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Privacy preserving multi-factor authentication with biometrics

Article  in  Journal of Computer Security · July 2007

DOI: 10.3233/JCS-2007-15503 · Source: DBLP


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6 authors, including:

Abhilasha Bhargav-Spantzel Shimon Modi


Elisa Bertino Stephen Elliott

Purdue University Purdue University


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CERIAS Tech Report 2007-17


bhilasha Bhargav-Spantzel and Anna C. Squicciarini and Elisa Bertino and Shimon Modi and Matthew Young and Stephan E

Center for Education and Research in

Information Assurance and Security,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2086
Privacy Preserving Multi-Factor
Authentication with Biometrics
Abhilasha Bhargav-Spantzel a , Anna C. Squicciarini a , Shimon Modi b ,
Matthew Young b , Elisa Bertino a , and Stephen J. Elliott b
Department of Computer Science, Purdue University
Department of Industrial Technology, Purdue University

Abstract. An emerging approach to the problem of identity theft is represented by

the adoption of biometric authentication systems. Such systems however present
several challenges, related to privacy, reliability and security of the biometric data.
Inter-operability is also required among the devices used for authentication. More-
over, very often biometric authentication in itself is not sufficient as a conclusive
proof of identity and has to be complemented with multiple other proofs of identity
such as passwords, SSN, or other user identifiers. Multi-factor authentication mech-
anisms are thus required to enforce strong authentication based on the biometric
and identifiers of other nature.
In this paper we propose a two-phase authentication mechanism for federated
identity management systems. The first phase consists of a two-factor biometric
authentication based on zero knowledge proofs. We employ techniques from the
vector-space model to generate cryptographic biometric keys. These keys are kept
secret, thus preserving the confidentiality of the biometric data, and at the same
time exploit the advantages of biometric authentication. The second phase com-
bines several authentication factors in conjunction with the biometric to provide a
strong authentication. A key advantage of our approach is that any unanticipated
combination of factors can be used. Such authentication system leverages the in-
formation of the user that are available from the federated identity management

Keywords. Identity Management, Biometric, Security, Privacy


The problem of identity theft, that is, the act of impersonating others’ identities by pre-
senting stolen identifiers or proofs of identities, has been receiving increasing attention
because of its high financial and social costs. Recent federated digital identity manage-
ment systems (IdM) (or identity federation standards) do not aim at providing strong
authentication but simply provide ways to convey authentication information, including
that of strong authentication. One approach to such problem is the adoption of biometric
authentication systems. These systems are automated methods for recognizing an indi-
vidual based on some physiologically and behavioral characteristics, such as fingerprints,
voice, or facial features.
Biometric authentication1 provides some inherent advantages as compared to other
non-biometric identifiers since biometric characteristics correspond to a direct evidence
of the personal identity versus possession of secrets which can be potentially stolen.
Moreover, most of the times biometric enrolment is executed in-person and in controlled
environments making it very reliable for subsequent use.
Challenges in Biometric Authentication. Biometric authentication poses however sev-
eral non-trivial security challenges because of the inherent features of the biometric data
itself. Addressing these challenges is crucial for the large scale adoption of biometric
authentication and its integration with other authentication techniques and with access
control systems.
Biometric matching is probabilistic in nature, which means that two samples of the
same individual are never exactly the same. If the two samples are encrypted for secu-
rity reasons, they need to be decrypted before they can be matched. Unlike some pass-
word systems that perform a one-way hash function on the user input, biometric systems
cannot rely on the same process. The reason is that the hash values will never be the
same for the reference template value and current presented sample. This also raises the
issue of key management to enable decryption, and represents a vulnerability point in
the process. Moreover, it is very hard to revoke and change biometrics in case biomet-
ric data are compromised. At the time of enrolment the individual’s biometric sample
is processed into a template to be used for subsequent verification or identification at-
tempts. This template is in the form of digital data and often stored in a database or on
a token. These templates are often vendor-specific and therefore the interoperable use of
such templates in a distributed system is very difficult.
Biometric authentication from an unsupervised location also presents the possibility
for sensor spoofing attacks. The credibility of the output from a biometric matching
process depends entirely on the integrity of the sample provided, and whether is a true
sample provided by the owner of the biometric characteristic. Older generation biometric
capture devices were vulnerable to spoofing attacks, and there is extensive work currently
on-going to mitigate biometric sensor spoofing.
Biometric authentication can be implemented through systems performing the
matching either on the server or on the client side. Depending on where the matching
of the biometric template is executed - at the server or at the client - different security
problems arise. In the former case the main issues are related with the large scale and
distributed management of biometric templates. The creation of a database of a particu-
lar biometric at the server should itself be secure and possibly decentralized. Also, such
database may depend on a particular template creation and matching algorithm as well as
hardware and thus may not be interoperable. Such a system would also be CPU-intensive
because of the matching operations.
Additionally, storing biometric information in repositories along with other person-
ally identifiable information raises several security and privacy risks [21]. These data-
bases are vulnerable to attacks by insiders or external adversaries and may be searched or
used outside of their intended purposes. It is important to note that if the stored biometric
1 Note that within the biometric community authentication is more specifically referred to as either identi-
fication or verification. In verification user makes a claim to identity and then matching of the user sample
presented to the system is executed on a one-to-one basis. Identification, on the other hand, does not require a
claim to identity; therefore the current sample is compared against a large number of templates in the database
until a match is found. In this paper we mainly refer to authentication as verification.
identifiers of an individual are compromised, there will be severe consequences for the
individual because of the lack of revocation mechanisms for biometrics.
Due to the security and privacy problems of server side matching, several efforts in
biometric authentication technology have tried to develop techniques based on client side
matching [34,33]. Such an approach is convenient as it is relatively simple and cheap
to build biometric authentication systems supporting biometric storage at the client end
able to support local matching. Nevertheless, systems of such type are not secure if the
client device is not trusted; therefore additional security mechanisms are needed.
Several efforts have been undertaken to strengthen client side authentication. Previ-
ous approaches [9,27] have been developed based on Chaum and Pederson wallet-with-
observer paradigm [15]. An interesting approach recently proposed focuses on key ex-
traction from biometrics which entails the problem of “approximate equality” in biomet-
ric comparisons. Several approaches have been proposed for overcoming this difficulty,
including the use of error-correcting codes [20], fuzzy commitments and fuzzy vaults
[34,33] and fuzzy extractors [22]. However, several of these schemes may be vulnerable
to replay attacks, non-repudiation and cryptanalysis.
Client side authentication systems also led to research on key generation mecha-
nisms that use biometrics [48,22,35]. Key generation is executed by first extracting the
biometric features from the biometric data based on the feature extraction module of
the biometric authentication system. Then, the biometric features are sent to the system
specific key-generation module to generate a key, that we refer to asbiometric-key. The
challenge in such an approach is to devise algorithms for reliable key generation. Such
key generation algorithms must be able to generate the same key despite the noise in
biometric readings. Moreover, the semantics of the usage of such a key should still retain
the property of "what you are" versus "what you have".
Desiderata. Based on the previous discussion we identify several crucial properties of a
suitable biometric authentication system. The system must:
• preserve the privacy of biometric data;
• be convenient to use and interoperable with different authentication servers thus
providing scalability;
• be able to perform client-side matching without requiring tamperproof or trusted
• support revocation of the biometric credentials;
• be resilient to the compromise of the biometric template itself;
• be resilient to replay attacks so that the replay of the biometric signal or the key
generated based on the biometric cannot result in successful authentication;
• provide security for any cryptographic token associated with the biometric and
efficiently manage keys;
• provide non-repudiation of biometric authentication credentials and accountabil-
Our approach. In this paper we cast the problem of biometric authentication in the
specific context of federated IdM systems [26,29,45], which typically rely on attributes
and properties of the member users to enforce authentication. Our main objective is to
achieve a privacy preserving methodology, in which use of credentials and biometric is
achieved without loss or exposure of additional data. As such, assuring privacy in our
context consists of providing anonymous and unlinkable authentications, even with the
use of unique biometric credentials. The first problem we have to deal with in our ef-
fort toward a methodology for biometric authentication in federated systems is related
with interoperability. If on one hand federated digital IdM systems need to support data
heterogeneity, on the other hand, biometric vendors typically generate proprietary tem-
plates which may not be interoperable among each other. Obviously, this represents a
major limitation to the large scale deployment of federated systems. In order to address
this problem while at the same time assuring privacy, we develop a cryptographic key
generation algorithm for use at the client side, which can thenceforth be used with other
clients in the federation. Precisely, in this paper we use mechanisms from vector space
modeling [46] to generate cryptographic biometric-keys.
To further preserve privacy we provide authentication protocols based on well
known techniques called zero knowledge proof of knowledge (ZKPK’s for brevity)
[8,13]. ZKPK’s allow a user to have a private secret, and prove its possession without
releasing it. As such, biometric-keys are never released but are instead used to generate
a proof of the ownership of the biometric. This proof is sufficient for the purposes of
authentication as it would correspond to the biometric enrolled in the system. The use
of ZKPK proof enables us to have a two-factor authentication by using information the-
oretically secure Pedersens commitments [37]. Using the Pedersens commitments, the
biometric-key and an associated random secret do not have to be verified separately by
the authenticating party, instead the respective values can be verified together in one ZKP.
Such commitments also elegantly handle revocation of the generated biometric-keys.
We also show how the two-factors can be combined with other identity information
available in the federation to provide multi-factor authentication. Providing proof of the
biometric identifier itself is not sufficient as the proof of knowledge of other sensitive
identifiers like social security number (SSN) or the credit card number (CCN) can be
required to complete the authentication procedure. Note that our multi-factor authenti-
cation methodology can be performed very efficiently using aggregate zero-knowledge
proofs introduced in [4]. Here, each of the factors does not have to be verified separately,
and can be verified using a single ZKP. This results in significant improvement in terms
of cost of deployment and efficiency as compared to a system which requires the veri-
fication of each of the factors separately. The following example introduces a scenario
which we will use to illustrate the authentication phases.

