Space and Defense. Vol 02 Num 02

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Space and Defense, Volume 1, Number 1, August 2006

Space and Defense, Fall 2006, pp. xx-yy.
Center for Space and Defense Studies
Department of Political Science, US Air Force Academy
The Honorable
Peter B. Teets
Distinguished Chairman
About the Center
Roger G. Harrison, Ph.D.
The Eisenhower Center for Space and Defense Studies is located in the
Lt. Gen (ret) Edward Anderson
Political Science Department at the United States Air Force Academy in
Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Center’s mission is to provide the
Ms. Natalie W. Crawford intellectual foundation for the integration of space policy in the overall
Senior Advisor
national security policy of the United States, define the curriculum for
Gen (ret) Ronald R. Fogleman space policy studies in higher education, and produce successive
Senior Advisor
generations of Air Force officers with a vocation for space.
VADM (ret) David R. Frost
Senior Advisor Space and Defense is the journal of the Center for Space and Defense
Dr. John Logsdon Studies. It is published semiannually and is a work of the United States
Government in the public domain. Space and Defense should be
Ms Joanne M. Maguire
Senior Advisor
acknowledged whenever material is quoted from or based on its content.
The journal welcomes submission of scholarly, independent research
Gen (ret) James P. McCarthy (normally 5,000-10,000 words in length) to the address below.
Senior Advisor
Electronic submissions should be emailed to [email protected].
Gen (ret) Thomas S. Moorman, Jr.
Senior Advisor
The opinions, conclusions, and recommendations expressed or implied
BGen (ret) Douglas J. Murray within Space and Defense are those of the contributors and do not
Professor Emeritus necessarily reflect those of the Eisenhower Center for Space and Defense
Studies, the Air Force Academy, the Air Force, the Department of
SPACE AND DEFENSE Defense, or any other agency of the United States Government.
The Journal of the
Eisenhower Center for Space
and Defense Studies

Roger G. Harrison, Ph.D.

Dr. Eligar Sadeh.


Major Deron Jackson

Assistant Editor

Ms. Tracy Hicks

Production Editor Eisenhower Center for Space and Defense Studies
Department of Political Science
2354 Fairchild Drive, Suite 6L16
USAF Academy, Colorado 80840
Phone (719) 333-2270
Fax (719) 333-2945

Space and Defense
Scholarly Journal of the United States Air Force Academy
Center for Space and Defense Studies

Volume Two Number Two Winter 2008

Introduction: The Eisenhower Legacy…………………………………………….......................................1

Susan Eisenhower

Speech to the 2008 National Space Forum………………………………....................................................2

Senator Wayne Allard

Speech to the 2008 National Space Forum………………………………....................................................12

Representative Terry Everett

Speech to the 2008 National Space Forum………………………………....................................................15

