51 Practice File: Working With Words Business Communication

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51 Practice file

Working with words Business communication

1 Underline the correct word in italics. 1 Complete these conversations with phrases from the
1 We receive a letter / an invoice every month tor the lists.
products we buy. A
2 When we send a customer his order, we always include a You need to I'll speak to
delivery note / business card. There are some problems with That would be great
3 We print a hard copy / C V o f every order we receive. explain the situation
4 When I want a new job, I send my business card / CV to A 1_________________________________ the equipment and the
companies that interest me. products aren't ready for the Polish order. Can you help?
5 When I meet people in my job. we usually exchange B 2_________________________________ contact the customer
business cards / order forms. and 3______________________________________________________
6 We send a hard copy / an order form with our brochure to A OK.
all new customers.
B 4_________________________________ the service engineers
7 When I take a taxi. I pay. then ask for a letter / receipt for
A 5__________________________________________________________
my company.
8 I don't often send letters / CVs to my customers. We
communicate by email. We did. but I'll call You need to
for your help No problem W e can't
2 Complete this email with words from the list. I'll explain

save print receive open send forward A 6______________________ find the invoice for Delaney & Co
They want a special price.
B ______________________ call Jenny in the Accounts

To: Jose [email protected] department.

From: [email protected] A 8______________________ she wasn't in the office.
Subject: organizing paperwork / PC problems! B 9______________________ the customer then. Do they
normally have a special price?
Hello José
A No, not usually.
There are a few IT problems in our office today, so can
B OK. 10______________________ the situation.
you do me a favour?
Can you ___________a hard copy of the report from the A That’s great. Thanks a lot 11_______________________
meeting and give it to Amanda? I also need a copy - can B 12_______________________
you ____ the document to me in your next email?
2 Complete these phrases and find the hidden message.
Also, I can't __________ our customer correspondence
folder. If you can, please 1___________the order forms in 1 We n . t o fix the problem
this folder.
2 Don't w _
Can you ___________me the invoice from Bertrands so I 3 I'll e __ _ the situation
have their contact details, please?
4 That would be g _
Finally, can you call me when you 6___________this email?
I don’t know if my email is working!
5 We've got a with the order
Thanks, 6 I’llc _ the customer now
T 7 We c deliver in time,
8 We changed the software, but it d work
9 I'll let you know as soon as I
3 Cross out the verb a, b, or c that doesn't match with
the noun.
1 a receive b attach c print an email
2 a receive b print c open a business card
3 a forward b print c receive a hard copy
4 a open b attach c print a folder

Language at work I Past simple: be and regular verbs
1 U n d erlin e the c o rre c t w o rd in italics.
Past simple: be
A H ow 'was / were the meeting?
Form B I don’t know, 1 2wasn't / weren't there. 12was / were
P o s itiv e : Subject + was / were ... on holiday, but John emailed me the notes from the
1 / He / She / It was at the presentation. meeting. It 4was / were very long!
You / We / They were at the presentation.
A I’m glad 1 5were / was off sick then! Remi and Anna
N e g a tiv e : Subject + was not (wasn't) / were not (weren't) ... 6were / was also away. They 1were / was on a skiing
I / He / She / It wasn’t in the office. holiday, but there swasn't / weren't any snow!
You / We / They weren’t in the office.

Q uestions: (Question word*) + was / were / wasn't / weren’t + 2 Put th e w o rd s in 1-5 in the righ t o rd e r to m ak e

subject...? qu estion s, then m atch th em to an sw ers a -e .

Was she in the office? 1 they / weren’t / why / the / at / meeting

Why weren ’t you at work? ?

2 interesting / was / it
Past simple: regular verbs
P o sitive: Subject + verb + -ed ...
I worked fo r Vodafone.
They talked about branding.

Practice file 5 Com m unication

N e g a tiv e : Subject + did not / didn’t + verb ... 5 at / who / the / meeting / was
________________________________________ ?
They didn’t like the presentation.
You did not ask any questions. a Yes, it was. ___

Q uestions: (Question word*) + did / didn’t + subject + verb ...? b Last Friday. ___

