Array: Aristea Kontogianni, Efthimios Alepis

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Array 6 (2020) 100020

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Smart tourism: State of the art and literature review for the last six years
Aristea Kontogianni *, Efthimios Alepis
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece


Keywords: In the modern era, the tourism sector has grown to be one of the dominant sectors globally while technology
Smart tourism continues to evolve. These facts have given birth to the “Smart Tourism” concept which can be characterized as a
User modeling progression from traditional tourism. In order to realize an actual Smart Tourism experience, the proper services
Privacy preserving
need to be delivered to the right user at the right time with the best possible way. During the last six years, there
Recommender systems
has been a significant amount of research in the Smart Tourism field which, to the best of our knowledge, have not
Big data yet been presented in a thorough literature review. In this paper, after carefully reviewing a wide number of
papers, we have managed to identify the most commonly used approaches and basic concepts in the Smart
Tourism sector and present them in detail along with the papers that focus on them. In this study, “key concepts”
include: Privacy Preserving, Context Awareness, Cultural Heritage, Recommender Systems, Social Media, Internet
of Things, User Experience, Real Time, User Modeling, Augmented Reality and Big Data. At the same time, major
Smart Tourism challenges are presented so as to lay the foundations for future researches in the field.

1. Introduction “Smart Touris” concept, which can be defined as the progression from
traditional tourism [5,6].
The tourism sector, one of the biggest sectors globally [1], is a crucial Based on [7], a Smart Tourism Destination has a primary goal to offer
component of the social and economic activity of a plethora of countries a smart experience to tourists enhanced by personalization,
as it generates job openings and business opportunities [2]. The tourism context-awareness, real-time data and mediation by technologies. While
industry steadily increases its growth yearly, with tourist arrivals having a Smart Tourism destination should be an innovative place accessible to
reached the amount of 1.19 billion in 2015, from 528 million in 2005, all visitors that can experience an improved, more interactive and of
while it is expected to grow even more than 1.8 billion by 2030.2017 higher-quality travel, it should also improve residents’ quality of life [6].
statistics indicate that the tourism industry contributed directly the When aiming to create a “Smart Tourism” Destination, a number of
tremendous amount of approximately 2.57 trillion U.S dollars, creating challenges arise such as how to personalize the content presented to a
millions of jobs worldwide [3]. The realization that the travel industry user [7], which are the most appropriate sources for data collection, how
can be highly beneficial for a country has led to the demanding need to these data should be extracted ie. implicitly or explicitly, privacy issues
make tourism destinations as appealing as possible, both for the less etc. At the same time, technological infrastructures like sensors, cloud
traveled and also for the well-established ones. computing services, smartphones, radio-frequency-identification (RFID)
While the tourism industry grows, we are witnessing an era of radical and Wi-Fi could also have a vital role in Smart Tourism development [8].
evolution of software environments that allow access to a plethora of Currently, there are several attempts to offer Smart Tourism services, like
tourist related data. These data may regard accommodation, food and recommender systems that aim at suggesting the most relevant tourist
beverages establishments, cultural heritage points of interest, etc, along attraction based on users’ profile [9], location tracking systems that try to
with reviews, ratings and tourist generated suggestions [4]. With such a assume users’ behavior and achieve location-based advertising [10],
data explosion, though, choices increase dramatically along with the risk apps that utilize Sensors to help tourists that have limited amount of time
of information overload. Thus, the need to comprehend tourists’ needs to visit a city [11] etc.
and behavior has become even more important so as to improve the In the last six years, there has been a number of research efforts,
whole tourist experience by offering the proper service to the right user at concepts, challenges and concerns discussed in Smart Tourism related
the right time. The aforementioned facts have led to the creation of the papers. The interest in these sectors continues to grow, as illustrated in

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Kontogianni), [email protected] (E. Alepis).
Received 7 September 2019; Received in revised form 13 January 2020; Accepted 3 February 2020
Available online 13 February 2020
2590-0056/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
A. Kontogianni, E. Alepis Array 6 (2020) 100020

Fig. 2, and the need to collect all knowledge produced up to this point in challenges that have already emerged and others that are expected to be
this newly established sector in a single paper arises, so as to offer better “discovered”. Thus, it is of great importance for practitioners and re-
insight into this field and set the ground for further research. In this searchers to have an insight into issues that have already been identified
literature review, we take up this challenge and after reviewing a wide in a number of papers so as to either attempt to resolve them, or discover
number of papers that focus on the Smart Tourism sector we attempt to areas that require further study and even build upon them.
identify the most commonly used approaches/concepts, something that,
to the best of our knowledge, is yet to be done. Eleven “key concepts” 2. Criteria for inclusion in the literature review
have been identified and presented within the scope of this paper.
Namely, these concepts are Privacy Preserving, Context Awareness, The literature review presented and discussed in this research, is
Cultural Heritage, Recommender Systems, Social Media, Internet of based on an extensive study of Smart Tourism relevant papers that have
Things, User Experience, Real Time, User Modeling, Augmented Reality been published from 2013 to 2019. Our paper research was conducted
and Big Data, along with a number of researches that offer theoretical mainly through DBLP [12], Google Scholar [13], Scopus [14], Academia
contribution in the Smart Tourism sector. At the same time, this study [15] and ResearchGate [16]. DBLP is a bibliography website that lists all
also illustrates major challenges that need to be faced in this field. It important journals, proceedings, conference papers as well as books and
comes at no surprise that a sector with research still undergoing has many thesis on computer science. Starting in 1993 and with more than 4,5

Table 1
Smart Tourism literature approaches: 2013–2019.
Context Reco- Social IoT User Real User Augme- Big Theore- tical Cultural Privacy
Awareness mmender Media Experience Time Modeling nted Reality Data Condtribution heritage preserving

