Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2004 Read The Text To Answer Questions 1 To 3

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Bahasa Inggris tahun 2004 7.

Serve egg in egg cup

Read the text to answer questions 1 to 3. Serving suggestion: Warm buttered toast,
cut into slices, and dipped into the egg
Mrs. Leo is a doctor. She has a sharp nose, makes a tasty treat
wavy hair, and creamy yellow skin. She is
tall and slim. She is about one point seventy 4. Which of the following is in the correct
metres. Her weight is about forty five kilograms. order?
Mrs. Leo works in a big hospital. She starts A. Boil for 4 minutes, place egg in
working at eight o’clock in the morning until saucepan, bring water to boil, drain
five at noon. Everyone likes her. She always saucepan.
smiles in treating her patients or to others she B. Bring water to boil, place egg in water,
knows. On Saturday and Sunday, she stays boil for 4 minutes, drain saucepan.
home or spends her time for recreation. C. Bring water to boil, place egg in
saucepan, drain saucepan, boil for 4
1. What time does Mrs. Leo begin to work? minutes.
A. At 5.00 D. Bring water to boil, place egg in
B. At 7.00 saucepan, boil for 4 minutes, drain
C. At 8.00 saucepan.
D. At 9.00
5. To avoid the egg being broken, what
2. Mrs. Leo is a ........ doctor. should you do?
A. lazy A. Drop the egg in water as fast as
B. kind possible.
C. proud B. Throw the egg in boiled water.
D. clever C. Put the egg in a drain saucepan.
D. Put the egg in water with a spoon.
3. Which of the following statements is NOT
TRUE ? 6. “ ... makes a tasty treat.”
A. Mrs. Leo is a friendly person. The underlined word could be best
B. Mrs. Leo works five days a week. replaced with the word ....
C. Mrs. Leo is a tall and fat woman. A. decorated
D. Mrs. Leo finishes working at five p.m. B. delicious
C. hot
Read the text to answer questions 4 to 6. D. salty

Read the text to answer questions 7 to 8.
Things you need:
1 egg
1 small saucepan Budi’s mother goes shopping regularly. She
0,5 litre of water goes to the .....(7)..... once a week. There
she buys things for the daily .....(8)..... such
What to do: as meat, fruit, and vegetables. She loves to
1. Fill the saucepan with water
go there because it is clean, comfortable, and
2. Bring water to boil
3. Put egg in water with spoon has fixed price.
4. Boil for 4 minutes
5. Turn off the stove
6. Drain saucepan

7. A. green grocer 9. In the opening game of the world Cup
B. market 2002, Senegal defeated ........
C. supermarket A. Argentina
D. department store B. Korea
C. Italy
8. A. drinks D. France
B. foods
C. meals 10. What is the text about? It is about football
D. needs ........
A. players
Read the text to answer questions 9 to 12. B. coaches
C. clubs
REUTERS D. trainers
Liverpool, England.
Senegal striker El-Hadji Diouf has signed 11. When does El Hadji Diouf start joining
a five year deal with Liverpool, the English Liverpool?
premier league club said on Tuesday. A. In 2001.
“We can confirm that Diouf has signed B. In 2002.
a five-year deal that will keep him at Anfield C. In 2005.
until June 2007,” a club spokesman said. The D. In 2007.
former Lens striker, who has cost Liverpool 10
million pounds ($15.75 million), was joined in 12. “Senegal was one of the surprises of the
training on Tuesday by fellow new comer Alou tournament in South Korea and Japan.”
Diarra and Bruno Cheyrou, who have both What does the underlined word mean?
signed long-term deals at Anfield. A. A contest in which a number of
French midfielder Diarra, 21, arrived on competitors take part.
a free transfer from Bayern Munich, while B. People who participate in certain
24-year-old Cheyrou joined for four million event.
pounds ($6.30 million) from Lille last week. C. One who wins the first prize in a
Salif Diao, who played alongside Diouf at this contest.
year’s World Cup, has also signed a five-year D. Events which do not relate to sport.
contract from Sedan.
But the midfielder, who cost Liverpool
some 5 million pounds ($7.88 million), will not
arrive in England until December.
Senegal was one of the surprises of the
tournament in South Korea and Japan when
it beat defending world champion France
in the opening game and went on to the

Adapted from The Jakarta Post

Read the text to answer questions 13 to 15. Read the text to answer questions 16 to 18.

Queen’s Tandoor Some years ago the forest in Indonesia .....

