Accurex, Model XXEW-10.0 Wall-Mounted Canopy Exhaust Hood Performance Report
Accurex, Model XXEW-10.0 Wall-Mounted Canopy Exhaust Hood Performance Report
Accurex, Model XXEW-10.0 Wall-Mounted Canopy Exhaust Hood Performance Report
Wall-Mounted Canopy Exhaust Hood
Performance Report
Prepared by:
Rich Swierczyna
Paul Sobiski
Architectural Energy Corporation
Don Fisher
Fisher-Nickel, inc.
Prepared for:
Pacific Gas & Electric Programs
P.O. Box 770000
San Francisco, California 94177
The information in this report is based on data generated by the PG&E Food Service Technology Center (FSTC)
and its affiliated Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Laboratory (CKVL)
California consumers are not obliged to purchase any full service or other service not funded by this program. This program is funded by
California utility ratepayers under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.
• The Food Service Technology Center (FSTC) and the Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Laboratory (CKVL) are committed to testing
food service equipment using the best available scientific techniques and instrumentation.
• The FSTC and CKVL do not endorse any of the equipment tested.
• In the event that FSTC/CKVL data are to be reported, quoted, or referred to in any way in publications, papers, brochures,
advertising, or any other publicly available documents, the rules of copyright must be strictly followed, including written permission
from Fisher-Nickel, inc. in advance and proper attribution to the FSTC and the CKVL. In any such publication, sufficient text must be
excerpted or quoted to give full and fair representation of findings as reported in the original documentation from the FSTC and
Legal Notice
This report was prepared as a result of work sponsored by the California Public Utilities Commission (Commission). It does not represent
the views of the Commission, its employees, or the State of California. The Commission, the State of California, its employees,
contractors, and subcontractors, make no warranty, express or implied, and assume no legal liability for the information in this report; nor
does any party represent that the use of this information in this report will not infringe upon privately owned rights. This report has not
been approved or disapproved by the Commission nor has the Commission passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of the information in
this report.
Objective and Scope 1
Equipment 1
Test Protocol 6
Appliance and Hood Configuration Test Matrix 8
Results and Discussion 13
Summary and Conclusions 17
References 19
Appendix A – Accurex XXEW-10.0 Drawing 20
Objectives and Scope
This report summarizes the results of performance testing an Accurex, model XXEW-
10.0 exhaust hood at the Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Laboratory within the scope of
the PG&E Food Service Technology Center program. The objectives were to:
(1) Evaluate the capture and containment performance of this exhaust only, wall-
mounted canopy hood when challenged with light-, medium-, heavy-, and mixed-
duty appliances under the controlled conditions of the ASTM Standard Test
Method F-1704 [Ref 1].
(2) Measure and report the pressure drop across the hood as a function of airflow.
(3) Measure and report the filter velocity profile across the length of the hood.
Hood Specifications
The Accurex, model XXEW-10.0, serial ASTMF1704, canopy hood was tested in three
configurations, either without side panels, or with 45.0-inch by 45.0-inch by 45° side
panels, or with 12.0-inch by 6.0-inch by 34° side panels. The hood measured 10 feet wide
by 4.5 feet deep by 2.0 feet high and was mounted to a transparent back wall. A 3-inch
standoff behind the back panel was incorporated within the depth of the hood, and
extended along the top 20.0 inches of its height. The hood was equipped with six 19.5-
inch by 19.5-inch stainless steel removable centrifugal-type grease filters, and exhausted
through one centered 36.0-inch by 14.0-inch exhaust collar located 3.0 inches from the
back of the hood. The front lower edge of the hood was located at 78.0 inches above the
finished floor. The hood setup over a heavy-duty broiler line is shown in Figure 1.
Filter Specification
The stainless steel centrifugal-type Grease-X-Tractor™ grease extractors measured 19.5
inches wide by 19.5 inches high by 1.8 inches deep with an inlet height of 3.5 inches. A
front and back view are shown in Figure 2.
