Combining Case Study and Simulation Methods in Supply Chain Management Research Daniel Hellström - Fredrik Nilsson
Combining Case Study and Simulation Methods in Supply Chain Management Research Daniel Hellström - Fredrik Nilsson
Combining Case Study and Simulation Methods in Supply Chain Management Research Daniel Hellström - Fredrik Nilsson
Using the case study research method as well as empirical quantitative-based simulation
methods are becoming increasingly common in supply chain management research. However,
rare signs of efforts of combining these are to be found in literature. This paper contributes to the
further development of research practices by presenting and discussing the concept of combining
case study and simulation. Combining the methods into a multimethod study allows the
researcher to harmonise the weaknesses and assess the relative strengths of the various methods.
A model of combining the methods is provided giving guidance and insights into the process of
combining the methods.
Keywords: Case study, Simulation, Research Method, Multimethod
There are several ways of conducting research e.g. experiments, surveys, ethnographic
studies, modelling, simulation and case studies to mention but a few. Each method has its
strengths and weaknesses and the issue is not that one method is better than the other, rather how
well the chosen method helps the researcher solve or clarify his/her purpose or problem. An
increasingly common research method in logistics and supply chain management is the case
study method (Ellram, 1996; Gammelgaard, 2003; Meredith, 1998). While the method has
several strengths, critics often argue that the results are simply anecdotal and that the research
itself has not been conducted rigorously enough. Another common research method used within
logistics and supply chain management research is simulation (Disney, Naim, and Towill, 1997;
Fleisch and Tellkamp, 2005). Simulation is used in a variety of disciplines and there are
numerous books and journals which document its usage and results. While the impact of this
method has several strengths, critics argue that the method is too superficial and only solves
problems in the computer and not in the real world. Fortunately these methods can be combined
to yield more than either method alone. According to Meredith (1998) alternative research
Division of Packaging Logistics, Lund University, 221 00, Lund, Sweden, Telephone: +46-462227230, Fax: +46-
462226080, E-mail: [email protected]
Division of Packaging Logistics, Lund University, 221 00, Lund, Sweden, Telephone: +46-462229155, Fax: +46-
462226080, E-mail: [email protected]
methods, such as simulation and case study, are not mutually exclusive and, if combined, can
offer great potential for enhancing new theories than either method alone.
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the further development of research practices by
presenting and discussing the concept of combining case study and simulation. Two research
studies are briefly presented in order to describe the possibilities of combining theses methods in
practice. Based on the experience gained from combining the methods in the two research
studies, a model of the research process is developed that may guide researchers in combining the
methods. We will also discuss the feasibility of combining case study and simulation, since these
originate from different methodological assumptions.
Complete details of the research results from the combination efforts are reported
elsewhere (Hellström, 2004; Nilsson, 2005). The focus of this paper is not to in detail present the
research result, but, instead, to present and discuss the benefits and limitations of combining case
study and simulation methods. Furthermore, this paper focuses on discussing the combination of
single case studies and empirical quantitative-based simulation models. More specifically, the
types of simulation techniques that will be referred to are discrete-event simulation (Banks et al.,
2001) and agent-based modelling (Bonabeau, Dorigo, and Theraulaz, 1999; Epstein, 1999), since
these are the techniques used in the presented research studies. These types of simulation
methods are found to be relevant for supply chain studies since an increased complexity can be
considered. However, this does not exclude combining multiple cases study research and non
empirical simulation research.
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows; the following two sections provide a
discussion of the case study and simulation methods. In the subsequent section a methodological
perspective is given for the combination of these methods since they originate from different
research paradigms. This is followed by a brief description of two research studies where case
study and simulation was combined. Then in the next section the strengths and weaknesses of
combining case studies and simulation is presented. This is followed by a discussion of other
combinations of methodologies. Finally, conclusions are provided and future research suggested.
Case study is a research method with the overall objective of gaining a deep
understanding of chosen research phenomena (Stake, 2000). The case study method focuses on
understanding the dynamics present within single settings (Eisenhardt, 1989; Ellram 1996). This
means that in case studies the focus is directed towards numerous variables and relationships
covering all conceivable aspects which are available i.e. ideographic. This could be compared to
a survey where only a few variables in a large population are normally studied i.e. nomothetic.
