 5
20 Decision making 9 C 1 2 2
21 First aid 5 C 1 3 3
22 Teamwork 7 C 1 2 2
23 Change management 4 C 1 5 5
24 Kills for recruitment and employee selection 7 C 1 3 3
Total Training Days 93

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Training Evaluation

General Information


Department: Title:

Training Provider: Program Name:

Instructor Name:

Date: Training Period: Training Venue:

Instructor Evaluation

Description Excellent V. Good Good Medium weak

Efficiency of instructor / trainer in explaining course's

topics and delivering information

Exercises & activities during course

Instructor was cooperative with trainees

Instructor awareness about the program topics

Instructor was encouraging participants to interact

Third: Training Program Evaluation

Description Excellent V. Good Good Medium weak

Equipment and facilities used

The objectives of this training session were clear

The subject/material covered was usefull

Program Duration

Training Organization level

Training Venue

Training Time

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The most important knowledge that has been obtained:


The most important skills that have been gained through participation in the training program:

The most appropriate suggestions for the development of areas of work:


Suggestions and Remarks:


General Evaluation of the Training Program

weak Average Good V. Good Excellent

Employee Signiture Date

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Training Feedback Form

Job title:
Company name:
Program name:
Program holding date:
Evaluation Date:

S/N Statement Excellent V. Good Good Average weak

1 The extent of the employee's desire to develop himself

2 the impact of the program on employee performance

3 Did the employee transfer knowledge to colleagues

4 The clarity of the program's impact

5 The extent of proven need for the employee program


Direct Supervisor Approval


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Training of Trainers

Training Concept

Training is known as a "continuous activity to provide individuals with the skills, experience and attitudes that make them
able to perform specific work in order to increase productivity for them and the organization in which they operate, or
transfer of knowledge, skills and behaviors to develop the individual to perform specific tasks.

Training of Trainers Goals

Preparing individuals with the backgrounds and practical experiences sufficient for them to coach and equipping them
with the skills that enables them to transfer information and expertise to others through modern methods of training, and
the highlight of the importance of training is bridging the performance gap to meet training needs in various fields and
achieve the goals and achieving progress and development to individuals and institutions, training is both science and
art, as it is taught science and creative skills and successful human development.

Target group

This article has been designed for the officials of training and development, human resources departments, and other
departments such as the human resources developmental managers, consultants, and anyone who is interested in
learning and training, from the employees of the Department of Training and Development to all senior and middle-level
managerial and supervisory working in the field of training and development as well as operating and executive levels
involved in the preparation and implementation of the training plan of the organization.

The Five overlapping phases of the life cycle of the training are:

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5

Review course contents with client

design of Summary
courses report
Run the course / workshop

design of Trainer feedback

practical revevant
Trainee feedback

Venue feedback
Review with assign
relevant adequate
supervisors trainers Admin feedback

Extended Supervision & Feedback

11. Assessing training needs. 44. The implementation of the training.

22. Designing and processing the training. 55. Monitoring and evaluation of training.
33. Review the contents of the Training Program

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Assessing Training Needs

The training requirement:

Is a set of skills, knowledge and attitudes needed by the specific individual in an institution or a particular job in order to
perform certain tasks more efficiently and effectively.

The training requirement occurs when there is a gap between the actual performance of the individual or institution, and
the specific directions needed by individual in an institution in order to perform certain tasks and function more effectively.

Firstly, estimation of the training requirements:

It is a process used for identifying and arranging training needs and decision-making and plans concerned with meeting
these needs.
• Measurement of the levels of Insufficiencies and performance constraints.
• Requirements arrangement by priority.
• Identify target training category.
• Definition and identification of needs.
• Identifying training objectives based on the results of the needs assessment.

Through the process of assessing the training needs, the following can be determined:
• The type and level of training required.
• Individuals who need to be trained.

The important information provided by the training needs assessment:

• Selecting the correct place for conducting the training and the type of the training.
• Scheduling training activities.
• Required resources for training (human resources, financial resources, etc...)
• Selection and design of appropriate materials and training methods.
• Finding training institutions.
• Promotion of new fields in the training.

Secondly, training content design:

After highlighting and clarifying the objectives of the training, it is necessary to identify areas that will be focused on by the
training content; this process is called training content design which is a very important step in translating the objectives
of the training to an actual learning program.
In general, the training content is an inclusion for all the required training content, as it includes the main themes and sub-
themes and may extend to selecting multiple levels of detail stage.

Steps of training content design:

11. Determining the course content.
22. Rating the training content.
33. Training content arrangement.
44. Choosing the appropriate method for introducing every part of the training content.
55. Determining the time required for the introduction of each part of the training content.

