Components: Definition by ICRC (

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Introduction We have something called Humanitarian Aid?

Definition by ICRC (International Committee of the Red - is a response to a crisis or emergency and is
Cross) material, food, water, clothing, etc. assistance for
saving lives, alleviating suffering, and maintaining
• International rules established by treaty of
human dignity, and does not address the
custom which are specifically intended to solve
underlying socioeconomic factors which lead to
humanitarian problems directly arising from
the crisis or emergency.
international or non-international armed conflicts
and which, for humanitarian reasons, limit the Internationally, this is invoked two ways:
right of the parties to a conflict to use methods
and means of warfare of their choice or protect 1. Peacetime- Human Rights Law
persons and property that are, or may be, 2. Armed conflict- International Humanitarian Law
affected by the conflict. • Armed conflict- "Armed conflict exists whenever
Which means that--------The aim of international there is a resort to armed force between States or
humanitarian law is protracted violence between governmental
authorities and organised armed groups or
(1)to protect the human being and between such groups within a State."
(2)to safeguard the dignity of man in the extreme So going back…
situation of war.

In other words, it seek for humanitarian reasons
to limit the effects of armed conflict.
It protects persons who are not or are no longer 1. Geneva Conventions comprise four treaties, and
participating in the hostilities and restricts the three additional protocols, that establish the
means and methods of warfare. standards of international law for humanitarian
treatment in war. The singular term Geneva
Convention usually denotes the agreements of
The provisions of international humanitarian law have 1949, negotiated in the aftermath of the Second
always been tailored to fit human requirements. They are World War (1939–1945), which updated the
bound to the aspiration of the protection of man from the terms of the two 1929 treaties, and added two
consequences of brute force. The duty to respect the new conventions.
individual takes on special significance when the 2. Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 are a
perpetrator of the violence is the State. series of international treaties and declarations
negotiated at two international peace
Clearly, therefore, international humanitarian law- is a conferences at The Hague in the Netherlands.
part of that branch of international law safeguarding Along with the Geneva Conventions, the Hague
human rights from abuse by State power. Conventions were among the first formal
statements of the laws of war and war crimes in
International Humanitarian Law the body of secular international law.

• Often referred to as the law of war, the law and 3. As well as subsequent treaties, case law, and
customs of war or the law of armed conflict customary international law.
• It defines the conduct and responsibilities of
belligerent ( an individual, group, country or other
entity which acts in a hostile manner, such as
engaging in combat), nations, neutral nations and
individuals engaged in warfare, in relation to each
other and to protected persons

• The necessity to have rules, even in times of
armed conflict
• The feeling (common to all civilizations ) that
under certain circumstances, human being friend
or foe must be protected and respected

Before we discuss the components of IHL…

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