INDIAN & CHINESE CUISINE (16)..... from the air like an unbroken carpet
of green. But today we only find some trees in
Permata Palza Ground Floor
the forests because people .....(17)..... them
(next to President Hotel)
for timber. They also .....(18) ..... the forest
Jl. Thamrin Kav. 57, Jakarta
Telp. 3903287-8 for farms, mines, and settlements. If we don’t
Fax. 3903286 stop this, our forest will be gone.
[email protected]
Come & enjoy our excellent food and 16. A. look
quality service in a superb ambience B. looks
(NO BRANCH) C. looked
D. are looking
13. What is the information about? It is about
a/an .... 17. A. cut
A. restaurant B. are cutting
B. apartment C. have cut
C. hotel D. will cut
D. plaza
18. A. clear
14. What’s the quickest and practical way to B. are clear
reserve a table in the restaurant ........ C. cleared
A. Going to the restaurant. D. will clear
B. Coming to the restaurant earlier.
C. Informing the restaurant via Read the text to answer questions 19 to 23.
D. Connecting the restaurant Via L.A. du Pre,
internet. Foucaud et Cie,
1128 Rue Voltaire,
The correct statement based on the 76005 Paris
advertisement is ........ 28th August, 2003
A. The Queen’s Tandoor is in President
Hotel Dear Miss du Pre
B. Queen’s Tandoor offers Indian and
Chinese food Thank you for your letter of the 21 August
C. Queen’s Tandoor offers traditional 2003. We have reserved a room for Mr.
and Indian foo Alain Mancone for the period of 21st
D. We can find Queen’s Tandoor in all September to the 2nd October, inclusive.
part of Jakarta The room overlooks the park and has a
telephone extension. The telephone can
be connected to outside lines, so Mr.

Mancone can use the telephone to make B. Mr. Mancone needed the room facing
and receive calls. A reception room will be the park.
available daily. C. The price of the room included the
service charge.
The cost of single room with bath is $1500 D. Breakfast was always served in the
per night, excluding V.A.T.* There will also guest’s room.
be a service charge of 15 percent. This
price includes breakfast, which can be 23. We look forward to seeing Mr. Mancone.”
served in the guest’s room, if desired. (paragraph 4)
The underlined phrase means ........
We look forward to seeing Mr. Mancone. A. expect
B. believe
Yours faithfully, C. assure
D. wait for
Ramadhan Afifi
Read the text to answer questions 24 to 27.
* V.A.T = Value Added Tax
Last Friday I travelled by train to Surabaya.
19. What is the letter about? I sat in a seat beside the aisle and began to
A. The available hotel facilities. read my newspaper. After an hour, I got up
B. The cost of the single room. from my seat, walked down the aisle, and
C. The prices of the hotel. into the WC. I locked the door of the WC.
D. The reply from the hotel. Minutes later I tried to unlock the door. It
wouldn’t unlock. First of all I was amazed,
20. Foucaud et Cie 1128 Rue Voltaire is ........ and then I was annoyed. How was I going to
A. the address get out of the WC? I tried pushing the lock. I
B. the city tried pulling it. I hit it with my shoe. Nothing
C. the office I did succeed in opening the door. The door
D. the department remained locked. Finally I started to shout for
help. “Help, I’m locked in the WC. Please get
21. The price of the room can be found in me out.” In the beginning nobody answered.
........ paragraph. After fifteen minutes somebody said. “Hello.
A. the first Who are you?” Fifteen minutes later an official
B. the second arrived. There were large crowds of people
C. the third outside the WC. I could hear the official telling
D. the forth them to stand back.
“Hello, I am a PJKA official. Have you got a
Which of the following statements is train ticket?”
TRUE? “Yes, I have.”
A. Ramadhan Afifi was the manager of “Let me see your ticket, please. Push it under
the hotel. the door.”
I pushed my ticket under the door.

