Update On Gout 2012:, Nathalie Busso

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Joint Bone Spine 79 (2012) 539–543

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Update on gout 2012

Alexander So ∗ , Nathalie Busso
Service de Rhumatologie, Département de l’Appareil Locomoteur, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, CH1011 Lausanne, Switzerland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Significant scientific advances have been made over the last five years in the pathogenesis of hype-
Accepted 31 July 2012 ruricemia and understanding how monosodium urate (MSU) crystals provoke gout. New detection
Available online 16 November 2012 methods using ultrasound (US) have been evaluated and may become part of our routine diagnostic
approach in a patient presenting with gout. This review will concentrate on the latest developments
Keyword: in the field, and discuss how these data may impact on clinical practice. Finally, a brief review of the
Gout therapeutic implications and new therapies that have become available will be presented.
© 2012 Société française de rhumatologie. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and used crystal identification as the reference standard for gout
diagnosis. Over 300 patients with suspected gout were evaluated,
We are witnessing a golden era of clinical and scientific progress and a crystal-based diagnosis was established in over 200 subjects.
in the treatment of gout. Scientific advances, from molecular Based on a detailed analysis of presenting clinical features, and
genetics to physiology and biochemistry, have increased our under- contrasting their findings in patients who had crystal-proven gout
standing of the mechanisms of hyperuricemia and inflammation or not, they proposed a model incorporating seven features that
triggered by monosodium urate (MSU) crystals. New and effec- allows physicians to make a diagnosis of gout with greater reliabil-
tive drugs to manage hyperuricemia and inflammation have been ity than the ACR criteria, even in the absence of joint fluid analysis
developed; yet in daily practice, our management of gout and hype- (Table 1) [3]. However, it has to be emphasised that the study was
ruricemia remains suboptimal [1]. Recent surveys have highlighted performed in a general practice setting in a country with a well
the gaps in our management of gout in daily practice (references): organized health network, and the validity of this diagnostic tool
for example patients are frequently not treated with the optimal in other countries and other health system settings will need to be
doses of urate-lowering therapy (ULT) to obtain the recommended evaluated in the future.
serum level of 360 ␮mol/L of urate; prophylaxis against an acute Imaging of crystal deposits is another method to establish the
atttack of gout is often not prescribed when initiating ULT. These are diagnosis. Traditional radiology is not useful in assessing MSU
simple measures that can improve the effectiveness of and compli- deposits, as they are not radio-opaque, and can only be used to eval-
ance with our current treatments, which require a renewed effort uate bony erosions due to long-standing deposits. Recent interest
to educate and inform both doctors and patients. has centred on two different techniques, ultrasonography – a tech-
nology that is accesible and practised by many rheuamtologists or
dual energy CT (DECT) – a much less widespread technology that
2. Detection of gout is mainly hospital-based. This latter technique permits the detec-
tion of MSU deposits by their radioabsorption characteristics. These
Making a correct diagnosis is the first and essential step to effec- deposits may be subclinical, and DECT can provide a measure of
tive management. The gold standard of crystal identification by the total mass of tophus in a patient [4]. In a prospective validation
polarized light microscropy remains the reference to which all study involving 80 subjects (40 with gout), DECT was found to be
other criteria are compared. However, joint aspiraton and crys- highly specific for gout and when deposits were detected, there was
tal identification is not always performed or are not feasible in a high interobserver correlation. Five of six false negative patients
general practice setting. Therefore for many years, the ACR acute were on ULT, which may have reduced the amount of detectable
gout classification criteria have been used by clinicians, but its poor deposits. The overall sensitivity of the test was 0.78 [5]. It must be
specificity has been criticized [2]. Janssens et al. in the Nether- emphasised that all the gout patients in the study had a known
lands have performed a prospective study of acute monoarthritis diagnosis, and DECT has not been shown to be a diagnostic tool for
gout when the diagnosis is suspected.
Ultrasonography is a much more widespread imaging technique
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 21 314 1450. that is available in most rheumatology centers. The characteristic
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. So). US signs include the “double contour” sign (DC) that is attributed to

1297-319X/$ – see front matter © 2012 Société française de rhumatologie. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
540 A. So, N. Busso / Joint Bone Spine 79 (2012) 539–543