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Determining the course content:

The content of any training course in general is linked to the objectives set for that course, therefore when determining the
content you should keep the following things in mind:
• Does the content cover the objectives of the training course?
• Does the proposed content meet the intern training needs?
• Does the proposed content lead to the required level of performance?
• What is the opinion of the other coaches who offer training in the same field in the proposed content?

Rating the training content:

This is the step used to determine the relative importance of each training subject, as it represents a significant importance
in the regulatory considerations and allocating the required time for various topics.

Therefore, the content is divided into themes, (significant, additional or optional).

Training content arrangement:

After determining the relative importance of each subject, an order for displaying the different subjects of the training
content is chosen. And this is placed in the logical order in accordance to the standpoint of the trainee.

Thirdly, review the contents of the training program

Fourthly, implementation of training:

Setting up a training session plan:

Training session plans are the outline of what will be said and done during the training, representing a guide for coach
about how to implement the training session, as they explain when to use training aids, allocated time for each part, and
the expectation of the questions that may be posed by the trainees, and the training session plan prevents coaches from
wasting time deviating from the main subject and help them achieve the objectives of the session as required.

Session plan components:

• Session number
• Title
• Goals
• Activity
• Time
• Training methods
• Equipment and devices
• Alternatives (different scenarios for the methods and aids)
• Information on the subject

Session plan placement:

Training session plan requires six operations are:

1. Gathering information on the subject:

• Collect all relevant information on the subject matter and write down everything you know.
• Put questions that can be directed to the coach.
• Collect training materials that support the content.
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• Select the appropriate audio and visual aids for each subject.

2. Determine the training content:

When you select the training content you must keep the following in mind:
Who is the recipient?
What are the goals?
What is the length of time?

From that it is clear that we need to identify the training content to arrange information according to priority and
importance as follows:
• The first priority: is the basic information that you should know about the subject to achieve the objectives, without
presenting it the subject cannot be understood.
• The second priority: Information that is preferable to know which adds support and value to the basic information.
They include information that will help the trainees build a good understanding of the subject and deepen their
knowledge of it.
• The third priority: Information that is considered okay to know and they hold a lower priority and are not critically
essential as they can be excluded if time didn’t allow them to be presented. They include historical public information
and small details that may be worthy of knowledge.

3. Organizing sequence of the training content of the sessions:

After determining the contents of the training session, it gets organized in a logical arrangement usually following these
• From general to specific
• From known to unknown
• From theoretical to practical
• From easy to complex
• Chronological sequence

And then the content is divided into sections that include:

• Preface
• Beginning
• Main subject matter
• Main point summarization then closure

Fithly, following-up and evaluating the training:

Objective: The trainee at the end of the session will be able to:
• Recognize the concept of following-up and evaluating the training.
• Illustrate the importance of follow-ups and evaluation of trainers and trainees.
• Learning ways of training evaluation.

Follow up the training

Defined as a continuous process intended to ensure that the training plan is being implemented accurately without
deviation to achieve its the goal with intervention in the implementation for the removal of any obstacles that may hinder

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the progress of the plan to sway off-track on to achieving the ultimate goal, and sometimes the intervention can be for the
development of operational procedures..

Training evaluation

It is to know the extent to which the training program is meeting its objectives and to highlight strengths to enhance them
and weaknesses to overcome them in the future programs so that training can increasingly develop and become more
effective on a regular ongoing basis.

The objectives of the follow-up and evaluation of training:

• Make sure the training programs succeed in achieving their objectives in terms of planning or implementation.
• Constantly making sure that the trainees are still excited to apply their training.
• Ensure the efficiency of the trainers in terms of specialization, experience and ability to train, and interest in the
development of their own information and skills.
• Following-up on the scientific and practical development in their field of work.

Stages of following-up and evaluation of the trainees:

Assessing the trainees before the implementation of the training program:
• The purpose of the evaluation of the trainees before the implementation of the program is to make sure that the
program will be submitted to individuals that needs it who meet the conditions required in the design of the
• Monitoring and evaluating the trainees during the training program:
◊ Observing trainees and their behavior, knowing the extent of their efforts for following the training materials,
and the extent of their participation in the discussions and exchange of ideas.
◊ Observing trainees and the information and expertise they have gained as well as their improvement and
change in their behavior.
• • Monitoring the trainees after the training through:
◊ knowing the extent practical application of what they received from previous trainings.
◊ Knowing the skills and attitudes acquired through training.
◊ Knowing future needs.

Methods of training evaluation:

• Exams.
• Attendance rates as a measure of the success of the training program.
• Questionnaires by the bosses of the trainee.

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