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Environmental Research 176 (2019) 108508

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Environmental Research
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Urinary metabolites of organophosphate and pyrethroid pesticides in T

children from an Italian cohort (PHIME, Trieste)
Natalia Bravoa, Joan O. Grimalta,∗, Beatrice Boccab, Anna Pinob, Maura Binc,
Liza Vecchi Brumattic, Valentina Rosolend, Fabio Barbonec, Luca Ronfanic, Alessandro Alimontib,
Gemma Calamandreib,∗∗
Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC), Department of Environmental Chemistry, Jordi Girona, 18, 08034, Barcelona, Catalonia,
Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161, Roma, Italy
Institute for Maternal and Child Health, IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste, Italy
Department of Medical Area, University of Udine, Udine, Italy


Keywords: Urinary metabolites of organophosphate (OP) and pyrethroid (PYR) pesticides from seven years old children of a
Organophosphate pesticides birth cohort study (n=199; PHIME cohort of Trieste, Italy) have been measured. Six OP and two PYR meta-
Pyrethroids bolites have been investigated, 2-diethylamino-6-methylpyrimidin-4-ol (DEAMPY, pirimiphos metabolite) was
Human biomonitoring the one found at higher concentrations, median 3.4 ng/mL specific gravity adjusted (SG adjusted), followed by 4-
nitrophenol (PNP, median 1.4 ng/mL SG adjusted) and 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCPY, median 0.36 ng/mL
Estimated daily intakes
SG adjusted), parathion and chlorpyriphos metabolites, respectively. TCPY concentrations were low in com-
parison to other distributions of OP metabolites in children from other studies. Accordingly, the PHIME cohort
showed a distinct OP metabolite distribution with high concentrations of pirimiphos and parathion. Another
specific characteristic of this cohort was the high concentration of 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3-BPA, median
0.36 ng/mL SG adjusted), a general metabolite of PYR pesticides.
Evaluation of anthropometric and socio-demographic characteristics of children and families only showed a
positive association between family educational level and urinary concentrations of DEAMPY metabolite
(p < 0.05), which could reflect distinct dietary habits depending on the educational level. Estimated daily in-
takes were evaluated, all studied metabolites were found within safe levels.

1. Introduction potential health effects on humans. OP and PYR pesticide exposure has
been related to respiratory, digestive, reproductive and neurological
Organophosphate (OP) and pyrethroid (PYR) pesticides are com- problems, among others (Ye et al., 2017; Arcury et al., 2016; Llop et al.,
monly used in agriculture and for domestic and gardening use. They 2017).
have been designed to eliminate insects but they can also affect non- Lately, these chemicals have been found in different matrices, in-
targeted species, including humans, causing them adverse health effects cluding dietary products, water, outdoor and indoor air and house dust
(Barr, 2008). The PYR insecticides were developed as a synthetic ver- (Banerjee et al., 2012; Sousa et al., 2018; Coscollà et al., 2017; Gibbs
sion of the naturally occurring pesticide pyrethrin. They are currently et al., 2017; Mercier et al., 2011; Tang et al., 2018). In addition, recent
replacing OP and carbamate insecticides in domestic and agricultural studies have found them even in freshwater and edible fish (Arisekar
use as they are safer for the mammalian species (Narahashi et al., et al., 2019; Barbieri et al., 2019; Pico et al., 2019), being in some cases
2007). related with pollution accidents, like the death fish episode by pyre-
Nevertheless, public concern on pesticide use is increasing, not only throid exposure in Northern Italy (Bille et al., 2017).
for the negative impacts on wildlife and environment but also for the Exposure to OPs and PYR pesticides is thought to occur via

Corresponding author. Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC), Department of Environmental Chemistry, Jordi Girona, 18,

08034, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

Corresponding author. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161, Roma, Italy.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.O. Grimalt), [email protected] (G. Calamandrei).