Table 1 Iceland have studied if there are genes that predisposed to gout.
Diagnostic model for gout based on clinical characteristics proposed by Janssens
Firstly, they sequenced the genomes of over 400 subjects from Ice-
et al. [3].
land, and from this information, derived over 16 million SNPs that
Variable Clinical score if present were then used to genotype a cohort of 41,000 subjects [12]. They
Male sex 2 found a mis-sense variant that was strongly associated with gout
Previous patient-reported arthritis attack 2 as well as serum urate levels. The gene ALDH16A1 encodes a form
Onset within 1 day 0.5 of aldehyde dehydrogenase, but it is at present unclear how this
Joint redness 1
enzyme may influence metabolism, hyperuricemia or the develop-
Involvement of MTP1 joint 2.5
Hypertension or > 1 cardiovascular disease 1.5 ment of gout. In the same study, they confirmed the association of
Serum uric acid > 5.88 mg/dL or > 50 mmol/L 3.5 a number of recently discovered urate transport genes with hype-
Maximum score 13 ruricemia, as well as identifying a novel chromosome 1 genetic
A total score of < 4 rules out gout in almost 100% of patients. Gout was confirmed polymorphism that was strongly assoicated with hyperuricemia,
in 80% of patients with a score of > 8. Score > 4 to < 8 leaves uncertainty about the but weakly with gout.
diagnosis (gout was confirmed in 30% of cases). These data increase the list of genes that have been found to be
associated with hyperuricemia based on results of genome wide
association study (GWAS) involving many thousands of subjects
cartilage surface deposition of MSU, a “snow storm” or hyperechoic
(Table 2). Most of these genes are implicated in either the excre-
appearance within the synovial space that is a sign of intra-articular
tion or reasborption of urate in the renal tubule. The strongest
tophus [6]. Other non-specific US signs include synovial thicken-
association found is with the SLC2A9, a urate transporter that was
ing, a positive color Doppler signal or even joint erosions. A major
previously thought to be important in glucose transport, hence
question is whether US is specific enough to be used clinically as
its alternative name GLUT 9. Both genetic and functional studies
a diagnostic tool in clinical practice and how sensitive this tech-
showed that this gene plays a prominent role in urate transport in
nique is. A recent case-control study evaluated the utility of US
the kidney as well as the liver [13]. Other genes that have known
in the diagnosis of gout. Ten joints were evaluated in each sub-
urate transport function have also been identified by GWAS, such
ject and the double contour sign and the presence of tophus were
as URAT1 (SLC22A12) and SLC17A1. However, other genes that are
sought as signs of gout. Both signs were highly specific for gout,
not known urate transporters have also been identified, such as
and had good sensitivity (67–74%). In this study, the mean disease
ALDH16A1 and PDZK1. These findings suggest that there are mul-
duration of gout was over nine years [7]. In another study looking
tiple levels where genetic mechanisms can act, some are on renal
at patients with early gout, the same group found that the dou-
urate transport and excretion, others are likely to be involved in
ble contour sign was present in 60% of 15 patients evaluated, but
metabolic function, including glucose and fatty metabolism. Most
the presence of tophus was only 26% [8]. Furthermore, the DC sign
of these studies were performed on populations that had not been
was found also in around 25% of asymptomatic hyperuricemic sub-
specifically identified to study gout and hyperuricemia, therefore
jects investigated in different studies [9,10]. Overall, US appears to
the phenotypic characterization of gout was very basic. Future stud-
be a reliable and specific tool to visualise MSU deposits and may
ies will need to concentrate on patients who have better phenotypic
eventually become part of our routine list of investigations that all
characterization and will undoubtedly provide novel information
gout patients undergo on diagnosis. US detection of MSU deposits is
on genes that have not yet been detected.
likely to become a routine tool in clinical practice and may change
our thinking on who to treat and how to treat.
4. Gout and disease associations
3. Genetics of hyperuricemia
Hyperuricemia is strongly associated with clinical features of
Gout is often a familial disease, but the genetic basis of primary the metabolic syndrome and was indeed considered to be a compo-
gout has not been extensively investigated. In contrast, we have a nent of the syndrome by some [14] even though it does not appear
wealth of information that has identified a number of genes that are among the recognized classification criteria. In clinical practice,
important in hyperuricemia, the underlying metabolic condition. patients with gout have a high prevalence of diabetes, cardiovas-
In a recent twin study involving over 500 sets of male twins from cular disease (including hypertension) and renal impairment. For
the US, the authors did not find a difference in the prevalence of a long time, the debate has been over whether hyperuricemia is
gout between monozygotic or dizygotic twins. However, monozy- a consequence or a cause of these disease associations. Recent
gotic twins were concordant for hyperuricemia twice as frequently epidemiologic studies have shown that hyperuricemia to be an
as dizygotic twins (53% vs. 24%). These findings led that authors independent risk factor for the development of hypertension
of the study to conclude that while hyperuricemia is genetically as well as the risk of developing coronary artery disease. In a
determined, the development of gout is due to environmental fac- meta-analysis that included 26 studies, the authors found that
tors [11]. Using a more direct genetic approach, researchers from hyperuricemia was associated with an increased risk of incident

