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The document appears to be a reference manual for a wargame that covers several historical battles across different theaters of war in World War 2.

The document is a reference manual that provides historical context, guidelines, and design notes for a wargame that simulates several World War 2 battles across different locations and time periods.

The document discusses terrain, units, tactics, and battles related to land warfare during specific World War 2 operations in Western Europe and Eastern Europe, including Market Garden in 1944, Velikiye Luki in 1942-1943, and Utah Beach in 1944.


Victory PAKTM

Market-Garden - Holland. 1944

Velikiye Luki - Russia, 1942-43

Utah Beach - Normandy, France. 1944

Reference Manual
Detailed game d osr-rt p uon .

htstortcal gu tdc. and desi gne rs n ot es



Victory PAKTM

Market-Garden - Holland, 1944

Velikiye Luki - Russia, 1942-43

Utah Beach - Normandy, France, 1944

"\ T

Reference Manual

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Victory PAKTM Reference Manual

Table of Contents
Table of Contents i

Terrain 1

Oame Scale and Map 1

Clear Terrain 1

Beach 2

Invasion Beach 2

Swamp 3

!3ocage 4

Polder 4

Forest 5

Village 5

City 6

Bunkers 6

Beach Bunkers 6

Fortress 6

Secondary Roads 7

Primary Roads 7

Railroads 7

Streams 8

Rivers and Canals 8

Major Rivers 9

Lakes 9

Ocean 10

Hills 10

Dikes 10

Bridges 11

Ferries 11

Units - General Information 12

Unit Colors 12

Unit Symbols and Designations 12

Typical American and British Unit Designations. .. ....... .. 13

Typical Russian Unit Designations 14

Typical German Unit Designations 15

Units - Market Garden. .............. ........ ...... ....... ....... ....... ...... 17

The British 21st Army Group 17

Organization 17

Assessment. ,.'" 19

German Wehnnacht 20

Organization 21

Assessment 22

Units - Velikiye Luki 24

Victory PAW" Reference Manual

Red Anny of Workers and Peasants 24

Organization 24

Assessment 26

Gennan Wehrmacht 30

Organization 30

Assessment 31

Units - Utah Beach 35

U.S. Army 35

Organization 35

The Motorization Myth 36

Assessment 37

German Wehrmacht. 38

Organization ,. 38

Assessment , 39

Movement , 42

Tactical Movement 43

Strategic Movement. , , 44

Movement As Passengers 47

Automatic Movement , 48

Stack Movement 49

Divisional Movement 49

Movement at Night and in Bad Weather 50

Bridges. Engineers and Ferrying - Market Garden 51

Bridges 51

Engineers , , 52

Permanent Femes , , 53

Engineers. Bridges and Ferrytng - Velikiye Lukl 53

Engineers. Bridges and Ferrying - Utah Beach 54

Movement Restrictions 55

British VIII and XII Corps - Market-Garden 55

German Veliklye Luki Garrison - Velfkiye Luki 55

German 6th Luftwaffe Field Division - Velikiye Luki 56

German Cherbourg Garrison - Utah Beach 57

American 120th Infantry Regiment and 83rd Infantry Division

- Utah Beach 57

Zones of Control 59

Effect on Movement 61

Effect on Supply 61

Effects of Combat. 62

Stacking 63

Limited Intelligence and the "Fog of War" 66

Enemy Units 66

Friendly Units 68

Control (or Ownership) of Terrain 68

German Brandenburg Commandos - Vellkiye Lukl ., 69

Random Variants 70

Morale 71

11 Reference Manual Victory PAKT"

Increases to Morale 72

Decreases to Morale 72

Disruption 73

Increases to Disruption 73

Decreases to Disruption 74

Fatigue 76

Increases to Fatigue 76

Decreases to Fatigue 77

Field Fortifications 78

Digging In , , 79

Fortifications 80

Diggtng In and Fortifying in the Same Hex 81

Attachment and Subordination 82

Attachment 82

Subordination 84

Attachment Restrictions 85

British VIII and XII corps - Market-Garden 85

Gennan Vellklye Luki Garrison - Velikiye Luki 86

Gennan 6th Luftwaffe Field Division - Velikiye Luki 86

German Cherbourg Garrison - Utah Beach 86

American 120th Infantry Regiment and 83rd Infantry Dlvlsion

- Utah Beach 87

Supply 88

German Supply Delivery 89

Allied Supply Delivery - Market Garden 92

Russian Supply Delivery - Velikiye Lukl 93

American Supply Delivery - Utah Beach 94

Supply Allocation 95

Supply Lines 96

Gennan Supply Sources and Stockpiles - Market Garden. 98

Gennan Supply Lines. Sources and Stockpiles - Vel1ld.ye Luki

..... ............ ........... ........... ........... ............ ............ .......... .... 99

Allied Supply Sources and Stockpiles - Market Garden 101

Russian Supply Lines - Velikiye Luki 102

Russian Supply Sources and Stockpiles - Velikiye Luki .. 103

Supply Lines - Utah Beach 104

American Supply Sources and Stockpiles - Utah Beach .. 105

German Supply Sources and Stockpiles - Utah Beach 106

Captured Supply 107

Surrender 109

Modiftcatlons to German Surrender - Velikiye Luki 110

Artillery 112

Artillery Movement and "Ready" Status 112

Artillery Fire Missions 114

Offensive Fire Missions 117

Barrage 118

Interdiction. 119

Victory PAK'M Reference Manual ill

Shoot and Scoot 119

On-Call Counterbattery 120

Defensive Fire Missions 120

Dedicated Support 121

On-Call Support 121

Automatic Artillery Allocation 122

Modifications to Artillery Fire Strengths 123

Terrain 123

Night 123

Supply 123

Field Fortifications 124

Disruption 124

Fatigue ., 124

Naval Support - Utah Beach 125

Requesting Naval Support 126

AVailability and Restrictions on Naval Support 127

Naval Support and Victory Points 128

Naval Support After June 17 128

Air Interdiction and Ground Support 130

Airpower - Market-Garden 130

Airpower - Velikiye Luki 130

Airpower - Utah Beach 131

Daily AIrcraft Allocation 133

Ground Support 135

Anti-Aircraft Fire 136

Combat 138

Attack 138

Probe 139

Assault with No Advance 139

Assault 139

All-Out Assault 139

Attacks and Stacking 140

Attacks and Zones of Control 140

Modifications to Attack Strengths 141

Supply 141

Terrain 141

Terrain and Ground Conditions - Velikiye Luki 142

Disruption 142

Fatigue 142

Defend 143

Retreat If Attacked 143

Defend If Attacked 143

Hold At All Costs 143

Defense and Stacking 144

Modifications to Defense Strengths 144

Strategic Movement 144

Terrain 144

lv Reference Manual Victory PAKT."

Supply 145

Field Fortifications 145

Disruption 145

Fatigue 145

Modifications to Combat Odds 146

Surprise 146

Defender's Terrain 146

Regimental Integrity 147

Armor Support 147

Armor Strengths 148

Supply 148

Terrain 149

Disruption 149

Fatigue 149

Antitank Strengths 149

Strategic Movement 149

Supply 150

Terrain 150

Field Fortifications 150

Disruption 151

Fatigue 151

Engineer Support 151

Morale 152

Example of Odds Modification 152

Combat Sequencing and Results 152

Losses 153

Retreats 153

Advances 154

Battle Reports 155

Weather 156

Sky Conditions 156

Ground Conditions - Market Garden 157

Ground Conditions - Velikiye Luki 157

Game Options 158

Weather Window 160

Weather Forecasts 161

Reinforcements 163

Allied Reinforcements - Market Garden 163

Russian Reinforcements - Velikiye Luki.. 164

German Reinforcements - Market Garden 164

German Reinforcements - Velikiye Luki 164

American Reinforcements - Utah Beach 165

German Reinforcements - Utah Beach 165

Replacements 167

British Replacements - Market Garden 168

Russian Replacements - Velikiye Luki 169

German Replacements - Market Garden 171

Vtetory PAK'''' Reference Manual v

German Replacements - Velikiye Luki 173

American Replacements - Utah Beach 175

German Replacements - Utah Beach 176

Victory Conditions 178

Geographic Objectives 178

Victory Conditions - Market Garden 180

Campaign Game Geographic Objectives 180

Losses Inflicted on Enemy Units 180

Victory Point Penalties 180

Victory Levels 181

Victory Conditions - Velikiye Luki 183

Campaign Game Geographic Objectives 183

Losses Inflicted on Enemy Units 184

Victory Point Penalties 184

Victory Levels , 184

Victory Conditions - Utah Beach 187

Campaign Game Geographic Objectives 187

Losses Inflicted on Enemy Units 187

Victory Point Penalties 188

Victory Levels 188

Historical Options and Variants 191

Random Variants 191

Historical Options and Variants - Market Garden 192

Options and Valiants That Favor the Allied Player. 192

Options and Variants That Favor the German Player 194

Historical Options and Variants - Velikiye Luki 198

Options and Variants That Favor the Russian Player 198

Options and Variants That Favor the German Player 200

Historical Options and Variants - Utah Beach 205

Options and Variants That Favor the American Player. 205

Options and Variants That Favor the German Player 209

General Comments and Design Philosophy 215

Why Do This On a Computer? 215

Realism of Command 215

What Happened to D-Day? 217

Levels of Difficulty. Play Balance and the Historical Options and

Variants 217

What is Missing? 218

Terrain. Units and Movement 218

Supply 219

Artillery 219

Ships and Naval Support 220

Aircraft and Ground Support 220

Reinforcements 220

Replacements 221

What About the Partisans in Velikiye Luki? 221

Htstortcal Simplifications 222

vi Reference Manual VIctory PAK'''

Historical References Consulted 224

Books ,." ,.. , 224

Utah Beach ,., 224

Velikiye Luki , , 237

Market-Garden ,., 240

Magazine and Journal Articals 241

Utah Beach ,.., , 241

VeUkiye Luki ,.. , 242

Market-Garden ,.., , 243

Wargarnes 243

Glossary, Pronunciation GUide and Abbreviations 246

Vic tory Pt\K'M Referen ce Manual vti


Game Scale and Map

Each hexagon on the
Victory PAKTM game maps
represent an area of one
square kilometer (0.62 x
0.62 mil es). Each game­
turn represents four
hours of real time.

The Victory PAKTM game

maps represent the actual
terrain upon whIch the
various battles were
fought. Each map was
based upon either contemporary large-scale (e.g., 1:250.000)
topographic maps. or the maps found In the official U.S. Army

An explanation of each terrain type in the game is given below.

along with a discussion of its real and game effects. Note that. In
some situations. it Is possible for the effects of more than one
terrain type to apply. For example. an attack made across a river
and into forest suffers the attack penalties associated with both
terrain types.

Clear Terrain
This is open and relatively Oat farmland and fields.

0. ", .
. 4. ,":'
with a few scattered trees and small buildings.
Compared to the polders. clear terrain is higher.
firmer ground which Is relatively dry for most of the

Clear terrain is the best type of terrain for an attacker. The long.
open fields of fire and lack of cover combine to make it a generally
poor location for a defensive line. although in some places the
defender doesn't have much choice if that's where his units are or
need to be. Clear terrain Is considered ideal "tank country,"

In the game. units defending in clear terrain do not receive any of

the favorable combat modifiers that go to defenders in the other

VIctory PAR'" Reference Manual

terrain types. and clear terrain normally does not cause any
penalties to units attacking into or out of it.

In Vel1kiye Luki, however, clear terrain includes both higher,

firmer ground which is relatively dry for most of the year. and
large areas of lower-lying marsh and grassy swamp which freeze
over in winter. Much of the clear terrain shown on the Vel1kiye
Luki map is actually swamp during summer, when it is very wet
and nearly impassable. especially along the streams and rivers.
When the game begins in mid-November. some snow has already
fallen and average temperatures are already at or below freezing,
so the ground has started to firm up. and continues to do so as
winter progresses. Additionally. during deep snow conditions, all
units except ski. armor and artillery have their attack strengths
halved when attacking out of a clear terrain hex. This Is due to a
loss of mobility caused by deep snow and snow drifts. (See

Beach terrain only appears in the Utah Beach game.
It Is similar to clear terrain in that It is generally flat
and open with little cover, but the dunes, sand, and
mud make it harder for most wheeled vehicles to
move around in . Unlike other terrain types. the width of a beach
varies with the tide, and so only brtefly. at low tide, is the area
represented by a beach hex a full kilometer across. Most of the
time it is considerably narrower than that. and thus the
maximum number of units that can be located in a beach hex
(the stacking limit) is less than for other terrain types. This lower
stacking limit hinders multi-unit attacks made from beach hexes.

Artillery fire into beach hexes is halved (because the dunes offer
some protection, and the sand dissipates the blast). and units
attacking into a beach hex have their final combat odds reduced
by one (a slight reduction) . Defensively. a beach hex makes a
good anchor for a defensive line, If it is secure from the landward

Invasion Beach

Invasion beach terrain only appears in the Utah

Beach game. There are three invasion beach hexes
that represent Utah Beach itself. These have the
same movement and combat effects as regular beach
hexes. However, Utah Beach was considerably more than just

2 Reference Manual VIctory PAK'''

sand and surf: the U.S . Army and Navy very quickly turned this
stretch of coastline into a complete artificial port. almost like a
major coastal city without the buildings. Extensive facilities,
manpower. and equipment were located there. and special
arrangements were made to rapidly process as many men and as
much equipment as possible through these hexes . Therefore,
Invasion beach hexes have a higher stacking limit than the
regular beach hexes.

Only two of the three invasion beach hexes were actually

assaulted from the sea on D-Day morning (the southern two): the
third (or northern) one was cleared of obstacles and opened for
use later In the day on D-Day.


Swamp terrain only appears in Utah Beach. A typical
swamp hex represents open grassland inundated by
two to four feet of standing water. Also classified as
swamp are some tidal mud flats near the river mouths
south of Utah Beach. Infantry could get through either (with
difficulty), but vehicles could not. The roads through these areas
were already on raised causeways. and so swamp does not affect
movement along roads,

The area inland from Utah Beach. stretching almost all the way
across the Cotentln Peninsula. is very close to sea level. flat and
poorly drained. A number of small dams and locks existed to
keep sea water out dunng high tide, and to allow the fresh water
to drain out during low tide. By May 1944, the Germans had
deliberately flooded most of these lowlands that were adjacent to
the st.reams and rivers. In so doing, they created some formidable
defensive barriers. The primary reason for dropping the two
American Airborne Divisions in thls area was to secure the roads
and causeways that crossed these flooded areas before the
Gennan defenses could solidify.

Artillery fire into swamp hexes is halved (the water absorbs much
of the blast): armored and motorized units attacking in to a
swamp hex have their attack and armor strengths halved
(because they cannot enter the hex except along a road): and all
units attacking into a swamp hex have their final combat odds
reduced by one (a slight reduction).

In addition, all units attacking out of a swamp h ex have their

attack and armor strengths halved. For infantry on foot. this is
because of the difficulties of moving, setting up, and operating the

Victory PAKT" Referenc e Manual 3

heavy weapons that constitute most of the unit's firepower; for
armored and motorized units. which cannot be in a swamp hex
unless it also contains a road, it is because they are confined into
a narrow column and are unable to maneuver.

Due to the scarcity of places to sit or lay down comfortably in a

swamp hex, units that end the tum in a non-road swamp hex
have their fatigue increased by one.

Finally, units in swamp hexes may not "dig in", and construction
of a fortification there takes twice as long as normal (t.e.. eight
turns instead of four).


Bocage terrain only appears in Utah Beach. This is
.... ~ the infamous Normandy "hedgerows", a type of man­
.. ' . made terrain unique to this part of France. Bocage
consists of Innumerable small, sunken fields, each
surrounded by a wall of rocks, earth, and dense vegetation from
three to six feet high. This type of terrain came about because
the soil of Normandy is naturally rocky, and farmers here worked
the same fields for over a thousand years . Gradually. over many
generations, they moved most of the rocks to the edges of the
fields, either to build stone fences or just to get them out of the
way. Over the centuries. these rock boundaries between the
fields became overgrown with trees and other vegetation, thus
fanning a maze-like gridwork of excellent defensive positions.

Artillery fire into bocage hexes is halved because of the good cover
offered by the wall-like hedges. and also because the short lines
of Sight made It very difficult to properly observe and adjust
artillery fire . Units defending in bocage have their antitank
strengths doubled . Units attacking a bocage hex have their final
combat odds reduced by two (a moderate reduction).

Polder only appears In Market-Garden. It is land that
has been reclaimed from the sea or from the tidal
estuaries of major rivers. This type of terrain
represents farm and pasture land which the Dutch
people have reclaimed by building dikes to contain the major
rivers in the area. It is very similar to clear terrain With the
exception that. underneath a thin layer of topsoil, the ground 15
still completely saturated and very soft.

4 Reference Manual Victory PM""

Due to its soft and wet nature , motorized and armored units may
only enter polder by moving along continuous road hexes. For
the same reason. the attack and armor strengths of motorized
and armored units are halved when they attack Into or out of a
polder hex,


•-- This is forested terrain and usually coincides with the

higher terrain on the map . These areas are broken
with slopes and rocks and are generally unsuitable for

In Vel1klye Lukt, forested terrain actually represents forested

swamp over most of the map area. and is very wet and difficult to
move through in summer, The gomg is a little easier in winter
when the ground is frozen. The larger expanses of forest were in
fact unexplored wilderness. completely untouched by man:
primeval. trackless, and totally uninhabited. The trees are mostly
birch and conifer. and the undergrowth Is dense.

Forest Is very good defensive terrain: artillery fire into forest hexes
is halved, the defender's antitank strength is multiplied by 2.5.
and units attacking a forest hex have their final combat odds
reduced by three (a large reduction).

Most of the village hexes on the map represent rural
settlements of 50 to 100 small buildings and houses ,
primarily of wooden construction. and separated from
each other by pastures, gardens. and small fields.

In Vellkiye Lukl , the town of Novosokolnlki is somewhat larger.

and is shown on the map as a multi-hex village. It had a total
pre-war population of slightly less than 9.000.

Villag es make good defensive terrain: artillery fire into them Is

halved because of the cover provided by the buildings. the
defender's antitank strength Is multiplied by 1.5, and units
attacking a village have their final combat odds reduced by two (a
moderate reduction).

Vlelory PAK'" Reference Manual 5

This is a fully urban environment. with paved streets
and densely packed. multi-story buildings. Because
of the abundance of excellent cover as well as the
limited observation and fields of fire. more men are
required to hold or take a given-sized area in a city than in more
open terrain. For that reason. the stacking limit is higher in city

Cities make very good defensive terrain: artillery fire into city
hexes is halved; the defender's anutank strength is doubled. and
units attacking a city hex have their final combat odds reduced by
three (a large reduction) .


