Executive Engineer, National Highway Division No - II PWD. Manipur

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Name of Work:- A/R&M/O to NH-39, Imphal- Moreh Section during the year 2014-15
(SH:- Repairing of Welcome Gate at Moreh (417.300)

Sl No Sub-Head & Item of works Quantity Rate Unit Amount Remarks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Demolition below ground level upto 1.0 m depth and disposal of Rate based on MSR 2013
unserviceable materials within a lead of 50 meters lead. (a) State with 5.6% Sale tax &
unreinforced cement concrete upto 115 cm. thickness 0.46 823.16 Cum Rs 379 1% Labour cess
2 Removing white or colour wash by scrapping sand papering surface
smooth including necessary repair to scratches etc complete 94.00232 6.71 Sqm Rs 631 .-do-.
Painting (one or more coat) with superior gloss enamel paint of any
shade of approved quality on old work to give on even shade 94.00232 55.75 Sqm Rs 5241 .-do-.
Providing form works including centering and shuttering sa as to give a
rough finish, stutting and propping etc, height of propping and centering
below supporting floor to ceiling not exceeding 4 m and removal of the
same for in-situ reinforced concrete and plain concrete work in (a)
foundation footing, base of column etc & mass concrete 2.05 281.74 Sqm Rs 578 .-do-.
(b) Flat surface such as suspended floor, roof, landing & the like floor
etc upto 200 mm. in thickness 36 770.4 Sqm Rs 27734
5 Providing and laying cement concrete in foundation and plinth
excluding the cost of centering shuttering in (a) 1:4:8 (1 cem: 4 c/sand:
8 grade stone aggregate 40mm nom size) 0.61 4436.59 Cum Rs 2706 .-do-.
Lettering with Gloss synthetic enamel paint (white)/ Black Japan paint 3240 45.73 Letter/Cm ht Rs 148165 .-do-.
Rs 185434
Add 2.8% Contigency Charges 5192
Rs 190626
Add 9% Agency Charges Rs 17156
Rs 207782
Say Rs 207785.00/-
Rupees (Two Lakhs Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Five only)
Assistant Engineer-III, Executive Engineer,
National Highway Division No.II National Highway Division No.II
PWD. Manipur
Assistant Engineer-III, Executive Engineer,
National Highway Division No.II National Highway Division No.II
PWD. Manipur
PWD. Manipur
Details of Measurement
Name of Work:- A/R&M/O to NH-39, Imphal- Moreh Section during the year 2014-15 (SH:- Repairing of Welcome Gate at
Moreh Km 417.300)
1) Demolition below ground level upto 1.0 m depth and disposal of unserviceable materials within a lead of 50 meters
lead. (a) unreinforced cement concrete upto 115 cm. thicness Platform of Wel-come to Gate

2 x 1.6 x 0.96 x 0.15 = 0.4608 m3

2) Removing white or colour wash by scrapping sand papering surface smooth including necessary repair to scratches
etc complete
Wel-come gate plate 2 x 1.65 x 15 = 49.5 m2
Main bars Pillar 4 nos x 2 sides x 0.16 x 6 = 7.68 m2
Horizontal Braching L/S 8 x 2 nos x 2 sides x 0.1 x 1.2 = 3.84 m2
S/S 8 x 2 nos x 2 sides x 0.1 x 0.6 = 1.92 m2
Diagonal 4 x 8 Nos x 2 sides x 0.1 x 1.4 = 8.96 m2
4 x 8 nos x 2 sides x 0.1 x 1 = 6.4 m2
G.I Pipe 2 row x 2 x 15 x 3.14 / 4 x 0.08 = 3.768 m2
Horizontal crossing 12 nos x 2 x 0.6 x 3.14 / 4 x 0.08 = 0.90432 m2
Diagonal Braching 22 nos x 2 x 1.17 x 3.14 / 4 x 0.08 = 3.23 m2
Vertical braching (Straight) 12 nos x 2 x 1.65 x 3.14 / 4 x 0.08 = 2.49 m2
Vertical braching (Diagonal) 22 nos x 2 x 1.92 x 3.14 / 4 x 0.08 = 5.31 m2
94.00232 m2
3) Painting (one or more coat)……… …… Qty same as item no 2
4) Providing form works including centering and shuttering so as to give a rough finish, strutting and propping etc, height
of propping and centering below supporting floor to ceiling not exceeding 4 m and removal of the same for in-situ
reinforced concrete and plain concrete work in (a) foundation footing, base of column etc & mass concrete
Providing and laying cement
(a) concrete
Main gateinplate
form and 2 nos x 2 ( 1.6 + 0.96 ) x 0.2 = 2.048 m2
plinth excluding the cost of
(b) Flat surface such as 2 nos x 15 x 1.2 = 36.00 m2
centering shuttering in (a)
5) 1:4:8 (1 cem: 4 c/sand: 8
grade stone aggregate
40mm nom size)
2 nos x 1.6 x 0.96 x 0.2 = 0.6144 m3
6) Lettering with Gloss synthetic enamel paint (white)/ Black Japan paint