Received 13 October 2018; Received in revised form 13 May 2019; Accepted 23 May 2019
Available online 29 May 2019
0013-9351/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
N. Bravo, et al. Environmental Research 176 (2019) 108508

Fig. 1. Sampling location. Trieste, Italy.

ingestion, direct skin contact in domestic uses and inhalation by respiratory outcomes (Reardon et al., 2009, Raanan et al., 2016),
proximity to spraying areas. Diet has been identified as the primary obesity and diabetes (Bost-Legrand et al., 2016; Slotkin, 2011). The
source of exposure in the general population (Becker et al., 2006; latter was found to affect negatively neurodevelopmental outcomes,
McKone et al., 2007). Several studies have recently investigated the such as working memory, attention or motor speed (Ruckard et al.,
influence of various foods and food groups (Fortes et al., 2013; Lewis 2004; Rohlman et al., 2005, Oulhote and Bouchard, 2013; Cartier et al.,
et al., 2015; Jardim et al., 2018). 2016). It is worth noting that adverse OP effects, which include cog-
When OPs and PYR enter human body, they are metabolized and nitive impairment and attention deficit, occur at levels well below those
then excreted in the urine, either in free form or bound to glucoronic causing inhibition of blood cell AcHE. These levels are still considered
acid or sulfates (Barr, 2008). A two steps metabolic pathway transforms as toxicological end point references in risk assessment to establish
OPs into dialkyl phosphate (DAP) and hydroxylated organic moieties adverse daily intakes (ADIs) in humans (for an updated review see
that are specific of each pesticide (Chambers and Russel, 1995). The Hertz-Picciotto et al., 2018).
metabolic reactions of pyrethroids proceed in two steps, involving the These results evidence the need for a more detailed assessment of
generation of an acid and an alcohol moiety per compound which are the effects to these compounds during all human age periods but par-
excreted (Mikata et al., 2011). ticularly in the early life stages. This information may also be useful for
Children are especially susceptible to environmental toxicants such designing adequate remediation actions towards the minimization of
as OP and PYR pesticides due to their developmental immaturity. Their the exposure to these pesticides, particularly in the first years of age.
organs are more vulnerable (particularly the brain and nervous system), Unfortunately, the information available on the occurrence of these
they have lower capacity to absorb and eliminate chemicals and they pesticides in children is scarce. The present study is aimed to contribute
are exposed at higher levels, increasing their risk, compared with adults to fill this gap by analysis of urine from 7 years old children in Trieste
(National Research Council, 1993; Landrigan et al., 2004, 2019; (Italy). Pesticides are one of the most frequently detected classes of
Katsikantami et al., 2019). The discovery of OPs and PYR pesticides in pollutants in Mediterranean countries such as Italy (Meffe and de
amniotic fluid and meconium (Berton et al., 2014; Bradman et al., Bustamante, 2014) due to their widespread use, particularly in areas of
2003) indicated that foetuses are already exposed to these chemicals. extensive agriculture. According to the Statistical Office of the Eur-
After birth, babies and toddlers can be also exposed via breastfeeding, opean Union, Italy is one of the countries with the highest use of pes-
repeated hand-to-mouth ingestion, diet and ambient or airborne ex- ticides in Europe (Eurostat, 2014).
posure (Zartarian et al., 2000; Weldon et al., 2011; Yusa et al., 2015).
Early life exposure may be particularly detrimental given the rapid and
formative brain development occurring during these periods (Eskenazi 2. Methods
et al., 2014). In addition, children younger than seven years of age do
not have adult levels of enzymes to detoxify OP pesticides (Huen et al., 2.1. Population and study design
There is an increasing evidence of the relationship between OP The present work is focused on 7 year-old children, who belong to
pesticide and PYR exposure and health effects. Adult exposure has been the Italian prospective mother-child cohort, Northern Adriatic Cohort II
associated with various adverse health outcomes, including cancer (NAC II), of the “Public health impact of long-term, low-level mixed
(Engel et al., 2017), impacts on the reproductive and endocrine systems element exposure in susceptible population strata” (PHIME) project.
(Kamijima et al., 2004; Ram, 2017; Lerro et al., 2018) or diabetes The aim of PHIME was to assess the association between mercury
(Starling et al., 2014; Park, et al. 2019). Prenatal and postnatal ex- exposure from food consumption during pregnancy and development of
posure has also been linked with children health effects. The former has the children nervous system at 18 months. A detailed description of the
been associated with neurodevelopmental problems (Gonzalez-Alzaga study protocol has been published previously (Valent et al., 2013). In
et al., 2014; 2015), low birth weight, increased child blood pressure brief, 900 pregnant women permanent residents in the study area for at
(Harari et al., 2010), shorter time of gestation (Eskenazi et al., 2004), least 2 years, having 18 years of age or more, and not having been
absent from the study area for more than 6 weeks during pregnancy