6 This represents permanent fortifications consisting of

concrete bunkers and pillboxes. plus barbed wire.
mineflelds. tank traps. roadblocks. etc. In Market­
Garden these also include static Oak emplacements
and other fortified defenses near the important bridges.

Bunkers are excellent defensive terrain; artillery fire in to bunker

hexes is quartered; units defending in them have their antitank
strengths doubled. their defense strengths multiplied by 2.5. and
ignore all retreat results; and units attacking a bunker hex have
their final combat odds reduced by three (a large reduction).

Beach Bunkers

Beach bunkers only appear in Utah Beach. They are
identical to regular bunkers except that they are
~) located in what would otherwise be a beach hex.
Therefore . they have the same lower stacking limits
and slightly higher movement costs for wheeled vehicles as
regular beach hexes. They have the same combat effects as
regular bunkers.


c Fortress terrain appears in Velikiye Luki and Utah

Beach. It represents a single very large castle or
bunker-type structure. with very thick walls of rock
and concrete. In Velikiye Luki the Germans selected
several of the largest and strongest buildings. heavily reinforced
them. and essentially converted them into large bunkers. Also
Included as a fortress is the old town citadel. a true medieval
fortress . (The citadel is located just west of the river. in the hex
bounded by the river on four stdes.) In Utah Beach several
fortresses are located in and around Cherbourg. Some of them
were old structures located on top of and within the cliffs
overlooking the city. and others, constructed by the Germans
during the war. were underground bunker complexes.

fortresses are the best defensive terrain in the game: artillery fire
into fortress hexes is quartered: units defending in them have
their defense and antitank strengths tripled and ignore all retreat
results. and units attacking a fortress hex have their final combat
odds reduced by three (a large reduction).

Secondary Roads
These are the most important of the dirt roads,
which are mostly two lanes wide. with minor
improvements such as raised roadbeds and
culverts. They provide for better mob1lity than
moving cross-eounty.

Primary Roads

ee These are modern two lane paved roads which

motorized units can move along very rapidly. if
their movement is unopposed.

For a number of reasons railroads are only

83 represented in the Velikiye Luki scenario. The

north-south railroad through Novosokolniki was
the main Vitebsk-Leningrad line, vital to the
supply of the German Army Group North . This ra1lline was in
fact the primary Russian objective in the battle; the city of
Velikiye Lukl was of lesser importance. but had to be taken first.

For much of the year and throughout most of Russia, railroads

doubled as highways, facilitating movement for units of all types.
Movement of ordinary units along a rail line, even trucks and
horse drawn units. was often faster and easier than on the
wretched roads. especially in swampy areas and during the
muddy seasons . This was because the railroad beds were more
likely to be dry and firm. due to their raised. graded. and/or
drained roadbeds. Unlike the roads. most railroad beds had to be
improved in this manner when the railroads were first
constructed. in order to keep the ralls straight and level. and to
support the weight of the trains.

Movement of units by train is not represented in the game. due to

the fact that movement by train was not a normal or practical
procedure for short. tactical movements near the front line. In
addltton. all the reinforcements received by both sides during the
battle entered the map via normal movement; those that did
arrive in the general area by train all disembarked before they
entered the map. or at least very near the map edge.

In Utah Beach the railroads were left out because neither side
was able to use them to any significant extent during the time
period covered by the game. Allied afrpower made German use of
the railroads in Normandy a complete impossibility (and it wasn't
much better throughout the rest of France). For their part. the
Allies didn't need and didn't make much use of the French rail
net until after their breakout from Normandy.

These are small water obstacles. a few feet deep
and a few tens of feet wide . In this area they
tend to have either steep or very swampy
banks. but are already beginning to freeze over
when the game begins. Therefore . they have
only a minor effect on movement. and no effect
on combat.

Note that in the Velikiye Luki scenario. during deep snow ground
conditions. steams cease to have any effect on movement. and
therefore appear on the map in a lighter and less visible form.
(See "Weather. "J

Rivers and Canals

These are moderate-sized water obstacles. four

(Cf) to six feet deep and thirty to eighty feet wide. In

this area they tend to have steep banks.
Infantry can either ford them or swim across.
but armored and motorized units can only
cross at a bridge.

In Velfkiye Luki. the Lovat River is already frozen when the game

8 Reference Manual Victory PA/0M

begins in mid-November. and will support the weight of men on
foot and perhaps cavalry horses. but deeper cold is required
before the Ice will support the weight of draft horses. vehicles. or
heavy equipment. In summer. most of the hexes adjacent to the
Lovat are very swampy and essentially impassable . especially
north of Velikiye Luk1. Note that during hard freeze ground
condltlons, rivers become much easier to cross (for all units), and
lose their effect on combat entirely. This is indicated graphically
on the map by a ltghter-colored river symbol. During deep snow
conditions, rivers lose their movement effects also. and therefore
disappear from the map completely. (See 'Weather.")

Rivers make excellent defensive boundaries: non-artillery units

attacking across rivers do so at half strength (one-quarter for
armored or motorized units). and the armor strength of armored
and recon units attacking across rivers is halved at road hex­
sides and quartered at non-road hexsides.

Major Rivers
These are significant water obstacles .
impassable for all units except at a bridge or
when being ferried by engineers. There are
three major rivers on the map.


This terrain type only appears in Velikiye Luki. It
represents a large lake which is many hundreds of
yards or even a full kilometer across: smaller lakes
are shown as discontinuous rivers. and have the
same effects as rivers.

When the game begins in mid-November. the prevailing light

freeze conditions are not sufficient to create a safe thickness of ice
in the centers of these large bodies of water. Therefore. whole­
hex lakes are impassable terrain for all units until hard freeze

During hard freeze. all units may enter lake hexes. although it is
slightly more difficult for horse drawn and motorized units . This
is indicated on the map by a lighter-eolored lake symbol. Also, all
non-artillery units which attack out of a lake hex during hard
freeze have their attack strengths halved. due to the absolute lack

VIctory PA/{l" Reference Manual 9

of cover and concealment on the lee. During deep snow, lakes
become indistinguishable from normal clear terrain. and therefore
disappear from the map entirely. (See "Weather.")

This is an all-sea hex and cannot be entered by any

Hills are depleted by one or more hill
hexsldes, each of which represents a distinct
elevation difference of approximately 100 feet
between two adjacent hexes. across the
hexside where the hill symbol is located. The
hill symbol is located within the hex that
constitutes the "down" side of the slope; the
hex adjacent to the hill symbol constitutes
the "up" side.

All non-artillery units attacking uphill have their attack strengths

reduced by 25 percent. All armored units attacking uphill have
their armor strengths reduced by 25 percent. All non-artillery
units attacking downhill have their attack strengths increased by
25 percent. All armored units attacking downhlll have their
armor strengths increased by 25 percent.

In addition to their combat effects. movement for all units Is

slightly more difficult when going "uphill" across a hill hexstde .
There is no movement cost or benefit for going "downhill."

These represent large earthen walls which are
up to 100 feet tall and can be miles long. They
are shown as two hill hexsldes placed back to
back. Dikes have the same effect on movement
and combat as h1lls. except that they are
"uphill" from both directions.


®® In Market-Garden, there are two kinds of bridges.

infantry and tank. A bridge exists in every location
where a road crosses a liver or a major river. If the road is a
secondary road, the bridge is a infantry bridge. and only non­
motorized units may cross it. If the road Is a primary road, the
bridge is a tank bridge , which any unit may cross. Both types of
bridges may be captured, destroyed, and repaired. Because most
of the bridges are only one lane wide, crossing them costs slightly
more movement points than moving along the road in a non­
bridge hex. For more information on bridges. see the section on
"Bridges, Engineers, and Ferrying" below.

In Utah Beach bridges are handled somewhat differently. Most of

the bridges in the Utah area were very massive and solidly-built
causeway-type structures, made of earth and stone, and more
like small dams than bridges. They were very difficult to demolish
completely, and when damaged, were fairly easy to render
serviceable again. In this part of Normandy at least, 'blowing a
bridge" was much easier said than done. Therefore. in Utah
Beach all bridges are assumed to be permanent. and players may
not destroy them. Railroad bridges might have been a different
matter, as they could also be used by troops, trucks, and tanks.
However, within the Utah Beach map area there were only a
handful of railroad bridges that crossed significant obstacles
(rivers and swamps), and each of these railroad bridges or
causeways Just happened to be adjacent to a major road bridge or
causeway. Therefore, the addition of separate railroad bridges
and causeways would have had little or no effect.


® In Market-Garden. beside bridges, another type of

river crossing is femes. These femes represent the
German-controlled boat transportation of units across major
rivers. All German units may use ferries, but for all units the
movement cost of crossing a river on a ferry is significantly
greater than a bridge. Unlike bridges, ferries cannot be captured,
and can never be used by Allied units. For more information on
ferries. see the section on "Bridges, Engineers, and Ferrying'

VIClOry PAK' '' Reference Manual 11

Units - General Information

(l:2£l] [l22I] In Victory PAKTM games, most of the units on both

11'13 .'Illsides represent battalions, but there are some smaller
r§il f§l company-sized uruts as well. Company-sized units
~ ~ are indicated by a diagonal slash in their lower
. right corner. Full-strength infantry battalions
[~] [c=:J]contain from 600 to 1000 men each (companies 100
6B 21 to 200): armor battalions contain 30 to 40 tanks each
[IHQ ')[ C@J) (companies 10 to 15); and antitank. anti-aircraft. and
351 5 GS artillery battalions contain 6 to 24 guns (companies.

~ ~
also known as batteries, 4 to 8 gun each). Each
~ ~ headquarters unit represents several battalions of
•• non-combat support troops (such as signals, medical.
[C3JJ [lS:2IJ quartermaster, supply, etc .), containing
251 3BI approximately 1.000 men for each point of defense
strength possessed by the HQ unit.

Unit Colors
On color monitors, non-airborne British units are brown,
American airborne and glider units are tan, British airborne and
glider units are red, Polish units are dark red , Russian Guards
units are red, Russian ski units are red on white, and all other
Russian units are brown. German Army units are gray, German
ski units are black on white . Luftwaffe units are blue,
Krtegsmanne (German navy) units are blue-green and Waffen-SS
units are black.

On black and white monitors. all Allied uruts (including Russians)

are white and all German units are half black and half white,
except Waffen-SS units, which are black.

Unit Symbols and Designations

1'- There are two different styles of symbols that may appear
1222 on the units: you can choose which style you prefer. The
~ default style consists of pictorial icons, in which a small
.1222 silhouette of a soldier represents infantry, a tank
silhouette represents armor, etc. The other style consists
of the standard military symbols for infantry, armor. artillery.
etc. that are used on real military documents and maps. To
change from one style to the other, click on "Options" on the
Menu Bar at the top of the screen, drag the cursor down to
"Military Symbols." and release. The Quick Reference Card

12 Reference Manual victory PAK'"

included in the game box shows all the symbols and explains
their meaning.

In addition to a symbol, each unit also bears Its actual historical

designation. often a number. but frequently letters in the case of
British units . Numbers may be either divisional, regimental. or
battalion numbers. depending on the unit and whether or not it Is
part of a regiment. HQ units carry the number of their division or
brigade. If the lower left comer of a non-HQ unit contains one or
more dots . the number on the unit Is Its regimental number.
and the number of dots indicates the battalion (or sometimes
company) number of the unit within the regiment. If a non-HQ
unit does not contain any dots In its lower left corner. the
number is its own battalion or company number. which
occasionally was the same as the divisional number. Some
examples are given below.

Typical American and British Unit Designations

Unit Designation Full Name

1-32-Gds Arm 1st Battalion. 32nd Infantry Brigade.
Guards Armored Dtvtsion.

~ 3-506-101 3rd Battalion, 506th Parachute
..sos Regiment. 101st Airborne DIvision

(§l 3-RTR-ll 3rd Tank Battalion, Royal Tank

~ Regiment. 11 th Armored Dtvision

rilil 76-3 76th Field Artillery Regiment. 3rd

l!J Infantry Division

§ 30 Bridge Engineers. XXX Corps


~ 15th Divislonal Headquarters, 15th Infantry

15 Division

Polish Brigade Headquarters. Polish
Parachute Brigade

1 1st Recon Company. l st Airborne

®l GA Bridge Engineers. Guards Armored

tEJ Division

Victory PAKT" Reference Manual 13

AIR-XXX A Squadron. Royal Armored Car
Regiment, XXX Corps

1-8-04 1st Battalion. 8th Infantry Regiment,
4th Infantry Division

3-12-04 3rd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment.

[fJ 4th Infantry Division



70th Tank Battalion, VII Corps

20th Field Artillery Battalion. 4th

Infantry Division

Typical Russian Unit Designations

Unit Designation Full Name

1-1193-360 1st Battalion. 1193rd Rifle Regiment.
360th Rille Division

3-1197-360 3rd Battalion, 1197th Rifle Regiment,
360th Rifle Division




3rd Sh Ar
1st Tank Battalion, 43rd Mech Brigade

1st Artillery Battalion, 21st Guards

Rifle Division

Engineer Brigade. 3rd Shock Army

3 SA

357th Divisional Headquarters . 357th Rille

351 Division

184th Tank Brigade Headquarters, 184th Tank

IB'! T Brigade

68-2nd Mech 68th Motorcycle Battalion, 2nd Mech

5th Gds Sh Katyusha Regiment, 5th Guards Shock

14 Referen ce Manual Victory pA.l{1 M

257 Reconnaissance Company. 257th Rifle

Typical German Unit Designations

Unit Destznation Full Name

1-20-9 1st Battalion. 20th 55 Panzergrenadier

II Rgt. 9th 55 Panzer Division

2nd Battalion. l222nd Infantry
Regiment, 180th Infantry Division

~I 642 642nd Ost Battalion

GRSN 1st Kompanie. Garrison Infantry

1-107 1st Companie, 107th Assault Gun

Battalion, 107th Panzer Brigade

[!J 59 59th Reconnaissance Battalion. 59th

Infantry Dlvlslon

'I I-FB 1st Artillery Battalion (SS). Flak


Ii lOth Divisional Headquarters, 10th SS

Panzer Division

; 3-22

3rd Companie. 22nd Flak Regiment

Nederland Battalion. Dutch 55

You may have noticed some differences in the above tables

between Allied and German nomenclature with regard to
battalions and other unit designations . The British used Roman
numerals for Corps designations (groups of several divisions), but
not for other unit designations. The Germans used Roman
numerals to designate their corps. as well as battalions that were
considered to be a permanent part of a regiment. Independent
Gennan battalions were designated with Arabic numerals just like
German armies. divisions, and regiments. Numerous British and
a few German units were designated with names (abbreviated on
the units by letters) rather than numbers. Most American
companies carried a letter-of-the-alphabet designation. With
regards to the Russians did not use Roman numerals at all.
Arabic numerals were used for all Russian units .

16 Reference Manual Victory PAK'M

Units - Market Garden

"The English never yield, and though driven back and thrown into
confusion, they always return to the jl.ght, thirsting for vengeance
as long as they have a breath oJ life." - Giovanni Mocenlgo. 1588.

The British 21st Army Group


lrJ (lEIDJ
During the time period covered by the game
(September 1944). British units in the battle area
(f@J) were part of the 21 st Army Group. Units of this Army
~~ ~ Group had fought in North Africa, Italy, Normandy,
and Belgium. Four corps out of the 21st Anny Group
participated In Operation Market-Garden: the XXX (30th), VIII
(8th), XII (12th), and 1st Airborne. Each of these corps contained
a number of divisions and brigades. all of which were fully
motorized except for the airborne formations.

rt@Jl There were three types of British divisions which

00 participated In Operation Market -Garden: infantry ,
armored, and airborne, There was also the 8th Tank
[~J Brigade, the 1st Polish Parachute Brigade, and two
American airborne divisions.
- [!]
~ In addition to Its divisions and brigades. 21st Army
'I Group and Its four corps also contained a number of
independent regiments and battalions of artillery.
rl§1lrreJl engineers, anti-tank, anti-aircraft and armor. These
~~ units were assigned to the corps level headquarters
and then usually attached to divisions located in the most
important sectors, or those involved in the heaviest fighting.

From the beginning of the 1944 campaign In France all regular

British Army units were fully motorized. The British Army was the
first in the world to achieve this, thus allowing them great tactical
and operational mobility , although they never achieved a
suffiCiently flexible command structure to fully utilize this
advantage. The British dlvlstons which participated In Operation
Market-Garden were of the highest quality in terms of training,
and their equipment was as good as was available to the Allies
due to lend -lease.

Viclory PAK' '' Reference Manual 17

(lE@J) flE@J] Brttish infantry divisions contained three motorized
3 15 infantry brigades. each with three infantry battalions,

plus an artillery brigade with three artillery
~ ~ battalions. an anti-tank battalion, an engineer
battalion. a bridge engineer company, a mechanized
reconnaissance battalion. a machine gun battalion. an anti­
aircraft battalion. and several rear-area. non-combat units. In the
game, all the rear-area units are combined into the divtsional
headquarters unit.

rc::J] Except for airborne artillery. all British artfllery battalions

16 (which the British called regiments) had 24 guns each.
twice as many as most American and German artillery
battalions. On a drvtston-for-dtvtsion basis. this gave the British
Army a substantial advantage in artillery firepower.

[lE@JJ{~ British armored divisions normally contained one

GA 7 motorized Infantry brigade wIth three Infantry
IlliIDI battalions, one tank brigade with three tank
OI.J battalions and one motorized infantry battalion. a
mechanized reconnaissance battalion. an anti-tank
battalion. an anti-atrcraft battalion. an engineer battalion. a
bridge engineer company. a machine gun battalion. two self­
propelled artillery battalions. and several rear-area units. The
Guards Armored Division was somewhat larger, with several extra
battalions of tanks. mechanized recon, and antitank guns.

[lE9J] The British 1st Airborne Division contained two parachute

1 brigades and one airlanding brigade [each of three
battalions). an engineer battalion. an anti-tank battalion,
three artillery battalions (with only 12 guns each), two battalions
of glider pilots. a company of armored jeeps. and a parachute
pathfinder (reconnaissance) company.

lE[I The two American airborne divisions which participated in

82 this battle each had three parachute regiments and one

glider regiment (each with three battalions). an anti-tank
battalion, an anti-aircraft battalion. an engineer battalion.
three artillery battalions. and a reconnaissance company.

The 1st Polish Parachute Brigade contained three

(l8fJ) parachute battalions. an arttllery company. and an anti­
tank company.

