Metallurgy of Gold
Metallurgy of Gold
Metallurgy of Gold
Gold occurs in native form as minute globules, thin stringers, films and smears
along the fractures with in the quartz. It also occurs associated with sulphide
minerals, such as arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite, in
the altered wall rocks that occurs as lenses with in the quartz vein and on either
side of it. The total sulphide content of the lodes varies from 2 to 5%.
Shrinkage method of open stoping was followed above the 15th level. Manual Cut
& Fill and mechanized Cut & Fill stoping methods have been adopted below 15th
level (475 m) with the objectives of controlling dilution from walls, ensuring better
standards of safety and better ore recovery.
Currently, Large Diameter Blast Hole Stoping and Sub-level method of mining
with post filling of the mined out stopes are being practiced.
Available as a Native Gold,
85-100% Au (invariably alloyed with silver and copper, and other metals. Sp.
Gravity: 12-20.
Dissiminated in quartz grains, pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, galena &
stibnite. Also found in alluvially in stream or other sediments.
Gold = Au
Atomic Wt. = 197.2
Sp.gravity = 19.33
Melting point = 10630C
Boiling point = 26000C
Oxides = Au2O, Au2O3
Hardness = 2.5-3 (Mho`s scale)
Jewellery, monetary use, electronics, dentistry, decorative plating..etc.
• Hg-Amalgamation method
• Recent advances:
• Bio-leaching, Thio-urea leaching, Thio-sulphate leaching…
Zinc Cementation (Merrill Crowe Process)
Au(CN)-2 + Zn = 2 Au + Zn(CN)2-4
Acid Loaded
Crushing wash carbon CIP
Elution &
Refining Electro winning
O/F, Residue
to tailing dump
Back to mine
As fill material
The ore extracted from underground is crushed to -200 mm size in underground
crusher. The -200 mm ore is crushed in three stages on surface crushing and
screening house. Two primary Jaw crushers reduce the size from -200 mm to -65
mm. Two secondary crushers (standard cone) are used to reduce the ore to -25
mm. Finally -25 mm ore is crushed in tertiary crushers (short head cone) in close
circuit to get -8 mm of ore and which is stored in a surface bin of 1500 tons
capacity before grinding.
The -10 mm ore is ground to 85% of -75 micron for the recovery of gold by
physical and chemical processes for which two streams containing two primary
and six secondary mills are employed with a total capacity of about 1000 tons per
day constituting the first circuit. The ore is coarse ground in two primary mills
and join to the common sump. The total pulp is pumped to cyclones for
classification. The cyclone overflow gravitates to cyanidation plant for chemical
treatment. The cyclone underflow flows to secondary mills for further grinding.
The discharge of these mills are passed on strake table spread with blankets
which recover coarse gold by gravity process, the system is in close circuit
The -8 mm ore is also ground in 4 ball mills constitute the second circuit. The mill
discharge is passed through Knelson concentrators to recover the coarse gold.
Knelson discharge is sent to cyclones for classification. The overflow goes to
cyanide plant and underflow goes to ball mills for regrinding.
The strake tables concentrate and Knelson concentrate is further upgraded on
James table to smeltable grade of gold.
The cyclone overflow from both the circuit is thickened to remove excess water.
The pulp of 50-55% solids is mixed with cyanide; gold is leached in air supplied
mechanical agitators at pH-10. The dissolved gold is then adsorbed on carbon by
carbon-in-pulp (CIP) process. The loaded carbon is removed from the CIP
periodically and the gold loaded carbon is removed from the CIP Plant
periodically, and subjected to acid and alkaline washed and then eluted in 4
Nos. of elution columns with 1.0% NaOH and 0.1% NaCN solution at 95oC for a
period of 50 hours. The solution is then passed through 4 nos. of Electro-winning
Cells in which gold is deposited on steel wool cathodes.
Leaching is a hydrometallurgical means by which a separation of a soluble
substance from an insoluble one by means of a selective lixiviant.
4 Au + 8 NaCN + O2 + 2H2O 2 Na Au(CN)2 + 2 NaOH + H2O2
2 Au + 4NaCN + H2O2 2 Na Au(CN)2 + 2 NaOH
4Au + 8NaCN + O2 + H2O 4 Na Au(CN)2 + 4 NaOH
1) oxidation step:
Au + 2CN- Au(CN)-2+ 2 e
2) Reduction step
O2 + H2O + 4 e 4 OH-
O2 + 2H2O + 2 e H2O2 + 2OH-
H2O2 + 2 e 2OH-
Cyanicide reactions:
1. Alkaline sulphide in the presence of oxygen gives,
2 Na2S + O2 + H2O Na2S2O3 + 2 NaOH
Na2S + 2 NaCN + 2H2O+ O2 2 NaCNS + 4 NaOH
For reducing the above decomposition “Lead Salts” to be used. It forms
Leadsulphide stable compound.
2. Ferro cyanides
FeS FeSO4 (at low pH & oxidation)
FeSO4 + 2 NaCN Fe(CN)2 + Na2SO4
Fe(CN)2 + 4 NaCN Na4Fe(CN)6
3. Zinc
4 NaCN + ZnO + H2O Na2Zn(CN)4 + 2 NaOH
The principal advantantage of Carbon- in- pulp is, eliminates the solid- liquid
seperation and has been proved to be economical and efficient over the other
classical methods.
In the CIP process, activated carbon is used to adsorb the gold directly from the
cyanided pulp in a series of large adsorption tanks. Pulp flows continually from
the first vessel to the last in the series, and the carbon is transferred intermittently
by pumping in the opposite (counter current) direction. Inter stage screens
between the tanks prevent the carbon from moving down stream. The gold value
of the pulp decreases down stream, and the gold loading on the carbon
increases upstream, with the highest value in the first tank.
Elution : Gold absorption on activated carbon is reversible thermodynamic
reaction. Gold desorbs from activated carbon in to the solution in the elution
process, where process parameter maintained as compared with CIP.
Electro winning:
Aurous Cyanide gold gets deposited on cathodes in the form of AU.
Cathodic reaction:
Au + NaCN + O2 + H2O NaAu(CN2)- + NaOH
Au(CN2)- + e Au + 2 CN –
H2O + ½ O + e- OH-
Elution & Electro winning cycle completes in about 75 hrs. The Gold
deposited on steel wool is sent to smelting section for further process of
Gold extraction.