Table 2
Genetic loci associated with hyperuricemia or gout from studies.

Gene Homonym Function

SLC2A9 GLUT 9 Urate transport in proximal renal tubule

SLC22A12 URAT1 Urate transport in proximal renal tubule
ABCG2 Breast cancer resistant protein Urate transport in the gut and renal tubule
SLC17A1 Sodium-dependent phosphate transporter 1 Urate and phosphate transport
GCKR Glucokinase regulator Glucose and triglyceride metabolism
PDZK1 PDZ domain containing protein Scaffold protein for Na+ dependent P transporter
LRRC16A Leucine rich repeat containing sequence Platelet development; actin filament organization
INHBC Inhibin beta C chain TGF-b superfamily, expressed in placenta and endometrium
SLC16A9 Monocarboxylic acid transporter 9 Carnitine transport
ALDH16A1 Aldehyde dehydrogenase
A. So, N. Busso / Joint Bone Spine 79 (2012) 539–543 541

Fig. 1. Monosodium urate (MSU) crystals activate cellular responses in inflammasome-dependent and independent pathways. MSU can interact with cells by A) phagocytosis
or B) binding to TLR2 & 4 or 3) interacting with cell membrane directly to activate Syk kinase. Activation of the NLRP3-inflammasome occurs through intermediates that
either bind directly or indirectly to NLRP3. The P2X7 ATP receptor, in collaboration with pannexin-1, facilitates ionic currents across the cell membrane, and participates in
activation of the inflammasome. TLRs are important for the priming signal, through binding of long chain fatty acids (LCFA) or the S100A9 protein.