Example 1 Consider a federation including a Bank CityBank, and a Tax Authority

T axAuthr. CityBank is the local bank for the user Alice and contains all financial
information concerning Alice. She also enrolls other information with the bank which
can be potentially used at the time of authentication. CityBank is essentially Alice’s
local identity provider.
Alice wants to fill her tax on line with T axAuthr. However T axAuthr requires
its on-line users to authenticate using two-factor biometric authentication to access such
service. Further, if Alice wants to do money transactions, then T axAuthr requires her
to perform multi-factor authentication by providing proof of ownership of a registered 1)
biometric 2) CCN and 3) verified SSN. Thus depending on the service requested, Alice
would either need to perform two-factor or multi-factor authentication.

The main contributions of our work can be summarized as follows. We propose a novel
method for key-generation using vector-space modeling. This is a generic methodology
to generate biometric-key where the vectors used could correspond to any defined com-
bination of one or more biometrics. As compared to existing biometric-key generation
work, our approach differs in how the biometric-keys are actually used. We describe the
complete life-cycle of such biometric-keys and the protocols involved in each step of
the life-cycle, namely biometric-key generation, usage and revocation. The actual key
is never revealed as it could possibly leak further information about the individual. We
therefore use it for ZKPK which directly assures unlinkability and replay avoidance.
We provide a two-phase authentication mechanism for federated IdM systems. The first
phase consists of a two-factor authentication with biometric data, and the second of a
multi-factor authentication involving other user attributes. We show how we can use our
protocols to secure biometric data itself, thus preventing its fraudulent use that would
result in identity theft and other security and privacy breeches. In addition, we provide an
entropy based argument showing the advantage of biometric-keys as compared to tradi-
tional passwords. We show how the strength of the secret can be significantly increased
by the combination of biometric-keys with the traditional secrets. We also show how
privacy preserving multi-factor authentication can be enforced in federated IdM systems
with the ability to use biometric data just like the other identifying attributes of the user.
Our approach is privacy preserving in that all the authentication steps are executed with
limited disclosure of data that cannot be used for any other purpose other than the au-
thentication decision itself.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 1 we provide basic background in-
formation regarding biometric authentication followed by Section 2 where we provide a
brief review of authentication in federated IdM systems. In Section 3 we describe our ap-
proach based on the biometric-key life-cycle. In Section 4 we present our key protocols
for biometric authentication. In particular in Section 4.1 we elaborate on our approach
towards biometric key generation, followed by Section 4.2 where we show how it can be
used in ZKPK. In Section 4.3 we describe the revocation mechanisms of the enrolled bio-
metric commitments. We provide an entropy based comparison of keys generated by bio-
metrics versus passwords in Section 5. In Section 6 we show how we can support strong
authentication using our multi-factor technique. Finally, we present a detailed analysis
of our approach in Section 7 and then outline some conclusions.

1. Biometric Authentication Background

Biometric authentication adds a new paradigm in user authentication which, unlike con-
ventional approaches, is not based on what an individual knows or possesses, but on
some characteristics of the individual itself. We elaborate on the main concepts related
to biometric in this section.
A detailed reference model for a biometric system has been developed by ISO/IEC
JTC1 SC37 [42], which aides in describing the sub-processes, and the flow chart of a
biometric system (See Figure 1). Typically there are four main subsystems in the bio-
metric model, namely the Data Capture, Signal Processing, Data Storage, Matching and
Decision subsystems.
• Data capture subsystem: It collects the subject’s biometric data in the form of a
sample that the subject has presented to the biometric sensor.
• Signal processing subsystem: It extracts the distinguishing features from a bio-
metric sample to then either be stored as the reference template during registration
Figure 1. Reference Model for Generalized Biometric System developed by [42].

or be matched during verification and identification. A template is data, which

represents the biometric measurement of an individual, used by a biometric sys-
tem directly or indirectly for comparison against other biometric samples.
• Data storage subsystem: Reference templates are stored either at the server or at
the client depending on the chosen architecture.
• Matching subsystem: It compares the features extracted from the captured bio-
metric sample against one or more enrolment reference templates, the obtained
similarity scores are then passed to the decision subsystem.
• Decision subsystem: It uses the similarity scores generated from one or more
matching comparisons to make a decision about a verification or identification
transaction. The features are considered to match a compared template when the
similarity score exceeds a specified threshold.
A biometric system typically supports two sub-processes: registration (also called
enrolment), and authentication (see Figure 1). Enrolment is the process of capturing the
features from a biometric sample provided by an individual and converting it into a tem-
plate. The effectiveness of enrolment strictly depends on the quality of the data submitted
along with the biometric. Thus, the enrolment process has also to ensure that the verifi-
cation documents (like passports and driver’s licenses) are trustworthy so that a fake or
false identity is not linked to a biometric. Additionally, no duplicate records have to be
stored in the database for the same identity. Such enrolment mechanism is a key aspect
of biometric authentication making it very reliable. Enrolment is the first interaction of
the user with the biometric system, and misuses of such operation can affect the qual-
ity of sample being provided by the user, which in turn affects the overall performance
of the system. Once the process of registration is successfully completed, the individual
can use the biometric system for authentication. The authentication is performed when
the individual presents his/her biometric sample along with some other identifier which
Figure 2. Identity Record Example

uniquely ties a template with that individual. The matching process is performed against
only that template.

