Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatographic Method of Analysis of Azithromycin in Pure and Capsule Forms
Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatographic Method of Analysis of Azithromycin in Pure and Capsule Forms
Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatographic Method of Analysis of Azithromycin in Pure and Capsule Forms
Abstract Introduction
A validated stability-indicating thin-layer chromatographic (TLC)
method of the analysis of azithromycin (AZT) in bulk and capsule Azithromycin (AZT) (Figure 1) is a subclass of macrolide
forms is developed. Both AZT potential impurity and degradation antibiotics. Physically, AZT as a dihydrate is a white crystalline
products can be selectively and accurately estimated in both raw powder. AZT in an aqueous or chloroform solution has insignif-
material and product onto one precoated silica-gel TLC plate icant UV absorption properties; also, it is very difficult to find
60F254. The development system used is n-hexane–ethyl a suitable active reagent to enhance its UV absorptivity with no
acetate–diethylamine (75:25:10, v/v/v). The separated bands are byproducts or degradation of the intact compound. Attention
detected as brown to brownish red spots after spraying with should also be paid to the fact that AZT dihydrate–acidic solu-
modified Dragendorff’s solution. The Rf values of AZT, tion is rapidly decomposed via intramolecular dehydration to
azaerythromycin A, and the three degradation products are 0.54,
form erythromycin-6,9-hemiketal and then anhydroery-
0.35, 0.40, 0.20, and 0.12, respectively. The optical densities of the
separated spots are found to be linear in proportion to the amount
thromycin (1). Therefore, United States Pharmacopoeia (USP)
used. The stress testing of AZT shows that azaerythromycin A is 24 and most plasma work have used high-performance liquid
the major impurity and degradation product, accompanied by chromatographic (HPLC) methods and tracing with electro-
three other unknown degradation products. The stability of AZT is chemical detectors (2,3). This official method depends pri-
studied under accelerated conditions in order to provide a rapid marily on the liability of certain reaction centers of AZT to
indication of differences that might result from a change in the oxidation without sample pretreatment. Alternatively, only one
manufacturing process or source of the sample. The forced
degradation conditions include the effect of heat, moisture, light,
acid–base hydrolysis, sonication, and oxidation. The compatibility
of AZT with the excipients used is also studied in the presence and
absence of moisture. The amounts of AZT and azaerythromycin A
are calculated from the corresponding linear calibration curve;
however, the amounts of any other generated or detected
unknown impurities are calculated as if it were AZT. This method
shows enough selectivity, sensitivity, accuracy, precision,
linearity–range, and robustness to satisfy Federal Drug
Administration/International Conference of Harmonization
regulatory requirements. The method developed can also be used
for the purity testing of AZT raw material and capsules, content
uniformity testing, dissolution testing, and stability testing of AZT
capsules. The potential impurity profiles of both active AZT
material and capsule forms are found comparable. The linear Figure 1. Azithromycin dihydrate (C38H72N2O12 • 2H2O, fw = 785.0):
range of AZT is between 5 and 30 mcg/spot with a limit of (2R,3S,4R,5R,8R,10R,11R,12S,13S,14R)-13-[(2,6-dideoxy-3-C-methyl-3-
quantitation of 2 mcg/spot. The intraassay relative standard O-methyl-α- L -ribo-hexopyranosyl)oxy]-2-ethyl-3,4,10-trihydroxy-
deviation percentage is not more than 0.54%, and the day-to-day 3,5,6,8,10,12,14-heptamethyl-11-[[3,4,6-trideoxy-3-(dimethylamino)-α-D-
variation is not more than 0.86%, calculated on the amounts of xylo-hexopyranosyl]oxy]-1-oxa-6-azacyclopentadecan-15-one.
AZT RS recovered using different TLC plates.
10 Reproduction (photocopying) of editorial content of this journal is prohibited without publisher’s permission.
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 41, January 2003
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 41, January 2003
dichloromethane into a 5-mL volumetric flask (1 mg/20 µL). prepared in water, and 5 mL of this solution was sonicated in
an ultrasonic bath for 30 min (47 kHz). A volume of 20 µL was
Zithromax (250-mg capsule solution) applied to the TLC plate.
The content of one capsule was transferred into a 5-mL vol-
umetric flask. An aliquot of approximately 4 mL dichloro- Heating of 250-mg capsules of Zithromax
methane was then added and the flask shaken for Two glass vials were used, each containing a content of one
approximately 2 min. It was then diluted to the mark with the 250-mg capsule of Zithromax. One was mixed with 10 µL of
same solvent. The contents of the flask were filtered with water. Both vials were capped tightly and allowed to stand in a
syringe filtration disks (0.45 µm) (solution 5). heating incubator at 60°C for 14 days. The vial contents were
An accurate volume of 20 µL was then applied to the TLC extracted by dichloromethane, filtered with syringe filtration
plate for purity testing (1 mg/spot). disks, and diluted to obtain a claimed concentration of 1 mg/20
T wo milliliters of solution 5 was then further diluted to µL AZT. A volume of 20 µL was applied to the TLC plate. The
yield a claimed concentration of 2 mg/mL of AZT. An accurate same procedure was repeated but using 250 mg Azalid.