cardiovascular disease (RR 1.34) as well as for cardiovascular mor- in monocytes and dendritic cells to secrete large quantities of
tality (RR 1.44) [15]. In another meta-analysis published by the interleukin-1beta (IL1␤) (???????1). The activation processes of
same group, looking at the question of whether hyperuricemia the inflammasome is an active area of research, and a number of
predisposes to the development of hypertension, they found that pathways have been elucidated that share as a common theme the
there was an increased risk (RR 1.41) and for each 1 mg (60 ␮mol/L) generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) [20]. Recently a num-
increase in serum urate, they observed a 13% increase in risk of ber of novel molecules have been identified that could mediate
developping hypertension, even after adjustment for confound- inflammasome activation. One of them, PKR (a RNA dependent pro-
ing factors [16]. These effects appear be greater in young female tein kinase) is implicated in MSU and ATP mediated IL1␤ release,
subjects and there may also be a larger effect in African Americans. as genetic deficiency in mice for this molecule blocked IL1b secre-
As mentioned already, gout patients frequently have co-morbid tion. This molecule interacts physically with the NLRP3 component
conditions. The question of whether gout predisposes to cardio- of the inflammasome to initiate caspase-1 activity [21]. Another
vascular disease has also been addressed. Previous studies showed molecule that interacts with NLRP3, but does not appear essen-
that gout acts as an independent risk factor for mortality and risk tial for MSU-mediated IL1␤ release, is a guanylate binding protein
of coronary artery disease in men [17]. In a further study, they ana- [22]. These results indicate that activation of the inflammasome is
lyzed the cardiovascular risk of gout in a large cohort of elderly a complex process that involves many different molecular media-
canadian women. They found the risk increase to be near 40% tors, but we still lack a clear unifying model that could explain all
for acute myocardial infarction [18]. These epidemiological stud- the different findings.
ies give further support to previous experimental data in rodents MSU crystals have also been shown to elicit inflammation in
that showed that hyperuricemia led to endothelial dysfunction as an inflammasome-independent manner. At least two different
well as inducing hypertension. In a cross-sectional cohort study of pathways have been described – one through crystals interac-
over 6000 subjects, serum urate levels correlated positively with ting with the cell surface to initiate an intracellular signalling
circulating levels of IL6, TNFa and CRP, but a negative correlation cascade that involves Syk kinase (Fig. 1). MSU in contact with
with IL1␤ was observed [19]. Together these findings suggest that the cell membrane triggers membrane cholesterol trafficking,
hyperuricemia has a pro-inflammatory effect that may be particu- actin polymerization and activation of the tyrosine kinase. Syk
larly relevant to cardiovascular health, but when the hyperuricemia is expressed mainly in hematopoietic cells including neutrophils,
becomes symptomatic and manifests as gout, there may be addi- and its activation leads in turn to PI-3 K (phosphatidylinositol 3-
tional inflammatory mechanisms that excacerbate cardiovascular kinase) recruitment [23]. Another inflammatory pathway that is
integrity. inflammasome-independent is the release of pro-IL1␤ into the
extracellular space during cell activation or cell death, so that it
5. Gouty inflammation and interleukin-1 (IL1) is cleaved to its active form by serine proteases such as cathepsin
G, elastase and proteinase 3 in the extracellular space [24]. These
It is now well established that one of the major mechanisms enzymes are found in neutrophils that accumulate at the site of
of gouty inflammation is through release of interleukin-1 (IL1) inflammation, and when released by neutrophils, they can bypass
when MSU crystals are in contact with monocytes and neutrophils. the need for the inflammasome to process IL1. Finally, recent data
MSU crystals are capable of activating the NLRP3-inflammasome showed that IL1␣ also participates in the inflammatory process in
542 A. So, N. Busso / Joint Bone Spine 79 (2012) 539–543

Table 3
Studies evaluating Interleukin-1 (IL1) inhibitors in gout.

Agent Study References

Anakinra Open-label study in acute gout – 10 patients [35]

Open-label study in 15 patients [34]

Rilonacept RCT in 10 patients with chronic gouty arthritis [33]

RCT in prevention of gout flares on initiating allopurinol – 241 patients [32]

Canakinumab RCT of canakinumab vs. triamcinolone acetate in acute gout – 200 patients [30]
RCT of canakinumab vs. colchicine in prevention of acute flares on initiating allopurinol – 432 patients [31]

animal models of microcrystal-induced inflammation, indicating or prednisone problematic, and there are many patients who do
that not all gouty inflammation needs to be IL1␤ driven [25]. not tolerate these treatments. Therefore IL1 inhibition appears to
be a promising alternative approach to block inflammation. In all
6. Accessory signals to trigger acute gout the studies performed to date (Table 3), IL1 inhibitors have been
found to be effective, either in the prevention of acute flare (on
From our clinical observations of patients with tophaceous gout, initiating ULT) or in the treatment of an acute flare. The frequency
we know that the presence of MSU crystals does not neccesarily of flares was reduced by approximately 50% with canakinumab,
lead to clinical inflammation. How is this paradox explained – that a monoclonal antibody against IL1␤, over the six months of the
crystals do not trigger inflammation even though they may be in primary study, and a significant reduction in pain was observed
contact with inflammatory cells? One hypothesis is that there are compared to the comparator drug trimcinalone at 72 h after injec-
natural anti-inflammatory mechanisms that are activated upon tion [30,31]. In studies investigating rilonacept, an inhibitor of both
an acute attack, which switches off the inflammatory response. IL1a and b, when patients initiated ULT with allopurinol, the active
The production of an anti-inflammtory cytokine such as TGF␤ drug significantly reduced gout flares by around 50% over the 16
by macrophages has been demonstrated previously [26]. Another weeks of the study [32,33]. In uncontrolled studies, anakinra has
hypothesis is that immune cells need a supplementary trigger in been found to be effective in the treatment of acute gout in difficult
addition to MSU crystals to develop a full-blown reaction. This to treat patients who had either intolerance or contra-indications
phenomenom was already observed in vitro, as in all the assays to standard therapy [34,35]. The safety profile of all three agents in
of inflammasome activation, the cells require a priming step in published studies did not cause any concern. The overall result of
order to stimulate the transcription and translation of pro-IL1. The these clinical trials is that IL1 inhibition is indeed effective in acute
nature of this priming molecule in the cliinical setting is the ques- gout, but questions over its long term safety and the patient pro-
tion. Data suggest that this priming signal may come from ingested file that would benefit most from this type of treatment has for
food or from cell products that are released on injury. In an epi- the moment delayed its acceptance as an alternative therapy
demiological study of food intake preceding a gout attack, increased for acute gout.
intake of purines was associated with an acute flare and this was Two new drugs have been approved by regulators over the last
correlated with the amount of purine ingested, particularly if the five years in the management of hyperuricemia. Febuxostat, a non-
purine source is of animal origin [27]. Another potential trigger purine inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, has been investigated in a
could be ingested fats that release fatty acids into the circulation. In number of randomized controlled trials over the last seven years.
a new model of murine gouty arthritis, arthritis was only observed In the largest trial (CONFIRMS) involving over 2000 subjects, the
if MSU crystals in combination with long chain free fatty acids were drug, at a dose of 80 mg daily, was more effective in achieving a
injected into the joint, while injection of MSU crystals alone did not target urate level of less than 360 ␮mol/L than allopurinol (67% vs.
provoke arthritis. The long chain fatty acids were able to stimulate 42%). It was also effective in patients who have mild renal impair-
macrophages through the TLR pathway [28]. In the same context, ment and no dose adjustment was required for these subjects. The
other priming signals that stimulate cells through the TLR pathway safety profile was similar to that of the comparator allopurinol
could also be clinically relevant. These include molecules such as [36]. Febuxostat has been approved both in the US and Europe. The
S100A8/9 (also known as MRP 8 and 14) proteins, released upon cell other ULT drug that has been approved by the FDA is pegloticase,
damage or cell death and that could synergize with the presence a drug that is currently not available in Europe. In a pivotal study,
of MSU to trigger full inflammasome activation [29]. Finally, ATP over 200 patients with severe gout were given pegloticase 8 mg i.v.
can participate in triggering the inflammasome through its bind- either every two weeks or every month for six months. Compared
ing to the ATP receptor P2X7. There is experimental but no clinical to placebo, both dose regimens lowered serum urate effectively and
data yet to show it participates in MSU-mediated inflammasome there was a reduction in tophus size in the treated groups. Overall,
activation. 42% of patients treated every two weeks and 35% of patients treated
monthly reached the target urate level (< 360 mmol/L). However,
7. New drugs in the treatment of hyperuricemia and gout patients treated monthly had a higher rate of non-responsiveness
to therapy that may be related to the development of anti-drug
Over the last ten years, we have witnessed a veritable explo- antibodies [37]. The long term efficacy and safety of the treatment
sion of new drug developments in the treatment of hyperuricemia will need to be evaluated, but in the short term, it has been demon-
and gout. Gout therapy is based on two principal strategies – the strated to be effective and has an acceptable safety profile.
control of gouty inflammation to calm the acute attack and the
control of hyperuricemia that predisposes to formation of crys- 8. Conclusions
tals. The discovery of the IL1 axis of gouty inflammation has seen
a number of clinical studies that have evaluated the effectiveness The management of hyperuricemia and gout has undergone
of IL1 inhibitors in acute gout or in the prevention of flares when a transformation over the last decade. Newer drugs provide
initiating ULT. Gout patients frequently have co-morbidities that alternatives to existing therapies that are not always tolerated by
render treatment with standard drugs such as NSAIDs, colchicine patients, either in the control of hyperuricemia or in the control of
A. So, N. Busso / Joint Bone Spine 79 (2012) 539–543 543

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