Home Baking: U. S. Department of Agriculture
Home Baking: U. S. Department of Agriculture
Home Baking: U. S. Department of Agriculture
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O OME KIND OF BREAD is served on the average
^ American table three times a day. The quality
of that bread is an important matter. The food
value depends on the materials which go into it,
whether it is made at home or in the bakery. This
bulletin has been planned primarily as a guide in
home baking, but through its discussion of materials
it offers help also in the choice of commercial baked
This bulletin supersedes Farmers' Bulletin 1136.
Page Page
Angel food ; 13 Plain pie crust 12
Biscuit 12 Pop-overs 10
Butter cakes 12 Quick loaf breads : 11
Cookies, crisp 14 Rye and wheat bread 8
Cookies, drop 14 Shortcake 12
Cottage pudding 12 Sponge cake 13
Doughnuts 14 Sunshine cake 13
Fritters No. 1 11 Waffles 11
Fritters No. 2 11 Yeast bread made by -the sponge
Gingerbread 11 method, using dried yeast cakes 6
Graham bread 8 Yeast bread made by straight-dough
Griddle cakes 11 method, using compressed yeast 4
Liquid yeast 6 Yeast bread made with home-grown
Meat-pie crust 12 or so-called liquid yeasts 6
Muffins 11 Yeast bread made with soft-wheat
Parker House rolls 7 flour g
Associate Home Economics Specialist, Bureau of Hwne Economics
Page Page
Flour and other mill products of Measurements» 3
wheat Yeast breads 3
Other flours and meals used in bak- Quick breads, cakes, cookies, and
ing (_ pastry 8
Good bread for her family is one of the strongest flours are grown mostly
the important concerns of the home- in the regions between the Rocky
maker. This bulletin points out what Mountains and the Mississippi Valley,
makes for high quality and gives north and west of Missouri. The
methods and proportions for making wheats grown in the more humid
typical yeast breads, quick breads, areas between the Great Plains area
cakes, and other baked goods at home. and the Atlantic coast and most of
These main types may be varied in the wheats of the Pacific coast are
almost innumerable ways by the softer and less glutinous.
housekeeper by adding seasonings or Out of any lot of wheat, either hard
by baking in different shapes and or soft, it is possible to mill several
sizes. A great variety of recipes is kinds of flour that differ considerably
not included; instead emphasis is in their bread-making quality and in
placed on the general principles of their food value. The present milling
baking, proportions, and ways of sub- process is very complicated and highly
stituting various ingredients, such as specialized. The grain is broken up
soft-wheat fo'r hard-wheat flour, so gradually by passing it between sev-
that the housekeeper can make eco- eral pairs of rolls, and after each step
nomical use of the materials at hand. in its reduction some separation of
the material is made according to the
FLOUR AND OTHER MILL PROD- size and character of the particles.
UCTS OF WHEAT In this process the bran and germ are
For making most kinds of bread and usually removed, and the material
similar products wheat flour is su- milled from the remaining grain is
perior to all others because of the two combined or separated to form differ-
proteins in it which form gluten ent commercial grades of flour. The
when the flour is made into a dough. two grades most commonly sold to the
This gluten is what gives the dough housewife are " straight "and " patent."
an elastic quality, so that it can ex- " Straight " or " straight run " flour
pand and hold within it gas bubbles usually contains about all of the grain
formed by yeast or other leavening except the bran, the shorts, and the
agents. It is known to the farm boy germ, and is approximately 70 per cent
as " wheat gum," which he makes by of the total weight of wheat milled.
chewing the wheat kernels, and may " Patent " flours are classed as
be easily recognized as the grayish " long patents " or " short patents,"
yellow substance left when the starch depending on what proportion they
is washed out of wheat flour. represent of the total flour milled
The bread-making valué of different from the grain. Certain streams
types of wheat flour depends on the which are utilized in the production
quantity and the quality of the gluten of so-called clear flours are excluded
that can be developed in them. For from the patent flours, but are in-
practical purposes these gluten-form- cluded in the " straight." A short
ing proteins in the wheat grain and patent may contain less than 50 per
flour are referred to as gluten, as cent of all the flour milled from the
though they were combined. Flours grain, and is seldom made except for
are called " strong " if they have a commercial bakers, who want a flour
comparatively large quantity and of maximum bread-making power. A
good quality of gluten, and "weak" longer patent, which contains perhaps
if their gluten is low in quantity or 60 or 65 per cent of the total flour, is
poor in baking quality. more common.
