194 Iajps194092020 PDF
194 Iajps194092020 PDF
194 Iajps194092020 PDF
Please cite this article in press Shahnawaz et al, The Effectiveness Of Ureteroscopy Without Fluoroscopy For Ureteral And Renal
Stones., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2020; 07(09).
INTRODUCTION: Dec 2018 .We included all patients with stone size less
Kidney stones can develop along the urinary tract than 2 cm.
anywhere from ureters to kidney. These stones are
formed due to the higher concentration of salt and Exclusion Criteria:
minerals in the urine. Usually these stones precipitate • Patients who showed ureter pelvic junction
out in urine however some need surgical treatment or obstruction ,
ultrasound or other similar techniques for flushing out • Patients with maltreated kidney , horseshoe
with the urine. kidney
• Patients with ectopic kidney and duplex
In case of larger stones, surgeries or other treatments system
are suggested by the physician. The maximum number • Patients with concomitant stones in ureter or
of stones found are made of Calcium, Struvite, Cystin kidney
and Uric acid. • Patients who underwent prior ipsilateral
urinary tract reconstructive procedures
Most kidney stones pass and don’t necessarily need • Patients with a history of ipsilateral ureteral
treatment however in case of stone sizes greater than 2 stricture
cm, treatment become necessary and one of the most
• Patients who received prior radiotherapy in
prevalent methods involve the use of fluoroscopy
abdomen or pelvis
however as people are getting more and more aware
• Patients who had previously undergone stone
with the harmful effects of radiation hazards linked
with the medical imaging, the need for newer and
better methods has become significant. [1,2] Although
Operative Details:
every method has its merits and related demerits yet
All the patients suffering from ureteral calculi
choosing the ideal alternative is quite challenging.
prospectively underwent ureteroscopic removal.
Using ureteroscopy Double-J stent are placed and after
According to the USA Food and Drug Administration,
the treatment is over, X-ray of the kidney and ureter
physicians are suggested to lessen their exposure to
are checked for documenting stone-clearance.
radiations caused by fluoroscopic procedures. [3]
We obtained the demographics, clinical history and
Stone diseases have been stated to rise up to 77% in
stone size details from the medical record database.
asymptomatic intracranial stones and around 26% of
However post-operative results and complication
them will need to undergo surgery. [4,5]
details were collected after one month follow-up of
only patient who gave consent and we classified
Usually the success rate recorded of Ureteroscopy is
results into two categories ; Stone free and clinically
good around 81-94% according to one study and
insignificant residual fragments (CIRF (≤4 mm).We
stone-clearance is also achieved in maximum
conducted our analysis and data analysis using SPSS
procedures performed without the need of repeat
Version 20.
procedures and with only minimum amount of
complications recorded. [6,7]
In our study group, a mean age of 15.29 ± 6.86 years
is recorded with a male to female ratio of 59% to 41%
We conducted this study on renal a ureteral stones in
where the maximum age documented was 35yr while
department of Urology, Sindh Government Lyari
minimum was 6 year old. (Table-I).
General Hospital, and Karachi from January 2015 till
35 33
25 23
4 3
under 11 12 TO 14 15 TO 17 17 to 25 25 to 35
We observed the age bracket of under 11have the highest number of calculi Patients i.e. 33 out of our total
population of 74 while 17-25 being at 23 tallies and 12-14 and 15-17 being the least with only 11 and 4 people
falling in this age while 25 to 35 had only 3 patients . (Figure-1)
Figure-2 Mean Operation and Hospital time in ureteral and Renal Calculi Patients
The mean operation time observed was 59.03 ±19.44 mins in Calculi Patients while the mean hospital stay was 1.59
± 0.826 days. (Figure-2)
1.225 1.096
1.500 1.050
0.876 0.985 1.033
Left Middle Right
female male
The mean stone size recorded in Females is 0.876 cm on left side while Male has mean stone size of 1.05 cm and
mean stone size on middle location was 1.225 in Males and 0.985 in Females however in Right side relatively
Females had very similar size of Stones as Males; 1.056 cm vs 1.096 cm. Overall the mean stone size is 1.066 cm.
(Figure-3).We also observed both genders showed maximum number of stones in the middle region.
6 urinary infection
5 Migration upward
4 2 Haematuria
1 1
1 1
1 0 0
1 1
Difficulty Storing
0 0
female male
Patients suffered from stone-migration either upward or downwards around 5% in males or 3% in females .Other
complications observed included hematuria, encrustation, dysuria etc. However overall complication rate was higher
in males i.e. 14% vs 10% in females. (Figure-5)
Complication Rate
16% 14%
12% 10%
Female Male
Patients showed a stone-free rate of 93%with clinically insignificant residual fragments in only 7% cases ( Figure-
Stone-Free 93%