45in. Side Panel
Figure 3. Side View of Set Up With and Without Standard 45-inch by 45-inch by 45° Side
6 x 12
Side Panel
Figure 4. Side View of Set Up With and Without Mini 12-inch by 6-inch by 34° Side Panel
Capacity 719 sq. in. 8.6 cu. ft Two 50 lb. vats 1026 sq. in.
For each capture and containment (C&C) evaluation, the exhaust rate was reduced until
spillage of the plume was observed (using the airflow visualization techniques described
below) at any point along the perimeter of the hood. The exhaust rate was then increased
in fine increments until capture and containment was achieved. For most cases, single-
test determinations were used to establish the reported threshold of capture and
containment. This threshold capture and containment rate was used for direct
comparisons across scenarios. In all evaluations, the replacement air was supplied from
low velocity, floor-mounted diffusers along the opposite wall (Figure 8). The
introduction of replacement air from such sources has been found to be optimum (i.e., the
least disruptive) for the laboratory test setup [Ref 3].
Airflow Visualization
The primary tools used for airflow visualization were schlieren and shadowgraph
systems, which visualize the refraction of light due to air density changes. Since the heat
and effluent generated by the cooking process change the air density above the
equipment, the sensitive flow visualization systems provide a graphic image of the
thermal activity along the perimeter of the hood. The front and left lower edges of the
hood were monitored by schlieren systems located at a height that was centered between
the typical 36-inch appliance height and the 78-inch hood height. The right lower edge of
the hood was monitored using a shadowgraph system, located at the same height as the
hood edge. Other flow visualization tools available to seed the thermal plume included
smoke sticks and theater fog. Figure 6 shows a plan view of the laboratory with the
relative position of the hood and flow visualization tools.
Backw all
Optics Box
14'-10" 21'-11"
The airflow measurements in the laboratory comply with the AMCA 210/ASHRAE 51
Standard [Ref 4]. The error on the airflow rate measurement is less than 2%. The
repeatability of capture and containment determinations is typically within 5%.
The performance of the Accurex model XXEW-10.0 hood was evaluated under 12 test
conditions. Generally, each appliance line configuration was evaluated in a best practice
“pushed back” condition. Hood performance was evaluated either without side panels, or
with standard side panels, or in one case, with mini side panels. In addition, one test with
the broiler challenge included a seal between the rear of the appliances and the wall.
Another supplementary test was performed on the mixed appliance line to evaluate hood
performance under a dynamic walk-by challenge. In this case, the exhaust rate was
increased to achieve capture and containment under the disruption caused by operator
movement. The following test matrices present the details of the test setups for the
respective appliance lines. Each test condition is sequentially numbered for reference to
the reported data.
The capture and containment results are presented below for the different appliance-line
The exhaust rate required to capture and contain a 2-vat fryer/3-foot broiler/full-size
convection oven cook line was 2000 cfm (200 cfm/ft) without side panels. When the
hood was used with standard side panels the capture and containment exhaust rate was
not reduced.
Table 10. Capture and Containment Results for 2-Vat Fryer / Broiler or Griddle/ Full-
Size Convection Oven Appliance Line
Test LH LH CTR CTR RH RH Side Side C&C C&C
# Appliance Appliance Appliance Appliance Appliance Appliance Panels Overhang Exhaust Exhaust
Effective Effective Effective [in.] Rate Rate
Front Front Front [cfm] [cfm/ft]
Overhang1 Overhang Overhang1
[in.] [in.] [in.]
8 2-Vat 22 Broiler 18 Oven 12 Without 6 2000 200
9 2-Vat 22 Broiler 18 Oven 12 Standard 6 2000 200
102 2-Vat 22 Broiler 18 Oven 12 Standard 6 2400 240
11 2-Vat 22 Griddle 12 Oven 12 Without 6 1700 170
12 2-Vat 22 Griddle 12 Oven 12 Standard 6 1500 150
Front overhang measured from front of hood to front of appliance
Test condition was conducted with “walk-by” protocol.
A walk-by evaluation was conducted for the combination duty line with standard side
panels. The increase in exhaust flow rate required to capture and contain the dynamically
disturbed thermal plume was 2400 cfm (400 cfm higher than the static condition).