N. Bravo, et al. Environmental Research 176 (2019) 108508

were recruited between 2007 and 2009 at the Institute for Maternal and performed on a Betasil C18 column (100 mm x 2.1 mm, 3 μm particle
Child Health IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste, Italy (Fig. 1). size). The injection volume was 10 μl, at a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min. The
The follow-up of the Italian children born within the NAC II cohort column temperature was kept at 30 °C during the analysis. A gradient
of PHIME proceeded until children's 7 years, with the purpose of as- elution with a mobile phase of acetonitrile and a mixture of H2O with
sessing the effect of low level mercury exposure through foods and in 1% acetic acid and 5% methanol was used. Target compounds were
particular through fish consumption on the developing nervous system positively identified by their retention times and the ratio of the two
at this age. Participant subjects were the 767 children born within the MRM transitions, which had to fall within ± 20% of the average ratio
NAC II cohort of PHIME between April 2007 and April 2009 and obtained from standard solutions.
reaching the 7 years old between 2014 and 2016. Children whose Synthetic urine (Surine, Preserve Free, Sigma-Aldrich) was used for
parents gave consent to be involved in the NAC II cohort of PHIME and blanks, quality control (QC) materials and calibration curves.
in its continuation were included in the study. The 7 years old follow-up Accuracies were assessed at two levels (QCLow, 1 μl/L and QCHigh
took place at the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS Burlo 10 μl/L). Calibration curves were prepared by adding 25 μl of standard
Garofolo in Trieste, Italy. solutions at concentrations between 2.5 and 800 ppb into 1 mL of
The present work involved a subset of 199 children followed up synthetic urine. The quantification was performed using the iso-
between August 2014 and December 2015, within the "Crome Life- topically-labelled internal standards (Garí et al., 2018). This metho-
Cross Mediterranean Environment and Health Network” project. dology was additionally checked out by participation in rounds of the
The research protocol was approved by the ethics Committee of the German External Quality Assessment Scheme since 2016 (G-EQUAS),
University of Udine and of the Institute for Maternal and Child Health which includes the OP metabolites PNP and TCPY and the 2 PYR pes-
IRCCS Burlo Garofolo in Trieste (Italy). ticide metabolites 3-PBA and 4-F-3-PBA, providing results within the
range of 20% of the consensus values. To our knowledge there is no
2.2. Sample collection and questionnaires proficiency testing program for the other analytes or a program in-
cluding all the analytes from the present study.
Children urine at 7 years were collected in Kartell™ bottles by mo- Specific gravity (SG) was measured in all urine samples. This
thers at home and then brought in to research personnel. Successively, parameter ranged between 1.001 and 1.020 g/mL (mean = 1.0077 g/
urine samples were transferred, by research personnel, into Falcon mL) and was used to normalize the measured individual metabolite
polypropylene tubes and stored in freezer (initially at −20 °C and then concentrations to the general dilution pattern of the whole cohort. The
at −80 °C). SG corrected concentrations were obtained by applying the formula:
Socio-demographic information was obtained through ques- [OPs/PYR]iSG=[OPs/PYR]i*(x̄SG-1)/(SGi-1) where x̄SG is the average
tionnaires administered to parents during the pregnancy period (Valent specific gravity of the cohort, [OPs/PYR]i is the measured concentra-
et al., 2013) and when children were 7 years old. The variables used in tion of the i individual, and SGi is the specific gravity of the urine of i
this study were: children's gender and BMI and parents' educational (Boeniger et al., 1993).
level and if they smoke or not at home, at child age of 7 years.