2. Authentication in Federated Identity Management Systems

Digital identity can be defined as the digital representation of the information known
about a specific individual or organization. As such it encompasses, not only login names,
but many additional information, referred to as identity attributes or identifiers, about
users. Managing identity attributes raises a number of challenges, due to conflicting re-
quirements. On the one hand, identifiers need to be shared to speed up and facilitate au-
thentication of users and access control. On the other hand, identity attributes need to be
protected as they may convey sensitive information about an individual and can be tar-
gets of attacks like identity theft. In cyberspace preventing identity theft is especially hard
because digital information can be copied, hence stolen unnoticed. Identity of an individ-
ual can be represented through different types and combinations of identifiers. Therefore
when reasoning about authentication it is important to consider a combination of mul-
tiple identifiers. Such an authentication mechanism is calledmulti-factor authentication
and is a prevalent mechanism to mitigate identity theft threats.
An emerging approach to address issues related to identity management is based
on the notion of federations [26,29,45]. The goal of federations is to provide users with
protected environments to federate identities by the proper management of identity at-
tributes. Federations provide a controlled method by which federation members can pro-
vide more integrated and complete services to a qualified group of individuals within
certain sets of business transactions.
Federations are usually composed by two main entities: identity providers (IdP’s),
managing identities of individuals, and service providers (SP’s), offering services to reg-
istered individuals. In a typical federated IdM system the individual registers with his/her
local IdP and is assigned a username and password. Registration is usually based on an
in-person verification at some registration office. Based on this information a registered
individual can submit additional attributes and its corresponding attribute release poli-
cies, which are stored at the local IdP. The IdP is then contacted whenever the user in-
teracts with any other SP in the federation when additional user information is needed.
The IdP is mostly in charge of sending the SP the submitted user attributes in accordance
to the attribute release policies. Note that IdP’s and SP’s are logically distinct, but they
may correspond to the same organization. In fact, in some federation standards [26] any
entity can play the role of an attribute provider at any given instance. In [8] a third type
of entity was introduced, referred to as Registrar, which essentially captures the notion
of proofs of identity for user private and sensitive attributes like SSN and Credit card
numbers. These proofs are based on ZKPK protocols and Section 4 describes a modified
version of the ZKPK which is specific for biometrics. Like the biometric system, the pro-
posed IdM system also supports two main phases, namely enrolment and authentication.
At the time of enrolment the zero knowledge commitments of the strong identifiers2 are
recorded with additional meta information about the state of the identifier. This record,
referred to identity record, is stored under the single sign-on (SSO) identifier of the in-
dividual. The SSO ID is used by the user to authenticate itself to its Registrar, after
which it can seamlessly access resources provided by the federation SP’s if it satisfies
the authorization requirements. Using the Registrar services the user can provide strong
assurance of its identity as needed by the transactions. An example of an identity record
(IdR) is shown in Figure 2. Typically the identifiers recorded in an identity record cor-
respond to what you know, like CCN and SSN3 . We show how we can use identifiers
corresponding to who you are in such an identity record, as illustrated in the last row of
Figure 2 with the tag “finger print”.
Our goal is to use biometrics in combination with the other committed identifiers in
the identity record at the time of authentication. As such, at the time of authentication,
multiple commitments of strong identifiers and biometric commitments can be combined
in an ad-hoc fashion, and verified by using exactly the same approach developed for
the case on non-biometric data. This mechanism thus allows an individual to prove the
knowledge of such proven identifiers. In the following sections we illustrate how bio-
metric readings can be used so that the extracted information can be used across the
federation, thus achieving interoperability.

3. Our Approach to Biometric-keys

In the following we outline our approach to the generation and usage of biometric-keys
with the help of a biometric-key life-cycle (see Figure 3). There are four basic stages in
such life-cycle: learning, generation, usage and revocation. Before a biometric-key can
be generated, the biometric data needs to be analyzed to identify the various features to
use at the time of key generation. This step, referred to as learning stage, is executed once
by the providers of the biometric authentication system. The output of the learning stage
is a list of features. These features are then tested with a database of actual biometric data
to make sure that they satisfy the uniqueness and repeatability of the resultant biometric-
key generated by those features. Uniqueness of biometric-keys is required to ensure that
2 Strong identifiers are those that uniquely identify an individual. This is also known has personally identifi-

able information.
3 If the enrolment is done in-person with the verification of the actual cards corresponding to the identifiers

then those entries in the IdR would also correspond to what you have.
Figure 3. Biometric-key lifecycle stages and the metamorphosis of the biometric-key at each stage

two different individuals do not generate the same biometric-key. Repeatability, on the
other hand, refers to the ability to re-generate the user’s biometric-key by that user. The
learning phase is executed only once or whenever there are significant changes in the user
population, and the result provided to the users before they can enroll their biometric-key
in the authentication system.
A particular user’s biometric-key is generated at the time of user’s enrolment. De-
pending on the policies of the authenticating party, the enrolment can be executed in-
person at a (secure) physical location of the authenticating party or online. If the authen-
ticating party wants to control which biometric characteristics are used, the enrolment
needs to be executed in-person. However, it is possible that the authentication party just
needs a key and does not prescribe a specific approach for generating the key. At the
same time, the user wants to protect the key, by ensuring that it cannot be generated
without the use of his/her choice of biometric characteristics. In this case, the biometric-
key enrolment can be executed online. In both types of enrolment, the user uses his/her
device to generate the biometric-key. As such, the user would record his/her biometric
characteristic which is used by our algorithms to generate a unique biometric characteris-
tic vector. The characteristic vector is then used by our cryptographic key generation al-
gorithms which takes a unique vector as input and returns a cryptographic biometric-key
satisfying the security parameters of the authentication system, for example the length of
the key. After the enrolment, the characteristic vectors and the cryptographic biometric-
key are permanently deleted from the user’s machine. At the time of usage, the stored
meta-data and the biometric data from the individual are used to re-generate the feature
vector and hence the biometric-key. Such biometric-key, together with a random secret
r, is then used for generating the commitments. After the enrolment, the random secret
r is saved by the user along with the meta-data required for the re-generation. At the
time of usage, the user needs to provide a proof of knowledge of the value committed
at enrolment. Constructing such a proof requires that the user possesses both r and the
cryptographic biometric-key. r could be stored in a secure location in the user machine.
Alternatively r could also be stored in a portable user device, like a smartcard which and
can be retrieved as needed. Moreover, it is possible that this random secret be (re) gener-
Figure 4. Phases of defining the key vector corresponding to a template

ated with a password or pass phrase that a user remembers and provides to his machine
with a pseudo random generating algorithm, each time that r is needed. As the password
or pass phrase provided to the random number generating algorithm is the same, the
same random r is generated. In the case of the biometric-key, it is always regenerated, by
using our algorithm, from a fresh reading of the biometrics through the biometric sensor.
Once the re-generation is executed, the user would create a valid proof of knowledge to
authenticate successfully.
Finally, to revoke the biometric-key, the commitment corresponding to the enrolled
biometric data can simply be added to a revocation list, similar to the certificate revoca-
tion list (CRL) [25] in a public key infrastructure. CRL is typically a list of certificate
serial numbers which have been revoked, hence are no longer valid, and should not be
relied upon by any system user. In our approach, the revocation list just needs to record
the commitments associated with the biometric-keys which have been revoked. After the
publication of the list, even if the same biometric-key is generated, the user will not be
able to do a proof of knowledge because the proof corresponds to a revoked commitment.

4. Biometric Authentication

There are two main parts in biometric authentication. The first one is the biometric-key
generation and second is the generation of the proof based on recreation of the ZKP com-
mitment. Biometric-key generation is difficult because every time particular biometric
is read, the resulting template may be substantially different. Therefore reducing a bio-
metric reading to a unique secret key poses several challenges [48,35]. The use of well
known error correcting codes [20] on the fingerprint templates itself is not straightfor-
ward because the digital encoding of the two templates vary substantially if only the bit
pattern is considered. Moreover, key generation differs from template matching because
when re-generating the key the original fingerprint template is not available. We there-
fore investigate a technique based on fingerprint classification to define a characteristic
vector for a fingerprint which is subsequently used by vector space modeling (VSM) [46]
methodologies to retrieve a unique key.