Representative Jane Harman

Senator Wayne Allard

Senator Wayne Allard is from the State of Colorado

Good afternoon. It is a pleasure to be here with all of As Americans, we are now able to both celebrate our
you today at the National Space Forum, and it is an rich and storied history with space, while looking
honor to be here with so many industry experts and forward to what achievements lay ahead. Just last
leaders. I thank our sponsors, the Eisenhower Center week the United States celebrated the 50th
for Space and Defense Studies at the U.S. Air Force anniversary of Explorer 1, the first U.S. satellite to
Academy and also the Center for Strategic and orbit Earth and today marks the 50th anniversary of
International Studies, for hosting this important event the creation of the Advanced Research Projects
and for giving me an opportunity to speak to you Agency in response to Sputnik. NASA is also
today. In the Senate I have long supported the Center commemorating its golden anniversary this year. The
for Space and Defense Studies, and I am pleased to first 50 years in space have yielded incredible results
see the Center executing its goals of supporting and and discoveries that have shaped the world we live in
fostering a national dialogue on space. today. Strategically, though, we have reached a
crossroads; we have proven we can get there, and
As a member of the Senate Appropriations and must now decide what we want to do, now that we’re
Budget Committees, a former member of the Senate there.
Armed Services Committee, co-chairman of the
Congressional Space Power Caucus, and member of While politically 2008 may be remembered as a year
the Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, I am for the ages, 2009 will quickly usher in many difficult
extremely interested in the topic of this forum: the and daunting challenges for a new administration and
space policy challenges facing the new presidential our 44th president. Washington always has and
administration. always will play a game of competing priorities, and
for space it will be no different. The administration
Unquestionably, 2008 is shaping to be a landmark will be forced to choose and determine where, and in
year in American history as we will be electing a what capacity, it wants to prioritize space, including
president in the first true open-seat election in 80 NASA, the Department of Defense’s numerous
years, as no incumbent candidate is running in the agencies and the regulation of commercial space. In a
primaries. Certainly much has changed since then. In broad sense, space will be forced to compete for
1928 space travel and space exploration existed in limited dollars with the numerous programs,
imaginations, and was only conceptualized in the departments and agencies supported by our
minds and drawing boards of the world’s greatest government. Money will be used to equip and support
scientists who could only hope man would possess our troops, as well as to meet the needs of veterans.
the ability to reach outer space within their lifetimes. Domestic priories such as healthcare and social
It would have been very difficult to conceive that just security are sure to require much attention, as will our
three decades later man would reach space, and 11 evolving energy needs and of course the state of the
years after that monumental achievement, we would economy is sure to factor in heavily as well.
be walking on the moon and repairing orbital
structures in space. After sifting though these many and sometimes
conflicting priorities, the next President will face a
host of policy decisions within the numerous areas of and reconnaissance, navigation and numerous other
space, including: retirement of the Space Shuttle and functions. There is no doubt the military space
making operational the next general human domain is here to stay, the only question remains is
spaceflight vehicles; joint civil and military Earth how a new Administration will best utilize this
observation capabilities; replacement of national platform.
security space assets and next generation blocks; and
government utilization of commercial remote sensing From a policy perspective, a number of choices exist.
capabilities for geo-spatial intelligence needs. How, and in what ways should we expand our space
assets and to what degree are we willing to become
To further complicate this task, these decisions and even more dependent upon them for national
activities will not be made in isolation, as space security? In turn, to what degree do we need to
activities have increased globally, with more nations protect our assets, and how significantly are they at
seeking to gain strategic and economic advantages risk? How will we apply existing, and perhaps
through the use of space. It is no longer just the U.S. outdated, space polices to this new world with real
and Russia in space. Globalization now reaches threats to our space domination? I agree with
beyond the globe itself. New partners, like India, are STRATCOM Commander General Kevin Chilton that
seeking to send spacecraft to the Moon. And the space domain needs a bit of an image change. We
uncertainty around utilization of the assembled can’t simply think of space as just an enabler for other
Internal Space Station means opportunities and the domains, and we need to transition our thinking and
necessity for international cooperation in civil space protocol to allow our land, sea, and air components to
will continue to expand dramatically. adequately and effectively support our space assets as
well. The new administration will have to choose how
America’s accomplishments in space have been it will incorporate and integrate space more
numerous and influential. I’m positive you all could completely into the big picture of national security.
recite dozens of examples of products and services we
all use everyday that were created through our space Further, I believe we are already overdue in
programs that enhance our quality of life: ATM determining and defining our comprehensive policy
machines, GPS technology, enriched baby food, and related to our strategic space assets. Existing policy
athletic shoes are just a few of the thousands of states that other nations have the right to use space for
products that exist. Despite all this success, the space peaceful purposes and also have the right to defend
industry and space agencies will have to continue to their interests. However, we lack clarity as to what
prove their worth and validate their usefulness to a enforcement mechanisms exist for the U.S., and to
new Administration in order to receive federal what extent we will go to defend our space interests.
dollars. Our space programs and the commercial There is no definitive line-in-the-sand, no borders in
space industry have both developed though this ever-changing world of competing space
innovation and competition - these challenges are interests. Our overall national policies must be
nothing new. Whether policy makers like it or not, adjusted in order to be prepared for any threat that
space can’t be ignored and will continue to evolve to may exist.
become even more intertwined within our daily lives.
As we all remember, the Chinese ASAT test
Through the years, space has continued to provide a collectively woke up the world and reminded us that
