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Planck Discovers the Quantum of Action file:///home/igor/Public/webstrodjel/dokumenti/Plan...

I plan to derive elsewhere the expressions for the intensity and entropy of
radiation progressing in a diathermic medium, as well as the theorem for the
increase of total entropy in nonstationary radiation processes.

III. Numerical Values

§11. The values of both universal constants h and k may be calculated rather
precisely with the aid of available measurements. F. Kurlbaum,14 designating
the total energy radiating into air from 1 sq cm of a black body at temperature
t°C in 1 sec by St, found that:

S100 - S0 = 0.0731 watt/cm2 = 7.31 x 10 5 erg/cm2 . sec

From this one can obtain the energy density of the total radiation energy in air
at the absolute temperature 1:

4 . 7.31 . 10 5
-------------------------- = 7.061 . 10¯15 erg/cm3 . deg4
3 . 10 10(373 4 - 273 4)

On the other hand, according to equation (12) the energy density of the total
radiant energy for q = 1 is:

and by termwise integration:

If we set this equal to 7.061 . 10¯15, then, since c = 3 . 10 10 cm/sec, we

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(#14) ------ = 1.1682 . 10 15

§12. O. Lummer and E. Pringswim15 determined the product lmq, where lm is
the wavelength of maximum energy in air at temperature 0, to be 2940 micron
degree. Thus, in absolute measure:

lm = 0.294 cm . deg

On the other hand, it follows from equation (13), when one sets the derivative
of E with respect to q equal to zero, thereby finding l = lm

and from this transcendental equation:

lmq = ch / 4.9651k


h / k = (4.9561 . 0.294) / 3 . 10 10 = 4.866 . 10¯11

From this and from equation (14) the values for the universal constants

(#15) h = 6.55 . 10¯27 erg . sec

(#16) k = 1.346 . 10¯16 erg/deg

These are the same number that I indicated in my earlier communication.

O. Lummer and E. Pringsheim, Transactions of the German Physical Society 2 (1900), p. 163
H. Rubens and F. Kurlbaum, Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Science, Berlin, October 25,

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1900, p. 929.
H. Beckmann, Inaugural dissertation, Tübingen 1898. See also H. Rubens, Weid. Ann. 69 (1899)
p. 582.
M. Planck, Ann. d. Phys. 1 (1900), p. 719.
Compare with equation (8).
M. Planck, loc. cit., pp. 730 ff.
Moreover one should compare the critiques previously made of this theorem by W. Wien (Report
of the Paris Congress 2, 1900, p. 40) and by O. Lummer (loc. cit., 1900, p.92.).
L. Boltzmann, Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Science, Vienna, (II) 76 (1877 ), p. 428.
Joh. v. Kries, The Principles of Probability Calculation (Freiburg, 1886), p. 36.
W. Wien, Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Science, Berlin, February 9, 1893, p. 55.
M. Thiesen, Transactions of the German Physical Society 2 (1900), p. 66.
Perhaps one should speak more appropriately of a "white" radiation, to generalize what one
already understands by total white light.
M. Planck, Ann. D. Phys. 1 (1900), p. 99.
F. Kurlbaum, Wied. Ann. 65 (1898), p. 759.
O. Lummer and Pringsheim, Transactions of the German Physical Society 2 (1900), p. 176.

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