According to Yin (2003 p.9) the case study method has a distinct advantage in situations when:
“a "how" or "why" question is being asked about a contemporary set of events, over which the
investigator has little or no control.”
In the research field of supply chain management the case study method provides an
opportunity for collecting empirical data with consideration given to the complexity of the real-
life setting. Empirical methods, such as case studies, are receiving increased attention due to the
increasing call to incorporate real-world data to improve the relevance of research (Ellram 1996).
In supply chain management research, which deals with socio-technical aspects, the
understanding and sense-making of why and how activities are carried out by people are of prime
importance. Research dealing with socio-technical aspects often requires researchers to deal with
dynamic and context-dependent variables and relationships. This complexity requires an in-depth
study since there may be numerous interpretations and explanations for the observed outcome.
Thus, case studies are preferred in developing new theories or extending and testing existing
theories in situations requiring deep understanding of what is happening (Meredith, 1998).
The case study method is still relatively rare in supply chain management research even
though it is becoming more and more accepted as a proper scientific method (Gammelgaard
2003; Wacker, 1998). A major criticism of case study research is the paucity of rigour in the case
research process and that it relies heavily on the skill and personality of the researcher (Miles,
1979; Stuart et al., 2002). The criticism is generally directed towards weaknesses such as
ambiguous or non-existent discussions of what case study designs was chosen, what protocol was
used, how cases were selected, how data was collected and analysed and how results were
validated. However, to reduce these weaknesses Yin (2003), Meredith (1998), Eisenhardt (1989),
Ellram (1996) and Stuart et al. (2002) advocate a systemic and analytical approach to conducting
case study research. The approach is generally based on designing, conducting, analysing and
reporting case study research in a systematic way, which improves the rigour of the case study
Simulation research
In empirical simulation research, the researcher needs to posses a great deal of knowledge
about the system under study. In order to motivate the use of simulation methods, such as
discrete-event simulation and agent-based modelling, the phenomenon of research interest
requires an appropriate degree of complexity. This complexity can be the result of several
interacting and interdependent parts, where these parts are affected by several objectives and
constraints, and where the behaviour of the phenomenon cannot be distinguished from the
behaviour of the individual parts, but instead in the relationship among these. This complexity
requires that the researcher posses a great deal of knowledge about the system under study.
In order to capture the real-life behaviour in a simulation the researcher also needs to
possess a great deal of knowledge about the characteristics of the system under study. Real-life
processes are all different, although there may well be similarities, and have different
characteristics, which can evolve over time. Dealing with real-life processes i.e. where not
everything behaves rationally, is always done in a subjective and situation-dependent way.
Consequently, problematic steps often addressed in simulation studies are how to develop an
“objective” way to identify and measure relevant parameters and how to interpret in-put and out-
put data. Will, Bertrand, and Fransoo (2002 p.259) state that “One drawback when conducting
simulation research is the lack of methods and techniques in gathering data and interpretations
of the phenomenon being studied”. Simulation researchers often develop their own individual
techniques to identify, collect and document data. Identifying and gathering data is done in
conjunction with the development of the conceptual model, in which the important components,
relationships and measurement of the relevant variables are identified and defined (Pritsker,
1998). This further stresses the need for the researcher to be familiar with the system under study
in order to know how to identify and measure the relevant characteristics of the system under
In a simulation study the concern of capturing the real-life behaviour is addressed through
model verification and validation. Model verification is to ensure that the computer programming
of the conceptual model is correct and model validation is according to Schlesinger (1979 p.103)
“substantiation that a computerized model within its domain of applicability possesses a
satisfactory range of accuracy consistent with the intended application of the model”.
Verification and validation in a modelling development process is described by Sargent (2003) in
four steps i.e. data validation, conceptual model validation, computerized model verification and
operational validation. In these steps are numerous statistical tests, mathematical procedures and
other techniques, such as event and face validation, used (Balci, 1998; Kleijnen, 1995; Sargent,
2003). However, the basis of capturing the real-life behaviour in a simulation is still to have a
great deal of knowledge about the modelled system.
