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Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

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Natural period of reinforced concrete building frames on pile foundation T

considering seismic soil-structure interaction effects
Nishant Sharma, Kaustubh Dasgupta , Arindam Dey

Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam, India


Keywords: The magnitude of seismic forces induced within a building, during an earthquake, depends on its natural period
Seismic soil-structure interaction of vibration. The traditional approach is to assume the base of the building to be fixed for the estimation of the
RC buildings natural period and ignore the influence of soil-structure interaction (SSI) citing it to be beneficial. However, for
Pile foundation buildings resting on soft soils, the soil-foundation system imparts flexibility at the base of the building and it is
Time history analysis
imperative for SSI effects to exist that may prove to be detrimental. Presence of SSI effects modifies the seismic
Natural period
forces induced within the building, which is dependent on the change in its fixed base natural period.
Predictive relationship Expressions for determination of the natural period of a structural system under the influence of SSI (effective
natural period) are available in the literature. Although useful and made applicable to all types of foundation
systems, these expressions are developed either using simplified models or are applicable to shallow foundations
and may not be suitable to all types of structural-foundation systems in general. This article investigates the
influence of seismic soil-structure interaction on the natural period of RC building frame supported on pile
foundations. Detailed finite element modelling of an exhaustive number of models, encompassing various
parameters of the structure, soil, and the pile foundation has been carried out in OpenSEES to study the effect of
SSI on the natural period of the RC building frame. The effect of various parameters on the natural period of the
building frame under SSI is investigated and the results have been used to develop an ANN architecture model
for the estimation of the effective natural period of RC building frame supported by pile foundation. Garson’s
algorithm is used to conduct sensitivity analysis for examining the importance of various parameters that govern
the determination of effective natural period. A predictive relationship for obtaining the effective natural period
has been proposed using ANN architecture in the form of a modification factor that is to be applied on the fixed
base natural period, and which depends on various input parameters of the building frame-pile-soil system. A
comparison of the proposed relationship with those available in literature demonstrates its usefulness and ap­
plicability to RC building frames on pile foundations.

1. Introduction some amount of flexibility at the base and the building response is af­
fected by the foundation soil medium (this phenomenon is known as
During an earthquake shaking, the magnitude of seismic forces in­ Soil-Structure Interaction and is abbreviated as SSI). Under compliant
duced within the building structure depends on its natural period of soil-foundation conditions, the natural period of the building is in­
vibration (Tn). This is also reflected in the design codes of various creased as compared to that obtained by assuming the building to be
countries. For example, the seismic design of RC framed buildings, fixed at the base. For the same structure, a variation in foundation-soil
using the Indian seismic code [1], requires the estimation of the design condition would result in the modification of the natural period and
lateral loads that depends on the natural period (Tn) of the building. thus lead to a change in the seismic force levels. Available studies [2,3]
The conventional approach is to assume the base of the building to be have highlighted the SSI effects (increase in natural period) to be det­
fixed for the estimation of the natural period. For buildings resting on rimental towards seismic safety of structures. In this regard, the esti­
rocky or hard strata, wherein the soil-foundation system imparts high mation of the natural period of the structure under the influence of SSI
degree of restraint, this assumption holds good. However, for the has been one of the focus areas as far as the subject matter is concerned.
buildings resting on softer soils, the soil-foundation system imparts Veletsos and Meek [4] proposed analytical expression for obtaining

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Dasgupta).

Received 3 November 2019; Received in revised form 2 June 2020; Accepted 5 July 2020
2352-0124/ © 2020 Institution of Structural Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

Fig. 1. Representative illustration of the SSI model analyzed in the present study.

effective period of a system with SSI effects (TSSI). The same expression structure interaction. Acharyya and Dey [13,14] employed ANN to
has been adopted by the seismic codes, ATC 3-06 [5] and UBC [6], for study and predict bearing capacity of footings on horizontal and sloping
the structures supported on rigid mat foundations. Gazetas [7] pro­ grounds. Momeni et al. [15] employed ANN to evaluate pile bearing
posed semi-empirical relation for TSSI that is an improvement over the capacity, while Das and Basudhar [16] employed the same to evaluate
work carried out by Veletsos and Meek [4]. Maravas et al. [8] also the lateral load capacity of the pile foundations. Pala et al. [17] de­
proposed rigorous analytical solutions for obtaining TSSI for simple monstrated that ANN could be used for the solution of dynamic SSI
Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) structures on pile foundation. Kumar problems of buildings.
and Prakash [9] proposed semi-empirical relationships for the struc­ Multistoried RC framed buildings comprise the most common ty­
tures founded on pile foundation. Rovithis et al. [10] introduced the pology of buildings used for various purposes. Pile foundations are in­
notion of pseudo-natural frequency for SDOF structures supported on variably used as the foundation system wherever the soil is weak or
single pile embedded in homogenous viscoelastic soil. More recently, soft. Hence, it becomes important to assess the natural period of RC
Deng et al. [11] and Medina et al. [12] proposed regression models for building frames supported on pile foundations. The present article in­
evaluating the effective natural period of shear-type structures (idea­ vestigates the effect of SSI on the natural period of RC building frame
lized as SDOF systems) supported on pile group foundation resting on supported by pile foundation. Detailed finite element modelling, car­
viscoelastic homogenous and inhomogeneous soils, respectively. Al­ ried out using OpenSEES [18], provides an accurate estimation of the
though these studies have focussed on pile group foundations, however effective natural period (TSSI) as compared to the simplified models
the studies are more appropriate for structures with simple configura­ with SDOF system and foundation considered as single lumped piles or
tions supported on group of piles possessing square grid arrangement equivalent springs. The effect of SSI on RC building frames has been
connected by a rigid pile cap, thereby behaving as a single unit. The studied for various configurations of the superstructure and soil-pile
relationships developed in the past incorporate the following simplifi­ foundation systems. Further, an ANN model has been trained to develop
cations: (i) idealized SDOF oscillator, (ii) shallow rigid mat foundation a relationship for the modification factor (MF) useful in predicting the
or single lumped foundation and (iii) use of equivalent springs to re­ effective natural period (TSSI) of RC building frames supported on pile
present pile foundation stiffness (more useful for pile groups behaving foundation. Comparison of the proposed relationship with those avail­
as a single unit and exhibiting a uniform rocking behaviour). The past able in literature demonstrates its usefulness and applicability to RC
researches have focused on obtaining TSSI based on the simplifying building frames on pile foundations.
assumptions, primarily for two reasons. Firstly, the evaluation of the
stiffness of the complex foundation systems (viz., spread foundation, 2. Numerical modelling and parametric case studies
soil-pile group foundation, soil-pile raft foundation, etc.) is a tedious
task and that the exact solutions are difficult to obtain. Secondly, the Fig. 1 shows the illustration of the SSI model considered in the
complex interaction behavior of the individual piles in a group is not present study. The numerical models of the SSI systems (building, pile
well understood and established. In real life situations, buildings are foundation, and soil medium) were created and analyzed in OpenSEES
MDOF systems for which simplified representation of foundation soil using the direct modelling approach. A brief description of the model­
system may not be proper. This is because pile groups under the col­ ling details is provided in the following subsections.
umns at different locations would behave independently, thereby ex­
hibiting non-uniform rocking. Therefore, there is a need for developing
2.1. Soil domain
a relationship for the estimation of the natural period of building under
the influence of SSI (TSSI) that could account for the complex soil-
The basic properties of the considered soil types are shown in
foundation behavior. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have the
Table 1. Four types of soil representative of different categories of site
ability to recognize complex relationships between the input and the
conditions are taken, i.e., loose sand (SS), medium sand (MS), medium
output parameters and have been used widely in the various fields of
dense sand (MDS) and dense sand (DS). A uniform soil domain depth of
civil engineering, including studies involving static and dynamic soil-
30 m is considered, as per the recommendation of ATC 40 [19], which

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

Table 1
Basic properties and constitutive parameters of the soils used in the present study
Type of soil ρ (kg/m3) φ (°) ν vs (m/s) Gr (kPa) γmax d ΦT (°)

Loose (SS) 1700 29 0.33 193 5.5 × 10 0.1 0.5 29
Medium (MS) 1900 33 0.33 212 7.5 × 104 0.1 0.5 27
Medium-Dense (MDS) 2000 37 0.35 234 1.0 × 105 0.1 0.5 27
Dense (DS) 2100 40 0.35 257 1.3 × 105 0.1 0.5 27

Note: φ is the friction angle, ν is the Poisson’s ratio, vs = G/ is the average shear wave velocity, Gr and γmax is the reference low strain shear modulus and peak
shear strain respectively at the reference pressure pr = 80 kPa, d is defined by the relationship G = Gr (p / pr )d , p is the instantaneous effective confinement, G is the
stress dependent shear modulus and ΦT is the phase transformation angle.