[19] ✓ ✓ ✓
[20] ✓ ✓
[21] ✓ ✓ ✓
[22] ✓ ✓
[23] ✓
[24] ✓ ✓ ✓
[7] ✓
[25] ✓ ✓ ✓
[26] ✓
[27] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[11] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[28] ✓ ✓
[29] ✓ ✓
[30] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[9] ✓
[31] ✓ ✓ ✓
[32] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[33] ✓ ✓
[34] ✓
[35] ✓ ✓
[36] ✓
[37] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[38] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[39] ✓
[6] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[40] ✓ ✓
[41] ✓
[42] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[43] ✓
[44] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[45] ✓ ✓ ✓
[46] ✓
[47] ✓ ✓ ✓
[48] ✓
[49] ✓ ✓ ✓
[4] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[8] ✓ ✓ ✓
[50] ✓
[51] ✓ ✓
[52] ✓
[10] ✓ ✓ ✓
[53] ✓
[54] ✓
[55] ✓ ✓
[1] ✓ ✓
[56] ✓ ✓ ✓
[2] ✓ ✓
[57] ✓ ✓
[5] ✓ ✓ ✓
[58] ✓
[59] ✓ ✓
[60] ✓ ✓
[61] ✓ ✓

A. Kontogianni, E. Alepis Array 6 (2020) 100020

Table 2
Literature review: Smart Tourism systems.
Paper System Systems’ Goal Methods used Year

[19] iTour a Java-based IoT framework that aims to involve citizens in the tourism 2018
development process
[21] MuseFy a mobile application which adapts its’ UI and provides personalized 2017
assistance to users
[24] CURUMIM a tourism recommender system that uses data available on the Content Based (CB) and Collaborative Filtering (CF) 2017
Facebook social network, in order to offer personalized techniques to discard from the whole set of possible
recommendation to its’ users and positively surprise them places to recommend
[11] a mobile app that utilizes Sensors placed in entrances of Points of The optimisation problem for recommending the 2017
Interest so as to help tourists that have limited amount of time to visit optimal route to tourists is dealt as a typical Travelling
the city Salesman Problem (TSP)
[30] TreSight a context-aware recommendation system named that integrates IoT 2016
and big data analytics for Smart Tourism and sustainable cultural
heritage in the city of Trento, Italy
[2] Find Tourist Profile detects users’ preferences implicitly, based on the geolocation of social Deep Learning and Fuzzy Logic techniques 2017
media photos
[38] UTravel a mobile app that utilizes user profiling in combination with context UTA algorithm [62]/K-Means clustering algorithm 2017
based data in order to guide individuals to POIs based on their current
location as well as their previous evaluations via the collaborative
filtering principles
[61] HotCity a social context crowdsourcing platform that exploits users’ social geo- 2017
tagged data such as likes and check ins as well as their location in order
to highlight popular “spaces“ and locals’ preferences
[54] ARTS smartphone based AR Tourism System that deploys 3D scans in order 2019
to achieve interaction between urban fabric, cultural heritage tourism
and pedagogy.
[4] Novel Pre-Tourist Experience used in the Find Trip Platform so as to implicitly gain tourists’ For tourist classification: Convolutional Neural 2018
module preferences via social media photos and recommend attractions Network and Fuzzy logic/For Tourism
recommendation: collaborative filtering approach
[32] Madrid Live system that takes into account user’s preferences in conjunction with The recommender process is based on a Case-Based 2017
some other factors such as location and weather to suggest tourism and Reasoning (CBR) algorithm [63]
leisure activities in Madrid
[37] a Smart Tourism Recommendation System that predicts tourist’ real- The proposed algorithm is described in the paper 2018
time context and offers individualized services
[52] Space-Based Tourist a system that makes recommendations based on users with similar context generalization method, collaborative filtering 2014
Recommendation System interests
[44] a Smart POI recommendation algorithm that considers tourist collaborative filtering 2017
preferences as well as location when recommending new places to visit
[44, HGRM - Happy Guest a unique platform that offers dynamically formed personalized 2015
45] Relationship Management experience between guests and employees
[44, ToARist a tourism AR application that is based on User-Centered design combination of task analysis, expert guidelines and 2017
55] user-centered evaluation
[56] Smart Tourism service mechanism that offers personalized 2014
[47] South Tyrol Suggests recommender system that generates context-aware recommendations a method called Largest Deviation is used to measure 2017
from a dataset of 27,000 POIs the usefulness of a specific contextual factor
[48] BloHosT a framework that allows safe interaction between tourists and 2019
stakeholders via a wallet identifier connected with a cryptocurrency
server to initiate payments
[57] app that transmits both real-time location and survey data that aims to 2017
capture user experiences, preferences, etc
[64] SHCity a mobile application that integrates real-time data and routing genetic algorithms 2018
algorithms so as to enrich tourism experience
[50] an IoT system that attempts to achieve Smart Tourism management Improved Simulated Annealing algorithm 2019
[58] AudioNear a prototype that enriches users’ experience when visiting open urban 2018
environments by providing speech-based assistance regarding his/hers

million publications by 2017, its number of publications per year is approaches, as well as already proved methods exploited in researches.
constantly increasing as statistics indicate [17], with the total number of With that being said, papers included in this literature review are
publications rising to 330.755 in 2018. Google Scholar a freely accessible assumed to be of high quality.
web search engine, released in 2004, contains most peer-reviewed online
academic journals, books, conference papers as well as other publica- 3. Smart tourism
tions. With its number of publications estimated at 389 million at the end
of 2018, it can be considered the worlds’ most comprehensive academic After an extensive research in the scientific literature regarding the
search engine [18]. “Smart Tourism” sector we identified the most widely used approaches
At the same time, researchers that contributed to the writing of the and concepts in this field in terms of “key-concepts”, as already
included papers are at their majority prominent scientists, renowned in mentioned. The bar graph illustrated in Fig. 2 displays the number of
their scientific sector. Thus, their work is internationally recognized and papers reviewed per approach/concept. Nevertheless, it should be noted
used in a plethora of papers. Moreover, another qualitative criterion for that many papers focus on more than one of the concepts mentioned
inclusion in this literature review is the scientific documentation of each above. In order to provide a clearer picture of the papers reviewed and
paper like the references used in order to support theories and proposed the approaches discussed in each one of them, Table 1 has been created.

A. Kontogianni, E. Alepis Array 6 (2020) 100020

Moreover, inspired by Ref. [61] and as a number of papers present Smart constantly in the users’ context. In the Smart Tourism area of interest, we
Tourism systems of great interest, that could be an inspiration for re- are focusing on the aforementioned sensors that offer an interaction
searchers and practitioners in the Smart Tourism sector, we created between the smartphone and the environment and consequently context
Table 2 that focuses on presenting developed systems described in awareness [67]. As an example, extracted data could include current
reviewed papers along with their goal, methods used and year published. date, time and month, location, environmental temperature as well as
In this section we attempt to extensively present the aforementioned users’ speed. As context plays a crucial role on user preferences [68], the
concepts, along with papers that refer to them, organized in subsections. aforementioned data is quite important in order to offer personalized
services in a Smart Tourism system. Contextual information impact in
3.1. Theoretical contribution decision-making processes in a wide number of domains along with the
tourism one is already recognized by researchers [32].
Contributing to theory and improving it, is both a challenging and an In the present literature review a wide number of systems that focus
important task. Theory can aid to the development of science as it offers on context awareness are included, such as a context-aware recom-
structure and cohesion to several research questions [55,65]. It helps mender system named Madrid Live [32] and HotCity [61]. A
understanding what factors should be studied, the relation between them user-centered service mechanism based on context awareness is pre-
as well as how they can be applied to practical situations [65]. In the sented in Ref. [56]. The structure of the proposed Smart Tourism system
Smart Tourism sector too, there is a number of papers that attempt to is composed of data deriving from human input and sensors, the platform
offer theoretical insight. that offers high data processing ability and compatibility that can be
Jasrotia et al. in their research [53] focus on reviewing the existing supported by cloud computing and finally the Service that adapts to
literature of concepts of both Smart Cities and Smart Tourism destina- tourist needs. Another context-aware recommender system that makes
tions. Authors in Ref. [39] attempt to offer a definition for Smart Tourism use of user contextual information so as to also generate the personalized
as well as outline the differences between Smart Tourism and e-tourism. recommendations that shall enrich user experience is presented in
In particular, a quite interesting conclusion which arises from their Ref. [47]. Based on the fact that only appropriate contextual factors
research is that e-tourism is focused on digital connections like linking should be taken into account in a recommender app, authors in Ref. [47]
consumers with businesses, while Smart Tourism is more about linking propose a method that predicts the contextual factors that affect users
the physical world with the digital one by taking advantage of social when rating an item so as to use the aforementioned factor in the
media, cloud computing and IoT. An insight on the types of recommender recommendation process and thus result in more accurate
systems along with a thorough presentation of existing mobile tourism recommendations.
RSs is offered in Ref. [9]. The authors of this paper attempt to classify
mobile tourism in terms of architecture, degree of users’ involvement and 3.3. Recommender systems
the criteria that the recommendations are based on. Finally, challenges in
the field are presented, which reveal that this sector is far from being Decision and recommendation making in the era of Big Data can
fully explored and reach maturity. Another theoretical, methodological prove to be a challenging task. In some cases there is too much data to
and practical approach regarding Smart Tourism from organization, process, in others sufficient knowledge regarding the alternatives is not
business and tourist points of view is presented in Ref. [34] where 11 available, while there are cases when even time and place is not the
papers that include research in the Smart Tourism field are presented. suitable one for the right decisions to thrive [47]. Personalized infor-
Authors in Ref. [41] suggest an innovative, more artistic point of view mation filtering and decision support tools that aim at suggesting relative
for Smart Tourism. Their approach is based on a concept they name items to users [32], namely recommender systems, pose a solution to the
“Creative Computing”. Another introduced concept named “service-- aforementioned issues [69]. Recommendations in such systems can be
dominant logic” which can be used as an alternative approach of un- produced via a substantial number of techniques, that can be classified to
derstanding Smart Tourism development implications, is presented in four major classes based on [70] collaborative filtering, content-based,
Ref. [43]. The authors invite readers to consider three perspectives when knowledge-based and hybrid ones [47].
it comes to creating a Smart Tourism destination: the transformation of In the tourism sector, recommender systems have been widely
tourist experience, the development of a two-way communication strat- exploited resulting in apps that offer personalized guides to tourists [6,9,
egy and the competitiveness of a destination. Buhalis et al. [26], attempt 47]. Suggestions in tourism recommendation tools can be produced via
to identify both opportunities and challenges in the Smart Tourism filtering information, services, products [71], contextual data, such as
Destinations sector as well as how it affects various stakeholders gov- time, location, budget, weather conditions [32] and an enormous dataset
ernments, tourist organizations, tourists etc. Realizing that blockchain of options, locations, cultural heritages points of interest, hotels, attrac-
technologies could highly affect the Smart Tourism sector, Calvaresi et al. tion, etc. so as to cover users’ interest, preferences and needs [6,71]. With
in their paper [59] provide a systematic scientific literature review of such diversity in tourists’ profiles and services available it can transform
researches that involve blockchain in tourism systems. In this review the recommendation process to a quite challenging one [6], a fact that
both theoretical contributions and practical implementations of block- enables a great number of researches to propose viable solutions.
chain in the Smart Tourism sector are analyzed along with a discussion of Authors in Ref. [32] propose a context-aware recommender system
future challenges. Concluding, Table 1 illustrates all papers that they name Madrid Live, that takes into account users’ preferences in
contribute to Smart Tourism theory. conjunction with some other factors such as location and weather to
suggest tourism and leisure activities in Madrid. In particular, the system
3.2. Context awareness recommends plans as a timetable that consist of a collection of activities.
Each plan performed by a user is stored and proposed to other users with
A concept highly studied when referring to Smart Tourism is “Context similar preferences. The contextual information that affect the recom-
Awareness”, as illustrated in Fig. 2. In an era of technological explosion, mendations are time, location, weather, users’ budget and if they wish to
humans seem to tend to develop a tight “bond” between them and their use public transport. As contextual information may contradict users’
smartphones with the number of actual interactions with these devices preferences resulting in a plan that does not suit his/her wishes, an
being calculated in terms of tens per hour [66]. It would not be an alternative plan is proposed with an explanation as to what context re-
exaggeration to say that these portable devices have become some kind of strictions occur in the aforementioned plan. Another recommender sys-
“wearable”, accompanying users almost everywhere and at any time, in tem that makes use of uses tourists’ context is presented in Ref. [52].
contradiction to personal computers or laptops. Thus when travelling, Smirnov et al., in this research present a Smart space-based Tourist
these powerful ultramobile devices that contain a plethora of sensors, are recommendation mobile application that is able to recommend and

A. Kontogianni, E. Alepis Array 6 (2020) 100020

provide access to tourist Points of Interest as well as suggest the appro- networking sites in order to promote tourism. Another contribution of
priate transportation means for reaching them. The system exploits users’ this work is the theoretical and practical implications of the Smart
context (location, weather, etc), profile (trip length, interaction mode, Tourism sector. Based on Twitter data, authors in Ref. [1] focus on spatial
etc.) and a collaborative filtering method so as to make recommendations analysis and text mining in order to reveal how social networks can
based on users with similar interests. provide a platform to develop smart services for urban tourism. They
Khallouki H. et al. [37] suggest another approach that attempts to have exploited a dataset containing more than 600,000 tweets for the city
integrate context awareness in a mobile tourism recommender system. So of San Francisco, where each one of them contains text, geographical
as to provide the appropriate services via predicting tourists’ real-time location, the user who posted it, as well as other supplementary infor-
context, a combination of Internet of Things technologies with seman- mation like images and videos. By analyzing the aforementioned data,
tic web ones is made. An app based on a Smart POI (Point of Interaction) the paper’s authotrs provide evidence that information contained in so-
recommendation algorithm that takes into account both the geographical cial media data offers awareness regarding the presence, the engagement
location and user preferences so as to make suggestions to its’ tourists is with the environment and topical engagement of users across the San
presented in Ref. [44]. Two versions of the algorithm are set to be Francisco. Apart from the contribution in the tourism sector under-
developed, one that takes into account only user preferences and an standing where benefits arise for businesses, governments and tourists,
extended one that considers the geographical influence too for the these dynamics are crucial in a Smart City scenario too and offer solutions
recommendation process. that do not require financial investment and can improve urban life. Last
but not least, a paper that attempts to spot cultural heritage resources
3.4. Social media in smart tourism from geotagged social media is presented in Ref. [49].

“Six Degrees”, created in 1997, is considered to be the first social 3.5. Internet of Things
media site that offered users the ability to upload a profile and add
friends. Since then, a number of social networks have emerged with their A concept that could add another dimension to Smart Tourism is the
use, nowadays, being the most favoured activity online, as web traffic Internet of Things. Internet of Things (IoT) was firstly brought into ex-
reports indicate [72]. In particular, as also depicted in number statistics, istence by Kevin Ashton (MIT) in 1999 and was defined as an intercon-
the monthly active users of social media shall reach by 2021 the titanic nection among devices anytime and in anyplace [76],[102]. In other
amount of 3.02 billion [73]. As more and more users tend to be active in a words, IoT is the network of physical objects that incorporate the tech-
plethora of social networks, like professional, photo sharing and travel- nology required which allows them to communicate with each other and
ling ones, more and more practitioners and academics are allured by the sense or interact with their internal state, or with the external environ-
resources these networks offer. With that being said, it comes as no ment [74]. In an IoT world, real-time interactions between physical ob-
surprise that a substantial number of researches has been published that jects and users leverage the gap between the real and digital world [9],
combine Smart Tourism with social networks as illustrated in Table 1 and [21] With statistics indicating that IoT will consist of almost 75 billion
Fig. 1. interconnected devices by 2025 [75], an evolution in a plethora of sec-
Social media channels store a big amount of data regarding their users tors like manufacturing, smart grids, security, healthcare, education as
both via the profiles directly filled by them, as well as information that is well as the tourism sector is highly expected [76].
generated from their interaction with the social network media channels When it comes to tourism, IoT can enable the creation of smart
such as uploading images, making reviews and checking into locations. technological environments that connect their physical and digital in-
Raw data of such size can be fairly considered as valuable resources for frastructures. This shall allow systems to be able to identify tourists’
user modeling. For example, a tourism recommender system that exploits context in a pervasive but not intrusive way and attend to their needs.
data available on the Facebook social network, in order to offer person- With that being said and based on the fact that sensors integrated in
alized recommendation to its’ users and positively surprise them is pre- tourist attraction may offer location based assistance to users [5], authors
sented in Ref. [24]. Authors in Ref. [4], aim to propose a new module that in Ref. [11] propose an IoT architecture for a sustainable tourism app
detects tourists’ preferences implicitly, based on social media photos and where sensors are utilized in Points of Interest. In particular, this scenario
personalizes its recommendations of tourism attractions. Initially, a focuses on tourists that have limited amount of time to visit the city of
micro service architecture is presented that gathers and processes a big
amount of photos that derive from Facebook, Instagram and Google Plus,
depending on users’ choice. This process consists of two steps, namely
users’ login using one of the aforementioned social networks and the
collection of his/hers photos via a web interface component that utilizes
the permissions given through the authentication process. Thereafter, an
approach is presented that exploits Deep Learning and Fuzzy Logic
techniques to determine users’ preferences from photos and classify them
to the following categories: Historical/Cultural; Adventure; Urban;
Shopping; and Landscape. The last module is a tourism recommender
system that matches tourists’ profiles with the more suitable attractions.
The experimental results indicate that at least 90% of the attractions
provided by the system can be considered relevant for each tourist,
proving the feasibility of this research.
Another undeniable fact is that social networking services websites
like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can offer users the ability to both
acquire and share, in real-time, a plethora of data [28]. Based on the fact
that users have real-time access on travel information like reviews, rat-
ings, etc. that derive for smartphone social networking services, authors
in Ref. [28] attempt to explore mobile users’ trust regarding this infor-
mation. Another attempt to exploit a social media channel, namely
Facebook, for Smart Tourism purposes are presented in Ref. [51]. This
paper focuses on the ways that local Korean governments utilize social Fig. 1. Number of Papers focusing in each investigated category.

A. Kontogianni, E. Alepis Array 6 (2020) 100020

Fig. 2. Papers included in the literature review per year.

Cagliari in Sardinia Italy and in order to do so they specify the Points of bracelet and make recommendations to tourists, offer promotions and
interest they wish to see via a mobile app. These authors’ approach at- present valuable information about Points of Interest. Another IoT system
tempts to resolve two factors that may cause delay when visiting a that relies on wearables is proposed in Ref. [50]. This system takes into
location, namely choosing the wrong transportation, or face delays due to account 3D topographic differences in order to integrate Smart Tourism
long queues. The aforementioned sensors placed in entrances of Points of management. The aforementioned system deploys wearables and sink
Interest measure queue waiting in combination with specific timestamps nodes in a recreation park that gather data from tourists’ wearable de-
during the day. This estimation along with required time to access a vices so as to offer a number of services like interaction with the land-
location are used to recommend the best route so as to visit all points of scape, detection of physiological data etc.
interest to tourists. Authors also deal with the underlying optimisation
problem, as a typical Travelling Salesman problem. Further contribution 3.6. User experience
is made in their work as key requirements for an IoT platform in a Smart
City environment are set, that specifically are Security Requirements, The user experience (UX) concept is a multidimensional one [77]
Flexibility and Data Requirements. with a wide number of models being proposed in this sector in the last
Moreover, firmly supporting that IoT can be used so as to overcome decades [32,65,77]. A primary goal in user experience design is to reach
tourism issues, Tripathy et al. [19] introduce a Java-based IoT framework and maintain a high degree of user contentment via the usefulness,
named iTour, which aims to involve citizens in the tourism development convenience and joy that derives from human-system interaction that
process. With the help of a smart map, tourists have the ability to spot goes far beyond basic usability [77]. UX can be considered as the users’
information about hotels, points of interests, volunteers as well as traffic realization of a system, once interaction with it has taken place that is
and on-road police and request assistance. At the same time, the iTour affected by three factors: system in question, the user and the context of
manager, tourism department, home department, and other government use (ISO 9241–210, 2010) [28]. User experience in Smart Tourism
officials are able to view all the resources on the city map in real-time and related applications is quite crucial too. Being able to positively affect
measure their effectiveness. users’ evaluation of a tourism system and maintain a great enthusiasm for
As wearable devices like bracelets, watches and glasses can signifi- it, may lead to the creation of a long lasting bond with the app in question
cantly affect tourists’ interaction with their surroundings [35] it comes at as well as recommend it to other potential users [28,77]. Based on this
no surprise that Atembe in his research [35] seeks to conceptualize the fact, the undeniable need arises to thoroughly comprehend travelers’
use of wearable devices in the tourism sector and determine how the needs as well as their way of interaction and communication with others
aforementioned devices could affect tourism behavior. Tussyadiah et al. [4] so as to offer personalized services that shall enrich the quality of
support that wearable devices are able to extend the way tourists sense, their travel and cultural experience [22,31].
comprehend, orientate and interact with tourism attractions when nav- To exemplify, so as to enhance visitors’ user experience of a cultural
igation in a destination of touristic interest [25]. heritage point of interest via personalization, authors in Ref. [42] pro-
A system that makes use of wearable bracelets in a tourism scenario is pose a multilayer framework that supports personalization by combining
proposed in Ref. [30]. In particular, a case study is presented of a the physical and the digital world. The “personalization” term contains
context-aware recommendation system named TreSight that integrates three types of system behavior; adaptability so as to adjust to each visitor
IoT and big data analytics for Smart Tourism and sustainable cultural based on their preferences, visit motivation and expectations;
heritage in the city of Trento, Italy. The aforementioned system gathers context-awareness that empowers the sensing of the current state of an
dynamic data from real-time monitoring of weather stations, wearable environment; adaptivity where a system dynamically changes so as to
bracelets and hotspots that offer data about availability in the places, adapt to new circumstances. In particular, they attempt to create a cul-
how crowded they are as well as opening and closing hours. All dynamic tural space filled with smart objects, where each and every one of them
data will be exploited by a mobile app that will “communicate” with the comes with a story which will be presented once conditions are right e.g.