Did she work fo r Unilever? c They were in Los Angeles. ___

When did you leave your last job? d Max and Yolanda. ___
Short a n sw ers: Don’t repeat the main verb. e No, there weren’t. ___
A Did she workfo r Unilever? B Yes, she did.
3 C o m p lete this te x t w ith th e past sim p le fo rm o f the
*See Practice file 4 for question words.
v e rb s in brackets.
Most regular verbs: verb + -ed
Report: Seminar Hotel Booking
start —» started
We 1___________(decide) to use Travel Inn. I 2___________ (call) to
Verbs ending in -e: verb + -d
ask for a special price and they3___________(email) me back to
decide —* decided
say it4___________(not be) possible. W e5___________ (not contact)
Verbs ending in consonant-vowel-consonant: double the last them again and0___________(try) another hotel. Two days later, we
letter + -ed '___________ (receive) an email from Travel Inn. They8___________
stop * stopped (be) sorry about the prices and9___________ (offer) us a 10%
Verbs ending in consonant + -y: replace -y with -led discount. 1,0___________(book) the meeting room immediately and
try —» tried they " ___________(confirm) this in writing. I t 12___________ (be)
exactly what we 13___________(want).
To talk about a finished action in the past. We usually know
4 Make questions in the past simple using the prompts.
when the action / event happened or didn’t happen.
1 When / you / start w ork ?_______________________________
I was at the meeting last week.
I received your message yesterday. 2 W here / she / go on holiday?___________________________
You didn ’t send me the document. 3 W hy / you / not email / m e ? ___________________________
To ask when an action in the past took place. 4 How / you / contact h er? _______________________________
When did the conference start? 5 W ho / they / speak to ? _________________________________
6 W hy / we / not call / h im ?_____________________________

61 Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 C o m p lete this m enu w ith w o rd s fro m the list. 1 Underline the correct phrase in italics to complete the
Main course order Dessert conversation.
side salad Dish courses A Hello, I’m Rachel, ’ Can I join you? / Can 1 help you?
Starter B ' Yes. o f course. / No. I don't.
A I hear you work fo r / Is this your first time at the congress?
Two 1___________for only €12.00 or three for €15.00
B No, 1was here last year. 3
4*What do you think o f it? / Please
2_______ take a seat.

Tomato soup A It's really interesting and nice to meet new people.
Avocado salad
Antipasti selection 2 Each phrase in italics has an extra word. Cross it out.
5__________of the Da-j
3 ________________________ A Hi, i'm Mia Pieczek from Slovakia. '/ hear you do work fo r

Chicken casserole Motorola.

fish Fie made with local fish
Spaghetti bolognese ■served with a 6__________ B 2Yes. that’s is right.
Grilled tuna steak A You're my customer in Slovakia! - Wouldyou like get
4 another coffee?
Summer fruits and ice cream B 4Wo. you’re thanks. I'm fine.
Chocolate mousse A OK. Well. I'd like one, so I’ll °see me you later.
Apple strudel and cream
B Yes. HNice to talking to you.

Please ‘ ___________at the bar

3 Put the words in the right order
1 join / can / you / I
2 C om p lete these sen ten ces w ith a, an, or some. .?
1 I'd lik e ___________glass o f still water, please. 2 you / hear / I / for / KPMG / work
2 Would you lik e ___________vegetables with that?
3 Could I h a v e ___________side salad with my steak. 3 something / get / can / you / I
please? ?

4 I’ll h a v e ___________avocado salad, please. 4 you / think / exhibition / what / o f / the / do

5 W e’d lik e _________ extra portion o f French fries,
please. 5 me / please / excuse
6 Could I h a v e ___________parmesan cheese, please?
7 Would you lik e ___________starter?
8 I'll h a ve___________glass o f red wine, please.

3 Put these conversations in the right order.

A a ___ Would you like a side dish with that?
b — Yes, I’ll have a four seasons pizza, please.
c Are you ready to order?
d ___ No problem.
e ___ No thanks, but I'd like a glass o f red wine, please.

B a _ How was your meal?

b Would you like a dessert?
c ___ And could I have the bill, please?
d ___ Sure.
e ___ No thank you. but we'd like two coffees, please.
f ___ Very nice, thanks.
Language at work I Past simple: irregular verbs I Time expressions
2 Complete this email using the past simple form of the
Past simple: irregular verbs verb in brackets.
Many verbs are irregular and don't take -ed in the past simple.
go * went
come * came
Subject: Trip to Hawaii - I'm back!
have * had
take * took Hi Timo,
I'm back from the trip. It was great. We 1___________ (fly)
For a list o f irregular verbs and their past simple forms, see
with United Airlines in Business Class! Julio •’___________
page 102.
(meet) us at the airport when we arrived. W e __________
For how to form sentences and questions in the past simple, see (spend) two weeks visiting customers which was very
Practice file 5 on page 87. interesting. Then w e 3
4___________(have) a short holiday
and 5___________(do) some sightseeing. We 6___________
Time expressions (not see) Heike unfortunately - we ;___________(leave)
before she 8___________(come) back from her holiday.
Use time expressions to say when something happened in the
Anyway, can you tell me what happened in the company
in the last three weeks?
last night four years ago
last Tuesday in 2008 Thanks,
last week on 26th January
yesterday when 1 was in Japan Clio
two days ago