is modelled using four-noded quadrilateral elements with four gauss represent the load of brick walls, 5 kN/m of uniformly distributed load
integration points and bilinear isoparametric formulation. The non­ is considered to act on the beams of the frame. The lateral loading on
linear characteristics of the soil are simulated using pressure dependent the superstructure is considered as per IS 1893: Part 1 (2016) [1]. The
constitutive behavior [20] wherein nested yield surface criterion [21] is structure is assumed to be located in Zone V as per the seismic zoning
employed for plastic behavior. The shear modulus of the soil varies map of India [1] and the design fixed base natural period of the su­
parabolically with depth as per the relationship shown in Table 1 and perstructure is obtained using the following expression:
the value of shear wave velocity (vs) shown is the average value of the
Tn = 0.075H 0.75 (2)
soil layer. The largest size of the soil element at a particular depth is
determined using the relationship prescribed by Kuhlemeyer and where Tn is the design fixed base natural period and H is the height of
Lysmer [22] as shown: the frame building. Tn is utilized to estimate the design acceleration
coefficient and subsequently the base shear (Note: the values of the
l max = 0.125 fmax (Gr 1)0.25
factors considered are Zone factor = 0.36; Importance factor = 1 and
where, lmax is the maximum size of the soil elements, fmax is the value of Response reduction factor = 5). The estimated gravity and seismic
the maximum frequency of the input motion (typically considered as loads at the bottom level of the superstructure are used for the design of
15 Hz), Gr is the reference low strain shear modulus of the soil specified foundation under the column members. The grades of concrete (fck) and
at the reference mean effective confining pressure of 80 kPa, and ρ is rebar (fy) used for the design of all concrete members in the present
the mass density of the soil. This criterion enforces the mesh dis­ study are M30 and Fe500, respectively, and the elastic modulus of
cretization to vary, in the vertical direction, such that the elements concrete is obtained as Ec = 5000×(fck)0.5 MPa [26]. The super­
possess a fine size at the surface and coarse at the bedrock level. In the structure is supported on pile foundations and the design of the struc­
horizontal direction, the mesh size is governed by the geometry of the ture-foundation system has been carried out with the help of IS 456
structure and pile locations. Finer discretization of the elements was (2000) [26], IS 13920 (2016) [27] and IS 2911: Part1/Sec 1 (2010)
used near the structure and gradually coarsened towards the bound­ [28].
aries. The mobilization of gravity and inertial loads has been applied The details of the structural member sizes for the frame building are
with the help of bulk density (Table 1). Similar modelling approach, to given in Table 2. For a particular height of the building frame, the di­
simulate nonlinear SSI response of different structures, has been suc­ mensions of the frame sections are kept to be the same for different
cessfully used by past researchers [23,24]. For the purpose of the pre­ structural widths. The details of the pile foundations are given in
sent study, the water table is assumed to lie at a depth of 30 m from the Table 3. For piles in a group, the distance between adjacent piles is kept
ground surface and is not considered for any influence on the dynamic to be three times the diameter of the individual pile, as per the code
SSI study. suggested practice. Elastic beam-column elements, having two trans­
lational DOFs and one rotational DOF, have been used to model the
2.2. Building-foundation system frame and pile members of the structure-foundation system. Perfectly
bonded interface is considered to connect the pile foundation with the
In the present study, two-dimensional RC building frame supported soil nodes. The horizontal inertial forces are simulated in the structure
on pile foundation is considered, as shown in Fig. 1. The floor-to-floor by means of lumping the mass and loads of the structure at the nodes of
height and bay width are taken to be 3 m. Fig. 2 shows the details of the the frame and pile members.
various building configurations considered. Four different storey
heights have been considered with 3 stories (9 m), 6 stories (18 m), 9 2.3. Soil domain boundaries
stories (27 m) and 12 stories (36 m). For each height of the building
frame, four configurations of structural width having 3 bays (9 m), 5 Radiation damping has been accounted for by modelling Lysmer-
bays (15 m), 9 bays (27 m) and 15 bays (45 m) are considered. Each Kuhlemeyer (L-K) viscous dashpots [29] at the horizontal and vertical
structural configuration is to be rested on four different soil conditions boundaries. L-K boundaries ensure that the seismic waves are prevented
(viz., SS, MS, MDS and DS) for which the superstructure design is the from being reflected back into the soil medium. Viscous dashpots along
same and only the foundation design is modified as per the soil type. the horizontal and the vertical directions are assigned on the vertical
Moreover, for a particular structure-soil combination, three different boundaries having dashpot coefficients as Cp = ρvpA (where A is the
arrangements of pile foundation are considered. For e.g., a 3 storey 3 tributary area of the boundary) and Cs = ρvsA, respectively. The pri­
bay structure resting on loose sand (SS) is supported by pile foundations mary wave velocity (vp) is obtained from the shear wave velocity and
under the columns having (a) single pile, (b) a pile group of two, and (c) Poisson’s ratio (ν) as vp = {2vs (1 )/(1 2 )}0.5 . At the horizontal
a pile group of three. base boundary, dashpots in the horizontal direction only have been
For the design of the superstructure, gravity loads have been esti­ employed, having dashpot coefficient as Cs = ρvsA. To simulate the
mated as per the provisions of IS 875: Part 2 (1987) [25] considering seismic input in the form of vertically propagating shear waves,
the intended use of the building for residential purpose. The assumed equivalent nodal shear forces are applied at the bedrock level. Based on
superimposed dead load and live load are considered as 3 kN/m2. To the theory proposed by Joyner [30], Zhang et al. [31] provided the

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

Fig. 2. Details of the RC building frame configurations considered in the present study.

expression for equivalent nodal shear forces as follows: homogenous, linear elastic, undamped and semi-infinite half-space re­
gion. The lateral extent for each SSI system is fixed based on the study
F (x , t ) = Cs u (x , t ) + 2Cs ui (t + x / vs ) (3)
conducted by Sharma et al. [32]. This ensured that the extent of near-
where, ui (t + x / vs ) is the velocity of incident motion, u (x , t ) is the field effects of soil-structure interaction reduces with increasing dis­
velocity of the soil particle motion, and Cs is the coefficient of dashpot. tance from the pile. Since the soil is modelled with the aid of pressure
The first term in Eq. (3) is the force generated by the dashpot, while the dependent constitutive behavior having damping characteristics, the
second term is the applied equivalent nodal force that is proportional to interaction effects result in the development of maximum shear strain at
the velocity of the incident motion. The bedrock mass is assumed to be the pile-soil interface with an outward decreasing gradient. This aspect

Table 2
Details of the frame members for various building configurations
Storey Level 3 Storey 6 Storey 9 Storey 12 Storey

Column Beam Column Beam Column Beam Column Beam

Up to 3 300 × 300 200 × 280 350 × 350 200 × 350 450 × 450 250 × 400 500 × 500 250 × 450
3 to 6 – – 350 × 350 200 × 350 400 × 400 250 × 400 450 × 450 250 × 450
6 to 9 – – – – 350 × 350 250 × 350 400 × 400 250 × 400
9 to 12 – – – – – – 400 × 400 200 × 350

Note: All dimensions of the frame members are in millimetre (mm)

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

Table 3
Details of the pile groups as used in the present study
No. of Stories Loose Soil Medium soil Med. dense soil Dense soil

Pile length, Pile dia., Pile length, Pile dia., Pile length, Pile dia., Pile length, Pile dia.,
lp (m) dp (mm) lp (m) dp (mm) lp (m) dp (mm) lp (m) dp (mm)

Pile group of three

3 11.0 300 7.0 300 6.5 250 3.5 250
6 12.5 400 7.5 400 5.5 350 4.5 300
9 15.5 450 10.0 450 6.0 400 5.0 350
12 16.5 500 10.5 500 6.5 450 5.0 400
Pile group of two
3 12.0 350 8.0 350 6.0 300 3.5 300
6 12.0 500 9.5 450 6.0 400 5.0 350
9 15.0 550 12.0 500 7.5 450 5.5 400
12 16.5 600 10.0 600 6.5 450 5.0 400
Single pile
3 15.0 450 9.0 450 6.0 400 4.5 350
6 16.0 600 13.0 550 7.5 500 5.5 450
9 15.5 750 14.0 650 8.5 600 7.0 500
12 18.0 800 16.0 700 12.5 600 7.5 550

is automatically taken care of through finite element modelling of the analysis is shown in Fig. 3. At each stage, the boundary condition of the
piles embedded in the soil domain. The entire soil domain is considered SSI model is modified and gradually the boundary conditions required
spatially invariable. for dynamic SSI analysis are achieved.
The first stage (stage 1) corresponds to the state wherein the system
is analyzed for gravity loading with the soil under elastic condition. The
3. Method of analysis
base of the SSI system is restrained both horizontally and vertically,
while the vertical boundaries are restrained only in the horizontal di­
The fixed base natural period of the building frame is modified by
considering the presence of the soil-pile foundation system. The flex­ rection. Keeping the soil material model as elastic, gravity analysis is
performed in a single step to achieve equilibrium of the SSI system. In
ibility of the soil-pile foundation system depends on the confinement
action imparted by the soil to the piles. Sandy soils are pressure-de­ stage 2, the constitutive model of the soil is made to behave plastically
pendent wherein the shear modulus at any particular depth is a func­ while keeping the boundary conditions to be the same as those at the
tion of the confining pressure at that depth. For imposition of appro­ end of stage 1. Iteratively, the model is brought to equilibrium and the
priate confining action to the piles, proper simulation of static stresses horizontal and vertical reactions developed at the boundary restraints
within the soil is essential [24,31]. On assignment of Lysmer-Kuhle­ are noted. During stage 3, the horizontal restraints of the vertical
meyer boundaries, the confinement action is lost under gravity loading boundaries are removed and the corresponding reactions (recorded at
condition. This is because, for assignment of L-K boundaries, the dis­ the end of stage 2) are applied. Simultaneously, horizontal and vertical
placement restraints at the soil boundary nodes are to be removed, L-K boundary conditions are applied to the vertical boundaries of the
thereby allowing the soil nodes to deform at the boundary, which in­ SSI model. Subsequently, the model is iteratively brought into equili­
hibits the development of proper confinement action. To develop a brium under gravity loading. In Stage 4, the horizontal restraints at the
proper confining state of stress within the soil, stage wise gravity ana­ base are removed and the corresponding reactions are applied, along
lysis is carried out prior to conducting dynamic analysis of the building with the assignment of the basal L-K boundaries in the horizontal di­
frames under the influence of SSI. A schematic of the stage wise gravity rection. Subsequently, the model is iteratively brought into equilibrium.