“Your ticket’s okay. What are you doing in the B. a quarter
WC?” C. a few minutes
“Nothing. I’m doing nothing.” D. half an hour
“Why don’t you come out?”
“I can’t open the door.” 27. “He went away.” (last paragraph).
“What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you open The word “He” refers to ........
the door?” A. the engineer
“There is nothing wrong with me. There is B. the writer
something wrong with the lock on the door.” C. PJKA official
“You’ll have to wait there until we get to D. the passenger
Surabaya. I will look for an engineer in
Surabaya station”. Read the text to answer questions 28 to 31.
“I don’t want to wait here until we get to
Surabaya. I want you to break down the door.” When we watch the news on TV, we
“Are you mad? I am an official. I cannot break see the news announcers. Sometimes we
down the door.” see two or three reporters. But we don’t
He went away. He took my return ticket with see the team of people who make the news
him. I had to stay in the WC until the train broadcast. The TV team includes carpenters,
arrived in Surabaya. The train was in Surabaya painters, electricians, light engineers, camera
station for one hour and I was still in the WC operators, video engineers, and sound
on the train. The official could not find the engineers.
engineer, perhaps. I was feeling very hungry. The carpenters make the news
I wanted to go home. I pulled at the lock and room, the painters paint the scenery and the
the door suddenly opened. I was free. I ran electrician provides electricity to power the
down the aisle to my seat. My luggage was cameras, microphones, and the lights. The
gone. Somebody had stolen my bag. light engineer arranges the lights so that we
can see everything on the screen. The sound
24. Who is the writer of the text? engineer makes sure we can hear what the
A. An official. people are saying.
B. A steward. These are some of the news team.
C. A passenger. There are also the people who write the news
D. A thief. and the people who make the announcers
look good, the make-up artists. In addition
25. The writer could get out of WC because ... to all these people, there is the producer -
A. somebody unlocked the door the person who manages everything and
B. the engineer came to help him everybody in the team.
C. the official tried to open the door
D. the door was suddenly unlocked 28. What does the text tell us about?
A. TV programmes.
26. The writer was locked in the WC for ........ B. People on TV screens.
before somebody knew it C. The news announcers.
A. an hour D. The television teams

29. There are ........ sections of the TV team. 100

A. seven 90
B. eight 70

In millions
C. nine 60
50 I = Germany
D. ten 40 II
= France
= England
20 V = USA

30. Who is responsible for all TV programmes? 10

A. The reporter. I II III IV V

Total of Unemployment Total of Population

B. The producer.
C. The broadcaster.
35. Which country has the smallest number of
D. The camera operator.
A. Germany.
31. “The TV team’s job” can be found in ........
B. England.
A. the first paragraph
C. France.
B. the second paragraph
C. the third paragraph
D. none of the paragraphs
36. The diagram shows us that each country
has a lot of ........
Read the text to answer questions 32 to 34.
A. unemployment

B. natural resources
The man wants to take a picture of a bird. He
C. skilled manpower
uses a .....(32)...... The picture will be saved
D. unskilled employment
in a .....(33)...... When he wants to see the
results of the picture, he puts it into the .....
Based on the diagram, the total
(34)..... and the picture will appear on the
number of unemployment in England is
screen or monitor.
approximately ........
A. less than 10 million people
32. A. video rewinder
B. 10 million people
B. video recorder
C. more than 10 million people
C. video camera
D. 20 million people
D. video cassette tape

Read the text to answer questions 38 to 39.

33. A. television

B. video camera
Andi : What will happen .....(38)..... the
C. video rewinder
population growth in Japan is high?
D. video compact disc
Tina : I think it will have a larger population
than Indonesia.
34. A. CD writer
Andi : How about if the birth rates and death
B. disk drive
rates are balanced?
C. hard disk
Tina : Of course, its population .....(39).....
D. CD Rom

A. a cough
38. A. if B. a flu
B. after C. a headache
C. before D. a stomachache
D. so
43. John : How do the people carry all the
39. A . stops vegetables?
B. will not stop Siti : Some people use a van and some
C. doesn’t stop others use a ........ pulled by a bull.
D. will stop John : You mean a “dokar”?
Siti : No we call it “cikar”.
A. car
40. B. cart
C. lorry
D. carrier

The lady has ........ hair. 44. Look at the picture!

A. short
B. curly
C. wavy
D. straight

41. Teacher : All right, students. Let’s start

the quiz.
Students : Excuse me, Sir. Can we open The man is playing one of the musical
our books? instrument. He is a ........
Teacher : No! ................ Are you ready? A. singer
Students : Yes, sir. B. fentist
A. Come to me! C. saxophone player
B. Explain to me! D. pianist
C. Close your book!
D. Open your book! 45. Dono : What do you think of our school
basket ball team, Fan?
42. Look at the picture! Taufan : I think they play ........ than the
SMU 5 team.
Dono : That’s why we win the game.
A. worse
B. more slowly
C. better
D. more quickly
She is Susan. She’s got ........because of
the cold weathe