Multi-methodological aspects
There are important methodological aspects to discuss when combining case study and
simulation since these methods originate from different research paradigms. Supply chain
management research is multidisciplinary, attracting researchers from different academic
backgrounds such as engineering, business management, organisation etc. Depending on their
backgrounds researchers may investigate phenomena from different methodological perspectives.
This in turn results in a variety of preferred research strategy, methods and perceptions of
problem contexts.
According to Yin (2003, p.5) the selection of a preferred research method depends on
three conditions: (1) The type of research question posed, (2) the extent of control an investigator
has over behavioural events, and (3) the degree of focus on contemporary events as opposed to
historical ones. One major distinction between case study and simulation here is the extent of the
investigator’s capability to control and access the actual behaviour of the system. The case study
method deals with real-life events whereas simulation deals with models which are abstractions
of reality. With simulation the researcher can manipulate parameters and relations of interest
whereas in a case study the behaviours cannot be manipulated in a controlled manner.
In addition to Yin’s three conditions we would like to add personal biography and
paradigm as elements of a fourth condition for selecting research methods. Every researcher is
unique because of her/his particular class, racial, cultural and ethnic perspectives (Denzin and
Lincoln, 1998). According to Burrel and Morgan (1979) and Meredith (1998) a positivist prefers
nomothetic and quantitative research methods e.g. simulation, while an interpretivist prefers
ideographic and qualitative research methods e.g. case study. An example of difference between
case studies and simulation is that case studies cannot be replicated, whereas simulations can be
replicated at any time. Critics then argue that the case study method is unreliable. However, an
aspect that should be considered here is time. The context of a case study is continuously
changing which may prevent a replicated case study from resulting in the same results. To
combat this, cases study use protocols and databases allowing the analysis of the raw data to be
Even though that there are to some extent paradigmatic differences between case study
and simulation, the methods can be successfully combined. Morgan and Smircich (1980) suggest
that much debate and criticism over methods involves researchers who are failing to
communicate with one another because they hold varying basic assumption about the nature of
reality and knowledge. Combining the methods require that the researcher assess the trade-offs
between the methods and integrate positivistic and hermeneutic assumptions in the research. We
strongly believe that by adopting two methodological perspectives gives an extended view of the
phenomenon, for example, incorporating soft aspects such as individual subjective interpretations
and understanding, and hard aspects that are measured or quantified. Thus, combining case study
and simulation enable supply chain management research to go beyond the methodological
limitations that researchers poses on them selves by strictly adhering to only doing case or
simulation research. Combining case study and simulation may provide a valuable bridge over
the traditional gaps between positivistic and a more hermeneutic approach and quantitative and
qualitative methods. Hopefully, this paper will prompt researchers to consider combining
different methods.
As a research strategy
From a research strategy perspective, combining case study and simulation is a way to
achieve realism and precision. Ideally, a scientific study should to reach all the three objectives –
realism, precision, and generalisability – especially in natural science (McGrath, Martin, and
Kulka, 1982). However in management research the three objectives constrain each other. For
example, in case study research the main objective is to capture realism, survey focus on
generalisability and simulation provides precision. In this sense a research study using one
method may result in difficulties in reaching the three objectives. It is then more feasible to cover
the objectives by combining research methods. An example is the case survey method, which
have the ability to reach realism and generalisability since it allows nomothetically inclined
researchers to add idiographic richness and relevance to rigours and generalisable statistical
analyses across large data sets (Larsson, 1993). Combining case study and simulation can then
help a researcher to generate results that are realistic and precise, since it take advantage of the
strength of each method. Hence, the transferability of research results to operational practice can
be increased.
Combining case study and simulation may be one way to bridge the gap between
precision and managerial applicability. To bridge this gap, however, researchers need to ensure
the generalisability of the research results. From a statistical point of view both simulation and
case study lack generalisability to new populations and situations since they contain to small
sample size. However simulation and case study research does not rely on statistical
generalisation, such as in survey research. Simulation studies use assumptive generalization,
whereas case studies rely on theoretic generalisation (Meredith 1998; Yin, 2003). Combining
case study and simulation provides the researcher with two opportunities to make generalisation
i.e. assumptive and theoretic generalisation.