Practice file 6 Contacts

Tim e expressions are usually at the end o f the sentence.
I left myjo b in 2007 3 Look at this diary. Complete the sentences using the
1flew to Milan yesterday. past simple and the time expressions in the list. Today
We didn't finish the report last week. is the 11th.
Time expressions can go at the beginning of the sentences to last Thursday yesterday last night
give them more importance. a week ago two days ago
Yesterday / was so busy. / didn 7 have a break.

1 Match verbs 1-10 to their past simple forms a-j. 6io to £»ivt
Warsaw presentation
1 do ___ a went to the ftoard
2 take ___ b took
3 give ---- c met
4 spend ___ d left
5 meet ___ e gave
6 go — f had Leave Meet Jakob
7 fly ---- Warsaw for lunch
g spent
& pin see
8 have ___ h did
the new
9 leave ___ i saw bond film
10 see ___ j flew

1 I ___________to W arsaw _________________

2 I ___________a presentation to the Board

3 I ___________ W arsaw __________

4 I ___________ Jakob for lunch__
5 I ___________ the new Bond film

71 Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 C o m p lete this te x t w ith the b est o p tio n fro m a, b, o r c 1 Put this conversation in the right order.
b elow . a ___ And this is your visitor's pass.
This is my department. We 1___________ customer orders. b — OK. Can you sign here, please?
Ahmed 2___________the team and he 3___________ which c ___ OK, thanks.
customers we work with. Sometimes, he 4___________
d ___ Thanks.
problems with the customers’ orders too. 1 5___________
e ___ Please take a seat. Mrs Hayek will be right down.
the financial side: invoices and payment. I 6___________ the
f ___ Yes, certainly.
invoices are correct and 7___________payment agreements
g ___ My name’s Roland Perry. I have an appointment
to suit our different customers. We 8___________the
with Mrs Hayek at 10 o'clock.
Logistics department - they inform us when the orders are
2 Put the words in italics in the right order.
1 a develop b are responsible for c plan
A Mr Perry?
2 a is in charge of b plans c checks
B Yes, hello, you must be Mrs Hayek.
3 a manages b plans c develops
A That’s right, meet / nice / to / you
4 a controls b is in charge of c deals with 1 _______________________________________________________
5 a check b plan c manage
B And you.
6 a am responsible for b deal with c check
A OK / you / us / did / find
7 a develop b control c plan 2_______________________________________?
8 a are in charge of b work with c check
B It was no problem, your directions were very clear.
A Would / coffee / like / you / a
2 Complete this crossword with the names of
3________________________________________________________ ?
B No, I'm fine thanks.
A OK, well let / show / me / round / you

This is our main building ...

3 Complete the conversation with these phrases.

have an appointment with Nice to see you again
Would you like a coffee will be right with you
let me introduce you to Can you sign here, please

A Good morning I 1 J eff Bernstein

R 2 7

A Sure.
B Take a seat. Mr Bernstein J
1 is responsible for deliveries
2 is in charge o f making the products
A le f f l4
3 deals with questions and problems from customers:
C. Y e s, y o u to n 5 ?
C ustom er___________
4 plans advertising for the company A Yes, please. Milk, no sugar.
C Oh. 6 Alex, mv PA
5 plans and develops new products:___________and
Development He’s in charge o f the admin and our team.

6 is in charge o f the money in the company

7 deals with the employees in the com pany:_________
8 manages the computer network: Inform ation______
Language at work I Prepositions of place and movement
1 You are on the stairs. Look at this plan and complete
Prepositions of place the sentences with words from the list.
To describe the position o f something or someone.

above below behind

in front o f in between

■O M
next to on the left (of) on the right (of)
on the right

1 Production i s .
on the left
next to

in front o f

Practice file 7 Departments

2 Finance i s ___ . Logistics and IT.
3 You a r e ______ . the first floor.
4 The water fountain is . .the cafeteria.
5 Logistics i s __________
6 Marketing is the last d o o r .
7 The lift i s _________________ . the cafeteria.
8 Marketing i s _____________ ___ Sales.

