BMC - ITIL4 SVC and Value Streams PDF
BMC - ITIL4 SVC and Value Streams PDF
BMC - ITIL4 SVC and Value Streams PDF
Value Streams
Updated March 2020
This publication has been revised by Barclay Rae to bring the content up to date with current ITIL guidelines. Rae is an inde-
pendent management consultant, analyst, and writer in the ITSM Industry, with over 20 years consultancy experience involving
over 500 projects. He is a ITIL4 co-author and lead editor of the ITIL4 Create, Delivery and Support publication, co-author of
the 2016 “ITIL Practitioner Programme,” plus a contributor to SDI standards and certification programs. Rae has over 30 years’
experience in IT and is also currently operating as the CEO of ITSMF UK. ITIL is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. All
rights reserved.
Note to Readers
This publication highlights the key elements of the ITIL Service Design publication and includes commentary on im-
portant concepts from BMC and ITIL experts.
BMC Software, the BMC Software logos, and all other BMC Software product or service names are registered trade-
marks or trademarks of BMC Software Inc. All other registered trademarks belong to their respective companies.
Copyright © 2020 BMC Software Inc. All rights reserved.
In early 2019 Axelos released the latest version of and stable evolving through organic growth. The
the global best practice for IT Service Management, concepts and models defined can be used to deliver
ITIL 4. In the version of the framework Axelos has excellence and drive maturity in any approach to IT
gathered subject matter experts from around the Service Management.
globe to ensure greater alignment and integration
with modern day working practices, methodologies ITIL 4 is a significant development from previous
and standards, including DevOps, Agile and Lean version, although much of the detailed ‘practice’
approaches. content remains in a recognisable form. The
context and positioning of ITIL has however
ITIL 4 recognises the focus of modern IT developed as a strategic and unifying element
organizations on digital transformation, customer across the business and technology landscape.
experience and the drive for service excellence. The approach has changed to ensure that ITIL
The framework is designed to offer practical meets the needs of a modern digital based service
guidance to any organization looking to understand management workforce.
how to adopt and apply a best practice mindset
and approach to their IT Service Management
ITIL 4 has introduced a number of new concepts The 6 core elements of the service value chain are:
designed to address the needs of modern digital
1. Plan
enterprises and service management organisations.
It is designed to elevate the effectiveness and 2. Improve
efficiencies that can be leveraged from existing
3. Engage
methodologies, standards and approaches. These
include the Service Value System, Practices, The 4 4. Design & Transition
Dimensions of Service Management and the re- 5. Obtain/Build
statement of the Guiding Principles.
6. Deliver & Support
The service value system describes “how all
Summary of service value chain elements:
components and activities of the organization work
together as a system to enable value creation”.
• All incoming and outcoming interactions with
The SVS takes opportunities and demands and
parties external to the service provider are
generates value. Central to the service value system
performed via engage value chain activity
is the service value chain.
• All new resources are obtained through the
The service value chain is the core operating model
obtain/build activity
of ITIL 4, it is a set of interconnected activities
that an organization performs to deliver a valuable • Planning at all levels is performed via plan
product or service to its consumers and to facilitate activity
value realization.
• Improvements at all levels are initiated and
managed via improve activity
Each activity within the service value chain the destination quickly, others may be more scenic
represents the steps and organization takes in and require more attention to the experience rather
the creation of value. Each activity transforms than the arrival time). Some journeys may have
inputs into outputs. These inputs can be demand the same destination and visit the same stations
from outside the value chain or outputs of other but utilise the infrastructure in different ways (in
activities. All the activities are connected, with each ITSM terms this addresses organisations who adopt
activity receiving and providing triggers for further Agile or those with more traditional approaches to
action. service delivery).
Practices work together across the Various practices, roles and stakeholders are
involved in delivering a variety of value streams
service value chain to manage and and this provides the flexibility that is required in
deliver the required value streams. complex and complicated business environments.
Value streams are the various ‘joined-up’ practices, This is the true benefit of the service value chain
activities and actions that are used across the value as defined within ITIL 4 – i.e. as a flexible operating
chain. A value stream represents a cross-functional model that can be used by any service provider,
set of activities that are involved in delivering a regardless of the structure, methodologies and
specific value-based output. This can include such culture of their organization.
things are include resolution of an incident, delivery
of a new service, improvement to an existing service
or access to an application or resource. The value
chain on its own is static, like a frame, delivering
no value, until a ‘value stream’ is run through it and
whereby value is co-created and delivered.