4.1. Biometric Key Generation

Our goal is to define a key vector corresponding to the users fingerprint which can be
repeatedly sampled and is reasonably unique with respect to other users. To achieve such
goal we define a four-phased protocol as illustrated in Figure 4. Phase ’A’ corresponds to
the identification of the useful characteristics of the fingerprint template based on classi-
fication of the fingerprint itself. Fingerprint classification can be taken as a special case
of pattern classification techniques which aim at reducing the computational overhead of
pattern matching. If biometric patterns can be categorized, then given a pattern it may be
possible to match the input pattern only against the stored templates in the same category
of the input pattern. This is sometimes referred to as “binning”. It has been shown [32]
that fingerprints can be classified according to three different dimensions: by the shapes
and contours of individual patterns, by the finger positions of the pattern types, and by
relative size, determined by counting the ridges in loops and by tracing the ridges in
whorls called minutiae points. The red circles corresponds to these minutiae points. At
the end of Phase A, n such characteristics are identified.
In Phase B, the identified biometric characteristics are encoded according to a con-
cise representation, referred to as raw characteristic vector represented as hf1 , . . . , fn i
where n is the number of identified characteristics. Each characteristic itself is a vector
fi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and has a distance from the core and an angle from the main axis. Note
that such axis has to be aligned based on known heuristics [14].
In Phase C, each characteristic of raw characteristic vector hf1 , . . . , fn i is weighted
with respect to the importance of each characteristic. The weighting is done based on
Salton’s Vector Space Model (VSM) [41]. In particular to weigh the unique charac-
teristics, the term weighting used in [47], called inverse document frequency (idf for
brevity), can be used. Here the term rarity is a measure of its importance. It is calculated
as idfi = log(B/bfi ) where 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Here B is the number of biometric samples in a
collection and bfi is the frequency of the biometric characteristic fi . Thus idfi measures
the importance of a characteristic fi based on that feature rarity. Often this weighting is
normalized to force values to fall in a particular range. Note that the higher the weight
the greater is the impact on the cosine of any two vectors. The main idea is to give more
weight to those characteristics of the biometric which are more constant and unique for
an individual. Therefore this step requires a comparison of several samples of the several
individual and can be pre-determined at the learning phase. Let hw1 , . . . , wn i the resul-
tant weighted characteristic vector, where wi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, is the weighted scalar multiple
of the characteristic fi .
In Phase D a vector sum of all the weighted characteristics is evaluated. Let
wi represent the vector sum of the weighted characteristics recorded for the
CVj =
j th sample, where 1 ≤ j ≤ q and q is the number of biometric samples provided by
the user. Note that phases A to D are executed for each of the q samples. If q different
samples of the same user are taken, then each calculated sum CVj will differ slightly. If
the variability of any two CVj is less than some angle ∆, then the entire key space is di-
vided such that any two vectors are separated by ∆ angle from each other. For example,
the bold arrows k1 and k2 of Figure 4 are two such key vectors. The number of valid key
vectors would thus be 360 ∆ . Finally the similarity of the summation vector CVj is taken
to any of the key space vectors. The similarity is essentially the cosine measure of the
angle between two such vectors. For two vectors ~k and ~b the cosine similarity is given

~k × ~b
j wi,j × wb,j
cos θ = = qP
~ ~
|k||b| 2
j wi,j
j wb,j
Here ~k × ~b is the vector product of ~k and ~b, calculated by multiplying corresponding
weights together. The cosine measure also calculates the angle between the vectors in a
high-dimensional virtual space. The closest key vector to the summation characteristic
vector corresponds to the resultant biometric-key (See Figure 4 Phase D).

Example 2 Consider the fingerprint template shown in Figure 4. In Phase A the minu-
tiae points are identified. In Phase B based on those minutiae points the raw charac-
teristic vector is formed. For simplicity, only 4 such points are considered forming the
characteristic vector hf1 , f2 , f3 , f4 i. In Phase C, for each of the characteristic fi where
1 ≤ i ≤ 4, the idfi = log(B/bfi ) is calculated. This is used for weighting each
of the fi to result in the weighted vector hw1 , w2 , w3 , w4 i. In Phase D, a vector sum
CV1 = w1 + w2 + w3 + w4 is calculated. A cosine comparison of CV1 is then executed
with the pre-defined key spacehk1 , . . . km i with ∆ angle apart, where m is the number
of valid key vectors. In this case CV1 is closest to k2 .
If the user executes r rounds of all the phases then as a result CV1 , . . . , CVr are
computed. If the ∆ angle used to generate the key space is less than the difference be-
tween any two CV1 , . . . , CVr , then each of them will be closest to k2 and thus will gen-
erate the same biometric-key.

4.2. Using Biometric Keys for Zero Knowledge Proof

Once the biometric-key is generated it can then be used to perform a ZKPK to authenti-
cate the individual to the authenticating server.
Preliminary ZKP Concepts. ZKP systems are interactive systems in which two parties,
the prover and verifier, interact. The prover claims that a statement is true and the verifier
wants to be convinced that this is true. At the end of the interaction, the verifier is either
convinced that the statement is true, or alternatively, discovers that the statement is not
true. ZKP’s have extensively been used for identification purposes [8,13,16]. Using the
ZKP for biometric data is not straightforward because the biometric template cannot be
replicated exactly like cryptographic keys. We therefore present a semantically secure
ZKP based on the final key generated according to the approach described in Section 4.1.
ZKP’s are based on secrets that are hidden in tokens provided to the authenticating party
at the time of enrolment. Such tokens are called commitments. Commitments are crypto-
graphic tokens that enables the user being bound to a secret the possession of which can
be verified at a later stage without revealing the secret itself.
We now present the protocol for using the biometric-key at authentication. To in-
corporate the key generation phases described in the previous subsection, we provide in
Table 1 the definitions of the main functions used in the protocol. We assume that there
exists a valid key space definition K~ in a vector space model and there is a user U who
provides his/her biometric x to biometric sensor S.
Protocol Description. The main steps of the key generation protocol can be summarized
as follows. Note that the same key generation protocol is used both at the time of enrol-
ment and authentication. Let U be the individual to be authenticated. First the biometric
template x of U is read by sensor S. Then the client invokes function init_char_vector
which extracts the desired features from the biometric template read. This is the initial
characteristic vector which is weighed according to system defined heuristics in the func-
tion weigh_char_vector. At this point the input vector ~b is ready to be matched with
the key space K ~ to find the closest matching key vector k~i . This key space is stored at
Phase Function Description
A read_biometric (x) ← t U sends its biometric data x to S and t is the result of the
feature extraction.
B ~
init_char_vector (t) ← F ~ = hf1 , . . . , fn i where n is the num-
This function outputs F
ber of characteristics.
C ~) ← W
weigh_char_vector (F ~ This function outputs W ~ = hw1 ..wn i with appropriate
weights for each characteristic.
~ ← k~i P ~
D ~ , K)
get_closest_key (W This function outputs k~i which is most similar to W.
generate-crypto-key (k~i ) ← m The key vector k~i is transformed to an integer m used as the
cryptographic secret key.
Table 1. Ordered functions for biometric-key generation protocol: generate-biometric-key

the client device. This is executed by function get_closest_key which depends on the
VSM technique. Once the key vector is identified, functiongenerate-crypto-key reads
this key vector to obtain the final secret used as a cryptographic key in the ZKP. This
function may use an expansion function to sample the biometric-key from a well spread
or uniform distribution. The generated keys size is dictated by the group Z2B+k where
k and B are security parameters of the federation system. Additional secrets can also be
incorporated in the last function if desired.

Protocol 1 ZKPK with Biometric Commitments

Require: U , Registrar Reg and Federations Verifiers V agree on a group G, a large
integer F unc(k) and 2B iord(G), T is a public constant chosen arbitrarily large, k
and B are security parameters.
Ensure: Private knowledge of U is m, r.
{Enrolment or Commitment Phase:}
1: Reg chooses h ∈ G which has a F unc(k) rough order, a random secret s ∈ Z2B+k .
It sets g ← hs and sends the public key K = (g; h) and proves that g ∈ hhi.
2: U chooses random r ← Z2B+k .
3: U assigns m := generate-biometric-key .
4: U sends its public commitment CK (m, r) := g m ∗ hr to Reg.
{Authentication or Proving Phase:}
5: U picks random y ∈ [0..T ∗ 2k ], s ∈ [0..T ∗ 2B+2k ] at random and sends d = g y ∗ hs
to V .
6: V sends random challenge e ∈ [0..F unc(k)] to U .
7: U assigns m0 := generate-biometric-key (x0 ).
{m0 should be equal to m}
8: U sends u = y + em0 , v = s + er to V .
9: V : accepts if g u ∗ hv = d ∗ ce
10: return

Functions in Table 1, collectively referred to as generate-crypto-key are used by

the Damgard Fujisaki Integer Commitment Scheme [19] as shown in Protocol 1. In the
following we highlight the main steps which enable the use of biometric commitments.
At the time of enrolment instead of sending the actual biometric x, to the authentication
entity (Reg in this case), U at step 3 calculates the biometric commitment and generates
the secret being committed as m :=generate-crypto-key(x). In a typical integer com-
mitment scheme m would be the value of the sensitive data which is being committed.
Consequently, at the time of verificationU will have to prove the knowledge of this m
and the random number r which it generated at step 2 of Protocol 1. U has to store r as
specified in a typical ZKP system, butm is generated at the time of authentication. More
specifically, at step 7,U can generate m0 using the same key generation function as en-
rolment. If the difference between x and x0 is tolerable then the committed secret m will
be equal to the retrieved secret m0 . If U has m and r it follows that the proof at step 9 will
succeed. The ZKP can be efficiently computed as shown in [13]. The challenge response
can be made non-interactive using fiat shamir heuristics to enhance the efficiency. Other
models in which the biometric-key is based on symmetric encryption would require the
key to be known to the verifier, which is not necessary in our model.

