Treasury Management Project Mutual Fund Analysis
Treasury Management Project Mutual Fund Analysis
Treasury Management Project Mutual Fund Analysis
Advantages and risk in various schemes…………………………............................
Mutual fund portfolio analysis….…………………………………………………………………….
Funds analysis &
This report is focussed on the financial performance analysis and comparison of various
mutual funds schemes available in India and to propose a recommendation that is a best fit to
“Best Bank ltd”. In this report we will compare various funds in various schemes based on
various ratios and other parameters and derive inferences. Our primary objective remains to
find a better mutual fund that fits the requirement of Best Bank ltd.
In this research paper, the researcher took only two schemes and four banks taken as sample.
The aim is to evaluate, compare and rank the financial performance of the mutual fund
schemes. The data collected from the secondary source (i.e. fact sheets of the company ,News
paper, journals, periodicals etc. publishes the several data, Some private organization,
research brochures, universities published material).All the data used for analysis is taken
from the period June-2008 to the period May-2009,Mainly the Net Asset Value collected
from the website( This research finding will be useful to the
investors and the mutual fund company, in the investors‟ point of view that the investors can
understand that financial performance of the selected schemes of selected banks, in the same
way the mutual fund organization can benefit with this research findings by understand the
acceptance level of the mutual fund schemes. There is a necessary to include the constrains in
this research work is only taken two schemes and four banks. So there is a scope that to do
further research in the same concept by collecting data from more than two schemes and
more than four banks
9. Inverse/leveraged Funds are different from the usual funds, While a regular index fund
moves in tandem with the benchmark index, the returns of an inverse index fund shift in the
opposite direction. Simply put, it is nothing but selling your shares when the stock goes
down, only to buy them back at an even lesser cost (to hold until the price goes up again).
10. Asset Allocation Funds are created by combining debt, equity and even gold in an
optimum ratio, because of which this is a greatly flexible fund. Based on a pre-set formula or
fund manager’s inferences on the basis of the current market trends, Asset Allocation Funds
can regulate the equity-debt distribution. It is almost like Hybrid Funds but requires great
expertise in choosing and allocation of the bonds and stocks from the fund manager.
More Choices: The biggest advantage of investing in a fund is that it offers a wide range of
schemes that match with your long-term expectations. Whenever a new phase begins in your
life, you just need to have a discussion with your financial advisor(s) and work on your
portfolio to suit your present situation.
Affordability: At times, your investment goal or your capital doesn’t let you invest in the
shares of a big company. Generally, mutual funds deal with buying and selling of securities
in a large amount that allows investors to get the advantage for a low trading course. Thanks
to the minimum fund requirement, even the smallest investor can give mutual funds a shot.
Tax Benefits of Mutual Funds: You get tax benefits if you invest for a period of one year or
more in capital gains. Mutual-funds investments also make you eligible for the benefits of the
tax deduction.
Liquidity: Open-end funds make you eligible to redeem total or partial investment anytime
you want to, and you can receive the present value for your shares. Funds give you more
liquidity as compared most of the investments in the shares, bonds, and deposits. This follows
a standardized process and it makes the process efficient and smooth. Because of that, you
get your money as soon as possible.
Averaging Rupee-Cost: Irrespective of the investments’ unit price, you make an investment
in a particular rupee amount at frequent intervals with averaging rupee-cost. Resulting, you
are able to buy more units when the prices are less; fewer units when the prices are high.
Averaging rupee-cost enables you to maintain your investment discipline by frequent
investments. It also prevents you from making any unpredictable investment.
Ensures Transparency: Various esteemed publications and rating agencies review the
performance of the funds, which makes it easier for investors to compare one fund to another.
It is beneficial for you as a shareholder, as it provides you with latest updates, including
funds’ holdings, managers’ strategy etc.
Regulations: As per the regulations by The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI),
all the mutual funds corporations are required to register with SEBI, as they are obliged to
adhere to the strict regulations formulated to safeguard investors. The overall trading
operations are monitored by the SEBI on a regular basis.
Besides a plethora of advantages of mutual funds in India, there are some disadvantages also.
