HE1002 Lecture3 Full
HE1002 Lecture3 Full
HE1002 Lecture3 Full
• The level of GDP, the overall price level, and the level of
employment—three chief concerns of macroeconomists—are
influenced by events in three broadly defined “markets”:
– Goods-and-services market
– Labor market
– Financial (money) market
How We Build Up the Core?
Lecture 3
Lecture 7
Lecture 4
Lecture 9
Lecture 8
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Lecture 3
Aggregate Expenditure
and Equilibrium Output
Broad Outline
• In the short run, aggregate output is determined primarily by
aggregate expenditure.
Y ≡ aggregate output ≡ aggregate income
Two Tips on Aggregate Output
• Aggregate output can also be considered the aggregate
quantity supplied because it is the amount that firms are
supplying (producing) during a period.
• In the discussion below, we use the term aggregate output
(income) instead of aggregate quantity supplied, but keep in
mind that these two are equivalent.
• In Lecture 2, we introduced real GDP as a measure of total
quantity of output produced in the economy in a given
• When we talk about aggregate output (income) (Y), we mean
real GDP, or the total quantity of goods and services
produced . Sometimes you see Y= $100 billion. But keep in
mind such Y is expressed in constant prices so that it only
reflects the change in quantity.
Income, Consumption, and Saving
• Saving (S) is the part of its income that a household does not
consume in a given period.
S ≡Y −C
The Keynesian Theory of Consumption
A Consumption Function for a Household
• A consumption function
for an individual
household shows the
level of consumption (c)
at each level of
household income (y).
An Aggregate Consumption Function
• The aggregate consumption
function shows the level of
aggregate consumption (C)
at each level of aggregate
income (Y).
• a: exogenous consumption
An Aggregate Consumption Function
• The upward slope (b>0)
indicates that higher
levels of income lead to
higher levels of
consumption spending.
Marginal Propensity to Consume
• Marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is the fraction of a
change in income that is consumed, or spent.
MPC ≡ slope of consumption function ≡
• The Greek letter ∆(delta) means “change in”.
Marginal Propensity to Save
• Marginal propensity to save (MPS) is the fraction of a
change in income that is saved.
• The identity S ≡ Y - C implies that
MPC + MPS ≡ 1
• The MPC is the fraction of an increase in income that is
consumed (or the fraction of a decrease in income that
comes out of consumption). The MPS is the fraction of an
increase in income that is saved (or the fraction of a
decrease in income that comes out of saving).
∆C ∆S
MPC ≡ , MPS ≡
∆Y ∆Y
Consumption Function Derived From:
C = 100 + .75Y
Example of Change in Inventory
Planned Investment (I)
Planned versus Actual Investment
Planned versus Actual Investment
Planned Investment (I)
• For now, we will assume
that planned investment is
fixed. It does not change
when income changes. So
its graph is a horizontal line.
Planned Aggregate Expenditure (AE)
• Planned aggregate
expenditure (AE) is the
total amount the
economy plans to spend
in a given period, so
planned aggregate
expenditure can also be
considered the aggregate
quantity demanded.
• It is equal to consumption
plus planned investment
(under Assumption 1 & 2):
AE ≡ C + I
Equilibrium Output (Income)
• Disequilibrium occurs when
Y dise > C dise + I
aggregate output > planned aggregate expenditure
(aggregate quantity supplied > aggregate quantity demanded)
Firms planned to sell more than they did so there is a rise in unplanned
inventory investment. Firms respond by reducing output. Y will decrease
until Y e = C e + I < Y dise.
or when
Y dise < C dise + I
aggregate output < planned aggregate expenditure
(aggregate quantity supplied < aggregate quantity demanded)
Firms planned to sell less than they did so there is a fall in unplanned
inventory investment. Firms respond by increasing output. Y will increase
until Y e = C e + I >Y dise .
The Determination of
Equilibrium Output (Income)--Table
The Determination of
Equilibrium Output (Income)--Graph
The Determination of
Equilibrium Output (Income)--Algebra
• Alternatively, we can solve out the equilibrium output
(income) algebraically
(1) consumption is a function of income C = 100 + .75 Y
(2) planned investment is exogenous I = 25
(3) planned aggregate expenditure AE = C + I
(4) at equilibrium Y = AE
Substitute (1), (2) and (3) into (4)
We get Y = 100 + .75Y +25
Solve out equilibrium level of output (income) Y = 500.
The Multiplier
The Effect of a Change in Exogenous Variable
The Multiplier Effect
• For C = 100 + .75Y, when
I increases by $25b,
equilibrium output has
increased by $100b (600
- 500), or four times the
amount of the increase
in planned investment.
• The fact that equilibrium
output changes by a
multiple of the changes
in planned investment or
any other exogenous
variable is called the
multiplier effect.
What is the Intuition behind the Multiplier Effect?
Boeing increases
investment by 25 ↘
U.S. steel produces Hire more workers people spend
more steel; G.E. Pay more salaries, 75% increase in
produces more → interests, and rent, → their income on
engines; Goodyear earn more profits food, clothing, …
produces more tires (∆Y=25) (∆AE=∆C=25×.75)
↓ ↓ Hire more workers
Pay more salaries,
Firms in induced ↗ Firms in food, →
interests, and rent;
industries clothing, …
earn more profits
produce more produce more
↓ ↓ ↓
…… …… Consume more
(∆Y=25) (∆Y=25×.75) (∆AE=∆C=25×.75×.75)
until new aggregate output (income) = new aggregate expenditure ←
What is the Intuition behind the Multiplier Effect?
• The basic intuition behind the multiplier is that consumption
depends on income.
How to Derive the Equilibrium Y Algebraically?
Consider level: Consider change:
aold I
By definition Since Yold = + old
1− b 1− b
C = a + bY , AE = C + I
a I
At equilibrium and Ynew = new + new
1− b 1− b
Y = AE It must follow that
By substituti on 1 1
∆Y = ∆a + ∆I
Y = a + bY + I 1− b 1− b
where ∆Y = Ynew − Yold
(1 − b )Y = a + I
∆a = anew − aold
a I
Y= + ∆I = I new − I old
1− b 1− b
Two Ways to Derive the New Equilibrium Y
anew I new 1 1
Ynew = + ∆Y = ∆a + ∆I
1− b 1− b 1− b 1− b
100 50 1 1
= + = ×0 + × 25
1 − 0.75 1 − 0.75 1 − 0.75 1 − 0.75
= 600 = 100
Ynew = Yold + ∆Y = 500 + 100 = 600
The Multiplier Equation
• The multiplier measures how much Y will change following a
change in planned investment or any exogenous variable.
1 1
Since ∆Y = ∆a + ∆I
1− b 1− b
The multiplier of planned investment is
∆Y 1 1 1
= = ≡
∆I 1 − b 1 − MPC MPS
In our example
∆Y 1
= =4
∆I 1 − 0.75
• In our simple economy , AE = C + I, C = 100 + .80Y, I = 20.
What is the equilibrium output (income)?
• At equilibrium Y = AE
• Y = 100 + .80Y + 20
• Solve out Y = 120/.20 = 600.
Summary of Lecture 3
For Those Who are Interested
• In the consumption function C = a + bY, MPC = b.