The nature and the amount of In the manufacture of either " pat-
gluten in flour depends both on the kind ent " or " straight " flour the bran, the
of wheat from which it is made and on shorts, and the germ of the wheat are
the milling. The wheats which make removed. This, of course, sacrifices
Farmers9 Bulletin 1^50
some food value, for most of the min- the way from very strong to very
erals and vitamins of wheat are con- weak. The flours from soft wheats
tained in these portions. This loss have a velvety texture somewhat like
may be compensated for, however, by cornstarch, and those from hard
the improvement in the baking wheat are usually more gritty, but it
strength of the 1 flour. requires some experience and a fine
Graham flour, or wheat meal, as it sense of touch to detect this differ-
is more properly called, contains all ence. Experts usually do it by taking
of the wheat and has some advantages a pinch of flour and rubbing it lightly
from the point of view of food value between the thumb and the third fin-
over a flour that does not contain ger. Another way to tell is by squeez-
the bran and the germ. It does not, ing a handful of it tightly and notic-
however, keep so well as white flour. ing whether as the hand is opened the
In a diet that is limited in variety, flour remains in a mold and shows the
and hence likely to be lacking in cer- impression of the fingers. In this test
tain elements, some of the breads a hard-wheat flour acts more like a
should be made from this kind of powder and the mold breaks up more
flour. In a diet containing plenty of readily than that of a soft-wheat flour.
milk, eggs, fruits, and vegetables the Weighing is still another method used
bran and the germ of the wheat ker- to distinguish hard-wheat flours from
nel are not so essential, but even in soft. A quart of hard-wheat flour that
this case breads made from graham has been sifted once, dipped lightly
flour add flavor and variety. into the measure, and then leveled off,
Bran, the dark, fibrous portion of weighs about 16 or 17 ounces or even
the wheat, is less completely digested more. A quart of soft-wheat flour
than the rest of the kernel. As bran sifted and measured in the same way
is sold commercially it has some food weighs only about 14 or 15 ounces.
value from the starch as well as from It is much easier to get good results
the minerals and vitamins associated in baking if the methods used are
with the fibrous parts, but it is used adapted to the type of flour. When
chiefly for its laxative properties. In occasion demands, good yeast bread
moderate quantities, and especially as can be made from a comparatively
it comes ground up in graham flour, weak flour or good cake from a strong
it is usually considered to be a de- one, by making sufficient allowance for
sirable addition to the diet. the weakness in the former case and
SPECIAL USES FOR STRONG AND for the strength in the latter. The
WEAK FLOURS rules for substituting (pp. 6 and 9)
Strong flours made from hard apply to typical hard-wheat and typi-
wheats are generally considered best cal soft-wheat flours.
for yeast bread, although with proper COMPOSITION OF WHEAT FLOUR
methods excellent results can be ob-
tained with those from some soft The approximate chemical composi-
wheats. For cake and pastry, in tion of different types of hard-wheat
which tenderness is of prime impor- and soft-wheat flours is shown in
tance, soft-wheat flours are usually the Table 1. Though no indication of
more successful. Quick breads, such vitamin content can be given in such
as muffins or biscuits, may be made a table, experiments have shown that
about equally well with either type. in general the highly refined flours
It is difficult for a housekeeper to tell contain practically none of the vita-
what type of flour she is buying, espe- mins present in the whole-grain
cially as those on the market vary all products.
TABLE 1.—Approximate composition of different types o f tvheat and ¡r heat flour
■S-8 1d
If 1
■Rs ? •R* ¿?
If 2
ST ■S Ö 8*
ss 03
£ £ S ss & fi £
Hard wheat : Ret. Rd. Ret. Ret. Ret. Soft wheat : Ret. Ret. Ret. P. Ct. Ret.
Grain 70.9 1.8 12.3 13.2 1.8 Grain. 72.2 1.9 11.0 13.2 1.7
Graham flour Graham flour
(wheat meal) 70.9 1.8 12.3 13.2 1.8 (wheat meal) 72.2 1.9 11.0 13.2 1.7
Straight flour.. 73.7 1.1 11.5 13.2 .5 Straight flour. . 75.8 1.2 9.4 13.2 .4
Patent flour.. _ 74.6 1.0 10.8 13.2 .4 Patent flour... 76.7 1.1 8.7 13.2 .3
The terms "whole wheat flour" and "entire wheat flour" may mean the sah^e as
graham flour, but at present these names are sometimes commercially used for products
that do not contain all of the bran.