The drawbacks of investing in mutual funds are as follows:
Cost to Manage Mutual Funds: Fund manager and market analysts’ salary usually comes
from the investors. The overall fund management charge is the key parameters to take into
consideration while choosing a fund. Higher management fees do not guarantee a better
performance of the funds.
Lock-in Periods: Many mutual fund plans come loaded with long-term lock-in periods. The
lock-in period can range between 5 and 8 years. It can be an expensive affair to exit such
funds before their maturity. Interest for investors cannot be earned from this share in cash.
Dilution: While branching out averages the risks of loss, it can also reduce the profits.
Therefore, you must not invest in over 7-9 mutual funds at one time. As mentioned above, the
potential and benefits of mutual funds can certainly take priority over the disadvantages, if
the investors make a well-informed and wise decision. Nevertheless, the investors might not
have time, patience, or knowledge to analyse and research different mutual funds. If an
individual-wishes to invest in mutual fund plans, s/he must go through this page to get his/her
head clear of all the doubts about mutual funds.
People always look for means to make money. One of these ways is through investment. But
no investment comes risk-free. Though mutual fund offers wider diversification along with
value-for-money to its investors, there are some risks associated with mutual funds
investment. Risks arise in mutual funds as MF invests in various financial instruments such
as government securities, corporate bonds, debt, and many more. In addition to this, the cost
of such instruments keeps changing owing to various factors such as change in rate of
interest, inflation, supply-demand, etc.
Because of the price volatility or fluctuation, the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the individual
drops resulting in losses. Simply put, NAV is typically the market of all the MFs an
individual has invested in per unit after nullifying the liabilities. Therefore, it becomes
important to determine the risk profile and invest in the best and suitable fund.
Market Risks: Mutual Funds always come with a tag line ‘Mutual Funds are subject to
Market Risks’.
The market risks are basically the risks that may result in losses for an individual investing in
mutual funds due to its poor performance in the stock market. There are certain factors
affecting the market. Some of the factors are – recession, inflation, natural disaster,
fluctuation of the rates of interest, and political unrest. Market risk is also referred to as
systematic risk. Diversification of the portfolio of the investor does not help in such cases.
The only thing that the investor can do is waiting for the storm to calm.
Concentration Risk: Concentration usually means to focus on one thing. Investing a huge
sum of money of the investment in one specific fund is not a good bet. Profits and returns
will be huge (if lucky), but there will be more of losses. The best way to reduce this risk is by
diversification of the portfolio of the investor. Concentration and huge investment in one
sector is also loaded with risks. The more divers the investor’s portfolio, the lesser the risk is.
Interest Rate Risk: Changes in the rate of interest depend on the credit available with the
lenders and the demand from the borrowers. These two are inversely proportional to each
other. Escalation in the rates of interest during the tenure of investment may result in a
decrease in the cost of securities.
For instance, an investor decides to put Rs. 100 with an interest rate of 5% for x years. If the
rate of interest changes because of the changes in economy becomes 6%, the investor will no
longer be able to get back Rs. 100 s/he invested owing to the fact that the rate of interest is
fixed. The only choice left is reducing the bond’s market value. If the rate of interest comes
down to 4% on the other hand, the bond can be sold at the price above the invested amount.
Liquidity Risk: Liquidity risk refers to the difficulty to redeem the investment without
incurring any loss in the value of instrument. It can also happen when the seller is not able to
find a buyer for that security.
Like ELSS, in mutual funds, the lock-in period may result in liquidity risk. The investors
cannot do anything during the lock-in period. In another case, ETFs – Exchange-traded Funds
may suffer from this risk.
Sometimes because of the lack of buyers in the stock market, the investors may not be able to
redeem their investments when they need them the most. The best means to avoid this is to
have a diverse portfolio and make fund selection diligently.
Credit Risk: Credit risk typically means that the one who issues the scheme is not able to
pay what was promised as the interest. Generally, the rating of the agencies that handle
investments depends on these criteria. Hence, the investor will always see that a company
with higher rating will pay lesser and vice-versa.
Mutual funds, specifically debt funds, also come loaded with credit risks. In debt funds, the
manager has to slot in only investment-grade securities. But there are cases where these
might earn a high return; the fund manager might include lower credit-rates securities.