distinct and unquestioned strategic advantage in we are not alone in space; it is not our playground and
ensuring our national security. Today’s world is no not solely our domain. Further, it proved that China
exception, and our military depends on space more has an intense interest in developing space
than ever. Space assets are used for targeting, capabilities. Major policy choices and decisions need
communications, weather, intelligence, surveillance to be made in order to counter and prepare for any
challenge to our space dominance. This is cyberspace domain. This decade has already seen
increasingly imperative as we become more several attacks on our cyber infrastructure by China.
dependent on our space assets as this increased In May 2001 Chinese hackers successful took down
reliance makes our satellites and other assets more the White House Web site for almost three hours. The
appealing targets for potential enemies. These effects of a cyber attack can be crippling. Last year,
decisions must be made in conjunction with an Estonia witnessed first-hand the effects of a
increased integration of space assets into all defense- successful large-scale attack when a coordinated
wide operations in order for the U.S. to meet our full Russian attack disabled many commercial and
potential and integrate into a unified network. governmental websites in the nation for several days.
Technology is advancing so quickly that our policies
are failing to keep up, and new space integration The cyber threat is real, and can amount to much
doctrine must be created that standardize tactics and more than a mere inconvenience. Its scope stretches
procedures. We cannot afford to stovepipe our far beyond the “white-collar warriors” who attack
capabilities. from behind their monitors. A successful attack is the
equivalent of modern-day industrial sabotage. On the
This year already, the issue of space weaponry has battlefield, our military uses cyber tools to disable and
made headlines. It has been reported that China and destroy remotely triggered IEDs in Iraq, conduct
Russia are planning to introduce next week a draft electronic warfare operations, halt terrorist use of
treaty for the “Prevention of Placement of Weapons GPS and satellite communications, and prevent
in Outer Space” at the International Conference on jamming of frequencies. Disruption of these abilities
Disarmament in Geneva. In response, it is my can be deadly; these are not threats we can afford to
understanding that U.S officials have announced their take lightly. The next administration will have to
opposition to this treaty. This topic is certainly not determine to what degree we will incorporate
going away, and has long-reaching political cyberspace and how will that relate to our overall
consequences. Likely, this will become an space goals. Further integration of many systems
increasingly more influential political issue in coming including the broader domains of space and
years, and the next administration will need to cyberspace will be a daunting task, and could make
develop policy specifically related to weapon the monumental Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 look
proliferation in space as part of their comprehensive like a simple piece of legislation.
foreign policy strategy. As such, I predict that an
unprecedented, concrete international agreement will In addition to the formal integration of these new
be forged regarding the issue of weapons in space platforms, the next administration will be confronted
because the eventual prevalence of the issue and the with the proverbial fork-in-the-road regarding missile
attention it acquires world-wide. Further, I believe defense. The Bush administration has been a strong
this will be sought with controversy and conflicting advocate for the program and has significantly
self-interests due to the parties involved, and it is my restructured our missile defense assets. The Missile
hope the U.S. does not compromise any of our self Defense Agency (MDA) has received strong bi-
interests in such negotiations. partisan support in Congress. The FY 2008 budget
cycle, however, was not so kind. Last year, one of
The next administration will also be confronted with MDA’s top priorities, the placement of proposed
the need to further incorporate and integrate cyber missile defense installations in Europe, was funded
defense systems into our military. The Air Force has $85 million below the budget request, and the project
already stood up a provisional Cyber Command, and garnered headlines world-wide and triggered strong
I’ve strongly advocated for its basing to be located in opposition from Russia.
Colorado Springs, Colorado. Air Force Cyber
Command will ensure the freedom from attack in the
Other important MDA programs also received As you know, our system today consists of space-
decreased funding last year, including the Space based detection sensors, ground-based and seaborne
Tracking and Surveillance System (STSS) sensor early warning and tracking sensors, ground-based
development project, which is critical to increasing interceptors in Alaska and California for long-range
our ability to actively monitor threats around the defense, transportable ground-based Patriot
globe. STSS provides worldwide tracking, capability, and sea-based interceptors to engage short
discrimination and fire control. This program was and medium-range ballistic missiles. Our system
funded at about one-third less than the President’s features multiple defensive layers with system
request. STSS has grown in cost, but remains elements working together synergistically to enhance
essential to our ability to effectively monitor future the capability as a whole. As advanced as our system
threats. Additionally, other programs such as the is, it is far from invincible as we are still very much
Multiple Kill vehicle and the Airborne Laser are also tethered to the ground and sea.
crucial to developing a stronger and more
sophisticated missile defense system. The new administration and Congress needs to
determine what degree of investment it wants to place
Aside from cuts to these big-name projects, I was also in future development. What we lack right now is a
disappointed in proposed Congressional funding cuts specific program that would develop a space layer of
for education and development centers. The Missile interceptors. I would like to see this administration, as
Defense Space Experimentation Center located at well as the next begin to develop such a layer.
Shriever Air Force Base is critical to develop our Unquestionably, this would translate into an
future space-based capabilities, and the advancements incredible strategic advantage.
made there contribute directly to the success of such
programs like STSS. I was able to work with my A layer of space-based interceptors would enable a
colleagues on the Appropriations Committee, global on-call missile defense capability that could
Senators Inouye and Stevens, to keep the full produce a timely response to rapidly evolving
requests, but the support was not automatic and does situations, and would enable the U.S. to be prepared
not bode well for the future of the program under a for all types of threats that could develop out of
less enthusiastically supportive Administration. unpredictable locations.