Home Baking
Rye ranks next to wheat as a bread Quality—crispness and ^tenderness.
Cruml) :
grain because it contains similar pro- Color—light cream color 5
teins. In fact, rye flour is practically Texture 25
the only other kind that can be used No streaks or extreme close-
ness of grain.
successfully alone in yeast breads, Size and uniformity of cells,
and even it gives better results if thinness of cell walls.
mixed with wheat flour. Products Elasticity—s o f t n e s s and
from corn, oats, buckwheat, barley, Flavor—taste and odor 30
rice, potatoes, peanuts, soy beans, and Sweet, nutty flavor with no " off "
many other materials may be substi- taste.
Keeping qualities 10
tuted for part of the wheat flour in
yeast breads, and some of them can 100
be used as the chief ingredient of ex-
cellent quick breads, where there. is INGREDIENTS OF YEAST BREADS
less need for gluten.2 This is espe-
cially true when egg is used. Usu- The essential ingredients in bread
ally, however, even in quick breads, a are flour, liquid, salt, and leavening.
mixture of wheat flour with the other French bread illustrates that an ap-
material makes a lighter product. petizing product can be made from
these materials with water as the
MEASUREMENTS liquid. In this country, however, it
3 teaspoons =1 tablespoon is customary to use sugar, shortening,
16 tablespoons =1 cup (standard) and oftentimes milk.
4 cups =1 quart Flours have already been discussed.
All quantities are given in level Liquid.—When milk is used as the
measurements. liquid the bread is improved in food
Flour, except graham or whole value and does not grow stale so
wheat, should always be sifted once rapidly as when water is used. From
before measuring and then dipped the nutritive standpoint, for instance,
lightly into the measure and leveled. wheat is poor and milk is particu-
If it i§ packed into the measure, too larly rich in calcium, one of the im-
much will be used. portant mineral constituents in which
In measuring less than one-fourth the diet is often low. Evaporated or
of a cup of hard fat it is best to use powdered milk may be used when
tablespoons (one-fourth cup=4 table- fresh milk is difficult to obtain. Bread
spoons). When the quantity is be- made with potato water does not dry
tween one-fourth cup and 1 cup, time out so fast as that in which water is
is saved by measuring it in water. used as the only liquid.
For example, if two-thirds cup of fat Shortening.—The fat in bread makes
is required, put one-third cup of wa- it more tender and adds to its fuel
ter into the cup first, and then add fat value. Butter is sometimes used,
until the water comes up to the brim. chiefly for its flavor, but lard or any
A table knife or other straight edge other good cooking fat is satisfactory.
should be used to level sugar, salt, Sogar.—A small quantity of sugar
flour, and other dry ingredients. added to the dough makes it rise more
quickly and helps to give a golden
YEAST BREADS brown color to the crust. Some per-
The points that are most important sons think that the flavor also is bet-
in yeast breads in addition to food ter when sugar is used.
value are lightness, good flavor and Salt.—Salt is added for flavor. The
color, texture, and keeping qualities. yeast grows faster in bread dough
The accompanying score card may be when only a small quantity of salt is
helpful as a means of showing how used, but there should be enough of
bread can be judged. it to bring out the wheat flavor.
Yeast.—Yeast, the minute cell-like
Score card for yeast breads plants put into bread dough to leaven
Points it, may be bought in dry or compressed
General appearance _ 10 cakes or grown at home in the form
Shape—roundness of " dome." of a " starter," or " liquid yeast."
Smoothness—no cracks, bulges, The dry cakes keep better than the
lumps, or the like.
Color of crust—golden brown. other forms ; but since the yeast cells
Lightness 10 are not growing actively, longer time
Suggestions for using corn and rice products in baking are given in U. S. Dept. Agr.
Farmers' Bui. 1236, Corn and Its Uses as Food, and Farmers' Bui. 1195, Rice as Food.
Farmers' Bulletin Îb50
is required to make bread with dried sour flavor may develop and the
yeast. The compressed is perhaps the gluten will be injured. If the dough
most convenient to use if it can be rises too high in the pan before it is
obtained fresh. It is usually more put in the oven, it will be too coarse-
expensive than the other form», how- grained ; and if it does not rise high
ever, and it spoils rather easily. enough, the bread will be heavy.
