Centrifugal Force
Centrifugal Force
Centrifugal Force
Centrifugal Force
for Finer Oil Filtration
The food processor’s need to maximise oil conservation
and maintain high frying quality amidst rising material
costs is addressed by a new filter that provides
vastly superior results to older designs.
NEW approach to hot oil returned to the fryer. cleanup is made faster and easier. To
filtration has been introduced monitor the continuous filtration
by FMC FoodTech in the MX- Lower oil usage process, pump performance is
20 MicroMAX Centrifugal Hot Oil The continuous centrifugal measured and controlled via a water
Filtration System. This system is separation of oil and sediment offers a tight electrical control panel to ensure
designed for battered and breaded number of benefits for fryer users. The optimal oil flow.
product applications, particularly flour- quality and life-span of the oil is The filtration performance of the
coated products where oil breakdown improved. The performance of fines MX-20 offers a vast improvement over
is a significant problem. Unlike free- filtration is also enhanced. Savings earlier generation equipment.
flow crumbs, which sink in oil so that also result from lower oil usage as Depending on the application, particles
the sediment is more easily removed, the filter virtually of down to 5 micron
flour remains suspended in oil. Until eliminates the need to can be removed.
recently, effectively separating the flour discard oil. Together As the market
from the oil to eliminate the need to with improved oil for cooking oils,
dispose of the oil was impossible using turnover rates, especially soybean
available filtration systems. operating costs are oil, faces greater
This is no longer the case with the reduced. upward price
MX Series of filters which employ Product quality pressures, measures
centrifugal separation of flour from oil also gains as the to optimise the
at a rate of 20-30 gallons per minute. separation mini- quality and usability
The heart of the MX-20 MicroMAX is mises the build-up of of frying oil are
a rotating bowl that spins rapidly, free fatty acids and prevents likely to pay off.
forcing solids to adhere to its outer side product from being contaminated by According to FMC FoodTech, the MX-
due to centrifugal force. Via a special suspended sediment. In a frying plant, 20 offers a solution that addresses both
infeed pump capable of handling hot the MX-20 can replace one or multiple cost as well as quality concerns.
oil and large particles, fryer oil enters filters per line, lowering the need for Product quality gains as a result of
the bowl from central ports into a scroll extra capital investment. lower free fatty acid content in the oil.
which is closely rotating inside the Lower sediment levels are help reduce
bowl. As the bowl spins, the scroll Reduced oil losses and lower the risk of rancidity and maintains the
(spinning at a slightly higher speed than costs oil’s flavour and colour. Heat loss is
the bowl) transports sediment towards The MX-20 uses an automatic also reduced. With the continuous
its conical end and discharges the solids Clean-in-Place system and is made sediment removal, the MX-20 also
into a hopper. The oil meanwhile flows entirely from stainless steel, including contributes to a 50% reduction in oil
to the counter end and a rotating weir the motor. The CIP systems is USDA lost in sediment compared to other
(slots in the back of the bowl that allow approved and CE marked. Labour and filtration methods.
the oil to spill over and out), where it is sanitation costs are thus reduced and Enquiry No: 017