A. Kontogianni, E. Alepis Array 6 (2020) 100020

visitors have picked up an object. that collecting data from variable sources regarding individuals and their
In the tourism business sector, a potential way of how businesses environment is a one-way path in order to achieve user modeling in
should take advantage of smart technologies, enhance tourism experi- adaptive, recommender systems.
ence and increase their competitive advantage is presented in Ref. [45]. Many research papers in the Smart Tourism field attempt to overcome
Based on the fact that smart technologies via personalization may assist issues that may arise in the aforementioned process, attempting to set the
tourists to develope their own memorable experiences [78], Neuhofer ground for deeper research in user modeling in the Smart Tourism field.
et al. in their research attempt to present how smart mobile technologies Authors in Ref. [21] developed a mobile application that goes by the
can lead to these personalized experiences in the tourism and hospitality name MuseFy, which uses a double stereotype system for achieving user
industry. A case study of a hotel that exploits a unique platform that modeling so as to adapt its UI and provide personalized assistance to
offers dynamically formed personalized experience between guests and users. Moreover, the main objective of [27] is to present how user
employees is presented. modeling could be accomplished in a Smart Tourism application scenario
Another attempt to improve User Experience is presented in Ref. [55], via data originating from users’ social networks, as well as data collected
where authors aim at resolving the usability problems in an Augmented from their smartphones implicitly, requiring no user interaction.
Reality context. Though AR offers a great potential in the way informa- Amoretti et al. in Ref. [38] present a mobile app namely UTravel, where
tion is delivered to users, it also comes with the risk to impose users with user profiling in combination with context based data are exploited in the
data overload or result in a system with high usability issues [54,55]. In recommendation production. The application in question guides in-
order to overcome that issue, authors developed through 4 rounds of dividuals to POIs based on their current location as well as their previous
iterative development a tourism AR application named ToARist, which is evaluations via the collaborative filtering principles.
based on User-Centered design.
3.9. Augmented reality
3.7. Real Time
Augmented reality is a concept that actually exists for over five de-
When discussing about “Smartness” in the tourism sector, beyond the cades now and refers to the “augmentation” of the real-world with
individual technological advances some quite game changing factors are computer-generated data, such as video, audio, graphics, GPS data as
the interconnection and synchronization of technologies [5,48] in com- well as other multimedia formats via the camera/speaker of a computer,
bination with real-time data [79]. In other words, Smart Tourism can be smartphone or other devices [82]. In this way, AR can enrich ones’
considered to be a technological ecosystem rather than independent perception of a real world environment and his/her surroundings with
systems where real-time connectedness, synchronization and awareness virtual objects [83]. In a typical AR system the user points their device
of users’ context hold a major role [5,7]. towards an object and they are able to see/hear additional virtual in-
That being the case, it comes as no surprise that the “real-time” term formation superimposed on the real word [84]. As AR systems can assist
appears with high frequency in Smart Tourism related literature. To tourism roaming in unknown environments and enhance the whole
exemplify, one of the biggest tracking studies in the tourism sector is touristic experience via an entertaining way of accessing additional
presented in Ref. [57], where tourists’ movements have been recorded valuable information [82], a number of mobile AR applications have
via a mobile and GPS technology in real-time mode. Specifically, an app emerged in this sector. For example authors in Ref. [23] aim at creating
transmits both real-time location and survey data that is provided by location adaptive augmented reality application in the tourism context.
tourists in each location and aims to capture their experiences, prefer- In Ref. [54] a smartphone based Augmented Reality Tourism System is
ences, etc. Another system based on real-time location is presented in presented that exploits 3D scans so as to offer interaction between urban
Ref. [38] that guides individuals to POIs based on their current location fabric, cultural heritage tourism and pedagogy. Ilhan et al. in their study
as well as their previous evaluations. Moreover, authors in Ref. [64] [20] attempt to identify the potentials of AR systems in the tourism in-
present the development of a mobile application that integrates real-time dustry as well as present a number of challenges for these systems.
data and routing algorithms so as to enrich tourism experience when Moreover, authors present how AR could be utilized in the tourism
visiting the city of Avila, Spain. marketing industry and more specifically in museums, hotels, restaurants
as well as in the transportation sector.
3.8. User modeling A highly promising concept in the augmented reality field and the
Smart Tourism sector in general is the one of image based localization.
The “User modeling” concept has been in the epicenter of many re- Image-based localization methods attempt to calculate the position from
searches for years now. Three decades ago, twenty five prominent re- which an image is taken, in terms of both location and orientation [85].
searchers discuss and present the developed user models at that point in As these methods can be exploited in a plethora of application such as
time [80], paving the way for future research in the field. In the related tourism guides, robotics, augmented reality etc., they draw increasing
scientific literature, the “user modeling” term is the thorough recording attention [87,95]. Authors in Ref. [86], having located this academic and
and categorization of the various aspects of users’ behaviors and interests industrial interest, present an overview of image-based camera locali-
[27,38]. Based on Gao et al. [81] and endorsed in Ref. [38], user profiling zation approaches. Moreover, authors in Ref. [87], attempt to develop a
consists of behavior modeling, where user–devise interaction informa- faster localization method that could increase the performance of
tion is used to estimate future behavior, interest modeling and intention augmented reality applications as well as real-time navigation ones,
modeling which aims at locating users’ goals. amongst others that ultimately could facilitate the development of Smart
In a Smart Tourism scenario, a quite important task is to offer Tourism systems.
personalized services to the user [27], offering the right information, at Augmented reality offers a great potential in the way information is
the right time, via the right channel [27,91]. For personalization pur- delivered to users, but is also accompanied by the risk to impose users
poses, a user model is required that can be developed via Feature-based, with data overload, or result in systems with high usability issues [54,
Content-based and Collaborative filtering or other approaches [31]. 55]. Aiming to resolve the usability problems in the AR context, the
What is definitely required, though, is the collection of individuals’ data authors of [55] developed through 4 rounds of iterative development a
and the effective use of them while preserving their privacy. Data tourism AR application named ToARist which is based on User-Centered
collected regarding users can be harnessed both implicitly and explicitly. design. Individuals taking part in the development of the aforementioned
Explicit user data are those directly submitted by the individual to the app remarked it as simple and useable, nevertheless challenges still exist
system while implicit user data can be gathered from a wide number of that need to be faced.
sources like sensors, social media channels, smart devices etc. It seems Aiming to overcome the disadvantage of visual AR applications that