4.3. Biometric Identifier Revocation

According to our schema, every biometric-key is uniquely generated and is associated

with a commitment which is tightly coupled with the biometric feature. In case revoca-
tion becomes necessary, because of the individual leaving the federation or losing his/her
privileges within the federation, the commitment needs to be publicly added to revoca-
tion lists.
The authentication system presented in this paper supports revocation of the enrolled
biometric. Additionally, it also allows re-enrolment of the same biometric as a different
biometric commitment. This implies that a user can enroll multiple times the same bio-
metric identifier and the enrolments cannot be linked based on the registered values. This
feature is desirable to guarantee freshness of the committed values, and ensure that stale
or -possibly- forged commitments do not prevent a user to re enroll.
Revocation of user U ’s biometric commitment can be simply executed by including
such commitment in a revocation list which is checked before authentication. Moreover,
the IdR4 associated with U can be updated to ensure that the status of this biometric com-
mitment is stated as invalid. For further details corresponding to revocation of identifiers
in IdR we refer the reader to [8], where a comprehensive description of the revocation
mechanisms for the various types of attributes is provided.
Since in specific contexts many federations may require individuals to be perma-
nently disallowed from enrolling or participating in activities within the federation, an
alternative type of revocation can be supported.
Precisely, in our framework, we distinguish between two types of revocations namely
weak biometric revocation and strong biometric revocation. In the former type, the revo-
cation is of a particular fingerprint commitment. On the contrary strong biometric revoca-
tion revokes the actual user by revoking all the possible biometric commitments enrolled
by the same user.

4.3.1. Weak Biometric Revocation

Once a commitment is revoked, the biometric-key m and the random secret r correspond-
ing to this commitment cannot be used together. Therefore for a legitimate re-enrolment
of a biometric B, a new pair m0 and r0 has to be used such that either m0 6= m or
r0 6= r, or both. Since the parameter r0 will be chosen randomly, the re-enrolment of B
with the same biometric-key is possible. However, if required a new m0 can be generated
4 Identity Record. For more details please see Section 2.
by executing the generate-crypto-key function in Protocol 1, if such a procedure uses
different weighting at the time of generation of the biometric-key.

4.3.2. Strong Biometric Revocation

In case a specific identity management environment requires revocation to be tightly
coupled with the actual individual, so that he/she cannot re-enroll a second time, a slight
modification of the current schema should be done. The biometric-keys proposed in this
work are used to create the Pedersen commitments, which by definition are unlinkable.
To overcome unlinkability, every biometric should be tightly bound to a second form of
unique identifier, which should be enrolled and stored at the time of user’s registration.
A user being revoked wishing to re-enroll could not succeed since the unique identifiers
required would be associated to a revoked biometric. An example of such identifiers
having the desired uniqueness properties are SSN or Passport Number. This information
should be stored in the IdR illustrated in Figure 2.
An alternative solution would be adopting a deterministic commitment [6], which
would be uniquely linked to the biometric of the individual. To ensure uniqueness of the
biometric, enrolment and verification should be conducted in a controlled environment
or using a trusted computing framework. The weighting should be nullified to ensure the
same biometric-key to be generated for a given biometric. The deterministic commitment
would correspond to a unique signature which can be revoked throughout the system.

5. Entropy based Analysis of Biometrics

In this section we provide an entropy based analysis of biometrics. The aim is to provide
a comparison of the strength of biometric tokens with respect to traditional secrets like
passwords. Preliminary concepts to understand the methodology are introduced in Sec-
tion 5.1. Section 5.2 then provides the related theoretical work on the comparison of bio-
metrics and passwords and extends it to show some experimental results. We elaborate on
the bit strength of the biometric versus different types of passwords. Finally Section 5.3
presents a discussion of the use of biometrics in combination with other alphanumeric

5.1. Preliminary Concepts

To calculate entropy H of message X Shannon’s [43] equation H(X) = x p(X) log2 ( p(X) 1
is used. In the case of the fingerprint thekeyspace (corresponding to the summation lim-
its x → n) is the number of sites in the fingerprint image where minutiae points could
appear. This is derived by dividing the surface area of the image by the space consumed
by a single minutiae point. As such, the keyspace is dependent on the dimensions of
sample acquired by the system. Typically the 2-dimensional space created by the length
and width of a fingerprint image are the bounds of the keyspace. While the dimensions
of fingerprint images vary based on sensor technology, the dimensions of 300 × 300
pixels are assumed to be reasonably average image size for fingerprints [38]. In the case
of typical alphanumeric passwords the keyspace is limited to the 94 characters available
to the user on the keyboard as the input device.
The probability of occurrence, p(X), of the minutiae points in the keyspace is not
equally likely for all the minutiae points. While high-level analysis has shown that minu-
tiae points are more likely to occur in the center of the fingerprint image as opposed to
the outer regions [24], detailed investigations into exact probabilities of occurrence based
on certain minutiae sites have not been conducted. Typical alphanumeric passwords also
have non-uniform probabilities for the characters as they are heavily dependent on words
or phrases which can be recalled over time by the users. Estimating these probabilities
has led to dictionary attacks on password systems where the perpetrator uses a large
number of known words in attempt to discover a password. Note that in the cases of sev-
eral other strong identifiers like CCN and SSN, the string of numbers often is not totally
random and may follow a particular pattern for several of the numbers.
Finally, entropy also varies based on the thresholds of the environment. These
thresholds are policies and requirements on the level of assurance the authenticator en-
forces. These can either be imposed by the human or machine element. For instance, a
password that is 5 characters long will have lower entropy than that of an password that
is required to be 8 characters long. Combining these three factors (keyspace, probability
of occurrence, and threshold), NIST created a table [11] comparing the entropy with the
password length of various types of passwords. The table was generated using Shannon’s
entropy equation for the purposes of evaluating entropy in bits based on the length of
both passwords (94 character alphabet) and PINs (10 character alphabet). Estimations of
message entropy for both passwords and PINs are analyzed as either “user chosen” or
“randomly chosen”. Furthermore, user chosen passwords are broken into columns indi-
cating the degree of policy requirements for password composition. The lowest level of
policy being no checks at all, the medium level uses a dictionary rule to prevent users
from including common words; high level uses a dictionary and also requires the pass-
word to include at least one upper case letter, lower case letter, number, and special char-
acter. Each one of the cells indicates the estimated entropy value in bits for a designated
character length of a password.

