Government of The People'S Republic of Bangladesh: (For Values Up To BDT 2 Crore.)
Government of The People'S Republic of Bangladesh: (For Values Up To BDT 2 Crore.)
Government of The People'S Republic of Bangladesh: (For Values Up To BDT 2 Crore.)
PW2a-FINAL-010113 i
Section 5. Tender and Contract Forms
Tender Forms
This Section provides Form the standard format for the Tender Submission Letter,
(PW2a-1), Tenderer Information (Form PW2a-2) and Bank’s Commitment for
Line of Credit (Form PW2a-3).These forms along with required documents
mentioned in the ITT will constitute the Tender, to be submitted by the Tenderers.
Contract Forms
This Section contains the form of the Notification of Award (Form PW2a-4) and the
Contract Agreement (Form PW2a-5).
Section 9. Drawings
This Section contains any Drawings that supplement the General and Particular
Specifications for the Works and physical services to be procured.
Sample Contract Amendment, Completion Certificate and Invitation for Tender attached at
the back of this Document are for information only
[enter here the name and address of the Procuring Entity]
[enter here the nature of the works and physical services to be procured]
45. Financial Evaluation.................................................................................................... 13
46. Price Comparison........................................................................................................ 13
47. Negotiations................................................................................................................. 14
48. Post-qualification......................................................................................................... 14
49. Procuring Entity’s Right to Accept any or to Reject Any or All Tenders................14
50. Rejection of All Tenders.............................................................................................. 14
51. Informing Reasons for Rejection................................................................................15
G. Contract Award.......................................................................................................15
52. Award Criteria.............................................................................................................. 15
53. Notification of Award................................................................................................... 15
54. Performance Security.................................................................................................. 15
55. Contract Signing.......................................................................................................... 15
56. Publication of Notification of Award of Contract......................................................16
57. Debriefing of Tenderers............................................................................................... 16
58. Right to Complain........................................................................................................ 16
Section 2. Tender Data Sheet..................................................................................17
A. General...................................................................................................................... 17
B. Tender Document.....................................................................................................17
C. Qualification Criteria.................................................................................................17
D. Tender Preparation...................................................................................................19
E. Tender Submission...................................................................................................19
F. Tender Opening and Evaluation...............................................................................20
G. Contract Award……………………………………..………………………………………17
C. Quality Control........................................................................................................27
24. Execution of Works...................................................................................................... 27
25. Identifying Defects....................................................................................................... 27
26. Testing.......................................................................................................................... 27
27. Rejection of Works....................................................................................................... 27
28. Remedial Work............................................................................................................. 27
29. Correction of Defects................................................................................................... 28
30. Uncorrected Defects.................................................................................................... 28
D. Cost Control............................................................................................................ 28
31. Contract Price.............................................................................................................. 28
32. Bill of Quantities (BOQ)............................................................................................... 28
33. Changes in the Quantities and Unit Rate..................................................................28
34. Issue of Variation or Extra Work Order......................................................................29
35. Costing of Variation Orders or Extra Work Orders...................................................29
36. Payment Certificates.................................................................................................... 30
37. Payments to the Contractor........................................................................................ 30
38. Compensation Events................................................................................................. 31
39. Retention Money.......................................................................................................... 32
40. Liquidated Damages.................................................................................................... 32
E. Completion of Contract.........................................................................................33
41. Completion................................................................................................................... 33
42. Taking Over.................................................................................................................. 33
43. Amendment to Contract.............................................................................................. 33
44. Final Account............................................................................................................... 33
45. Release from Performance.......................................................................................... 33
F. Termination.............................................................................................................33
46. Termination.................................................................................................................. 33
47. Payment upon Termination......................................................................................... 34
48. Property........................................................................................................................ 34
G. Disputes and Settlement........................................................................................34
49. Settlement of Disputes................................................................................................ 34
Section 4. Particular Conditions of Contract........................................................36
Section 5. Tender & Contract Forms.....................................................................39
Section 6. Bill of Quantities....................................................................................46
Section 7. General Specifications (GS).................................................................48
Section 8. Particular Specifications......................................................................49
Section 9. Drawings.................................................................................................50
Section 1. Instructions to Tenderers
A. General
1. Scope of Tender 1.1 The Procuring Entity, as indicated in the Tender Data Sheet
(TDS) issues this Tender Document for the procurement of
Works and physical services incidental thereto as specified
in the TDS and as detailed in Section 6: Bill of
Quantities. The name of the Tender and the number and
identification of its constituent lot(s) are stated in the TDS.
1.2 The successful Tenderer shall be required to execute the
Works and physical services as specified in the General
Conditions of Contract.
2. Interpretation
2.1 Throughout this Tender Document:
(a) the term “in writing” means communication written
by hand or machine duly signed and includes
properly authenticated messages by facsimile or
electronic mail;
(b) if the context so requires, singular means plural and
vice versa;
(c) “day” means calendar days unless otherwise
specified as working days;
(d) “Person” means and includes an individual, body of
individuals, sole proprietorship, partnership,
company, association or cooperative society that
wishes to participate in Procurement proceedings;
(e) “Tenderer” means a Person who submits a Tender;
(f) “Tender Document” means the Document provided
by a Procuring Entity to a Tenderer as a basis for
preparation of the Tender; and
(g) “Tender” depending on the context, means a Tender
submitted by a Tenderer for execution of Works and
physical services to a Procuring Entity in response
to an Invitation for Tender.
3. Corrupt, Fraudulent, 3.1 The Government requires that the Procuring Entity as well
Collusive or Coercive as the Tenderers or shall, during the Procurement
Practices proceedings and the execution of Contracts under public
funds, ensure-
(a) strict compliance with the provisions of Section 64
of the Public Procurement Act 2006 (Act 24 of
(b) abiding by the code of ethics as mentioned in the
Rule127 of the Public Procurement Rules, 2008;
(c) that neither it’s any officer nor any staff or any
other agents or intermediaries working on its
behalf engages in any practice as detailed in the
Rule 127.
eligibility satisfactory to the Procuring Entity, as the
Procuring Entity will reasonably request.
B. Tender Document
5. Tender Document 5.1 The Sections comprising the Tender Document are listed
below, and should be read in conjunction with any
Addendum issued under ITT Clause 11.
C. Qualification Criteria
8. General Criteria 8.1 Tenderers shall possess the necessary professional and
technical qualifications and competence, financial
resources, equipment and other physical facilities,
managerial capability, specific experience, reputation,
and the personnel, to perform the contract, which entails
setting pass/fail criteria, which if not met by the
Tenderers, will result in consideration of its Tender as non-
8.2 In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria, as stated
under ITT Clause 4, Tenderers must satisfy the other
criteria stated in ITT Clauses 9 to 12 inclusive .
8.3 To qualify for multiple number of contracts/lots in a package
made up of this and other individual contracts/lots for which
Tenders are invited in the Invitation for Tenders, the
Tenderers shall demonstrate having resources sufficient to
meet the aggregate of the qualifying criteria for the
individual contracts. The requirement of general
experience as stated under ITT Sub Clause 9.1(a), and
specific experience unless otherwise of different nature, as
stated under ITT Sub Clause 9.1(b) shall not be separately
applicable for each individual lot
9. Experience Criteria 9.1 Tenderers shall have the following minimum level of
construction experience to qualify for the performance of
the Works under the Contract:
(a) a minimum number of years of general experience
in the construction of works as specified in the
TDS; and
(b) specific experience in construction works of a
nature, complexity and methods/construction
technology similar to the proposed Works, in at
least a number of contract(s) and, each with a
minimum value over the period, as specified in the
10. Financial Criteria 10.1 Tenderer shall have the following minimum level of financial
capacity to qualify for the performance of the Works under
the Contract.