A. Kontogianni, E. Alepis Array 6 (2020) 100020

may cause disorientation to users when both observing the environment trip, recommending some famous places around them. In order to ach-
and interacting with the device [88], the authors of [58] present how ieve that, they firstly attempt to spot cultural heritage resources on
audio augmented reality systems could be integrated in an urban Smart geotagged social media data based on users’ location and secondly rank
Tourism scenario. In particular, a prototype has been developed, namely them based on the aforementioned user context.
AudioNear, which is designed to enrich users’ experience when visiting
open urban environments by providing speech-based assistance 3.12. Privacy and data protection
regarding his/hers surroundings. More specifically, users launch an
audio tour guide mobile app which gets their location via GPS and trig- A major challenge in the Smart Tourism sector is definitely the
gers an audio track with information regarding a sight that is placed preservation of the users’ privacy. An undeniable fact that derives from
within a certain radius. the literature review in this research area is that tourist related data like
geographical locations, academic and professional background, interests,
3.10. Big data preferences, likes, opinions etc. is huge. This data can be voluntarily
given, observed, gathered from digital data, or even implicitly inferred
In the first decade of the 21st century the concept of Big Data sud- and mostly concern data of personal nature [95]. Even though the
denly gained attention [89]. The Big Data term stands for the productive aforementioned data can be utilized to offer personalized
exploitation of data [90] in units of measure way greater than megabytes technology-empowered experiences through smart apps and services,
and gigabytes [91], with huge variety and velocity, that has a number of they also come with the risk of building accurate tourist profiles which
attributes like “too large, too unstructured, and too fast-moving” [89]. inevitably lead to data privacy concerns [8,26,66]. Based on [95], pri-
In the Smart Tourism sector, there is a massive size of heterogeneous vacy objectives can be divided to preserving user anonymity and
data deriving from social networks, apps, sensors, etc. waiting to be avoiding the disclosure of private user information. Given the fact that all
properly mined and exploited [10]. This abundance of free information systems must comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation
[5], that derives from users’ actions (voluntarily offered, observed or (GDPR), one of the most important changes in data privacy regulation the
inferred [10]), combined with interconnectivity, analysis, real-time last 20 years, a fundamental reshape is expected in how data is handled in
synchronization and meaningful use of data [5,98], has grown to be a the Smart Tourism too [96].
fountain for value creation that can lead to the delivery of a smart travel With data lying at the core of all Smart Tourism systems, legal con-
experience [89]. That being the case, a number of Smart Tourism con- sequences of unsuccessful data protection and how potential risks should
cerned papers focus on Big Data. Particularly, the goal is to determine be avoided are yet to be explored [10]. With that being said, it comes as
how Big Data can be most effectively exploited in the Smart Tourism no surprise that a number of papers focus on the risks of Smart Tourism
sector as well as the challenges arise when it comes to big data exploi- destinations privacy and data protection [8,8,26]. Masseno et al. in their
tation in the aforementioned sector. Some challenges, for example, study [8] present a number of compliance tools that shall enable Smart
would be how to transform a plethora of variables like physical, bio- Tourism destination developers meet their data protection obligations
logical and social into a single meaningful electrical signal [30] or how to such as privacy policies, anonymization techniques, data protection
ensure the preservation of users’ privacy. Indicatively, some studies in impact assessment (DPIA), algorithmic transparency and privacy
the Big Data and Smart Tourism sector are presented below. certification.
Vecchio et al. in Ref. [33] aim to show how Social Big Data can be A promising technology that can alter the way data is stored and
exploited in Smart Tourism Destinations scenarios. A plethora of studies promote transparency and security is blockchain. Blockchain is one of the
presented in this research in combination with a multiple case study latest technologies with various applications in most sectors and in-
methodology consisted of a number of digital tourism initiatives that take dustries like finance, healthcare, education and of course tourism [48,
place in Apulia Italy, demonstrate how Big Data generated from tourists’ 97]. Based on this fact, a number of papers emerge that aim at either
social media are capable of creating value for STDs and allow organizers highlighting existing applications of blockchain technology in the
to predict tourists’ behavior and needs. An exploratory study that at- tourism industry or at proposing new frameworks that embed blockchain
tempts to predict tourists’ response to a certain attraction via open data in Smart Tourism systems. For example, authors in Ref. [46] identify the
analysis is presented in Ref. [40]. In order to achieve this goal, authors importance of crowdsourcing in Smart Tourism systems and point out the
implement the random decision forest algorithm approach on data significance of maintaining the quality of crowdsourced data. Thus, they
deriving from tripadvisor. propose the use of blockchain technology so as to insure the trustwor-
thiness of the aforementioned data. Aiming to maintain trust between
3.11. Cultural heritage travelers, tourism and hospitality stakeholders authors in Ref. [48]
introduce BloHosT, a framework that offers tourists the ability to safely
With the Heritage term, we are referring to two major categories, interact with stakeholders via a wallet identifier connected with a
namely both cultural and natural heritage. When referring to cultural cryptocurrency server to initiate payments. This paper also provides in-
heritage elements as tradition, history, language and folklore are sights regarding the significance of embedding blockchain technology in
included [30]. Cultural Heritage and tourism are two concepts highly Smart Tourism. Blockchain is also the subject of interest for authors in
connected, with cultural tourism being a powerful tool for economic and Ref. [97] who aim at explaining the blockchain technology as well as
social change [92], leading to a wide number of cultural-based regen- how blockchain/cryptocurrency can be used in the Smart Tourism/Cities
eration policies being developed in several regions [93]. sector.
When combined with technology, cultural heritage attractions can be
delivered in a new, more engaging, activating and exciting way to 4. Smart tourism challenges
tourists. An undeniable fact is that for more than two decades now cul-
tural heritage is a widely researched field in terms of user personalization Based on the presented analysis, there is a plethora of research efforts
and once mobile technology appeared, many researchers and practi- conducted during the last six years that focus on the Smart Tourism
tioners focused on how to offer context-aware cultural heritage data to sector. As a result, there is a substantial number of challenges that need to
individuals [94]. Thus, it was a natural consequence a substantial num- be addressed. While at the time of writing there is a significant amount of
ber of Smart Tourism related papers to focus on the cultural heritage papers that propose systems and application in the Smart Tourism sector,
sector. still the evaluation of such systems with a wide number of actual tourists
Authors in Ref. [49] for example focus on “cultural tourism” and needs to take place. It is of great importance in this multidimensional
attempt to provide tourist with some useful information related to their sector, which attracts attention of researchers and practitioners in diverse

