The Performance Study of A Solar Flat Plate Type Air Collector With Natural and Forced Convection
The Performance Study of A Solar Flat Plate Type Air Collector With Natural and Forced Convection
The Performance Study of A Solar Flat Plate Type Air Collector With Natural and Forced Convection
Associate Professor, Adhi college of Engineering and Technology, Oragadam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Professor and Head, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, St. Peter’s college of engineering and Technology,
Avadi, Chennai-600054 Tamilnadu, India
Key words: Flat plate type air heater, Solar radiation, Efficiency, Drying chamber
In developing world, the usage of fossil fuel and electricity charges are being increased day by
day and they produce more environmental pollution. In intention of the above factor, there is
need to develop alternative energy with low cost. Solar power is one of the best ways to produce
energy. Solar flat plate type air collector (SFPTAC) is widely used for many solar applications.
Drying of agricultural food products is attractive and cost –effective application of solar power
as it becomes a potentially viable substitute for fuel-wood in major development of the world. A
SFPTAC is 2 × 1 m2 area and 5 mm thick aluminium sheet is coated with a black paint. An insulated
collector of about 10cm thickness and inside is covered by the glass wool of thickness 25 mm are
used on the surface of the enclosure. These tests were conducted to gather data from different
atmospheric conditions. The results were examined by both the free and forced convection.
proposed the concept of advanced solar water heater. type solar air heater. Various performance
According to them, Flat plate type collectors generally techniques i.e., using packed bed materials, fins and
its losses more heat and less efficiency since only the corrugated/grooved surface enhanced the double
upper side of the absorber plate, heat is exposed to pass air convectional type solar heater to improve the
the sun (Groenhout, et al., 2002). Mohammadia et al. efficiency (Ravi and saini, 2016). Sarath Kumar et al.
performed a study with convectional and upward investigated dense improved solar collector model
single pass -type solar air heater internally fitted with produced conventional solar concept. They tested
fin and baffles. The performance analysis showed the model in two stages. Without this mechanism,
that upward single pass type solar air heater had the concentration in the first and second phase of
more increased outlet temperature and efficiency the concentration has been tested. They conducted
when compared to Convectional type solar air heater experiments in two different phases. The trial of
(Mohammadia and Sabzpooshani, 2013). Pin –yang the first phase was conducted without parabolic
Wang performed a study with the evacuated tubular concentrator. The collector is attached to it and testing
glass air heater with fixed parabolic concentrator. The conducted after dark. Efficient than conventional
system is making of 10 liked tubes; each tube fixed flat plate type solar water heater obtained results
with one parabolic concentrator. Air is gradually
improved to 15.3 percent (Sarath, et al., 2012).
passed through U-tube evacuated tube and gets
Manjunath et al. investigated AP with dimples and
heated. In the model of heat transfer was established
AP in both causes compared to conventional method,
outlet temperature of air, the heat power and its
carried out a CFD analysis. The convectional type AP
efficiency are calculated (Pin–yang, et al., 2014).
temperature is 50 degrees Celsius when the above
Abhishek Saxena et al. performed a study to improve
the dimple surface (Manjunath, et al., 2012).
the simple fabricated solar air heater efficiency. In
the model, the made up of absorption medium is Many researchers had to contact experiment based
granular carbon. The performance is carried out on on water heating flat plat collector. The objective
four different configurations by operating without of current experiment is based on convectional and
forced and forced convection (Saxena, et al., 2013). Non-convectional air heating system. There are
Bahrehmand et al. developed an analytical model of several advantage of solar flat plate type air heater
single and two-glass solar type air heater systems systems.
with convectional flow. It derived the heat balance
equations for various elements of the collectors 1. Simple in construction and easy to maintain.
like tin metal sheet in absorber plate, rectangular, After the set-up construction the maintenance cost is
triangular fins with different width, length, shape low.
and also to find out the initial energy and exergy. 2. There is no fuel expenditure.
The results stated that two-glass collector is more
efficient then the single –glass at the same times 3. There is no corrosion and leakage when
triangular fin is more efficient then rectangular fin compared with water heating system.