(a)the average annual construction turnover as specified
in the TDS during the period specified in the TDS;
(b)availability of minimum liquid assets i.e. working
capital or credit line(s) from any scheduled Bank of
Bangladesh, net of other contractual commitments,
of the amount as specified in the TDS.
11. Personnel Capacity 11.1 Tenderers shall have the minimum level of personnel
capacity to qualify for the performance of the Works under
the Contract consisting of key personnel with qualifications
and experience as specified in the TDS.
12. Equipment Capacity 12.1 Tenderness’ shall own suitable equipment and other physical facilities
access through contractual arrangement to hire or lease such equipme
the desired period, where necessary or have assured access throug
other such method, of the essential equipment, in full working order, as
13. Joint Venture(JV) 13.1 No Joint Venture (JV) shall be permissible under this Invitation for Tende
Tenders submitted in the form of JV shall be considered non-responsive
assign the Works or any part of it to the Subcontractor(s).
D. Tender Preparation
15. Only one Tender 15.1 Tenderers shall submit only one (1) Tender for each lot.
Tenderer who submits or participates in more than one (1)
Tender in one (1) lot of a package or in one (1) package
with one (1) lot will cause all the Tenders of that particular
Tenderer to be rejected.
16. Cost of Tendering 16.1 Tenderers shall bear all costs associated with the
preparation and submission of its Tender, and the Procuring
Entity shall not be responsible or liable for those costs,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Tendering
17. Issuance and Sale of 17.1 The Procuring Entity shall
Tender Document make Tender Documents available immediately to the
potential Tenderers, requesting and willing to purchase at
the corresponding price by the date the advertisement has
been published in the newspaper.
18. Language of Tender 18.1 Tenders shall be written in the English language.
Correspondences and documents relating to the Tender
may be written in English or Bangla.
19. Contents of Tender 19.1 The Tender prepared by the Tenderer shall comprise the
(a) Tender Submission Letter (Form PW2a-1) as stated
under ITT Sub Clause 20.1;
(b) Tenderer Information (Form PW2a-2) as furnished in
Section 5: Tender Forms;
(c) the priced Bill of Quantities for each lot as stated
under ITT Sub Clause 20,21 and 22;
(d) the Tender Security as stated under ITT Clauses
26,27 and 28;
(e) the written confirmation authorizing the signatory of
the Tender to commit the Tenderer, as stated under
ITT Sub Clause 31.2;
(f) the Valid Trade License;
(g) documentary evidence of Tax Identification Number
(TIN) and VAT as a proof of fulfilment of taxation
obligations as stated under ITT Sub Clause 4.5;
(h) documentary evidence as stated under ITT Clause 23
establishing the Tenderer’s eligibility and minimum
qualifications required to be met for due
performance of the Works and physical services
under the Contract;
(i) document establishing legal and financial autonomy
and compliance with commercial law, as stated under
ITT Sub Clause 4.10 in case of government owned
entity; and
(j) any other document as specified in the TDS.
20.1 Tenderers shall submit the Tender Submission Letter
20. Tender Submission
(Form PW2a-1), which shall be completed without any
Letter and Bill of
alterations to its format, filling in all blank spaces with the
information requested, failing which the Tender may be
rejected as being incomplete.
20.2 Tenderers shall submit the priced BOQ using the form(s)
furnished in Section 6: Bill of Quantities.
20.3 If in preparing its Tender, the Tenderer has made errors in
the unit rate or the total price, and wishes to correct such
errors prior to submission of its Tender, it may do so, but
shall ensure that each correction is initialled by the
authorised person of the Tenderer.
21. Tender Prices 21.1 Tenderers shall fill in unit rates or prices for all items of the
Works both in figures and in words as described in the
BOQ. The price to be quoted in the Tender Submission
Letter shall be the total price of the Tender.
21.2 The items quantified in the BOQ for which no unit rates or
prices have been quoted by the Tenderer will not be paid
for, by the Procuring Entity when executed and shall be
deemed covered by the amounts of other rates or prices in
the BOQ and, it shall not be a reason to change the Tender
21.3 All applicable taxes, custom duties, VAT and other levies
payable by the Contractor under the Contract shall be
included in the unit prices and the total Tender price
submitted by the Tenderer.
21.4 The price of a Contract shall be fixed in which case the unit
prices may not be modified in response to changes in
economic or commercial conditions.
23. Tender Currency 22.1 Tenderers shall quote all prices in the Tender Submission
Letter and in the BOQ in Bangladesh Taka (BDT) currency.
24. Documents 23.1 Tenderers shall complete and submit the documentary
Establishing the evidence, as applicable to satisfy the following:
Eligibility and
Qualification of the (a) complete the eligibility declarations in the Tender
Tenderer Submission Letter (Form PW2a-1);
(b) complete the Tenderer Information (Form PW2a-2);
(c) general experience in construction works as stated
under ITT Sub Clause 9.1(a), substantiated by the
year of registration/constitution/licensing in its country
of origin;
(d) specific experience in construction works under public
sector of similar nature and size as stated ITT Sub
Clause 9.1(b), substantiated by Completion Certificate
(s) issued by the relevant Procuring Entity(s);
(e) average annual construction turnover i.e total
certified payments received for contracts in progress
or completed under public sector for a period as stated
under ITT Sub Clause 10.1(a), substantiated by
Statement(s) of Receipts, from any scheduled Bank
of Bangladesh, issued not earlier than twenty eight
(28) days prior to the day of the original deadline for
submission of Tenders;
Tenderer, a Tender Security in original form (not copy) and
in the amount, as specified in the TDS.
26.2 In case of substitution of the Tender as stated under ITT
Sub Clause 37.1 a new Tender Security shall be required in
the substituted Tender.
28. Form of Tender 27.1 The Tender Security shall be at the Tenderer’s option, be
Security either in the form of a Bank Draft or Pay Order.
27.2 The Tender Security shall remain valid for at least twenty
eight (28) days beyond the expiry date of the Tender
28.1 The authenticity of the Tender Security submitted by a
29. Authenticity of Tender
Tenderer may be examined and verified by the Procuring
Entity at its discretion in writing from the Bank issuing the
28.2 If a Tender Security is found to be not authentic, the
Procuring Entity may proceed to take measures against
that Tenderer as stated under ITT Sub Clause 3.2.
28.3 A Tender not accompanied by a valid Tender Security
shall be considered as non-responsive.
32. Return of Tender 29.1 No Tender Security shall be returned to the Tenderers
Security before contract signing.
29.2 Unsuccessful Tenderer’s Tender Security will be
discharged or released as soon as possible but within 28
days after the expiry of the Tender Validity period as
stated under ITT Clause 24.
29.3 The Tender Security of the successful Tenderer shall not
be returned and in lieu, shall be subsumed under
Retention Money during Contract implementation, if
awarded the Contract.
33. Forfeiture of Tender 30.1 The Tender security may be forfeited if a Tenderer:
Security (a) withdraws its Tender after opening of Tenders but
within the validity of the Tender as stated under ITT
Clause 24 and 25; or
(b) refuses to accept a Notification of Award, as stated
under ITT Sub Clause 53.3 ; or
(c) refuses to sign the Contract, as stated under ITT Sub
Clause 55.2.
(d) does not accept the correction of the Tender price
following the correction of arithmetic errors, as stated
under ITT Clause 44.
34. Format and Signing of 31.1 Tenderers shall prepare one (1) original of the documents
Tender comprising the Tender as described in ITT Clause 19 and
clearly mark it “ORIGINAL.” In addition, the Tenderers
shall prepare the number of copies of the Tender, as
specified in the TDS and clearly mark each of them
“COPY.” In the event of any discrepancy between the
original and the copies, the ORIGINAL shall prevail.
31.2 The original and each copy of the Tender shall be typed
or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the
Person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Tenderer.
This Tender specific authorization shall be attached to the
Tender Submission Letter (Form PW2a-1). The name
and position held by each Person(s) signing the
authorization must be typed or printed below the
signature. All pages of the original and of each copy of
the Tender, except for un-amended printed literature,
shall be numbered sequentially and signed by the person
signing the Tender.
31.3 Any interlineations, erasures, or overwriting will be valid
only if they are signed or initialled by the Person signing
the Tender.
E. Tender Submission
35. Sealing, & Marking of 32.1 Tenderers shall enclose the original in one (1) envelope
Tender and all the copies of the Tender, in another envelope,
duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL (O)” and
“COPY”. These sealed envelopes will then be enclosed
and sealed in one (1) single outer envelope with all the
relevant particulars of the Tender on the envelopes.
36. Deadline for 33.1 Tenders shall be delivered by hand or by mail, including
Submission of courier services at the address(s) as specified in the TDS
Tender and not later than the date and time specified in the TDS.
37. Late Tender 34.1 Any Tender received by the Procuring Entity after the
deadline for submission of Tenders as stated under ITT
Sub Clause 33.1 shall be declared LATE and returned
unopened to the Tenderer.
38. Modification, 35.1 Tenderers may modify, substitute or withdraw its Tender
Substitution or after it has been submitted by sending a written notice duly
Withdrawal of Tender signed by the authorized signatory and properly sealed,
and shall include a copy of the authorization; provided that
such written notice including the affidavit is received by the
Procuring Entity prior to the deadline for submission of
Tenders as stated under ITT Clause 33
39. Tender Modification 36.1 Tenderers shall not be allowed to retrieve its original
Tender, but shall be allowed to submit corresponding
modification to its original Tender marked as
40. Tender Substitution 37.1 Tenderers shall not be allowed to retrieve its original
Tender, but shall be allowed to submit another Tender
marked as “SUBSTITUTION (S)”.
41. Tender Withdrawal 38.1 Tenderers shall be allowed to withdraw its Tender by a
Letter of Withdrawal marked as “WITHDRAWAL(W)”.
39.5 Ensuring that only the correct (M), (S), and (O) envelopes
are opened, details of each Tender will be dealt with as
original Tender;
(iii) the Tender price;
(iv) the presence or absence of any requisite Tender
Security; and
(v) such other details as the Procuring Entity, at its
discretion, may consider appropriate.
(b) all pages of the original version of the Tender, except
for un-amended printed literature, will be initialled by
members of the TOC.
43. Evaluation Process 40.1 Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) may consider a
Tender as responsive in the Evaluation, only if it is
submitted in compliance with the mandatory requirements
set out in the Tender Document. The evaluation process
should begin immediately after Tender opening following
four steps:
(a) Preliminary Examination;
(b) Technical Examinations and Responsiveness;
(c) Financial evaluation and price comparison;
(d) Post-qualification of the Tender.
44. Preliminary 41.1 TEC shall examine the Tenders to confirm that all
Examination documentation requested in ITT Clause 19 has been
provided, to determine the completeness of each document
41.2 TEC shall confirm that the following documents and
information have been provided in the Tender. If any of
these documents or information is missing, the Tender shall
be rejected.
(a) Tender Submission Letter;
(b) Priced Bill of Quantities;
(c) Written confirmation of authorization to commit the
Tenderer; and
(d) Valid Tender Security.
correction of the material deviation, reservation, or
42.2 There shall be no requirement as to the minimum number
of responsive Tenders.
42.3 There shall be no automatic exclusion of Tenders which
are above or below the official estimate.
42.4 TEC shall examine the adequacy and authenticity of the
documentary evidence as stated under ITT Clause 23.
42.5 TEC shall further examine the terms and conditions
specified in Section 7: General Specifications and Section
8: Particular Specifications.
42.6 If after the examination, TEC determines that the Tender
has complied the terms and conditions and the technical
aspects, set out in ITT Sub Clause 42.4 & 42.5, it shall be
considered responsive.
47. Clarification on 43.1 TEC may ask Tenderers for clarifications of their
Tender Tenders, including breakdowns of unit rates, in order to
assist the examination and evaluation of the Tenders.
notify the concerned Tenderer(s) If the Tenderer that does
not accept the correction of arithmetic errors, its Tender
shall be considered non-responsive.
49. Financial Evaluation 45.1 TEC shall evaluate each Tender that has been determined,
up to this stage of the evaluation, to be responsive to the
requirements set out in the Tender Document.
45.2 To evaluate a Tender, the TEC shall consider the Tender
price after adjustments for correction of arithmetical errors,
as stated under ITT Sub Clause 44.1.
45.3 Variations, deviations and other factors which are in excess
of the requirements of the Tender Document or otherwise
result in unsolicited benefits for the Procuring Entity will not
be taken into account in the Tender evaluation.
45.4 To determine the lowest-evaluated lot(s), the TEC will take
into account:
(a) the lowest-evaluated Tender for each lot;
(b) the resources sufficient to meet the qualifying
criteria for the individual lot or aggregate of the
qualifying criteria for the multiple lots.
50. Price Comparison 46.1 TEC will compare all responsive Tenders to determine the
lowest-evaluated Tender, in accordance with ITT Clause
46.2 In the extremely unlikely event that there is a tie for the
lowest evaluated price, the Tenderer with the superior past
performance of works with the Procuring Entity and, if
necessary with the other Procuring Entities, shall be
selected, whereby factors such as quality of Works
executed, complaints history and performance indicators
could be taken into consideration.
46.3 The successful Tenderer as stated under ITT Sub Clauses
46.1 shall not be selected through lottery under any
52. Negotiations 47.1 No negotiations shall be held during the Tender evaluation
or award with the lowest or any other Tenderer.
53. Post-qualification 48.1 The determination on Post-Qualification shall be based
upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the
Tenderer’s eligibility and qualifications submitted by the
Tenderer, pursuant to ITT Clause 23, clarifications in
accordance with ITT Clause 43 and the qualification criteria
indicated in ITT Clause 8, 9,10,11 and 12. Factors not
included therein shall not be used in the evaluation of the
Tenderer’s qualification.
48.2 In the event that the Tenderer with lowest evaluated
Tender price fails the Post-qualification, the TEC shall
make a similar determination for the Tenderer with the next
lowest evaluated Tender price and so on from the
remaining responsive Tenders, if the evaluated cost of the
Tender is acceptable to the TEC.
54. Procuring Entity’s 49.1 The Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept any
Right to Accept any Tender or to reject any or all theTenders any time prior to
or to Reject Any or contract award and, to annul the Procurement proceedings
All Tenders with prior approval of the Head of the Procuring Entity, any
time prior to the deadline for submission of Tenders
following specified procedures, without thereby incurring
any liability to Tenderers, or any obligations to inform the
Tenderers of the grounds for the Procuring Entity’s action.
55. Rejection of All 50.1 The Procuring Entity may, in the circumstances as stated
Tenders under ITT Sub Clause 50.2 reject all Tenders following
recommendations from the TEC only after the approval of
such recommendations by the Head of the Procuring
56. Informing Reasons 51.1 Notice of the rejection will be given promptly within seven (7)
for Rejection working days of decision taken by the Procuring Entity to all
Tenderers and, the Procuring Entity will, upon receipt of a
written request, communicate to any Tenderer the reason(s)
for its rejection but is not required to justify those reason(s).
G. Contract Award
57. Award Criteria 52.1 The Procuring Entity shall award the Contract to the
Tenderer whose Tender is responsive to all the
requirements of the Tender Document and that has
been determined to be the lowest evaluated Tender,
provided further that the Tenderer is determined to be
Post-qualified in accordance with ITT Clouse 48.