2 Read these directions and look at the plan in 1. Where

do the directions take you?
1 Start at the stairs. Go past HR and then turn left.

2 Go left out o f IT and along the corridor. They are in front

o f you_______________________
3 Go out o f the cafeteria, turn right, and go into the room.

Prepositions of movement
To give directions. 4 Go into the lift and up one floor.

3 C o rre c t the m istak es in italics.

Business Tower. JEB Electronics. Our offices:

tit* We are in 1___________the 15th floor. Lifts are in front

2___________Reception. Take the lift to the 15th floor and
turn left - in 3___________the right is a coffee area. Next
out o f into
4 __ the coffee area is a meeting room. Go along
I 5___________the meeting room on your right. W e are between
o f 6___________the meeting room and the stairs. Finance
and HR are below 7___________on the 16th floor.
Car parking is underground - above8___________the offices.
past up Ask for a pass at the security desk on right9___________
before you drive in.
81 Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 C o m p lete th ese sen ten ces and use the an sw ers to 1 M atch 1-6 to a -f.
c o m p le te th e cro ssw o rd . 1 Can w e arran ge___ a ... Monday.
2 What tim e ___ b ... good for you?
3 I’m free o n ___ c ... a meeting?
4 Sorry____ d ... at lunchtime?
5 Is 10.00___ e ... are you free?
6 Are you fr e e ___ f ... I’m busy then

2 Underline the best expression in italics.

A We need to discuss the sales conference. 'Can we arrange
a meeting? /1 can't meet on Tuesday.
B OK. 2is Thursday OK? / / can’t meet then.

8 A Oh. no, 3are you busy at 5 p.m.? / sorry. I'm busy then.
B OK, well Wednesday’s no good for me. b u t41 can’t meet
then / are you free on Friday?
•s 1 As a doctor. I must b e ___________about the medicines I
A Yes. Friday’s fine for me. 5/s 11 a.m. OK? / 12.00 is good.
give to my patients.
B 11 a.m. is good.
2 My project manager often has problems to deal with, but
A Great. See you on Friday, then.
she is v e r y ____________ and usually solves them.
3 I spend a lot o f time looking at numbers and budgets. It’s 3 Complete the conversation with these phrases.
not always easy to s ta y ___________
can’t meet W ednesday’s good
4 When I started in my company six years ago, I wasn’t
Wednesday OK Are you busy on
v e r y ___________, but now I know all about the job.
What time are you free We need to meet about
5 In my job. you have to think quickly and be really is fine

A 1__________________________________ the problem with the

6 It is important to sta y ___________with the customers.
product design.
7 People don't always understand about IT, so 1 have to be
B Yes, o f course. 2________________________________Tuesday?
when 1 try to explain how things work.
A Yes. in the morning. I 3______________________ until 2 p.m.
8 When we interview for new advertising executives, we
B 2 p.m. is a bit late. Is 4___________________________________?
look for people who a r e ___________
A Yes. 5____________________________________________________
2 Complete the conversation with these phrases. B 67
________________________________________________________ ?

isn’t very good a qualification in A From 11 a.m.

doesn’t have any experience in B 11 a.m. __________________________________________ form e.
good at has a lot o f experience in

A W e’re looking for an advertising assistant and we have a

strong candidate. She has 1_______________________________
marketing. She is imaginative and energetic, but she
2 ___________________________our product range.
B I don’t think that’s a problem —she can learn that. She’s
3 _____________________________ organizing and
planning, I saw some o f her work at the interview. She
also 4__________________________________ managing people.
A Yes, but she 5____________________________________________
at p resen tin g-sh e was terrible at the interview.
B She can do a presentation course to help her though.

Language at work I Present continuous
1 Complete this email using the present continuous of
Present continuous the verbs in brackets.
P o sitive: Subject + am / is / are + -ing
I am / 'm writing the monthly report. Subject: new position questions / update
He is / 's working from home. Hi Max,
They are / ’re meeting the MD.
Here's some information about the new position:
N e g a tiv e : Subject + am / is / are not + -ing Talvinder can't take the new job because she
I am not / 'm not working at home today. 1 _____________ (finish) her university studies. We
She is not / isn’t having her lunch. 2 _____________ (contact) some of the other applicants
from the interviews last week.
You are not / aren’t talking to Security.
Janis *1
3______________________ (check) their qualifications again
Q uestions: (Question word) + am / is / are + subject + -ing? and 1 4_5_____________________ (arrange) second interviews. We
A m i working with the new customer today? 5______________________ (not invite) applicants from abroad
Is it raining today? - this takes too long.
Are we looking at the right report? 1 need some help from you with the interviews - do you have
time o r 67
______________________ (you plan) the HR conference
Short a n sw ers: Don’t repeat the main verb.
at the moment? Please let me know.
A Am I working with the new customer today? B Yes, you are.
A Are we looking at the right report? B No, we aren’t.