A. Kontogianni, E. Alepis Array 6 (2020) 100020

fields, to have concrete and as much objective as possible results about a number of devices for sensing, data exchange, as well as connecting to
the effectiveness of such systems. For example, as a number of the pro- social networks, internet and/or a network of things. A challenge here
posed applications are based on the power of the crowd, it is vital for must be faced so as to have all these heterogeneous devices and data
their “survival” to be used from a wide range of individuals. Thereinafter, sources work together efficiently [30]. Along with that, the rapidly
assessing them so as to verify their acceptance by users is essential. changing technological environments along with the fast changing user
Another example where user evaluation is unavoidable is in systems that attitudes should be considered in order to ensure the success and viability
use social media data. Such systems, in order to be developed need to of Smart Tourism systems [57].
integrate APIs that may change frequently, or meet strict regulations Another issue that should be taken into account when dealing with a
introduced by several “dynamic” platforms like Facebook. User privacy is Smart Tourism destination is that users need enough both processing and
another issue that would be quite interesting to be practically dealt with. battery power in their mobile devices so as to use modern Smart Tourism
Moreover, the implementation of methods and proposed systems with a apps, which, e.g., utilize GPS resource consuming components. In order
large and diverse number of individuals may bring more challenges to the to offer a solution to this issue and support Smart Tourism, for example,
surface, as well as viable solutions. In this section we present a number of Barcelona offers USB ports for charging mobile phones in bus shelters
challenges that need to be faced in the Smart Tourism field, both via [100]. Finally, an issue that should be also taken seriously is that some
theoretical contributions but, mainly, with actual development, distri- Smart Tourism apps, like ones that include Augmented Reality, may
bution to tourists and evaluation with more than one methods. impose users with data overload [5,54,55]. The challenge that arises here
A challenge that is highly related to the Smart Tourism field is the fact is to create systems that are worth the effort and time required to interact
that the data size is constantly increasing. As available information has with them and enhanced tourism experience [5].
reached a point of being overwhelming [98], Smart Tourism systems
need to successfully perform data filtering and personalization. The goal 5. Discussion and conclusions
is to exploit only useful information, get rid of the “noise” that occurs
from data abundance [49] and dismiss irrelevant information [47]. At The goal of this paper is to present and discuss the existing literature
the same time, in cases where data is sparse or entirely missing for some in the Smart Tourism sector. In particular, this review has focused on
users, Smart Tourism systems must exploit mechanisms so as to still offer researches published from 2013 to 2019 although papers published at an
the best possible services [6]. Moreover, a data overload related issue is earlier time were also reviewed. It is our belief that in order to develop
that storage should meet certain requirements while, at the same time, firm foundations and contribute to the further advancement of a scien-
systems need to process properly and at a reasonable time, in some cases tific area, a review of relevant literature is essential. A literature review
real-time, the aforementioned information. It comes as no surprise that, leads to locating challenges and areas where further research is required,
as more and more data is collected, more space is needed in order to store while uncovers others where no further progress can be accomplished
it and more sophisticated techniques to preserve, process and present it. [101]. Inspired by this fact, we attempted to locate the most popular
Taking for example a system that exploits a map interface in order to approaches and concepts in this field and present them in detail. Our
present Points of Interest to its users, in case where the number of review has provided a quite thorough presentation of the analyzed key
available points reaches large numbers, the time to load them and pre- concepts as well as references to papers that focus on each one of them.
sent them to users substantially also increases. Moreover, we focused on locating the major challenges in the Smart
Another high concern in the Smart Tourism sector is the preservation Tourism field. After carefully reviewing the existing state of the art and
of users’ privacy. As user modeling and personalization are basic com- state of practise in this sector we have identified a number of challenges
ponents of a wide number of Smart Tourism systems, individuals hand that need to be addressed so as to have the proposed and expected results
over data that cover many aspects like basic profile information, photo- and realize a true Smart Tourism experience. These challenges presented
graphic identification, habits, locations etc. At the same time, a number in Section 4 in detail along with the aforementioned concepts could be a
of applications also automatically extract additional user related data, starting place for researchers that either wish to contribute to this sector
commonly known as “digital footprints”. As an example, the well-known or are already involved in this field.
accommodation reservation platform Airbnb collects pages viewed by The majority of research papers reviewed in this study are illustrated
users, searches, location, ip address etc. from a plethora of other existing in Table 1 which visualizes the approaches used in each one of them,
or proposed systems [99]. This huge chucks of information gathered via a which shall enable readers to locate researches per field of interest.
plethora of sources like the ones mentioned above or others such as users’ Moreover, we gathered all systems presented in papers reviewed in
smartphones, social media channels, both implicitly and explicitly Table 2 so as to facilitate readers locate Smart Tourism systems developed
inserted ones used to enhance the tourism experience need to be handled or proposed that may be an inspiration for further research. As presented
extremely carefully so as to preserve user anonymity and privacy of in Fig. 2 most papers in the Smart Tourism sector are placed in 2017 and
personal information [5,8,26,66,95]. The new EU General Data Protec- 2018. In particular, research papers in 2013 is only the 3.7% of the total
tion Regulation (GDPR) makes the aforementioned need even more number of papers reviewed, while in 2017 and 2018 is 26% and 33.3%
compelling, as the way data is handled must meet some very strict additionally, fact that proves that the interest in the Smart Tourism field
standards [96]. It is critical to have privacy rules embedded in a system has escalated. At the time of writing, there is a number of attempts to move
and keep users fully informed about personal data provided [30,57]. from traditional tourism to the Smart Tourism. Researchers and practi-
Thus, researchers and practitioners need to “cut the Gordian knot” on the tioners attempt to take advantage of the constantly emerging technologies
sensitive issue of privacy preservation while, at the same time, required so as to enrich the tourism experience and lay the foundations for further
data for user modeling and personalization is still collected. development in this sector. The Smart Tourism field, though, could be
Another challenge highly connected with the privacy preservation considered to be still at its infancy. Considering that all these technolo-
need mentioned above is that most social networks such as Facebook and gies/approaches currently linked with the Smart Tourism sector like
Instagram have introduced some quite strict security mechanisms that augmented reality, social media, image recognition, wearables of all
may cause an issue to user data collection that can lead to efficient user kinds, smart vehicles, sensors, big data etc are still under research and
modeling [27,49]. Thus, researchers in this sector need to be constantly constantly evolving, it would not be an exaggeration to say the Smart
informed about the changing rules and follow instructions offered by Tourism sector has a long way to go before being characterized as a
different social media so as to integrate the related APIs successfully in saturated research field. It is of great importance for further researches in
their systems. the field to implement and evaluate with a large scale of users the pro-
Moreover, a number of applications and proposed services in the posed systems so as have concrete results about the effectiveness, the
Smart Tourism sector require the collaboration and synchronization with acceptance of such systems, as well as what challenges in practise arise.

A. Kontogianni, E. Alepis Array 6 (2020) 100020

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