Tasks For Evaluation of Mathematics Instruction

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Tasks for Evaluation of Mathematics Instruction (Week 1 – 4)

Week Tasks Number on the list

1 A. Find the definition of: Group Group 1: 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26,31
- pengukuran (measurement) Task
Group 2: 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27,32
- Penilaian
- Evaluasi (evaluation) Group 3: 3, 8, 13,18, 23, 28,33
- Asesmen (assessment)
Group 4: 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29,34
- Tes (test)
Group 5: 5, 10, 15,20, 25, 30,35
B. Fungsi dan tujuan evaluasi
C. Prosedur evaluasi
D. Objek dan subjek evaluasi

Note: each definition is summarized at least from 5

different resources
2 Bloom Taxonomy & it’s revision Group 1, 10, 19, 28
- cognitive domain + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2
pages summary
Bloom Taxonomy & it’s revision Group 2, 11, 20, 29
- affective domain + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2
pages summary
Bloom Taxonomy & it’s revision Group 3, 12, 21, 30
- psychomotor domain + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2
pages summary
3 Cangelosi Taxonomy Group 4, 13, 22, 31
- cognitive domain + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2
pages summary
Cangelosi Taxonomy Group 5, 14, 23, 32
- affective domain + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2
pages summary
Cangelosi Taxonomy Group 6, 15, 24, 33
- psychomotor domain + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2
pages summary
4 Marzano Taxonomy: Group 7, 16, 25, 34
- cognitive system + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2
pages summary
Marzano Taxonomy: Group 8, 17, 26, 35
- metacognitive system + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2
pages summary
Marzano Taxonomy: Group 9, 18, 27
- self system + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2
pages summary
Starting from the second week, each group has to prepare 1) Paper, 2) PPT, 3) Video
Presentation (upload it on YouTube). Paper, PPT, and the link of the video are uploaded on the
WA group no later than one day before the meeting.
The List
N.I.M. Nama Program Studi

1 18029010/2018 Laila Fauziah M.

2 18029012/2018 Nur Aisiyah Fazariah Harahap

3 18029019/2018 Salsabila Maharani

4 18029020/2018 Shinta Mulyanti Putri

5 18029021/2018 Siti Syifa Alifah

6 18029028/2018 Yusfira Rahmi

7 18029029/2018 Zelvira Novrina

8 18029038/2018 Miftahul Rezki

9 18029054/2018 Yulia Mai Sara

10 18029057/2018 ALTAIRA AVERIL ADELLA . AR

11 18029059/2018 ASTRI ONELFA

12 18029060/2018 AULIA RAHMA

13 18029066/2018 HAMDANI SYAPUTRA

14 18029067/2018 HASYRI RAHMAT

15 18029070/2018 IRMA SANDI ARRAFI

16 18029072/2018 LAURA ANDINI

17 18029074/2018 MAULANA IHSAN KAMIL


19 18029077/2018 NABILLA RESTA BOKARI

20 18029078/2018 NAFISA SALSABILA

21 18029081/2018 NOVA ZULFIA


23 18029086/2018 RAFIKA SALSABILA

24 18029089/2018 RANA THURFAH

25 18029092/2018 SYAKIRA GEMA ZAHIRA


27 18029095/2018 YULIANI EKA PUTRI

28 18029096/2018 YUNISA MAIKA

29 18029097/2018 ZIZI FAUZIAH

30 18029098/2018 ZUKRUF FEFEN

31 18029101/2018 ANNISA NILAM SARI

32 18029105/2018 ELZA DWI PUTRI
33 18029116/2018 SILVA NOVIA
34 18029119/2018 TESA AMELIA
35 19029074/2019 AZIZAH SADRIANAS

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