In FY ’08 Congress prioritized systems that are ready Of course such capabilities are accompanied with a
or nearing completion for deployment as opposed to high price-tag, and must compete with other priorities
more futuristic systems, and it will be intriguing to within the defense budget as well as the national
see what pattern develops entering the new budget in a hotly contested political environment.
administration. It is of great concern to me if the Even so, it is important to remember that such
priorities reflected in FY 2008 continue to veer even developments would not exist in a vacuum, but would
farther away from long-term development. It is be part of a complex and integrated system. The next
import for us to keep U.S. industries active in the administration will have to choose which direction to
program and include our allies like Japan, with whom take, and which way it wants to go: continue the trend
we are cooperating to build an ICBM interceptor that demonstrated in the 110th Congress of prioritizing
could be deployed from an Aegis cruiser. In the long- near term projects at the expense of future projects or
term, the MDA’s goal is to build a global system, invest in comprehensive long-term goals such as
which is equipped to meet an unpredictable global space-based interceptors that would be able to reach
threat. As such, space is paramount to accomplishing targets more rapidly and are capable of destroying
this goal. enemy missiles in the boost phase.
Most certainly the cost of a ballistic missile nuclear and whether a particular service should be considered
strike against a U.S. city would be enormous; the inherently governmental.
economic toll alone is estimated to be $4 trillion.
There would be no conceivable way to calculate or President Bush’s Commercial Remote Sensing Policy
compensate for the loss of life and moral. The next from April 2003 states that the fundamental goals
president must determine these priories, assess our include “relying to the maximum practical extent on
enemies’ capably and make the best decision. After U.S. commercial remote sensing capabilities for
60 years of developing missile defense technology, filling imagery and geospatial needs.” However a
we have reached the point were we must choose a recent and influential report released last fall
direction. recommended against the current NGA model of
using multiyear contracts with commercial data
It is my prediction that within the next providers to procure imagery and favored a more
Administration, missile defense will become a much traditional business model of government owned and
less polarizing political issue than it has been in the operated satellites. The administration will be
past. As counties like China and now Iran, which this confronted with the decisions of how to regulate and
week test-launched the country's first low-orbit manage the relationship between these apparent
research satellite, begin looking toward space, the conflicting concerns. Industry is naturally concerned
threat to American space dominance will become about this potential policy switch, and contends that
more apparent. Despite recent events in China, North if their business with the U.S. Government is greatly
Korea and Iran, skeptics of missile defense continue reduced, the market could give rise to foreign
to characterize the threat from other nations as companies filling that void, companies that the U.S.
hypothetical and merely an academic exercise has no control over, which could produce yet another
because the U.S. has remained so much farther security concern.
advanced than our adversaries. We will be forced to
acknowledge and confront these challenges because The incoming administration must pursue policies
they will be unavoidable. I predict the debate to shift that will enable healthy commercial space activities in
from “should we” to “how should we best” invest in all sectors of the industry, while leveraging existing
missile defense. commercial space capabilities. The United States is
facing unprecedented international competition in this
Utilizing space for national security comes in many arena. New competitors have emerged in the space
forms, including data imagery. The next exploration field. China, India, Japan, Russia and
administration will have to determine the appropriate Europe are all taking a more active and innovative
role for commercial geo-spatial data providers and the role in space travel and commercial development. The
government. Particularly, the National X-Prize Foundation recently announced the Google
Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and the National Lunar X Prize, which invites private teams from
Geospatial Agency (NGA) has expressed concerns around the world to build a robotic rover capable of
recently about the relationship and reliance upon landing on the Moon. Virgin Galactic, based in
commercial-data providers and expressed a need for California, has plans for SpaceShipTwo, a six-
more “in house” imagery services. With more passenger space liner with suborbital passenger
commercial companies emerging with business cases services in 2008. Over seas, EADS-Astrium is
for entering parts of space that were previously only developing a four-person spacecraft to make
in the government domain, the question will suborbital trips with the possibility of the first
inevitably be raised as to what capabilities are vital, commercial flight in 2012.
and what capabilities can be effectively provided by
the private sector. This addresses an inherent and The next administration will also have to confront the
time-old debate over the usefulness of contractors, reality of an emerging commercial space industry,
which is growing at the same time the government’s with an opportunity to implant a firm footprint on
space systems are in transition. By 2010 the Space NASA’s future.
Shuttle program will be retired, and it likely will be
three to five years where NASA can not send man NASA will need to reshape its workforce in order to
into space; the question remains what will fill that better align the mix of skills with the needs for future
void? For this reason, it is imperative that the United missions, and to ensure that NASA will have the
States government continue to promote private and necessary skills to achieve the new vision.
commercial space exploration, developing a vibrant Consequently, NASA sees a need to identify those
and ground-breaking commercial sector. The question skills that will no longer be needed, take steps to
will also be raised about the appropriate usage of retrain and reshape the workforce, and be able to
government funds, and if the government is financing provide specific skills that will be needed in the
projects that duplicate commercial capabilities. future.
Recent developments in commercial and civil space
exploration, namely Spaceship One, incorporate
innovative technologies, knowledge and existing In conclusion, after 50 years in space we truly have
infrastructures to explore and support the future reached a crossroads and the next president will face
human space exploration. Further collaboration and complicated and vital decisions regarding our future
communication will be needed to meet the in space. Chiefly, we need to encourage more math
requirements of future space exploration while and science students. It is an alarming fact that
pursuing a cost-effective and sustainable approach. universities awarded more than twice the number of
Taking this new and unique opportunity to further bachelors’ degrees in physics 50 years ago than they
develop partnerships with the private and commercial do today. We need to replace retiring space
space industry will mean the United States maintains professionals in reinvigorate the workforce. This, to
it competitive and technological advantage. some degree is accomplished by forums like we have
today. At its core, space exploration is inspirational.
The administration will also have to formulate its We strive to inspire the next generation of ambitious
long-term strategic vision; will it move away from engineers, astronauts and explorers. I truly hope that
President Bush’s “vision for space exploration” that more young people will be able to experience and
focuses on permanent lunar bases similar to the benefit from space exploration. The Center for Space
International Space Station and a return to the Moon and Defense Studies and the Center for Strategic and
by 2020 in preparation for eventual human International Studies perform a vital role in our
exploration of Mars and other destinations? Will new efforts to bring attention back to space, and excite
alternatives be proposed and will a strategic shift take individuals about what possibilities that exist in the
place? The Vision for Space has broad implications future. Thank you again for this opportunity.
for NASA as almost all the funds are expected to
come from other existing NASA programs. Congress
is still seeking to balance NASA’s exploration
activities and other existing programs like science and
aeronautics research. Congress last authorized NASA
in 2005 for FY 2007 and 2008, so reauthorization of
NASA in FY 2009 and beyond could provide a new
administration the opportunity to shape future polices
considerably. Given the current political situation, it
is entirely possible that Congress will not be able to
provide comprehensive and long-term authorization
this year. That would provide the new administration
Space and Defense, Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2008