Fig. 3. Procedure of the stage-wise static gravity analysis as adopted in the present study.

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

Fig. 4. Seismic input motion characteristics. (a) white noise time history, and (b) Fourier amplitude spectrum.

At this stage when all the boundaries have been incorporated, the SSI analyzed to check the adequacy of the adopted methodology in pre­
model does not have any horizontal displacement constraint. This dicting their natural periods. Fig. 5(a) and 5(b) show the FAR (Fourier
renders the stiffness matrix to be singular. Under such circumstance, Amplitude Ratio) spectrum of the fixed-base acceleration response ob­
eigenvalue analysis does not show appropriate results, as there is a tained at the roof level of 6-storey 5-bay and 12-storey 5-bay building
display of rigid body displacements for the first mode. Additionally, the frames, respectively. The natural frequencies corresponding to the first
natural period estimates by eigenvalue analysis are influenced by the three modes have been identified, and its comparison with that ob­
size of the soil domain considered. For e.g., a building frame resting on tained from the conventional eigenvalue analysis is shown in Fig. 5(c)
soil would exhibit a different natural period if the horizontal extent of and 5(d). It can be seen that a very good match is existent between the
the soil domain is changed from 150 m to 200 m or if the depth of the results from both the analysis procedures.
soil domain is modified from 30 m to 40 m. This is so because the A similar methodology is applied to the free-field soil domain, and
stiffness matrix and mass matrix of the SSI model are modified on the FAR spectrum of the acceleration response at the surface is obtained
changing the extent of soil domain thus producing a different value of corresponding to SS, MS, MDS, and DS, as shown in Fig. 6(a)-6(d), re­
the natural period. However, the response of the structural system spectively, wherein the natural frequencies of the free-field soil domain
under soil-pile flexibility should depend on the confinement action have been identified. Theoretical expressions are available in the lit­
provided by the soil in the vicinity of the pile foundations. Therefore, to erature [33] for obtaining the fundamental natural period of a free-field
obtain the natural period of the structure under the influence of SSI, soil domain, as shown in Eq. (5):
time history analysis is performed.
Once the boundary conditions have been successfully applied, the Ts = 4.48
vsH (5)
SSI model is ready to be subjected to lateral vibrations that are applied
as equivalent nodal shear forces at the base of the FE model. The SSI where Ts is the fundamental period of the soil layer, vsH is the shear
model is subjected to very low amplitude excitation to restrict the soil wave velocity of the soil domain at the depth Hs (bottom of the soil
material from developing nonlinearities [31]. In addition, it is to be deposit). The above expression is applicable for the soil layers having a
ensured that the selected motion is capable of exciting the natural parabolic variation of increasing shear modulus with depth [33]. Using
frequencies of the structure located within the SSI system. For this the expression, the fundamental natural period of the free-field soil
purpose, white noise of very small PGA level (0.005 m/s2) is selected as domain is obtained for the different soil types and are compared with
the input motion. Fig. 4(a) and Fig. 4(b) show the time history and the those obtained by the time history analysis of the finite element (FE)
frequency spectra of the input motion respectively. The solution of the model (Fig. 7). As observed, a good agreement is attained between the
time history analysis is obtained by solving the equation of motion of two approaches. With these comparisons, it can be said that the
the SSI model shown in Eq. (4): adopted methodology for determining the effective natural period of
the SSI system can be convincingly applied for further rigorous ana­
[M ] {u¨ (t )} + [C ] {u (t )} + [K ] {u (t )} = {F (t )} + {Fv} (4)
where [M ], [C ] and [K ] are the global mass, damping and stiffness ma­ The SSI system is subjected to the considered white noise motion to
trices of the SSI system respectively; {u¨} , {u} and {u} represent the nodal induce dynamic excitations and the acceleration response at the roof
acceleration, velocity and displacement respectively; {F } represents the level is obtained. The response is analysed in the frequency domain and
input nodal shear force vector; and {Fv} is the force vector assigned at the effective natural period (TSSI) of each RC building frame is obtained
the viscous boundaries during the staged gravity analysis. The time-step corresponding to the different soil types. Fig. 8 shows an example
integration scheme adopted is Newmark-β method considering constant wherein the fundamental natural frequency of a 6-storey 5-bay building
variation of acceleration over the time step that renders the scheme frame, supported by pile foundations, is obtained for the different soil
unconditionally stable, and the initial condition of the SSI model is conditions (viz., SS, MS, MDS, and DS). The effective natural period is
considered to be ‘at rest’. The structural response of the SSI system is then estimated from the effective natural frequency. Likewise, the ef­
obtained and the natural period is identified by analyzing it in the fective natural periods of the various configurations are obtained and
frequency domain. The dominant peaks in the Fourier Amplitude Ratio are used for further discussion of results.
(FAR) spectrum are indicative of the natural frequencies of the SSI
system. 4.2. Parameters influencing SSI effects

4. Results and discussion This section discusses the parameters that govern the change in the
fixed base natural period of the RC building frame due to SSI effects.
4.1. Effective natural period of RC building frame The various building frames considered have been analyzed with the
base as fixed to obtain the fixed base natural period (TF). The same
Prior to analyzing the coupled soil-pile structure system, the struc­ frames, along with the various soil-pile configurations, are analyzed to
tural configurations and the free-field soil system are separately obtain their respective effective natural periods (TSSI). The amount of

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

400 160
0.95 0.70 3.19
240 4.94


160 1.87

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)

1.2 1.6
Eigen Analysis Eigen Analysis
0.9 FE Analysis 1.2 FE Analysis
Natural Period (s)

Natural Period (s)

0.6 0.8

0.3 0.4

0.0 0.0
1 2 3 1 2 3
M ode M ode
(c) (d)
Fig. 5. Fourier amplitude ratio spectrum of the roof-level response and the comparative of natural frequencies from eigenvalue and finite element (FE) analysis for:
(a), (c) 6-storey 5-bay building frame; and (b), (d) 12-storey 5-bay building frame.

150 200
7.34 5.49
125 160
100 4.86 8.12

2.04 80
25 40 10.19

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)

250 250
200 200 6.83

150 150 11.77



100 11.03 100

8.96 2.81
50 2.58 50 9.76

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(c) (d)
Fig. 6. Fourier amplitude ratio spectrum of the free field response of soil domain for soil types (a) SS, (b) MS, (c) MDS, and (d) DS.

change in the natural period (from TF to TSSI) is a measure of the SSI system. A building frame is characterized by its natural period under
effect on the system and is quantified in terms of the modification factor fixed base condition (TF). Depending on the structural configuration
(MF) as shown in Eq. (6). (height and width), TF may vary which will in turn influence MF.
Fig. 9(a) and 9(b) show the influence of the width of building frame on
TSSI MF under different soil conditions for short (3 storey) and tall (12
MF =
TF (6) storey) frames respectively. It can be observed that for short frames (3
storied) increasing the width from 3 bays to 15 bays increases TF from
Higher MF indicates greater SSI effect on the natural period of the
0.70 s to 0.73 s. The variation of MF for narrow (3 bay) frame under
structure, thus signifying greater influence of the soil-pile foundation