The 8th Independent Tank Brigade contained three tank
battalions and one motorized infantry battalion.

18 Reference Manual VIctory PAK'M

([§f](@l 21 st Army Group also contained numerous
independent battalions of infantry, tanks, anti-tank
~~ guns, artillery, mechanized reconnaissance and
rWlrTIJ1 armored cars, which were attached to various
~~ divisions in the Army Group.
0LJ Assessment
Among the British Army's greatest strengths were the high
standards of individual training which were found in all British
units. and their large equipment allotments. many of which were
made possible by American lend-lease. Because of these factors.
the British Army maintained, if not improved. the overall quality
of its divisions during the war. unlike the Germans, whose
qualitative edge early in the war was constantly reduced.

Another strength was the quality of some of the British Army's

weapons. particularly those that were supplied via lend-lease,
Although many indigenous British weapons were not up to the
standards of the German Army. especially British tanks. the huge
quantities of American lend-lease equipment more than made up
for this. The British 25-pounder artillery piece was a notable
exception. and contributed greatly to the firepower of British
divisions. In the air, by 1944 the British and Americans could
even boast a qualitative edge over the Luftwaffe.

The American and Polish units in Market-Garden were of the

same high quality as the British, except their leadership was more

On the other side of the coin. one of the British Army's greatest
weaknesses were the operational restrictions placed on its
commanders in an effort to conserve manpower. After the
staggering losses of World War I and lesser but still heavy losses
in the early years of World War II. Mr. Churchill required his field
commanders. for political reasons, to break off any attacks which
had the potential of incurring unacceptable losses. These
Constraints. coupled with the British tendencies of overly detailed.
cautious planning and of beginning offensive operations only after
a massive buildup of supplies. has led many to conclude that the
British Army was inflexible and ponderous.

Taken as a whole. the British Officer Corps must also be

considered a weakness. Most British Army officers obtained their
rank because of their social status. rather than professional
ability. As the war went on. this became less prevalent in the

VlctOl)' PAK',1 Reference Manual 19

junior grades, and individual exceptions can always be cited.
However, the British Officer Corps as a whole was never the
professional equal of their German opponents or their American

All things considered. the strongest British units in
Operation Market-Garden were the 7th. 11 th . and Guards
Armored divisions. These were well-balanced formations,
1]9jl and with the exception of being a little lean in infantry.
l!1J were a match for anything the Germans could put in front
rlliIDl of them. The British tanks were inferior to those of the
lQBJ Germans, but the British made up for this through sheer
weight in numbers . All three of these divisions had previous
combat experience in North Africa. Italy, and Normandy.

The British 1st Airborne Division, the American 82nd
and 10 1st Airborne Divisions, and the Polish 1st
fl@lfl@jl Parachute Brigade were highly trained, elite
LWllQLJ formations. but did not possess the heavy-weapons
firepower of other units because of the requirements
of being air-transportable. Otherwise, on a man-for-man basis
these were possibly the best units in the Allied armies . Each of
these units had extensive previous combat experience in Sicily.
Italy and/ or Normandy.

~~ There were also a number of above-average tank and

~~ reconnaissance units in the XXX. VIII. and XII Corps
which saw action in Operation Market-Garden. These
~~ were experienced and well-equipped units which
~~ generally performed well.

[1!:!.9.1 ] [l.@J J There were four British infantry divisions which

['tm I(!J
3 15 participated in Operation Market-Garden . These were
the 3rd. 15th. 43rd. and 50th Divisions. All four of
~ them possessed massive artillery firepower due to
their large artillery battalions. In addition. the 15th,
43rd, and 50th Divisions were the best British infantry divisions
in the theater. all with previous combat experience in North
Africa. Italy, and Normandy . The 3rd Division was less
experienced. having seen its first action on D-Day.

German Wehrmacht
"He who has notJought the Germans does not know war." - British
military aphorism

20 Reference Manual Victory PAK'''

The term "Wehrmacht" is all-inclusive and translates roughly as
"armed forces. " The Wehnnacht consisted of the German Army
(or "Heer"), the German Air Force (or "Luftwaffe"}, the German
Navy (or "Krtegs m a rtn e"I . plus the WaITen-S3,

Most of the German units that fought on the ground in the

Market-Garden area were part of the regular German Army, but
the Group Erdman and Group Walther "Divisions" were part of
the Luftwaffe. There are also a few independent Krtegsmartne
battalions that were part of the German Navy. The Waffen-5S was
neither Army, Navy, or Air Force, and for all practical purposes it
formed a fourth major branch of service.

[~] [IHQ I]
German untts located near the front lines usually
OBW 1FJ served under the operational command and control of

limJ (I
00 ]
the Army. In the Market-Garden area. the highest
11~Q~ Army headquarters was Oberkornmando West (OB
West), which was the supreme headquarters for the
[IHQ J] entire western front, and just happened to be located
88K in the outskirts of Amhem. Below OB West In the
I~] Market-Garden area was the Luftwaffe's 1 st
85K Fallschirmjager Army and the II (2nd) Fallschirmjager
Corps. Reinforcing corps consisted of the LXXXVI
(86th) Corps. II (2nd) S3 Panzer Corps. and the LXXXV (85th)
Corps, which was part of 15th Army, located off the map area to
the west.

[fRQ1)[IHQI]A large variety of under-strength German divisions

KGK Gr.W and smaller units fought In the Market-Garden area.
Some of this was due to German flexibility in forming
lKJ[gJ ad hoc "kampfgruppen." and a lot was also due to the
general state of disorder of the German armed forces
fiQilfiijl after the summer of 1944. Most of the German
~~ divisions sent to the Amhem area were depleted from

the summer's fighting. and were taking on
replacements and training them. This was considered
a quiet sector of the western front at that time. and
was a gathering place for training divisions. replacement
battalions, and other new formatlons receiving their first initiation
to combat. What an initiation they would recelvel

For the reasons given above, practically every German division

that fought in this area had its own unique organization. In
theory, a standard German infantry division at this stage of the
war had three infantry regiments. each of two battalions, plus

Victory PAK' '' Reference Manual 21

three artillery battalions, an engineer battalion, a motorized
reconnatssance battalion (or company), and an antitank battalion.
88 panzer dlvislons officially contained two panzergrenadier
(motorized) infantry regiments, each of three battalions, plus a
panzer regiment with two battalions of tanks, and smaller units.
However, all but one of the German divisions that fought in the
Market-Garden area were well below authorized establishments.
In particular, the 10th 58 Panzer Division was weak in tanks , and
the 9th 58 Panzer Divtston had even fewer tanks and no artillery.

f§lf§l Like the British 21st Army Group, the German forces
~~ contained a large number of independent regiments
and battalions that were available to attach to the
mlral divisions. Unlike many battles, in this action the
-~ Germans had more of these corps- and army-level

units available than the Allies did, for reasons
mentioned above. and had a larger variety of them as


Ii All things considered , the best German divisions to fight in

the Market-Garden area during the time period covered by
the game were probably the 9th and 10th 58 Panzer
II Divisions. These units were formed in 1943 as the II 55
Panzer Corps , and fought first at Tamopol on the eastern
front in early 1944, and then opposed the British at Caen in
Normandy. By late summer 1944, both divisions were far below
strength and in need of rebuilding, especially their panzer
regiments. so they where sent to the Amhem area to rest and

[IHQ i] The next-best German dtvtsions in the Market-Garden

Gr.W area were the Group Erdman and Group Walther
00 "Divisions". Group Erdman contained the remnants of the
~ 2nd, 6th, and 7th Fallschirmjager (airborne) regiments,
r. and was redesignated as the 2nd Fallschlrmjager Division
during this battle. Group Walther was a new formation with
three new fallschinnjager regiments, the 16th, 17th, and 18th. It
was redesignated as the 7th Fallschirmjager Division soon after
this battle.

(IHQ I]The 107th Panzer Brigade was also an excellent unit, with
1lJ1 the only full strength Panther tank battalion in this area.
It was created as an expedient, to fill the gap left In the
German lines when the panzer divisions in the area were
withdrawn for rebuilding. The 107th parttctpated in most of the

22 Reference Manual VIctory PAl("-'

attempts to cut Highway 69 . and gave excellent service. although
by the end of the battle It was all but destroyed.

The 59th Infantry Division was the only regular German
Infantry division to fight in the Market-Garden area during
the time period covered by the game. This was an
"average" German infantry dlvision which was Originally formed In
early 1939. It fought In Poland In 1939, and participated in the
1940 French campaign. It was below its normal strength during
Operation Market-Garden because portions of the division were
detached and still guarding the Dutch coast, but otherwise It was
an experienced. well-led, and battle worthy formation.

ffll [IHQ IJ
8Y 85
Of lesser quality were the 84th, 85th. 180th and
406th Training Divisions. These were composed
mml ( 1 primarily of men who had Just completed their basic
liWJ ~~a~ training. and were about to enter combat for the first
time. They were rushed to the front during Market­
Garden to hold the line and free other. more experienced units for
offensive operations. Although they had no previous combat
experience. they performed adequately. and were all upgraded to
regular infantry divisions after this battle.

[IHQ I]The least effective of the German divisions to fight in the

'H2 Market-Garden area was the 712th Infantry Division.
This division was a "static" division, created from over-age
reservists to garrison the Dutch coast. It performed very poorly in
combat compared to other German infantry divisions, and was
used as a diversionary force to tie down portions of the British
XXX Corps.

([§J (t2J 1 The

miscellaneous. independent German regiments
and battalions which fought in the Market-Garden
[[§J rt2J1
area were of variable strength and quality. Some of
506 ~ them. including portions of the 502nd and 506th
Heavy (Tiger} Tank Battalions. were excellent
formations, consisting of well-trained, experienced professionals
and specialists. At the other end of the spectrum. there were also
a number of rear-area security and Ost battalions. most of which
had only limited combat capability.

Victory PAKtM Reference Manual 23

Units ~ Velikiye Luki

"Attack! If you have no results today. you will tomorrow: even if

you achieve nothing but the pinning of the enemy. the result will be
felt elsewhere." - Joseph Stalin, February 1942

Red Army of Workers and Peasants

During and before WWIl. the official name of the Soviet Army was
the "Red Army of Workers and Peasants," abbreviated RKKA in
Russian. It was not officially renamed the "Soviet Army" until

[IHQ I] [IHQ I] During the time period covered by the game

3SA 2MC (November 1942 to January 1943), Red Army units in
(' ]I' ] the Veliklye Luki area were part of the 3rd Shock
~H~J ~~~ Army. I''Shock" Is the literal and most common
translation of the Russian word "udarnaya." but
"assault" probably captures its meaning better in Engltsh.) The
3rd Shock Army contained three subordinate corps: the 2nd
Mechanized. the 5th Guards Shock. and the 8th Estonian. Each
of these corps contained a number of divisions and brigades.
(Note that the 2nd Mechanized Corps was an "old style" corps
with no fixed organization. It contained a Variable number of
subordinate divisions and brigades. unlike the "new style"
mechanized corps, which were actually division-sized units with a
fixed organization of four brtgades.)

[IKG I] [IHQ IJ All the Red Army divisions that saw combat In the
351 21 Velikiye Luki area during the time period covered by
[I.I) [I ) the game were rifle divisions. although one cavalry
If~~~ !~DQ~ division was in reserve nearby. and is therefore
included in the game as a historical variant.
[I,HQ I] (IHG I] Numerous Red Army brigades also participated in the
IB M ~~"5 battle. and these included tank. rifle. mechanized.
and ski brigades.

Note that the names of the army. corps. and divisional HQ units
(as shown on the units) are all in large type. and the names of
brigade HQ's are in small type.
@@ Army
In addition to its divisions and brigades. 3rd Shock
~~ independent regiments and battalions of artillery,
and its three corps also contained a number of

... I§l engineers. and armor. Divisions located in the most
SG$ ~
important sectors. or those involved in the heaviest
fighting. frequently had several battalions of these corps and
army troops attached to them .

fW@ [I HQ I] From its inception in early 1918. the Red Army

9- E$ 28 designated all its infantry units (of all sizes] using the
filThJ1 [I ]
tID word "rifle" instead of "infantry." This was done
11~~1 primarily for morale and propaganda reasons
because. in the Imperial Russian Anny of wwr. "rille"
[I..!::!QJ] [IHQ I] units were considered to be elite formations, and the
21.+'3 251 "infantry" units were normally of poor quality. By late
[IHa l] [IHal] 1942, the second year of the war with Germany,
351 360 almost all Red Army rifle divisions were officially

organized and equipped in the same way, and
~ contained the same quantities and types of
subordinate units. Each Red Army rifle division
consisted of three rifle regiments (each of three battalions). three
artillery battalions, an antitank battalion, a small engineer
battalion. a reconnaissance company, and several rear-area, non­
combat battalions. In the game, all the non-combat battalions
have been combined into the divisional headquarters unit.

[I HQ I] [I Ha I]
Beginning in September 1941. Red Army units of all
'3 G l'3G types which distinguished themselves in combat
00 00 received the designation "Guards, " along with a new
~ @ {and normally lower] formation number. (A few elite
and/ or special units were designated Guards prior to
their first combat, but that was unusual.) Guards units were
almost always tougher and more effective in combat than non­
Guards formations. and there were several reasons for this,
Guards units were authorized higher strengths in both men and
equipment. and they were the first to receive new and improved
items such as radios, better tanks, etc. Their superior
performance was also due to their previous combat experience
and demonstrated abilities, slightly higher levels of pay and
privileges, and their morale-boosting name and "Guards" badge.

Although they were authorized (and often had) more men and
equipment. most Guards units were organized the same way as
non-Guards formations. at least at the scale depicted by the
game. For example. each Guards rille division contained three
rifle regiments, each of three battalions. plus three artillery
battalions, etc., just like all other rille divisions. The differences

Vic tory PAl<' '' Reference Manual 25

in organization and equipment generally lay within the battalions
and companies, rather than at the higher levels.

(I.HQI] [lHQ I]Third Shock Army also contained several independent

1'iii"1 ICC R tank. rille . and mechanized brigades, plus two ski
[I I] (I I) brigades. The smallest of these brigades consisted of
l~c:., ~~ just two or three battalions of the same type: the
largest had seven battalions of different types. and
were in effect miniature divisions.

During the first two years of the war with Germany, the Red Army
created a large number of these independent brigades, similar to
divisions but much smaller. This policy was a temporary
expedient. necessitated by the Red Army's huge losses among
high-level commanders and HQ units during the first few months
of the war, Basically, the Red Army had to get more men into
action immediately, but didn't have time to organize and train all
the divisions it needed, and also didn't have enough officers
capable of commanding all those new divisions. The smaller
brigades could be raised. trained. and moved to the front more
quickly. and in most cases could be commanded. at least in an
acceptable fashion, by lower-ranking officers who had less
experience and training.

The expedient worked. By 1943. the crisis had passed, and many
regimental and brigade commanders had proven themselves in
combat, and had acquired plenty of experience. The creation of
new independent brigades essentially ceased that year; most of
the rifle brigades still in existence were then expanded into rille
divisions, and most of the tank and mechanized brigades lost
their independence in order to become permanent components of
the new tank and mechanized corps. Only a few specialized
units. such as the two ski brigades in the 3rd Shock Army. kept
their status as independent brigades during the last two years of
the war.


The Red Army of WWIl, like any military force, had both strengths
and weaknesses. Paradoxically. one of its greatest weaknesses
was also one of its greatest strengths: its supreme commander.
Joseph Stalin. Although Stalin was both paranoid and brutal.
and did not care in the least how many of his own people he killed
in order to acquire and maintain absolute power, he was also
aware that he was not infallible. Unlike most dictators. he
actually came to realize, just in time, that he was not a very good
military strategist. After the initial shock of the German invasion

26 Reference Manual VlCIOryP~

wore off, Stalin's first reaction was to personally direct military
operations at the front. However, he made mistakes that soon
became obvious even to him, and the German Wehnnacht taught
him and many other Red Army commanders a severe lesson in
the summer and early fall of 1941. After he was saved by the bad
weather in October and November of that year, Stalin largely
stopped intervening in the details of military operations, and
instead devoted himself primarily to the larger, more "political"
issues of grand strategy and directing the Russian war economy,
He found and promoted reliable, competent military subordinates,
and for the rest of the war wisely delegated most military details
to them.

Among the Red Army's other great strengths were the huge size of
the Soviet Union, which allowed it to trade space for time, and its
nearly inexhaustible reserves of manpower, which allowed it to
trade blood for time. These two factors were the only reasons why
the Soviet Union was able to survive and recover from the defeats
it suffered in 1941 - defeats that certainly would have destroyed
any smaller or less populous nation.

Another important strength was the quality of most of the Red

Army's weapons. Although simple and even crude by western
standards. Russian small arms, tanks. aircraft, and artillery were
both reliable and effective. Among the best were the PPSH
submachine gun. the KV, T-34, and JS tanks, the Sturmovik
attack aircraft, the 120mm heavy mortar. and the Katyusha
rocket launcher. All were produced in huge numbers, and they
SUited the Red Army and its style of warfare very well.

On the negative side, in most technical , tactical. and operational

matters the Red Army was quite backward by the standards of
the 1940's. It was completely incapable of doing many things that
were performed routinely and taken for granted in the German ,
British, and American Armies. For example, radios were almost
nonexistent in the Red Army until the last year of the war: most
individual Russian tanks and aircraft never had them. and for
several months in late 1942 (the same time period covered by this
game). the entire 62nd Army, responsible for defending the vital
city of Stalingrad. had exactly one two-way radio. (It was located
at 62nd Army Headquarters. and was used to communicate
directly with Red Army High Command in Moscow. All of 62nd
Army's communications with the subordinate units under its
Command were either by field telephone or messenger.)

In addition. at all but the very highest levels. the Red Army
suffered from a serious lack of competent and professional

Victory PAK'M Reference Manual 27

leadership. This was especially true with regard to mid-level
formations such as battalions, regiments and divisions. Most of
this was due to Stalin's brutal and paranoid purge of the officer
corps In 1937 and 1938, which had decapitated the Red Army:
more than 35,000 officers were either shot or sentenced to long
prison terms. The losses came disproportionately from the higher
ranks, and the Red Army never fully recovered. Among those
executed were the young and Innovative Chief of the General
Staff. Marshal Tukhachevsky. the Commanders of the Air Force
and Navy, the Chief Inspectors of Artillery and Tanks, three out of
five marshals, all eleven Vice-Commlssars of War. thirteen out of
fifteen army commanders. 75 out of 80 members of the Supreme
Military Council, including all the Military District Commanders.
57 out of 85 corps commanders, 110 out of 195 division
commanders. and 220 out of 406 brigade commanders. In less
than two years. the Red Army lost half its total officers, including
90 percent of its generals. and 80 percent of its colonels. Almost
without exception, the officers who survived the purge were the
men who were most reliable politically. not those who were most
intelligent. most competent. or the most experienced and qualified
military leaders. The result, when combined with the infamous
Commissar system and the traditional inertia of the Russian
peasant, was a military almost completely lacking In personal
initiative and tactical finesse. and which was usually able to
succeed only through the application of unsophisticated brute
force and overwhelming numbers.