5.2. Biometric/Password Entropy based Comparison

Theoretical work [38] has been carried out to determine the keyspace and bit strength of
fingerprint biometrics. This approach focuses on a hypothetical brute force attack against
minutiae based fingerprints. It takes into consideration the parameters provided in Table 2
and uses the following equation to derive the probability of verification for theoretical
query sample matching the reference minutiae template.

e−N p (eN p) m
ρverif ication = p ( )
(2πm) m

The probability of verification is then converted to log base 2 which is the number
of digital bits (either 0 or 1) required to represent the amount of informational content
of the matching scenario. Note that while this example follows a similar methodology
as the NIST analysis of passwords [11] in taking to account keyspace and threshold,
probabilities of occurrence for all values in the keyspace are considered equal. In other
words, all possible minutiae sites are considered to be equally probable to occur.
Using the above methodology a fingerprint system requiring 25 minutiae points to be
matched would have 82 bits of information and equates to a 16-character nonsense pass-
Description Symbol Value
Image size (pixels) S 300 × 300 =
90, 000
Ridge plus valley spread (pixels) T 15
Total number of possible minutiae sites K= T
20 × 20 = 400
Total number of orientations allowed for the ridge angle at d 4
a minutiae point
Total number of minutiae present in the reference template N 40
Minimum number of corresponding minutiae in a query m [10..35]
and reference template
Probability of matching an individual minutiae in the ref- p = (K−N +1)d
erence template
Table 2. Theoretical parameters for the hypothetical brute force attacks.

word (such as "m4yus78xpmks3bc9"). Analogous to the NIST method for passwords

[11], 82 bits of entropy for a randomly chosen password would be 12.5 characters long.
The difference in character length of the hypothetical password is due to the fact that
16 character example only takes into account lowercase letters and numbers whereas the
NIST method also uses uppercase letters and special characters.
In order to transform the theoretical approach into experimental data, we have col-
lected fingerprint images from human subjects. Fifty study participants each submitted 3
consecutive samples of each finger (index, middle, ring, and little) on both hands. There
was no user feedback provided on the quality of the fingerprint image; the only inter-
action users had with the sensor was a prompt to place their finger on the sensor. This
intentional limited feedback eliminated possible extraneous variables caused by chang-
ing user behavior from entering into the later analysis. Providing feedback such as poor
placement or quality would have been counter productive to the intent of the study. This
process yielded a total of 1, 200 images (50 users ×8 fingers×3 images per finger). The
sensor used for image capture was the Identix, Inc. DF Rr − 2080U 2 Single Finger
Reader operating at 500 dpi. The 50-users test population included 33 (66%) males and
17 (34%) females. The age of the users ranged from 19 to 86 years old, with the average
age being 32.87.
75 images were manually removed from the data set due to problems in image ac-
quisition; these problems were not be detected when the data collection occurred because
the user did not receive any feedback while placing their fingers. These images were ei-
ther completely black or completely white, signifying a failure to acquire (FTA) and re-
sulting in an FTA rate of 6.25%. After manual removal of the FTA images, the remaining
images were processed using the WSQ by Aware, Inc. software package to analyze minu-
tiae present in each image. Each of the images had the dimensions of 248 × 292 and the
average number of minutiae for all images was 33. These values produced modifications
to the evaluation parameters introduced in Table 2 to the values given in Table 3.
Based on the experimental values, for each calculated entropy per given number of
matched minutiae points, the corresponding length of the alphanumeric password was
calculated. This provided a comparison of the required length of a password versus the
number of matched minutiae points.The results are provided in Figure 5. For further
analysis, randomly chosen passwords were used. This is because, while users can chose
the nature and order of the characters in their password, users have no discretionary
ability to chose the nature and order of the minutiae on their fingerprint. Based on the
Description Symbol Value
Image size (pixels) S 248 × 292 =
72, 416
Ridge plus valley spread (pixels) T 15
Total number of possible minutiae sites K= T
Total number of orientations allowed for the ridge angle at d 4
a minutiae point
Total number of minutiae present in the reference template N 33
Minimum number of corresponding minutiae in a query m [15..33]
and reference template
Table 3. Experiment based parameters for comparison of biometrics and passwords.

experiments, we got a linear relationship of the character length to the required number
of matched minutiae. In essence Figure 5 shows the conversion of the bit strength to an
estimated password character length using the theoretical NIST methodology and our
experimental data. In particular, 1 character was shown equivalent to 6.6 bits of entropy
(for 94 character alphabet randomly chosen password).

Figure 5. Entropy Based Comparison of Matched Minutiae Points and Password Lengths

5.3. Biometric/Password Combined Entropy

Biometrics for the purpose of authentication is desired because it cannot be easily forged,
shared or stolen providing repudiation and reliable linkability with the users unique iden-
tity. However, it is preferred that they are used in combination with a traditional pass-
word for several reasons. First, stable biometric signals can be forged if the system is not
implemented correctly. Second, attacks on authentication systems are growing, hence re-
quiring increasing entropy of the challenged secret. Passwords, if kept secret, provide an
additive entropy on top of the biometrics. Increasing the keyspace and hashing protect
these passwords against host attacks; the use of challenge-response protocols protects
against replay, eavesdropping, and other attacks in transmission of the resultant secrets.
Third, passwords provide a convenient and inexpensive methodology. However, remem-
bering multiple passwords and changing them frequently lead to the usage of lower-
entropy passwords which are susceptible to search attacks. Moreover, passwords can be
compromised without this being detected and therefore do not defend well against repu-
diation. As illustrated in Figure 5, a typical biometric sample adds significant entropy as
compared to the passwords. For example, most sensors match approximately 25 minu-
tiae points, which corresponds to the resultant entropy of 87 bits. To achieve 87 bits of
entropy, a user chosen password has to be 65 characters long, and a randomly gener-
ated password has to be 13.2 characters long. The increased length requirements for the
passwords make the use of biometric more desirable.
In a two-factor authentication scenario where secrets and biometrics are used, it
follows that the entropy of the resultant authentication transaction is greater than if only
one authentication factor was used. In the case of biometric and passwords, the combined
entropy of the two-factor authentication is simply the sum of the individual entropies
(i.e. H(Biometric) + H(Secret)) for each of the factors. This is because there is no
inter-dependence between the biometric and secret presented by the user. For instance,
if a user chooses a password that contains below average entropy, this does not mean
the fingerprint of the same user will also have below average entropy. This rationale
is focused on the example of fingerprints and doesn’t take into accounts the fact that
some biometrics such as signature/sign, voice and keystroke dynamics include a textual
component in the biometric sample.

6. Multi-factor Authentication

Several biometric mechanisms have been recently considered and proposed, such as fa-
cial recognition, iris recognition and fingerprints. However, most commercially viable
physical biometric set in the foreseeable future are fingerprints [44]. A multi-factor au-
thentication may become essential with the growing security needs. In Section 4 we
showed how we can preserve the privacy of a biometric used for authentication. In this
section we show how we can achieve privacy preserving multi-factor authentication pro-
viding relatively stronger authentication as compared to systems that are solely depen-
dent on either what you know identifiers or who you are identifiers. This is because all
identifiers have the threat of being stolen or shared. However, if a collection of these dif-
ferent types of identifiers are challenged in an ad-hoc, unpredictable manner, such threats
are sufficiently mitigated.

6.1. Two-Factor Authentication using ZKP

In Protocol 1 there are two specific secrets which have to be known to the user, namely
m and r5 . m corresponds to the number generated by generate-crypto-key function in
Protocol 1, from the fingerprint of the prover. Thus,m covers the who you are criterion
of the authentication. The second secret r is the random number generated by the prover
during the initial enrolment. The random number generation is depicted in step 2 of Pro-
tocol 1. Without the knowledge of r the proofs u and v cannot be generated at step 8.
r is chosen such that its bit length is at least twice that of the order of h and the final
commitment is statistically close to the uniform distribution in hhi, for any value of m.
This is essential for the hiding property of the ZKP. Hence, we conclude that the random
r serves as a second factor essential for a successful ZKPK used for authentication. r
thus corresponds to the what you have aspect of authentication. Note that even if one
5 All symbols and variables used in this section correspond to the ones presented in Protocol 1
of the secrets, either m or r but not both, is compromised, the adversary cannot gener-
ate the correct proofs. We therefore assert that Protocol 1 provides a secure two-factor

6.2. Multi-Factor Authentication using Federation Registrar

Additional privacy preserving multi-factor authentication is possible by leveraging the

registrar of the IdM system mentioned in Section 2. Typical enrolment of attributes omits
step 3 of Protocol 1. An identity record corresponding to the proofs of identity is thus
created. An example of such identity record is shown in Figure 2. Here, additional infor-
mation regarding each committed identifier is also recorded which provides additional
security properties [8]. Depending on the policy of the authenticator, multiple commit-
ments of the identity record can be used for authentication. We omit the details of such
proofs as they have been provided in our previous work [8].
Referring to Example 1, Alice can enroll with her identity provider CityBank. Now
when using non-financial services from T axAuthr, with the help of Protocol 1, proof
of the fingerprint itself provides the required two-factor authentication. To satisfy the
authentication requirements at the time of financial transactions withT axAuthr, Alice
refers to the identity record stored at her local registrar (see Figure 2). She combines the
proof of knowledge of the identifiers with tags CCN, SSN and Fingerprint and uses the
same proof of knowledge as in Protocol 1 for each of the identifiers. Efficient combi-
nations of such proofs have been explored in [4,13] where knowledge of multiple fac-
tors can be proven to the authenticating party in one ZKP round. Note that our way of
providing multi-factor authentication differs from the case where the biometric data is
used to unlock another security token, for example a smart card containing a private key.
In this case, the biometric data is verified by the smart card itself. The actual authen-
tication to an authenticating party is based on one factor only (the private key). In this
case the authentication may be considered consisting of two-factors. In our case how-
ever, the biometric-key is an integral part of the proof and only the authenticating party
is responsible for the verification of the various factors.