This would boost the credit risk of the portfolio. Before the investor invests in debt funds,
they must look for credit ratings of the portfolio composition.
siness structure of mutual funds:
Mutual fund portfolio analysis:
Mutual funds are an easy and tension free way of investment and it automatically diversifies the
investments. A mutual fund is an investment only in debt or only in equity or mix of debts and equity
and ratio depending on the scheme. They provide with benefits such as professional approach,
benefits of scale and convenience. Further investing in mutual fund will have advantage of getting
professional management services, at a lower cost, which otherwise was not possible at all. In case
of open ended mutual fund scheme, mutual fund is giving an assurance to investor that mutual fund
will give support of secondary market. There is an absolute transparency about investment
performance to investors. On real time basis, investors are informed about performance of
investment. In mutual funds also, we can select among the following types of portfolios:
Equity Schemes
Debt Schemes
Balanced Schemes
Sector Specific Schemes
We have fund portfolios for different risk profiles and financial situations. The below portfolios
covers almost the entire spectrum of investing population, ranging from aggressive investors who
are willing to live with volatility to conservative investors who want reasonable growth with minimal
As a first step, banks must know their risk appetite, because this will determine the asset allocation
and the type of funds that fit the profile. If the market volatility does not bother then the investment
tenure is more than 8-10 years, go for the Wealth Maximiser portfolio that invests entirely in equity
funds and has a decidedly mid- and small-cap orientation. These funds have given spectacular
in recent years, but also carry high risks.
Not everyone is comfortable with high returns that accompany high risks. Those seeking
comparatively stable but lower returns should go for the Stable Wealth portfolio that adopts a
balanced approach and puts only 60-65% in equities. However, if the thought of losing money is
completely unacceptable to you, go for the conservative Wealth Secure portfolio where the equity
allocation is just 20-25% of the corpus. There’s no point in taking risks to earn high returns if it gives
you sleepless nights and ruins your personal life.
We have a tax saving fund portfolio because the ELSS category is an ideal way to save tax for equity
investors. There is a 3-year lock-in period, which actually works in favour of the investor by keeping
him invested even during periods of high volatility
Firms/individual can neither be tempted to get out when markets shoot up, nor lose his nerve and
redeem when stocks prices head southwards. In some cases, the three-year locking period of ELSS
funds actually inculcates investing discipline in individuals. They realise the benefits of taking a long
term perspective.
Most investors/banks are familiar with the advantages and convenience of investing in mutual funds
through SIPs. But we can’t expect this to be a foolproof safeguard against losses. SIP only reduce the
risk—they do not remove it altogether. An equity fund portfolio will certainly slip into the red if the
markets recede.
Therefore, the returns from these portfolios will depend, in a large measure, on the investing
discipline of the individual/firms. Domestic investors are pouring money into equity funds, and SIPs
worth Rs 6,000 crore flow in every month. But this can quickly change if markets witness a sharp
Wealth Maximiser portfolio is for aggressive investors who don’t mind taking risks:
This portfolio has been designed for investors who want high returns even if it means taking high
risks. It has two mid-cap funds, one small-cap fund and one multi-cap fund. The SBI Small and
Midcap Fund has consistently topped the small-cap category in recent years. It has risen 66% in the
past one year. The Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip is another winner, topping the mid-cap category
with over 23% returns in the past three years.
But though mid- and small-cap funds have given spectacular returns in the past one year, the road
ahead could be quite bumpy. The mid-cap and small-cap stocks are looking overvalued and this is
why some funds in this category have stopped accepting new investments and others are taking only
SIPs under some conditions.
A two multi-cap funds brings stability to Wealth Maximiser. The multi-cap DSP BlackRock
Opportunities Fund and the ELSS scheme Axis Long-term Equity Fund have nearly 70% invested in
large-caps. These funds will not be as volatile as the mid- and small-cap schemes.
Volatility is inherent to stocks. It is here that the SIP approach proves beneficial for investors. Even if
the market corrects and the funds slip, the investor stands to benefit because he can get more units
with the same SIP sum. Still, only investors who have the stomach for volatility should go for this
portfolio. They should also be prepared to remain invested for at least 5-7 years to earn good
returns from this portfolio.