Family dietary habits were collected after delivery by administra- 2.4. Calculation of OP and PYR daily intakes
tion of a questionnaire to the mothers which concerned consumption of
138 food items and was adapted from a previously validated food fre- Biomonitoring studies present concentrations of biomarkers in bio-
quency questionnaire (Franceschi et al., 1993, 1995; Decarli et al., logical matrices; however, pesticide regulation committees (European
1996). Supplementary questionnaires were administered when children Comission) indicate the maximum acceptable doses as acceptable daily
were eighteen months and seven years old, respectively. These ques- intakes (ADI) and reference dose (RfD) expressed as μg/kgbw/day.
tionnaires assessed changes in anthropometric measures and develop- Thus, OPs and PYR daily intakes were estimated for the analysed pes-
mental milestones of the child, breastfeeding history, child fish intake, ticides based on the molar levels of the urinary metabolites, using the
diseases and daycare attendance. Regarding fish intake, servings per following toxicokinetic model by Katsikantami et al., 2019:
week were transformed into amounts considering one serving as 150 g
and half serving as 80 g. Four different kinds of fish were taken into EDI
kg bw
CU ( )
VU (L ) MWP ( molg ) , where EDI is Estimated Daily
d FUE BW (kg )
account: fresh fish, shellfish, clams and canned fish.
Intake, CU the molar concentration of metabolite, VU the total urinary
2.3. Sample preparation and instrumental analysis volume excreted within 24 h, MWP the molecular weight of the parent
compound, FUE the urinary excretion factor of the parent compound
Sample preparation and analysis follows the method described in and BW the body weight.
Garí et al. (2018). Briefly, centrifuged and filtered urine samples (1 mL) Data used for the calculation are shown in Table 2, 24-h urine vo-
were introduced into 10 mL centrifuge tubes for hydrolysation with β- lumes were estimated as 0.82 L (Cequier et al., 2017). Molecular weight
glucoronidase. A mixture of the available isotopically labelled internal for pirethroids with 3-PBA as main metabolite was estimated as the
standards (25 μL) was also added. The hydrolysed samples were cleaned mean of the most common pirethroids (permetrin, deltametrin, fenva-
up by solid-phase extraction (SPE). The SPE cartridges (Oasis HLB lerate and cypermetrin). Excretion factor data were available for all
3 cm3, 60 mg) were preconditioned with a mixture of MeOH:Acetone metabolites except DEAMPY and only applicable to adults, hence two
(25:75 v/v) followed by H2O containing 1% acetic acid. The OP and approximations were done, one using the found FUE and the other as-
PYR metabolites were eluted with 1.5 mL of MeOH:Acetone (25:75 v/ suming a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 100% of excretion.
v). The collected extracts were reduced under N2 to near dryness and
transferred to chromatographic vials with 120 μl of MeOH:H2O (25:75 2.5. Data analysis
Identification and quantification of six specific OP metabolites and Data analysis and graphics were performed using the statistical
the 2 PYR biomarkers showed in Table 1, was carried out by isotope software R (R Development R Core Team, 2018). The plyr and ggplot R
dilution solid phase extraction UPLC-MS/MS using an Ultra-Perfor- packages were used. Statistics were focused on the metabolites found
mance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC Acquity H-Class, Waters, Mil- above the limit of detection (LOD) in more than 20% of the samples:
ford, MA, USA) coupled to a Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer DEAMPY, PNP, TCPY, 3-PBA and 4-F-3-PBA. One-half of the LOD was
(XEVO-TQ-S, Waters, Milford, MA, USA) equipped with an electrospray assigned to non-detected values.
ionization (ESI) interface. The chromatographic separation was Geometric mean (GM) and its 95% confidence interval (CI), median