[IHQ I) [IHQ I) As discussed above. Guards formations were the elite

9 G 19G units of the Red Army. They were typically stronger.
[I HQ I] [rHQ I] more aggresstve, better led. and more .effective than
21G l.t6G non-Guards units. In some ways and ill some units,
the performance and overall combat power of Guards
units approached that of typical. comparably-equipped German
units. but In general the Germans maintained a qualitative edge
over even the Guards until the very end of the war. Guards units
which fought in the Velikiye Luki area consisted of the 9th, 19th.
21st. and 46th Guards Rifle Divisions. one regiment of the 8th
Guards Rifle Division, the 5th Guards Shock Corps Artillery
Regiment and Engineer Brigade, and two regiments of Katyusha
rocket launchers. (Note that all Red Army engineer brigades and
Katyusha regiments were In fact battalion-sized units. even at full
strength, in spite of their official destgnattons.)

~ Although they were not yet Guards units In the winter of

llill 1942-43 (as several would later become). a
units were nevertheless above average in
few Russian
~ when compared to the mass of the Red Army. The

28 Reference Manual VIctory PAK',11

divisions in the game which fall into this category consist of the
150th "Stalin" Rifle Division and the 257th Rifle Division. The
257th became the 9lst Guards Rifle Division in April 1943 (in
recognition of its performance at Velikiye Luki), and the 150th
Rifle Division was the unit which raised the Soviet flag over the
German Reichstag in Berlin in April 1945.

[[§)Also above average when compared to most of the Red
Army were its technically oriented units such as
~ § ) corps- and army-level artillery and engineers ,
® armored and motorized units, and specialized
formations such as cavalry and ski units , The
V2:l] [ill]
.~B .~~
personnel in these units tended to have more
education and/or training, due to the nature of their
equipment and the requirements of their function.

0000 Most of the Red Army's dlvislons were rifle divisions.

llli~ Over 800 of these rifle divisions existed at some point
during WWII, although no more than about 500 were
0000 ever in existence at the same time, and two or more
QD~ completely different divisions may have carried the
[IHQ I][IHO I] same identification number at different times during
351 360 the war. This was because the divisional numbers
were frequently re-used whenever the old division was
00 destroyed. and a completely new dtvtslon was then
~ created using the old number.

"Ordinary" rifle divisions which fought in the Velikiye Luki area

during the time period covered by the game included the 7th
Estonian, 28th, 32nd. 249th Estonian, 357th, 360th, and 381s1.
In addition, the 47th and 334th Rifle Dtvtsions. which remained
in 3rd Shock Army reserve for the duration of the battle, are
available in the game as historical variants.

Compared to most western infantry divisions (such as those in

the German and American armies). Red Army rifle d1v1slons had
fewer men. fewer heavy weapons, less able and less experienced
leadership, Inferior communications and logistics capabilities,
fewer specialized support elements and (all things considered)
Significantly less total combat power. On the other hand,
individual Red Army soldiers and small units often had more
short-range firepower in their own hands due to the wholesale
issuing of submachine guns. And finally, the huge size of the Red
Army meant that, almost regardless of losses, it was able to
maintain an average numerical superiority of about 3: 1 (in both
men and units) along most sectors of the front.

Victory PAK''' Reference Manual 29

"It is a curious thing that, although every indiuidual soldier
returning from the Eastern Front considers himself personally
superior to the Bolshevik soldier. we are still retreating and
retreating." - Joseph Goebbels, September 1943

Most of the German units that fought on the ground in the
Velikiye Lukt area were part of the regular German Army. but the
6th Luftwaffe Field Division was of course part of the Luftwaffe.
The Waffen-SS was neither Army. Navy. or Air Force. and for all
practical purposes it formed a fourth major branch of service.
Finally. the "Brandenburger" commandos were actually part of
the Abwehr, which was not even officially part of the Wehrmacnt.
but was an independent intelligence service roughly equivalent to
the modem American CIA.

[IHQ I] Regardless of their ojflcial affiliation. all German units

5'3K located near the front I1nes usually served under the
operational command and control of the Army. The
[IHQ I] Army's LlX (59th) Korps was initially responsible for all
combat operations in the Vellkiye Luki area. and was
subordinate to the German 9th Army until October 1942. That
month LlX Korps came under the jurisdiction of the army-level
"Gruppe Chevallerie." an ad hoc army-level command created to
relieve the over-extended 9th Army of some of its responslbilities.
During the course of the battle for Veliklye Luki, a second corps­
level HQ arrived to control the relief etTort. This was the ad hoc
"Gruppe Woehler," named after its commanding officer; it was
also subordinate to "Gruppe Chevallerie."

A large variety of German divisions and smaller units
fought In the Velikiye Luki area. Some of this was
because of characteristic German flextbiltty with
0000 regard to command and control, but much of it was
[Wl]TI also due to the insatiable requirements of the much
remf1@"1 larger and even more desperate battle taking place at
-~ Stalingrad at the same time. some 500 miles to the
~@1 southeast. The Germans sent most of their available
lillJ~ reserve dtvtslons south to Staltngrad, and as a result,
much of what was left to send to Velikiye Luki
~f1@l consisted of miscellaneous smaller units and nearby
~~ local reserves.

The organization of the German divisions that fought in the

30 Reference Manual Victory PAK'M

Vellklye Luki area was also more variable than Red Army
divisions. By this stage of the war, the standard German infantry
division had three infantry regiments, each of two battalions,
three artillery battalions, an engineer battalion, and a motorized
heavy weapons battalion that doubled as a reconnaissance and
antitank battalion. Mountain and motorized infantry divisions
had two Infantry regiments, each of three battalions, plus
numerous smaller untts. Most panzer divisions had two
motorized infantry regiments, each of two battalions, plus one or
two battalions of tanks. and smaller units. Beyond that. there
was almost no standardization: the Luftwaffe field divisions and
all subdtvtsional formations such as the l st SS Motorized Brigade
each had their 0\Vl1 unique organizations.

Like the Russian 3rd Shock Army. the German forces
~~ contained a large number of independent regiments
and battalions that were available to attach to the
AAW 665 [ffil]
dtvlsions, The Germans generally had more of these
corps- and army-level units available, and had more
~@l variety among them as well.

Germany lost the war against the Soviet Union for several
reasons, none of which was sufficient by Itself. but each factor
played a part. However, the Single most important factor in
Germany's defeat was Hitler's disastrous leadership. With very
few exceptions, all his major decisions after June 1941 proved to
be wrong. Furthermore, his unjustified . incompetent meddling in
the details of tactics and operations, which increased significantly
in late 1941 and continued for the remainder of the war, negated
much of the unparalleled professional expertise of the German

Probably the second most important factor in Germany's defeat

was the gross mismanagement of German military production
and the national economy early in the war. The decision to delay
Conversion to a wartime, mass-production economy until 1943
was a purely political one: there was no objective reason why the
much higher 1944 production levels could not have been achieved
in 1941. especially since the factories, sources of raw materials .
transportation networks. and the industrial work force were all
still completely intact. Hitler and the Nazis were Simply afraid
that German morale. and their control over Germany, would
Weaken if too many hardships were imposed on the German
people. The last two years of the war proved how wrong that
theory was.

Victory PAJ{l·'l Reference Manual 31

Another important factor in Germany's defeat was the simple
artthmetic of the manpower balance. By 1942. Germany. with a
prewar populatlon of approximately 80 million. was at war with
virtually the enUre world . The stzes of the Russian and American
populations. which included some 350 million people Just in
those two countries. guaranteed that Germany could not hope to
prevail in a war that lasted beyond the end of that year.

On the other hand. the fact that the war lasted as long as it did
was primarily due to the consistent. across-the-board superiority
of German tactics. doctrines. and military leadership, especially
among German Anny commanders at all levels, from the rank of
sergeant on up. It says much for the professionalism of the
German Army that they were able to maintain this qualitative
supertortty, albeit at decreasing levels, until almost the very end
of the war, in spite of catastrophic losses and defeats brought
about largely by Hitler's irrational decisions.

Could Germany have defeated the Soviet Union? Yes. but not
unless Hitler had made some very different decisions. or had been
a very different kind of person. The actual German military
superiority over the Soviet Union in 1941 and 1942 was sufficient
for the task, but barely. and Without much margin for Hitler's
mistakes. A campaign planned from the outset to require two
years. not Just one. and in which all military decisions were made
by the professional officers commanding the forces in the field,
would have had a reasonable chance of success.

['~fsJl All things considered. the best German dtvtston to fight In

the Velikiye Luki area during the time period covered by
the game was probably the 8th Panzer Division. Thls unit
was formed in 1938 as the 3rd Light Division. fought in Poland as
such in September 1939, and was upgraded to a panzer divtsion
in October 1939. It then participated in the French campaign of
1940, and finally fought as part of Army Group North in the
vicinity of Leningrad in 1941-42. By late 1942 it was well below
strength and in need of rebuilding, especially its panzer regiment.
which only had 32 operational tanks, 27 of which were of pre-war
Czech vintage.

{IHQ I) The next-best German division in the Velikiye Luki area

20 was the 20th Motorized. It was created in late 1935 as the
20th Infantry Division, and was fully motorized two years
later. It fought in Poland and France. and in 1941 participated in
the battles of Minsk and Smolensk as part of Army Group Center.
It was then transferred to Army Group North, and was involved in

32 Rdcrence Manual Victory PAK'M

several battles near Leningrad. In late 1942. during the time
period covered by the game, the Germans redesignated all their
motorized infantry divisions as panzergrenadier divisions.
including the 20th.

The 3rd Gebirgsjager (mountain infantry) Division was
also an excellent unit, with specialized equipment and
training for mountain and winter combat. It was created
using personnel from the 5th and 7th Divisions of the former
Austrian Army, which was absorbed into the German Wehrmacht
in 1938. It participated in the Polish campaign in 1939, and then
distinguished itself at Trondheim and Narvtk in Norway in 1940.
In 1941, it fought on the Arctic front near the Russian port of
Murmansk, In 1942. the bulk of the division was transferred to
the Vel1k1ye Luki area. although one of its two mountain Infantry
regiments remained in Finland, along with one of the division's
artillery battalions.

Li The 1st 55 Motorized Brigade was created in April and

May 1941 out of surplus 55 personnel. Originally
intended to perform rear-area security duties in occupied
Russian territory, as the campaign wore on the brigade gradually
became more and more involved in front-line combat, and it
performed well in this capacity. By late 1942, it had suffered
significant losses and was well below its authorized strength,
although it remained an effective combat unit.

[[@]] There were four regular German infantry divisions that

83 fought In the Veliklye Lukl area during the time period
~ covered by the game. Three of these were "average" mid­
@ war German infantry divisions: the 83rd. 205th. and
291s1. Each of these divisions was below its normal
[IHQ I]strength, with only six infantry battalions instead of nine,
291 but otherwise they were all experienced, well-led. and
battle worthy formations.

[l@J) Of lesser quality was the 6th Luftwaffe Field Division. In

6lF September 1942, the Luftwaffe had a personnel surplus of
nearly 200.000 men, which were badly needed by the
Army as infantry replacements. However. Hermann Goering
refused to permit transfer of these men to the Army, and instead
got Hitler to approve the immediate creation of 22 LuftwalTe field
divisions. Although the officers and men in these new Luftwaffe
divisions were all young. fit, and intelligent, they had no
experience or training as infantrymen, and received little or none
before they were thrust into the front lines. Lacking qualified
infantry NCO's and officers. the Luftwaffe field divisions did not

VICIOry PAK'~ Reference Manual 33

perform well. and suffered excessive and unnecessary casualties.
The Army protested bitterly but to no avail, arguing quite
correctly that these men. If processed and trained as normal
Infantry replacements . could instead have brought 40 depleted
infantry divisions back up to full strength and capablllty.
Germany simply could not afford to squander precious manpower
In this way , and it was errors such as this that sealed the fate of
the Third Reich.

[IHQ I} The least effective of the German divisions to fight in the

331 Velikiye Luki area was the 331st Infantry Division. This
division was created from over-age reservists in late 1941.
and was hurriedly sent to the Russian front in early 1942. It
performed very poorly in combat compared to other German
infantry divisions. According to one source , during the battle for
Vellkiye Lukt. two of the dtvision's three regimental commanders
were so old and In such poor health that they were physically
unable to leave their command posts .

r l8lJ ([Q] 1 The miscellaneous, independent regiments and

battalions which fought in the Velikiye Luki area were

~ f1@Jl of variable strength and quality.Some of them .
including the Brandenburg commandos and several
• armored units, were excellent formations. consisting
[[gf]J[~J of well-trained, experienced professionals and
B65 ~16 specialists. At the other end of the spectrum, there
were also a number of rear-area securIty and construction
battalions. most of which had only limited combat capability.

34 Reference Manual VIctory PAR'''

Units - Utah Beach

"The American Army does not solve its problems - it overwhelms

them" - Amertcan General to Brttlsh diplomat. 1944

U.S. Army


(IEID] During the time period covered by the game, most of the
VII U.S. Army units in the Utah area were part of the
American VII (7th) Corps. Only two types of American
divisions fought in this sector: infantry and airborne. No
American armored divisions saw service in the Utah area.

@I~ In addition to its divisions, VII Corps also contained a

~~ large number of independent battalions of artillery,
engineers. armor. recon, anti-aircraft, and antitank
~§1 guns. At any given time, each division normally had
~~ several battalions of these Corps troops attached to it.

[I;QI] [I;QI]
All of the American infantry divisions were organized
and equipped in the same way and contained the
f@jl rool
same quantities and types of subordinate units. Each
American infantry division consisted of three infantry
lliJ~ regiments (each of three battalions). four artillery
lID battalions. an engineer battalion, a reconnaissance
lRJ company, and several rear-area. non-combat
battalions. In the game. all of the non-combat
battalions have been combined into the divisional headquarters

lID:! Each of the two American airborne divisions had three

82 regiments of airborne infantry (paratroops) and one
I.'i9J regiment of gl1der-borne infantry. Each of the airborne
101 and glider regiments had three battalions. The airborne
divisions therefore had more front-line infantry battalions
than the infantry divisions (12 versus 9), but the airborne
battalions had fewer men and heavy weapons than the regular
infantry battalions. Each airborne division also had an airborne
engineer battalion (smaller than the ones in the infantry divisions)
and a recon company (which was split up into teams to serve as
pathfmders for the drop on June 6th. and was not re-assembled
dUring the time period covered by the game).

Victory PAK'" Reference Manual 35

A Once in combat, the airborne divisions proved to have

inadequate artillery and antitank support compared to the
infantry divisions . On paper. the airborne divisions each
had at least three airborne or glider artillery battalions
(the 82nd Airborne had four). plus a glider anti­
aircraft/antitank battalion , but all of these units were equipped
with smaller-caliber guns than their non-airborne counterparts.
To make matters worse. most of the airborne artillery and anti­
aircraft/antitank units either lost their guns during the drop on
June 6th , or (in the case of two battalions that arrived by sea at
Utah Beach) were greatly delayed in getting into action.

The Motorization Myth

It is a well-known "fact" that the U.S. Army in WWII was fully

motorized; less well-known is what those words really mean. TIle
U.S . Army was "fully motorized" in the sense that (with very minor
exceptions) it did not make use of horses. However. the words
"fully motorized" are usually taken to imply something more ­
namely. that each unit always had sufficient trucks and other
vehicles to "lift" itself completely under its own power, and that
was definitely not the case for the U.S. Army in WWII. Most
American infantry units did not contain sufficient vehicles of their
own to carry the whole unit at the same time , and neither did
many of the rear-area. non-combat units. When necessary.
American infantry and rear-area units could be (and were)
temporarily motorized by attaching several independent truck
companies to them from a higher-level transportation pool, but
there were never sufficient truck companies to motorize aIL the
units at the same time. much less to motorize them all and keep
them all supplied. In fact. during the famous "race across
France" in August and September 1944. many American units
had to be stripped of all their vehicles and left completely
immobile. deep in the rear. so that the few spearhead units could
be kept both mobile and supplied.

For tile first month ashore in Normandy (the time period covered
by Utah Beach). all of the independent U.S. Army truck
companies were fully occupied with transporting and distributing
supplies. and building up a rear-area infrastructure to support
the huge American expeditionary force. It was not until the end
of July (and Operation "Cobra") that enough surplus
transportation capability existed to begin motorizing some of the
regular infantry units for combat purposes. Until then, when
American infantrymen advanced. they all did so by walking, just
like their "non-motorized" opponents.

36 Reference Manual Victory PAK'''

In order of their arrival in Normandy. the following American
divisions fought in the Utah area: 82nd and 10 Ist Airborne. 4th.
90th. 9th, 79th. 30th (one regiment only). and 83rd Infantry
Divisions. Contrary to many tradttlonal ideas about the U.S.
Army in WWII. not all of these divisions performed equally well in

IBII It should come as no surprise that the two airborne

82 divisions were elite units. better than the regular infantry
IBID on a man-for-man basis. Even more important than the
101 morale boost provided by their special uniforms. Jump
badges and higher pay was the fact that almost all of the
paratroopers were specially-trained volunteers who had been
recruited from the ranks of infantrymen already in the army. The
men who volunteered to go airborne tended to be more intelligent
and more aggressive than average. and were usually the best men
from their former units. The rigors of Jump school honed their
natural abilities to a fine edge. The airborne also attracted
officers who tended to be more aggressive, less orthodox, and
younger for their rank than their counterparts in the infantry
divisions. The combination proved to be a success. Although
airborne infantry battalions contained fewer men than regular
infantry battalions. and airborne units of all types were deficient
in heavy weapons and artUlery when compared to the regular
infantry. the airborne units still performed very well In combat.
establishing a reputation for aggressiveness. Initiative. and
reliability. In the game. the 505th Regiment of the 82nd Airborne
Division has a higher morale rating than the other American
airborne units because it had more combat experience prior to D­

[IBID]Of the infantry dlvistons , the best was certainly the 9th.
9 which already had considerable combat experience, and
had fought well in North Africa and Sictly. The Allied
Supreme Commander. General Eisenhower, thought that the 9th
was one of the two best American infantry divisions in the
European Theater (the other was the 1st Infantry. which landed
at Omaha Beach).