Two research studies are briefly described to present the concept of combining case study
and simulation in supply chain management research. The description of the research studies
focus on conveying why the methods were combined and what it added to the research process
and the research itself. Complete details of the research results from the combination efforts are
reported elsewhere (see Hellström, 2004; Nilsson, 2005) since the particular focus of this paper in
not to present or discuss the result of the research, but, instead, to illustrate the possibilities of
combining case study and simulation methods in practice.
How the methods were combined is partly described. Basically, the case study and the
simulation study where conducted according to the established research procedures of each
method. However, the studies were combined in an iterative and interlinked research process
allowing the researcher to gain synergies, harmonise weaknesses and assess the relative strengths
of each method.
In this exploratory research study the overall purpose was to investigate the potential of
using advanced automatic identification technology in retail supply chains. The focus of the study
was directed towards the interface between the logistics and packaging systems, and in particular
towards the activities and processes related to logistics and packaging. Simulation was the chosen
method to explore the potential of the technology. However, a pre-requisite for exploring the
potential of the technology was to identify and understand the existing packaging and logistics
related activities in the retail supply chain. This called for combining multiple research methods
focusing on contemporary and on possible future events i.e. case study and simulation (see
Hellström, 2004 for complete details).
The case study method offered in this research the opportunity to create a useful platform
from where simulation was used to explore how the technology could affect the performance and
behaviour of a retail supply chain. A single-case design was chosen where size and accessibility
of the retail chain were important aspects when selecting the case.
The data collection was carried out during more than one month on-site study of the retail
supply chain. The primary data collection methods used in the case study was interviews and
participating observations while the primary data collection methods used in the simulation study
was archival records and interviews. The data collected were written down in a case study
document which was used to verify that the researcher’s interpretations were comparable to the
views of those who were interviewed or performing the activities. The case document was
reviewed by a key informant to further strengthening the validity in the collected data.
The different collected data sets overlapped between the studies, which made it possible
to triangulate among the data sets. The case study focused on qualitative data, while the
simulation study focused on quantitative data. However, the studies respectively did not
completely rely on qualitative or quantitative data alone. The majority of the quantitative data
were gathered when an understanding of the activities and processes of the retail supply chain
had been gained. The understanding of operating procedures, flows, rules, etc facilitated in
collecting quantitative data since knowledge had been gained regarding what quantitative data
was available and needed for the simulation. The collected quantitative data gave further insight
into the retail supply chain, such as variations and patterns over time. When doing consistency
checks some quantitative and qualitative data did not fit, questioning rules and flows, which
triggered additional investigation and data collection. Finally consensus was reached and a deep
understanding of the processes and activities was achieved. These synergies in the systemic
process of gathering data made the data collection process more efficient than carrying out a
simulation study and case study separately.
The collected data were gradually analysed as the information emerged. The data were
carefully examined using different sources, combining both quantitative and qualitative data,
strengthening the internal validity of the studies. The data were categorised into different
activities, processes and relationships resulting in a case description that served as a detailed
system description for the simulation. The case description facilitated in defining the scope and
assumptions of the simulation model. It also facilitated and formed the conceptual model and
logic for the simulation. The case study resulted in a framework of logistics activities related to
packaging in retail supply chains illustrating the interface between the packaging system and the
logistics processes.
Simulation process
The scope, assumptions and logic for the simulation model was formed and developed
based on the understanding of processes and activities provided by the case study. To develop a
conceptual model the researcher must have sufficient empirical data and understanding of the
system to develop structure and logical relationships. This was also provided by the case study.
The validation process was continuously performed in the simulation study and is usually
a time consuming activity. However, the data validation was achieved in the systemic data
collection process and in the triangulation among the collected data sets. Furthermore, the data
validation and the understanding of the system obtained from the case study facilitated in
validating of the conceptual model. When validating the computerized model several runs using
actual historical input data were made and evaluated to ensure that the simulation model output
corresponded to the real system performance.