7. Analysis

We now analyze the security, privacy and architectural aspects of the proposed authenti-
cation protocols. In particular we assess the level of protection provided by our mecha-
nism against identity theft in the presence of malicious parties.

7.1. Security Analysis

Before presenting the security properties of our system, we illustrate the key assumptions
which our solution builds on.

Assumption 1 The raw characteristic vector hf1 , . . . , fn i, where n is the number of

characteristics, is correct and sufficient.

The VSM technique adopted for the key generation in the 4 phases of key
generation requires that correct and sufficient features are recorded by the function
init_char_vector. The output vector is then weighed by the function weigh_char_vector
resulting in the final characteristic vector W

Assumption 2 The characteristic vector used in init_char_vector is sufficiently expres-

sive to uniquely identify an individual with a high probability.

This assumption relates to the expressiveness of the characteristic vector so that it

can capture the uniqueness of a given biometric. We require that this is done with a suf-
ficiently high probability, although we show in the security analysis that in the presence
of collision generate-biometric-key is still resistant to collision.

Assumption 3 The initial enrolment of the biometric is secure.

This assumption is especially true considering the current day biometric enrolment where
the individual is required to come in person and the enrolment is performed in a con-
trolled environment by the designated authorities. If the enrolment is executed in an in-
secure fashion, it would lead to serious repercussions, especially in systems where the
enrolled biometric is the only factor checked during authentication.
Based on the above assumption the following security properties hold.

Theorem 1 Soundness: Let U be an individual, and B be the biometric associated with

it. If U has enrolled using Protocol 1, then it can execute the authentication phase suc-

P ROOF. At the time of enrolment U generates a biometric-key m and also chooses

a random r. r is the only value stored with U . Then at authentication time, because of
Assumption 1, the biometric-key m0 = m can be regenerated. As evident from step 8 of
Protocol 1 the final proof can be constructed correctly based on the retrieved valuesm
and r. Therefore Protocol 1 is sound.

We now show an interesting result on the correctness of our protocols. Correctness

refers to the incapacity of any attacker to execute the protocol successfully, to be authen-
ticated as another user, even with that users biometric sample.

Theorem 2 Correctness (Two-factor): Let U be an individual with biometric B and as-

sociated random secret r, and A be an adversary with biometric B’. If r is not known to
A, then Protocol 1 is correct.

P ROOF. Let the keys generated at step 3 of Protocol 1 be mU for U and mA for A.
Under Assumption 2, with a high probability mU is not equal to mA . If the enrolment
has been executed correctly, then mU is the biometric enrolled. Therefore, the proof
generated would be incorrect and step 9 of Protocol 1 will return false.
If however, mA happens to be equal to mU to complete the proof in step 8 A would
have to guess the random value r. Since this random value is chosen from Z2B+k it is
infeasible for an adversary to guess it. This condition holds true provided the secrecy
condition on r (as given in the theorem). Thus the two-factor authentication is correct
with respect to the biometric commitment and the thesis holds.
Theorem 3 Correctness (Multi-factor): Let U be an individual with biometric B in-
cluded with other identifiers in an Identity Record IdR, and A be an adversary. LetI
be a subset of identifier commitments in IdR including the commitment of B be used for
authentication. If at least one of the secrets associated with I is not known by A, then A
cannot execute the authentication phase of Protocol 1 successfully.

P ROOF. Let I be a set defined as {i1 , .., in } where ik , 1 ≤ k ≤ n, is a biometric

commitment. Note each identifier is also associated with random secrets{r1 , .., rn } gen-
erated at the time of the enrolment. Multi-factor authentication in essence executes Pro-
tocol 1 separately. If anyone of the 2n identifiers in I and random secrets together is
not known to the adversary, then the proof of at least one of the ZKPK will fail. This
would result in failing the authentication process. Note that the length and the content of
I is chosen in an ad-hoc fashion at the time of authentication, thus making the challenge
fresh and not pre-determined. This further makes the probability of forging minimal.

Identity Theft Protection. Biometric identifiers correspond to the physical char-

acteristics of a person and as such are harder to steal as compared to other identifiers
which are normally stored in external devices. Furthermore, the enrolment procedure for
biometrics is typically very strong thus leading to higher assurance on the enrolled bio-
metric commitment. In our system, biometric keys are generated on the fly and are not
stored either at the client or the server. The biometric templates in fact represent intrinsic
information about the user, therefore theft of the template leads to identity theft.
It would be important that the freshness and liveness of a biometric be ensured by
the biometric scanner (Figure 1). If, however, an adversary manages by using a duplicate
latex fingerprint to generate the biometric-key, then the identity theft attempt would be
prevented as the attacker would still need to have the random secret to generate the
proofs as required by the authentication Protocol 1. Even if the client device and ZKPK
modules are compromised so as to maliciously store previous legitimate proofs, still the
adversary cannot execute Protocol 1 successfully. This is because of the nature of the
ZKPK itself, that requires a fresh random challenge and to reconstruct the proof each
time.6 Furthermore, from Theorem 3 we get strong authentication, which is in fact the
predominant solution to mitigate the threat of identity theft.

7.2. Privacy

Our approach of key generation based on the biometric maintains the advantages of the
biometric authentication and at the same time prevents any leakage of additional personal
information. Thus the data collected at the time of authentication cannot be used for any
other purpose other than the authentication decision itself.
The biometric-key generated is also secured based on the ZKPK proofs. Thus the
biometric-key cannot be reverse engineered to guess the characteristic vector used to
generate that key. This further preserves privacy of the biometric. Moreover, as illustrated
in the previous section, the correctness of the protocols also help in preserving the privacy
and misuse.

6 This is true under the assumption that the biometric-key is not stored in the device.
7.3. Architectural Issues

In our scheme, the actual biometrics template is never stored anywhere, thus providing
storage efficiency and preventing the need of databases storing biometric templates. Ac-
cordingly, the database threats by external and internal attackers, and tampering stored
templates are prevented.
A federated identity system has to handle heterogeneity of the various clients and
the servers. Using the methodology presented, the clients can generate the keys using
any proprietary biometric scanner or software, and the server can still authenticate based
on the same ZKPK. In fact, the level of interoperability is even higher, in that adding
biometric authentication does not require additional verifications at the server end. As
such, the server can verify the proofs of a biometric just like other identifiers stored in
the users IdR. This also helps addressing deployment and scalability concerns.
The computational overhead at the client is also minimal since the vector space
methods are efficient. The ZKPK proofs can be efficiently implemented and aggregation
techniques have been proposed to further compute the multi-factor proofs in a concise