Organizations can use the service value chain in The service value chain is not a linear series of
different ways to deliver the same services based cause and effect processes, rather it is a flexible
upon their operating principles and business model which can be used in an iterative and agile
requirements. One organization may deliver manner.
a service based upon a steady state, low risk
approach to service management and thus to The service value chain within ITIL 4 is designed to
deliver its value streams may regularly utilise more encompass the needs of any type of organization.
of the chain (such as Plan, Engage, Design and It’s design has arisen to help meet the challenges
Transitions, Obtain/Build, Deliver and Support than of ITSM in today’s modern digital business
a high velocity organization that has a fast moving economy where agility, speed of adoption and an
business and a more agile approach whereby they increased focus on digital transformation are the
spend more time in design/transition and deliver differentiators between a successful ITSM provider
and support. No matter what the culture and and one which may struggle to realise value to its
operating mode an organization has, it should customers.
always have the improve activity embedded in its
decision making and daily activities.
The purpose of the plan value chain activity is • Service Financial Management
to ensure a shared understanding of the vision,
current status, and improvement direction for • Strategy Management
all four dimensions and all products and services
across the organization. • Supplier Management
The plan activity covers strategic, tactical and • Workforce and Talent Management
operational direction and planning, it ensures
Service Management Practices
requirements from the business are understood
and validated and that the necessary polices are
• Availability Management
followed. Plan will need to understand the vision,
objectives, outcomes and definition of value by • Business Analysis
the business and ensure these form the basis for
the provision of products and services throughout • Service Level Management
their lifecycle.
Key inputs to the plan activity:
The practices which most heavily contribute to the
plan activity are: • Policies, requirements and constraints
• Relationship Management
• Risk Management
Key outputs of the plan activity: Other value chain activities involved: Improve,
Engage, Design and Transition
• Strategic, tactical and operational plans
Potential roles involved may include: Sponsor,
• Portfolio decisions for design and transition customer, service level manager, business
relationship manager, portfolio manager, change
• Architecture and policies for design and manager, finance manager, project manager
The purpose of the improve value chain activity The practices which most heavily contribute to the
is to ensure continual improvement of products, improve activity are:
service and practices across all value chain
activities and the four dimensions of service General Management Practices
• Architecture Management
Continual improvement is both and ethos and
a practice. Improvement approach and thinking • Continual Improvement
needs to be embedded in all planning, operational
• Information Security Management
activity and performance. There should be nothing
outside the scope of continual improvement, it
• Knowledge Management
is key to every organizational keeping pace with
the demands of its customers and being able • Measurement and Reporting
to continually co-create value. Whilst continual
improvement should be the responsibility of every • Organizational Change Management
member of staff in a provider organization, ITIL
4 recommends a dedicated team focussed on • Relationship Management
this area (for some organizations this may be a
full time role for others it can be a steering group • Risk Management
which meets regularly with representatives from
across the support structure). • Workforce and Talent Management
• Change Control
• Problem Management
Key inputs to the improve activity: Example Value Stream involving the improve
• Product and service performance information
from deliver and support Value Stream: Service Level Target Achievement
The purpose of the engage value chain activity is The practices which most heavily contribute to the
to provide a good understanding of stakeholder engage activity are:
needs, and continual engagement and good
relationships with all stakeholders. General Management Practices
• Knowledge and information about third party Description: A user contacts the service desk
service components from suppliers and via an online portal, email or phone to register a
partners complaint regarding the management of a ticket
which was logged previously. The engage activity
• Product and service performance information would provide the initial point of interaction with
from deliver and support the user, as well as ongoing updates, liaison and
confirmation of resolution, the engage activity
• Improvement initiatives from improve would cover interaction with other stakeholders
such as the customer, sponsor or a third-party
• Improvement status reports from improve where appropriate.
Key outputs from the engage activity: Other value chain activities involved: Improve,
Deliver and Support
• Consolidated demands and opportunities for
plan Potential roles involved may include user, service
desk analyst, service desk manager, service
• Product and service requirements for design
level manager, account manager, service owner,
and transition
resolver team manager
• User support task for deliver and support
Design and Transition
The practices which most heavily contribute to the • Service Validation and Testing
design and transition activity are:
Technical Management Practices
General Management Practices
• Deployment Management
• Architecture Management
• Infrastructure and Platform Management
• Continual Improvement
• Project Management
• Relationship Management
The key inputs to the design and transition Example Value Stream involving the design
activity are: and transition activity:
The purpose of the obtain/build value chain activity Service Management Practices
is to ensure that service components are available
when and where they are needed and meet agreed • Business Analysis
• Change Control
The obtain/build activity ensures that any
components required for the delivery of services • IT Asset Management
and products are either procured or built in line
• Service Configuration Management
with design specifications and service modelling.