58. Notification of Award 53.1 Prior to the expiry of the Tender Validity period and within
one (1) week of receipt of the approval of the award by the
Approving Authority, the Procuring Entity shall issue the
Notification of Award (NOA) to the successful Tenderer.
53.2 The NOA, attaching the contract as per the sample (Form
PW2a-3) to be signed, shall state :
61. Publication of 56.1 The NOA for contracts of BDT one crore and above shall be
Notification of Award notified by the Procuring Entity to the Central Procurement
of Contract Technical Unit (CPTU) within seven (7) days of its issuance
for publication in their website and that notice shall be kept
posted for not less than a month.
56.2 The NOA for contracts below BDT one crore shall be
published by the Procuring Entity on its Notice Board and
where applicable, on website of the Procuring Entity and,
that notice shall be kept posted for not less than a month.
62. Debriefing of 57.1 Debriefing of Tenderers by the Procuring Entity shall
Tenderers outline the relative status and weakness only of his or her
Tender requesting to be informed of the grounds for not
accepting the Tender submitted by him or her, without
disclosing information about any other Tenderer.
63. Right to Complain 58.1 Tenderer has the right to complain in accordance with the
Public Procurement Act 2006 and the Public Procurement
Rules, 2008.
Section 2. Tender Data Sheet
Instructions for completing Tender Data Sheet are provided in italics in parenthesis for the relevant ITT clauses
ITT Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the Instructions to Tenderers
A. General
ITT 1.1 The Procuring Entity is [insert name of Procuring Entity]
Lot No(s):
[if there is more than one(1) lot, individual lots are to be identified in conformity with Section 6: Bill of
B. Tender Document
ITT 6.1 For clarification of Tender Document purposes only, the Procuring Entity’s address
Fax No.:
e-mail address:
and contact Procuring Entity within [insert date]
C. Qualification Criteria
ITT 9.1(a) The minimum number of years of general experience of the Tenderer in the
construction works shall be [insert number] years.
[a minimum of three (3) years would be deemed reasonable; years counting backward from the date
of publication of IFT in the newspaper]
ITT 9.1(b) The minimum specific experience in construction works of at least [insert number]
contract(s) of [state the nature, complexity and methods/construction technology ]
successfully completed within the last [insert number] years, each with a value of at
least Tk. [insert amount].
[the minimum number of contracts will depend on the Procuring Entity’s own judgement based upon
its experience in the sector and construction industry. For example, it could be one (1) contract of
similar nature during the last three (3) years or five (5) years or ten (10) years (whichever
appropriate); years counting backward from the date of publication of IFT in the newspaper]
[the minimum value of the similar works is recommended to be between 50 and 75 percent of the
estimated cost of the proposed work]
[for Tenders where the package contains more than one (1) lot, this qualification requirements, shall be
mentioned separately for each lot in the package]
ITT The required average annual construction turnover shall be greater than Tk [insert
10.1(a) amount] over the last [insert number] years.
[ the required average annual construction turn over is recommended to be equal to the
estimated annual cash flow for the Contract; however the multiplier may vary from 0.30 to
1.00. The period may be best three (3) years in the last five (5) years or best five (5) years
in the last ten (10) years (as appropriate) ; years counting backward from the date of
publication of IFT in the newspaper]
Estimated Contract Value: Tk 24 lac
Contract period: 12 months
Estimated Annual Cash Flow: Tk 24 lac
Required average annual construction turn over: Tk 12 lac, using a multiplier of 0.5.
[for Tenders where the package contains more than one (1) lot, this qualification requirements shall be
mentioned separately for each lot in the package]
ITT The minimum amount of liquid assets i.e. working capital or credit line(s) of the
10.1(b) Tenderer shall be Tk [insert amount]
[usually the required liquid asset is the equivalent of 2-6 months payment flow at the average
construction rate (straight line distribution), accessible or available after taking into account the
financial requirements of existing commitments. The actual period will depend on the speed with
which the Procuring Entity will pay the Contractor’s monthly certificate, allowing time to prepare an
invoice, for the Project Manager’s time to certify it, and at least one month contingency for preparing
the cheque and making actual payment.
Contract Value: Tk 24 lac
Contract period: 12 months
Assuming work time: 1 month
Invoice period: 0.5 month
Certification Time: 0.5 month
Contingency Time: 1 month
Therefore, the minimum required liquid asset will be Tk. 6 lac, i.e. 3 months cash flow based on the above
[for Tenders where the package contains more than one (1) lot, this qualification requirements shall be
mentioned separately for each lot in the package]
ITT 11.1 The following key personnel shall have the qualifications and experience mentioned
against each:
Total Works Experience in similar
No Position Experience (Years) works (Years)
[ for Tenders where the package contains more than one (1) lot, this qualification requirement may be
necessary for each lot in the package, subject to the nature of the control required over each package]
ITT 12.1 Tenderers shall own or have proven access to hire or lease of the major construction
equipments, in full working order as follows :
[for Tenders where the package contains more than one (1) lot, this qualification requirement may be
necessary for each lot in the package, subject to the nature of the control required over each package]
D. Tender Preparation
ITT 19.1(j) Tenderer shall submit with its Tender, the following additional documents:
ITT 23.1(j) The required reports on the financial standing, such as profit and loss statements
and audited balance sheet shall be for the past [insert number] years.
ITT 24.1 The Tender Validity period shall be [insert number] days.
[normally 60 to 90 days deemed reasonable]
ITT 26.1 The amount of the Tender Security shall be [ insert amount ] in favour of [insert
the name of the beneficiary.
[not exceeding three(3) percent of the official estimated cost but as a fixed amount, in case of a
package with no lot, or number of lots on “lot-by-by basis” Tender]
[for more than one lot in a package, the Tender Security for each lot may be determined on different
percentage basis and , should be mentioned separately]
E. Tender Submission
ITT 33.1 For Tender submission purposes ,the Procuring Entity’s address is:
Attention:[state full name with designation of person]
Address: [state detail address including floor and room number]
The deadline for submission of Tenders is :
Time & Date:
ITT 33.3 For Tender submission purposes only, the Procuring Entity’s address is:
[in case of multiple dropping state below the addresses of the PRIMARY PLACE and SECONDARY PLACES
with Time and Date]
Attention: :[ state full name with designation of the person]
[state detail address including floor and room number]
The deadline for the submission of Tenders is:
Time & Date:
Attention: :[ state full name with designation of the person]
ITT 33.4 The deadline for hand-delivering of the Tenders at the PRIMARY PLACE is:
Time & Date:
[must be within three(3) hours after the deadline for submission of Tenders at the SECONDARY PLACES]
ITT 39.1 The Tender opening shall take place at (state below always the Primary Place):
Address: [insert detail address including floor and room number]
Time & Date
G. Contract Award
ITT 54.1 The Retention Money, in lieu of the Performance Security, shall be deducted @
ten (10) percent from the successful Tenderer’s payable invoices during Contract
implementation, if awarded the Contract.
Section 3. General Conditions Of Contract
A. General
. Definitions 1.1 In the Conditions of Contract, which include Particular
Conditions and these General Conditions, the following
words and expressions shall have the meaning hereby
assigned to them. Boldface type is used to identify the
defined terms:
(j) Contractor’s Tender is the completed Tender
Document including the priced BOQ and the
Schedules submitted by the Contractor to the
Procuring Entity.
(u) Month means calendar month.
(ff) Temporary Works means all temporary works of
every kind other than Contractor’s Equipment
required on the Site for the execution and
completion of the Permanent Works and
remedying of any defects.