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

0.7 highest (higher MF) for soft soil (SS) and are reduced for relatively
Theoretical stiffer soil conditions (MS, MDS and DS). Increase in the width of the
frame results in an increase or decrease in the fixed base natural period
FE Analysis
0.5 (TF) depending on the frame height. Increase in the width of the frame
Natural Period (s)

causes an addition of mass and stiffness to the structural system. In

short frames, being inherently stiff in nature, an increase in the width
0.3 results in the addition of mass to be dominant, thereby causing the
wider frames to be more flexible as compared to the narrow ones. Taller
frames are by nature flexible and an increase in the width results in the
0.1 addition of stiffness to be dominant; consequently, the wider frames
turn out to be stiffer as compared to the narrow ones. SSI effects are
SS MS MDS DS observed to be marginally greater for frames with extreme configura­
tion (e.g. very short and wide or very tall and narrow frames). In­
Soil Type
creasing the height of the frames (corresponding to a fixed width) re­
Fig. 7. Comparison of natural periods for free field response of soil domain sults in the system becoming more flexible. Moreover, for narrow
obtained theoretically and FE analysis considering different soil types. frames, the SSI effects increase with greater height; however, for wider
frames SSI effects are comparable corresponding to the different
different soil conditions is about 1.10 (SS) to 1.05 (DS) and that for heights.
wider (15 bay) frame is about 1.16 (SS) to 1.06 (DS). For taller frames Apart from the structural configuration, the soil-foundation char­
(12 storied) increasing the width from 3 bays to 15 bays decreases TF acteristics also influence MF. Corresponding to a particular soil condi­
from 1.47 s to 1.41 s and the variation of MF for narrow (3 bay) frames tion, the column members of the RC building frame can be supported by
under different soil condition is about 1.22 (SS) to 1.11 (DS) while that pile foundations that may consist of a single large diameter pile or
for wider (15 bay) frames is about 1.15 (SS) to 1.05 (DS). Similarly, multiple piles of smaller diameter. For the same structure-soil condi­
Fig. 10(a) and 10(b) show the influence of the height of building frame tion, this may result in a variation of MF. Fig. 11(a) and 11(b) respec­
on MF under different soil conditions for narrow (3 bay) and wider (15 tively show the variation of MF under different pile foundation con­
bay) configurations respectively. For narrow frames (3 bay) on in­ figurations of short (3 storied 15 bay) and tall (12 storied 15 bay)
creasing the height from 3 stories to 12 stories, TF increases from 0.70 s building frames for various soil conditions. As observed, for the dif­
to 1.47 s. The variation of MF for short (3 storey) frames under different ferent pile foundation configurations, MF increases as the properties of
soil condition is about 1.11 (SS) to 1.05 (DS) and that for taller (12 the soil get weaker. Moreover, the building frames supported by group
storied) frames is about 1.22 (SS) to 1.10 (DS). For wider frames (15 of 3 piles and 2 piles exhibit slight reduction in MF as compared to the
bay) increasing the height from 3 stories to 12 stories increases TF from building frame supported on single piles. This is because piles in a
0.73 s to 1.41 s. The variation of MF for short (3 storey) frames under group are more effective in arresting rocking behavior, as compared to
different soil condition is about 1.16 (SS) to 1.06 (DS) while that for the single piles, and impart additional rocking stiffness under the col­
taller (12 storey) frames is about 1.15 (SS) to 1.05 (DS). It can be ob­ umns due to group action. Hence, MF is relatively larger for structures
served that for any particular structural configuration, SSI effects are supported by single piles as compared to the piles in a group.

120 300

100 0.90 250

80 200


60 150

40 100

20 50

0 0
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

(a) (b)

180 120
0.92 0.94
150 100

120 80


90 60

60 40

30 20

0 0
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

(c) (d)
Fig. 8. Identification of the fundamental natural frequency of 6-storey 5-bay building frame supported by pile foundation resting on (a) SS, (b) MS, (c) MDS, and (d)
DS soils.

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

Fig. 9. Variation of MF with number of bays for (a) 3 storied, and (b) 12 storied building frames.

Fig. 10. Variation of MF with number of stories for building frame with (a) 3 bays, and (b) 15 bays.

Fig. 11. Variation of MF with the shear wave velocity of soil for (a) 3 storied, and (b) 12 storied building frames.

Fig. 12. Variation of MF with pile length for (a) 3 storied, and (b) 12 storied building frames.

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

Fig. 13. Variation of MF with SH for (a) 3 storied, and (b) 12 storied building frames with shear wall.

For a particular foundation configuration, the type of soil governs 5.1. ANN model architecture
the design of foundation. In the present study, as the soil properties
become weaker, the size of the pile foundation increases in diameter In the present study, an artificial neural network architecture is
(dp) and/or length (lp) as shown in Table 3. The properties of the pile developed for the prediction of the modification factor, MF. The ANN
foundation in conjunction with the soil determine the flexibility of the model consists of input, output and hidden layers with various numbers
soil-pile foundation system. Fig. 12(a) and 12(b) show the variation of of nodes in each layer depending on the problem being addressed.
MF with average length and corresponding average diameter of pile for Although there have been studies where multiple hidden layers were
short (3 storey) and tall (12 storey) building frames respectively. It is used, however, it has been noted in many past studies that an ANN
observed that MF increases with increase in pile length and diameter. model with single layer is capable of providing good predictive re­
Increase in both pile length and diameter indicates weak soil conditions lationships [34–37]. Levenberg-Marquardt learning rule is im­
that ultimately leads to greater soil-pile foundation flexibility (higher plemented for the training of the neurons in the hidden layer. It is a
MF). Although the size of the pile has been segregated in terms of length feed-forward back-propagation algorithm, which is the most widely
and diameter, however, the two parameters are correlated through pile prevalent technique possessing a suitable prediction capability [36,38].
capacity. Therefore, a dimensionless parameter, SH = (lp/ dp)(Ep/ Es ) 0.25 The transfer function used in the input-to-hidden and hidden-to-output
has been used as a measure of pile foundation flexibility [10], where Ep layers is a ‘tan sigmoid’ as it can accurately represent the biological
is the elastic modulus of pile and Es is the elastic modulus of soil at a behavior of neurons. The development of the ANN model has been
depth corresponding to the diameter of the piles. Stiffer piles possess carried out in MATLAB v2016a [39]. The input and output data are
smaller SH while flexible piles possess higher SH. Fig. 13(a) and 13(b) preprocessed by normalizing using Eq. (7):
show the variation of MF versus average SH of the pile foundation for
2 (X Xmin )
various widths corresponding to short (3 storey) and tall (12 storey) Xn = 1
(Xmax Xmin ) (7)
frames respectively. It is observed that for all structural configurations,
the effect of SSI increases with the flexibility of piles (MF increases). where Xn is the normalized value, Xmax and Xmin are the maximum and
Moreover, the influence of pile foundation flexibility on short (3 storey) minimum values of the variable X, respectively. This ensures that the
frame is greater for wider (15 bay) configuration while that for taller data lies within a range of −1 to 1, thus ensuring equal weightage to
(12 storey) frame is greater for narrow (3 bay) configuration. The re­ each variable during the modelling phase.
sults discussed herein are corresponding to the building frame system The input parameters considered are corresponding to the soil, pile
wherein the columns are supported by pile group of three. Other con­ foundations and the building frame properties. The governing para­
figurations of pile foundation show similar trends and hence are not meter for soil considered is the shear modulus (Gsoil). The inputs cor­
discussed for the sake of brevity. responding to pile foundations are average diameter of individual pile
(dp), average length of individual pile (lp), and the number of piles (np).
5. Development of ANN model The structural system can be described using four input parameters
namely the effective first mode modal stiffness (K*), effective first mode
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are computing systems that are modal mass (M*), height (H), and width (W) of the building frame. The
inspired by the biological neural network. ANNs have been widely output considered is the modification factor (MF) and has already been
applied in the various fields of civil engineering, including studies in­ discussed in Section 4.2. The selection of optimum number of hidden
volving static and dynamic soil-structure interaction. They are capable neurons is essential for ensuring a good performance from the adopted
of learning and modelling nonlinear and complex relationships between model. Convergence study is conducted to obtain the optimum number
the input and the output parameters. ANN is particularly useful for the of neurons in the hidden layer such that the error associated with the
datasets that do not follow a particular mathematical pattern (or in estimated output is minimum. The quantification of the error is re­
other words, datasets that are intricately difficult and complex to de­ presented as shown:
code). ANNs do not impose any restriction on the input variable (such n
(MFsimulated MF predicted ) 2
as the requirement of the input data conforming to a particular dis­ MSE = i=1
n (8)
tribution) and its ability to generalize and infer relationships for unseen
data is especially advantageous. Additionally, the mathematical models where MSE is the mean of the squared error obtained from the dis­
developed using ANN are not overly complex, rather, they can be ex­ similarities in the simulated and predicted output MFsimulated and
pressed with the help of multiple sets of simple relationships which are MFpredicted, respectively, and n is the number of data points. Fig. 14
easy to code. In the present study, an artificial neural network archi­ shows that for the present problem, the MSE of the ANN model is
tecture is developed for the prediction of the modification factor (MF) minimum corresponding to 9 neurons in the hidden layer. This results
and further details have been outlined in the following subsections. in an 8-9-1 architecture of the ANN model as shown in Fig. 15.

