Ontology Design Patterns in WebProt Eg e

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Ontology Design Patterns in WebProtégé

Karl Hammar1,2
Information Engineering Group, Jönköping University, Sweden
Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden
[email protected]

Abstract. The use of Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs) in ontology

engineering has been shown to have beneficial effects on the quality of
developed ontologies, and promises increased interoperability of those
same ontologies. Unfortunately, the lack of user-friendly integrated ODP
tooling has prevented the adoption of pattern use. This paper demon-
strates an extension to the WebProtégé ontology engineering environ-
ment supporting the finding, specialisation, and integration of ODPs.
The extension combines existing approaches with new developments in
ODP search, specialisation strategies, and alignment3 .

1 Introduction

Content Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs) were introduced by Gangemi [4] and
Blomqvist & Sandkuhl [2] in 2005, as a means of simplifying ontology develop-
ment. ODPs are intended to guide non-expert users, by packaging best practices
into reusable blocks of functionality, to be adapted and specialised by those users
in individual ontology development projects. Presutti et al.[8] defines a typol-
ogy of ODPs, including patterns for reasoning, naming, transformation, etc. The
most common type of pattern, which the author in this paper will subsequently
intend when using the ODP abbreviation, are Content Patterns. A Content Pat-
tern can be considered roughly analogous to a software design pattern, with the
added benefit that it includes a reference base implementation (in the form of an
OWL building block) ready for immediate customisation. Studies indicate that
the use of ODPs can lower the number of modelling errors and inconsistencies in
ontologies, and that they are by the users perceived as useful and helpful [1,3].
The use and understanding of ODPs have been heavily influenced by the
work taking place in the NeOn Project, one result of which is the eXtreme
Design (XD) ontology development method, based on ODP use. XD is influenced
by the eXtreme Programming agile software development method, and like it,
emphasises incremental test driven development, refactoring, and a divide-and-
conquer approach to problem-solving [7]. Presutti & Gangemi [9] introduces and
discusses ODP usage in XD, and lists a set of operations on ODPs, e.g., import,
This work was partially supported by the EU FP7 project Visual Analytics for Sense-
making in Criminal Intelligence Analysis (VALCRI) under grant number FP7-SEC-
2 Karl Hammar

specialisation, and composition. Using ODPs in an efficient manner requires tool

support for performing such operations. While tool support was also developed
within the NeOn project, it was implemented as a set of plugins for NeOn Toolkit
ontology IDE, which early on lost development traction. Consequently, until now,
ontology engineers who wanted to use ODPs in more widely used IDEs had no
appropriate support tooling available to them.
The eXtreme Design for WebProtégé (XDP) extension4 remedies this sit-
uation by providing tool support for ODP usage in the modern collaborative
ontology engineering platform WebProtégé. Additionally, XDP integrates a set
of novel new developments5 :

– Composite search engine - This search engine combines the results of a

traditional vector search with a comparison of query and ODP competency
questions based on relative Levenshtein edit distances, and a comparison of
query term hypernyms to ODP concept synonyms. This method has shown
to improve recall over a test dataset 3-4 times when compared to an existing
state of the art ODP search engine [6].
– ODP specialisation strategy support - As the author has previously
shown [5], the intended use of properties in ODPs can be specialised using
different strategies. XDP supports specialisation using property subsump-
tion, using existential or universal quantification restrictions, and combining
both approaches.
– ODP specialisation alignment suggestions - XDP helps users align
specialised entities with existing entities in the ontology project. This is an
important and previously unsupported operation, particularly in projects
without a dedicated release manager, where developers may need assistance
merging their work with the existing project in a consistent manner. Align-
ments are suggested based on string matching techniques over entity labels
and IRI fragments. Initial experimentation shows that even such simple tech-
niques can cover over 60 % of the alignments in a real world dataset [6].