5. Documents Forming 5.1 The following documents forming the Contract shall be
the Contract and interpreted in the following order of priority:
Priority of Documents
(a) signed Contract Agreement (Form PW2a-5);
(b) Notification of Award (PW2a-4);
(c) the completed Tender ;
(d) the Particular Conditions of Contract;
(e) the General Conditions of Contract;
(f) the Technical Specifications;
(g) the General Specifications;
(h) the Drawings;
(i) the priced Bill of Quantities and the Schedules ; and
(j) any other document listed in the PCC forming part of
the Contract.
6. Scope of Works 6.1 The Works to be executed, completed and maintained shall
be as specified in the BOQ, the General and Particular
Specifications and Drawings.
7. Assignment 7.1 Neither the Contractor nor the Procuring Entity shall assign,
in whole or in part, its obligations under the Contract.
10. Possession of the 10.1 The Procuring Entity shall give possession of the Site to the
Site Contractor on the date specified in the PCC. If possession
of the Site is not given by the date specified, the Procuring
Entity will be deemed to have delayed the start of the
relevant activities, and this will be a Compensation Event
as stated under GCC Sub Clause 38.1(a).
11. Procuring Entity’s 11.1 The Procuring Entity shall pay the Contractor, in
Responsibilities consideration of the satisfactory progress of execution and
completion of the Works and physical services, and the
remedying of defects therein, the Contract price or such
other sum as may become payable under the provisions of
the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by
the Contract Agreement.
12. Contractor’s 12.1 The Contractor shall execute and complete the Works and
Responsibilities remedy any defects therein in conformity in all respects
with the provisions of the Contract Agreement.
13. Taxes and Duties 13.1 The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for all
applicable taxes, custom duties, VATand other levies
imposed or incurred inside and outside Bangladesh.
14. Contractor’s 14.1 The Contractor shall employ the key personnel
Personnel named in the Schedule of Key Personnel, as referred to in
the PCC, to carry out the functions stated in the Schedule
or other personnel approved by the Project Manager.
14.2 If the Project Manager asks the Contractor to
remove a particular person who is a member of the
Contractor’s staff or work force from the Site, he or she
shall state the reasons, and the Contractor shall ensure
that the person leaves the Site within three (3) days and
has no further connection with the work in the Contract.
17. Instructions 16.1 The Contractor shall carry out all instructions of
the Project Manager that comply with the applicable law.
18. Corrupt, Fraudulent, 17.1 The Government requires that Procuring Entity,
Collusive or Coercive as well as the Contractor shall observe the highest
Practices standard of ethics during implementation of procurement
proceedings and the execution of Contracts under public
B. Time Control
19. Start Date 18.1 Start Date is the date defined in the PCC and it is the last
date by which the Contractor shall start execution of the
Works under the Contract.
20. Intended Completion Date 19.1 Intended Completion Date is the date calculated from the
Start Date as specified in the PCC, on which it is intended
that the Contractor shall complete the Works and physical
services as specified in the Contract and may be revised
only by the Project Manager by issuing an extension of
21. Completion of Works 20.1 The Contractor shall carry out the Works in accordance
with the Programme of Works submitted by the Contractor
and as updated with the approval of the Project Manager
as stated under GCC Clause 21 to complete them in all
respects by the Intended Completion Date.
22. Programme of Works 21.1 Within the time stated in the PCC, the Contractor shall
submit to the Project Manager, for approval a Programme
showing the general methods, arrangements, order, and
timing for all the activities in the Works.
C. Quality Control
26. Execution of Works 24.1 The Contractor shall construct, install and carry out the
Works and physical services in accordance with the
Specifications and Drawings as scheduled in GCC Clause 5.
27. Identifying Defects 25.1 The Project Manager shall check the works executed by
the Contractor and notify the Contractor of any Defects
found. Such checking shall not relieve the Contractor from
his or her obligations. The Project Manager may also
instruct the Contractor to search for a Defect and to
uncover and test any work that the Project Manager
considers may have a Defect.
28. Testing 26.1 The Contractor shall carry out routine Tests of materials
and works based on the progress of works to ensure the
quality of completed works in accordance with standard
methods determined by the Project Manager.
31. Correction of Defects 29.1 The Project Manager shall give notice to the Contractor,
with a copy to the Procuring Entity and others concerned,
of any Defects before the end of the Defects Liability
Period, which begins at Completion Date, and is defined in
the PCC. The Defects Liability Period shall be extended for
as long as Defects remain to be corrected.
29.2 Every time notice of a Defect is given, the Contractor shall
correct the notified Defect within the length of time specified
by the Project Manager’s notice.
32. Uncorrected Defects 30.1 If the Contractor has not corrected a Defect within the time
specified in the Project Manager’s notice, the Project
Manager shall assess the cost of having the Defect
corrected by it, and the Contractor shall remain liable to pay
the expenditures incurred on account of correction of such
D. Cost Control
33. Contract Price 31.1 The Contract Price shall be as specified in the Contract
Agreement subject to any additions and adjustments
thereto, or deductions there from, as may be made
pursuant to Contract.
34. Bill of Quantities (BOQ) 32.1 The Bill of Quantities shall contain priced items for the
construction, installation, testing, and commissioning work
to be done by the Contractor.
35. Changes in the Quantities 33.1 If the final quantity of the work done for any particular item
and Unit Rate increases from the quantity in the BOQ by more than
twenty-five (25) percent,, and, such increase in quantity of
that particular item alone concurrently causes the original
Contract Price to exceed by more than one (1) percent , the
Project Manager shall adjust the unit rate of the item to
allow for the change.
36. Issue of Variation or Extra 34.1 The Project Manager may issue a Variation
Work Order Order to the Contractor to cover increase or decrease
in quantities, including the introduction of new work
items (non-Tendered items) that are either due to
change of plans, design or alignment to suit actual field
conditions, within the general scope and physical
boundaries of the contract.
34.2 The Project Manager may issue an Extra
Work Order to cover the introduction of such new
works necessary for the completion, improvement or
protection of the original works which were not
included in the original contract, on the grounds where
there are subsurface or latent physical conditions at the
site differing materially from those indicated in the
contract, or where there are duly unknown physical
conditions at the site of an unusual nature differing
materially from those usually encountered and
generally recognized as inherent in the work or
character provided for in the Contract.
34.3 The Project Manager deems it necessary
that a Variation or Extra Work Order should be issued,
he or she shall prepare the proposed order, the
necessary plans , his or her computations as to the
quantities of the additional Works involved per item
indicating the specific locations where such Works are
needed, the date of his or her inspections and
investigations thereon, and the log book thereof, and a
detailed estimate of the unit cost of such items of work
as stated under GCC Clause 35, together with his or
her justifications for the need of such Variation or
Extra Work Order, and shall submit the same to the
Approving Authority.
34.4 The Head of the Procuring Entity may, in
exceptions to the GCC Sub Clause 34.3 and subject to
the availability of funds, in the event of extreme
emergency and when time is of the essence, authorize
the immediate start of work under any Variation or
Extra Work Order; provided that the cumulative
increase in the value of Works not yet duly approved
exceeded ten (10) percent of the adjusted original
Contract Price.
34.5 Increase or decrease in the quantities of
any item of work included in the BOQ for the reasons
other than those stated under GCC Sub Clause 34.1
and 34.2, in particular for field level actual
measurements under this contract (admeasurements),
not necessarily however, shall constitute a Variation.
34.6 All Variations and Extra Work Orders under
the Contract shall be included in the updated
Programme of Works produced by the Contractor.