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

number of iterations, beyond which the error increases. The training is

stopped when the error, corresponding to test data, successively in­
creases for a certain number of successive epochs. Fig. 16(a) and 16(b)
show the comparison of the simulated and the predicted values of the
output (MF) during training and testing phases respectively. The coef­
ficients of efficiency R2 for training and testing are found to be 0.96 and
0.95 respectively.
It can be seen that the model is able to predict the values of the
output quite well when exposed to the testing data set. Residual ana­
lysis of the ANN model was carried out by calculating the residuals from
the simulated modification factor and predicted modification factor for
the entire data set. The residual is defined in Eq. (9) as

er = MFsimulated MFpredicted (9)

Fig. 14. Variation of MSE with number of hidden layer neurons.
where er is the residual corresponding to a simulated modification
Based on the FE simulations, a dataset comprising 192 input–output factor (MFsimulated) and predicted modification factor (MFpredicted). The
combinations is generated which is provided in Table A1 of Appendix. residuals corresponding to each data point are assigned an experiment
For the development of the ANN model, the complete dataset is divided number (given in Table A1 of the Appendix) and plotted. Fig. 16(c)
[40] into samples on which training, validation, and testing exercises shows the residual plot of the relationship proposed for the entire data
have been performed. In summary, 134 combinations have been used set. It can be observed that the residuals are scattered randomly about
for training, 29 for validation and 29 for testing. The datasets for each the horizontal line and that its magnitude is within 20%. Thus, the
of the exercises have been chosen randomly from the complete dataset model can be used for prediction of the modification factor (MF).
so that the generalization in data is achieved. The training of the ANN
model continually adjusts the weights and biases associated with the
neurons through an iterative feed-forward back-propagation algorithm 5.1.1. Sensitivity study
so that a minimum error between the simulated and predicted values of For any predictive model, it is important to know the dependency of
the modification factor (MF) is achieved. It is important to stop the the output variable towards each input variable. This can be obtained
training at an optimum stage when the model is trained just enough to by ascertaining the relative importance of the input variables involved
generalize the relationship without overfitting or underfitting of the by performing a sensitivity analysis. In the present study, Garson’s al­
data. For this, an early stopping criterion is used [13,15] in which the gorithm [41] has been implemented to study the sensitivity of various
error corresponding to training data and testing data is obtained at each input variables on the modification factor (MF). The algorithm parti­
epoch (iteration) and is compared to the preceding epoch. As the tions the connection weights (input-hidden and hidden-output) and
number of epoch increases, the error in the training data continues to utilizes their absolute values to determine the relative importance of
decrease; however, for the test data, the error reduces up to a certain each input variable, as expressed in Eq. (10):

Fig. 15. Architecture of the proposed ANN model.

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

1 1
R2 = 0.96 R2 = 0.95

0.5 0.5

MFP redicted
MFP redicted
0 0

-0.5 -0.5

-1 -1
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
MFSimulated MFSimulated

) a ( ) b (


0 50 100 150 200
Experiment number

Fig. 16. Performance of ANN model: (a) training phase, (b) testing phase, and (c) residual distribution.

n j
|mwIH | Table 5
Relative Importance|Xm = N j
|kwIH j
| )|wHO | Weights of the neurons connecting the hidden and output layer nodes
j= 1 ( k= 1 (10)
Output TSSI/TF wHO (hidden-output neuron weight)
where Xm is the m input variable for which the relative importance is
to be obtained, wIH is the input-hidden neuron weight, wHO is the N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9
hidden-output neuron weight, N (N = 8) is the total number of input Y 1.88 0.15 0.72 −0.42 −0.58 −3.15 0.82 1.00 1.18
variables, and n (n = 9) is the total number of neurons in the hidden
layer. Table 4 shows the weights of the neurons connecting the input
layer nodes and hidden layer nodes. Table 5 shows the weight between 5.1.2. ANN model equation
the hidden layer nodes and the output. Table 6 lists the biases of the The input–output relationship of the developed ANN model can be
input and output neurons after training. The relative importance and expressed in the form of a predictive relationship. Past studies have
ranking of the various input parameters are given in Table 7. shown the usefulness of such relationships and various researchers have
The attainment of the relative importance percentage and the im­ developed similar ANN based predictive relationships for different
portance rank of individual variables highlight the fact that the mod­ problems [15,42–43]. Similar approach has been adopted in the present
ification factor (MF) is highly dependent on the pile dimensions (dp and study to form a predictive expression for estimating MF, considering
lp), followed by the structural width and height (H and W). The effective various influencing parameters, which can be represented by the ex­
stiffness and mass of the structure (M* and K*), followed by soil pression shown in Eq. (11):
property Gsoil and the number of piles (np), have relatively lower in­
fluence on the value of MF as compared to the dimensions of the pile
foundation and structure.

Table 4
Weights of the neurons connecting the input and hidden layer nodes
Input Variable wIH (input-hidden neuron weights)

N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9

X1 GSoil 0.19 −0.18 0.23 −0.78 0.94 −1.10 −0.10 −1.16 0.19
X2 dp 0.37 −1.10 −1.41 −0.01 −0.28 −0.93 0.79 −1.17 0.37
X3 lp −0.02 −0.57 0.14 0.05 −0.20 0.32 2.90 −0.55 −0.02
X4 np −0.27 −1.21 −0.88 0.69 −0.36 0.29 −0.002 −1.01 −0.27
X5 K* 0.56 −1.42 1.37 −0.33 1.47 −0.36 −0.64 0.32 0.56
X6 M* −0.18 0.11 −0.38 0.06 0.63 1.22 0.23 −1.88 −0.18
X7 H −0.30 0.35 0.49 −0.59 1.29 0.77 −1.32 −0.70 −0.30
X8 W −0.82 0.47 −1.26 0.01 −0.59 −0.94 1.36 0.25 −0.82

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

Table 6
Biases of the neurons after training
b0 (Bias of output node) bhj (Bias of hidden layer neurons)

N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9

2.07 −2.67 −1.30 −0.50 −0.29 −0.49 −0.56 −1.29 −1.70 −2.59

Table 7 number Nj) can be obtained from Table 6. In Eq. (15), (wHO ) Nj can be
Importance ranking of input parameters based on Garson’s algorithm obtained from Table 5. Similarly, in Eq. (16) (or Eq. (17)), (wIH ) Xk , Nj
Input Variable Outcome of Garson’s Sensitivity Analysis
can be obtained from Table 4.

Relative Importance Relative importance (%) Rank

6. Comparison with previous relationships
X1 GSoil 1.04 6.50 7
X2 dp 2.80 17.60 1 As already mentioned, few earlier studies have prescribed re­
X3 lp 2.79 17.56 2 lationships for TSSI, as given in Table 8 in the form of modification
X4 np 0.84 5.26 8
factor (MF), i.e., the ratio of effective natural period of the SSI system
X5 K* 1.56 9.76 6
X6 M* 1.90 11.93 5 (TSSI) to the fixed base natural period (TF). The estimates of MF using
X7 H 2.53 15.90 3 the proposed ANN predictive relationship are compared with those
X8 W 2.47 15.49 4 available in literature and with that obtained from the finite element
simulations. Expressions from the past studies require the estimation of
foundation stiffness for which standard relationships have been utilized
[33]. The results shown in this section are corresponding to the building
n N
j j
MFn = flin b0 + wHO fsig bhj + wIH Xk
frame system wherein the columns are supported by a group of three
j=1 k=1 (11)
piles. Other configurations of pile foundation show similar trends and
where MFn is the normalized MF varying from −1 to 1, fsig is the sig­ hence, are not discussed for the sake of brevity.
moid transfer function, flin is the linear transfer function, b0 is the bias at Fig. 17 shows a comparison of MF for a few building frames. Each
output layer, bhj is the bias at the jth neuron of the hidden layer, wIH is building frame model is labelled to indicate the number of stories, bays
the input-hidden weight, wHO is the hidden-output weight, N (N = 8) is and the type of supporting soil condition. For e.g., a 3 storied 15 bay
the total number of input variables, and n (n = 9) is the total number of frame supported on soft soil (SS) condition is labelled as ‘F3-15_SS’. The
neurons in the hidden layer. The developed expression utilizes the estimates of MF using the proposed ANN equation show a very good
weights and biases obtained after training of the data as shown in and close agreement with those obtained from finite element simula­
Tables 4–6. Since the development of the ANN model has been carried tions. This is because the expressions proposed in the present study
out on normalized data (to ensure equal weightage to all the input have been developed using advanced finite element SSI models, con­
parameters), denormalization of the normalized modification factor sidering several input parameters which are interrelated by means of a
(MFn) is necessary. The denormalized value of the modification factor complex network using the theory of ANN. It can also be observed that
(MF) is obtained using Eq. (12): the expressions given by past researchers provide lower estimates of the
MF for the frames supported on weaker soil conditions and there exists
MF = 0.5(MFn + 1)(MFmax MFmin ) + MFmin (12)
a large difference with respect to the FE simulated values. This is be­
where MFmax = 1.23, MFmin = 1.02, MFn and MF are the normalized cause the expressions proposed by Veletsos and Meek [4] and Gazetas
and denormalized modification factors, respectively. Thus Eq. (13) can [7] have been developed and are applicable to structures supported on
be used to calculate the modification factor MF using the input vari­ shallow foundation; however, those expressions have been applied to
ables. structures on pile foundation. The expression of Kumar and Prakash [9]
although developed for structures supported on pile foundation, has
MF = 0.105 × (MFn + 1) + 1.02 (13)
been developed using a simplified model and is a modification over the
where, expression given by Veletsos and Meek [4]. The results presented here
9 highlight the robustness of the ANN based expressions proposed in the
MFn = b0 + Bj present study.
j=1 (14)
7. Conclusions
e Aj e Aj
Bj = (wHO ) Nj
e Aj + e Aj
(15) Fundamental natural period of a building is an important char­
8 acteristic required for seismic analysis or design. The prevailing trend is
Aj = bhj + Xk × (wIH ) Xk , Nj to obtain the fixed base natural period (TF) of the buildings and use it
k=1 (16) for further analysis. However, the soil-foundation characteristics in­
For the sake of clarity, the expanded form of Aj is shown in the fluence the natural vibrational characteristics and lead to a modifica­
following equation. tion in the natural period due to SSI effects. In the present study, the
influence of SSI effects on RC building frames supported by pile foun­
Aj dations is studied. Detailed finite element modelling has been carried
= bhj + GSoil × (wIH ) X1, Nj + dp × (wIH ) X2, Nj + lp × (wIH ) X3, Nj + np out to obtain the effective natural period (TSSI) of several configurations
of building frames, under various pile foundation and soil types. The
× (wIH ) X4 , Nj + K × (wIH ) X5, Nj + M × (wIH ) X6, Nj + H change in the fixed base natural period (of the frames) under the in­
fluence of SSI, was quantified in terms of the modification factor (MF)
× (wIH ) X7, Nj + W × (wIH ) X8, Nj (17)
which is the ratio of effective natural period (TSSI) to the fixed base
In Eq. (14) and Eq. (16), b and bhj (j corresponds to the neuron natural period (TF) of the building frame. Parametric study was

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

Table 8
TSSI relationships proposed in past studies
Past Study Expression Remark

Veletsos and Meek [4] TSSI K K H2 Analytical equation developed for surface footings. Most widely used and adopted by seismic code e.g. ATC 3-
MF = = 1+ + 06 [5].

