Piece #1: "Halloween": Analysis-What Are The Teachable Aspects in This Piece?
Piece #1: "Halloween": Analysis-What Are The Teachable Aspects in This Piece?
Piece #1: "Halloween": Analysis-What Are The Teachable Aspects in This Piece?
Grade/Level: 3rd
Objectives/Outcomes (Standard) Assessment
After learning this piece, each student will: Each student will be assessed by:
1. play a percussion accompaniment for the song Halloween on 1. performing the song in small groups while the rest of the
pitched percussion with proper mallet technique, a steady beat, class sings the song. The teacher will use a rubric to assess
correct notes (low-la), and correct rhythm students’ achievement of proper mallet technique, steady beat,
correct notes, and correct rhythms.
Lesson 2:
Goal/Focus: Learn the words and rhythms to Halloween.
1. Warm-up with the class on rhythm patterns including paired eighth notes and quarter notes. First on neutral syllables, then
using Takadimi.
2. Project the rhythms to Halloween on the front board. Ask students to read the rhythms on the board using Takadimi.
3. Review tonal patterns from last class. Sing patterns on neutral syllables and solfege that contain low-la, ti, do, re, mi.
4. Ask the class, “Does anybody remember the name of the scale that we learned about last class?” (Students with answer,
“Minor Scale.”)
5. Sing the first five notes of the minor scale beginning on ‘la.’
6. Project only the music to Halloween on the front board with do marked on the staff.
7. Ask students, “Where on the staff is ‘do’ located? (Students will answer, “the top space.”)
8. Ask students, “Does the piece start on’do’?” (Students will answer, “NO!”)
9. Ask the class, “Is the starting note right below ‘do’ or is it two notes below ‘do’?” (Students will answer, “Two notes below.”)
10. Ask the class, “Using what we reviewed during our warm-up, what solfege does this piece start on?” (Students will answer,
11. Ask the class, “Are there any notes during the song that are between ‘la’ and ‘do’?” (Students will answer, “Yes.”)
12. Ask the class, “What would we call that note that comes between them?” (Students will answer, “Ti.”)
13. Ask students, “What is the highest solfege syllable in this song?” (Students will answer, “Mi.”)
14. Sing through the piece on solfege with the teacher pointing at each note and having students sing that note using solfege.
15. Sing the entire piece on solfege with rhythms.
16. Add the words to the music being projected on the board. The teacher will sing the song with lyrics while students follow
along with the music.
17. Sing the song with lyrics with the students.
18. Allow students to sing the song by themselves with lyrics.
Informal assessment: Watch as they sing the song alone and notice any students having trouble putting the words with the music.
Lesson 3:
Goal/Focus: Teach the mallet part and play on instruments.
1. Project Halloween on the board with the music and lyrics all together.
2. Have the teacher sing through with the class once.
3. Allow students to sing it by themselves.
4. Project an arrangement of Halloween for barred instruments on the board. The notes contained in this arrangement are ‘la’,
‘ti’, ‘do’, and ‘mi.’
5. Practice the instrument parts by putting each note on the body. When students must play ‘la’ they will pat the outside of
their left leg, for ‘ti’ tap the front of their left leg, for ‘do’ pat the front of their right leg, and for ‘mi’ students will play the
outside of their right leg.
6. Have the teacher sing the song and have the students pat their legs according how the arrangement says.
7. Have about half of the students play a barred percussion instrument and have them find the notes A, C, and E and the other
half of the class will sing the lyrics to the song. The half that is singing will use rhythm stick (skeleton bones) to keep a steady
Informal assessment: Watch as students play the barred instruments to ensure that they are hitting the correct notes with the
correct hand, and that they are using proper mallet technique.
On Target:
Wound Back:
Wound Forward:
Accommodations/Adaptations: (Pacing, Color, Size, Modality)
Pacing: Spend time when learning the instrument part on the body and have the teacher sing it and students to the patting, have
the students sing and pat at the same time, or have small groups sing and the rest of the class pat.
Color: Make the notes that will be played on barred instruments a different color in addition to the ghosts.
Size: Give students print outs of the music so they can have it at their instrument while they play.
Modality: use hands to mark which notes are higher and lower as they sing the song, and that way they can have a stronger sense
of the contour since the intervals are close.
Modifications of Curriculum: (forward/backward)
Forward: Have students sing and play the barred accompaniment at the same time.
Backwards: allow student to keep the beat on an ‘A’ while the class sings the song.
Reflection on Teaching:
Rationale for the musical
Enduring Understandings
Essential Questions
Piece 1 Piece 2 Piece 3 Piece 4
Objectives: Objectives: Objectives: Objectives:
Concepts Matrix
Briefly describe in which piece(s) each of the musical elements become a focus. Each element needs to be addressed for knowledge
and skill development over time; however, not every element may become a focus for every plan. There may be a few empty boxes.
Bold those that are objectives.
(dynamics, tempo,
Skills Matrix
Briefly describe in which plan(s) each of the musical processes become a focus. Each process needs to be addressed for knowledge
and skill development over time; however, not every process may become a focus for every plan. There may be a few empty boxes.
Bold those that are objectives.
(analyzing &
Connecting to
Connecting to
Daily Plans
Piece #:
Formal/Informal Assessment: