Instruction: Write The Letter of The Correct Answer

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Instruction: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is a form of business organization owned and operated by two or more

A. Corporation
B. Partnership
C. Company
D. Sole proprietor
2. Prices direct economic activity in a market economy by
A. Influencing the actions of buyers and sellers
A. Reducing scarcity of the goods and services produced
B. Eliminating the need for government intervention
C. Allocating goods and services produce in the most equitable way
3. Which of the following best defines efficiency?
A. Absolute fairness
B. Minimum waste
C. Equal distribution
D. Consumer sovereignty
4. What is the total expenditure in an economy on goods and services by
individuals or nation during a given period of time?
A. Production
B. Consumption
C. Services
5. Which refers to the relationship between savings and income?
A. Circular function
B. Savings function
C. Income function
D. Withdrawal function
6. How does the ability-to-pay tax theory suggest how taxpayers should pay
A. According to the services they use.
B. According to how much they earn.
C. Because the government says
D. Because is their duty to do so.

7. What you give up to obtain an item is called your

A. Opportunity cost
B. Explicit cost
C. True cost
D. Direct cost
8. In a market economy, economic activity is guided by
A. The government
A. Central planners
B. Corporations
C. Prices
9. What firm owned by a group of people who have a common objective and
who collectively bear the risks of the enterprise and share its profits?
A. Cooperatives
B. Partnership
C. Company
D. Corporation
10. It is the source of funds for consumption and saving. What is this?
A. Net satisfaction
B. Drive force
A. National Income
11. In the Philippines, higher income tax rates on rich people could be justified
on the basis of
A. Market efficiency
B. The lack of other sources of government revenue
A. Equity for society
B. Government bias against the wealthy
12. The primary determinant of a country’s standard of living is
A. The ability to reduce foreign competition
B. Its ability to produce goods and services
A. The total supply of money in the economy
B. The average age of the country’s labor force
13. The income of a typical worker in a country is most likely linked to which of
the following?
A. Population
B. The number of labor unions
C. Productivity
D. Government policies
14. An increase in overall level of prices in an economy is referred to as
A. Economic growth
B. Inflation
C. Monetary policy
D. Supply shocks
15. Inflation is defined as
A. A period of rising productivity in the economy
B. A period of rising the income in the economy
C. An increase in the overall level of output in the economy
D. An increase in the overall level of prices in the economy
16. Inflation causes
A. Incomes to fall
B. Productivity to increase
C. The government to lower taxes
D. The value of money to fall

17. Which of the following is the most correct statement about the relationship
between inflation and unemployment?
A. In the short run, reducing inflation is associated with the falling
B. In the short run, reducing inflation is associated with rising unemployment
C. In the long r un, reducing inflation associated with falling unemployment
D. In the long run, reducing inflation is associated with rising unemployment

18. Which of the following would NOT be included in consumption?

A. Monthly rent and utilities
B. Consulting services purchased in a city across the country
C. A new car purchase
D. Toothpaste purchase

19. How many percent of the harvest will go to the person who shouldered the
expenses for planting, harvesting and for the work animals in Republic Act
No. 34?
A. 70%
B. 20%
C. 50%
D. 80%

20. Of the following are the major forms of business organization

I. Sole proprietorship
II. Business trust
III. Partnership
IV. Corporation
A. I & II only
D. II & IV only

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