The radar liquid level system uses microwave pulses to detect the level of liquid in asphalt storage tanks. It has remote electronic displays that can show volume, height, or percentage of liquid in the tank. The displays have no moving parts and can be located anywhere signal wires can reach. The system can also automatically shut off pumps when the liquid reaches programmed high or low levels to prevent overfilling or emptying tanks. It requires initial calibration but then operates reliably with high accuracy.
The radar liquid level system uses microwave pulses to detect the level of liquid in asphalt storage tanks. It has remote electronic displays that can show volume, height, or percentage of liquid in the tank. The displays have no moving parts and can be located anywhere signal wires can reach. The system can also automatically shut off pumps when the liquid reaches programmed high or low levels to prevent overfilling or emptying tanks. It requires initial calibration but then operates reliably with high accuracy.
The radar liquid level system uses microwave pulses to detect the level of liquid in asphalt storage tanks. It has remote electronic displays that can show volume, height, or percentage of liquid in the tank. The displays have no moving parts and can be located anywhere signal wires can reach. The system can also automatically shut off pumps when the liquid reaches programmed high or low levels to prevent overfilling or emptying tanks. It requires initial calibration but then operates reliably with high accuracy.
The radar liquid level system uses microwave pulses to detect the level of liquid in asphalt storage tanks. It has remote electronic displays that can show volume, height, or percentage of liquid in the tank. The displays have no moving parts and can be located anywhere signal wires can reach. The system can also automatically shut off pumps when the liquid reaches programmed high or low levels to prevent overfilling or emptying tanks. It requires initial calibration but then operates reliably with high accuracy.
system uses microwave pulse technology to sense the level of liquid inside asphalt storage tanks. It is an optional system for both vertical and horizontal asphalt storage tanks. It offers important advantages over other types of level indicating systems. The radar level indicator is very accurate and reliable. It uses no moving parts. Remote displays A significant advantage to the system is that it uses remote electronic displays. More than one Radar sensing unit. Mounts atop the tank and emits a microwave signal, which travels display can be used and they can downwards until it reaches the surface of the liquid asphalt. The signal is reflected back be installed at a variety of locations. to the unit by the surface of the asphalt. The reflected signal is read by the unit, which For example one can be located converts the signal to data related to the distance traveled. This information is converted inside the control house while as needed for the various types of remote displays, including the unit’s built-in display. another is at the unloading pump. Others can be placed at virtually any other strategic spot where it is practical to run signal wires. What’s displayed The electronic displays can be setup to show a vari- ety information, such as: • Volume of liquid in the tank • Height of liquid level • Percentage of full tank Volume can be in gallons, liters or other units of liq- uid measure. Height can be in feet, inches, meters or Honeywell UDC-2500 Controller and LED digital display. other units of length. Percentage relates the ratio or proportion of the liquid in the tank to the capacity addition to the display that is built into the sensing of the tank when full. unit.) One is the digital display of the Honeywell The display at one location can show one type of UDC-2500 Controller for the asphalt level control level information while a display at another location system.The Honeywell controller is usually mounted shows a different type of information. on the heater control panel. Types of display available Another type of display is a small LED display ap- At the present time two types of display are avail- proximately 1 x 1-1/2-inches. It is normally placed able to show liquid level information. (These are in in the control house or at the unloading pump. Graphic displays cases, a new tank may require re-calibration in the Certain HMA plant computer programs from Astec field while in use. now include graphics to depict each tank and liquid Calibration in the field can be performed by user level information. It appears on the display screens personnel using the unit's built-in profiling function. of computer monitors. The most accurate field calibration is achieved by Programmed high and low shutoff profiling the tank empty and continuing to profile it The radar system can be programmed to automati- while it is filled with liquid asphalt. cally shutoff the unloading pump when the asphalt Maintenance reaches a predetermined level while the tank is be- Once a tank has been properly calibrated and is in ing filled.This prevents accidental overfills. use the radar sensor should operate reliably with a Likewise, it can be programmed to shutoff the sup- very high degree of accuracy. Recalibration is rarely ply pump when the asphalt level falls below a pre- needed. determined level.This prevents accidental coking of However, the probe of a radar sensing unit may heating coils. occasionally become contaminated and have to be It's worth noting that the radar system provides cleaned. It should be cleaned at the first sign of false more reliable high and low shutoff functions than indications. Or it can be cleaned on a routine basis other types of sensors or float switches. to prevent contamination. Suitable tanks One common cause of contamination is splattering Radar sensing units can be factory installed on new of asphalt onto the probe when the tank is filled. tanks and related equipment.They can also be retro- This can usually be prevented by modifying the filler fitted to most existing tanks in the field. discharge pipe inside the tank to redirect its flow.
Calibration Another common cause of contamination is light
Units that are retrofitted to existing tanks in the ends in the asphalt. Vapors of the light ends can field, always require calibration in the field. leave a coating on the probe. Over a period of time the coating may build up enough to interfere with Some older tanks may have components inside the radar signals and produce false indications. them that will keep the radar unit from working properly without modification. Please consult our In both cases cleaning the probe restores normal factory about installing radar units on older tanks. operation.
Units installed in new tanks at our factory are cali-
brated before they are shipped. However, in some
Note: The products shown and described in this
literature are subject to change without prior notice or obligation for previous products sold.
Specifications subject to change without notice. Publication 5-03-102 revised 5-10-2007
H E AT E C , I N C . an Astec Industries Company
5200 WILSON RD • CHATTANOOGA, TN 37410 USA 800.235.5200 • FAX 423.821.7673 •