Rock Mass Classification: Prof. Islavath Sreenivasa Rao

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Rock Mass Classification

Prof. Islavath Sreenivasa Rao

Department of Mining Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
West Bengal - 721302
Rock mass and Intact Rock
Rock strata Compressive Geological Modulus of Disturbance Hoek-Brown
strength Strength Elasticity Factor parameter
 ci ( MPa) Index Ei (GPa) D mi

Clay 17.5 50 4 0 7
Coal 28 50 5 0 7
Sandstone 35 60 9.87 0 10

  mb  
a 1

  mb  4s  a(mb  8s)    s   Eq.1  3max

 4    3n  (e)
 cm   ci  (a)  ci
 2 1  a  2  a  
 
 
 1 D 2 
Ecm  Ei  0.02   60 15 D GSI  11  (f)
 1 e 
 6amb  s  mb 3n  
a 1

m  sin 1  
 2 1  a  2  a   6amb  s  mb 3n 
a 1
 (b)
 GSI  100 
mb  mi exp   (g)
 28  14 D 
 3max  0.47 cm 0.06 insitu 0.94 (c)
 GSI  100  (h)
s  exp  
 ci 1  2a  s  1  a  mb 3n   s  mb 3n 
a 1
 9  3D 
Cm 
6amb  s  mb 3n 
a 1

1  a  2  a  1 (d)
 e 
1 1 GSI /15 20/3
1  a  2  a  a
2 6
Rock strata Compressive Modulus of Cohesion, C Angle of
strength Elasticity (Mpa) internal
 ( MPa) (GPa) friction, 

Clay 2.582 1.278 0.811 27

Coal 4.13 1.535 1.00 31

Sandstone 7.643 5.132 1.461 38

Rock Structure Rating
Wickham et al., 1972 has proposed this method for describing quality of rock
mass and for selection of appropriate support system based on RSR
Rock Structure Rating
Parameter A: General area geology
Rock Structure Rating
Parameter B: Joint Pattern and drive direction
Rock Structure Rating
Parameter C: Ground water and Joint condition
Support estimates based on RSR
• It is specially designated for bedded coal measure rock
by summing up the various individual rating of
different parameters (from 0 to 100).
• RMR,GSI and Q systems have following limitations:
• They focus on joint properties, but in case of coal mine
roof, bedding is only most significant discontinuity
effecting roof stability.
• They are just one rock unit at a time, while coal mine
roof often consists of several layers.
• The dimensions and stability of tunnels are different
from coal mines.
Rating of UCS and PLT

UCS(Mpa) <= 35.5 35.5<UCS<149 >149

Rating 5+(0.125UCS) 7+(0.157UCS) 30

PLT <=0.24 0.24<PLT<1.2 1.2<PLT<=2.2 >2.2

Rating 25 209.9PLT+20 15.1PLT+27.5 60
Bedding/discontinuity intensity rating
for UG data
Persistence Spacing (mm)
>1800 600-1800 200-600 60-200 <60

0-1 35 30 24 17 9

1-3 32 27 21 15 9

>3 30 25 20 13 9

Discontinuity spacing ratio

DSR=5.64 ln (L) + 5.8 if FS > 300 mm

DSR=10.5 ln (RQD)-11.6

where, L is number of discontinuity per metre representing fractured spacing

Underground data sheet for CMRR
Bedding/Discontinuity Shear Strength
Roughness Cohesion

Strong Moderate Weak Slickensided

Jagged 35 29 24 10

Wavy 35 27 20 10

Planar 35 25 16 10
Data sheet for immersion test
Moisture sensitivity classes and rating

Moisture sensitivity Rating adjustment Immersion index Slake durability

class index
Not sensitive 0 0-1 100-98

Slightly sensitive -3 2-4 98-92

Moderately -7 5-9 92-80

Severely sensitive -15 >9 <80
Roof rock quality

CMRR <45 45-65 >65

Rock quality Weak roof Moderate roof Strong roof

If CMRR value is 30 would mean poor, requires additional support

immediately after mine opening.

CMRR value of 70 would significantly a competent roof which may sustain

overburden load
Thickness weighted Average Roof
Rating & Strong bed adjustment


Stresses around opening
Influence zone
Influence zone
Influence zone
Stresses on the boundary
Behavior of roof and sidewalls

6 Tension
0<k<=0.333; in roof or crest
K>=3; in sidewall

1 2 3 4
Tension k Tension
Problem No.1
• A circular horizontal N-S tunnel of 2 m radius
will be constructed at a 560 m depth. The
vertical stress gradient is found to be 0.025
Mpa/m. The horizontal stresses in north and
east directions are SN=13 Mpa and SE=14 Mpa.
Estimate radial and tangential stresses for
theta =0 and 90 degrees.

Z 560 m

Problem No.2
• At a depth of 750 m, a 10 m dia circular tunnel
is driven in rock having a unit weight of 26
kN/m3 and uni-axial compressive and tensile
strengths of 80 MPa and 3.0 Mpa respectively.
Will the strength of the rock on the boundary
be exceeded if: k=0.3; k=2?
Problem No.3
• A company is planning to excavate a km long
horizontal tunnel of 6 m dia at 500 m from ground
surface. The average unit weight of rock is 26 kN/m3.
From insitu stress measurement, it is found that the
direction of major horizontal stress is conciding with
the tunnel axis with magnitude of 30 Mpa whereas the
minor horizontal stress oriented along the E axis with
magnitude 15 Mpa. Determine the stresses around the

Z 500 m

Problem No.4
• A tunnel radius a is constructed in hydrostatic
stress field. Show that the tangential stress
will be twice the radial stress at r= sqrt (3)
Problem No.5
• A circular tunnel of radius a is constructed in
prevailing far field stress of Sv and horizontal
stress Sh. Tangential stress at point B is twice
than that of at point A. Determine the value of
stress field.


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