Wealth Builder portfolio: Cautiously optimistic on markets
Small- and mid-cap funds might have zoomed, but even large-cap funds have not done badly. The
large-cap category rose 26% in the past one year, though the returns have not been very high in the
past 3-5 years. Even so, this portfolio of large-cap equity funds has the potential to churn out decent
returns for the long-term investor.
We have chosen funds that score high on consistency and the risk-reward matrix. The Franklin India
Flexi cap Fund, for instance, has a standard deviation of less than 12, which makes it among the most
consistent performers in its category.
The other funds in the portfolio have an equally impressive track record. The Aditya Birla Sun Life
Frontline Equity has consistently outperformed both the benchmark and the category average by a
wide margin. The Kotak Select Focus is another fund that has delivered consistent returns.
Will these large-cap funds be able to generate alpha for the portfolio? The Motilal Oswal MoST
Focused Multicap 35 fund is best positioned to do that. This multi-cap fund earned more than 35% in
the past one year and has delivered SIP returns of over 23% in the past three years. The ELSS scheme
in the portfolio could also chip in here. The Tata Tax Savings Fund has 44% of its corpus invested in
mid-cap and small-cap stocks.
Wealth Builder: Cautiously aggressive portfolio with large-cap orientation.
Stable Wealth is for investors who want a balanced mix of debt and equity.Even though they might
be optimistic, not everyone is willing to bet big on the stock markets. The Stable Wealth portfolio is
designed to give investors reasonable growth without too much risk. It has three equity-oriented
balanced schemes, one ELSS fund and one short-term debt fund. All three balanced funds have
impressive credentials. They have outperformed the category and their benchmarks.
Balanced funds divide their corpus between debt and equity, giving investors the best of both
worlds. The equity portion generates returns when markets are doing well, and the debt portion acts
as a cushion when equities are headed southwards.
The best part of a balanced fund is that although nearly 40% of the corpus is in debt, it gets the same
tax treatment as an equity fund. So, 40% of the corpus in debt effectively earns tax-free returns for
the investor.
The ELSS fund in the portfolio, IDFC Tax Advantage, is an equity fund. It has ranked among the top-
performing ELSS funds in recent years. The debt fund in Stable Wealth lends stability to the portfolio.
The Franklin India Short Term Income Fund has been a consistent performer, generating nearly
double-digit SIP returns in the past five years. That makes it a better option than bank deposits and
other fixed income instruments.
Another caveat is needed here. Though debt funds are not as volatile as equity schemes, it is a
misconception that they can’t lose money. Debt funds are sensitive to interest rate movements and
will lose money if interest rates go up. Long-term debt funds have lost 1.5% in the past six months.
Their one-year returns are only 2.6%, which is less than what a savings bank account offers.
For the same reason, we have included only short-term debt funds in the portfolio. These funds are
less volatile and focus on earning from interest accruals than on capital gains. The Baroda Pioneer
Short-term Bond Fund and the Franklin India Low Duration Fund have generated almost 9% returns
in the past one year. The hybrid scheme in the portfolio, ICICI Prudential Child Care Plan is a
consistent outperformer, while the ELSS fund, Aditya Birla Sun Life Tax Relief 96 provides the
necessary tinge of equity to the fund.
Wealth Secure
Conservative allocation with very low exposure to equity.
Income Generator: Regular income in the golden years
Income Generator is for retirees looking for a monthly income from their investments.
But the real benefit comes from the tax advantage that debt funds have over fixed deposits. The
income from bank deposits is fully taxable. In debt funds, the gain is only a thin sliver of the
redemption proceeds. A big part of the redemption is the principal amount which is not taxable. It
keeps getting better as years go by.
After three years, gains are treated as long-term capital gains and taxed at a lower rate of 20% after
indexation. Retirees should consider parking their retirement corpus in a good debt fund and then
start systematic withdrawal plans to get a monthly income. The Income Generator portfolio does
exactly this.
Income Generator: Meant for investors who are looking for regular income in retirement.
We are now going to understand the risk and return profile along with other parameters like sharpe
ratio, R sq, alpha, beta etc for few top schemes.