Practice file 8 Employment

Most verbs: add -ing to the verb
2 R ead the d ia lo g u e and a n sw er q u estion s a and b.
study —> studying / start —* starting
1 A Are you coming to the meeting now?
Verbs ending with -e: replace -e with -ing
2 B No, sorry. I’m working on this presentation.
arrive - * arriving
3 A But Abi is here from South Africa - he’s only staying
Verbs ending with vowel + consonant: double the last
three days.
consonant and add -ing
4 B I know, but Konrad is waiting for it. Anyway, what’s
stop stopping
Abi’s news?
Use 5 A Well, he isn’t managing the sales team any more.
To describe a temporary or changing situation. 6 B W hat’s he doing now, then?
Are you working on any interesting new projects?
7 A He’s helping set up a new sales office in Cape Town.
To describe an action happening at the moment o f speaking.
a Which lines are about a temporary or changing
A What are you doing?
B Were interviewing someonefo r the newjob.
b Which lines are about something happening at the time
To describe current trends.
o f speaking?______________________
We are employing more people in the I T sector.

3 C o rre c t the m istakes.

1 Where Zoran and Judith going?

2 T h ey’re do a course on presentations at the

InterContinental today.

3 Are you comming to the meeting?

4 He not leading the sales team.

5 W e training to becom e software engineers.

6 Are they meet at the Dorchester?

91 Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 C o m p lete this e m a il w ith w o rd s fro m the list. 1 U n d erlin e th e c o rre c t w o r d in italics.

up-to-date fast wide low friendly high A I have two quotes here for office printers. It’s difficult to
choose one.
B How do they 1compare / better?
A Lexi is 2difference / similar to Samsonic.
O u r1___________range of products is o f 2___________
quality and we always o ffe r 3_
* __________prices. We
B So what’s the 3difference / compare?
produce our products using modern machines and A The 4advantage / better o f the Lexi is it works with a
4___________technology. You can see all the products in wireless network.
our brochure and read about ou r5___________delivery B That sounds good.
times and 6___________customer service. A Yes, but it’s more expensive.
B The Samsonic is cheaper, but the 5comparison /
Please call us or order online. disadvantage is it is more difficult to use and isn’t
T wireless.
A I 6choice /prefer the Lexi - it’s a higher price but better
2 C h oose th e c o rre c t a d je c tiv e fro m a, b, o r c. for our office.

1 We u s e ___ technology to build our systems. B OK.

2 Don't buy from BNS, their prices are t o o ____

2 Put this conversation in the right order. The first and
3 We have a ___ choice o f products.
last lines are correct.
4 Our new offices are in a ___ location.
a _ L A I have two hotels that look good. Which should
5 We offer a ___ delivery time for urgent orders.
we book?
6 They are expensive, but they produ ce___ -quality
b ___ B Let’s choose Mercure - breakfast is included,
we have transport, and w e can get a taxi to the
1 a friendly b low c up-to-date
centre o f town.
2 a high b fast c bad
c ___A Well, Mercure is similar to Ibis. Mercure has
3 a up-to-date b wide c high breakfast included, but Ibis doesn’t,
4 a slow b good c wide d ___ B How do they compare?
5 a fast b expensive c good e ___A Exactly. But the disadvantage o f Ibis is it only has
6 a wide b bad c high a suite free - no single rooms.
f ___ B So we don’t need a hire car?
3 Put th e letters in italics in the righ t o rd e r to c o m p lete
g ___A Yes, breakfast is good, but the advantage o f Ibis is
the presen tation .
its location. It’s more central.
We are very competitive and are number two in the market.
h ___B W ell I’d like breakfast in the price.
Why? We offer findlrey 1___________ customer service. We
i B Oh, does Mercure have single rooms?
can guarantee fast dylvreei tmie 2___________o f our products
and, although they are sometimes epxnseiev 3_________ ,
j ___A Yes, and the advantage o f Mercure is we can have
free pick up from the airport,
the products are high qyultai4___________and there is a wide
coihce 5___________ The customer service office is also in a k 1 L A O K - I ’ll book it.
odog 6___________ location for our customers.
Language at work I Comparatives