Many housekeepers also get excellent The proper length of time for dough
results with so-called liquid yeast and to rise depends on the vitality of the
consider it a convenience and econ- yeast, the temperature at which the
omy. Mixtures of this kind are dis- dough is held, and the strength of the
cussed more fully in connection with gluten. Volume, appearance, and feel-
the use of soft-wheat flours. In any ing all indicate when dough has risen
case the yeast for bread making should long enough. The best test is made
be pure and in good condition. by touching the surface of the dough
lightly with the finger. If it has risen
FERMENTATION enough, a slight depression will re-
main on the surface. If the dough is
As yeast causes bread dough to fer- still so elastic that the depression dis-
ment, tiny bubbles of carbon-dioxide appears quickly, it should rise a little
gas, which leaven the dough, and by- longer. Dough made with very strong
products, which change the character flour will reach about two and one-
of the gluten, are formed. The latter half times its original volume before
fact is one of the reasons why dough this test is obtained, but dough made
made with soft-wheat flour must be with rather weak flour will give the
handled somewhat differently than same test when about double its origi-
that in which hard-wheat flour is used. nal volume.
Like all living things, yeast needs
a favorable temperature as well as PROPORTIONS AND METHODS
moisture and right food in order to The following proportions will make
grow vigorously. The best tempera- about 3% pounds of bread. A larger
ture for bread fermentation is prob- quantity of flour is required when
ably between 80° and 85° F. Yeast soft-wheat flours are used (p. 6).
grows faster at temperatures even The liquid may be milk, water, potato
slightly above 85° F., but when the water, or any combination of these.
dough gets warmer than this the con- All measurements are level :
ditions become more favorable to the About 2^4 pounds, or 2^4 quarts,
growth of other less desirable organ- sifted hard-wheat flour.
isms that may be present. If the tem- 2% cups liquid.
4 teaspoons salt.
perature of the dough goes much over 2 tablespoons sugar.
95° F., the growth of the yeast is in 2 tablespoons fat.
danger of being retarded. 1 ounce (2 cakes) yeast.
In order to keep the dough at a con- From these ingredients bread may
stant temperature of about 82° F. the be made by various methods. The
bread bowl or pan may be covered common standard ways, known as the
and set in a vessel of water. Ordi- straight-dough and the sponge meth-
narily, when the temperature of the ods, are described here and sugges-
room is much lower than 80° F., the tions given for varying them.
water in the outer pan should be STRAIGHT-DOUGH METHOD USING COM-
about 90° or 95°' F. In hot weather, PBESSED YEAST
when the air is warmer than 85° F.,
the water should be slightly under With the ingredients in these pro-
that temperature. When a sponge or portions and with the temperature
starter (p. 6) is allowed to stand about 82° F. bread can be made by
overnight, it should be well protected the straight-dough method in about
against drafts and placed where it four hours from the time the dough
will be neither chilled nor overheated. is mixed until the loaves are put into
Since temperature is so important in the oven. If the time must be short-
bread making, the use of a thermome- ened, twice or even three times as
ter is helpful. Experienced bread much yeast may be used and the
makers can often tell by the feeling sugar increased in about the same
when the temperature is right, but this proportion. The dough must then,
method is not thoroughly dependable. of course, be watched very closely, as
A dairy thermometer is usually easy there is more danger of letting thé
to obtain and not very expensive. fermentation go too far.
The rising of the dough should be Mixing.—A small quantity of the
stopped at the right point. If it is liquid, about one-half cup, must be
allowed to stand too long before it is set aside for softening the yeast. If
"punched down," an unpleasant or milk is used, it must be scalded first
Home Baking
to check the growth of bacteria, and greased. Fat should be used spar-
then cooled. In this case the part re- ingly, however, so that no streaks of
served for soaking the yeast should be it will show later in the bread. A
cooled quickly, and the rest may be clean cloth over the bowl and a plate
poured while still hot over the sugar, or* other tight cover will help to con-
salt, and fat. trol the temperature, to keep out the
Other liquids than milk usually do dust, and to prevent drying. The
not require heating, but often this is bowl may be placed in a pan of warm
done for convenience in dissolving and water to raise the temperature of the
melting the sugar, salt, and fat. In dough, if it has cooled off, and keep it
any case the liquid mixture should be between 80° and 85° F. When the
brought to a temperature below 100° F. dough has risen to about double its
before mixing with the yeast. This ex- original bulk, it should be tested with
act temperature depends on that of the the finger to determine whether it is
room and of the flour, and should be so ready (p. 4) to punch down for a
adjusted to these as to bring the tem- second rising.