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 41, January 2003
in order to get an accurate start and end of each band, (e) the However, the lower LOQ was estimated after the spotting of
obtained chromatogram can then be evaluated quantitatively, AZT RS (1.0 µg/spot) nine times and calculation of the relative
(f) assign standard spot band and define both the strength and standard deviation (RSD) value of the response (raw volume).
measuring unit and type of quantitation (i.e., linear, nonlinear, The RSD value of the band raw volume was no more than 3%.
or matching), and (g) use the calibration curve generated in The LOD value of azaerythromycin A was 1.4 µg/spot, and the
order to calculate all other unknown or unmatched bands that LOQ was estimated on the basis of the expected maximum
were detected. limit (which was 0.8%) to correspond with 8 µg/spot (Table I).
Compound (µg/spot, %RSD*) (µg/spot, %RSD*) Figure 4. Thin-layer chromatogram of pure and degraded AZT: (A) effect of
heat on Zithromax capsule, (B) effect of heat on Zithromax capsule, (C)
AZT RS 0.30, 6.2 1.00, 2.9 effect of moisture on Zithromax capsule, (D) effect of sonication, (E) effect
Impurity A 1.40, 7.3 8.00, 2.3 of light, (F) AZT raw material (all stressed and unstressed AZT concentra-
tions used were 1 mg/spot), (G) 5 µg/spot AZT RS, (H) 10 µg/spot AZT RS,
* %RSD of the response of nine repetitive experiments. (I) 25 µg/spot AZT RS, and (J) 8 µg/spot impurity A RS.
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 41, January 2003
In order to measure the extent of the
method robustness, the most critical
parameters were interchanged while
keeping the other parameters
unchanged, and in parallel the chro-
matographic profile was observed and
recorded. The chromatographic para-
meters (including spot area, raw
volume, migration distance, and reso-
lution of the intact drug from its degra-
dation products) were observed. The
parameters interchanged (in the range
of 10%) were included as well as the
composition of the mobile system alter- Figure 6. Linear calibration curve of AZT (A), and one-level calibration fit of standard impurity A (B). The
natively, spray amounts of Dragendorff’s data of both curves were retrieved from the same TLC plate.
reagent, the amount and strength of
sodium nitrite solution, drying time,
and drying temperature. The resolution
and detection of the analyzed spot mate-
rial was relatively acceptable in all con-
ditions, except that the drying time
should be adequate before development,
derivatization, and scanning. Also, the
plate should be left to dry in the open air
at room temperature without any
heating. If the plate were to be heated in
an oven at approximately 40°C, the spot
color and background will fade, but
The ruggedness of the method was
evaluated by applying the analysis of Figure 5. Representative one-lane chromatogram of forced degraded AZT (effect of sonication): (A)
Zithromax capsule solutions using two AZT, (B) unknown impurity, (C) degradation product matched with impurity A, and (D) unknown
different TLC plates from two different impurity.
manufacturers [Merck and Fluka
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 41, January 2003
Chemie GmbH (Reisenhofen, Germany)] of different layer degradation products and impurity profiles in all cases were
thicknesses (0.25 and 0.20 mm). Both plates yielded the same similar with the complete separation of degradation products
resolution efficiency and Rf values; however, the thinner-layer from the major drug spot. In order to estimate the unknown
plate required a longer time for the solvent to reach the marked degradation products, a three-point calibration curve was
front. A compact band zone without tailing was observed in used on the same plate. Also, in order to estimate the known
both cases. impurity (azaerythromycin A), one level concentration was
The percentage recoveries of the capsule content using two used to estimate the matched detected impurity A released
different TLC plates were found comparable (~ 100% ± 1.5%). from the raw material or product. Figure 5 is an example of
Awareness should be paid to the amount of samples delivered how to detect and evaluate the one-lane degradation profile.
from the spotting syringe because this step expresses the mate- Also, as in Figure 6, the calibration curves were calculated
rial concentration. A calibrated autospotting device could be on the same plate. From this investigation, it was clear that
useful to avoid sample volume variation. However, the loaded AZT was very sensitive toward acid, and if the hydrolysis
volume area variation did not make any difference in the time or acid strength increased, the entire compound would
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 41, January 2003