IMPHAL SIDE 20 Cm height 10 cm letter size

127 x 20.0 + 70 x 10.0 = 3240 Letter/cm

Section Officer, Assistant Engineer-III,

National Highway Divion No.II National Highway Division No.II
PWD. Manipur. PWD. Manipur
Section Officer, Assistant Engineer-III,
National Highway Divion No.II National Highway Division No.II
PWD. Manipur. PWD. Manipur
Section Officer, Assistant Engineer-III,
National Highway Divion No.II National Highway Division No.II
PWD. Manipur. PWD. Manipur
Rate Analysis
Based on MSR 2013 (NH)
Name of Work: A/R&M/O to NH-39, Imphal- Moreh Section during the year 2014-15
(SH:- Repairing of Welcome Gate at Moreh Km 417.300)
Demolition below ground level upto 1.0 m depth and disposal of
unserviceable materials within a lead of 50 meters lead. (a) unreinforced
cement concrete upto 115 cm. thicness
Rate as per MSR 2013 Rs 772.2 cum
Add 5.6% Sale Tax 43.24 cum
Add1% Labour cess Rs 7.72 cum
Rs 823.16 cum
2) Removing white or colour wash by scrapping sand papering surface smooth
including necessary repair to scratches etc complete
Rate as per MSR 2013 Rs 6.3 sqm
Add 5.6% Sale Tax Rs 0.35 sqm
Add 1% Labour cess Rs 0.06 sqm
Rs 6.71 sqm
3) Painting (one or more coat) with superior gloss enamel paint of any shade
of approved quality on old work to give on even shade
Rate as per MSR 2013 Rs 52.3 sqm
Add 5.6% Sale Tax RS 2.93 sqm
Add 1% Labour cess Rs 0.52 sqm
Rs 55.75 sqm
Providing form works including centering and shuttering sa as to give a
rough finish, stutting and propping etc, height of propping and centering
below supporting floor to ceiling not exceeding 4 m and removal of the
same for in-situ reinforced concrete and plain concrete work in (a)
foundation footing, base of column etc & mass concrete
(a) Rate as per MSR 2013 Rs 264.3 sqm
Add 5.6% Sale Tax Rs 14.8 sqm
Add 1% Labour cess Rs 2.64 sqm
Rs 281.74 sqm
(b) Flat surface……. Rate as per 2013 Rs 379.6 sqm
Add Extra Height more than 4m upto 5m Rs 343.1 sqm
Add 5.6% Sale Tax Rs 40.47 sqm
Add 1% Labour cess Rs 7.23 sqm
Rs 770.4 sqm
Providing and laying cement concrete in foundation and plinth excluding the
cost of centering shuttering in (a) 1:4:8 (1 cem: 4 c/sand: 8 grade stone
aggregate 40mm nom size)
Rate as per MSR 2013 Rs 4161.9 cum
Add 5.6% Sale Tax Rs 233.07 cum
Add 1% Labour cess Rs 41.62 cum
Rs 4436.6 cum
6) Lettering with Gloss synthetic enamel paint (white)/ Black Japan paint
Rate as per MSR 2013 Rs 42.9 letter/cm ht
Add 5.6% Sale Tax Rs 2.4 letter/cm ht
Add 1% Labour cess Rs 0.43 letter/cm ht
Rs 45.73 letter/cm ht

Section Officer, Assistant Engineer-III,

National Highway Divion No.II National Highway Division No.II
PWD. Manipur. PWD. Manipur

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