The combination-duty appliance line was also evaluated with a griddle replacing the
broiler in the center position. The exhaust rate for capture and containment without side
Figure 11 presents the static pressure versus airflow curve. The data were a very good fit,
reflecting a typical pressure versus airflow relationship.
y = 1E-07x2.0464
R2 = 0.999
Static Pressure [in. of water]
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Exhaust Flow Rate [cfm]
Figure 11. Static Pressure Differential Measured at the Hood’s Duct Transition
2000 cfm Exhaust Rate
3000 cfm Exhaust Rate
Filter Face Velocity [fpm]
Filter #1-Left Filter #2 Filter #3 Filter #4 Filter #5 Filter #6-Right
For both exhaust rates, the profiles show that the slot velocity was at a maximum toward the duct
opening and left side, and a minimum towards the right side of the hood. For the 2000 cfm
exhaust rate, the average velocity was 416 fpm. The velocity profile was relatively flat, except
for the filter velocity at the left side, where it measured 442 fpm. . For the 3000 cfm rate, the
average filter velocity was 588 fpm, with a maximum velocity of 601 fpm at the center, and a
minimum velocity of 543 fpm at the right side. The average effective filter area was calculated as
5.0 sqft.
Table 13 and Figure 13 summarize the results for the capture and containment testing. The test
numbers in Figure 13 refer to the first column of Table 13 and associated test condition. Overall,
the capture and containment airflow rates ranged from a low of 1100 cfm (110 cfm/ft) to a high
of 2900 cfm (290 cfm/ft).
The benefit of the standard side panels was demonstrated for all appliance lines except the
combination line with the broiler. For the charbroiler line with the 45-inch x 45-inch x 45-degree
standard panels installed on both ends of the 10-foot hood, the capture and containment flow rate
was reduced from 2600 cfm (260 cfm/ft) to 2500 cfm (250 cfm/ft). When a rear shield was
installed (between the rear of the charbroilers and the back wall), the capture and containment
flow rate dropped to 2100 cfm (210 cfm/ft). Based on testing experience of the CKV research
team and data from the ASHRAE study [Ref 2], a 2100 cfm (210 cfm/ft) exhaust rate is
considered to be a very low threshold of capture and containment for a heavy-duty appliance
challenge. The 6-vat fryer line demonstrated the greatest benefit from side panels. Without side
panels, the capture and containment flow rate was 2900 cfm (290 cfm/ft). When standard side
panels were installed the capture and containment rate dropped to 1500 cfm (150 cfm/ft), and
with mini side panels (12 inches by 6 inches), the exhaust rate was 1700 cfm (cfm/ft).
The multi-duty line was incorporated within the test matrix to reflect a cooking equipment
challenge in a real-world, casual dining kitchen. In this case, the capture and containment rate
was 2000 cfm (200 cfm/ft). When the standard side panels were installed, the capture and
containment rate was not reduced. When the griddle was substituted for the broiler under static
test conditions, a capture and containment rate of 1500 cfm (150 cfm/ft) was recorded. Under the
dynamic walk-by condition for the multi-duty line with the broiler, the capture and containment
exhaust rate for the hood with side panels increased to 2400 cfm (240 cfm/ft). Based on the
experience of the CKV/FSTC research team, this exhaust rate is believed to be a representative
design value for a multi-duty appliance line.
The static pressure drop of the hood was measured at the duct transition varied from 0.23 to 0.89
in. of water between 1500 to 3000 cfm of exhaust airflow. At 2500 cfm (250 cfm/ft) the
measured static pressure difference was 0.56 in. of water taken in the duct transition joining the
hood collar and the lab exhaust duct.
The measured filter velocities across the length of the exhaust hood a maximum standard
deviation of 5% from the average measured velocity.
Capture and Containment Exhaust Flow Rate [cfm]
3000 2900
2500 2400
2000 2000
1700 1700
1500 1500
1 2 3 4 5a 5b 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Test Number