N. Bravo, et al. Environmental Research 176 (2019) 108508

Table 1
Metabolite's acronyms and principal uses of the pesticides analysed.
Acronym Analyte Pesticide Principal uses Statusa (legislation)

DEAMPY 2-diethylamino-6-methylpyrimidin-4-ol Pirimiphos All crops, especially fruits and citrus plantations and agricultural Approvedb
IMPY 2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyrimidol Diazinon facilities Not approved (2007/393)
MDA Malathion dicarboxylic acid Malathion Approved
PNP 4-nitrophenol Parathion Not approved (01/520/EC)
TCPY 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol Chlorpyriphos Approved
CMHC 3-chloro-4-methyl-7-hydroxycoumarin Coumaphos Farm and domestic animals to control mite Not approvedc
3-PBA 3-phenoxybenzoic acid Common pyrethroids Parks and gardens, forestry plantations, agricultural crops, pets and Approvedd
4-F-3-PBA 4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzoic acid Cyfluthrin lice Not approved (460/2014)

European Commission.
Pirimiphos-ethyl is not approved (2002/2076).
Never notified and authorised in EU.
Approved pyrethroids: Cypermethrin, deltamethrin, esfenvalerate or etofenprox.

Table 2 Table 3
Data used for the calculation of children's EDIs. Socio-demography of the study participants.
MWM (g/mol) MWP (g/mol) FUE Reference Children

DEAMPY 181.23 305.33 – All participants 199 (100)

IMPY 152.19 304.35 0.6 Payne-Sturges, 2009 Gender (n=198)
PNP 139.11 291.26 0.36 Morgan et al., 1977 Male 76 (38)
TCPY 198.43 350.57 0.7 Payne-Sturges, 2009 Female 122 (62)
3-PBA 214.22 462.92 0.24 Various authorsa Weight (n=178) 25.7 ± 4.7
4F-3-PBA 232.21 434.30 0.4 Leng et al., 1997 Boys (n=66) 25.6 ± 3.7
Girls (n=112) 25.8 ± 5.2
MWm, Metabolite molecular weight; MWP, Parent compound molecular weight; Height (n=178) 123.9 ± 5.1
FUE, Urinary excretion factor; aWoollen et al., 1992, Sams and Jones, 2012, Boys (n=66) 124.0 ± 4.2
Ratelle et al., 2015 Girls (n=112) 124.0 ± 5.6
BMI (n=178)
Normal 122 (69)
and interquantile ranges were used for descriptive analysis. Mann Overweight 34 (19)
Whitney U test was used to evaluate concentration differences between Obese 22 (12)
the socio-demographic groups. Family education (n=198)
Elementary 1 (1)
Multivariate models were performed to evaluate the relations of
Middle 16 (8)
sociodemographic factors and child's fish consumption with pesticide High school 89 (45)
concentration, compound concentrations were transformed into the University 92 (46)
natural logarithms because of its skewed distribution. Smoking at home (n=194)
Yes 71 (37)
No 123 (63)
3. Results

3.1. Socio-demographic characteristics TCPY, ranged between 0.018 and 73 ng/mL SG adjusted with a median
of 8.0 ng/mL SG adjusted. The median of the sum of PYR metabolites, 3-
Table 3 summarizes the descriptive characteristics of the 199 fa- PBA and 4-F-3-PBA, was more than ten times lower compared with the
milies included in this study. Thirty-eight percent of children were boys sum of OPs, 0.71 ng/mL SG adjusted, ranging between below the limit
and 62% girls, their average weight and height were 25.7 kg and of detection and 69 ng/mL SG adjusted.
123.9 cm, respectively. Concerning BMI, most of the children had The most abundant OP pesticide was DEAMPY, the metabolite of
normal weight (69%), while 19 and 12% were overweight or obese, pirimiphos (median 4.5 ng/mL SG adjusted), followed by PNP and
none of the children were classified as underweight (WHO, 2007). TCPY, the metabolites of parathion and chlorpyriphos, respectively,
The highest educational level of one of the parents was chosen for with medians of 1.5 and 0.41 ng/mL SG adjusted. Regarding pyre-
family classification. Due to the uneven distribution of the five cate- throids, 3-PBA metabolite was the one found at highest concentration
gories (Table 3), the participant families were grouped into two cate- with a SG adjusted median of 0.57 ng/mL against 0.015 ng/mL of 4-F-3-
gories, with and without university studies (n = 92, 46% and n = 106, PBA. The higher concentration of 3-PBA is expected since it reflects
54%, respectively). Concerning home smoking, the families were in- contributions from several pyrethroids whereas 4-F-3-PBA is specific of
cluded in the “smoking group” if one of the parents was smoker (63%). cyfluthrin.
Non-smoking families were 37%. Median values, interquartile range and results obtained after using
the Mann-Whitney U-test for two independent samples are shown in
3.2. Urinary concentrations of OP and PYR metabolites Table 5. There are no significant differences with respect to children
gender and BMI or if parents smoke at home or not (Fig. S1. Supple-
Descriptive statistics for the measured urinary concentrations of the mental material). However, children with at least one parent with
analysed metabolites are summarized in Table 4. Detection frequencies higher educational level (university degree) had higher concentrations
(DFs; > LOD) of each compound ranged from below LOD to 97% of of DEAMPY metabolite (Table 5).
detection, being PNP (DF=97%) and DEAMPY (DF=96%) the com- Multivariate linear regression analysis adjusted by children's BMI,
pounds found most frequently above the LOD, followed by TCPY (de- gender and family education was performed to explore the influence of
tected in 80%), and the PYR pesticide metabolites, 3-PBA and 4F-3- fish consumption on the OP and PYR concentrations (Table S1. Sup-
PBA, with DF of 81% and 24%, respectively. plemental material). Fish intake was categorized between children who
The sum of the three most abundant OP metabolites, DEAMPY, PNP, had 1 or more servings per week and those having less than 1. Fish

