Passion Vs Dispassion: Zagala, Kristine L

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Zagala, Kristine L.

Passion vs Dispassion
Marketing Researchers should be a passionate to gain wider respect in their
organization and to achieve a successful business result. Passion is powerful because it
enables people to go beyond the call of duty and to overcome impediment that stand in
the way of accomplishment. A company needs passionate people who run through wall to
reach their goal and deliver results.Marketing Researchers are the scientists of the business
world. Researchers can be passionate too but in fundamentally different way. They are
passionate about new discovery, finding patterns in sea of data and creating insights out of
them. However Marketing Researchers became passionate only when they feel their
research finding are being ignored or not properly used because it shows that an idea
probably won't work yet they're going forward anyway. An example is when a firm plans
for a chain of 80 stores but with in two years only 10 stores opened. The project failed, the
stores closed and the idea was abandoned. This also happened in even bigger company
considering that they have received a warning from one of the employee and turn a blind
eye. Theybproceed to the plan even if the research showed that it would fail. True enough
failure could have been avoided and precious resources could have been save. While the
firm would bhave save money and resources, it also would lost a growth opportunity.
Passion for not taking action is not the kind of passion Management want to see.

Although marketing researchers make enormous contribution to the organization by

providing good data they also must make contributions at four key levels of the forms
business plan and marketing processes in order to improve their standing with in the
organization. The first two are necessary but not sufficient, the latter two however can
provide platform for researchers to guide their organization to new level.

Avoiding failure, Companies spend billions every year to develop new productsvso their is
a considerable amount at stake. Yet many of them fail. Many businesses claim that failure
is often good and even necessary for innovation. Failure is costly and can reduce
employees morale especially when they put their
hearts and soul into ideas that doesn't work out. As passion increase people take things
more personally so that when an initiative fails team members also felt they have failed.
Even though Researchers helps avoid failure this area of responsibility remains outside.
Marketers were the ones who decide whether should be killed or move forward. If the data
comes back positive they authorize the project to be implemented.

Enabling success, Most firm rely on Researchers to provide data to the brand marketing
and sales. Researchers must be one of the team members to complete the job, who
discover how to be successful with limited resources. Researchers are in position to help
the team achieve it's goals. They play a big part to enables success.

Discovering opportunities, Marketing researchers needs to move beyond fulfill ing

research assignment design to avoid failure or enable success. When Marketing
researchers look beyond ideas and already created products, services, ads or distribution
channel their strategic value increase which begins to attract management's attention.
From testing other ideas to generate new ideas based on market demand. Companies are
starved for innovation, seeking out new ideas. In this Marketing researchers can unleashed
their passion for discovery combined it with their analytical skills to create powerful impact
on the firm's strategy.

Transforming the business, Marketing research creates competitive advantage. Unlike

purely passionate marketers, marketing researchers have the data to support significant
changes. This type of information is driving business strategy in today's market place.

What does it take to achieve such strategic information? Passion, not only passion for
discovery and analysis but also passion to make persuasive bussiness case and passion to
see the ideas come to life.

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