2 Correct the mistakes.

1 easyJet is often more cheap than British Airways.
One-syllable adjectives (also some two-syllable 2 Vodafone offers a gooder service than my phone
p rovider.______________________
Adjectives ending in a consonant: add -er
3 Our office is in a more expensive location like our
fast - * faster
Adjectives ending in -e: add -r 4 Spanish is easyer to learn than Japanese.
wide - * wider

Adjectives ending in a vowel + consonant: double the 5 Our customers are often more experienced that our
consonant and add -er technicians_______________________
big - * bigger 6 The competitors offer more lower prices than us.
Adjectives ending in -y: replace the -y with -ier
easy - » easier 7 The new mobile phone is more difficulter to use than the
Long adjectives - 2 syllables or more old m odel_______________________

Put more before the adjective. The adjective doesn't change. 8 Their customer service is worser than before.

difficult - » more difficult

Irregular adjectives
3 Complete this text with words from the list.
good - * better

Practice file 9 Competition

friendlier higher expensive wider than
bad —* worse
more (x2) easier better worse
Use a comparative form to say how something is different from
something else. REPORT: Our market position in
1 prefer online shopping because it has a wider choice. comparison to our competitor in the
Th an supermarket business.
To compare two things use than after the adjective.
A Daewoo is cheaper than an Audi. • Our products are often ’___________expensive, but we offer a
Sofitel is more expensive than Novotel. 2___________ choice*2
3___________ them.
Express delivery isfaster than standard delivery.
• Quality of our products is always4___________ than theirs.
• Their sales staff are well trained and 5___________experienced
1 Put these adjectives in the correct row in the table than our shop assistants.
and then add their comparative forms. • Customers say our staff are6___________than the competitor's.
• Our stores are in more7_
8__________ locations, but we are
friendly expensive low experienced
easy difficult fast cheap 8___________to find than the competitor.

In conclusion, it’s not possible to say our store is 9___________ or

Adjective Comparative
'°___________than the competitor. We have different qualities.
1 + -er

2 + -ier

3 + more

101 Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 C o m p lete this e m a il w ith w o rd s fro m th e list. 1 C o m p lete this c o n v e rs a tio n w ith phrases fro m the list.

decisions ideas solutions Do you think I think What do you think

problems in a team meetings my opinion Yes, I agree

A 1 about our new advertisement?

B 2 it’s the best one so far.
Subject: my new job!
A 3

Hi Xander, B 4 the picture is big enough?

A Oh yes, but in 5 . the logo should
My new job's great - I'm so glad I moved departments.
In this job we work 1___________ I'm the assistant to the
technicians who find 2___________for our customers. I
don't make 3___________ or so lve4___________ , but it's my
2 Put the words in italics in the right order to continue
job to tell the team about changes and new systems. the conversation from 1.
Sometimes I attend 5___________where we work together B / / agree / d o n 't1_________________________________________
to develop6___________for the future. It makes a nice The logo is the most important thing. I like the colours o f
change to be part of a team.
the packaging - opinion /your / what’s
How's your job? 2_______________________________________ ?
A not / I ’m / sure / so 3_____________________________________
B / / we / should / think 4__________________________________
2 Complete these sentences, then find the words in the make the packaging more interesting with the same
word search. colours.
1 I usually___________ a meeting every Tuesday. A true / that’s 5______________________________________________
2 It was a ___________decision to close the factory. It’s not the most attractive box for such a great product.

3 1 called the Helpdesk because I had a ___________

3 Underline the best option in italics.
1 A W hat’s your opinion?
4 Our bosses want us t o ___________solutions to our
customers’ problems. B That’s true. / Well, 1 think ...

5 We have more ideas when w e ___________in a team. 2 A I think w e should change suppliers.

6 At the brainstorming meetings w e ___________ideas for B What do you think? / I ’m not so sure.

marketing campaigns. 3 A 1 don’t think that’s a good idea.