When the simulation model was validated different scenarios was performed. This gave
another view on the behaviour and performance of the system such as sensitivity, interactions
among variables, bottlenecks, cause of delays and waiting times, utilisation of equipment and
resources. This in turn enriched the case study with a deeper understanding of the system. The
simulation resulted in a model that indicates how the technology could affect the performance
and behaviour of a retail supply chain, thus giving further insight into the system.
This combined case and simulation study has taken place at a Fast Moving Consumer
Goods (FMCG) company in Sweden. The over all purpose was to provide increased
understanding for system-wide effects of policy changes made in order to improve service levels
and responsiveness. In the initial discussions with managers at the company several opinions and
arguments were provided by people responsible for different functions of the company i.e.
inventory, production, production planning, marketing, sales, and supply chain management.
There was a debate among the functions concerning how to keep total costs low while at the same
time increase the level of customer service. In order to gain insights concerning the different
problems which the managers in the company provided arguments for, a case study was
performed focusing on how and why the managers made decisions. Furthermore, an agent-based
simulation model was developed with the purpose of creating an applicable and usable tool for
the management to evaluate different improvement efforts for increased service levels without
any major costs associated (see Nilsson, 2005 for complete details).
Data for case study and the simulation model was concurrently collected in three ways;
interviews, observations, and document/archive studies. Several interviews were conducted with
managers responsible for logistics (in-bound, out-bound), supply chain management, operations
planning, production, and inventory. In addition, observation was carried out in order to examine
the daily behavior of the people involved in the actual activities performed within the company.
Three investigators were on site at least once or twice a week during four months, and carried out
follow-up interviews, participant observations and ordinary observations on several occasions.
Furthermore, quantitative data was gathered from archives and documents from all functions and
put into the database for the model.
For the case study, a case study protocol involving key activities, pre-analysis, project
management was developed and used. Furthermore, the data gathered was put into a case study
database. This data overlapped with the quantitative data and with observations of behaviors from
different part of the company, and thus provided the simulation study with insights of key
processes and activities. The results form the case study indicated the need for greater
understanding for each manager’s perspectives and real-life operations i.e. how production set-up
times were decided, how planning was done, what the costs were for full inventory levels etc in
order to increase responsiveness and service levels.
Simulation process
Within the company several agents were identified and designed to represent the FMCG
company supply chain operations during the agent mapping process. These were found in
production, in production planning, in inventory, and in the market. Before any simulations
began the model had to be verified and validated. The purpose of the verification was to ensure
the individual agent’s behavior, while the purpose of the validation was to confirm that the model
created a reasonable result compared to real data. The verification process involved meetings
with everyone who was represented in some way as an agent in the model. During the first
meeting the set of states, constraints, policies, and rules was agreed on and during the second
meeting the computer simulation was run and the representative agent was verified by the person
him-/herself. The same procedure was done for the other agents as well. The verification process
helped to guarantee that company employees involved felt confident that the model actually
worked. From the simulation several scenarios were generated and the results from these have
had an impact on actual operations, and indications show that service levels are increasing in
accordance with the results from one of the scenarios. In a follow-up interview, the Nordic supply
chain manager explained that the scenarios created have had an impact on the way system-wide
effects are discussed in the company i.e. how intuitively correct changes need to be evaluated
with a more holistic perspective since they might have other, unwanted, effects on operations.
Combining case study and simulation into a multimethod study allows the researcher to
harmonise the weaknesses and assess the relative strengths of the various methods. As pointed
out in the application of research combining case study and simulation, the studies were
conducted according to the established research procedures of each method. A researcher then
may start out from performing a simulation study or a case study. Starting from a case studies
perspective, the simulation study may be a way to obtain further insights into the behaviour and
performance of the system. Starting from a simulation perspective, the case study may be a way
to understand the context of the phenomena and to achieve a more rigorous data collection
process. However, combining the methods allows the researcher to gain synergies, harmonise
weaknesses and assess the relative strengths of each method. Combining the methods facilitates:
an iterative and interlinked research process (see Figure 1), which in turn provides:
o a way to identify and measure relevant characteristics of the studied system
o further insights into the behaviour and performance of the system
o a way to strengthen the theorizing process
triangulation between the methods and among different data sets
systemic data collection process with synergies
an expanded time horizon of the study
Combining case study and simulation in an iterative and interlinked research process
facilitate to work with complexity in real-life settings. In case study research the aim is to in-
depth understand the phenomenon and context while in simulation the aim is to get insight into
the behaviour and performance of the system. However, in order to get insight into the behaviour
and performance of the system the researcher must have in-depth understanding of the system
and its context, and vice versa. Hence, combining case study and simulation in an iterative and
interlinked research process (as illustrated in Figure 1) provides the researcher with synergies and
input to the individual methods that facilitate handling of complexity in real-life settings.