Gazetas [7] TSSI K K H K H2 Semi-empirical relation with additional sway rocking component.
MF = = 1+ + +
TF Kx Kx K

Kumar and Prakash [9] 1.5 Semi-empirical relationship proposed specifically for structure on pile foundation.
TSSI 60 K K H2
MF = = 1+ +

MF = Ratio of the effective natural period to the fixed base natural period of the system.
TSSI = Natural period of the structural system under the influence of SSI.
TF = Fixed base natural period of the superstructure.
H = Effective height of the superstructure.
K* = Effective stiffness of the superstructure under fixed base condition.
Kx = Lateral stiffness of the foundation.
Kϕ = Rotational stiffness of the foundation.
Kxϕ = Coupled sway rotational stiffness of the foundation.

1.20 FE Simulated ATC 3 [5] Gazetas [7] under the columns due to group action. The flexibility of pile
Kumar and Prakash [9] Present Study foundation, along with soil, plays a determining role in SSI effects.
1.15 Building frames on pile foundations having greater pile foundation
flexibility (SH) exhibit greater SSI effects.
1.10 3. The developed ANN-based model is able to accurately predict the

relationship of MF with various input parameters. Sensitivity ana­

1.05 lysis using Garson’s algorithm showed that the diameter (dp) and
length of pile (lp) are the most influential input parameters in the
determination of the modification factor followed by frame height
(H) and width (W). Structural characteristics represented by effec­








tive modal stiffness (K*), modal mass (M*), followed by shear

modulus of the soil (GSoil), and number of pile (np) have relatively
lesser importance.
Numerical Specimen 4. The proposed ANN equation is able to provide relatively accurate
estimates of MF when compared with those obtained using the ex­
Fig. 17. Comparison of the MF estimates from the proposed relation with past pressions available in the literature. This is so because the expres­
sions proposed by past researchers were originally developed for
SDOF on shallow foundation and were either made applicable or
conducted to identify the influence of the various input parameters, of modified for structures on pile foundations. The proposed ANN
the SSI system, on MF whose higher magnitude indicated greater SSI equation is developed using advanced finite element modelling
effects. Subsequently a feed-forward back-propagation artificial neural considering the intricate relationship between the various input
network (ANN) model has been developed to form a predictive re­ parameters and the output and can be utilized for the estimation of
lationship for obtaining the modification factor (MF) for the determi­ TSSI for RC building frame supported on pile foundations for dif­
nation of effective natural period (TSSI) of reinforced concrete building ferent soil types.
frames with pile foundations. The main conclusions drawn from the
present study are as follows:
Declaration of Competing Interest

1. Building frames supported by loose soil (SS) exhibited highest SSI

effects that reduced for stiffer soil conditions. A change in the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
building frame width does not modify the fixed base natural period interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ­
of the building frame significantly as compared to the height. ence the work reported in this paper.
Building frames with extreme configurations such as very short and
wide or very tall and narrow frames showed marginally greater SSI Acknowledgements
2. Frames supported on single pile foundation under the columns ex­ The support and resources provided by Dept. of Civil Engg., Indian
hibit greater SSI effects as compared to those supported on group of Institute of Technology Guwahati and Ministry of Human Resources
two or three piles, as in a group the piles are more effective in ar­ and Development (MHRD, Govt. of India), is gratefully acknowledged
resting rocking behavior and impart additional rocking stiffness by the authors.


N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

Table A1
Dataset used for training and testing
Data Type Expt. No. G* dp lp np K* M* H W MFsimulated MFpredicted

Training 1 1.000 −1.000 −1.000 −0.636 −0.775 −1.000 −1.000 −1.000 −0.669 −0.695
3 1.000 −1.000 −1.000 0.182 −0.044 −0.787 −1.000 0.000 −0.865 −0.850
5 0.225 −1.000 −0.586 −0.636 −0.775 −1.000 −1.000 −1.000 −0.525 −0.540
7 0.225 −1.000 −0.586 0.182 −0.044 −0.787 −1.000 0.000 −0.573 −0.552
8 0.225 −1.000 −0.586 1.000 0.718 −0.575 −1.000 1.000 −0.420 −0.438
10 −0.­ −0.818 −0.517 −0.364 −0.516 −0.929 −1.000 −0.667 −0.293 −0.393
11 −0.­ −0.818 −0.517 0.182 −0.044 −0.787 −1.000 0.000 −0.420 −0.325
12 −0.­ −0.818 −0.517 1.000 0.718 −0.575 −1.000 1.000 −0.182 −0.234
13 −1.­ −0.818 0.034 −0.636 −0.775 −1.000 −1.000 −1.000 −0.147 −0.127
14 −1.­ −0.818 0.034 −0.364 −0.516 −0.929 −1.000 −0.667 −0.056 −0.121
15 −1.­ −0.818 0.034 0.182 −0.044 −0.787 −1.000 0.000 −0.016 −0.040
16 −1.­ −0.818 0.034 1.000 0.718 −0.575 −1.000 1.000 0.330 0.353
20 1.000 −0.818 −0.862 1.000 0.640 −0.030 −0.333 1.000 −0.782 −0.755
21 0.225 −0.636 −0.724 −0.636 −1.000 −0.890 −0.333 −1.000 −0.583 −0.583
23 0.225 −0.636 −0.724 0.182 −0.090 −0.459 −0.333 0.000 −0.473 −0.406
25 −0.­ −0.455 −0.448 −0.636 −1.000 −0.890 −0.333 −1.000 −0.473 −0.504
26 −0.­ −0.455 −0.448 −0.364 −0.581 −0.747 −0.333 −0.667 −0.796 −0.649
27 −0.­ −0.455 −0.448 0.182 −0.090 −0.459 −0.333 0.000 −0.126 −0.275
28 −0.­ −0.455 −0.448 1.000 0.640 −0.030 −0.333 1.000 −0.223 −0.239
29 −1.­ −0.455 0.241 −0.636 −1.000 −0.890 −0.333 −1.000 −0.131 −0.183
30 −1.­ −0.455 0.241 −0.364 −0.581 −0.747 −0.333 −0.667 −0.690 −0.471
32 −1.­ −0.455 0.241 1.000 0.640 −0.030 −0.333 1.000 0.019 0.070
34 1.000 −0.636 −0.793 −0.364 −0.471 −0.572 0.333 −0.667 −0.451 −0.530
36 1.000 −0.636 −0.793 1.000 1.000 0.495 0.333 1.000 −0.614 −0.575
38 0.225 −0.455 −0.655 −0.364 −0.471 −0.572 0.333 −0.667 −0.324 −0.299
42 −0.­ −0.273 −0.103 −0.364 −0.471 −0.572 0.333 −0.667 −0.193 −0.196
43 −0.­ −0.273 −0.103 0.182 0.125 −0.144 0.333 0.000 −0.255 −0.252
44 −0.­ −0.273 −0.103 1.000 1.000 0.495 0.333 1.000 −0.106 −0.191
45 −1.­ −0.273 0.655 −0.636 −0.757 −0.783 0.333 −1.000 0.190 0.203
46 −1.­ −0.273 0.655 −0.364 −0.471 −0.572 0.333 −0.667 0.078 0.005
48 −1.­ −0.273 0.655 1.000 1.000 0.495 0.333 1.000 0.310 0.337
49 1.000 −0.455 −0.793 −0.636 −0.818 −0.682 1.000 −1.000 −0.170 −0.134
51 1.000 −0.455 −0.793 0.182 0.008 0.160 1.000 0.000 −0.593 −0.615
53 0.225 −0.273 −0.586 −0.636 −0.818 −0.682 1.000 −1.000 −0.003 −0.035
55 0.225 −0.273 −0.586 0.182 0.008 0.160 1.000 0.000 −0.292 −0.293
56 0.225 −0.273 −0.586 1.000 0.834 1.000 1.000 1.000 −0.376 −0.392
58 −0.­ −0.091 −0.034 −0.364 −0.545 −0.403 1.000 −0.667 −0.119 −0.002
61 −1.­ −0.091 0.793 −0.636 −0.818 −0.682 1.000 −1.000 0.918 0.611
62 −1.­ −0.091 0.793 −0.364 −0.545 −0.403 1.000 −0.667 0.045 0.275
63 −1.­ −0.091 0.793 0.182 0.008 0.160 1.000 0.000 0.027 0.082
64 −1.­ −0.091 0.793 1.000 0.834 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.267 0.223
66 1.000 −0.818 −1.000 −0.636 −0.516 −0.929 −1.000 −0.667 −0.665 −0.562
67 1.000 −0.818 −1.000 −0.273 −0.044 −0.787 −1.000 0.000 −0.935 −0.808
68 1.000 −0.818 −1.000 0.273 0.718 −0.575 −1.000 1.000 −0.837 −0.869
69 0.225 −0.818 −0.655 −0.818 −0.775 −1.000 −1.000 −1.000 −0.597 −0.496
70 0.225 −0.818 −0.655 −0.636 −0.516 −0.929 −1.000 −0.667 −0.665 −0.534
71 0.225 −0.818 −0.655 −0.273 −0.044 −0.787 −1.000 0.000 −0.647 −0.740
72 0.225 −0.818 −0.655 0.273 0.718 −0.575 −1.000 1.000 −0.837 −0.769
73 −0.636 −0.379 −0.818 −0.775 −1.000 −1.000 −1.000 −0.525 −0.429
(continued on next page)