37. Costing of Variation 35.1 The Contractor shall provide the Project
Orders or Extra Work Manager with a quotation for carrying out the Variation
Orders when requested to do so by the Project Manager. The
Project Manager shall assess the quotation, which shall
be given within seven (7) working days of the request or
within any longer period stated by the Project Manager
and before the Variation is ordered.
the unit rates for the new items of works shall be
determined based on (i) the direct unit costs used in the
original Contract for other items (e.g. unit cost of cement,
steel bar, labour rate, equipment rental, etc) as indicated
in the Contractor’s price breakdown of the cost estimate,
if available or (ii) fixed prices acceptable to both, the
Procuring Entity and the Contractor, based on market
prices. The direct cost of the new work items based on (i)
or (ii) stated herein shall then be combined with the mark-
up factor (i.e. profit, overhead and VAT) used by the
Contractor in its Tender to determine the unit rate of the
new items of work.
38. Payment Certificates 36.1 The basis for payment certificates shall be
BOQ used to determine the Contract price.
39. Payments to the 37.1 The Procuring Entity shall pay the Contractor, the amounts
Contractor certified by the Project Manager within twenty eight (28)
days of the date of each certificate after due adjustments.
in the currency specified in the Contract.
41. Retention Money 39.1 The Procuring Entity shall retain Retention Money from the
progressive payments due to the Contractor at the
percentage specified in the PCC until completion of the
whole of the Works under the Contract in the manner as
stated under GCC Sub Clause 39.2.
39.2 The Tender Security submitted along with the
Tender shall first be subsumed under Retention Money
and, then the balance that falls short of the amount derived
at the percentage as specified in the GCC Sub Clause 39.1
shall be deducted from the Contractor’s progressive
39.3 On completion of the whole of the Works, the
first half of the total amount retained under GCC Sub
Clause 39.1 and 39.2, shall be returned to the Contractor
and the remaining second half after the Defects Liability
Period has passed and the Project Manager has certified in
the form of Defects Corrections Certificate.
39.4 Procuring Entity may claim against the
Retention Money if any of the following events occurs for
fourteen (14) days or more.
(a) The Contractor is in breach of the Contract and the
Procuring Entity has duly notified him or her ; and
(b) The Contractor has not paid an amount due to the
Procuring Entity and the Procuring Entity has duly
notified him or her.
39.5 In the event, as stated under GCC Sub Clause
29.4, the Contractor is liable to pay compensation under
the Contract amounting to the full value of the Retention
Money or more, the Procuring Entity may call the full
amount of the Retention Money.
39.6 The Procuring Entity shall not make any claim under the
security, except for amounts to which the Procuring Entity
is entitled under this Contract.
42. Liquidated Damages 40.1 If the Contractor fails to complete the Works and physical
services within the Intended Completion Date or extended
Intended Completion Date, the Procuring Entity shall, as
Liquidated Damages, deduct from the Contract Price, a
sum at the percent-rate per day of delay as specified in the
PCC, of the contract value of the uncompleted works or
part thereof completed after the Intended Completion Date
or extended Intended Completion Date, as applicable. The
total amount of Liquidated Damages shall not exceed the
amount specified in the PCC. The Procuring Entity may
deduct Liquidated Damages from payments due to the
Contractor. Payment of Liquidated damages shall not affect
the Contractor’s liabilities.
E. Completion of Contract
44. Completion 41.1 The Contractor shall apply by notice to the Project Manager
for issuing a Completion Certificate of the Works, and the
Project Manager shall do so upon deciding that the work is
45. Taking Over 42.1 Procuring Entity shall Take-Over the Site and the Works
within seven (7) days of the Project Manager issuing a
Completion Certificate under GCC Sub Clause 41.1
46. Amendment to Contract 43.1 The amendment to Contract shall generally include
extension of time to the Intended Completion Date, increase
or decrease in original Contract price and any other changes
acceptable under the conditions of the Contract.
47. Final Account 44.1 The Contractor shall submit with a detailed account of the
total amount that the Contractor considers payable under
the Contract to the Project Manager before the end of the
Defects Liability Period.
44.2 The Project Manager shall certify the Final Payment within
thirty (30) days of receiving the Contractor’s account if the
payable amount claimed by the Contractor is correct and
the corresponding works are completed.
44.3 If it is not, the Project Manager shall issue within thirty (30)
days a Defects Liability Schedule that states the scope of
the corrections or additions that are necessary.
48. Release from Performance 45.1 If any event or circumstance outside the control of the
Parties arises which makes it impossible or unlawful for
either or both parties to fulfil its or their contractual
obligations, then upon notice by either party to the other
party of such event or circumstance, the parties shall be
discharged from further performance, without prejudice to
the rights of either party in respect of any previous breach
of the Contract.
F. Termination
49. Termination 46.1 Termination for Default
(a) The Procuring Entity, without prejudice to any other
remedy for breach of Contract, by giving twenty
eight (28) days written notice of default to the
Contractor, may terminate the Contract in whole or
in part if the Contractor causes a fundamental
breach of Contract.
(b) Fundamental breaches of the Contract shall
include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
(i) the Contractor stops work for twenty-eight
(28)days when no stoppage of work is shown
on the current Programme and the stoppage
has not been authorized by the Project
(ii) the Project Manager gives Notice that failure to
correct a particular Defect is a fundamental
breach of Contract and the Contractor fails to
correct it within a reasonable period of time
determined by the Project Manager;
(iii)the Contractor has delayed the completion of
the Works by the number of days for which the
maximum amount of Liquidated Damages can
be paid, as specified in GCC Sub Clause 40.1;
(iv) the Contractor has subcontracted the whole of
the Works or has assigned the Contract
without the required agreement and without
the approval of the Project Manager;
(v) the Contractor, in the judgment of the Procuring
Entity has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent
practices as defined in GCC Clause 17, in
competing for or in executing the Contract.
51. Property 48.1 All Materials on the Site, Plant, Equipment, Temporary
Works, and Works shall be deemed to be the property of
the Procuring Entity if the Contract is terminated because
of the Contractor’s default.
49.2 Arbitration
(a) If the parties are unable to reach a settlement as per
GCC Clause 49.1 within twenty-eight (28) days
of the first written correspondence on the matter
of disagreement, then either party may give
notice to the other party of its intention to
commence arbitration.
(b) The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance
with the Arbitration Act (Act No 1 of 2001) of
Bangladesh as at present in force and in the
place shown in the PCC.
Section 4. Particular Conditions of Contract
Instructions for completing the Particular Conditions of Contract are provided in italics in
parenthesis for the relevant GCC Clauses.
GCC 1.1(cc) The Site is located at [location] and is defined in drawings No:
[insert numbers]
GCC 5.1 (j) Other documents forming part of the Contract are
[list other documents viz. Schedule of Equipment, Site Investigation Reports, relevant
correspondences prior to signing of the Contract agreement etc.]
GCC 10.1 Possession of the Site to the Contractor shall be given on the following date
The following Key Personnel to carry out the functions stated in the Schedule shall
be employed by the Contractor:
GCC 19.1 The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works shall be [insert date]
[to be calculated from the Start Date]
GCC 21.1 The Contractor shall submit a Programme for the Works within [insert days] days of
signing the Contract.
[usually ten (10) days or may be less]
GCC 37.3 The particulars of the Bank Account nominated are as follows :
Title of the Account : [insert title to whom the Contract awarded]
Name of the Branch : [insert branch name with code ,if any]
Tel :
Fax :
e-mail address :
[information furnished by the Contractor shall be substantiated by the concerned Bank and
authenticated by the Procuring Entity]
GCC 38.1(e) The following additional events shall also be the Compensation Events:
[list events or state ‘none’ ]
GCC 39.1 The Retention Money @ ten (10) percent shall be deducted from the progressive
GCC 40.1 The amount of Liquidated Damages is [insert between 0.05 and 0.10] of ONE (1)
percent of the contract value of the uncompleted works or any part thereof
completed after expiry of the Intended Completion Date or extended Intended
Completion Date, as applicable, per day of delay.
