Why Do We Express "Science As A Falsification"? Explain
Why Do We Express "Science As A Falsification"? Explain
Why Do We Express "Science As A Falsification"? Explain
“We are in various ways hitting the limits of what will ever be
Becker, K. (2015, February 11). Does science need falsifiability? PBS: Public
Service. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/falsifiability/
Students - Simply
Psychology. https://www.simplypsychology.org/Karl-Popper.html
How do social and human issues influence science?
Science continues to widen its range with the help of these social and
health issues. With new issues that is needed to be solved, new researches
and experiments appear. The more advanced science is, the more
complicated and complex the problems are recognized. As long as there's
issues and problems in our environment, there's science which leads to
unending scientific research.
How do social and human issues influence science? - Quora. (n.d.). A place
world. https://www.quora.com/How-do-social-and-human-issues-
Science NetLinks. (n.d.). Science
NetLinks. https://sciencenetlinks.com/resources/standards/205/290?
Describe the historical development of science education in the Philippines.
prezi.com. https://prezi.com/uofzaimiiqic/science-education-in-the-
Science education in the Philippines 1960s. (2015, February 7). Share and
Discover Knowledge on
SlideShare. https://www.slideshare.net/LynAgustin/science-
Discover Knowledge on
SlideShare. https://www.slideshare.net/iPagador/science-education-
How did religion influence the development of science?
18). https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/universe/ori
(n.d.). YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Science also assumes that the universe is, as its name implies, a vast
single system in which the basic rules are everywhere the same. Knowledge
gained from studying one part of the universe is applicable to other parts.
For instance, the same principles of motion and gravitation that explain the
motion of falling objects on the surface of the earth also explain the motion
of the moon and the planets. With some modifications over the years, the
same principles of motion have applied to other forces—and to the motion of
everything, from the smallest nuclear particles to the most massive stars,
from sailboats to space vehicles, from bullets to light rays.
Many people viewed science as a body of rigid, unchangeable facts and
it’s hard to blame them. After all, most of us learned science through given
text books and lectured to as if to say “here’s what we know, it’s all true,
just memorize it”. So, what is science then? Here are key points provided by
Dr. William McComas such as Science produces, demands and relies on
empirical evidence; Experiments are not the only route to knowledge;
Science uses both inductive reasoning and hypothetico-deductive testing;
Scientists make observations and produce inferences; There is no single
step-wise scientific method by which all science is done; Science has a
creative component; Observations, ideas and conclusions in science are not
entirely objective; Historical, cultural and social influences impact the
practice and direction of science and Scientific knowledge is tentative,
durable and self-correcting.
(n.d.). https://www.project2061.org/publications/sfaa/online/chap1.h
Hub. https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/412-describing-the-
Daily. https://www.3quarksdaily.com/3quarksdaily/2011/03/the-
What are the present worldwide trends in Science Teaching?
How did the society shape science and how did science shape society?
Science improves life and society funds science, the importance of one
community can be seen through results. According to Isaac Asimov, the
saddest aspect of life right now is that Science gathers knowledge faster
than Society gathers Wisdom. Science will always improve and move
forward, but the society can choose to change or remain. Discipline is one of
the main players during this pandemic. The ability of one to endure in this
new normal and to follow protocols. As an individual who experiences the
harsh products of these pandemic, we can only stay disciplined and follow
protocols in these new normal, as part of the society following such rules will
prove beneficial to science. Knowing that science and society greatly affect
each other, one must improve science, for society takes advantage of
moon? Seeker. https://www.seeker.com/why-did-we-go-to-the-
Reich, E. S. (2011, September 1). Science after 9/11: How research was
American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-research-
According to the "unity of science" thesis, the various special sciences
can be reduced to more fundamental sciences, as biology has been reduced
to chemistry and chemistry to physics. What does it mean to say that one
science has been reduced to another? Has biology been reduced to
chemistry, or chemistry to physics? Explain.
Unity of science is the idea that all fields of science are in some way
united. Consequently, Reduction was primarily understood to be a way to
unify the sciences. The English verb ‘reduce’, derives from the Latin
‘reducere’, whose literal meaning ‘to bring back’, informs its metaphorical
use in philosophy. It expresses the idea that if an entity x reduces to an
entity y then y is in a sense prior to x, is more basic than x, such that x fully
depends upon it or is constituted by it. Saying that x reduces to y typically
implies that x is nothing more than y or nothing over and above y. For
example, a reductionist regarding mathematics might take any given
mathematical theory to be reducible to logic or set theory. Or, a reductionist
about biological entities like cells might take such entities to be reducible to
collections of physio-chemical entities like atoms and molecules. The type of
reductionism that is currently of most interest in metaphysics and philosophy
of mind involves the claim that all sciences are reducible to physics. This is
usually taken to entail that all phenomena (including mental phenomena like
consciousness) are identical to physical phenomena.
Simply Psychology. https://www.simplypsychology.org/reductionism-
philosophers. https://iep.utm.edu/red-ism/
Scientific reduction (Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy). (n.d.). Stanford
Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/scientific-
What is Constructivism? Explain.
The initial curiosity from infancy to toddler hood gives rise to the
amount of learning and understanding of their surrounding environment.
Those early years provide the basis for language, physical dexterity, social
understanding, and emotional development. All of this knowledge is acquired
before even going to school. The child is learning by gathering information
and through experience. This is an example of constructivism. It emphasizes
the importance of knowledge, beliefs, and skills an individual brings to the
experience of learning.
Media. https://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/constructivis
(2019, December
14). Exploratorium. https://www.exploratorium.edu/education/ifi/cons
University. https://www.wgu.edu/blog/what-constructivism2005.html
What are the most important contributions of biology/chemistry in the
development of science? Explain.
Blog. https://www.brainscape.com/blog/2015/06/biology-
livescience.com. https://www.livescience.com/46020-chemistry-
World. https://www.chemistryworld.com/opinion/chemistrys-
Courses. https://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/student-