The Book of Tahuti (Thoth) : by Charles Pace - Hamar'at

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The Book of Tahuti (Thoth)

By Charles Pace - Hamar’at

Fragments thereof

In the 1960’s, Charles Pace (magical name Hamar’at) was a Priest of Set and Anubis, a
practitioner of ‘Black Magic’ and a ‘Black Adept’ of Hermetic Magick. Being a mortician by
trade, Pace understood the deeper aspects of death and the sinister as initiatory experiences,
balancing his own practice which later brought him to being a High Priest of a Gardernerian
Wiccan Coven in south London. Charles Pace was a high Adept in Egyptian magic, developing as
we can see in the fragments here a detailed and almost exhaustive system of Gods and Goddess
attributed to the tarot itself. The Book of Tahuti as we can see here holds many beautiful
paintings and examples of his art, even being dedicated to “Austin Ozman Spare”, an old friend.
Pace knew many influential individuals, from Aleister Crowley (whom he apparently painted a
large Baphomet for), Alexander Sanders, Gerald Gardner and even Jimmy Page, who he assisted
in redecorating Crowley’s Boleskine House for, painting murals.

Charles Pace authored two manuscripts which remain unpublished, The Book of Tahuti (which is
shown in mere fragments here) and Necrominion, the Book of Shades. The Necrominion
manuscript features the teachings of the Sethanic Cult of Masks, which the basic Luciferian
theory of such fueled some of the initiatory works within The Order of Phosphorus. Hamar’at
also writes of how the word ‘Wicca’ was a joke given to Gerald Gardner (which he obviously did
not get) and is means enlightened to Christianity, even as a correspondent to Anton Szandor
LaVey in the 1970’s, Pace echoed this again. In Necrominion, Pace report ably describes a High
Sex Magick ritual called “Ankh Ka”, and makes an essay concerning the Five Fold Kiss. Charles
also in the Book of Tahuti gives detailed descriptions of the Sethanic cult from a Hermetic point
of view, giving as you will see many connections between Seth-an (Set) and his bastard son
Anubis. Always having a sense of humor, Pace was a paid informant against the Wiccans to the
local tabloids of the day, causing much storm and chaos through the ‘scene’ of that time.

One developing aspect within my own ritual workings and The Order of Phosphorus, is the Triple
Hermetic Circle of Hamar’at, which was developed further by our own Coven Malefica and used
by some in TOPH. The attributes are indeed different but the foundation and focus are
undoubtedly similar. The essence is Magick, transformation and an isolate approach to becoming.
No matter what name is used, what symbolism is used, the focus is indeed Luciferian.

Soror Tekla IIIº has done much to also bring some light on Pace, which we hope to see more of in
the future. Soror Tekla has mentioned also Hamar’at being keenly interested and sold on using
the I Ching as a primary method of divination, also some Serpent Castings using Hexagrams.
May more light be shed on this subject as well, hopefully some initiates of TOPH taking the lead
to begin a practice of such.

This fragment manuscript is for TOPH members only, and must not be shared outside of our
circle. The Witches Pyramid is very much alive here, do not break this oath. Keep this for your
own knowledge and let the Cursing and Creating be!

Frater Akhtya Seker Arimanius IVº


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