7 Lenny had s o m e ___________ ideas for the team-building B / disagree. / In my opinion.

weekend. 4 A What do you think?
8 Roberto m ust___________the right decisions so the B That’s true. / In my opinion. ...
project doesn't cost more money. 5 A In my opinion, it’s a waste o f time.
9 W e have ten urgent orders and there's a transport strike - B / think we should. / Yes, I agree.
we don’t know how t o ___________the problem.
10 The company doesn't allow Internet surfing - that’s HR’s 4 Write the missing word / letter in these sentences.
decision. 1 What you think?_________________________________________
2 That tru e.________________________________________________
1 G H L F F D L J A
3 Do think our company is the best?
H V E U X E 1 A 0 U

w B E E V W F N H E
5 I not so sure____________________________
X Q K E z A F 1 D Q
6 My opinion, we should stop production.
u A L Z E C 1 F G Y
M 0 X F E S C D 0 U
p W 0 R K V U R 0 H

B V J J U W T 0 1 L

N 1 P T S W U G S Y
Language at work I Present continuous I Superlatives
Complete this conversation using the present
Present continuous continuous form of the verbs in the list.
Form go finish take (x2) visit do
See Practice file 8 for how to form the present continuous. leave meet have work
Use A W here’s Katja? What 1___________she d _________ ?
Present B She 2___________ f ____________an email.
For an action happening at the time o f speaking. A But my plane 3___________1____________in two hours and
For a temporary situation. she '1___________t ___________ me to the airport.
For a current trend. B I’ll tell her to hurry.5___________y o u v ___________ our
See Practice file 8 for more information. clients when you arrive?
Future A No, I 6___________g ___________ straight to the hotel - we
To describe a fixed arrangement in the future. We usually know 7___________m ____________in the evening. W e 8___________
the time o f the arrangement. h ___________dinner together.
The goods are arriving this afternoon B 9___________you t ___________ the presentation with you?
I ’m going to New York next month. A Yes, but I 10___________ still w ___________ on the
He’s taking some holiday next week. introduction. 1 can finish it on the plane.
B Well, have a good flight.
Superlatives A Thanks, Michi.

Practice file 10 Teamwork

One-syllable adjectives (also some two-syllable 2 Are these sentences from 1 talking about the present
adjectives) (P ) or the future ( F ) l

Adjectives ending in a consonant: add -est 1 W hat’s she doing? ___

fast - * thefastest 2 She’s finishing an email. ___

Adjectives ending in -e\ add -st 3 M y plane’s leaving in two hours. ___
wide —* the widest 4 She’s taking me to the airport. ___

Adjectives ending in a vowel + consonant: double the 5 Are you visiting our clients when you arrive? ___
consonant and add -est 6 W e’re meeting in the evening. ___
big -* the biggest 7 Are you taking the presentation with you? ___

Adjectives ending in -y: replace the -y with -iest 8 I’m still working on the introduction. ___
easy * the easiest
3 Tick (/ ) the correct sentence.
Long adjectives - 2 syllables or more
1 a That was the most important decision in my whole
Put the most before the adjective. The adjective doesn’t change.
difficult -* the most difficult
b That was most important decision in my whole career.
Irregular adjectives
2 a I think Gina has the goodest marketing idea,
good -* the best
b I think Gina has the best marketing idea.
bad —» the worst
3 a My mobile phone is the most up-to-date I could find.
Remember: the is always used before the superlative.
b My mobile phone is the most up-to-datest I could find.
Use 4 a Our competitor is the bigest company in the market,
To compare more than two things. b Our competitor is the biggest company in the market.
John’s idea was good. Ingrid’s idea was better. But, o f the three, 5 a That Internet provider is the most expensive, but
Ling’s idea was the best. offers the bestest service.
b That Internet provider is the most expensive, but
offers the best service.
6 a The German manufacturer makes the highest quality
goods in our field.
b The German manufacturer makes the most highest
quality goods in our field.
I l l Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 C o m p lete this te x t w ith w o rd s fro m the list. 1 Put this c o n versa tio n in th e righ t order.

queues terminal check-in a ___ Er ... Oh yes, I have your reservation here. Your
hand luggage business class aisle seat room is 503.
b ___ Good afternoon. Ms Patel. Is it just for one person?
C u stom er N o tic e
c ___ Thanks.

Please arrive at the '______________________ building at least 90 d ___ Good afternoon. I have a reservation for two nights.
minutes before your flight leaves. You are allowed 5 kg of My name’s Patel.
2______________________ For'_______________________ passengers, e ___ No, that should be fine. We aren't busy on Mondays.
a special4______________________ desk is available with no long
f ___ Yes, certainly. Do 1 need to book a table for dinner
‘ _______________________No seat numbers are allocated, but for
an extra charge you can reserve a window or
"______________________ when you book your flight. g ___ And can I see your credit card, please?
h ___ No. two.