Representative Terry Everett

Representative Terry Everett is from the Second District of Alabama

I would like to thank the Eisenhower Center for • GPS is essential to commercial aviation,
Space and Defense Studies and the Center for commercial shipping, enhanced 9-1-1
Strategic and International Studies for the invitation emergency services, in-vehicle navigation,
to speak today. I would also like to thank Dr. fleet/vehicle tracking and financial transactions.
Hamre , Ambassador Harrison, and Peter Teets for • Agriculture Uses: GPS and remote sensing is
their leadership. Peter Teets is a good friend and used to track farm equipment, assess crop
great space leader and I am honored to be among health, and forecast crop production.
such individuals who I hold in high regard.
Space is also integral to modern day
My objective here today is to provide my warfighting. I like to explain to my colleagues that
thoughts and observations on national security the F-22, U-A-S, cruiser, or F-C-S system they
space issues being discussed in Congress and support isn’t very effective without space.
prospects for the upcoming budget year. The
specific topics I plan to discuss are: • General Dogden tells the story that when he
asked a soldier if he needs space, the soldier
• Understanding our dependence on space; replied no, All I just need is my weapon and this
• Space protection and space situational black box to tell me where I am and to talk to
awareness; my commander.
• Space acquisition and a few key space • Tactical SATCOM enables divisions to have
programs. communications over extreme distances.
• In Iraq today, U.S. soldiers manning Joint
The public in general and many members Security Stations carry satellite maps of local
have no idea how dependant we are on space and neighborhoods. MRAPs carry GPS and
how essential it has become to so many aspects of SATCOM-enabled blue force tracking systems.
our daily lives. • In June 2006, Al Qaida leader al-Zarqawi was
targeted with one F-15 sortie and two 500 pound
As this forum knows all too well, we have bombs. This successful strike mission was
seen great growth in the commercial and civil uses heavily reliant on space, and included: High-
of space. resolution satellite imagery and other
intelligence to geo-locate the target within
• The global space industry grew to nearly $220 meters; Satellite communications to the cockpit
billion last year; an 18-percent annual increase. for real-time updates; and GPS-guided precision
• Last year, the satellite television industry grew munitions to minimize collateral damage.
by 20-percent, GPS equipment by 43-percent,
and satellite radio by 96-percent.

Space and Defense, Winter 2008, pp. 11-14.
Eisenhower Center for Space and Defense Studies
Department of Political Science, US Air Force Academy
I believe a greater emphasis must be placed appears the FY 2009 budget request increases S-S-
on space protection and space situational awareness. A and protection resources by about 12-percent.
I was successful in securing legislation on this
topic. This year’s conference report directs the We have a fragile space architecture at this
Secretary of Defense and DNI to develop a space moment in time. We have a real opportunity to
protection strategy. look hard at our national architectures, change our
investment strategies, and leverage commercial and
The threat to space is clear and growing. In perhaps foreign partner capabilities. I am
particular, I find China’s military modernization in concerned that we say we have redundancies and
counterspace quite worrisome. I have not seen a alternatives, but where are the details?
coherent, comprehensive strategy from the
Department on how it would address these threats. China’s ASAT test raises some important
The legislation asks that the following questions be policy and operational issues we have yet to work
considered: through. Do we need more emphasis on war games
and exercises? Surely, we need to work through
• First, what implications do these threats policy issues and concepts of operations ahead of
have on our nation’s future space time through war games and exercises in realistic
architecture and investment strategy? environments.
• Second, what material and non-material
solutions are needed? I’d like to pose some questions to this body
• And third, can improvements be made in and ask that you give them thought as you continue
how the defense and intelligence your panel discussions:
communities acquire and manage S-S-A
and protection capabilities? • As we think about deterrence against 21st
century threats, how do we apply deterrence to
Simply put, it’s impossible to know HOW to space? Can we deter others from holding our
protect our space assets if we don’t know WHAT to space systems at risk?
protect, from a global, commercial, and military • Do we have clear “trip lines” or thresholds for
standpoint. In this case, I’m speaking about both action? Our current policy is silent on this.
black and white space. I’ve tried as Chairman and Would a policy that signals our intent and lays
now Ranking Member of the Strategic Forces out consequences be more effective?
Subcommittee to attract national attention to the • How would U.S. policymakers respond if
issue of space control. We need more education attacked? What about our response to laser
and awareness on these issues. dazzling or jamming during peacetime? Neither
case is acceptable, and what should the
I am concerned about D-O-D budgeting for consequences be?
S-S-A and protection capabilities. Less than 4- • What impacts would an attack have on
percent of the over-all space budget is spent in these combatant commanders’ war plans and what
areas -- and that doesn’t include NRO, or, Black implications does it have for their future
space. Is this enough? I don’t believe it is. Our capability needs?
ability to take advantage of space is limited by our • What is our military’s response posture? Would
modest investments in the protection of our space we seamlessly transition to redundant or
assets. In fiscal year 2008, several key initiatives, alternative capabilities? What decision-making
such as the Self-Awareness S-S-A system, and C-2 mechanisms would we need in place
RAIDRS, and the Space Fence, ended up on the Air ahead of time?
Force unfunded priority list. In a welcome move, it
• What diplomatic options should we consider will continue as we continue to insist on more
and what role should our friends and allies play? tradespace reviews—what architecture,
Do treaties work to hold actors accountable, or, requirements, and design tradeoffs can be made to
are there other international instruments we can lower complexity and/or cost?
I am concerned about budget estimates, the
I look forward to the protection strategy the predictability of costs, limiting government
Department must deliver to Congress later in the requirements growth, and contractor “add-ons.” I
year. I expect our subcommittee to hold hearings like “Back-to-Basics” acquisition approach; it is
and additional briefings on this subject. Some of similar to my “First-Things-First” philosophy. I
these important policy questions and options can be believe the community has turned the corner, but
debated in the open; other discussions will be still has to prove it works.
Let me touch briefly on key space programs
I am concerned about the affordability of the and some other topics of importance to me.
national security space portfolio. I support space
modernization programs. I think one of the most I have supported Space Radar for many
exciting things our nation does is in space and I’m years now. Last year, Congress received letters of
proud to be associated with it. However, how do support for this program from warfighters and
we manage modernization with limited resources? intelligence chiefs. (Dr. Sega) However,
committees and members disagreed on the value
I have observed continued cost growth and and technical solution for Space Radar.
schedule delays with ongoing acquisition programs
and expect big bills for TSAT, GPS-III, Space I expect the debate to continue. Congress is
Radar, and other NRO systems. Can the D-O-D expecting a detailed, revised acquisition strategy
and I-C execute all their space acquisition plans? and an independent review of alternatives

