The Use of Information System (Is) In: Delhivery
The Use of Information System (Is) In: Delhivery
The Use of Information System (Is) In: Delhivery
The advancement of inter organizational information system for the supply chain has three
distinct benefits. These are −
Cost reduction − The advancement of technology has further led to ready availability of
all the products with different offers and discounts. This leads to reduction of costs of
Improvement and product/market strategies − Recent years have seen a huge growth
in not only the technologies but the market itself. New strategies are made to allure
customers and new ideas are being experimented for improving the product.
It would be appropriate to say that information technology is a vital organ of supply chain
With the supply trying to keep up the pace with the never-ending demand, the Indian logistics is
on a growth tide. Advances in computer-based information technology in recent years have led to a
wide variety of systems that managers are now using to make and implement decisions. By and
large, these systems have been developed from scratch for specific purposes and differ significantly
from standard electronic data processing systems. Delhivery as a firm has now grown to be one of
India’s leading supply chain service providers. It is one of the biggest E-Commerce Logistics
company of India, having a market share of around 20-25%. While working in Delhivery, It was
observed that their information system and data integration has made their internal process
highly efficient and lead to short delivery times and high service level for its B2B clients.
The vast scope of IS and SCM relationships have resulted in diverse and disintegrated research
on the topic. This study will offer a systematic literature analysis at the intersection of supply
chain and information systems (SCIS), the impact of covid19 on it and the foreseeable changes
soon in Delhivery.
Above mentioned tools are used in last mile engineering team of Delhivery which consist of IPC & DC.
There are other tools used in first mile as well mid mile to manage all the operations of HUB, PC whose
information will be procured and in detail analysis of the tools will be presented in the final report.
All the data will be collected from the internet and the senior management and relevant
department authorities of DELHIVERY Gurgaon by asking them open‐ended questions.
Based on that, usage of information systems in SCM at Delhivery will be presented.