perature of the dough to about 82° F. Punching down.—When the dough is
The flour, except about 1 cup, should light enough, the center should be
be added to the liquid and mixed punched in, the sides pulled over and
thoroughly with a spoon, the hands, or pressed into the center, and the ball
a mechanical bread mixer. All the of dough turned with the smooth side
flour may be added at once if expe- up. This can be done in less than a
rience has shown the amount neces- minute and is preferable to taking the
sary. It is impossible, however, to dough out on the board. The purpose
tell beforehand exactly how much of punching down is to let out some
flour will be required unless flour of the gas so that fermentation can
from this lot has been used. The ex- continue without injuring the gluten
perienced bread maker tells by the by causing it to stretch too far.
" feel " of the dough when enough Second rising.—The second rising will
flour has been added. The quantity not take so long as the first if the
given in the above proportions is about temperature is right. It may be omit-
right for rather strong flour. If the ted if necessary, but it helps to give a
flour is extremely strong, 2*4 pounds good texture and fine, even grain, es-'
will be too much, but if it is of only pecially if hard-wheat flour is used.
average strength more will be needed. When the dough has again risen to
Usually, with a strong flour, the the same stage as before, it is ready
dough should be about as soft as it to be punched down and divided.
can be conveniently handled, but it Dividing.—The dough should be so di-
should not be sticky. The quantity vided that each baking pan will be
of flour varies also with the kind of about half full at first. After divid-.
liquid used. More flour is required ing, the dough should be rounded into
vrith water than with milk. balls to seal over the cut surfaces
With a new lot of flour it is a good and allowed to stand a few minutes
plan to measure the quantity used and before molding.
note the way it works. If results are Molding.—The loaves are molded by
satisfactory, the same methods and flattening each of them on thé board
measurements may be repeated as into an oblong piece and then folding
long as that flour lasts. and sealing the edges together with
Kneading.—When the flour and liquid the palms of the hands. This is re-
are thoroughly mixed and the dough peated several times, each time fold-
no longer sticks to the sides of the ing a different way. The last time the
mixing bowl, it is ready to be kneaded. sides are brought together into the
If a bread mixer is used, it kneads as center and the loaf is placed, sealed
well as mixes. If the bread is to be edges down, in a greased pan for the
kneaded by hand, it should be turned last rising. The top surface should
out on a clean floured board and be lightly greased.
worked quickly with the palms of the Rising in the pans.—The temperature,
hands until it is smooth and elastic. from 80° to 85° F., should be just as
Dough made from hard-wheat flour carefully regulated during the last
requires more kneading than that rising as for the two earlier periods.
made from soft-wheat flour. The pans may be set in warm water
First rising.—The dough should then and covered with a clean cloth. When
be formed into a ball and put in a the loaves have about doubled in bulk
greased bowl to rise. The easiest the surface should be lightly pressed
way to keep the surface from drying with the finger to test whether they
and cracking is to turn the dough over are ready to be baken (p. 4).
once or twice in the bowl so that the Baking.—The oven should be fairly
whole surface of the dough is thinly hot at first, about 400° to 415° F., de-
Farmers' Bulletin lb50
pending on the size of the loaf. A BREAD FROM SOFT-WHEAT FLOURS
pound loaf should be baked at a Soft-wheat flours, because of the
higher temperature and more quickly smaller quantity or poorer quality of
than a pound-and-a-half loaf. Unless the gluten, require less moisture than
the oven bakes very evenly, the loaves hard-wheat flours to make a dough
should be turned around after they of the right consistency. There-
have been in about 20 minutes. The fore proportionately less liquid or
temperature of the oven may then be more flour is used, since the dough is
lowered a little. If a coal or wood made a little stiffer. It will not
range is used, the temperature at the " tighten up " during the first rising
start should be 400° F. or lower. as does hard-wheat flour dough. In-
Baking will require from 45 min- stead it may become softer or.