46. Rani : ........ C. reach
Indra : I’m so sorry. I’m busy doing my D. leave
A. Do you want me to post this letter? 51. Marisa works aboard the plane. She is
B. Would you like me to post this letter? helpful and friendly. She serves drinks
C. Can I help you to post this letter? and meals to the passengers. It is part of
D. Could you post this letter for me? the service. What is she?
A. A steward.
47. Ida : Why don’t you ask John to repair B. A co-pilot.
your car? I ........ he can fix it. C. A flight engineer.
Yudi : That’s a good idea. I know he is an D. A stewardess.
experienced mechanic.
A. doubt 52. Dini : Wow, ........!
B. am certain Gunawan : Yes, it is the most luxurious
C. am not sure bus I have ever seen.
D. am uncertain Dini : Shall we get on now?
Gunawan : Okay.
48. A : Travelling by plane costs a lot, ........ A. good heavens
it? B. what a comfortable bus
B : Yes, you’re right. C. what a nuisance
D. how come
A. isn’t
B. doesn’t 53. Look at the pictures!
C. is
D. does

49. Amrin : I’m not certain the train will be

Arlanda : Why do you doubt about it?
Amrin : Just now I heard the news that
there was a train accident in The man in the B boat could sail ........ the
Bintaro an hour ago. man and woman in the other boat.
A. late A. as fast as
B. punctual B. not so fast as
C. cancelled C. faster than
D. delayed D. not so fster than

50. “The plane departs the airport at 03.00 54. Sandra : There was a plane crash in a
p.m.” housing area. Ten people were
The word departs means ........ killed.
A. get Wulan : ........
B. come

Sandra : Military combat plane. It was on D. It has two wings, it can fly, it twitters at
a training mission. daybreak, it has claws.

A. What kind of plane was it? 58. Arrange these sentences to make a good
B. Who is the owner of the plane? paragraph!
C. How many planes were there? (1) It has the head and feet of a duck and
D. How did it happen? the body of a mammal
(2) Yesterday, we went to Safari park in
55. Aliefya : Look at those two men! Do you Cisania, Bogor.
know them? (3) Have you ever seen a picture of a
Gio : Yes ........ of them are reporters. platypus?
They work for “Republika”. (4) What an amazing animal!
A. All (5) Well, now I’ve seen a real live
B. Both platypus.
C. None
D. Some A. (2) (3) (5) (4) (1)
B. (2) (5) (3) (4) (1)
56. Elisa : What were you doing in your C. (2) (3) (5) (1) (4)
room when Doni came? D. (1) (4) (5) (2) (3)
Anggit : I was reading a magazine.
Elisa : Is that your hobby? 59.
Arrange the sentences into a good
Anggit : Yes, I like reading. I always composition based on the pictures!
read ........ magazines ........
A. not only ... but also
B. only ... but
C. between ... and 1. Many rhinos die at the hand of the
D. neither ... nor hunters. If this happens continuously,
in the next few years we cannot find
57. Choose the correct description of the rhinos anymore. Now rhinos becomes
picture! protected animal.
2. We can find Java rhinos in Ujung
Kulon Nature reserve. They always
live in very small groups even
sometimes they live alone. This rhino
is famous for its horn.
A. It has feathers, it can’t fly, it lays eggs. 3. People make medicine from rhino’s
B. It has two wings but can’t fly, it lays horn. It’s popular as a traditional
eggs, it has claws. medicine for a certain desease.
C. It has claws, its meat is very delicious, 4. Many hunters kill the animal for its
it crows at day break. horn. They sell at a very high price.

A. 2–4–1–3
B. 2–4–3–1
C. 2–3–4–1
D. 2–1–3–4

60. Indonesia produces a lot of rice. Texas

produces a lot of rice. Instead of saying
the sentences we can say: “Indonesia
produces a lot of rice and Texas ........”
A. is too
B. does too
C. isn’t either
D. doesn’t either

KUNCI JAWABAN Bahasa Inggris 2004

1. C 11. B 21. C 31. B 41. C 51. D

2. B 12. A 22. A 32. C 42. B 52. B
3. C 13. A 23. A 33. D 43. B 53. C
4. B 14. C 24. C 34. D 44. C 54. D
5. D 15. B 25. D 35. A 45. C 55. B
6. B 16. C 26. B 36. A 46. D 56. A
7. C 17. C 27. C 37. C 47. B 57. C
8. D 18. A 28. D 38. A 48. B 58. C
9. D 19. D 29. A 39. D 49. B 59. A
10. A 20. A 30. B 40. B 50. D 60. B


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