Four Reasons To Try Quarkus: 2 Gain Productivity 1 Use in Cloud, Containers
Four Reasons To Try Quarkus: 2 Gain Productivity 1 Use in Cloud, Containers
Four Reasons To Try Quarkus: 2 Gain Productivity 1 Use in Cloud, Containers
Quarkus is an open source, Kubernetes-native JavaTM framework tailored for GraalVM and OpenJDK HotSpot. It offers a full-stack
framework, using top Java libraries and standards. With Quarkus, Java can be a leading platform in Kubernetes and serverless environ-
ments, while offering developers a unified reactive and imperative programming model to address a wider range of distributed applica-
tion architectures. Red Hat is the Quarkus project sponsor and a top contributor to the Quarkus community.
This checklist details four reasons why developers should use Quarkus as a programming tool.
• Benefit from fast first response time—milliseconds versus • Streamlined code for 80% of the common usages and flex-
the 10 seconds it takes a traditional cloud-native stack.1 ible code for the other 20%.
• Reduce resident set size (RSS) memory—uses one-tenth of • Simplified compilation of Java code to machine language
the memory needed for a traditional cloud-native stack.1 with a one-line command.
• Gain near instant scale up and high-density memory utiliza- • Compatibility with popular frameworks like Eclipse
tion in container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. MicroProfile, Spring Dependency Injection (DI), Hibernate,
and more—allowing developers to use preferred frame-
• Achieve much higher workload density, reducing overall
works or standards.
costs for hardware and cloud compute and memory.
Visit the Quarkus community to learn about the Red Hat® Register for our virtual event on cloud-native application
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