utes to 1 hour, depending upon the " slacken " a little. The proportions
temperature of the oven and the size for bread made with hard-wheat flour
of the loaf. When the loaves shrink (p. 4) are based on 2% cups of
from the sides of the pan and give a liquid and 21/4 pounds, or 2^4 quarts, of
hollow sound when tapped the bread flour. For the same quantity of liquid
is done. Brushing the loaves with about 2% pounds, or 2% quarts, of
milk or butter just before they are sifted soft-wheat flour will be required.
taken from the oven oftentimes im- Doughs made from soft-wheat flours
proves the color of the crusts and rise more quickly than those made
makes them glossy and more tender from harder ones, partly perhaps be-
but less crisp. As soon as the loaves cause, having less elasticity, they do
are taken from the oven they should not offer so much resistance to the
be turned out of the pans and placed gas bubbles formed by the yeast.
on a rack to cool. They should not be The quality of bread made from
covered while they are warm. soft-wheat flour seems to be improved
SPONGE METHOD USING DRIED YEAST by using a comparatively large pro-
CAKES portion of yeast and sugar to hasten
With dried yeast, which takes the fermentation. If this dough is
longer to become active than com- fermented for too long a period, the
pressed yeast, it is generally more sat- gluten is weakened. The proportions
isfactory to make a sponge early in that seem to give the best results with
the morning or the night before the soft-wheat flour are one yeast cake
bread is to be baked. With the fol- (one-half ounce) and one tablespoon
lowing exceptions, the dough is mixed of sugar for every pound loaf of bread.
and handled in the same way as in the This is about double the quantity of
straight-dough method using com- each given in the standard propor-
pressed yeast : tions for bread made with hard-wheat
The dried yeast cake should be flour (p. 4).
broken up and soaked in lukewarm Soft-wheat flour doughs will not
water until it is soft, or for about stand so much handling as those made
one-half hour before mixing. with hard-wheat flour. If they are
If the sponge is to stand overnight, kneaded too hard or too long, the
only about half as much yeast as gluten will be injured.
called for in the proportions on page 4 Dough made from weak flour will
is needed. not rise so high usually as one made
The liquid, the yeast, and half of from flour that has strong gluten.
the flour should be mixed and left The fermentation of any dough should
until they form a light and frothy be checked before the gluten has
sponge. For a quick sponge the sugar reached the limit of its stretching
also may be mixed with these other power. Soft-wheat flour doughs usu-
ingredients. ally reach this limit when they have
When the sponge is to rise over- about doubled their original bulk. To
night, ordinary room temperature (65° be safe, with a rather weak flour, the
to 75° F.) is warm enough ; but for a dough should be watched closely and
shorter sponge process the tempera- tested with the finger before it has
ture ought to be the same as for quite doubled in volume (p. 4).
dough (80° to 85° F.). When the HOME-GROWN OR SO-CALLED LIQUID
sponge is light it should be stirred up YEASTS
well. The salt, sugar, melted fat, and
the rest of the flour are then added to One way to avoid the expense of
make a dough. using large quantities of compressed
After the dough is mixed it is han- yeast, especially with soft-wbeat
dled in the same way as in the flours, is to keep some kind of
straight-dough method. "starter" from one baking to the
Home- Baking
next. Such a mixture is called if the weather is hot and no cool
" sponge," " ferment," " starter," or storage place is available, as often as
"liquid yeast," and is usually made twice a week. If the mixture should
from yeast, sugar, salt, water, and by any chance develop any unusual
either potato or flour or both. appearance or odor, it should be dis-
The following method of making carded and new starter made with
liquid yeast with potato has proved clean materials and scalded utensils.
particularly successful with soft- ROLLS
wheat flours :
3 potatoes (% pound). Yeast rolls are made by the same
• 114 cups 3
boiling water. general method as loaf bread. They
1% cups "starter" or 1 cake
yeast (% ounce) in 1% cups usually contain more sugar and
water. shortening and sometimes egg, and
About 1% cups cold water. milk is almost always used as the
3% tablespoons sugar.