8. Related Work

Client side authentication have been extensively investigated in the past years. We pro-
vide an overview of the work closely related to our approach. We first present the cryp-
tographic mechanisms proposed in the context of biometrics, followed by descriptions
of specific fingerprint recognition methods and technologies.
Several previous crypto-based approaches like [9,27] build on Chaum and Pederson
wallet-with-observer paradigm. Here a tamper-proof device available at the client’s end
is required where the comparison is made. In this model a smart card provided to the
user acts as the wallet, and the wallet runs a local process which is called the observer.
The wallet is assumed to be tamper-resistant and powerful enough to carry out relatively
expensive cryptographic computations. Security of the wallet in possession of the user
is the key. Indeed, if the client side device is compromised, replay attacks or fraudulent
authentication results may be sent to the server. Furthermore this model is not scalable
nor interoperable. It can potentially be used by a party other than the owner which is an
undesired property for biometric authentication.
Other efforts in cryptography based on biometrics are fuzzy commitments and fuzzy
vaults [34,33] and fuzzy extractors [22] have been proposed. However, several of these
schemes may be vulnerable to replay attacks, non-repudiation and the vulnerability of
the resultant keys generated to cryptanalysis. Many of the schemes mentioned depend on
the fuzzy commitment scheme which was developed by Juels and Wattenberg [34] who
have proposed an improvement and generalization of the approach by Davida et. al. [20]
where a synthesis of error correcting codes with cryptographic techniques was proposed.
Unlike traditional commitment schemes, the fuzzy commitment scheme was de-
signed mainly to be resilient to small corruptions of the committed value, which is also
called the witness. This means that if prover P originally committed value x, then P can
potentially open the original commitment or decommit successfully with a value x0 very
close to x. One of the distance functions to measure closeness of two values is the Ham-
ming distance. Such cryptographic primitive of fuzzy commitments was proposed to be
achieved with the help of error correcting codes (ECC). ECC enable transmission of a
message m intact over a noisy communication channel. An approach based on ECC is
not trivial to implement because of the complexity. Therefore, in our work we investigate
an approach based on recording specific characteristics of a biometric, instead of deal-
ing with the biometric template as a simple bit pattern. We believe such a mechanism is
highly practical. We not only use the biometric-key as it is, but we also combine it with
ZKPK to assure the privacy of the biometric-key itself.
Key Generation based on biometric aggregation has been investigated in [18]. Sev-
eral invariant features of different types of biometric are used to derive a biometric-key
that is used to encrypt a plain text message with a header information. The decryption
is based on a new generated biometric-key which may not be exactly the same as the
initial key. Different permutations of the newly computed biometric-key are used to de-
crypt the header of the encrypted message after which the rest of the message is inferred.
This approach addressed the non-repudiation problems and was proven to be efficient.
However, to be robust this scheme needs several biometrics per user. We provide a more
fine granular approach which can generate different keys for closely looking biometrics.
Our approach greatly depends on the characteristic vector as highlighted in Section 4.1.
We further use information theoretic ZKPK that provide additional privacy and security
properties as shown in the analysis of Section 7.
Finally, as compared to traditional cryptographic secret key based systems like pub-
lic key system RSA [5] and private key system [40], the biometric-key based authen-
tication proposed in this paper was used to construct commitments to perform zero-
knowledge proofs [13,23]. The use of ZKP provides additional security and privacy prop-
erties as highlighted in [7]. Some example properties are unlinkability, anonymity, data
minimization and efficient revocation of biometric tokens without the loss of privacy.
Due to the use of ZKPs with the biometric-key, these properties are achieved in our sys-
tem in an elegant manner. Traditional signature schemes requires only one signature to
be generated and validated thus proving to be very efficient. However, current anony-
mous credential system based on ZKPs [10,13] have been developed to be highly effi-
cient. For example in the idemix anonymous credential system [12], only three multi-
base exponentiations for the user and one for the authenticating party are needed [7].
Moreover, using aggregate ZKPs multi-factor authentication [4], it has shown that effi-
cient ZKPs can be performed with multiple commitments. Here if a proof for t commit-
ments is needed to be provided then not more than 5t exponentiations are needed. The
available arithmetic techniques for optimization, and several possible pre-computations
in such schemes make this approach practical.
In traditional fingerprint based biometric authentication systems [31,39], authenti-
cation based on matching of fingerprints. One way to do such matching is to extract the
minutiae points of the fingerprint and compare it against the second fingerprint template
minutiae’s. The effectiveness of such systems are based on evaluating error rates such
as False Accept Rate (FAR), False Reject Rate (FRR), and Equal Error Rate (EER). The
processing time for such matching has shown to be efficient for practical purposes. For
example for Neurotechnologija Verifinger system [36] the fingerprint enrolment time is
0.2-0.4 seconds, and VeriFinger can match 40,000 fingerprints per second in one to many
identification mode. In our proposed system, there is no matching of the actual finger-
print template, therefore the efficiency of the biometric-key system are reliant primarily
on the time needed to generate the biometric-key. This has been shown to be efficient us-
ing the protocols described in Section 4. Note that we use existing equipments and soft-
ware like the Neurotechnologija Ltd.’s VeriFinger 4.2 SDK to evaluate the characteristic
vector to calculate the distances of minutiae points from the fingerprint core. This SDK
allows for the necessary information regarding the core and closest minutiae distances
to be extracted and calculated. Most computation is performed in the learning phase (i.e.
before enrolment), and the weights particular to the user are evaluated at the time of en-
rolment. Henceforth, at verification only the weighting has to be applied and the cosine
measure be calculated and compared against the stored key space.
In the past years alternative pattern based fingerprint matching systems [28] have
been proposed. These systems do not function on minutiae points, but rather segments of
the entire image which are examined individually. More specifically, this global approach
to matching fingerprints uses characteristics such as space between ridges and power
spectrum analysis. This approach can use a smaller area of the fingerprint to perform
the matching, but does not provide the type of informational content that our approach
requires. Unlike pattern based fingerprint matching systems, our system only utilizes
minutiae based information from fingerprints.
Concerning standards related to biometric technologies, the Biometric Applica-
tion Programming Interface (BioAPI) is both an American National Standard as ANSI-
INCITS 358-2002 [2] and International Standard as ISO/IEC 19784-1 [30] which de-
fines an API framework through common function calls. The BioAPI Consortium is a
non for profit organization consisting of over 100 members that promotes the adoption
of the BioAPI framework and brings platform and device independence to application
programmers and biometric service providers [17]. While BioAPI is an application layer
standard there also exists minutiae data interchange format standards. In 2004 ANSI-
INCITS 378-2004 was approved as an American National Standard [3]. The ISO Inter-
national version was approved the following year in 2005 as ISO/IEC 19794-2 [1]. The
purpose of these standards is to facilitate interoperability of minutiae data between dif-
ferent software applications utilizing the BioAPI framework. A method for documenting
the information of x and y coordinates as well as direction angle and type are for each
minutiae in a given sample are defined by these standards. Research has been conducted
to test interoperability of various fingerprint template and matching algorithms accord-
ing to ANSI-INCITS 378-2004 [24]. For the purposes of this research, only one template
generation algorithm was used, and as mentioned before, no matching is performed. The
only constraint on the system would be to use the same template generation algorithm
for each instance of the bio-key generation. Although not proven in this research, using
multiple template generation algorithms could result in variations in the minutiae details
significant enough to effect performance of the system. This system complies with the
minutiae data interchange format standards mentioned and future work includes integra-
tion into the entire BioAPI framework.

9. Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper we have developed a privacy preserving biometric authentication method-

ology. Our approach has several security and privacy advantages for the authentication
mechanism and the biometric itself. We provide a new application of vector-space model
to efficiently generate cryptographic biometric keys. We preserve privacy and uncon-
ditional security of the biometric key by employing information theoretically secure
ZKPK. Our notion of privacy relates to the amount of data disclosed and the controlled
usage of it, for the specific authentication purposes it was designed for. Moreover, we
show how the biometric authentication can be combined with other identifiers used in a
federated IdM system for authentication, thus resulting in a multi-factor authentication.
We plan to extend this work in several directions especially with respect to experi-
mentation. First we plan to work on simulations and evaluations of fingerprints, and voice
prints biometrics to develop examples of the characteristic vectors. We will investigate
how this characteristic vector differs in the various vendor specific biometric scanners.
The second direction is to use this characteristic vector to generate a key space in VSM
which is sufficiently expressive to generate different keys from closely related biomet-
rics. The third direction is to explore the feasibility of the given approach without any
user-specific state stored at the client machine. In this way the client would not be able to
determine if the correct biometric-key was generated, and would have to rely on a suc-
cessful completion of the ZKPK to determine this. The resulting scheme would be able
to support portable authentication by users at trusted client terminals which they have
not previously interacted with. We need further investigation and experimental results
to ensure the feasibility of such extension. The fourth direction is to extend the concept
of strong revocation discussed in Section 4.3 using deterministic commitments of the
biometric-keys. Finally, we would like to investigate combining various biometrics in the
VSM model as investigated in [18].

10. Acknowledgement

The work reported in this paper has been sponsored by NSF under the ITR Project
0428554 “The Design and Use of Digital Identities". We thank Prof. Samuel Wagstaff
for his useful suggestions.


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