Macro Environment Final
Macro Environment Final
Macro Environment Final
The Economic forces relate to factors that affect consumer purchasing power
and spending patterns.
Important criteria are:
Interest rate
Currency exchange rates
Import duty rate and sales tax/VAT
Disposable personal income and spending patterns.
The business sector has economic relations with the government, capital
market, and household sector. These different sectors together influence
the trends and structure of the economy.
If interest rates are too high, the cost of borrowing may not permit a
business to expand.
If the unemployment rate is high, business can obtain labor at cheaper
If the unemployment is too high, this may result in a recession and
less discretionary consumer spending insufficient sales to keep the
business going.
Tax rates will take a chunk of your income and currency exchange rates
can either help or hurt the exporting of your products to specific
foreign markets.
Definition of Demography
The science of population, is basically concerned with the study of
the size, distribution, characteristics, growth and structure of population
over time.
Four Areas
Importance of Demography
Advantage and Disadvantage
It is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and
processes used in the production of goods or services or in the
accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation
Advantages of Technology
Disadvantages of Technology
Implementation Expenses
Job Elimination
Security Breaches
It can come as an important tool within the company, improving the
operations and functions or it can be the very reason why a company exists.
Such is the scale of impact of technology on business. Heads of companies
are on constant lookout for updates and developments in the technological
environment. This helps them not just to improve the efficiency of the way
the organization works but to be aware of the transformational phase and
come up with groundbreaking strategies to drive growth. Management students
during their academic course are thought how technological environment can
influence business environment. Finally, technology is changing so rapidly
for organizations and the ability to adopt new technologies is becoming a
vital mechanism. This is certainly true in the world of global business.
The coming years will definitely show up new technologies that will surely
continue to change the way we do business even one step further.
Definition of Legal:
• Of or relating to the law
• Business License/Permit
fishing spots and many others. In other countries such as in the Middle
East, are rich in oil, crude and petroleum. Ecological environment also
growing shortages of raw materials. Some people think that resources are
growing which leads to more houses that decrease the area of soil or land.
Electricity is also a problem in our country. We are not that rich enough
to have large nuclear power plants. Windmills and dams are examples of
structures that can provide electricity but these are not enough to supply
resources face large cost increase even if the materials remain available
More and more companies are now embracing the idea of sustainable
Responsibility for protecting the environment does not rest solely with
governments and businesses however; each citizen has a social and moral
Code and many others. But nowadays, as you can observe, many businesses are
now in support for a clean and green environment as part of their Corporate
Social Responsibility or Public Relations and most of the time, this serves