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VENUS: Planet of fame and success

The most bright and sparkling celestial body as visible from earth is
Venus. No wonder then it signifies beauty , magnetism, fame, music fine
arts and all good things in life. Astrological texts specify that a benefic
Venus in the natal chart makes one a public figure of great fame and
mass appeal.

Generally the Dasa of this planet assures all round success in life and
helps one fulfil most of one’s wishes.

In fields like music, acting, arts, fashion, interior designing this planet has
the most say. Strong Venus in one’s horoscope can bring amazing level of
fame and completely change one’s life. It was Venus which raised an
executive in a firm from the lowest echelons to King of fame and glamour
and made Amitabh Bachchan a household name. It was again Venus
which helped a strapping Jat youth, Dharmender to make a special niche
for himself in the cine world and then marry the dream girl Hema Malini.

Revered Gurudev Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali’s on the dot predictions

made him a much sought after personality in the cine world and many
eminent personalities from cinema used to consult him regularly.
Incidentally Venus was very strongly placed in Gurudev’s Horoscope too.
According to him Venus can affect the following aspects of life - health,
skill in acting , singing, arts & dance, attractive personality, enthusiasm,
beauty, magnetism in voice and face, marriage, love affairs, children,
youthfulness, fame, wealth, inventions, virility and motherhood.

If there is anything lacking in any of these in a person’s life he or she

should go in for Sadhana of Venus. Successful accomplishment of this
unique Sadhana could mean amazing level of success in the following
areas - advertising/modelling, movies, acting, medicine, Ayurved, business
related to toys, cosmetics, beauty parlours, fashion designing, foreign
travels, export-import, photography, fine arts, music , hotel business,
interior designing, farming, gardening, sports, painting sculpting,
proficiency in Paarad Vigyan ( preparing gold), and Apsara Sadhanas.

If you wish for success in any of these fields then it would be in your
interests to try this Sadhana. The best period for this is 1.4.2000 to
26.4.2000, when Venus shall be in Pisces - its sign of exaltation.
Otherwise one can do the Sadhana on any Friday.

Early morning have a bath and sit on white mat facing the East. On the

floor draw the following figure with sandalwood paste.

Spread a white cloth over this. On it place the picture of the Guru. Light a
lamp of coconut or sesame oil. Add some sandalwood to the oil. Place a
plate over the cloth. On it draw a star with rice grains. On this star place a
Shukra Yantra chanting thus.

|| Hreem Himkund Mrinnaalaabham Deityaanaam Paramam Gurum.

Sarva Shaastra Pravaktaaram Bhaargavam Prajamaamyaham.

Om Bhoorbhuvah Swah Shukrah Ihaagachh Ihatishtthah.

Shukraay Namah. ||

Next take a Shukra Aakarshann Mudrikaa in your right fist and chant

“ Tantra means adopting a sure way to success"

Hello there,
Armaan Y Chopra here from india ..accidentally bumped into ur site and
found ur explanation for SHREEM mantra to be good. I started chanting it.
which used to bother me before dont anymore..   SHREEM IS
When we begin to learn music we start with basic notes which are SA, RE, GA….NI, because without
these notes we cannot learn it. These seven notes are the basic of music. Like music when we start
SADHNA our first duty is to learn the meanings of MANTRAS. But this does not mean that we start
enchanting (japna ya jaap karna) the meanings. MANTRA should enchant in the language in which
they are written but we should know word to word meaning. It helps us to learn that which Word or
BEEJ- Mantra is giving power and energy to that basic mantra. As you cannot understand music
note RE until you don’t understand SA just like that each VARN has its power and its own DHYAAN,
VINIYOG, AAKRITI and MANTRA also. This essay is not about this topic because such deep
knowledge is important for SURYA VIGYAAN, GOPNIYE AAGAM TANTRA and RAS SIDDHI but as
matter is about VASHIKARAN and LAKSHMI SAADHNAA so it’s my duty to give basic information
about it. When we pronounce any word from VARANMALA than it release special effect on our body
for example if “R” word is spoken out with anuswaar “means “BINDI” for thousand times
as RAM( रं  )it increase body’s warmness( उषणता) up to one degree. Pronunciation of Aim (ऐं) sound
sharpens the mind and KHAM (खं) sound controls lever problems. So every word has its special effect

