This document outlines tasks for evaluating mathematics instruction over 4 weeks. In week 1, students are assigned to groups and tasks involving defining key terms related to evaluation and assessment. They are also asked to summarize definitions from multiple resources. In weeks 2-4, groups are assigned topics related to different taxonomy frameworks and domains and asked to prepare summaries, papers, presentations and upload them online. The document also includes a list of students and their student IDs.
This document outlines tasks for evaluating mathematics instruction over 4 weeks. In week 1, students are assigned to groups and tasks involving defining key terms related to evaluation and assessment. They are also asked to summarize definitions from multiple resources. In weeks 2-4, groups are assigned topics related to different taxonomy frameworks and domains and asked to prepare summaries, papers, presentations and upload them online. The document also includes a list of students and their student IDs.
This document outlines tasks for evaluating mathematics instruction over 4 weeks. In week 1, students are assigned to groups and tasks involving defining key terms related to evaluation and assessment. They are also asked to summarize definitions from multiple resources. In weeks 2-4, groups are assigned topics related to different taxonomy frameworks and domains and asked to prepare summaries, papers, presentations and upload them online. The document also includes a list of students and their student IDs.
This document outlines tasks for evaluating mathematics instruction over 4 weeks. In week 1, students are assigned to groups and tasks involving defining key terms related to evaluation and assessment. They are also asked to summarize definitions from multiple resources. In weeks 2-4, groups are assigned topics related to different taxonomy frameworks and domains and asked to prepare summaries, papers, presentations and upload them online. The document also includes a list of students and their student IDs.
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Tasks for Evaluation of Mathematics Instruction (Week 1 – 4)
Week Tasks Number on the list
1 A. Find the definition of: Group Group 1: 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26,31 - pengukuran (measurement) Task Group 2: 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27,32 - Penilaian - Evaluasi (evaluation) Group 3: 3, 8, 13,18, 23, 28,33 - Asesmen (assessment) Group 4: 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29,34 - Tes (test) Group 5: 5, 10, 15,20, 25, 30,35 B. Fungsi dan tujuan evaluasi C. Prosedur evaluasi D. Objek dan subjek evaluasi
Note: each definition is summarized at least from 5
different resources 2 Bloom Taxonomy & it’s revision Group 1, 10, 19, 28 - cognitive domain + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2 pages summary Bloom Taxonomy & it’s revision Group 2, 11, 20, 29 - affective domain + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2 pages summary Bloom Taxonomy & it’s revision Group 3, 12, 21, 30 - psychomotor domain + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2 pages summary 3 Cangelosi Taxonomy Group 4, 13, 22, 31 - cognitive domain + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2 pages summary Cangelosi Taxonomy Group 5, 14, 23, 32 - affective domain + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2 pages summary Cangelosi Taxonomy Group 6, 15, 24, 33 - psychomotor domain + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2 pages summary 4 Marzano Taxonomy: Group 7, 16, 25, 34 - cognitive system + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2 pages summary Marzano Taxonomy: Group 8, 17, 26, 35 - metacognitive system + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2 pages summary Marzano Taxonomy: Group 9, 18, 27 - self system + example in mathematics Task (the others write down 1 – 2 pages summary Starting from the second week, each group has to prepare 1) Paper, 2) PPT, 3) Video Presentation (upload it on YouTube). Paper, PPT, and the link of the video are uploaded on the WA group no later than one day before the meeting. The List No N.I.M. Nama Program Studi
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