Next-best in the Utah area was the 4th Infantry. which
had not seen combat before. but which had received a lot
of special training for the D-Day assault.

Vtctory PAK'M Reference Manual 37

[[§] )[rEJ)
Most of the independent Corps-level battalions had
not seen combat before either, but all were well-
equipped and reasonably well-trained. Furthermore.
rnfJ [m]
~ ~ there were enough of them so that each division
B normally had several of these extra battalions
attached to it. They added significantly to the strength of the

Next came the 79th Infantry Division and the 120th

Regiment of the 30th Infantry Division. both of which were
inexperienced but performed adequately.

Finally. the 90th and 83rd Infantry Divisions did not

perform well at all: most of the officers and men in these
two divisions were just too green and too poorly-trained.
In the case of the 90th. the divisional. commander. two of
his regimental commanders, and many other officers had
to be relieved of duty and sent home after less than one week in

German Wehrmacht


Most of the German units that fought on the ground in the Utah
area were part of the regular German Army, but the airborne
infantry ("FallschirmJager") and some of the anti-aircraft units
("Fliegerabwehrkanone", or "Oak" for short) were actually part of
the Luftwaffe. and some of the coastal artillery units were actually
part of the Krtegsmartne.

[I Regardless of their offiCial affiliation, all German units

HQ ,]
8lfK located near the front lines usually served under the
operational command and control of the Army. The
Army's LXXXIV (84th) Korps was responsible for all front-line
combat operations in the Cotentin Peninsula (the Utah areal. and
it was in tum subordinate to the German 7th Army.

1I[m With one exception (the 17th 55 Panzergrenadier

Divtsion]. all of the German divisions that fought in
the Utah area were infantry divisions: no German
0000 Panzer divisions fought in the Utah area during the
~ ~ time period covered by the game.
~~ The organization of the German divisions was much

38 Reference Manual Victory PAK'"

more variable than the American divisions: each of the Gennan
divisions was unique in some way. Some of them had three
infantry regiments (each of two battalions). and others had two
infantry regiments (each of three battalions) . The German
divisions also varied in the number of artillery battalions and
other types of units that they contained.

[IHO I] [IHO IJ Several of the German divisions that arrived as

265 266 reinforcements after D-Day were spltt into a mobile
half and a non-mobile half. and only the mobile half
(or Kampfgruppe - usually abbreviated KG) was
present during the time period covered by the game.

~ Like the American VII Corps, the German LXXXIV Korps

$B and 7th Army contained a variety of independent
1=1 regiments and battalions that were available to attach to
IDD the divisions.

tHO I) [IHQ I] Finally. there was also more variety and flexibility
6FJ [HER among the German headquarters units. In the game.
the Germans have several independent regimental,
[IHO I] garrison. and KG headquarters, which are simply
152 smaller versions of a divisional headquarters.


[tHO I) Man for man. the best German unit to fight In the Utah
6FJ area was the 6th Fallschtrmjager Regiment. Actually part
of the Luftwaffe, this large. full-strength airborne infantry
regiment was a well-trained. heavily-armed. and expertly-led
unit. with extensive combat experience. Its elite status was
underscored by the fact that it was one of the very few German
airborne units that was still completely parachute-qualified at
this stage of the war (each man had made at least nine parachute
drops). Technically part of the 2nd Fallschirmjager Division {the
rest of which did not fight in Normandy), the 6th operated as an
independent regiment during the time period covered by the

II Another excellent German unit was the 17th 5S

Panzergrenadier Division. Although the 17th SS was a
new division that had just completed its combat training,
it was at full strength. was well-trained and well-equipped. and
most of its officers and NCO's were combat veterans with previous
service in other Waffen-SS divisions.

Victory PAl{T'1 Reference Manual 39

I The three best regular German infantry divisions in the
91 Utah area were (1n order of appearance) the 9lst. the 77th ,
~ and the 353rd. These divisions all had previous combat
rr experience. were fully trained and equipped by 1944
l'HQjj standards , and were considered by the Germans to be
353 "Category I'' divisions , suitable for offensive operations.

[BI] Of lesser quality were the 243rd. 275th. and 266th

21+3 Infantry Divisions. These were considered by the Germans
[!ig] to be "Category II" divisions. incompletely trained and/or
215 equipped. and only partially suitable for offensive
IHQ I operations. During the time period covered by the game.
266 only the mobile portions (or KG's) of the 275th and 266th
Divisions served in Normandy.

I HQ I The least effective of the German divisions were the 709th

109 Infantry and the mobile KG of the 265th Infantry. By
lHQI 1944 German standards, the 709th was large. having
255 three infantry regiments each of three battalions, but it
was also deficient in heavy weapons. training, and
experience. The 265th was not much better off, and was smaller
as well. The Germans considered these to be "Category III"
divisions, suitable for defensive operations only.

~ The miscellaneous. independent regiments and battalions

5B of the LXXXIV Korps and the 7th Army were a very mixed
I!5J bag. Two of them. the 7th Army Sturm Battalion and the
11 17th Machine Gun Battalion, were elite units. well-trained
[Q] and heavily-armed. However. except for the artillery and
Illll anti-aircraft units. most of the independent battalions
were not as strong or effective as their counterparts within
the regular divisions.

[~] [~) At the bottom of the barrel for the Germans were the
1'1'1 636so-called "Ost" (eastern) battalions, which were
composed of Russians and other non-Germans from
[~l [~l eastern Europe. By 1944. large numbers of suc~ men
had been persuaded to put on a German umform,
and. although their combat value was very limited, at that stage
of the war the Germans needed every soldier they could get and
they knew it. On D-Day there were approximately 100 of these
battalions in France - the equivalent of 10 full-strength divisions!
They were organized as independent infantry battalions. most
(but not quite all) of them bearing identification numbers between
400 and 800. Approximately half of the Ost battalions were
retained under the direct command of the Korps and Army HQ's,
and approximately half were parceled out to the divisions. Most

40 Reference Manual Victory PAK'"

of the German infantry divisions in France had at least one 05t
battalion permanently assigned. and some had two . Each of
these battalions had a small cadre of German officers and NCO·s.
but despite their cadres' best efforts. the rank-and-file in these
units remained very poorly-trained and poorly-equipped. Most of
the men could not even speak Germanl It came as no surprise to
anyone that they performed very poorly in combat; most of the
men in these units surrendered to the Americans or British at the
earliest opportunity. To be fair. the Germans were never under
any illusions about the combat value of these units. They were
always intended for security duties only. not front-line combat.
Their value lay in the fact that having them hold down the rear
area released an equal number of Gennans for front-line duty,
and in that they were actually a successful stop-gap.

Victory PAK'" Reference Manual 41


"Aptitude for war is aptitudeJor movement" - Napoleon I: Maxims

of War, 1831.

Each unit has a current movement allowance

16.0 that is shown within the Command Box
Movement whenever the unit is selected. Each unit spends
Points Lo?ft "points" from this allowance to enter and leave
hexagons as it moves across the map. As you
plot a movement path for each unit, the allowance decreases to
show the movement points still available. If you change your
mind and cancel a move, the allowance increases to reflect the

The different types of terrain generally require different numbers

of movement points to enter or leave, and the same terrain may
cost some types of units more movement points than other types
of units. Some units are not able to enter or cross some types of
terrain; for example. armored and motorized units cannot cross
rivers except at an intact tank bridge or ferry. Movement points
do not accumulate from one tum to the next. and may not be
transferred from one unit to another.

There are six types of movement: tactical (indicated by three

long arrows on the button within the Command Box), strategic
(indicated by a single long arrow), passenger (indicated by a tank
for the passengers to ride on). automatic (indicated by two
diagonal arrows joined head-to-tail), stack movement. and
divisional movement.

You may not assign movement orders that would cause a unit to
enter or cross prohibited terrain. All movement point costs are
cumulative. and, in general, movement orders may not be
assigned that would cause a unit to exceed its current movement
allowance. However. a unit may always use tactical movement to
move one hex per game-tum, regardless of movement point
allowances or costs, except for the following;.

to enter or cross prohibited terrain:

to move into a hex that contains an enemy unit or a hex that

is already at its stacking limit;

to move from a hex that contains the strong zone of control of

an enemy unit or stack directly into another hex that is also

42 Reference Manual Victory PAK'''

in the strong zone of control of the same enemy unit or stack.

You may assign movement orders that have only a small chance
of actually being carried out. as long as they are theoretically
possible. For example. you may assign a unit to move to a hex
that is currently occupied by enemy units , blocked by enemy
zones of control. or is already at its stacking limit. but if. when
resolving the movement. the time comes for the unit to enter a
hex that It cannot. its entry into that hex is delayed until the
movement becomes possible . If the turn ends before the
movement becomes possible. the movement is not carried out.

Tactical Movement
Tactical movement represents reasonably careful cross­
country movement. with the unit spread out and ready for
combat. A unit conducting tactical movement receives no
movement advantage for moving along a road because most of the
unit is not on the road; what matters is the other terrain in the

The tactical movement allowances of most units in the game

range from 6 (for average foot infantry) up to 16 (for armored cars
and motorized recon units): the movement allowances of some HQ
and heavy artillery units are lower. Tactical movem ent
allowances may be decreased by fatigue or disruption (or. for
some units. by supply status). Each point of fatigue and/or
disruption decreases a unit's tactical movement allowance by 3.3
percent (rounded down). In addition. all armored. motorized. and
semi-motorized units have their tactical movement allowances
halved when in defensive supply. reduced to one-third when in
minimal supply. and quartered when in no supply.

The 6 to 16 range of tactical movement allowances corresponds to

an average speed of 0.9 to 2.5 miles per hour. which may not
seem very fast. but remember what's being represented: average.
reasonably careful front-line movement of fairly large units. In
this environment, each man or vehicle is normally moving only
about half the time. due to "overwatch' (leap-frog) tactics.
inevitable delays in coordinating the movement of different
elements. waiting for patrols or scouts to check something out
and report back. etc . And even when men and vehicles are
actually moving, they are doing so slowly and carefully. more so
than you would think If you've never done it. When t h e
consequences are your own life or death. uncertainty makes most
people considerably more cautiousl

Victory PAK'" Reference Manual 43

Note that there are some static German units in Market-Garden
and Utah Beach. These units [typically coastal artillery or anti­
aircraft) have a movement allowance of O. These units cannot be
assigned movement orders and so may never move. (The guns of
these units were permanently emplaced.) Static units, or units
restricted because they are part of a garrison. can easily be
identified by an orange (or white) letter 'R' (for Restricted
movement) in the upper left hand comer of the unit data window.

Strategic Movement
Strategic movement represents administrative or non­
combat movement. with the unit concentrated into one
column to take maximum advantage of roads and (if
available) vehicles . Strategic movement allowances are generally
higher than tactical allowances, and In addition. units pay lower
costs for moving along roads. The strategic movement allowances
of most units In the game range from 9 (for average foot infantry)
up to 32 (for most motorized units), although this may be
decreased by fatigue. disruption. or enemy air interdiction (or, for
some units, by supply status). The strategic movement
allowances of some HQ and heavy artillery units are lower. Each
point of fatigue and/or disruption decreases a unit's strategic
movement allowance by 3.3 percent (rounded down). In addition.
all armored. motorized. and semi-motorized units have their
strategic movement allowances halved when In defensive supply,
reduced to one-third when in minimal supply, and quartered
when In no supply. Reductions of strategic movement allowances
due to enemy air interdiction are variable but can be significant,
and depend upon the level of enemy air activity. enemy air
allocations, and the current weather conditions.

A typical infantry unit that conducts strategic movement across 9

clear terrain hexes in one turn would (in reality) have walked
cross-country for 4 hours at an average speed of 1.4 miles per
hour. which may seem slow but. when you consider rest stops,
the loads the men are carrying, and the fact that they might have
to keep it up day after day. it's qutte realistic. And. In some
cases, the game does allow some infantry units to do considerably
better. For example. a "fast" infantry unit (such as German
airborne infantry) moving exclusively along a primary road can
cover up to 24 hexes (15 miles) In one turn. That's an average of
almost 4 miles per hour. maintained for 4 hours. and if necessary
the unit could keep this pace up for many turns . This level of
performance is actually near the upper limit of human abilities.
especially when you consider that each man in such a unit is
always Carrying from 60 to 90 lbs. of gear.

44 Reference Manual VIctory PAKt"

In Utah Beach and Market-Garden bicycle. semi-motorized and
motorized untts can. of course, move much faster than infantry
on foot. especially on a road. In the game. a truck or armored car
unit moving exclusively along a primary road can traverse up to
128 hexes (79 miles) in one turn. and in so doing averages Just
under 20 miles per hour. Although 20 mph sounds slow. that
was the average speed of WWIr mtlltary convoys on a good road.
and is quite realistic.

II In Velikiye Luki. a truck or armored car unit moving exclusively

along a secondary road or railroad can traverse up to 64 hexes
(40 miles) in one tum. and in so doing averages Just under 10
miles per hour. Although 10 mph sounds slow. remember that
Russian roads were nothing but muddy. heavily rutted dirt trails.
and higher average speeds were very difficult to maintain. II

As you would expect, cross-country movement and!or tracked

vehicles (which tended to be slower) reduce the average speed still

Even though strategic movement allows a unit to move much

faster and farther. it also has several disadvantages. Perhaps
greatest among these is that a unit conducting strategic
movement is subject to a special combat procedure called
"ambush" if it attempts to enter a hex that is currently occupied
by an enemy unit or is in an enemy zone of control it is subject to
ambush. Ambushed untts may suffer higher-than-normal losses.
even up to the point of being completely eliminated. In addition, a
unit that uses strategic movement to enter any hex in "enemy
territory" (i.e.. a hex that was last occupied by an enemy unit) is
much less likely to complete its planned move. This is true
regardless of whether or not the "enemy-owned" hex is presently
occupied by an enemy unit or zone of control. and is due to the
fact that the lead elements of any column moving through enemy
territory are much more likely to get "spooked" by uncertainties
and to stop moving. thereby causing the rest of the column to
come to a halt behind them.

There are still more disadvantages to strategic movement. A unit

that is attacked in any way while conducting strategic movement
has its defense and antitank strengths halved, and does not
receive any benefit from field fortifications, or bunkers (it does
benefit from other favorable terrain). Even when it is in and!or
attempting to enter another "friendly-owned" hex. a unit using
strategic movement still stops as soon as It enters any enemy
zone of control. and does not resume moving that tum as long as

Victory PAK'" Reference Manual 45

It remains in an enemy zone of control. A unit may not conduct
strategic movement If it starts the tum in a strong enemy zone of
control (3 or more zoe paints; see "Zones of Control"). If a unit
starts the tum in a weak enemy zone of control (l or 2 zoe
points), it may use strategic movement to leave the enemy zone of
control. but not to move directly into another enemy zone of
control (of any strength). Finally, most units have their own
zones of control reduced while they are conducting strategic

The Impracticality of attempting to enter "enemy territory" via

strategic movement is a generally unrecognized but absolutely
essential component of any accurate operational-level simulation.
No real-world combat leader would ever knowingly drtve a road­
bound convoy beyond the front line and into unscouted enemy
territory. and wargames which let players do that are fostering a
gross misconception. Advance rates in WWII may have been fast
at times. but they were never that fast! Even when the attacker
was completely unopposed. his front line units still moved at
tactical movement rates. not strategic rates. A case in point is the
record of the British Guards Armored Division In its largely
unopposed advance across northern France and Belgium in late
August. 1944. In spite of being fully motorized and facing only
token German opposition, this division managed to advance an
average of only 12 kilometers per day. totaling some 250
kilometers in 21 days. Because most of the units in the Guards
Armored Division have a tactical movement allowance of 12
kilometers per tum, and because the terrain and weather
conditions were both favorable. it follows that this famous
historical advance was well within the division's tactical
movement abilities. Even if you make the reasonable assumption
that those units were moving only during the daylight turns (of
which there are three in late summer). their average movement
was still only 4 hexes per daylight tum (or less than 1 mile per
hour) - much less than the tactical movement allowance of every
unit in the division! Finally. if the Guards Armored had been
USing strategic movement along secondary roads. that famous
historical advance would have taken less than one day. instead of
the actual 21.

In the real war, something such as a one-day advance from

Falaise. France to the Albert Canal in Belgium was just not
possible. No general was capable of advancing that far that
rapidly. because the chance that his rank-and-file would actually
have carried out such a reckless order was nil. Their lives were at
stake, after all. and they knew that they would probably die if
there happened to be so much as one enemy squad or vehicle on

46 Reference Manual VIctory PAf(T>I

the road in front of them. Caution always slows down the front­
line troops . no matter what the screaming voice on the radio is

Movement As Passengers
Everyone has seen pictures of WWII infantrymen riding on
tanks. The Red Army was the first to adopt this practice.
and by late 1941 it was standard procedure for the
Infantry units in their tank brigades. The Germans quickly
followed suit and used the tactic more and more as the war went
on. By the end of the war practically every army used tanks to
carry infantry when necessary. although it was always less
common in the British and American armies because their units
usually had sufficient trucks and/or halftracks.

Under certain conditions. some units in the game may be

transported as passengers by other units. Any non-motorized or
semi-motorized infantry or engineer-type unit may be transported
as passengers. The unit which transports the passengers must
be a tank, tank destroyer. assault gun, or mech recon unit which
is attached to the same HQ as the unit to be transported, and is
of the same size or larger than the unit to be transported. Size for
this purpose refers to companies and battalions, not strength
points. Therefore, regardless of its current strength. an armored
battalion can transport either a battalion or a company as a
passenger, but an armored company can only transport a
company. not a whole battalion. Note that an armored battalion
may simultaneously transport up to three company-sized units
as passengers, but three armor companies may not combine to
transport a battalion-sized unit.

Both the passenger unit and the armored unit transporting it

must begin the Planning Phase stacked together in the same hex.
To designate a unit as a passenger, click on the unit within the
unit window. hold the mouse button down. drag the cursor on top
of the transporting unit of your choice within the same unit
Window, and release . Passenger/transport groups are indicated
within the Unit Window by colored lights above the units; if there
Is more than one such group in the hex. each group is indicated
by lights of a different color.

During the Execution Phase, the passenger unit and the

transporting unit move together to the transporting unit's
destination hex. using the transporting unit's movement
aJlowance and movement costs. The passenger unit receives its
normal fatigue and disruption modifications (increases and

Victory PAK''' Reference Manual 47

decreases) for the distance moved, as if it was conducting the
movement on its own, If the passenger unit's movement exceeds
its normal movement allowance. the effect on its fatigue is the
same as if it had used its entire movement allowance.