The service components from this activity may be
• Service Design
delivered to design and transition or to deliver and
support. • Service Validation and Testing
The practices which most heavily contribute to the • Infrastructure and Platform Management
obtain/build activity are:
• Software Development and Management
General Management Practices
• Continual Improvement
• Project Management
• Risk Management
• Supplier Management
Key inputs to obtain/build activity: • Contract and agreement requirements for
• Architectures and policies from plan
• Performance information and improvement
• Contracts and agreements with internal and opportunities for improve
external suppliers and partners from engage
Example Value Stream involving the obtain/
• Goods and services provided by internal and build activity:
external suppliers and partners
Value Stream: Fulfilment of a user request for a
• Requirements and specifications provided by new phone
design and transition
Description: A user logs on to a self-service
• Improvement initiatives from improve portal and access the request fulfilment element
of the service catalogue, they are presented with
• Improvement status reports from improve a list of available mobile devices which can be
ordered/purchased (subject to relevant approval
• Change or project initiation requests from
mechanism). This is logged as a service request
and handled by the service desk at first point.
The request will be handled by the appropriate
• Change requests provided by deliver and
provider team and once authorised will trigger a
procurement workflow for a new device. Upon
• Knowledge and information about third-party delivery the device will be configured according
products and services from design and to policy and issued to the user to complete the
transition request.
• Knowledge and information about third-party Other value chain activities involved: Engage,
service components from engage Deliver and Support
Key outputs of the obtain/build activity: Potential roles involved may include user, service
desk analyst, procurement officer, first/second line
• Service components for deliver and support technician
Deliver and Support
The purpose of the deliver and support value chain Service Management Practices
activity is to ensure that services are delivered and
supported according to agreed specifications and • Change Control
stakeholders’ expectations.
• Incident Management
Other than the engage activity, from the consumer
perspective this activity within the service value • Monitoring and Event Management
chain is the most used and visible during daily use
• Problem Management
of services and products. Ultimately it is this activity
which has the most direct link to the co-creation
• Service Desk
of value. Many organizations will map customer
journeys primarily within the activities contained • Service Request Management
within this part of the service value chain, although
it should be noted that customer journeys in their Key inputs to deliver and support are:
true sense can encompass all parts of the chain.
• New and changed products and services
The most user centric part of any ITSM service provided by design and transition
provider is deliver and support, it is here that
services are made available for users to access, • Service components provided by obtain/build
it is also where the service desk practice will be
primarily focussed given that they are the single • Improvement initiatives from improve
point of contact for all support related to service
issues (incidents) and requests. • Improvement status reports from improve
The practices which most heavily contribute to the • User support tasks provided by engage
deliver and support activity are:
• Knowledge and information about new and
General Management Practices changed service components and services from
design and transition, and obtain/build
• Continual Improvement
• Knowledge and information about third party
• Information Security Management service components from engage
• Knowledge Management
• Risk Management
• Supplier Management 17
Key outputs of deliver and support are: Description: A user contacts the service desk to
report an issue with a business application, the
• Services delivered to customers service desk logs this ticket as an incident but is
unable to fix at first point of contact so assigns
• Information on the completion of user support the ticket to the appropriate resolver team. The
tasks for engage resolver team acknowledges the incident ticket and
contacts the user to gather further information
• Product and service performance information and carry out investigative and diagnostic actions,
for engage and improve with an aim to provide a resolution to the fault,
the resolution identified and applied is successful,
• Improvement opportunities for improve
normal service is restored to the user and the ticket
is resolved.
• Contract and agreement requirements for
Other value chain activities involved: Engage
Example Value Stream involving the obtain/
Potential roles associated with value stream:
build activity:
user, service desk analyst, first line technician
Value Stream: Resolution of an incident
Common Challenges to an
Effective Service Value Chain
There are number of challenges that may apply • Monitoring and measurement capabilities
to any are of the ITIL 4 framework however many
can have a specific impact upon the service value • Integrated technologies and applications
chain, its effectiveness and efficiency, these
include: • Support for change and cultural change
• Adequate resources, budget and time • Cooperation between the service provider and
the service consumer
• Practice scope and capability
• Effective tools and supporting technologies
• Adequate service management policies,
processes and procedures • Knowledge of and adherence to applicable
standards and regulations
• Knowledge management maturity levels
• Effective metrics and analysis
In order to continue as sustainable and successful Whilst earlier versions of the ITIL framework
businesses, every organization needs to continually were not seen to be aligned to agile software
evolve and adapt itself to its marketplace and the development, ITIL 4 has a fresh approach with the
ever-changing business drivers and needs of its concept of the service value chain as it recognises
customers. that software development is:
This evolution and improvement will include • By its nature ever changing, evolving and
every part of a service providers DNA, be it the iterative
products and services it offers to customers, its
structure, third party contracts, work practices • Approaches to development are more often
and methodologies or even the service-based based upon “bite size chunks” (iterations)
culture. To stand still in a digital world means to be rather than full waterfall (big bang)
left behind, customer perception is key, and they
expect their providers to be innovative in terms of • Is aided by regular and targeted collaboration
both technology offerings and services. between development, operational and
customer teams and stakeholders
Even if ITSM providers do not adopt some of the
more formal agile practices and methodologies, • Is based upon the need to deliver a minimum
to the eyes of the customer they need to viable product quickly, aligned to business
present themselves as an agile organization benefits and outcomes
capable of meeting the challenges of the
Whilst the service value chain is promoted as a
digital transformation and the digitally enabled
key enabler to agile working, it would be wrong
to say that this precludes its benefits to a more
The service value chain is an agile enabling traditional and steady state-based service provider.