2 System Design and Features

In order to make the integration into the existing WebProtégé code base as small
and maintainable as possible, the XDP architecture has been designed to consist
of two loosely connected subsystems:

– Integrated in a fork of the main WebProtégé code are client UI compo-

nents and the necessary server-side components needed to persist an ODP
to a WebProtégé project. These components interoperate by extending the
WebProtégé standard GWT-RPC-based dispatch mechanisms.
Online demo: http://wp.xd-protege.com, video walkthrough: https://
youtu.be/ZRH6vGXocqU, code: https://github.com/hammar/webprotege
Note that as WebProtégé does not at the time of writing support owl:imports, import
and specialisation has been implemented through duplicating ODP entities in the
target ontology.
Ontology Design Patterns in WebProtégé 3

– Supporting these components, a REST service enables clients to search for

ODPs, to browse ODPs by category, and to fetch the documentation and
OWL representation of a given ODP. This back-end service queries a Lucene
index built from a set of input ODPs and mapping metadata extracted from
the community ODP portal6 .

Fig. 1. eXtreme Design for WebProtégé UI

XDP’s user-facing components are housed in a WebProtégé UI tab titled

“Design Patterns” (see Figure 1). This tab houses an ODP Selector portlet, and
an ODP Details portlet. The former provides an interface where the user can
browse for ODPs by category, or search over all ODPs using an query string.
Browsing or search results are displayed in the same portlet; when browsing listed
alphabetically, and when searching listed by search engine confidence score.
Upon selecting an ODP from the result list, the illustration and documenta-
tion for that ODP is displayed in the ODP Details portlet. When the user has
found an appropriate ODP they can run the Specialisation Wizard component,
which guides them through selecting a specialisation strategy to use, specialising
ODP classes and/or properties by subsumption, constraining the semantics of
4 Karl Hammar

property specialisations, aligning the resulting model with the existing ontology,
and finally, persisting the ODP specialisation into the existing ontology project.

3 Discussion and Future Work

The XDP extension bridges an important tooling gap, by enabling the use of
ODPs in real world projects by real users. This will bring tangible benefits both
to practitioners doing ontology engineering work and to researchers, who will be
able to use XDP as an environment in which to evaluate realistic ODP usage.
In addition to the novel features discussed in Section 1, the integration with
WebProtégé allows XDP to enable truly distributed ontology engineering with
ODPs, which is potentially a beneficial side effect. The XD method emphasises
pair development. For small distributed teams it can be hard to motivate travel
and accommodation costs just to put two people in the same room. Using XDP,
those developers can collaborate on a project across geographical boundaries.
There are some important steps and operations in the XD method that still
lack appropriate tool support, including requirements management and ontology
testing tasks, as well as ODP composition. Based on the results of initial user
evaluation of XDP in real projects, the author aims to implement functionality
to support these steps, so that XDP can in the future support the entire XD
ontology engineering workflow.

1. Blomqvist, E., Gangemi, A., Presutti, V.: Experiments on Pattern-based Ontology
Design. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Knowledge Cap-
ture. pp. 41–48. ACM (2009)
2. Blomqvist, E., Sandkuhl, K.: Patterns in Ontology Engineering: Classification of
Ontology Patterns. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Enter-
prise Information Systems. pp. 413–416 (2005)
3. Blomqvist, E., Presutti, V., Daga, E., Gangemi, A.: Experimenting with extreme
design. In: Knowledge Engineering and Management by the Masses, pp. 120–134.
Springer (2010)
4. Gangemi, A.: Ontology Design Patterns for Semantic Web Content. In: The Seman-
tic Web–ISWC 2005, pp. 262–276. Springer (2005)
5. Hammar, K.: Ontology design pattern property specialisation strategies. In: Knowl-
edge Engineering and Knowledge Management, pp. 165–180. Springer (2014)
6. Hammar, K.: Ontology design patterns: Improving findability and composition. In:
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2014 Satellite Events, pp. 3–13. Springer (2014)
7. Presutti, V., Blomqvist, E., Daga, E., Gangemi, A.: Pattern-Based Ontology Design.
In: Ontology Engineering in a Networked World, pp. 35–64. Springer (2012)
8. Presutti, V., Gangemi, A., David, S., Aguado de Cea, G., Suárez-Figueroa, M.C.,
Montiel-Ponsoda, E., Poveda, M.: D2.5.1: A Library of Ontology Design Patterns:
Reusable Solutions for Collaborative Design of Networked Ontologies. Tech. rep.,
NeOn Project (2007)
9. Presutti, V., Gangemi, A.: Content ontology design patterns as practical building
blocks for web ontologies. In: Conceptual Modeling-ER 2008, pp. 128–141. Springer

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