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Example 1: Determine whether the column section W 14 X 68 A992 (Fy = 50 ksi) will

be adequate. The column must resist the following loads:

PD = 50 kips
PL = 170 kips
PW = 110 kips

Use A992 steel

(Fy=50 ksi)

20 ft


LRFD Load combinations:

1.4 PD = 1.4 x 50 = 70 kips

1.2 PD + 1.6 PL = 1.2 x 50 + 1.6 x 170 = 332 kips. (CONTROLS)
1.2 PD + 0.5 PL + 1.6 PW = 1.2x 50 + 0.5x170 + 1.6x110 = 321 kips.
0.9 PD + 1.6 PW = 0.9x50 + 1.6x110 = 221 kips.

The column must carry, Pu = 332 kips.

AISC Steel Manual Table 1-1

W 14X68
A= 20
ry= 2.46
With respect to least radius of gyration (ry)

KL / r = 1.0 (20 x12) / 2.46 = 97.561

AISC Table 4-22, Page 4-322
φ Fcr = 22.6 - (22.6 – 22.3)x0.561 = 22.6 - 0.1683 = 22.4317 ksi

Dr. M.E. Haque, P.E. Column Design Examples (Page 1 of 5)

Design Compressive strength, φ Pn = φ Fcr Ag = 22.4317(20) = 448.6 kips >332 kips
Therefore, W14X68 is adequate.



Use AISC TABLE 4-1 (Page 4-14)

KL with respect to least radius of gyration = 1.0(20) = 20 ft

For W14X68 with KL=20, design compressive strength = 448 kips >332 kips
Therefore, W14X68 is adequate.



(KL/r) = (1.0)(20 x 12)/2.46 = 97.56 < 4.71√(E/Fy) = 4.71√(29000/50) = 113.46 yes

Fe = π2 E / (KL/r)2 …………………………(AISC Eq. E3-4)

Fe = π2 (29000)/(97.56)2 = 30.071 ksi

Fcr = [0.658 ] Fy …………(AISC Eq. E3-2)

Fcr = (0.658)(50/30.071) x 50 = 24.93 ksi

Design Compressive strength, φ Pn = φ Fcr Ag = 0.75 (24.93)(20) = 448.7 kips >332

Therefore, W14X68 is adequate.

Dr. M.E. Haque, P.E. Column Design Examples (Page 2 of 5)

Example 2: Determine the lightest W-section for the column shown in Figure. The
column must resist the following loads:

PD = 50 kips
PL = 170 kips
PW = 110 kips

Use A992 steel

(Fy=50 ksi)

20 ft


LRFD Load combinations:

1.4 PD = 1.4 x 50 = 70 kips

1.2 PD + 1.6 PL = 1.2 x 50 + 1.6 x 170 = 332 kips. (CONTROLS)
1.2 PD + 0.5 PL + 1.6 PW = 1.2x 50 + 0.5x170 + 1.6x110 = 321 kips.
0.9 PD + 1.6 PW = 0.9x50 + 1.6x110 = 221 kips.
The column must carry, Pu = 332 kips.
With respect to least radius of gyration (ry)
KL (y-y) = 1.0 x 20 = 20 ft

From AISC Table 4-1 (Pages 4-10 to 4-21)

For KL = 20 look horizontally and find LRFD design capacity value closest to 332 kips
(not less than 332 kips).
W 8 X 67 (347 kips)
W 10 X 49 (338 Kips)
W 12 X 53 (353 kips)
W 14 X 61 (400 kips)
W 10 X 49 is the lightest section with design compressive strength = 338 kips.

Dr. M.E. Haque, P.E. Column Design Examples (Page 3 of 5)

Example 3: Determine the lightest W-section for the column shown in Figure. The
column must resist the following loads:

PD = 50 kips
PL = 170 kips
PW = 110 kips

Use A992 steel

20 ft

LRFD Load combinations:

1.4 PD = 1.4 x 50 = 70 kips

1.2 PD + 1.6 PL = 1.2 x 50 + 1.6 x 170 = 332 kips. (CONTROLS)
1.2 PD + 0.5 PL + 1.6 PW = 1.2x 50 + 0.5x170 + 1.6x110 = 321 kips.
0.9 PD + 1.6 PW = 0.9x50 + 1.6x110 = 221 kips.
The column must carry, Pu = 332 kips.
Considering an approximate ideal Fixed-Pined ends. (AISC TABLE C-C2.2)
With respect to least radius of gyration (ry)
KL (y-y) = 0.8 x 20 = 16 ft
From AISC Table 4-1 (Pages 4-10 to 4-21)
For KL = 16 look horizontally and find LRFD design capacity value closest to 332 kips
(not less than 332 kips).
W 8 X 48 (340 kips)
W 10 X 49 ( 428 kips)
W 12 X 53 ( 452 kips)
W 14 X 53 ( 338 kips)
W 8 X 48 is the lightest section with design compressive strength = 340 kips.


Dr. M.E. Haque, P.E. Column Design Examples (Page 4 of 5)

Example 4: Calculate the design compressive strength of the column section, W 14 X
68 A992 (Fy=50 ksi).

6 ft

20 ft
14 ft


AISC Steel Manual Table 1-1
W 14X68
A= 20
ry= 2.46; rx = 6.00
For AC (Fixed-Hinge), KL/ry = 0.8(14 x 12)/2.46 = 54.63 GOVERNS
For CB (Hinge-Hinge), KL/ry = 1.0(6 x 12)/2.46 = 29.27
For AB (Fixed-Hinge), KL/rx = 0.8(20 x 12)/6.0 = 32.0

For AC, KL = 0.8 x 14 = 11.2

AISC Table 4-1 (Page 4-14),
Design Compressive strength,
φc Pn = 728 – (728-700)*(11.2-11)/(12-11) = 728-5.6 = 722.4 kips


For KL/r = 54.63

AISC Table 4-22, (Page 4-319)
φc Fcr = 36.4 – 0.3(0.63) = 36.211
φ Pn = φ Fcr Ag = 36.211 x 20 = 724 kips

Dr. M.E. Haque, P.E. Column Design Examples (Page 5 of 5)

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