If the passenger jtransport combination is ambushed or attacked

in any way during the Execution Phase (except for interdiction),
the passenger's defense and antitank strengths are halved for
that combat, the passenger unit automatically dismounts after
the combat is resolved and both the passenger and transporting
unit cease moving. Depending on the result of the combat. both
passenger and transporting unit may also be required to retreat.
Passengers and transporting units do not receive any benefit for
field fortifications or bunkers, but do benefit from other favorable
terrain in the hex when they are attacked.

The zone of control of a passenger is reduced just as if it was

conducting strategic movement on that tum and in that type of
terrain (regardless of what kind of movement the transporting unit
is conducting; the transporting unit's zone of control modifiers
remain normal for it). Other strategic movement restrictions
(such as attempting to enter an enemy-owned hex) apply
normally, but only when the transporting unit is conducting
strategic movement.

Automatic Movement
Automatic movement is a feature that allows you to assign
movement orders by designating the destination hex only.
and relies on your staff assistant'" to determine the type of
movement and the exact path to the destination, There are two
ways to assign automatic movement: the "grab-and-drag"
technique described in Part I of the Operations Manual. and the
automatic movement button within the Command Box (pictured
above and described in Part II of the Operations Manual), If the
destination hex is no more than four hexes away, your staff
assistant assigns tactical movement orders to the unit; otherwise,
strategic movement orders are assigned.

If your staff assistant is unable to fmd a permissible path to the

destination hex, you are notlfted by a Message Window and a
hom. As both a convenience and a safety measure (to avoid
ambushes), your staff assistant takes into account all enemy
units and zones of control that are currently known to you. and
therefore does not assign movement paths into or through known
enemy-occupied hexes. or into or through hexes that your unit
could not enter because of known enemy zones of control. You

48 Reference Manual Victory PAK"~

nwy assign such movement paths yourself. but you must do it
manually using the Command Box technique described In Part II
of the Operations Manual.

Note: when the "Limited Intelligence" Realism Option is "on."

movement paths assigned by your staff assistant ignore all
enemy units and zones of control that are currently unknown to
you . For this reason, when you are playing with "Limited
Intelligence," it is dangerous to assign automatic movement paths
longer than four hexes that enter or cross enemy-owned tenitory.
because of the risk of ambush by an unseen enemy unit.

If a unit that is conducting automatic movement does not reach

its assigned destination hex In one tum. the destination and the
staff asststant's movement orders remain assigned on subsequent
turns. and the unit will spend as many turns moving as
necessary in order to reach the destination, without further
intervention on your part.

stack Movement
Stack movement is a feature that allows you to use the
grab-and-drag technique to assign automatic movement
or assault orders to an entire stack of units at the same
time, rather than individually, To do this, hold the "shift" key
down and click on the stack to get the green border around the
hex, hold the mouse button down, drag the cursor to where you
want the stack to go, and release. The game records these
movement or assault orders as the assigned orders for each of the
units in the stack: it is not necessary to assign separate orders or
a separate movement path for each unit.

Divisional Movement

'Frot d~:~dsil)n. to 1tQ destination. ~

.v All idle units

. ' , ,? · p : ; ~ r ; ."lI · · ... ,"...•••.• ;;"';;'. ;.,. '...., '1. : ..
r ; '. .
j ' " I. ; . ; '. : , .1 .
r No n~Engage d
" , .", '" t • . • _.:':': .~ _- . ..:.:.. ~ __.,,-,\;:::..,.
- : _;' _- _"' . , .

Divisional movement is a feature that allows you to assign

automatic movement orders to some or all of the units that are
attached to a particular HQ. regardless of their current location.
In each case, the common destination hex is either the current
location of the HQ unit itself. or its destination hex, if it has
already been assigned its own movement orders.

VIctory PAK''' Reference Manual 49

[lEal] To enter divisional movement orders, first decide where
1 you want the HQ unit itself to move to, and then assign It
movement orders (any type) to that hex. Keep In mind
that the destination hex for the HQ is also the destination hex for
all of Its attached units that are conducting the divisional
movement. If no movement orders are assigned for the HQ unit
itself, the destination hex for the divisional movement is the
current location of the HQ unit.

Next, click on the button labeled "Orders" at the

bottom of the HQ Sidebar. This opens the Divisional
Movement Window at the bottom of the screen. The
left side of this window contains three square
buttons labeled "All Idle Units," "Non-Artillery," and "Non­
Engaged." These three buttons are the means by which you
choose which units of that division will conduct the divisional
movement. "All Idle Units" moves all units attached to that HQ
except those which have already received orders from you; "Non­
ArtllIery" moves all units attached to that HQ except for artillery
(and except for those that have already received orders from you);
and "Non-Engaged" moves all units attached to that HQ which
are not currently in an enemy zone of control (and which have not
already received orders from you).

After you have clicked on the buttons you want, click on the
button labeled "Auto Plot"; this causes your staff assistant to
calculate the movement paths. (This may take 30 seconds or
more. depending on the number of units, the lengths of the paths.
and the speed of your machine.) When the staff assistant is
finished, the "Auto Plot" button pops out, and you can review and
edit the Divisional Movement orders using the normal procedures.
To close the Divisional Movement Window, click on the "Orders"
button on the Sidebar.

Movement at Night and in Bad Weather

To reflect the increased difficulties of moving at night, the
movement point costs of all non-road terrain types are doubled
on night turns. except when there Is a full moon and clear. light
or moderate overcast sky conditions. (See "Weather, ") In this
case, the movement point costs of all non-road terrain types are
increased by 50 percent.

The movement costs of all non-road terrain types are also

increased by 50 percent on daylight turns when the sky condition
is storm. There is no additional movement effect due to storm sky

50 Reference Manual Vll'tory PAKTM

conditions on night turns.

Road movement on night turns costs 50 percent more movement

points than in daylight. except when there is a full moon and
clear. light or moderate overcast sky conditions. In this case.
road movement costs are not affected by night.

Road movement costs on daylight turns are not affected by the

sky condition.

Bridges, Engineers and Ferrying - Market Garden

There are two types of bridges: infantry bridges and
®® tank bridges. Infantry bridges are signified by the
letter T' on the map. and tank bridges by the letter "T". Both
types of bridges are hexslde features. connecting two adjacent
hexes across a river. In general, bridges allow easy movement
across livers for units which otherwise could not cross the liver at
all. (Foot-mobile infantry-type units can cross ordinary rivers
without a bridge. but not major rivers.) All types of units may
cross tank bridges. but only the following types of units may cross
Infantry bridges: foot infantry. horse drawn. semi-motorized.
non-motorized HQ. bicycle. and motorcycle. Motorized and
armored units may not cross infantry bridges.

Intact. functional bridges are indicated by a green dot

surrounding the letter which signifies the bridge. When a bridge
has been blown (or destroyed), the color of the dot changes to red.
Blown bridges which are In the process of being repaired are
indicated by a blue dot.

"Whenever one of the two hexes adjacent to a bridge changes

ownership from German to Allied for the first time (see
"Own ers h ip of Terrain"), there is a chance the bridge will be
blown. Each bridge has a certain percentage chance that it will
be destroyed rather than captured; depending on the bridge. that
Original probability varies from one to thirty percent. (Several of
the most important bridges have a very low probability of being
blown because the German field commanders were under explicIt
orders not to destroy them.) Except for the presence of German
engineers. this percentage is always the same for a given bridge.
regardless of how many or what types of German units are
nearby. However, if there is a German engineer unit in any of

Victory PAK'" Reference Manual 51

the hexes adjacent to the bridge when one side of it changes
ownership to Allied. the chance that the bridge will blow is
doubled. Bridges which have been blown are not functional for
any purpose. and do not facllitate the movement of any units
across the river.

Unlike many wargames, this means that the German player gets
only one chance to blow each bridge. and the demolition attempt
automatically occurs when one of the two hexes adjacent to the
bridge changes ownership from German to Allied for the first time.
Other than positioning an engineer unit adjacent to the bridge.
there is nothing the German player can do to influence this
process or increase the probability of destruction. The presence
of more than one German engineer unit has no additional effect.

Bridges which have been blown may be repaired by Allied

engineer units (Including bridge units). German engineer units
may repair infantry bridges. but not tank bridges. To repair an
infantry bridge, move an engineer or bridge unit into either of the
two hexes connected by the bridge. If the engineer unit is not in
an enemy zone of control and if the engineer unit does not move,
come under any type of attack. or conduct any other activities for
two daylight game-turns. the bridge is automatically repaired at
the end of the second tum. After that, the engineer unit is free to
move away or conduct other activities. Bridges may also be
repaired on night turns. but each night tum only counts as one­
half of a game-tum towards the two-tum requirement. Note that
engineer and bridge units engaged in repairing bridges
accumulate fatigue normally (i.e.. repairing a bridge is considered
an activity - see "Fatigue").

The process for repairing tank bridges is identical to that given

above for infantry bridges. except that the engineer unit must be
one of the special British bridge units, and the bridge unit is
removed from play when the repairs are complete.

Note that, for both types of bridges. there is no benefit to using

more than one engineer or bridge unit to repair the same bridge


[l!!illOne of the primary functions of real engineer units is to

50 provide the means for other units to cross rivers. This is
normally accomplished through repairing existing bridges.
building new bridges. and ferrying men, vehicles. and equipment
on boats and rafts. In the game. engineer units can do all these

52 Refe...,nce Manual Victory PAK""

things. In addition, engineer units also increase the chance that
a bridge will be blown (I.e.. destroyed) whenever enemy units
move adjacent to it.

The procedures by which engineer units blow and repair bridges

In the game are explained above . Another capability which
engineer units have Is to use boats and rafts to ferry men and
light equipment across rivers in places where there is no bridge.
They do this by means of temporary river crossings known as
engineer crossings.

Engineer crossings are Indicated by the letter "E"

@ surrounded by a green dot. These temporary river
crossings automatically appear on the map whenever an engineer
or bridge unit of either side moves adjacent to a river or major
river. in a location where there is no intact bridge or permanent
ferry. Engineer crossings do not have to be constructed, and
may be created in an enemy zone of control. They work just like
bridges and permanent femes: for certain kinds of units. they
reduce the movement cost of crossing the river at that location.
Only foot-mobile infantry, bicycle. and motorcycle units may use
engineer crossings; other types of units may not. Engineer
crossings remain functional and on the map as long as the
engineer unit remains adjacent to the river. However. engineer
crossings may never be captured. and may be used only by units
from the same side as the engineer unit creating the crossing.
Enemy units never benefit from engineer crossings.

Permanent Ferries
There are a total of four permanent ferry crossings of
® major rivers located at various places on the map. These
are signified by the letter "F" shown within a colored dot. Femes
are similar to tank bridges. except that the cost in movement
points is greater for a ferry, and they may be used by German
units only. All types of German units may cross these ferries.
Femes may never be captured or used by Allied units , and they
are always destroyed the first time an All1ed unit moves adjacent
to them. Finally. once they are destroyed. femes are removed
from the map . and may never be repaired.

Engineers, Bridges and Ferrying - Velikiye Luki

In Vellkiye Luki, the engineer units of both sides have very limited
bridging and ferrying capabilities. This is due primarily to the
Winter weather conditions; even during light freeze conditions.

Victory PA,KT>1 Reference Manual 53

which are in effect from the very beginning of the game, the rivers
have a layer of ice several inches thick. This is sufficient to
permit personnel to cross on foot, but also poses great difficulties
for bridge building and ferrying operations. During hard freeze
conditions. bridges are unnecessary even for vehicles. This is
because the ice thickness has increased to twelve or more inches,
which is sufficient to support the weight of heavy trucks and even

Engineers. Bridges and Ferrying - Utah Beach

In Utah Beach, the engineer W1itS of both sides have very llmlted
bridging and ferrying capabilities. This is due primarily to a
historical shortage of assault boats and bridging equipment that
was felt by both sides during the battle, and also to the nature of
the terrain in the area.

In Normandy, both the American and German armies had only

limited quantities of heavy bridging equipment. The year before.
in 1943, the U.S. Army had removed most of the bridging
equipment from its combat engineer battalions. and had
concentrated it within special bridging units. Since the initial and
most important mission of the Allied armies in Normandy was to
gaIn a secure foothold on the European continent, and since
extensive bridging capability was not deemed essential to that
first phase of operations there, bridging units naturally had a
lower priority on the shipping lists than combat units. As a
result. only 1'.'10 light bridge companies were landed at Utah
Beach during the time period covered by the game. Other than to
keep the pre-existing civilian bridges In service, their presence
had very little effect on the fighting.

The German Army also concentrated most of its bridging

capability Into special bridge units. and none of them operated
near the front line in Normandy. Most of the German bridging
units were located on the Russian front after mid-194 1; those
that were still in France in 1944 were fully occupied with endless
repairs to the rear-area transportation network, necessitated by
Allied bombing.

A Similar situation existed with regard to ferrying capability (i.e..

assault boats). The official 1944 Table of Organization and
Equipment (TO&E) for an American combat engineer battalion
included 14 assault boats for river crossings. German engineer
units had some boats too, although generally not as many. The
boats (and some very limited light bridging capability) are
included in the game as an increase in the combat odds of cross-

54 Reference Manual VIctory PAK'"

liver attacks when friendly engineer units are participating.

Finally. even if more bridging equipment had been available in the

Utah area, it wouldn't have made that much difference. as most of
the rivers in the area were flanked on one or both sides by
"swamps" that were impassable to vehicles. Because of the width
of these flooded zones (usually one or two miles). a new bridge
wouldn't have done much good without a new causeway as well,
and a construction project of that magnitude was not practical
anywhere near the front line.

Movement Restrictions

British vm and XII Corps - Market-Garden

The British VIII and XII Corps were assigned the missions
of covering XXX Corp's right and left flanks (respectively)
ffi@I as XXX Corps advanced toward Amhem. Historically. the
@ units of VIII and XII Corps ~ere not free to advance to
Arnhem on their own. For that reason, there are several
restrictions placed on these units in the game. which consist of
the 7th and 11th Armored Divisions, and the 3rd and 15th
Infantry Divisions. These restrictions are given below, and are
always in effect unless the Historical Variant to the contrary is
selected at the beginning of the scenario.

The British player may not assign movement or combat orders to

any units of the VIII or XI1 Corps that would cause them to leave
their assigned areas. To be more specific, the units of these two
Corps may not move more than 35 hexes from the Meuse
L'Escaut Canal (near the southern map edge).

In addition to these movement restrictions. the units of the VIII

and XII Corps are restricted in their ability to re-attach to other
British HQ's (see "Attachment"), and they may not be assigned a
supply level higher than defensive.

German Vellkiye Loki Garrison - Ve1ikiye Luki

~) The German Velikiye Luki HQ and the units that begin the
VEL game attached to it constitute the "Vellktye Luki Garrison."
The sole purpose of this garrison was to hold the fortlfled
and strategically important city of Velikiye LukL For that reason.
there are several restrictions placed on the Velikiye Luki HQ and
its attached units. These restrictions are given below, and are

Victory PAK"-' Reference Manual 55

always In effect unless the Historical Variant to the contrary is
selected at the beginning of the scenario.

The German player may not assign movement or combat orders to

any units of the Veliklye Luki Garrison that would cause them to
leave the immediate vicinity of Velikiye Lukl. To be more specific.
the units of the garrison are restricted to a maximum distance of
5 hexes from the center of Velikiye Luki.

In addition to these movement restrictions . the units of the

Veliklye Luki Garrison are restricted in their ability to re-attach to
other German HQ's (see "Attachment") . and the Velikiye Luki HQ
may not be assigned a supply level higher than defensive unless
the Air Superiority variants "Air Parity" or "Lim ited Axis Air
Superiority" are in effect.

German 6th Luftwaffe Field Division - Velikiye Luki

(IHQ I]The German 6th Luftwaffe Field Division was part of the
5LF 2nd Luftwaffe Field Corps, which was located just off the
south edge of the Campaign Game map . This division is
included in the game because it did fight within the Velikiye Luki
map area; however, it was not part of either LlX Corps or Gruppe
Woehler. Furthermore, by thts stage of the war the Luftwaffe
High Command had become increasingly reluctant to allow Army
commanders too much control over its divisions, and preferred to
keep Luftwaffe Corps together under Luftwaffe commanders,
Therefore. the 6th may not be assigned movement or combat
orders that would cause it to leave its historical sector.

The 6th Luftwaffe Field Division is scheduled to arrive on the

south map edge early in the Campaign Game. After its arrival.
the German player may assign orders to the units of this division
as usual. except that they are always restricted to the south­
central portion of the map. Note that the 6th normally draws its
supply from a separate stockpile located at its entry point. rather
than from the railroad hexes that constitute the entry paints and
supply sources for other German units.

In addition to these movement restrictions . the units of the 6th

are restricted 111 their ability to re-attach to other German HQ's
{see "Attachment"). Furthermore, the 6th may not be assigned a
supply level higher than defensive if the Air Superiority Variant
"Limited Allied Air Superiority" is in effect.

56 Reference Manual Vlctory PAK'"

German Cherbourg Garrison - Utah Beach

~ The German Cherbourg HQ and the units that begin the

(HER game attached to it constitute the "Cherbourg Garrison" .
The sale purpose of this garrison was to defend the
strategically important port of Cherbourg. For that reason, there
are several restrictions placed on the Cherbourg HQ and its
attached units. These restrictions are given below, and are
always in effect unless the Historical Variant to the contrary Is
selected at the begmrung of the scenario.

The German player may not assign movement or combat orders to

any units of the Cherbourg Garrison that would cause them to
leave the immediate vicinity of Cherbourg. To be more specific,
the mobile units of the garrtson are restricted to a maximum
distance of 15 hexes from the center of Cherbourg, (The garrison
also includes the "LAN" coastal artillery battery which is located
20 hexes west of the center of the city; this unit has a movement
allowance of 0 and thus may never move at all.)

In addition to these movement restrictions, the units of the

Cherbourg Garrison are restricted in their ability to re-attach to
other German HQ's (see "Att a ch m ent"), and the Cherbourg HQ
may not be assigned a supply level higher than defensive (see

American 120th Infantry Regiment and 83rd Infantry

Division ~ Utah Beach

IB9J The American 30th and 83rd Infantry Divisions landed

120 after D-Day on Omaha Beach and were part of the
l@J American XIX (19th) Corps, which in mid-June had
83 responsibility for the area between Carentan and S1. La
(which is just off the southeast comer of the Campaign
Game map) . The 83rd and the 120th Regiment of the 30th are
included in the game because they did fight within the Utah
Beach map area; however, these units were not part of VII Corps,
and so may not be assigned movement or combat orders that
would cause them to leave their historical sectors.

