UBI ERAT LUPA - Roman Stone Monuments
UBI ERAT LUPA - Roman Stone Monuments
UBI ERAT LUPA - Roman Stone Monuments
ID: 22785
Title: Frauenporträts von einem Grabrelief
Ova stranica ne može ispravno učitati
Object-type: Relief
Google karte.
Monument-type: -
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Place of finding: Trestanovac; Pozesko-Slavonska [zupanija]; Croatia lokacije? redu
Circumstances of finding: 1898
Ancient place of finding / Province: Pannonia Superior
Prijavi kartena©2020
pogrešku karti
Place of keeping: Zagreb; Zagreb [Grad]; Croatia Map extract: Place of keeping
Circumstances of keeping: Depot
Scientific examination
Ubi Erat Lupa is now maintained by Friederike and Ortolf Harl and Jakob Egger at the new address lupa.at. UBI ERAT LUPA is a partner project of EAGLE (Europeana network of Ancient
Greek and Latin Epigraphy) and is being maintained by 'CHC - Research Group for Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Computing' and hosted by ITS at the University of Salzburg
www.ubi-erat-lupa.org/monument.php?id=22785 1/1