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

Table A1 (continued)

Data Type Expt. No. G* dp lp np K* M* H W MFsimulated MFpredicted

74 −0.­ −0.636 −0.379 −0.636 −0.516 −0.929 −1.000 −0.667 −0.293 −0.382
75 −0.­ −0.636 −0.379 −0.273 −0.044 −0.787 −1.000 0.000 −0.497 −0.569
77 −1.­ −0.636 0.172 −0.818 −0.775 −1.000 −1.000 −1.000 −0.147 −0.143
78 −1.­ −0.636 0.172 −0.636 −0.516 −0.929 −1.000 −0.667 −0.215 −0.219
79 −1.­ −0.636 0.172 −0.273 −0.044 −0.787 −1.000 0.000 −0.342 −0.307
82 1.000 −0.636 −0.793 −0.636 −0.581 −0.747 −0.333 −0.667 −0.690 −0.832
83 1.000 −0.636 −0.793 −0.273 −0.090 −0.459 −0.333 0.000 −0.690 −0.818
84 1.000 −0.636 −0.793 0.273 0.640 −0.030 −0.333 1.000 −0.782 −0.864
85 0.225 −0.455 −0.655 −0.818 −1.000 −0.890 −0.333 −1.000 −0.690 −0.685
86 0.225 −0.455 −0.655 −0.636 −0.581 −0.747 −0.333 −0.667 −0.690 −0.793
87 0.225 −0.455 −0.655 −0.273 −0.090 −0.459 −0.333 0.000 −0.690 −0.562
90 −0.­ −0.273 −0.172 −0.636 −0.581 −0.747 −0.333 −0.667 −0.473 −0.644
91 −0.­ −0.273 −0.172 −0.273 −0.090 −0.459 −0.333 0.000 −0.473 −0.446
93 −1.­ −0.091 0.172 −0.818 −1.000 −0.890 −0.333 −1.000 −0.473 −0.450
95 −1.­ −0.091 0.172 −0.273 −0.090 −0.459 −0.333 0.000 −0.126 −0.122
96 −1.­ −0.091 0.172 0.273 0.640 −0.030 −0.333 1.000 −0.104 −0.117
97 1.000 −0.455 −0.724 −0.818 −0.757 −0.783 0.333 −1.000 −0.349 −0.314
99 1.000 −0.455 −0.724 −0.273 0.125 −0.144 0.333 0.000 −0.630 −0.540
100 1.000 −0.455 −0.724 0.273 1.000 0.495 0.333 1.000 −0.614 −0.576
101 0.225 −0.273 −0.448 −0.818 −0.757 −0.783 0.333 −1.000 −0.219 −0.212
102 0.225 −0.273 −0.448 −0.636 −0.471 −0.572 0.333 −0.667 −0.324 −0.368
103 0.225 −0.273 −0.448 −0.273 0.125 −0.144 0.333 0.000 −0.383 −0.401
104 0.225 −0.273 −0.448 0.273 1.000 0.495 0.333 1.000 −0.492 −0.444
105 −0.­ −0.091 0.172 −0.818 −0.757 −0.783 0.333 −1.000 −0.086 0.023
106 −0.­ −0.091 0.172 −0.636 −0.471 −0.572 0.333 −0.667 −0.193 −0.155
107 −0.­ −0.091 0.172 −0.273 0.125 −0.144 0.333 0.000 −0.255 −0.215
108 −0.­ −0.091 0.172 0.273 1.000 0.495 0.333 1.000 −0.106 −0.130
109 −1.­ 0.091 0.586 −0.818 −0.757 −0.783 0.333 −1.000 0.192 0.165
110 −1.­ 0.091 0.586 −0.636 −0.471 −0.572 0.333 −0.667 0.078 0.023
111 −1.­ 0.091 0.586 −0.273 0.125 −0.144 0.333 0.000 0.149 0.061
116 1.000 −0.273 −0.655 0.273 0.834 1.000 1.000 1.000 −0.667 −0.665
117 0.225 −0.091 −0.379 −0.818 −0.818 −0.682 1.000 −1.000 −0.170 −0.123
118 0.225 −0.091 −0.379 −0.636 −0.545 −0.403 1.000 −0.667 −0.280 −0.306
119 0.225 −0.091 −0.379 −0.273 0.008 0.160 1.000 0.000 −0.445 −0.507
120 0.225 −0.091 −0.379 0.273 0.834 1.000 1.000 1.000 −0.523 −0.493
121 −0.­ 0.273 −0.103 −0.818 −0.818 −0.682 1.000 −1.000 −0.170 −0.122
122 −0.­ 0.273 −0.103 −0.636 −0.545 −0.403 1.000 −0.667 −0.119 −0.175
123 −0.­ 0.273 −0.103 −0.273 0.008 0.160 1.000 0.000 −0.292 −0.260
125 −1.­ 0.273 0.793 −0.818 −0.818 −0.682 1.000 −1.000 0.347 0.377
127 −1.­ 0.273 0.793 −0.273 0.008 0.160 1.000 0.000 0.027 −0.102
128 −1.­ 0.273 0.793 0.273 0.834 1.000 1.000 1.000 −0.062 0.008
129 1.000 −0.636 −0.862 −1.000 −0.775 −1.000 −1.000 −1.000 −0.068 −0.101
130 1.000 −0.636 −0.862 −0.909 −0.516 −0.929 −1.000 −0.667 −0.056 −0.124
132 1.000 −0.636 −0.862 −0.455 0.718 −0.575 −1.000 1.000 −0.457 −0.437
133 0.225 −0.455 −0.655 −1.000 −0.775 −1.000 −1.000 −1.000 −0.068 −0.182
134 0.225 −0.455 −0.655 −0.909 −0.516 −0.929 −1.000 −0.667 0.027 −0.027
135 0.225 −0.455 −0.655 −0.727 −0.044 −0.787 −1.000 0.000 −0.182 −0.194
136 0.225 −0.455 −0.655 −0.455 0.718 −0.575 −1.000 1.000 −0.213 −0.220
137 −0.­ −0.273 −0.241 −1.000 −0.775 −1.000 −1.000 −1.000 0.093 0.049
(continued on next page)

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

Table A1 (continued)