The 120th Regimental Combat Team of the 30th Infantry Division

is scheduled to arrive at the city of Isigny (on the east map edge)
early 1n the Campaign Game, and two more battalions that are
attached to it arrive later. After their arrival, the American player
may assign orders to these units as usual, except that they are
always restricted to the southeast portion of the map . Note that
th e 120th normally draws its supply from a separate stockpile

Victory PAK''' Reference Manual 57

located at Isigny. rather than from Utah Beach.

The 83rd Infantry Division is scheduled to arrive at the city of

Istgny near the mtd-polnt of the Campaign Game, and two more
battalions that are attached to it arrive later. After their arrival.
the Amelican player may assign orders to these units as usual.
except that they are always restricted to the southeast and south­
central portions of the map . Note that the 83rd normally draws
its supply from a separate stockpile located at lstgny. rather than
from Utah Beach.

In addition to these movement restlictions, the units of the 120th

and 83rd are restricted in their ability to re-attach to other
American HQ's (see "Attachment") .

58 Reference Manual Victory pAJ<

Zones of Control

Most of the units In the Victory PAKTM games

exert a "zone of control" into the six hexes
adjacent to the unit. This zone of control
represents the influence that a military unit
has over nearby terrain due to observation
and fire, as well as the extent to which a
large unit is actually "spread out" into more
than one hex. The effectiveness of a given
zone of control is represented numerically by its "zoe value." The
game keeps track of the zoe values for all units of both sides and
their effects. and the zoe values themselves never appear on the
map or in the Unit Window. The following information is provided
so that players can understand how the zones of control work,
and so can make better decisions regarding the placement of their

zoe values for a given unit and a given adjacent hex can range
from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 6: the higher the number.
the more influence and control the unit ts exerting into that hex.
A zoe value of 0 means the unit has no zone of control and thus
no influence or control over that adjacent hex. A low zoe value
(l or 2) indicates the unit has a weak zone of control, and can
therefore observe portions of and place some fire into that
adjacent hex. A high zoe value (3 or more) indicates the unit has
a strong zone of control. and is exerting Significant influence and
control over that adjacent hex. A zoe value of 3 or more also
means that. in real life, some portion of the unit would actually be
located in that adjacent hex.

The zoe values for each army are kept track of separately by the
game. and a hex may simultaneously have a zoe value for both

In general, company-sized units exert a zoe value of 1 into all six

adjacent hexes, and battalion-sized units exert a zoe value of 3
into all six adjacent hexes. There are five exceptions to these
general rules:

1. Artillery units (regardless of size) exert a zoe value of 1;

2. Divisional HQ units exert a zoe value of 2;
3. Kampfgruppe/Regimental and Brigade HQ units exert a
zoe value of 1:
4. All units (including divisional HQ units) exert a zoe value
of 1 while conducting strategic movement,

Victory PAK'" Reference Manual 59

5. Non-artillery, non-HQ battalions with an unmodified
defense strength of less than 3 have a zoe value equal to
their unmodified defense strength.

The following modifications are made to each unit's zoe value ,

when applicable:

1. All units with a current morale of 7 or more have their

zoe values increased by 1;
2. All units with a current morale of 3 or less have their zoe
values decreased by 1:
3. All units with a current fatigue of 12 or more have their
zoe values decreased by 1.
The following zoe value modifiers are applied once per stack of
units, not for each individual unit. unless it is alone in the hex
(all effects are cumulative) :

1. Units that are dug in have their zoe values increased by

2 . Units in a fortification. bunker. beach bunker, or fortress
hex have their zoe values increased by 2;
3. zoe values exerted into hexes containing dug in enemy
units are decreased by 1;
4. zoe values exerted into hexes containing an enemy
fortification are decreased by 2;
5. zoe values exerted into village and bocage hexes are
decreased by 1:
6. zoe values exerted into city and forest hexes are
decreased by 2:
7. zoe values exerted into bunker. beach bunker. or fortress
hexes are decreased by 4:
8. zoe values exerted across either river or major river
hexsides are decreased by 2, regardless of the presence of
a bridge. In Velikiye Luki, whenever the ground condition
is light freeze. zoe values exerted across rivers are
decreased by 1 (regardless of the presence of a road);
9. zoe values exerted "downhill" across a hJ.ll hexstde are
increased by I:
10. zoe values exerted "uphill" across either a hill or dike
hexstde are decreased by 1;
11. zoe values are decreased by 1 on a well-lit night tum
(defined as a full moon with clear, light or moderate
overcast sky conditions);
12. zoe values are decreased by 2 on a dark night tum
(defined as anything else).

60 Reference Manual Victory PAK'''

Note that when units are stacked together, the ZOC value exerted
into an adjacent hex by the stack is (initially) the sum of the ZOC
values exerted into that hex by all of the individual units in the
stack. That sum may then be modlfled by one or more of the ten
stack modifiers listed above.

When units or stacks in different hexes all exert ZOC's into the
same hex. the total ZOC value in the center hex is the sum of the
zoe values being exerted from all of the adjacent hexes.

Effect on Movement
There is no movement point cost to enter an enemy zone of
control, but once in It. an enemy zone of control tends to inhibit
further movement. In addition to the terrain costs of the hexes
the unit is leaving and moving to. it costs extra movement points
to leave a hex that Is in an enemy zone of control. In some
circumstances. the presence of enemy zones of control may stop
or prevent movement altogether.

When a unit enters a hex that has an enemy ZOC value of 3 or

more. it stops and moves no further that tum (unless the enemy
unit moves away). A unit conducting tactical movement
continues to move (at an extra cost in movement points) after
entering a hex with an enemy ZOC value of 1 or 2. but a unit
conducting strategic movement stops upon entering any enemy
zone of control. In all cases. the extra movement point cost to
leave an enemy zone of control is the enemy zoe value in that
hex. unless the ZOC value exceeds one-half of the moving unit's
total movement allowance. In that case. the cost to leave is one­
half of the moving unit's movement allowance .

A unit does not carry out movement orders (tactical or strategic)

that require It to move from a hex that contains an enemy ZOC
value of 3 or more directly into another hex that also contains
an enemy zoe value of 3 or more that is exerted by the same
enemy unit or stack. A unit may not use strategic movement to
leave an enemy zone of control consisting of 3 or more zoe points
land if leaving an enemy zone of control consisting of 1 or 2 ZOC
points, 1t may not move directly into another enemy zone of
control) .

Effect on Supply
Supply lines may not be traced through enemy-occupied or
enemy-controlled hexes or (in general) through hexes that contain

Victory PAK''' Reference Manual 61

enemy zoe values greater than zero. However. supply lines may
be traced through a hex containing a friendly unit, even if It is in
an enemy zone of control.

Effects of Combat
Units that begin a turn in an enemy zone of control are not
required to attack. However. if they do attack. their advance after
combat may be hindered by the zones of control of nearby enemy
units. Just as ordlnary movement would be. To minimize the
negative effects of enemy zones of control on your movement and
advances after combat. you should assign separate attacks
against all enemy units whose zones of control might cause
problems. These separate attacks may consist of artillery and/or
air support only: there is no requirement that they include front­
line ground units. To experienced wargamers. these extra attacks
are known as "soak-off" attacks.

The reason for making these extra attacks Is that in every non­
interdiction attack with final odds of at least 1:4. the zones of
control of the defending units lose their ab1l1ty to block enemy
movement. This effect begins when the attack occurs, and lasts
for the remainder of the Execution Phase.

Units that are required to retreat Into a hex that contains an

enemy zone of control suffer extra losses. In addition to any that
may be due to the combat itself. For each hex containing an
enemy zone of control that the retreating unit must enter. its
losses from that combat are increased by 25 percent. In the case
of a retreating stack. each unit in the stack suffers these
additional losses. The presence of friendly units and zones of
control along the retreat path has no effect on these additional
losses (see "Retreats").

62 Reference Manual Victor)' PAKT"

More than one unit may be located in a gtven hex at the
same time. However, such a "stack" may contain units
from only one side: German and Allied units never stack

For most of the hexes on the map, the maximum "stacking limit"
is 3 battalions. out of which a normal maximum of 2 battalions
may use their full attack or defense strengths to participate in
combat with enemy units in an adjacent hex. City and invasion
beach hexes have a higher stacking limit of 4 battalions
maximum, out of which 2 battalions plus 2 companles may use
their full attack or defense strengths to participate in combat with
enemy units in an adjacent hex.

For stacking ltrntt purposes , each company counts as 1/3 of a

battalion, and each HQ unit counts as 1 battalion.

These stacking llrntts are derived from the standard "frontages" (or
widths of assigned sectors along the front line) of battallon-stzed
units In WWlI. In World War II armies , official doctrines called for
an infantry battalion to defend about a I-kilometer segment of
the front line. On the attack, the doctrines called for that same
battalion to be responstble for less frontage, typically about half a
kilometer. Real-life deviations from these offlctal doctrines were
almost always in the direction of more frontage betng assigned to
a unit, not less (since no army ever had enough men or battalions
to do everything as it would have liked). It quickly follows that,
based on doctrines as well as real experience, the normal
maximum density of front-line combat units in WWII was one­
half of a kilometer per battalion (or 2 battalions per kilometer).

If half a kilometer was the normal minimum frontage for a

battalion. there was no corresponding maximum frontage. GIven
good visfbtllty and prepared positions. most infantry battal:lons
were able to adequately defend a frontage of 2-3 kilometers.
Frontages greater than 3 kilometers per battalion normally
required breaking the battalion down into companies and
spreading them out, which was often done. but the result was
little more than a picket or outpost line, easily breached by a
concentrated enemy. In the game, the zones of control are
designed to safely extend a battalion's frontage to 3 kilometers
(I.e., the hex it's in plus the one on either side), under favorable
vtstbtltty and terrain conditions.

Victory PAW" Reference Manual 63

The third battalion that is allowed in most hexes would (in real
life) usually have to be located in the rear of the hex behind the
other two battalions, since there would be no room for it on the
front line. Therefore (despite orders or assigned actions). units
stacked in excess of two-thirds of the stacking limit do not
participate fully in combat unless:

1. The extra unit Is an artillery unit, in which case it may

conduct fire missions normally:
2. The hex is subject to an artillery, air, or naval attack, in
which case that attack may affect any or all of the units in
the hex:
3 . The combat results in an advance. in which case the
entire stack may advance;
4 . The combat results in a retreat, in which case the entire
stack must either retreat or suffer additional losses.

The stacking limit has no effect on zones of control; a unit that

does not participate fully in combat due to the size of its stack
still exerts its normal zone of control. This is because. in real life,
such units would probably be "spr ea d out" into adjacent hexes
Just like all the other units in the stack.

As explained in the section on terrain, beach bunkers and

ordinary beach hexes have a lower stacking limit [2 battalions
maximum) because most of the time these hexes represent fewer
acres of ground. Cities have a higher stacking limit (4 battalions
maximum) because the abundance of excellent cover there
requires more men to attack or defend an area of a given size.
Invasion beach hexes have a higher stacking limit (also 4
battalions) because of the very large American infrastructure that
was located there. In each case, the same 2: I proportion is used
for the number of "fro n t- lin e" vs. "rear-area" units allowed to be
in the hex, with the result that. in a city hex. a maximum of 2
battalions plus 2 companies may use thetr full attack or defense
strengths to participate in combat with enemy units in an
adjacent hex.

In addition to the historically-based stacking limits described

above, the game also has an upper limit of 9 different units (of
any size) that may be located in each hex at once. This "software"
limit Is high enough so that. for almost all the hexes on the map.
the historical stacking limit is reached first. even when the stack
is composed entirely of companies. However, in city hexes (where
the stacking limit is 4 battalions) the software lImit can take
precedence over the historical stacking limit. with the result that
the game limits stacks in city hexes to 9 total units. Our advice

64 Reference Manual Vic tory PAK' ''

(which fortunately corresponds to good play) Is to try to keep more
battalions than companies In your larger stacks In city and
invasion beach hexes.

The stacking limits in most WWII wargames apply only at the end
of the movement phase, thus permitting players to ignore
stacking l1mlts during their movement. While that may be a
reasonable and necessary convenience in a board wargame, it
also provides players with an unreallsttc degree of flexibility
compared to real-life commanders. In reality. strict traffic control
is a necessity for any large military operation, because moving
units through each other too frequently or having too many of
them in the same place at the same time causes serious problems
(such as Incredible traffic jams. increased vulnerability to enemy
attack. slower and less efflctent movement for everyone. etc.I. For
this reason, the rear area Is always partitioned into sectors just
like the front line, and generals throughout history have gotten
into arguments with each other about whose units were assigned
to use this road or that assembly area ,

Unlike most other wargames, in the Victory PAK1M games the

stacking limits apply and are enforced at all times during the
game, including during the resolution of movement and combat,
A unit may be assigned orders to move to a hex that is occupied
by enemy units. blocked by enemy zones of control, or is already
at the stacking limit. but if. when resolving the movement. the
time comes for a unit to enter such a hex. Its movement is
delayed until it becomes possible (or until the turn ends).
Therefore, players who plan the movement and stacking of their
units and who try to conduct their operations in a realistic way
fare better than those who don't. The latter may quickly find
themselves suffering from an authentic case of "mUitary gridlock ,"

Vlctnry PAJ(T" Reference Manual 65

Limited Intelligence and the "Fog of War"
"When a general has made no mistakes in war. it is because he
has not been at it long." - Marshal Henri Vlcompte de Turenne

Limited intelligence , which is usually

defined as a lack of information about
the enemy. is the single most
Important aspect of real combat
operations. Unfortunately. it is also
the exact thing that almost all
traditional board wargames
completely fail to simulate. Limiting
information about the enemy is
actually . an age-old problem in
wargamtng. and even though a few
games have attempted to address the
problem, very few of them have gone
far enough. Putting the traditional
board wargame on a computer seemed to us to be the only way to
combine operational and historical accuracy with a completely
realistic "fog of war." Thus the V for Victoryt" series was born.

Most wargamers are surprised at how much the game and their
style of play change when they are placed in a realistic,
information-poor environment. Uncertainties about the enemy's
location. strength , and intent sudd enly dominate the game. Most
players automatically become much more cautious. and after just
a short time their play tends to mirror historical movements and
decisions much more closely than it did before. For example.
when facing the unknown. matntaming a reserve is a very wise
and useful thing to do. That's why no real commander ever
places all his units on the front ltne unless he has no choice. but
most wargames reward that kind of unrealistic play. Limited
intelligence makes all the difference!

Enemy Units
[*J [=.c: 'V !...A..]
If the "Limited Intelligence" Realism Option
is selected at the beginning of the game.
each player's map shows all of his units.
but only those enemy units whose location becomes known
during the course of play. In most cases, the game provides
information about enemy units gradually, rather than revealing
everything about an enemy unIt all at once. Usually. the flrst
indication that an enemy unit is located in a given hex. is the

66 Reference Manual Victory PAW"

appearance there of a generic "side" unit, consisting of Just a
German cross. American or Russian star, or a British ensign.
When you learn enough about one of these generic "side " units to
determine what type of unit it is, 1t is replaced by a generic "type"
unit. When you learn enough about it to know its true identity.
the generic "type" unit is replaced by the actual unit. From that
point on (provided that you continue to learn more about it), more
and more data about that enemy unit is shown in the Unit
Window when you click on It.

There are several factors (such as night. or the enemy unit moving
away) that cause you to lose information about an enemy unit.
When this happens. the above-mentioned sequence Is reversed.

There are a large number of factors that playa smaller but still
significant role in determtntng how much information is available
about an enemy unit. The number of game-turns it spends on the
front line is important; the longer it's there and the more of your
units that are near it , the more you tend to learn . The terrain
makes a difference: a unit in bunker, city. village. or forest is
harder to obtain information about than a unit in clear terrain.
The type and size of the enemy unit and its characteristics can
make a difference - larger units. units with a lower morale. and
arm ored . artillery, and HQ units reveal more information about
themselves than smaller and higher-morale infantry units. A unit
that is moving reveals more information about itself than a unit
that Is stationary. and strategic movement reveals more
Information than tactical movement. A unit that is dug in reveals
less information about itself. and a unit in a fortification reveals
less still. Artillery and anti-aircraft units reveal information
about themselves when they flre. Probing or assaulting an enemy
unit usually reveals more information about it. and units with a
higher morale and reconnaissance units usually do a better Job of
obtaining information about the enemy. and do not reveal as
much about themselves. A unit with a high fatigue or disruption
level reveals more information about itself and does not gather as
much information as a unit that is not in one of those unfavorable
states . Night and sky conditions also playa major role: the
darker the night and/or the worse the sky conditions. the less the
1nfonnation that is obtained. And finally. the Air Superiortty
option selected at the beginning of the scenario is also a factor:
the greater the degree of air superiority your side possesses, the
more you learn about all the enemy's units. and the less the
enemy learns about your units.

Vielory PAK''' Reference Manual 67

One important aspect of real combat operations that is very rarely
simulated in wargarnes Is the lack of complete Information about
your own units. While any uncertainties over your own units are
unlikely to be as great as those over the enemy's units. there are
still some things about your own units that. in reality, you might
not always know. For example, while you could always expect to
know the correct identiUes of all of your own units and what
they're supposed to be doing. you might not always know every
detail about their current strength and situation. and in some
cases you might not know their exact locations.

If the "Fog of War" Realism Option is selected at the beginning of

the game. less information is available about your own units as
their disruption and fatigue levels increase. This effect is greater
for units that have a lower morale. for company-sized units. and
for units that are in a state of no supply. When the disruption
and fatigue levels of a unit decrease. full information is again
available about it.

Control (or Ownership) of Terrain

Each hex on the map is "owned" or "controlled" by one side or the
other; there is no "neutral ground" as far as the game is
concerned. However. not all of this "ownership" information is
available to the player (on purpose). and the information that is
available does not necessarily represent the "real" or "correct"
ownership. When "Sh ow Hex Ownership" from the Options Menu
is "on." the hexes that have a slightly lighter color are the ones
which your staff assistant believes you control, and those that
have a slightly darker color are those which he believes the enemy
controls. On black and white monitors, enemy-controlled hexes
are indicated by a small dot in the center of the hex.

A hex is actually controlled by a player if:

1. One of his units was the last to occupy the hex. or

2 . One of his units (or stacks of units) was the last to exert
an uncontested zone of control of at least 2 zoe points
into the hex.