1% tablespoons salt. liquid. If sugar and shortening are
Good, sound, clean potatoes must be increased, they tend to retard the
used. Pare the potatoes, cut into growth of the yeast and the rolls take
small pieces, and cook until tender in longer to rise. If desired, rolls may
the boiling water. Mash them in the be made from bread dough by adding
water in which they were cooked. the extra sugar and shortening when
Add the sugar, salt, and enough cold the dough is ready to be punched
water to make 3% cups of liquid, and down the first time. In this case, of
allow this mixture to become luke- course, more kneading is required in
warm (about 82° F.). Add 1% cups order to combine the materials thor-
of the starter reserved from the last oughly and it may be necessary to
baking. If none of this starter is knead in more flour.
available, one cake of dried or com- After rolls are molded and placed
pressed yeast soaked in 1% cups of in the pan, they may be put in a re-
lukewarm water may be used instead. frigerator or other cold place to slow
Allow this mixture to stand overnight. down the action of the yeast, and
In the morning it should be light and baked later. If the temperature has
frothy. Stir it well and pour off 1% been so low that the rising is very
cups to save as a starter for the next much checked, they should be kept
baking, and store this in a clean, in a warm place for a little while
scalded jar, loosely covered, in a cool before baking so that the volume will
place. In very cold weather it must be about doubled.
be protected from freezing. The re- PARKER HOUSE ROLLS (16 ROLLS)
mainder is ready to use. The follow-
ing directions for making bread from 1 cup milk.
1 cake (% ounce) yeast.
the liquid yeast are based on the use 1% tablespoons butter or other fat.
of soft-wheat flour: 1% teaspoons salt.
About 2% pounds, or 3 quarts, sifted 1 tablespoon sugar.
soft-wheat flour. About 314 cups sifted hard-wheat
5 tablespoons sugar. flour, or 4 cups sifted soft-wheat
3 tablespoons fat. flour.
3% cups liquid yeast. The straight-dough method is per-
Set the yeast for about half an hour haps the most convenient when only
in a pan of water of the right tem- rolls are made. Allow the dough to
perature to bring it to about 82° F. rise the first time in the same way as
Add the fat and sugar and gradually for loaf bread. The dough may be
stir in the flour. The exact quantity permitted to rise again before it is
of flour required for a given quantity shaped into biscuits, or the second ris-
of liquid differs, of course, according ing of the dough may be omitted.
to the strength of the flour. The Roll the dough out thin and cut with
dough should be rather stiff, and a biscuit cutter, or cut off small pieces
should be handled according to the from the dough, roll them into balls,
general directions for soft-wheat flour and flatten with the palms of the
yeast bread. hands. Brush the top part lightly
If bread is baked twice a week or with butter, crease through the center
oftener and the starter is cared for with the handle of a table knife, fold
properly, there should be no trouble over, and press down the top. Brush
:with spoilage. If bread is not baked the top with butter if a soft crust is pre-
this often, the starter should be re- ferred. When they have again doubled
newed by making up a new mixture, in bulk bake them quickly in a hot
as described, at least once a week ; or, oven (425° F.) for 10 or 15 minutes.
% eup=2 tablespoons.
8 Farmers9 Bulletin 1Í50
GRAHAM BREAD for wheat bread. When the dough
Graham and so-called whole-wheat reaches about one and three-fourths
flours do not have so much baking its original bulk mold it into long
strength as patent flour, and for that loaves with pointed ends.
reason must be handled somewhat In order to make the crust crisp,
differently. The dough ferments more bake in shallow pans with a thin
quickly and does not expand to so layer of corn meal on the bottom in-
great a volume. Graham flour from stead of grease to prevent sticking.
hard wheat will make good bread The temperature of the oven should be
without the addition of any white about 380° F.
flour, . but such flour from soft QUICK BREADS, CAKES, COOKIES,
wheat, unless the bread is made with AND PASTRY
great skill, requires some patent or
" straight " flour with it to make the PROPORTIONS AND INGREDIENTS
bread light.
In the proportions given on page 4 The fundamental proportions of
graham may be substituted for all or some of the chief types of baked
part of the white flour. The dough products are given in Table 2. These
should be slightly stiffer than that may, of course, be varied somewhat to
made with white flour, and it should meet individual tastes, but in general
the relations indicated should be kept
not be allowed to rise so long. Also,
between the various ingredients. One
graham bread should be baked more cup of liquid is the basis used in most
slowly than white bread. cases and from this quantities may be
RYE BREAD increased or decreased as desired.