Data Type Expt. No. G* dp lp np K* M* H W MFsimulated MFpredicted

138 −0.­ −0.273 −0.241 −0.909 −0.516 −0.929 −1.000 −0.667 0.109 0.239
139 −0.­ −0.273 −0.241 −0.727 −0.044 −0.787 −1.000 0.000 0.155 0.135
140 −0.­ −0.273 −0.241 −0.455 0.718 −0.575 −1.000 1.000 0.130 0.172
141 −1.­ −0.273 0.586 −1.000 −0.775 −1.000 −1.000 −1.000 0.611 0.622
143 −1.­ −0.273 0.586 −0.727 −0.044 −0.787 −1.000 0.000 0.605 0.545
144 −1.­ −0.273 0.586 −0.455 0.718 −0.575 −1.000 1.000 0.592 0.605
145 1.000 −0.273 −0.724 −1.000 −1.000 −0.890 −0.333 −1.000 −0.473 −0.446
146 1.000 −0.273 −0.724 −0.909 −0.581 −0.747 −0.333 −0.667 −0.473 −0.445
148 1.000 −0.273 −0.724 −0.455 0.640 −0.030 −0.333 1.000 −0.566 −0.518
150 0.225 −0.091 −0.448 −0.909 −0.581 −0.747 −0.333 −0.667 −0.473 −0.383
151 0.225 −0.091 −0.448 −0.727 −0.090 −0.459 −0.333 0.000 −0.126 −0.143
154 −0.­ 0.091 0.310 −0.909 −0.581 −0.747 −0.333 −0.667 −0.006 −0.037
155 −0.­ 0.091 0.310 −0.727 −0.090 −0.459 −0.333 0.000 −0.006 0.017
156 −0.­ 0.091 0.310 −0.455 0.640 −0.030 −0.333 1.000 0.144 0.061
157 −1.­ 0.273 0.724 −1.000 −1.000 −0.890 −0.333 −1.000 0.118 0.151
159 −1.­ 0.273 0.724 −0.727 −0.090 −0.459 −0.333 0.000 0.374 0.389
160 −1.­ 0.273 0.724 −0.455 0.640 −0.030 −0.333 1.000 0.403 0.430
162 1.000 −0.091 −0.517 −0.909 −0.471 −0.572 0.333 −0.667 −0.193 −0.099
163 1.000 −0.091 −0.517 −0.727 0.125 −0.144 0.333 0.000 −0.123 −0.158
164 1.000 −0.091 −0.517 −0.455 1.000 0.495 0.333 1.000 −0.237 −0.344
165 0.225 0.273 −0.310 −1.000 −0.757 −0.783 0.333 −1.000 0.217 0.093
167 0.225 0.273 −0.310 −0.727 0.125 −0.144 0.333 0.000 −0.123 −0.055
170 −0.­ 0.455 0.448 −0.909 −0.471 −0.572 0.333 −0.667 0.219 0.207
172 −0.­ 0.455 0.448 −0.455 1.000 0.495 0.333 1.000 0.310 0.353
173 −1.­ 0.818 0.655 −1.000 −0.757 −0.783 0.333 −1.000 0.364 0.397
176 −1.­ 0.818 0.655 −0.455 1.000 0.495 0.333 1.000 0.761 0.776
178 1.000 0.091 −0.448 −0.909 −0.545 −0.403 1.000 −0.667 −0.119 −0.156
179 1.000 0.091 −0.448 −0.727 0.008 0.160 1.000 0.000 −0.292 −0.309
182 0.225 0.273 0.241 −0.909 −0.545 −0.403 1.000 −0.667 0.045 0.088
183 0.225 0.273 0.241 −0.727 0.008 0.160 1.000 0.000 −0.136 −0.203
186 −0.­ 0.636 0.724 −0.909 −0.545 −0.403 1.000 −0.667 0.045 0.192
188 −0.­ 0.636 0.724 −0.455 0.834 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.269 0.364
189 −1.­ 1.000 1.000 −1.000 −0.818 −0.682 1.000 −1.000 0.530 0.574
190 −1.­ 1.000 1.000 −0.909 −0.545 −0.403 1.000 −0.667 0.573 0.367
191 −1.­ 1.000 1.000 −0.727 0.008 0.160 1.000 0.000 0.194 0.308
192 −1.­ 1.000 1.000 −0.455 0.834 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.879
Testing 2 1.000 −1.000 −1.000 −0.364 −0.516 −0.929 −1.000 −0.667 −0.593 −0.782
4 1.000 −1.000 −1.000 1.000 0.718 −0.575 −1.000 1.000 −0.573 −0.849
6 0.225 −1.000 −0.586 −0.364 −0.516 −0.929 −1.000 −0.667 −0.369 −0.580
9 −0.­ −0.818 −0.517 −0.636 −0.775 −1.000 −1.000 −1.000 −0.451 −0.525
17 1.000 −0.818 −0.862 −0.636 −1.000 −0.890 −0.333 −1.000 −0.690 −0.605
18 1.000 −0.818 −0.862 −0.364 −0.581 −0.747 −0.333 −0.667 −1.000 −0.889
19 1.000 −0.818 −0.862 0.182 −0.090 −0.459 −0.333 0.000 −0.690 −0.742
22 0.225 −0.636 −0.724 −0.364 −0.581 −0.747 −0.333 −0.667 −0.899 −0.759
24 0.225 −0.636 −0.724 1.000 0.640 −0.030 −0.333 1.000 −0.566 −0.481
31 −1.­ −0.455 0.241 0.182 −0.090 −0.459 −0.333 0.000 −0.006 −0.241
33 1.000 −0.636 −0.793 −0.636 −0.757 −0.783 0.333 −1.000 −0.349 −0.349
35 1.000 −0.636 −0.793 0.182 0.125 −0.144 0.333 0.000 −0.630 −0.509
37 0.225 −0.455 −0.655 −0.636 −0.757 −0.783 0.333 −1.000 −0.219 −0.181
39 0.225 −0.455 −0.655 0.182 0.125 −0.144 0.333 0.000 −0.383 −0.281
40 0.225 −0.455 −0.655 1.000 1.000 0.495 0.333 1.000 −0.366 −0.405
(continued on next page)

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

Table A1 (continued)

Data Type Expt. No. G* dp lp np K* M* H W MFsimulated MFpredicted

41 −0.­ −0.273 −0.103 −0.636 −0.757 −0.783 0.333 −1.000 −0.086 −0.073
47 −1.­ −0.273 0.655 0.182 0.125 −0.144 0.333 0.000 0.149 0.022
50 1.000 −0.455 −0.793 −0.364 −0.545 −0.403 1.000 −0.667 −0.434 −0.421
52 1.000 −0.455 −0.793 1.000 0.834 1.000 1.000 1.000 −0.667 −0.642
54 0.225 −0.273 −0.586 −0.364 −0.545 −0.403 1.000 −0.667 −0.280 −0.149
57 −0.­ −0.091 −0.034 −0.636 −0.818 −0.682 1.000 −1.000 0.347 0.124
59 −0.­ −0.091 −0.034 0.182 0.008 0.160 1.000 0.000 −0.136 −0.233
60 −0.­ −0.091 −0.034 1.000 0.834 1.000 1.000 1.000 −0.220 −0.149
65 1.000 −0.818 −1.000 −0.818 −0.775 −1.000 −1.000 −1.000 −0.808 −0.490
76 −0.­ −0.636 −0.379 0.273 0.718 −0.575 −1.000 1.000 −0.613 −0.489
80 −1.­ −0.636 0.172 0.273 0.718 −0.575 −1.000 1.000 −0.135 −0.046
81 1.000 −0.636 −0.793 −0.818 −1.000 −0.890 −0.333 −1.000 −0.690 −0.611
88 0.225 −0.455 −0.655 0.273 0.640 −0.030 −0.333 1.000 −0.566 −0.676
89 −0.­ −0.273 −0.172 −0.818 −1.000 −0.890 −0.333 −1.000 −0.561 −0.553
92 −0.­ −0.273 −0.172 0.273 0.640 −0.030 −0.333 1.000 −0.566 −0.430
94 −1.­ −0.091 0.172 −0.636 −0.581 −0.747 −0.333 −0.667 −0.473 −0.483
98 1.000 −0.455 −0.724 −0.636 −0.471 −0.572 0.333 −0.667 −0.451 −0.520
112 −1.­ 0.091 0.586 0.273 1.000 0.495 0.333 1.000 0.310 0.192
113 1.000 −0.273 −0.655 −0.818 −0.818 −0.682 1.000 −1.000 −0.170 −0.213
114 1.000 −0.273 −0.655 −0.636 −0.545 −0.403 1.000 −0.667 −0.434 −0.543
115 1.000 −0.273 −0.655 −0.273 0.008 0.160 1.000 0.000 −0.593 −0.705
124 −0.­ 0.273 −0.103 0.273 0.834 1.000 1.000 1.000 −0.220 −0.201
126 −1.­ 0.273 0.793 −0.636 −0.545 −0.403 1.000 −0.667 0.045 0.087
131 1.000 −0.636 −0.862 −0.727 −0.044 −0.787 −1.000 0.000 −0.182 −0.396
142 −1.­ −0.273 0.586 −0.909 −0.516 −0.929 −1.000 −0.667 0.729 0.648
147 1.000 −0.273 −0.724 −0.727 −0.090 −0.459 −0.333 0.000 −0.473 −0.333
149 0.225 −0.091 −0.448 −1.000 −1.000 −0.890 −0.333 −1.000 −0.473 −0.457
152 0.225 −0.091 −0.448 −0.455 0.640 −0.030 −0.333 1.000 −0.104 −0.276
153 −0.­ 0.091 0.310 −1.000 −1.000 −0.890 −0.333 −1.000 −0.006 −0.057
158 −1.­ 0.273 0.724 −0.909 −0.581 −0.747 −0.333 −0.667 0.244 0.280
161 1.000 −0.091 −0.517 −1.000 −0.757 −0.783 0.333 −1.000 0.217 0.022
166 0.225 0.273 −0.310 −0.909 −0.471 −0.572 0.333 −0.667 0.078 −0.008
168 0.225 0.273 −0.310 −0.455 1.000 0.495 0.333 1.000 −0.106 −0.080
169 −0.­ 0.455 0.448 −1.000 −0.757 −0.783 0.333 −1.000 0.364 0.380
171 −0.­ 0.455 0.448 −0.727 0.125 −0.144 0.333 0.000 0.292 0.217
174 −1.­ 0.818 0.655 −0.909 −0.471 −0.572 0.333 −0.667 0.364 0.330
175 −1.­ 0.818 0.655 −0.727 0.125 −0.144 0.333 0.000 0.437 0.539
177 1.000 0.091 −0.448 −1.000 −0.818 −0.682 1.000 −1.000 −0.004 0.125
180 1.000 0.091 −0.448 −0.455 0.834 1.000 1.000 1.000 −0.220 −0.291
181 0.225 0.273 0.241 −1.000 −0.818 −0.682 1.000 −1.000 0.347 0.473
184 0.225 0.273 0.241 −0.455 0.834 1.000 1.000 1.000 −0.062 −0.078
185 −0.­ 0.636 0.724 −1.000 −0.818 −0.682 1.000 −1.000 0.347 0.562

N. Sharma, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 1594–1612

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