I am an advocate for increasing the space TSAT. Both the House and Senate Armed
topline, and was pleased to see the Air Force space Services Committees fully supported TSAT. I was,
budget increase by roughly $500 million. Getting therefore, disappointed with the $150 million cut by
this through Congress will be tough, however, as the appropriators. I am equally disappointed by the
budget pressures with Iraq and Afghanistan, force Department’s decision to cut $4 billion from the
reset, and military healthcare continue to rise. program because so many other defense programs
Additionally, Congressional PAYGO restrictions are relying on TSAT, such as F-C-S. I dislike that
and a lack of appetite for increased taxes will also TSAT is penalized even though it has followed a
limit the flexibility of Congress to authorize sound approach to maturing technology and
increased budgets. I am afraid Congress will be applying “Back-to-Basics.”
looking for bill payers, and I will continue to make
the case that space spending is already at the bare GPS. I was equally disappointed with the
minimum and cannot be reduced in the future $100 million GPS-3 cut. We need to move to GPS-
without consequences. 3 as quickly as possible. I support the incremental
block approach being taken by the program office
With concerns about vulnerabilities and and am happy to see the Department moving
single-point failures, we must change the legacy forward with this in their 2009 budget request.
model of building a few large, expensive, complex
satellites. Demand for robust systems engineering
Operationally Responsive Space. I was at benefits, and policy implications to better inform
Kirtland when the Space Development and Test future decisions.
Wing stood up. I see promise in O-R-S. It offers
potential surge, reconstitution, and niche Lastly, I want to touch on an area that is
capabilities. I am aware there has been debate important to me—professional development and
within the community on the focus of O-R-S. Our science and math education. I spoke with Buzz
intent, codified in 2007 legislation, is a focus on Aldrin last year and we had a long conversation on
getting simple, low cost solutions rapidly on-orbit to this topic.
meet the needs of our combatant commanders. A
secondary benefit is that it provides more frequent I am interested in ideas on how to strengthen
opportunities to prove-out innovative concepts and youth science and math education, and recruit more
technologies at a lower cost. young folks into aerospace careers. I think
professional development is equally important and I
On the subject of black-white space was pleased that my legislation on space cadre
integration, last October I sent a letter to Secretary management was included in the final 2007 defense
Gates asking him to re-establish the dual-hatted bill.
undersecretary position. I thought Pete Teets did a
good job in this role. I don’t understand why one It has been an honor to speak here today. As
person cannot provide oversight and leadership I mentioned earlier, I think space and in particular,
across national security space. The Secretary of national security space, is one of the most exciting
Defense has the entire defense portfolio under him. things our nation does. We have challenging space
policy and program issues ahead of us and
I know opinions in Congress vary. I believe collectively, we have an opportunity to tee up these
one person setting policy and making decisions in issues for the next Administration. I look forward
the context of an integrated architecture is to your thoughts and suggestions and I hope you
beneficial and reduces unnecessary overlaps, will share these with Congress as well as the next
especially in planning and acquisition. Administration.