T = V x Px n
V= Contract Value of Uncompleted Works , completed after the expiry of the Intended
Completion Date or extended Intended Completion Date, as applicable
P = Percent-rate at which the Liquidated Damages shall be imposed per day of delay
n = No of days delayed for completion of uncompleted works or part thereof after the
The maximum amount of Liquidated Damages for the uncompleted Works or any
part thereof is [insert ≤ ten (10)] percent of the final Contract Price of the whole of the
GCC 47.1 The percentage to apply to the contract value of the works not completed,
representing the Procuring Entity’s additional cost for completing the uncompleted
Works, is [insert between 10 and 20] percent.
GCC 49.2(b) The arbitration shall be conducted in the place mentioned below;
[state name of place with location and district ]
Section 5. Tender & Contract Forms
Form Title
Tender Forms
PW2a-3 Bank’s Commitment for Line of Credit (when this option is choosen)
Contract Forms
Forms PW2a-1 and PW2a-3 comprises part of the Tender Format and should be
completed as stated in ITT Clauses.19.
Forms PW2a-4 to PW2a-5 comprises part of the Contract as stated in GCC Clause
PW2a-KARIM-SR-Reviewed-01212Final- 010113 39
Tender Submission Letter (Form PW2a-1)
[This letter should be completed and signed by the Authorised Signatory
preferably on the Letter-Head Pad of the Tenderer]
To: Date :
[Name and address of Procuring Entity]
In accordance with ITT Clauses 13, the following prices apply to our Tender:
The Tender Price is: Taka [state amount in figures]
(ITT Clause 21) and Taka[state amount in words]
In signing this letter, and in submitting our Tender, we also confirm that:
(a) our Tender shall be valid for the period stated in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub
Clause 24.1) and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any
time before the expiration of that period;
(b) a Tender Security is attached in the form of a [pay order/ bank draft] in the
amount stated in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub Clause 26.1) and valid for a
period of twenty eight (28) days beyond the Tender Validity date;
(c) we have examined and have no reservations to the Tender Document, issued
by you on [insert date]; including Addendum to Tender Document No(s) [state
numbers] , issued in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers (ITT Clause
7). [insert the number and issuing date of each addendum; or delete this
sentence if no Addendum has been issued];
(d) we are not a Government owned entity as defined in ITT Sub Clause 4.10;
we are a Government owned entity, and we meet the requirements of ITT Sub
Clause 4.10;
(e) We, declare that we are eligible to participate in this Tender and meet the
eligibility criteria specified in the Tender Document (ITT Clause 4);
(f) furthermore, we are aware of ITT Clause 3.2 concerning such practices and
pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the
(g) we are not participating as Tenderers in more than one Tender in this Tendering
process. We understand that your written Notification of Award shall constitute
the acceptance of our Tender and shall become a binding Contract between us,
until a formal Contract is prepared and executed;
Signature: [insert signature of authorised representative of
the Tenderer]
Name: [insert full name of signatory with National ID
In the capacity of: [insert capacity of signatory]
Duly authorised to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer
Tenderer Information (Form PW2a-2)
[This Form should be completed only by the Tenderer, preferably on its Letter-Head Pad]
2.4 Liquid Assets available to meet the construction cash flow [ITT Sub Clause 10.1(b)]
No Source of Financing Amount Available
In order to confirm the above statements the Tenderer shall submit, as applicable, the documents
mentioned in ITT Sub Clause 23.1(f).
2.5 Contact Details [ITT Sub Clause 23.1 (j)
PW2a-KARIM-SR-Reviewed-01212Final- 010113 41
Name, address, and other contact details of Tenderer’s Bankers and other Procuring Entity(s)
that may provide references, if contacted by this Procuring Entity
2.6 Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel Proposed for Contract administration and
management [ITT Sub Clause 23.1(g)]
Name Position Years of Experience
2.7 Construction Equipments Proposed to Carry out the Contract [ITT Sub Clause 23.1(h)]
Owned, leased or to be
Item of Equipment Condition purchased
(new, good, average, poor) (state owner, lessor or
Letter of Commitment for Bank’s Undertaking for Line of Credit
(Form PW2a-3)
[This is the format for the Credit Line to be issued by any scheduled Bank of Bangladesh in accordance with ITT
Clause 23.1 (f)]
We have been informed that [name of Tenderer] (hereinafter called “the Tenderer”) intends to
submit to you its Tender (hereinafter called “the Tender”) for the execution of the Works of
[description of works] under the above Invitation for Tenders (hereinafter called “the IFT”).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, the Tenderer’s Financial Capacity
i.e. Liquid Asset must be substantiated by a Letter of Commitment of Bank’s Undertaking for Line
of Credit.
At the request of, and arrangement with, the Tenderer, we [name and address of the Bank] do hereby
agree and undertake that [name and address of the Tenderer] will be provided by us with a revolving
line of credit, in case awarded the Contract, for execution of the Works viz. [ insert name of the
works], for an amount not less than BDT [in figure] ( in words) for the sole purpose of the execution of
the above Contract. This Revolving Line of Credit will be maintained by us until issuance of
“Taking-Over Certificate” by the Procuring Entity.
In witness whereof, authorised representative of the Bank has hereunto signed and sealed this
Letter of Commitment.
Signature Signature
Section 5. Tender & Contract Forms
[Name of Contractor]
This is to notify you that your Tender dated [insert date] for the execution of the Works for
[name of project/Contract] for the Contract Price of Tk [state amount in figures and in words],
as corrected and modified in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, has been
approved by [name of Procuring Entity].
i. accept in writing the Notification of Award within seven (7) working days of its
issuance in accordance with ITT Sub Clause 53.3.
ii. sign the Contract within twenty-eight (28) days of issuance of this Notification
of Award but not later than (specify date), in accordance with ITT Sub Clause
You may proceed with the execution of the Works only upon completion of the above tasks.
You may also please note that this Notification of Award shall constitute the formation of this
Contract which shall become binding upon you.
We attach the draft Contract and all other documents for your perusal and signature.
Contract Agreement (Form PW2a-5)
THIS AGREEMENT made the (day) day of between [name and address of Procuring Entity]
(hereinafter called “the Procuring Entity”) of the one part and [name and address of
Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) of the other part:
WHEREAS the Procuring Entity invited Tenders for certain works, viz, [brief description of
works] and has accepted a Tender by the Contractor for the execution of those works in the
sum of Taka [Contract price in figures and in words] (hereinafter called “the Contract Price”).
2. The documents forming the Contract shall be interpreted in the following order of priority:
(a) the signed Contract Agreement
(b) the Notification of Award
(c) the completed Tender
(d) the Particular Conditions of Contract
(e) the General Conditions of Contract
(f) the Technical Specifications
(g) the General Specifications
(h) the Drawings
(i) the priced Bill of Quantities and the Schedules
(j) any other document listed in the PCC forming part of the Contract.
4. The Procuring Entity hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the
execution and completion of the works and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract
Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at
the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.
IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in
accordance with the laws of Bangladesh on the day, month and year first written above.
National ID No.
In the presence of
Section 6. Bill of Quantities
(b) when a Contract has been entered into, to provide a priced BOQ for use in
the periodic valuation of Works executed.
(c) a separate item for tests that may be required to be carried out to ensure the quality
of materials and works.