operating model which due to its flexible and
The service value chain can equally align itself to
iterative application can align itself to the desired
a more linear approach to service delivery, the
strategic, tactical and operational service delivery
elements of the chain have been carefully thought
approaches of today’s modern service providers.
out to ensure potential for adoption across the
ITSM industry.
Organizations that have invested in and are Practices are crucial to the effective operation and
finding value creation in the ITIL v3 lifecycle based value creation activities of the service value chain.
upon Service Strategy, Service Design, Service They can work across all elements of the service
Transition, Service Operation and Continual value chain aligning to the working methods and
Service Improvement, there is an relatively standards adopted by the organization.
straightforward transition from a v3 approach
ITIL 4 by leveraging the service value chain and For the adoption of the ITIL 4 framework to truly
thus realizing the benefits it can bring. At a simple enable value co-creation no part of the framework
level we can align: should operate in isolation, this is one of the key
tenants of the service value system which describes
• Service Strategy to Plan the organization as all components and activities of
an organization working together as a system.
• Service Design to Design and Transition
The service value chain is the central component
• Service Transition to Design and Transition and of the service value system and as such has
Obtain/Build an organic link and relationship with all other
elements if it (Governance, Practices, Guiding
• Service Operation to Deliver and Support Principles, Continual Improvement).
• Continual Service Improvement to Improve Governance will set the direction and control
mechanism that the service value chain activities
This is of course a rather simplistic view and will need to understand and adhere to.
the conversion is unlikely to be such a linear
process, however it does show that ITIL 4 is Practices are the sets of organizational resources
a major step forward and an evolution not a that will work across the service value chain to
revolution. To truly enable the power or ITIL 4 due perform work and accomplish objectives, they
consideration would need to be applied to all of its essentially deliver the service value streams
key concepts, including the service value system, through appropriate use of the service value chain.
guiding principles, the four dimensions of service
management and practices.
The Guiding Principles are recommendations that In order to function and deliver value, the service
guide the organization in all circumstances, they value system needs a holistic perspective across
can be applied to every activity performed within the four dimensions:
the service value chain to ensure stakeholders are:
Organizations and People – The right people
• Consistently focusing on value (for the with the right skills available at the right time in the
consumer and the provider) right place. There should be a culture of service
excellence driven by a committed and effective
• Start where they are (cost and time savings by leadership team who cascade relevant information
avoiding re-inventing the wheel) in a timely and consistent manner.
• Progress iteratively with feedback (agile Information and Technology – Ensuring efficient
alignment) and effective hardware and software solutions,
supporting tools and technologies in place.
• Collaborate and promote visibility (DevOps Sources of Information and knowledge need to be
mindset and working practices) identified, managed and leverage and appropriate
communication systems should be in place.
• Think and work holistically (understanding the
bigger picture of service) Partners and Suppliers – Most services and
products provided by an ITSM organization have
• Keep it simple and practical (lean thinking) a reliance to a greater or lesser degree on the
contracts in place with third parties and their
• Optimize and Automate (enabling a focus on
performance against the contract objectives
efficiency and the customer experience)
and targets. Third parties need to be managed
accordingly and the contract targets in place
Continual Improvement is both an ethos and an
should underpin the agreements in place between
operational approach and should be embedded
the provider and consumer.
in the thinking of every activity within the service
value chain.
Value Streams and Processes – Practices
work across the service value chain and are the
The 4 dimensions of Service Management are
organizational resources that deliver the defined
the foundation of an ITSM provider’s capabilities.
and required value streams. These practices carry
Without taking notice of all of these dimensions,
out their work based upon one or more processes
the service value chain will be unable to operate
which define the steps required to turn inputs into
in an optimum way and ultimately will struggle or
potentially fail to create value for the consumer
and stakeholders.
The service value chain is an operating model
designed to help organizations address IT service
management in the modern digital world.
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