EXAMPLE 7 The Following: Manipulate

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EXAMPLE 7 The following Manipulate command expands (x + 1)n to any power

between 1 and 10, controlled by radio buttons.

By default, Factor allows factorization only over the integers. There are options
that allow this default to be overridden.

• Extension → {extension1, extension2, . . . } can be used to specify a list of

algebraic numbers that may be included as well. (The brackets, {}, are not
needed if only one extension is used.)
• Extension → Automatic extends the field to include any algebraic numbers that
appear in the polynomial.
• GaussianIntegers → True allows the factorization to take place over the set of

integers with adjoined. Alternatively, or I may be included in the list

of extensions.


The greatest common divisor (GCD) of polynomials, p1, p2 . . . is the polynomial

of largest degree that can be divided evenly (remainder = 0) into p1, p2, . . . . The
least common multiple (LCM) of polynomials p1, p2, . . . is the polynomial of
smallest degree that can be divided evenly by p1, p2, . . . .

PolynomialGCD[p1, p2,...] computes the greatest common divisor of the

polynomialsp1, p2, . . .

PolynomialLCM[p1, p2,...] computes the least common multiple of the

polynomials p1,p2, . . .

p = (x − 1)(x − 2)2 (x − 3)3;

q = (x − 1)2 (x − 2)(x − 3)4;

PolynomialGCD[p, q]

(−3 + x)3(−2 + x)(−1 + x)

PolynomialLCM[p, q]

(−3 + x)4(−2 + x)2(−1 + x)2

By default, both PolynomialGCD and PolynomialLCM assume the coefficients of the
polynomials to be rational numbers. As with Factor, the option Extension can be
used to specify a list of algebraic numbers (and/or I) that may be allowed.


Although Mathematica will automatically expand integer exponents of products

and quotients, if the exponent is non-integer, the expression will be left
unexpanded. To force the “distribution” of the exponent, the
command PowerExpand is available.

PowerExpand [expression] expands nested powers, powers of products and

quotients, roots of products and quotients, and their logarithms.


One must be very careful with PowerExpand when multi-valued functions

are involved.


Here are a few additional examples illustrating PowerExpand:


(ax)y // PowerExpand


(a/b)x // PowerExpand

ax b−x
Log[x y] // PowerExpand

Log[x] + Log[y]

Log[x/y] // PowerExpand

Log[x] − Log[y]

Log[xy ] // PowerExpand

y Log[x]


7.1 Test to see if 1 + x sin y + x2 cos y + x5ey is a polynomial in x. Is it a

polynomial in y?


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