Phase 1 Phase 3
Generate and Understanding Insights into the Experiment
develop theory the phenomenon system behaviour and test theory
and context and performance
Phase 4
Futher insights
into the system
A motive for combining case study and simulation is that the researcher is able to obtain
aid from the case study in identifying and measuring the relevant characteristics and behaviour of
the system under study through providing a deep understanding of the phenomenon and the
context under investigation (phase one and two in Figure 1). When a researcher is trying to
represent phenomenon and its context in a computer simulation, extreme demands are placed on
him/her in order to replicate the real-life behaviour as well as possible. The researcher needs to
possess a great deal of knowledge about the relationships among sub-systems and their
components as well as the purpose of a variety of activities and processes going on in these sub-
systems, all of which change dynamically. Should this knowledge be lacking the simulation
model will not represent what is being examined. These demands make it difficult for methods
such as simulation, designed to predict system behaviour, to reflect the variety among systems
and their constituent components. Through the in-depth understanding provided by a case study,
knowledge about relationships and pattern of behaviour are gained. This means that a simulation
combined with case study would help researchers to identify the relevant characteristics and
behaviour of a system.
Another motive for combining simulation and case study is that the researcher is able to
obtain help from the simulation in identifying and gaining insights into the system behaviour and
performance by validating and experimenting with the model (phase three and four in Figure 1).
Some of the factors influencing the performance and the behaviour of a system may be easy to
observe, while others are ambiguous but vital. To produce a reliable simulation, extensive and
precise knowledge of real-life behaviour is needed. Furthermore, the combination of several
factors might also influence the behaviour and performance of the system. In simulation
influential factors could be identified and the insight of the importance of these factors could be
gained. In a case study the ability to experiment with influential factors is much more difficult
and therefore more difficult to identify.
Combining case study and simulation in an interlinked and iterative process, going back
and forth between the methods, strengthens the theorizing process. Case study research primarily
aims to generate or develop theory while simulation research primarily aims at experimenting and
testing theory. Combining the methods the research may generate a theory, test it, further develop
it, and experiment with it. The qualitative understanding provided by case study and the
quantitative insight provided by simulation, are often essential for drawing conclusions and
communicating the importance of research results. Combining case study and simulation centres
on synthesizing from the interlinked and iterative research process.
Another motive for combining case study and simulation is the opportunity to triangulate
between the two methods. Triangulation can be generally considered as a process of using
multiple perceptions to clarify meaning and verifying the repeatability of an observation or
interpretation (Stake 2000). A strength of triangulating between case study and simulation is the
mixing of a qualitative and a quantitative method where the authors agree with Jick (1979) that
quantitative and qualitative methods should be viewed as complementary rather than rival
methods. Mangan, Lalwani, and Gardner (2004) provide an excellent application of triangulation
and highlight the benefit which can result from combining qualitative and quantitative
In addition, combining case study and simulation offers the opportunity to triangulate
between the data sets collected in the studies. Different data sets have different strengths and
weaknesses concerning the bias of the research. Data sets collected from a simulation perspective
might focus more on quantitative data e.g. variances and distributions of events through time,
while data collected from a case study perspective might focus more on qualitative data. With
two different data sets collected from two different perspectives multiple perceptions are gathered
which increase the validity of the research. Furthermore, simulation increases the validity of the
research by the validation process of the simulation model. When a simulation model is being
validated input data is often questioned and additional data is needed in order for there to be a
correlation between the model and the “reality”. With a simulation model that does not behave or
perform as respondents have explained the researchers are able to identify and eliminate data
bias, thus strengthening the validity of the research. Furthermore, the case study increases the
validity of the simulation model. By gaining a deep understanding of the phenomenon and the
context the researcher is able to perform face validation on the simulation model.
