Protien Lab
Protien Lab
Protien Lab
NT 161
In this cooking lab, we cooked a no bake protein bars and strawberry banana
smoothies. Foods that are high in protein and very high in flavor. Depending on
your body type the amount of protein in a day may vary. A person may need more
or less than another person, but these foods can add some protein to your diet.
Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make
enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Making these pizzas were very
easy and tasted very good. In making these bars and smoothies they packed a lot
In the largest mixing bow, we combined 2 cups old-fashioned oats, 1 cup flaxseed meal,
2/3 cup raisins, 2/3 cup dried cranberries, and 2/3 cup vanilla whey protein powder.
In a microwave safe bowl, we combined 1 cup white chocolate chips, 2/3 cup honey, and
2/3 cup peanut butter. We then microwaved these ingredients until the chocolate chips
because the mixture was a little too dry and was not sticking together well.
Lined a baking dish with wax paper, and added the mixture, spreading it until it was
Melted the remaining white chocolate chips in the microwave and drizzled it over the top
of the mixture.
5 cup strawberries
5 bananas
1.) The taste of the no bake bars were amazing. The steps were very easy and straight
2.) The class time did not allow the bars to harden fully in the freezer. Cutting them
3.) The smoothies ended up not tasting exactly how we had anticipated, which I
believe was the product of using a lot of protein powder and plain yogurt, which
4.) Frozen fruit would have created a much better smoothie. Th fresh fruit tastes
In the end, this lab taught me many ways to add more protein in my diet. I am not a huge
fan of protein powder and this shows me many alternative ways of using it to get some
protein in my diet. Simple and inexpensive ways are a better way to get protein than
paying a fortune for a lousy protein bar from GNC or the gas station. Take the time to