N. Bravo, et al. Environmental Research 176 (2019) 108508

Table 4
Specific gravity (SG) adjusted and non-adjusted urinary levels (ng/mL) of OP and PYR metabolites. Full names of the metabolites in Table 1.
Metabolite LODa (ng/mL) LOQb (ng/mL) DFc (%) SG adjusted results (n=198) Non-adjusted results (n=199)

GM (CI) Median Range GM (CI)c Median Range

DEAMPY 0.017 0.025 96 3.4 (2.6-4.5) 4.5 < LOD -71 2.7 (2.1-3.5) 3.0 < LOD -110
IMPY 0.014 0.021 6 < LOD < LOD < LOD -0.50 < LOD < LOD < LOD -0.98
MDA 0.069 0.10 0 < LOD < LOD – < LOD < LOD –
PNP 0.017 0.025 97 1.4 (1.1-1.7) 1.5 < LOD -37 1.1 (0.92-1.3) 1.2 < LOD -14
TCPY 0.020 0.039 80 0.29 (0.22-0.38) 0.41 < LOD -30 0.23 (0.18-0.30) 0.36 < LOD -6.0
CMHC 0.026 0.030 1 < LOD < LOD < LOD -0.96 < LOD < LOD < LOD -0.25
3-PBA 0.018 0.027 81 0.36 (0.28-0.48) 0.57 < LOD -69 0.29 (0.22-0.38) 0.56 < LOD -36
4F-3-PBA 0.019 0.028 24 0.027 (0.022-0.034) 0.015 < LOD -3.0 0.022 (0.018-0.027) < LOD < LOD -1.3
ΣOPd – – 91 7.4 (6.1-9.1) 8.0 0.018-73 5.9 (5.0-7.0) 6.6 0.026-120
ΣPYRe – – 53 0.55 (0.44-0.69) 0.71 < LOD -69 0.43 (0.35-0.54) 0.59 0.019-36

LOD: Limit of detection.
LOQ: Limit of quantification.
DF: Detection frequencies (> LD); GM (CI): Geometric mean and 95% confidential interval.
ΣOP = [DEAMPY] + [PNP] + [TCPY].
ΣPYR = [3-PBA] + [4-F-3-PBA]

