Model Development in Openfoam For Laser Metal Deposition-Based Additive Manufacturing Process
Model Development in Openfoam For Laser Metal Deposition-Based Additive Manufacturing Process
Model Development in Openfoam For Laser Metal Deposition-Based Additive Manufacturing Process
Trans Indian Inst Met
Trans Indian Inst Met
Trans Indian Inst Met
interface normal unit vector, and dr/dT is the temperature from a certain height. The droplets fall from a height
coefficient of surface tension. 50 lm above the initial substrate position, in the laser
generated melt pool. Mass flow rate is calculated by mul-
2.1.4 Energy Conservation tiplying the number of droplets with the mass of one
individual droplet, in total 2 ms time (the time up to which
The governing heat transfer equation is given by the laser remains on). In this way, 12 droplets are added
oðqCP TÞ (one at a time) in the system, and the mass flow rate
u r qCp T ¼ r ðKrT Þ þ Q þ Slatent ð9Þ (M.F.R.) comes out to be 0.16956 gm/min. After 2 ms,
laser is switched off and the melt is allowed to cool down
where Cp denotes the heat capacity, K denotes the average and solidify. Figure 2 shows the evolution of the melt pool
thermal conductivity of the material according to mixture during the heating stage. The temperature distribution and
theory and Slatent is the latent heat source term. The source the flow pattern in the melt pool are represented by tem-
Slatent accounts for the evolution of the latent heat during perature colour map superimposed by streamlines. The
phase change. The latent heat is absorbed during melting direction of the flow is represented by vectors on
and released during solidification. This term is given by:
< o
L ðqfl Þ for c ¼ 1
Slatent ¼ ot ð10Þ
0 for c\1
where q is the input heat flux from the high intensity laser
and is approximated by a Gaussian distribution. The input
heat flux q is given by the following expression
2AP 2r 2
q¼ exp 2 ð13Þ
pR2 R
where A is the absorptivity, P is the power of laser beam
and R is the radial distance in which energy density equals
to e-2 times that at the centre of the laser spot.
Trans Indian Inst Met
Trans Indian Inst Met