In order to attain these objectives, the items in the Bill of Quantities should be grouped into
sections to distinguish between those parts of the Works that by nature, location, access, timing,
or any other special characteristics may give rise to different methods of construction, phasing of
the Works, or considerations of cost. General items common to all parts of the Works may be
grouped as a separate section in the Bill of Quantities. Consistent with these requirements, the
layout and content of the BOQ should be as simple and brief as possible. Quantities should be
computed net from the Drawings, unless directed otherwise in the Contract, and no allowance
should be made for bulking, shrinkage, or waste. Quantities should be rounded up or down where
appropriate and spurious accuracy should be avoided.
The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and provisional, and are given to
provide a common basis for Tendering. The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of work
ordered and carried out, as measured by the Contractor and verified by the Project Manager and
valued at the rates or prices quoted in the priced Bill of Quantities, where applicable, and
otherwise at such rates or prices as the Project Manager may fix within the terms and conditions
of the Contract.
The method of measurements of completed works for payment shall be based on metric system
unless otherwise unavoidable.
Bill of Quantities
Name of Works:___________________________________________________________
IFT No.____________ Package No.______________Lot No._________
Unit Rate Amount
Item Code Description
Item no. Unit Quantity In
(if any) of Item In words In figures In words
1 2 3 4 5 6 7=6 8=5x6 9=8
to be filled in by the Procuring Entity to be quoted and filled in by the Tenderer
100 General Items
101 04-548-08 Excavate m3 35 Tk.55.15 Taka Fifty Tk.1,930.25 Taka One
[example] [example] topsoil to [example] [example] Five and [example] Thousand
maximum...... Paisa Nine
[example] Fifteen Hundred
Only Thirty and
[example] Paisa
Twenty Five
& so on
Sub-total of 100 for General Items
Section 5. Tender & Contract Forms
Notes on Specifications
A set of precise and clear specifications is a prerequisite for Tenderers to respond realistically
and competitively to the requirements of the Procuring Entity without introducing deviations or
conditionalities in their Tenders. In the context of national competitive Tendering, the
specifications must be drafted to permit the widest possible competition and, at the same time,
present a clear statement of the required standards of workmanship, materials, and
performance of the works to be procured. Only if this is done will the objectives of economy,
efficiency, and fairness in procurement be realized, responsiveness of Tenders be ensured, and
the subsequent task of Tender evaluation facilitated. The specifications should require that all
materials to be incorporated in the Works be new, unused, of the most recent or current models,
and incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials, unless provided otherwise in
the Contract.
Samples of specifications from previous similar projects are useful in this respect. Most
specifications are normally written specially by the Procuring Entity or Project Manager to suit
the Contract Works in hand. There is no standard set of Specifications for universal application
in all sectors, but there are established principles and practices, which are reflected in these
There are considerable advantages in standardizing General Specifications for repetitive Works
in recognized public sectors, such as highways, ports, railways, urban housing, flood control,
drainage and irrigation, and water supply, where similar conditions prevail. The General
Specifications should cover all classes of workmanship, materials, and equipment commonly
used in construction, although not necessarily to be used in a particular Works Contract.
Deletions or addenda should then adapt the General Specifications to the particular Works.
Such General Specifications are those issued by the specialised ministries/professional bodies
in Bangladesh and/or those of the International Standards Organisation (ISO)
Care must be taken in drafting specifications to ensure that they are not restrictive. In the
specification of standards for materials, and workmanship, recognized national standards should
be used as much as possible. Where other particular standards are used the specifications
should state that materials, and workmanship that meet other authoritative standards, and which
ensure substantially equal or higher quality than the standards mentioned, will also be
Provision as such be kept that wherever reference is made in the Contract to specific standards
and codes to be met by the materials to be furnished, and work performed or tested, the
provisions of the latest current edition or revision of the relevant standards and codes in effect
shall apply, unless otherwise expressly stated in the Contract.
Section 8. Particular Specifications
Section 5. Tender & Contract Forms
Section 9. Drawings
Notes on Drawings
Insert here a list of Drawings. The actual Drawings, including site plans, should be attached
to this section or annexed in a separate folder. The Drawings shall be dated, numbered and
show the revision number.
Commencement of Works
[Name of Contractor]
Contract Reference:
Pursuant to GCC Sub Clause 19 of the above mentioned Contract Agreement, this is to notify
you that the following precedent conditions have been duly fulfilled:
1. Commence execution of the Works, in accordance with GCC Clause 18, within
(specify date);
2. Submit Programme of Works, in accordance with GCC Sub Clause 21, within
(specify date)
Section 5. Tender & Contract Forms
Contract No.
Amendment No.
Contract No. [insert number/year] by and between the [insert Procuring Entity’s name] and [insert
Contractor’s legal title] for the contract named [insert name of the Works and physical services] is amended
as follows:
and so on .
The effective date of this Amendment is [insert effective date] or upon execution whichever is later.
THIS AMENDMENT, consisting of [insert number] page(s) and [insert number] attachment(s), is
executed by the persons signing below who warrant that they have the authority to execute this
Amendment under the original Contract.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Procuring Entity and the Contractor have signed this Amendment.
Signature Signature
Title Date Title Date
[Insert Full Contact Details of Issuing Authority]
Office Memo no: _________ Date: _________
Certified that the Works under the Contract has been executed and completed in all respects in strict
compliance with the provisions of the Contract including all plans, designs, drawings, specifications and all
modifications thereof as per direction and satisfaction of the Project Manager/Engineer-in Charge/Other
(specify). All defects in workmanship and materials reported during construction have been duly corrected.
Section 5. Tender & Contract Forms
Name and Signature of the Issuing Authority with Designation
The Invitation for Tenders (IFT) is a copy of the standard format as appears on the website and used
for published advertisement that provides relevant and essential information to help Tenderers to decide
whether or not to participate in the particular Tender. This is provided in the Tender Document for
information only. This should not be included in the FINAL DOCUMENT.
Invitation for Tenders
[This is the website format and as used for published advertisement.
It is included in this document for information only]
1 Ministry/Division < select > V
2 Agency < select > V
3 Procuring Entity Name < type in name >
4 Procuring Entity Code Not used at present
5 Procuring Entity District < select > V
6 Invitation for < select > V < select > V < select > V
7 Invitation Ref No < type in name >
8 Date < select > V
9 Procurement Method < select > V < select > V
10 Budget and Source of Funds < select > V
11 Development Partners (if applicable) < type in name >
12 Project / Programme Code (if applicable) < use MOF code >
13 Project/ Programme Name (if applicable) < use MOF name >
14 Tender Package No. < type in name >
15 Tender Package Name < type in name >
16 Tender Publication Date < select > V
17 Tender Last Selling Date < select > V
[up to the day prior to the day of Deadline for
Date Time
18 Tender Closing Date and Time < select > V < select > V
19 Tender Opening Date and Time < select > V < select > V
20 Name & Address of the office(s) Address
- Selling Tender Document (Principal) < type in name >
- Selling Tender Document (Others) < type in name >
- Receiving Tender Document < type in name >
- Opening Tender Document < type in name >
21 Brief Eligibility and Qualification of < type in name >
22 Brief Description of Works < type in name >
23 Brief Description of Physical Services < type in name >
24 Price of Tender Document (Tk) < type in price >
Lot No Identification of Lot Location Tender Security Completion Time in
Amount (Tk) Weeks / Months
25 1 < type in name > < type in name > <type in> <type in>
26 Name of Official Inviting Tender < type in name >
27 Designation of Official Inviting Tender < type in name >
28 Address of Official Inviting Tender < type in name >
29 Contact details of Official Inviting Tender < Tel. No.> <Fax No.> <e-mail>
30 The Procuring Entity reserves the right to reject all the Tenders or annul the Tender proceedings
<select> : these fields are “pop-up” fields and the procuring entity will only have to select the correct name,
address or date in order to complete the form.
<type in name> : these fields are to be completed by typing in the relevant data.