Combining case study and simulation in an interlinked and iterative research process
systematically enhance the data collection process. When case study and simulation are combined
the different data sets gathered in the studies overlap one another creating synergies in the data
collection process (see Figure 2). The case study provides simulation with an in-depth description
and understanding of activities and processes, facilitating the development of a conceptual model
for the simulation model. In addition, the data collected for the simulation provides the case study
with an enriched understanding of the dynamics, variances, dependences and relationships
between events and activities. Simulation might also provide the case study with additional input
data derived from the results of verifying and conducting experiments using the simulation
model. The synergies created in the data collection process when case study and simulation are
combined is of great importance since it results in fewer resources being needed compared to a
situation where separate studies are conducted.
Simulation Documents
The case study research method provides empirical simulation research with well-
documented data collection methods and techniques. One drawback in when conducting
empirical simulation research is the lack of methods and techniques in the data collection process.
Simulation research combined with case study research would help the researcher with the
collection of necessary data as it would use various well-documented case data collection
methods and techniques. Furthermore, the case study provides empirical simulation studies with
an instrument to capture the data i.e. case protocol (an excellent source on protocol is Yin
(2003)). This would result in a more rigorous platform for collecting input data for empirical
simulation models and decrease the risk of “Garbage in, Garbage out”.
Another motive for combining the methods is the opportunity to expand the time horizon
of the study. A case study focuses on understanding a contemporary set of events, whereas
simulation could be used to look back in time using historical data and/or look forward in time by
running different scenarios. Rather than only focusing on the current situation using case study, a
combination of the methods provides the opportunity to look back and/or forward in time using
simulation and the chance to create a rigorous platform for the current situation.
Combining case study and simulation do, however, suffer from a number of weaknesses.
The need for additional skills and resources is one of the weaknesses of combining case and
simulation. The researcher does not only need more time to conduct the studies but also has to
have access to additional tools. However, the main weakness of combining case and simulation is
that it requires the researcher to possess knowledge and skill in both of the methods.
Nevertheless, this could be prevented by letting several researchers with different skills carry out
the studies. This would also give rise to additional types of synergies, such as multiple
investigator perspectives.
Combining case study and simulation into a multimethod study can be advantageous and
may represent a further challenge in the process of doing case study and simulation research in
supply chain management. The paradigmatic differences between case study and simulation
require that the researcher assess the trade-offs between the methods and integrate positivistic and
hermeneutic assumptions in the research. Adopting two methodological perspectives may
provide an extended view of a supply chain phenomenon, for example, incorporating soft aspects
such as individual subjective interpretations and understanding, and hard aspects that are
measured or quantified. Thus, using contrasting and complementary methods may enable supply
chain management research to go beyond the methodological limitations and provide a valuable
bridge over the traditional gaps between positivistic and a more hermeneutic approach and
quantitative and qualitative methods.
Even though that there are paradigmatic differences between case study and simulation,
the methods can be successfully combined. Combining case study and simulation allows the
researcher to harmonise the weaknesses and assess the relative strengths of the various methods.
The described research applications indicate advantages in combining case study and simulation.
Combining the methods facilitates an iterative and interlinked research process making it possible
to identify and measure relevant characteristics and underlying processes of the studied system by
using the case study method, and at the same time providing insights into the behaviour and
performance of the system using simulation. This iterative and interlinked research process
strengthens the theorizing process by going back and forth between the methods. Another
valuable benefit is the opportunity for triangulation between the methods and between the
different data sets collected in the studies. However, there are a number of limitations and we
have much to learn about combining the methods in supply chain management research. One area
for further research is for example, develop a procedure to combine cases study and simulation. A
systematic procedure is needed and is a further step in the development of combining case study
and simulation. Furthermore, there is numerous way of combining different methods. This is an
area that needs to be further developed and there is no doubt that the discipline of supply chain
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