consumption was not significant for the urinary OP and PYR con- compared with the OP concentrations found in children of other studies
centrations. (Table 6). The median of this metabolite was below LOD in Seattle and
in Valencia (Lu et al., 2008; Roca et al., 2014) and below 1 ng/mL in
3.3. Estimated daily intakes (EDIs) North Carolina and Thailand (Arcury et al., 2007; Panuwet et al.,
2009). Northern Italy has high levels of cereals production (Eurostat,
Median EDIs with interquartile range (Q1-Q3) for children are pre- 2016) and pirimiphos is an insecticide and acaricide used for the pro-
sented in Fig. 2 in three different cases of urinary excretion factor (FUE), tection of stored grain but in our study it is not possible to define the
ADIs are marked in red for each compound. The hypothetical worse- source of exposure. However, a previous study analysing the occurrence
case for FUE has been placed at 5% of excretion, the only metabolite and distribution of pesticides in the province Bologna (Northern Italy)
crossing this threshold is PNP, parathion metabolite. Using the values found pirimiphos between the most detected compounds (Ghini et al.,
for FUE found in previous studies (Morgan et al., 1977; Wollen et al., 2004).
1992; Leng et al., 1997; Bouchard et al., 2003; Payne-Sturges et al., TCPY (metabolite of chlorpyriphos), the dominant OP in the other
2009; Sams and Jones, 2012; Ratelle et al., 2015), as mentioned before cohorts, was also present in Trieste but at a median concentration,
they are usually done with a very small population and just for adults, 0.36 ng/mL, much lower than the other studies, 2.5-3.7 ng/mL
all the EDIs are below the ADIs, within safe levels, for all the studied (Table 6). The Ministry of Health Report on Plant Protection Products in
pesticides. Food (Ministerio della Salute, 2018), based on data collected in Italy
between 2015 and 2016, indicates among the pesticide residuals more
frequently found in the Fruili Venezio-Giuglia Region, a significant
4. Discussion
presence of pirimiphos in cereals, as well as of chlorpyriphos and sev-
eral pyrethroids in fruits.
The present study combines the measurement of OPs (six metabo-
Concerning other OP metabolites, PNP in the Trieste cohort, 1.2 ng/
lites) and PYR (two metabolites) to obtain a more comprehensive de-
mL, was in the range of the concentrations observed in other studies,
scription of children exposure to pesticides.
0.93-2.9 ng/mL (Roca et al., 2014; Panuwet et al., 2009; Arcury et al.,
2007). Despite the European banning of parathion since 2008, this is
4.1. Organophosphate pesticides
one of the OP found in higher concentrations in children from the
compared cohorts. Given the reactivity of this compound and the low
DEAMPY (metabolite of pirimiphos) is the most abundant OP in the
persistence in environmental samples, its rather high concentration
present cohort, 3.0 ng/mL (Table 4), and a distinct feature when

Table 5
Median urinary concentration differences (ng/mL SG adjusted) of principal metabolites detected by characteristics of study population.
Characteristics n (%) DEAMPY IMPY PNP TCPY 3-PBA 4F-3-PBA

P50 IQRa P50 IQR P50 IQR P50 IQR P50 IQR P50 IQR

Boys 76 (38) 4.7 0.92-20 0.0089 0.0045-0.012 1.5 0.85-3.7 0.30 0.069-0.87 0.62 0.20-1.4 0.015 0.0073-0.077
Girls 122 (62) 4.5 1.3-10 0.011 0.0054-0.013 1.4 0.57-3.4 0.47 0.075-1.6 0.47 0.070-1.4 0.015 0.0085-0.077
Normal 122 (69) 4.6 1.3-13 0.011 0.0054-0.013 1.4 0.56-3.8 0.4 0.044-1.2 0.65 0.069-1.6 0.015 0.0077-0.077
Overweight/Obese 54 (31) 3.2 0.82-11 0.0077 0.0041-0.011 1.7 0.75-3.2 0.47 0.16-1.1 0.48 0.16-0.95 0.015 0.0059-0.077
Family education
Below university 106 (54) 2.8* 0.96-8.5 0.0089 0.0045-0.013 1.3 0.52-3.2 0.43 0.059-1.4 0.49 0.069-1.0 0.015 0.0077-0.13
University degree 91 (46) 6.1* 1.5-16 0.0089 0.0054-0.013 1.8 0.75-3.7 0.39 0.083-1.3 0.7 0.16-1.8 0.015 0.0077-0.038
Smoking at home
Yes 71 (37) 3.4 0.82-11 0.0089 0.0045-0.013 1.6 0.59-4.2 0.37 0.054-1.1 0.41 0.17-1.2 0.015 0.0064-0.038
No 123 (63) 5.7 1.2-13 0.0089 0.0054-0.013 1.4 0.59-3.4 0.45 0.082-1.4 0.65 0.077-1.6 0.015 0.0096-0.12

IQR: Interquartile range (P25-P75); * p-value for Mann-Whitney U test < 0.05

N. Bravo, et al. Environmental Research 176 (2019) 108508

Fig. 2. Median estimated daily intakes with interquartile range (Q3-Q1) for children. In red, acceptable daily intakes (ADI). (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

Table 6
Comparison of the median urine concentrations in children from Trieste with those in children from other cohort studies (ng/mL). Full names of the metabolites in
Table 1.