2 C om plete this d ialogu e w ith the v o w e ls (a, e, i, o, and u). 2 C o m p lete th ese d ialogu es.
A Everyone says planes are the fastest way to travel, but I 1 A D___________ y ___________ h ___________ a ___________
disagree. T h e 't ___ rm ___ n ___ Is are always busy and v __________ ?
what about the 2d ___ I___ ys?
B Sorry, w e’re fully booked.
B Yes, you're right. You have to wait at 3ch ___ ck-___ n.
2 A A double room costs 120 euros a night.
And there's another wait at ;|p ___ ssp___ rt c ___ ntr____1.
B D___________ t ___________ i ___________ b ___________?
A I always go to the 5b ___ s ___ n ___ ss c l___ ss lounge for
3 A C ___________ I b ___________ a r ___________?
some free food and drink before I go to the fig ___ t ___ I
B Certainly, sir. Can I have your name, please?
B Well I can't do th a t- 1 always travel ' c ___n ____my.
4 A W ___________ t ___________ i ___________ b ___________
But I only take 8h ___ nd 1____g g ___ g ___ so I don’t have
s __________ ?
to wait when I arrive.
B From 6.00 to 9.30.
A Yes, so do I. You must be really careful which airline you
choose too: some don't help you when the flight’s
3 M atch 1-5 to a - e to c o m p le te th e sentences.
9c ___ nc____II___ d.
1 Could you ___
B I know, and some charge you extra for your 9
l0b ___ gs!
2 Do you ___
3 C o m p lete this crossw ord . 3 Is there a ___
1 2 4 Do the rooms have ___
5 Can I have ___
3 4
a ... Internet access?
5 b ... meeting room?
c ... have room service?
d ... a wake-up call?
8 e ... order me a taxi?

1 a seat in the middle o f the plane

2 you wait here before you board the plane
3 you show your ticket here and get your boarding card
4 your passport is checked here: passport___________
5 the cheapest type o f ticket
6 a long line you wait in
7 you pack your clothes in these
8 the building at the airport you leave from or arrive at
9 your flight is stopped maybe because o f bad weather
1 Make sentences from the prompts using goin g to.
Going to
1 They / visit / their customers
Positive: Subject + am / is / are + going to + verb 2 1 / not / ask / Patrice to help
la m / 'm going to visit the new customer.
He is / ’s going to write the next presentation.
3 W e / take / Tuesday o ff
They are / ’re going to work in Brazil.

Negative: Subject + am / is / are not + going to + verb 4 It / not / rain today

1 am not / ‘m not going to take the job.
She is not / isn’t going to leave the company.
5 you / discuss / the contract at the meeting?
We are not / aren ’t going to have a meeting about this.

Questions: (Question word) + am / is / are + subject +

6 I / see / José at the conference
going to + verb
Am I going to come to the meeting?
Why is he going to talk to management? 2 Match 1-6 to a -f to complete the sentences.
Are you going to visit the suppliers?
1 Franz is going to meet us at the airport before
Short answers: Don’t repeat going to we leave ___
A Is he going to talk to management? B No. he isn't.
2 W e’re going to arrive early at check-in ___
A Are you going to visit the suppliers? B Yes, 1 am.
3 Samir is going to come to the airport ___
Use 4 Jake is going to attend the conference ___ T3
To talk about a general plan for a future action or event. It is 5 W e’re going to work late ___ ÛJ
used to mean the same as / am planning to . . . . There is not rj-
6 I’m going to contact our suppliers ___
necessarily a fixed time in the plan. O
I ’m going to visit Toronto. a ... to find some new customers,
We aren't going to eat out in the evening. b ... to take us to our hotel,
Are you going to take Friday off? c ... to miss the queues,
d ... to give us our visas,
Infinitive of purpose e ... to ask about the order,
Add an infinitive to say why you are doing something. QJ
f ... to finish the presentation.
We’re going to meet our suppliers to discuss prices. <
They're going to spend a day in New York to find a new office. 3 Correct the mistakes.
I ’m going to leave the office at 3 p.m. to collect my wife from
1 The airline is going cancel its flights.
the airport.2

2 Silvia going to attend the meeting instead o f me.

3 Marco are going to confirm his flight details tomorrow.

4 I’m going to not finish the report by tomorrow.

5 Are you visit Jess while you're in New York?

6 Tim o's going to call the suppliers for to cancel the order.

7 Are you going to hold a meeting to discussing the IT

problem s?______________________
8 Franz isn’t going take the new jo b _______________________


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