I also want to touch briefly on missile We just celebrated the 50th anniversary of
defense and space. Since the Bush Administration the first satellite launch. It took a unique cadre of
withdrew from the A-B-M treaty, we have seen talented and driven individuals to accomplish what
great progress in fielding a ballistic missile defense our nation did in its first 50 years in space. It will
system in a short period of time. As we look take no less talented and driven of a cadre to shape
forward, I believe space will play a greater role the next 50 years. I am proud to be associated with
beyond missile warning capabilities like SBIRS. these endeavors and with the people who make
them happen.
I would like to revisit space-based
interceptors. While I support and prefer passive and Thank you.
reversible methods for protection, I cannot discount
the potential utility of defensive space-based
interceptors. Why space-based interceptors? The
orbital debris is entirely undesirable. However,
against an incoming ballistic missile, orbital debris
versus destruction of New York City is an easy
trade for me to make. I believe we need to at least
look at it by looking at the technology, costs,
Space and Defense, Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2008


Representative Jane Harman

Representative Jane Harman is from the 36th District of California

As many of you probably know, my Congressional But we shouldn’t spend too much time patting
district in Southern California is home to the Space ourselves on the back. We have some big challenges
and Missile Command – the arm of the Air Force ahead of us.
tasked with developing and procuring the space assets
that give America its eyes and ears in space. You’ve just heard from my colleague Terry Everett
about the budget the President released this week.
It’s also the best Congressional district in the country. Terry and I have worked closely together on the
We are the place for sun, surf, and satellites – the only Intelligence Committee and the Space Power Caucus.
place in America where aerospace engineers have
tans! I want to keep my remarks today focused on the big
picture. My thesis is that the Administration and
Thousands of these engineers are my constituents. Congress have been snoozing. Seven years after the
And over the years, I have gained a deep and abiding Rumsfeld Commission Report, which highlighted our
respect for both the importance and difficulty of what critical dependence on space, and more than one year
they do. after the Chinese ASAT test, we have no strategy.

We ask them to construct an amalgam of circuits, Although China knew the orbit of its satellite, the
wiring, sensors, and fragile structures that must ASAT test nonetheless amply demonstrated its
survive unimaginable rigors of launch and harsh capability in space.
conditions of outer space, with scant possibility of
repair, and perform flawlessly for years. And we The ASAT test put the spotlight on our Achilles heel.
place the technical responsibility for carrying out core Our space assets, particularly those in low earth orbit
functions of the government – from communications (or LEO), are vulnerable.
to intelligence to operations – in their hands.
The test also increased the amount of space debris
There is very little margin for error. orbiting the Earth by about 20 percent, potentially
threatening satellites in LEO for decades, if not
Given those stakes, SMC and the industry it helps longer.
lead have amassed an impressive record in recent
years. We haven’t had a launch failure nearly a The tacticians will focus on China – spinning out
decade, 56 in a row and counting. General Mike scenarios for ASAT attacks during a conflict in the
Hamel at SMC deserves a lot of credit for this Straits of Taiwan. Those scenarios are certainly
success. worthy of our careful study.

Space and Defense, Winter 2008, pp. 14-18.
Center for Space and Defense Studies
Department of Political Science, US Air Force Academy
But this isn’t a China-specific problem. The media out. And the new President may have a different
has reported that Russia has had ASAT abilities for vision.
years. Other nations also have demonstrated the
ability to disrupt or degrade our use of space assets. But we can surely agree that one key policy goal be to
And it will not be too difficult for these nations to maintain our leadership in space for decades to come.
develop more effective ASAT capabilities in the And to do that, we must be able to counter the threat
coming decades. posed by ASAT technologies.

The problem is not a short-term hiccup in an As policy makers, we in Congress don’t have the
otherwise solid plan. It is a long-term strategic luxury of just throwing stones – though we often
vulnerability that needs to be addressed now. China’s forget this. We have to offer constructive
test was a very urgent wake-up call. suggestions.

But we pushed the snooze button. In the year-plus Here are mine.
since the test – and about a year since Sen. Kyl and I
discussed this topic at CSIS – the United States In my opinion, any comprehensive strategy to
government has done almost nothing in response. preserve our leadership position in space must include
five elements: intelligence, defensive measures,
I would have expected an Administration that warned redundancy, risk mitigation, and export control
of a “space Pearl Harbor” in the 2000 elections to reform.
have made a greater effort to protect us against the
threat. First, we need to understand the motivations of
adversaries. Why did China conduct the ASAT test?
To be fair, none of the major candidates for President Was China attempting to send the United States a
has addressed such the threat either. message? Is it announcing its intent to become a
global strategic rival? Or, as many believe, is its
Our space acquisition budget reflects this lack of a focus primarily regional?
strategy. We behave like kids in a candy store.
The same questions can be asked of Russia and other
The Administration pursues “desirements” – nations. What are their capabilities and intentions in
technologies that would be great to have but are not space and how do they impact our interests?
of the utmost importance. Not coincidentally, some
of these projects are staggeringly expensive and entail Those answers are relevant to our strategy. If China
enormous risk. is primarily interested in intimidating Taiwan, we
have some time to adjust to their newly unveiled
Recent procurement and operational failures should capabilities. If, however, they intend to develop
come as no surprise. space capabilities to rival ours, time may be short.