Italy (Trieste) 199 2014-2016 3.0 < LOD < LOD 1.2 0.36 < LOD 0.56 < LOD Present study
[2.7]b < LOD < LOD [1.1] [0.23] < LOD [0.29] [0.022]
US (NHANES) 481 1999-2000 0.49 2.7 Barr, D. B. et al., 2005
US (North Carolina) 60 2004 0.14 0.49 0.21 1.6 2.5 0.14 0.07 Arcury, T. A. et al., 2007
[0.56] [1.0] [1.9]
US (Seattle) 23 2003-2004 < LOD < LOD 1.6 3.7 < LOD Lu, C. et al., 2008
Thailand 207 – 0.14 < LOD 0.21 2.9 2.6 0.07 0.14 Panuwet, P. et al., 2009
[0.16] [0.27] [2.7] [2.4] [0.20] [0.15]
Spain (Valencia)c 125 2010 < LOD 5.2 0.93 3.4 < LOD < LOD Roca, M. et al., 2014
[0.47] [3.3] [0.96] [3.36]
Germany 396 2001-2002 0.29 < LOD Becker, K. et al., 2006

< LOD data below limit of detection.
Geometric mean into [ ].
Data in ng/g creatinine

must reflect recent inputs in the studied area. This compound has been women have found similar significant differences with OP pesticide
found in North Italy as one of the most abundant pesticide (Ghini et al., exposure. Thus, women with lower/middle studies were those showing
2004). lower concentrations of TCPY in New York (Berkowitz et al., 2003).
In the case of IMPY (diazinon) and CMHC (coumaphos), the samples Similar patterns were observed in women from Cincinnati (Yolton et al.,
examined in the present cohort have median values below the limit of 2013) and Canada (Sokoloff et al., 2016), where women with higher
detection which are similar with those observed in previous studies education presented higher urinary concentrations of OP metabolites,
with children (Arcury et al., 2007; Lu et al., 2008; Panuwet et al., dialkylphosphates in these cases. This positive association with educa-
2009). These results are consistent with the ban of these pesticides by tion could reflect distinct dietary habits related with cultural differ-
the European Union. However, in other studies, e.g. the Valencian co- ences and higher consumption of products treated with OPs.
hort (Roca et al., 2014), the IMPY metabolite was dominant, 5.2 ng/mL.
MDA (malathion) is also present at low median
4.2. Pyrethroids
concentrations, < LOD, which is a distinct feature comparing from
studies in USA or Thailand (Barr et al., 2005; Arcury et al., 2007; Lu
Comparing with previous studies, children from Trieste show the
et al., 2008; Panuwet et al., 2009). The low contents in the Trieste
highest concentrations of the 3-BPA metabolite, 0.56 ng/mL (Becker
cohort are in contrast with the occurrence of this OP in some Italian
et al., 2006; Arcury et al., 2007; Panuwet et al., 2009; Roca et al.,
rivers (Montuori et al., 2015).
2014). In contrast, the median concentration of 4-F-3-BPA in the stu-
A statistically significant difference between parents’ educational
died cohort, < LOD, is similar to those found in previous studies, <
level and children DEAMPY metabolite concentrations has been ob-
LOD-0.14 ng/mL. Some pyrethroids have authorized use in Italy for
served in the present cohort (Table 5), involving higher levels in the
beekeeping activities (Perugini et al., 2018). They have also been found
group of higher education. Previous studies on general population of
in wastewater (Rousis et al., 2016).

N. Bravo, et al. Environmental Research 176 (2019) 108508

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