(Bahrehmand and Ameri, 2015). 4. The green house effect system has zero gas
Hussain H Al-Kayiem et al. had conducted the emission.
experiment on convectional flat plate type solar heater 5. To export drying agricultural products etc.
hold with rectangular duct. The size of the rectangular
was 0.48 m width, 0.07 depth and 2 m length. The Some of the disadvantages are as follows:
AP was made up of 1 mm gauge of aluminium. The 1. These systems have the low thermal
performance of the AP was measured by tilting the coefficient when compared to water heating system.
absorber plate at angle of 30°, 50°and 70°. From the If low thermal coefficient leads to low thermal
investigation it showed that inclined angle 50° had efficiency of flat plat type air solar heater.
most heat transfer rate and Nusselt number (Al-
Kayiem and Tadahmun, 2015). Bahrechmand et al. 2. To rectify these problem to modified
deployed a mathematical model for single and two configurations and designs of the solar air heater
glass cover with solar type air collector systems have been proposed. To rectify these problem to
with external forced convection flow. In this model, modified configurations and designs of the solar air
good agreement to analysis for solved and derived heater have been proposed. The experimental setup
the energy equation (Bahrehmand, 2015). Ravi Kant installed at Kotturpuram is a district of Chennai
Ravin et al. analysed to reduce losses of the heat and in Tamil Nadu, India (13°02’ (latitude) North and
improves the efficiency of double pass conventional 80°53’ (longitude).
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EXPERIMENTAL SETUP and where the data are collected from the collector.
Solar air heaters may be classified into two parts. The Efficiency of Collector Calculation
The first part is based on the air channel flow From Hematianet al., 2012 and (Kurt bash and
configuration and the second part is related to the Durmush, 2004) stated that the thermal efficiency of
air channel design. The objective of the experiment the SFPTAC is the ratio useful heat gain by the air to
to increase the efficiency by choosing single flow incident solar radiation on the absorber plate.
single pass air channel configuration as a first part,
and second part is based on the flat plate absorber.
Puseful (1)
ηcollect= ×100 in %
The experimental setup consists of transparent glass P
wool, AP, and blower, glass wool insulation, drying
Puseful = mcp (T2-T1) in W (2)
chamber, temperature sensor, concave chamber and
chimney as shown in Fig. 1. The size of the SFPTAC P = Iβ × Ac in W (3)
is 2 × 1 × 0.10 m. The collector wall made of iron plate
with blue coated paint is with the thickness of 10 cm. m = ρ s V in Kg/sec
The glass wool is made of 25 mm thickness that has
good transparent and absorber property. Where Quseful is the useful heat gained by the solar air
collector (W) and Q is the solar incident radiation
The AP is made of 5 mm thickness aluminium with
absorbed by AP (W). m is the mass rate of air flow
black coating. To decrease the loss of heat from the
through the collector (Kg/s), CP is at constant pressure
AP by below with hold black coated insulated sheet
specific heat in (J/Kg°K). T1, T2 are inlet temperature
at thickness 25 mm. Air is gradually flow through
of inside and outlet temperature of collector tray. Iβ is
the AP upper hand over the surface in between the
the solar intensity Radiation which was measured by
gap thickness 50 mm. To observe the value of air
solar meter with accuracy ± 10 W/m2 and resolution
temperature by one is placed in front of absorber
0.1 W/m2. AC is the area of the solar collector and V
plate and other sensor is placed into drying chamber.
is the velocity of the air at outlet of collector tray is
The drying chamber is made of four cross section
measured by a speed meter type with precision of 0.1
as shown in Fig. 2. In each section to cover with
m/s. ρ is the density of the air in Kg/m3and S is the
aluminium sheet because of the sheet maintained
area of drying chamber in m2.
the temperature for long time. The tests were carried
out for one week (from 20 to 26 February 2017 and Natural Convection
local time 8.00 am to 6.00 pm) in each and every These analyses methods without any external device
one hour temperature readings had been taken. The evaluate the collector efficiency. The test is carried
readings had taken for both natural as well as forced out in different days and the average values of
convection. To conduct the experiment during the solar collector were taken. The air conventionally is
period, almost atmospheric conditions were uniform passing through the AP of the collector and leaves at
Fig. 5 The collector efficiency of the average values in the absorber surface area and also could cause the
forced convection during the period. output air warm faster (Fig. 9).
From the above experiment, the designed and
development of a flat plate solar air collector has
been studied in both natural and forced convection
and it has been found that the collector efficiency
in natural convection gave high efficiency when
compared to collector with the forced convection.
However, the heat loss in the forced convection is
considerably lower than the natural convection.
Furthermore, the results showed that the average air
speed in the forced convection was about 25% higher
than the natural convection which is important in
solar dryers. At a mid-time, the collector efficiency
of natural convection is 18.6% times more than the
Fig. 6 The different temperature of the average values in collector efficiency of forced convection.
forced convection during the period.