KLEEM BEEJ has its

about which we will discuss some other day. Just as 

global effect. This is KAAM BEEJ or we can

say KAAM RAAJ BEEJ which makes end every
type of negative powers and gives most powerful
attractiveness (aakershan) and luxuries (vaibhav) as
INDRA DEV. If a person completes this sadhnaa before any type of LAKSHMI or
AAKERSHAN, MOHAN, WASHIKARAN sadhnaa then he/she can sidh toughest LAKSHMI or
WASHIKARAN sadhnaa easily. Because it is powerful AAKERSHAN SADHNAA so it compels
GODDESS LAKSHMI to bless the saadhak with her blessings. In tantra one more thing about this
BEEJ MANTRA is that at the starting of this mantra if a person gets sidh or yog of an aksher vishesh
and then enchant this mantra for five minutes. After this to which he just look or touch will increase
sexual excitement (उत्तेजित) in them. This thing can happen more than one person. But that is other
system here we need a soft but fast idea. This is different matter that below given system can be used for
this sadhnaa also. I remember in 1990SADGURUDEV gave paryogs based on KLEEM BEEJ in
magazine which gave positive results. One more important thing is that a saadhak who sidh
WASHIKARAN SAADHNA also needs to practice TRAATK. This TRAATK can practice on KAAM
To sidh this mantra, take a white paper or bhojpatra which haveMAITHUN CHAKRA make from
TRIGANDH and in the centre of this CHAKRA draw BEEJ MANTRA with KUMKUM. Then light a
deep (earthen lamp) with the things- KUMKUM, RAKT PUSHP, NAIVODYA, and RAKT VARNIYE
BATTI. It is must to use AGRBATTI having fragrance (khushbu) of GULAAB, MOGRA, and
CHAMELI during sadhnaa kaal. To sidh this sadhnaa saadhak should use red clothes or red aasn to sit.
Morning and night hours are good for this sadhnaa and west or south directions can use for this
sadhnaa. After GURU POOJAN and YANTRA POOJAN pay attention (dhyaan) on that yantra at
TRIKUT (center of forehead) and during dhyaan KAAM BEEJ at the center of MAITHUN CHAKRA
must be red. If you do this sadhnaa as I said here then there will be no problem otherwise some
dangerous results can happen. Always use SIDDHASAN or SUKHASAN and finally do TRAATAK
(which decidedly saadhak can do). Do this sadhnaa daily ONE HOUR for 11 days and if you are using
MOONGE KI MAALA then do not count jaap but complete your one hour. Slowly- slowly this mantra
will come into your mind with its great light and power which is the sigh of your success. You can
understand it’s important only then when you do some LAKSHMI or VASHIKARAN sadhnaa without it
and again do that sadhnaa with the help of this KAAM BEEJ MANTRA. After seeing its effect you get
shocked so what are you waiting for? Go ahead and see the difference.           

7. Auspicious Nakshatras for wearing New Clothes

If you wear new clothes in Bharani nakshatra your expenditure will be high. Your clothes may get
burnt if you wear them in kritika nakshatra. Rohini nakshatra is very auspicious for wearing new
clothes. If you wear new clothes in mrighshira nakshatra your clothes may get burnt or tear off.
Aadra nakshtra is not auspicious for wearing new clothes. Punarvasu and pushya nakshatra are
favorable your wealth will increase and you will celebrate auspicious occasions and festivals with
your family and also perform spiritual activities.
Avoid wearing new clothes in ashlesha, magha or purvafalguni nakshatra. If you wear new clothes
in utrafalguni nakshatra money will flow with in your house. Hast nakshatra help achieve success
in your work. Chitra nakshatra will also support and increase your wealth.
If you wear new clothes in swati and vishakha nakshatra you will enjoy your life with all luxurious
amenities. If you wear new clothes in anuradha nakshatra you will make new friends. In jyeshtha
nakshatra you may have high possibility for theft of your clothes. Utrashada is favorable nakshatra
for wearing new clothes while shravana nakshatra is inauspicious. If you wear new clothes in
ghanishtha nakshatra your sources of income will increase. Utrabhadrapada is also favorable
nakshatra. Shatbhisha and purvabhadrapada nakshatra are not good for wearing new clothes
therefore avoid them. If you wear new clothes in Revati Naskhatra you will get good news or some
auspicious thing.

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