CVL757: Finite Element Methods: IIT Delhi

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Lecture 2 N. M.

Anoop Krishnan

IIT Delhi

CVL757: Finite element methods

Lecture 2

N. M. Anoop Krishnan
Block IV, Room No. 314
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Email: [email protected]
IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements 1
Lecture 2 N. M. Anoop Krishnan

• FEM or FEA: A method for numerical solution of field problems,
to determine the spatial distribution of one or more dependent
• E.g.: Distribution of stress in a pavement, distribution of
displacements in a beam, distribution of temperature in
• Field problems are described by differential equations or
integral formulations
• Both descriptions can be used for finite element formulations
(which will come later)
• The domain is divided into individual finite elements, which can
be visualized as small pieces of a structure.

IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements

Lecture 2 N. M. Anoop Krishnan

• Within a finite element, a field quantity varies as simple
polynomial terms such as x, y, or x2, xy, y2. Thus, FE provides an
approximate solution
• Each elements are connected through “nodes”, which
corresponds to the vertices of the elements
• Arrangements of elements form a “mesh”
• A set of equations representing the mesh is solved for the
unknowns at the nodes
• Nodal unknowns when extrapolated using the assumed
polynomial variation within the element, gives field quantity
over the entire structure

IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements

Lecture 2 N. M. Anoop Krishnan

FEA Methodology
• Understand the problem
• Prepare a mathematical model
• Discretize it
• Solve for the nodal values using computational calculations
• Verify the results

IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements

Lecture 2 N. M. Anoop Krishnan

FEA Methodology
• Understand the problem:
Identify the physical phenomena—is it static or dynamic?, is it
linear or non-linear? Is it time-dependent or independent? Is it
coupled or non-coupled (water sloshing in a thin-walled tank)?

• Prepare a mathematical model:

Model is a simplified description of the physical phenomena
excluding the superfluous details but including all essential
features. When the model is described by mathematical
equations, it becomes a mathematical model. If the
mathematical model is incorrect, FE simulation will yield junk

IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements

Lecture 2 N. M. Anoop Krishnan

FEA Methodology
• Discretize it:
– Mathematical model is discretized by dividing it into a mesh
of finite elements. For example, a fully continuous
displacement field is represented by a piecewise continuous
field defined by the nodal displacements and simple
interpolation within the element.
– Discretization introduces another approximation
– Two sources of error: modeling error and discretization error
– Modeling error needs improvement in the mathematical
– Discretization error can be improved by increasing the
number of elements (convergence test)

IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements

Lecture 2 N. M. Anoop Krishnan

FEA Methodology

IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements

Lecture 2 N. M. Anoop Krishnan

FEA Methodology
• Numerical analysis using FEA software:
– Preprocessing: provide input data, meshing details (software
automatically mesh it)
– Numerical analysis: Software automatically generates
matrices that describe the behavior of each element,
combines this into a large matrix and solves this matrix to
determine values at the nodes. This nodal values are then
interpolated using the polynomial interpolation scheme
– Postprocessing: Field solutions obtained are graphically
displayed in an understandable manner. This includes the
display of displacement field depicting the deformed shape
or stress field etc.
IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements
Lecture 2 N. M. Anoop Krishnan

FEA Methodology

IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements

Lecture 2 N. M. Anoop Krishnan

• FEA involves piecewise interpolation of a field quantity, typically
polynomial interpolation
• An example of a tapered bar element is considered
• Material is homogenous, linear elastic, isotropic with a length 3L
• The bar is discretized into three elements of equal length L
• Field quantity is axial displacement u which is stated in terms of
nodal displacements u1, u2, u3, u4

IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements

Lecture 2 N. M. Anoop Krishnan

• For element 1-2: 𝑢 = ×𝑢& ; 𝑢( = 0.
# # #
• For element 2-3: 𝑢 = × 𝑢* − 𝑢& + 𝑢& = 1 − 𝑢& + ×𝑢*
$ $ $
012 0(14 /12 ) 0(17 /14 )
• Similarly, 𝜎(/& = $
𝜎&/* = $
𝜎*/6 = $
8$ 8$ 8$
• 𝑢( = 0; 𝑢& = 9:0 ; 𝑢* = 𝑢& + 6:0 ; 𝑢6 = 𝑢* + &:0

IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements

Lecture 2 N. M. Anoop Krishnan


IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements

Lecture 2 N. M. Anoop Krishnan

Degrees of freedom
# #
• 𝑢 = 1− 𝑢& + ×𝑢* can also be written as
$ $
𝑢 = 𝑎( + 𝑎& 𝑠
where a1 and a2 are constants known as generalized coordinates
or degrees of freedom, representing the number of independent
quantities governing the spatial variation of the field
• Similarly, for 2D case, the field 𝜙 for a:
– three-noded triangular element
𝜙 = 𝑎( + 𝑎& 𝑥 + 𝑎* 𝑦
– four-noded rectangular element
𝜙 = 𝑎( + 𝑎& 𝑥 + 𝑎* 𝑦 + 𝑎6 𝑥𝑦
– Six-noded triangular element with midside nodes
𝜙 = 𝑎( + 𝑎& 𝑥 + 𝑎* 𝑦 + 𝑎6 𝑥 & + 𝑎@ 𝑥𝑦 + 𝑎9 𝑦 &

IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements

Lecture 2 N. M. Anoop Krishnan

Ø FEA introduction

Ø Methodology

Ø Interpolation functions

Ø Degree of freedom

IIT Delhi CVL757 – Finite elements

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