Our new President – whoever she or he may be – Intelligence is a priority. Congress may want to
should come into office with a strategy in hand. But consider asking for a National Intelligence Estimate
we need not wait for a new Administration. The on the test and potential threats to our position in
sooner we start this process the better. space.

The Administration’s 2006 policy statement sets We should also talk to the Chinese, in much the same
general goals, not a strategic vision. It needs fleshing way that we spoke to the Soviets during the Cold
Securing those facilities must therefore be a top
I was heartened to hear Defense Secretary Gates priority.
speak about enhancing military-to-military contacts
with China. These sorts of exchanges can not only But we are unlikely to stop every attack or
help us better understand China’s motivations, they sufficiently protect every space asset. To protect core
can help avoid the misunderstandings that can lead to capabilities, we must build redundancy into our
a more confrontational relationship. overhead architecture – my third suggestion.

Gates’ model is the strategic dialogue between the US We should have multiple assets available to do the
and the Soviets during the Cold War, which was key same job. That is already the case with certain
to preventing miscalculations. programs, like GPS. We can afford to lose a few GPS
satellites without losing much capability.
Second, we should employ defensive measures in
space, and harden our ground assets. LEO satellites (like China’s weather satellite) are
particularly vulnerable.
I can’t discuss the specifics, but it is widely known
that we have the technology to protect key assets Using higher orbits – particularly geosynchronous (or
against certain kinds of non-physical attacks – GEO) orbits – for more assets that we currently keep
particularly attacks that use electro-magnetic pulses in LEO can help protect our capabilities.
(or EMPs).
Not all of these redundant assets needs to be in space.
We need to think “out of the box” to find other means We can keep some of the satellites on the ground if
to protect our satellites from attacks. we have the capability to get them into space quickly
and at a reasonable cost.
We should incorporate this technology not only into
all new military and intelligence satellites, but in This, of course, is the idea behind operationally
some commercial satellites as well. responsive space (or, ORS). We have begun to invest
serious time and money in ORS, and there are some
But we shouldn’t expect miracles. These brilliant rocket scientists working in this area. And
technologies can’t harden a satellite against kinetic yes, some of them are constituents!
kill vehicles, like the missile China used in its test.
We also can’t retrofit assets that are already in space. The potential of ORS is not yet fully realized, as even
its biggest proponents will admit. But that potential
We sometimes forget that our space assets are only can be reached if we sustain our commitment and our
part of the equation. We depend on ground funding.
infrastructure to make those assets work.
Redundancy will not be enough, however. There are
That infrastructure is vulnerable to all kinds of only so many satellites that the US can afford. We
physical attacks like car bombs, electro-magnetic must therefore mitigate our risk by enhancing our
attacks, or (like much of our government’s cooperation with civilian imaging and
information technology backbone) cyber attacks. communications assets, and those of our allies – the
fourth element of my strategy.
If the United States is ever in a war with our space
assets under attack, you can count on attacks on our The capabilities of commercial imaging and
ground-based space infrastructure as well. communications satellites have grown by leaps and
bounds in recent years. They can serve many of our A more balanced – and I believe, more targeted –
military needs. export regime is essential.

Of course, we already make extensive use of civilian I’m not ruling out the possibility of some form of
and ally assets. During the Iraq war, for example, the multilateral or bilateral agreements, perhaps to
US military used 2.4 gigabits of bandwidth per preclude the debris-causing sort of test that China
second – and over half of that communications conducted last year.
capacity came from commercial sources.
An informal code of conduct that sets norms of
But there is room to grow, particularly in the use of behavior for space-faring nations could be
commercial imaging products. particularly helpful in restraining reckless behavior
like last year’s test.
We should consider relaxing current restrictions on
resolution. Many civilian imaging satellites can History has shown that multilateral diplomatic
achieve amazing clarity, and with a few changes can pressure – peer pressure, if you will – can be very
provide imagery close to what our military planners effective in setting norms for space.
are used to seeing.
But we should be realistic about what formal
Enhanced cooperation would have the added benefit agreements can achieve. Identifying which programs
of supporting our space industrial base. The more we are covered is a challenge, and it could be almost
use these private companies, the more we enable them impossible to verify compliance.
to grow, developing the industrial base and
developing capabilities that the US government can We should also mind our words. Using needlessly
use. provocative language is foolish. Our current space
capabilities are no match for any other nation, even
We will also help provide employment for more given China’s test.
aerospace engineers. As I have said many times,
rocket scientists do not grow on trees. Given that advantage, we would have much to lose in
a space arms race, in which other nations have the
Fifth and finally, we should fundamentally reexamine excuse to invest in offensive capabilities that go far
our approach to export controls. beyond kinetic kills in LEO.

Restrictions on the space technologies companies can ***

export have had the perverse effect of encouraging
other nations – like China and India – to develop their These five suggestions could form the core of a space
own indigenous technologies. strategy.

Rather than buying or renting technology built by It’s time to wake up, get focused, and implement a
American companies that are subject to American comprehensive strategy to protect our position in
law, we have given these countries the incentive to space.
figure it out on their own.
We snooze at our peril.
These nations have gained their own strategically
important industries, denying us a lock on cutting-
edge technologies.

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