Bread made entirely with rye flour A recipe for almost any kind of bat-
or meal is heavy in comparison with ter or dough mixture can be made by
wheat bread. In this country rye varying these proportions. Quick loaf
bread made with part wheat flour is breads may be made from the propor-
preferred because it is lighter. tions for muffins by adding more flour
RYE AND WHEAT BREAD (2 LOAVES) and leavening; almost any kind of
2 cups liquid. butter cake by varying the fat, sugar,
% cake yeast. egg, or flavoring ; and meat-pie crust,
1 tablespoon sugar.
2 tablespoons fat. shortcake, or fruit dumplings by
1% teaspoons salt. slightly changing the proportions for
About 3 cups sifted rye flour. biscuit.
3 cups sifted wheat flour. The important differences In flours,
Make a sponge with the wheat flour liquids, leavening agents, and the
as described on page 6. When the other ingredients are pointed out so
sponge is sufficiently light add the rye that the housekeeper will know when
flour and the rest of the ingredients. and how she can safely substitute
The dough should be about as stiff as with the supplies at hand.
TABLE 2.—Proportions for quick breads, cakes, cookies, and pastry
whisk. Pour the batter, as soon as it higher (about 340° F. for a loaf) than
is mixed, into smooth, ungreased bak- is used for true sponge cakes.
ing pans. For a large or medium- DOUGHNUTS (40 DOUGHNUTS)
sized loaf a tube pan is best, because
the center opening allows the mixture 1 cup milk.
4% cups sifted soft-wheat flour.
to heat evenly. Powdered sugar may 2 teaspoons fat.
be sifted over the top to make the 2 eggs.
crust more crisp. The oven should be 5 teaspoons baking powder.
1 cup sugar.
ready for the cake as soon as it is 2 teaspoons salt.
mixed and in the pan. A large or % teaspoon cinnamon.
medium-sized sponge cake should be % teaspoon nutmeg.
baked slowly at about 325° F., small Mix the ingredients according to
cakes at somewhat higher tempera- the method for butter cakes (p. 12),
ture, or about 340° F. roll out the dough about one-third
Sunshine cake is mixed and baked inch thick without handling it any
in the same way as plain sponge cake, more than necessary, cut out the
except that some of the beaten whites doughnuts, and fry in deep fat hot
are mixed with the yolks and sugar to enough (about 375° F.) to make a
help moisten them before all of the doughnut rise to the surface quickly and
flour is added. to brown each side in about one minute.
Angel food is mixed in a slightly DROP COOKIES (50 COOKIES)
different way than plain sponge cake. % cup milk.
Tlie sugar, flour, and half the salt are 4 cups sifted soft-wheat flour.
sifted together several times. The egg % cup fat.
whites are beaten with the other half 2 eggs.
41 teaspoons baking powder.
of the salt until they are frothy ; then l ^ cups sugar.
the cream of tartar is added and they % teaspoon salt.
are beaten until stiff. The dry iur 3 teaspoons flavoring.
gredients are then folded carefully Mix the ingredients according to
into the beaten egg whites, and wThen the method given for butter cake
the mixture is partly blended the (p. 12). Drop small portions of the
flavoring is added. Only the folding mixture on a greased baking sheet and
motion should be used in mixing, for bake in a moderately hot oven (about
stirring tends to release the air de- 375° F.).
pended on for leavening. A smooth CRISP COOKIES (100 THIN COOKIES)
tube pan is best for baking angel food, % cup milk or less.
and a fairly large cake will require 4 cups sifted soft-wheat flour.
about an hour in an oven at a tem- 1 cup fat. :. ...
perature of 325° F. It may be tested 2 eggs.
• 4'teaspoons baking powder,
in the same way as any other cake. .'.'■'■ 2 "cups sugar.
Substitutions.—The proportions for % teaspoon salt.
sponge cake and angel food given in , » 3 teaspoons flavoring.
Table 4 may be modified by substi- Combine the ingredients in the same
tuting milk or wTater and baking pow- way as for butter cakes (p. 12), roll
der for one or two of the eggs accord- the dough thin, handling it no more
ing to the general rule of two table- than necessary, cut it in any desired
spoons of liquid and one-half teaspoon shapes, and bake the cookies on a
of baking powder for each egg omit- greased baking sheet in a fairly hot
ted. In this case the leavening is oven (about 375° to. 400° F.). In-
sifted with the flour and the liquid is stead of rolling out the dough it may
added before the egg whites are folded be chilled and sliced thinly. Whether
into the batter. Cakes of this kind may rolled or sliced, chilling the dough
be baked at a temperature slightly makes it easier to handle.