In general, when a hex changes ownership. its new status lasts

until the ownership is changed back by enemy action. However.
in places where many of the front line hexes are not occupied by
units. the game may adjust the ownership of some of the hexes in
order to "s m ooth " the front line in a realistic way. For example, if

68 Reference Manual Victory PAK'"

a unit advances by itself too far into enemy territory. the enemy
territory "closes in" behind it (even in the absence of enemy units) .
This reflects the uncertainty that such a unit would feel with
regard to its flanks and supply line.

As stated in the section on movement. hexes that are controlled

by the enemy may be entered via strategic or automatic
movement, but for each such hex entered. there is a possIbility
that the moving unit will stop and not complete its planned move.
Units conducting strategic or automatic movement are also
susceptible to ambush if they attempt to enter a hex that is
occupied by an enemy unit or is in an enemy zone of control. [See
"Strategic Movement.")

Supply lines may not be traced through enemy--controlled hexes.

German Brandenburg Commandos - Velikiye Luki

(t:2] German "special forces" in WWII consisted of five
regiments and several smaller units, all known as
"Brandenburgers," because their original home barracks
was in the city of Brandenburg. The Brandenburgers were not
part of the German Army at all, but were the combat arm of the
Abwehr, which was an independent foreign intelligence agency
roughly equivalent to the modem American CIA. Although the
Brandenburgers were officially organized into battalions and
regiments. this was primarily for administrative purposes. and
most of the time they operated as independent companies or
platoons under the operational control of the Army. Brandenburg
units consisted of specially-trained and selected volunteers, a
large proportion of whom had lived and worked outside Germany
for many years, and were fluent in the language and customs of
the enemy on that particular front. They specialized in
commando raids and infiltration missions while wearing enemy
uniforms and equipment (with German uniforms on underneath).
Obviously these kinds of m1ssions required the utmost secrecy, so
there was very little German publicity or propaganda about them
during the war, and this in tum caused a shortage of published
information about them after the war. A typical Brandenburg
mission involved the surprise seizure of an important enemy-held
bridge, just prior to the arrival of a German armored spearhead.
Brandenburg units successfully carried out dozens of such
missions during the first two years of the war. many more than
are commonly realized. and the Brandenburg commandos deserve
more of the credit than they have received for many of the most
famous German victories.

Vtctory PAK'" Reference Manual 69

A total of four Brandenburg companies fought in the Vellklye Luki
area; one of them begins the Campaign Game in Novosokolniki,
and the other three arrive as reinforcements late in th e Campaign
Game, The number "803" is shown on each of them. since they
were all part of the 803rd Brandenburg Regiment. On color
monitors, the center of each Brandenburg unit is brown. to
slgnlfy Its special Inflltratlon abilities,

In the game, Brandenburg units have the ablllty to remain

completely hidden from the Russian player in situations where
any other type of German unit would be revealed. If the "Limited
Intelligence" Realism Option is selected at the beginning of the
game , Brandenburg units are not shown on the Russian player's
map unless he has accumulated a lot of Information about them ­
much more than is required to reveal the presence of any oilier
German unit , This is true even if the Brandenburg unit is
adjacent to one or more Russian units and/or is located deep In
the Russian rear area. As long as they remain completely hidden
from the Russian player, Brandenburg units are always In
general supply, and do not have to trace a supply line to their HQ
unit (see "Su p ply"). Brandenburg units also receive a special
surprIse attack bonus whenever they participate In an attack
while completely hidden from the Russian player. This surprise
attack bonus consists of an increase in the odds of the attack by
3. in addition to whatever other odds Increases may be awarded
to the German player due to morale, armor support, etc. (See

Finally, note that Brandenburg units may not be rebuilt using

replacement points,

Random Variants
This is a feature which greatly increases uncertainty, limited
intelligence. and realism. It randomly implements one or more of
the Histori cal Options and Variants, without automatically
revealing which variants are in effect. In order to make the best
use of this feature, you should select the Random Variant for the
opposing side. rather than your own. That way. you will not
always know which units your opponent has. how strong his
airpower is, etc. If you select the Random Variant for both sides
in a two-player game. along with all the other Realism Options.
you can expect a lot of uncertainty and surprise! For more
information, see "Historical Options and Variants,"

70 Reference Manual Victory PAKT>l


"Comrades! Exert yourselves so that we can lay the Hungarian

capital at the great Stalin's feet! Fame and rewards await you: if
you faiL I fear [o: your health." - Russian General Rodion
Malinovsky. addressing his men on November 5. 1944

Each unit has a morale rating that is shown within the Unit
Window whenever the unit is selected. Initial morale ratings
range from 3 (for German "Ost'' units ) to 8 (for the best units of
both sides). A unit's morale is a measure of the quality of the
unit. independent of its size or strength. Units with a higher
morale are more likely to carry out their orders and be successful
In combat. All other factors being equal. units with a higher
morale move and attack before units with a lower morale; they
receive a favorable modification to their combat odds: their zones
of control are more effective; if so ordered. they are more likely to
stay in place and suffer additional losses rather than retreat; they
are more likely to obtain information about enemy units: and they
are less likely to reveal information to the enemy about

When applied to artillery, naval support. aircraft. morale is a

measure of how effective their support Is likely to be (t.e .. how
accurate and timely), independent of their total volume of fire.
Therefore. even if it has a low fire strength, support from a hlgh­
morale (i.e.. high-quality) artillery unit may tum the tide with
"good shooting" that achieves results with relatively few rounds
fired. On the other hand, support from a low-morale [i.e.. low­
quality) artillery unit can sometimes be counter-productive; one
of the reasons for this is that the front-line unit may be
depending on fire support that does not arrive on time or is
inaccurate; another is the increased likelihood of casualties from
"friendly fire."

There are a number of factors that can cause a unit's morale to

increase or decrease durtng the game. These changes to a unit's
morale are not permanent, and may be reversed by alleviating the
condition responsible for the change. The effect of all the morale
modifiers given below is cumulative. but a unit's current morale
may never be decreased to less than O. The maximum possible
morale is 12, for a non-fatigued and non-disrupted elite unit in
attack supply, defending a bunker hex.

The morale of aircraft varies; 4 (for most Russian aircraft), 5 (for

German aircraft), 6 (for Blitish aircraft and German Stukas), The

Victory PAK''' Reference Manual 71

modifiers listed below do not apply to aircraft: their morale
ratings remain constant throughout the game, All ships in the
game have a morale of 7.

Increases to Morale
The following conditions increase a unit's morale:

1. The unit is in a state of attack supply. This increases its

morale by 1.
2. Defending while dug in. This increases a unit's morale by
3. Defending while in a fortification. This increases a unit's
morale by 2.
4. Defending while in a bunker, beach bunker, or fortress
hex. This increases a unit's morale by 3 .

Note that the last three modifiers apply only when the unit is
defending or being checked for surrender, not when it is
attacking out of those hexes.

Decreases to Morale
The following conditions decrease a unit's morale:

1. Fatigue. When a unit's fatigue is between 6 and 11, its

morale is decreased by 1. When its fatigue Is 12 or more,
its morale is decreased by 2.
2. Disruption. When a unit's disruption is between 6 and
11, its morale is decreased by 1. When its disruption is
12 or more. its morale Is decreased by 2.
3. The unit is 1n a state of no supply. This decreases a unit's
morale by 1. Note that this modifier does not apply when
a unit 1s being checked for surrender.

72 Rererence Manual Victory PAKl\ t


Units that are disrupted are In a state of disorganization. with

squads. platoons. and even whole companies not where they're
supposed to be and/or out of contact with each other and their
headquarters. All front-line combat is disruptive. in that It
always tends to reduce the efficient organization of a military unit
to a less effective. chaotic level. Attacking units normally (but not
always) become more disrupted than defending units, since the
attacking units are more likely to be moving around. and the
defending units are more ltkely to be in pre-planned . fixed
positions. The disruption experienced by attacking units is
especially pronounced at night.

Each unit has a disruption level that is shown within the Unit
Window whenever the unit is selected. Disruption may vary from
o to 15. with higher numbers representing a worse condition.
Each point of disruption reduces a unit's attack. defense, armor.
barrage. support. and antitank strengths. and its movement
allowance by 3.3 percent of its current value, after any
modifications due to strategic movement. supply, terrain. and
field fortifications. When a unit's disruption reaches 6. its morale
is decreased by 1, and when its disruption reaches 12. its morale
is decreased by 2. Therefore. at the maximum disruption of 15. a
unit's movement allowance and all of its various combat strengths
are halved, and its morale is decreased by 2. A unit's disruption
may not be increased to more than 15. or decreased to less than

Ships and aircraft are not subject to disruption.

Increases to Disruption
Disruption may only be increased as a result of combat or the
elimination of a unit's current HQ. Each of the following activities
or events increases a unit's disruption by the amount indicated
(all effects are cumulative):

1. Conducting an assault or an all-out assault on a daylight

tum. This increases a unit's disruption by 1 (regardless of
the outcome) .
2. Conducting a probe on a well-lit night turn. This
increases a unit's disruption by 1 (regardless of the
3. Conducting an assault or an all-out assault on a well-lit
night tum. This increases a unit's disruption by 2

Vic tory PAK"I>' Reference Manual 73

(regardless of the outcome).
4. Conducting a probe on a poorly-lit night tum. ThIs
Increases a unit's disruption by 2 (regardless of the
5. Conducting an assault or an all-out assault on a poorly-lit
night turn . This Increases a unit's disruption by 3
(regardless of the outcome).
6, Conducting a probe, assault. or all-out assault into a
forest. or city hex. This increases a unit's disruption by 1
(regardless of the outcome].
7, Each point of attack strength lost by an attacking unit
Increases its disruption by 1.
8. Each point of defense strength lost In excess of one by a
defending untt Increases its disruption by L
9. Each hex retreated by an attacking unit increases its
disruption by 1.
10. Each he-x in excess of one retreated by a defending unit
Increases its disruption by 1.
II, Each game-tum that a unit spends In a state of no supply
because the HQ unit to which it was attached was
eliminated increases Its disruption by 1.

Note that for items 1 thru 6 above. what actually matters is the
category In which the overall attack Is resolved. not what kind of
attack the lndivtdual unit Is assigned to conduct. For example. if
one unlt is assigned to probe and two others are assigned to
assault. all as part of the same attack. the attack is resolved as
an assault and all three units suffer the disruption increase of an
assault. (See "Combat.")

Decreases to Disruption
The only way to decrease a unit's disruption is for it to remain
idle and not carry out any activity or participate in combat In any
way during that game-turn. Each of the following decreases a
unit's disruption by the amount indicated:

1. Complete inactivity on a night tum while in an enemy

zone of control. This decreases a unit's disruption by 1.
2. Complete inactivity on a daylight turn while In an enemy
zone of controL This decreases a unit's disruption by 2 .
3. Complete inactivity on a night tum while not in an enemy
zone of control. This decreases a unit's disruption by 3.
4. Complete inactivity on a daylight tum while not in an
enemy zone of control. This decreases a unit's disruption
by 6.

74 Reference Manual victory PAK'"

A unit may recover from disruptton and fatigue simultaneously.
although tnactrvtty on a daylight tum Is better for recovering from
dtsruption. A unit may receive replacements while it Is recovering
from disruption and/or fatigue .

Victory PAKT" Referen ce Manual 75


"Fatigue makes cowards oJ us all" - General George S, Patton

As we all know. human beings must get a certain amount of rest

and sleep, If we don't or can't, our abilities gradually decline
until. eventually. we become little more than zombies. almost
incapable of useful activity. And so it is in the game. Players are
free to assign movement or attack orders to their units every turn.
day after day, If they so desire or feel they have to. but after a
couple of days of that the units will be so fatigued that their
abilities will be significantly reduced.

Each unit has a fatigue state that is shown within the Unit
Window whenever the unit is selected. Greater numbers
represent a worse condition: fatigue may vary from 0 (fresh and
well-rested) to 15 (the walking dead). Each point of fatigue
reduces a unit's attack. defense. armor. barrage. support. and
antitank strengths. and its movement allowance. by 3.3 percent of
its current value, after any modifications due to strategic
movement, supply. terrain. and field fortifications. When the
unit's fatigue reaches 6 . its morale is decreased by 1. and when
its fatigue reaches 12. its morale is decreased by 2. Therefore, at
the maximum fatigue of 15, a unit's movement allowance and all
of its various combat strengths are halved. and its morale is
decreased by 2. A unit's fatigue may not be increased to more
than 15, or decreased to less than O.

Ships and aircraft are not subject to fatigue.

Increases to Fatigue
Each of the following activities or events increases a unit's fatigue
by the amount Indicated (all effects are cumulative):

1. Spending more than three-quarters of its initial movement

allowance when conducting any type of movement. This
increases the unit's fatigue by 1.
2. Participating in a probe attack now increases the unit's
fatigue by 2. Units defending against a probe incur no
increase in fatigue.
3. Participating in an assault. or any other attack type which
is supported by artillery will result in a fatigue increase of
4. Digging in or constructing a fortification. This increases
the unit's fatigue by 1.

76 Reference Manual VIctory Pf\K1"

5. For engineer and bridge units, repairing a bridge increases
the unit's fatigue level by 1.
6. Conducting any activity on a night tum (including any
movement at all, digging in, constructing a fortification,
repairing a bridge, or participating in combat in any way.
as either an attacker or a defender), This Increases a
unit's fatigue by 2.
7. Ending any turn in a non-road swamp hex. This
increases the unit's fatigue by 1.
8. Units defending against an air attack (unsupported by any
ground attack) incur a fatigue increase of 2.
9. It should also be noted that in all instances artillery units
incur 1 less fatigue potnt than other ground units.

Decreases to Fatigue
The only way to decrease a unit's fatigue is for it to remain idle
and not carry out any activity or participate in combat in any way
during that game-tum. Each of the following decreases a unit's
fatigue by the amount indicated:

1. Complete inactivity on a daylight tum while in an enemy

zone of control. This decreases a unit's fatigue by 1.
2. Complete Inactivity on a daylight tum while not in an
enemy zone of control, This decreases a unit's fatigue by
3. Complete Inactivity on a night tum while in an enemy
zone of control, This decreases a unit's fatigue by 2.
4. Complete inactivity on a night tum while not in an enemy
zone of control. This decreases a unit's fatigue by 6.

A unit may recover from disruption and fatigue Simultaneously,

although inactivity on a night turn Is better for recovering from
fatigue. A unit may receive replacements during game-turns
when It is recovering from fatigue and/or disruption.

Victory PAK'" Reference Manual 77

Field Fortifications

~ ~ There are two types of field fortifications that units

00:3 may construct during the game. Both of them benefit
~ @) defending units only: there is no advantage to
m :3
attacking out of a hex that contains a field
fortification, A unit that is "dug in" has foxholes.
weapons pits. pre-registered targets. pre-planned fields of fire.
and a generally planned. prepared and organized defense , A
"fortification" represents all these things plus mineflelds. some
barbed wire. the beginnings of a trench system. and a few simple
log and earth bunkers.

Each field fortification appears on the map as the uppermost

"u n it" in Us hex. (These are really just markers. not units.) The
"size" of a field fortification is indicated by the number at the
bottom of the marker. and that size is the number of companies
that may gain full benefit from being in the same hex with It.
Each battallon equals 3 companies for this purpose. so a size 9
field fortification can "contain" 9 companies (or 3 battalions),
which is the stacking Ilrnit for most of the hexes on the map.

Field fortifications may be enlarged by having the same or other

units build another one in the same hex. If more than one unit is
constructing a field fortification in a hex at the same time. only
one "building" marker is shown. Larger field fortifications have no
additional effect except that more units may benefit from them.

Field fortifications may never move, and benefit only friendly unlts
in the same hex with them . Once the field fortification is
completed. the unit that built it is free to conduct other activities
and/or move away. and other friendly units are free to move in
and benefit from it. However. a field fortification is automatically
removed from the map at the end of any tum that there are no
friendly units in the same hex with it.

Most defensive positions are actually directional in nature; Le.,

they face a particular direction and provide maximum benefit to
the defender only if he is attacked from that direction, Each field
fortification therefore represents a planned and prepared
defensive line which. in reality. would have a significant effe ct
only if attacked from the "front." Although they are realistic.
directional combat effects are typically found only in tactical-level
games, and would be a considerable added complication in an
operational-level games such as the V for Victoryt-' series . We
considered expanding the game system to include directionality

78 Reference Manual VIctory PAW"

and decided that, at this scale, it is not worth the trouble; very
nearly the same result can be achieved in a much simpler way. V
for Vtctoryr" games assume that. when initially built. a field
fortlflcation faces the enemy, or at least the direction the enemy is
most likely to approach from. As long as the position is
continuously occupied. that dtrectionaltty is preserved. and the
probab1l1ty that the field fortification will be beneficial remains
high. However. if a position is ever captured or abandoned. its
original directionality is presumed to be lost. and whatever
remains of the field fortification is assumed to be facing the wrong
way, or located in the wrong place within the hex. to be of much
use to later occupants of the hex. This argument applies
especially to captured positions.

Digging In
[lZl) R~
All units may dig in except those that are adjacent to
an enemy unit, or those that are located in a located

I ~ in a swamp. bunker, beach bunker, or fortress hex. It
BUI xi.s normally requires two turns to dig in. To begin,
3 select the unlt and press the letter "F" on the
keyboard. (Or. you can open the Command Box for that unit.
make sure the unit is assigned one of the three "defend" options,
click on the "dig in" symbol. and then close the Command Box.)
This causes a "digging in" marker to appear as the top unit in that
hex on the map. To finish digging in, "dig in" orders must be
assigned again on the next game-tum; as a convenience. the
game automatically does that for you, so that once a unit begins
to dig in. it continues to do so until you change its orders. If you
assign orders other than "dig in" on the next tum, the process is
either interrupted or canceled. If the unit moves out of the hex,
the process is canceled, and the digging in marker is removed
from the map. The process is merely interrupted (and may be
completed on a later turn) if the unit is attacked by
artillery/naval/air (with no enemy units adjacent), partictpates 10
combat as an attacker or defender without leaving the hex, if the
unit remains inactive in order to recover from fatigue or
disruption or to receive replacements, or if the unit is an artillery
unit and conducts a fire mission. If an enemy unit moves
adjacent to a unit in the process of digging in. the process is
canceled and the "digging in" marker is removed from the map.

When dug in units are defending in a hex that contains a dug in

marker large enough for all of them. it multiplies their defense
strength by 1.5. their antitank strength by 1.25, Increases their
morale by 1. and halves the strength of incoming
artillery/naval/air attacks. If the dug in marker is not large

Victory PAK'M Reference Manual 79

enough to contain all the units in the hex. it multiplies their
defense strength by 1 + 10.5 x (marker size/stack sizej), It reduces
the strength of Incoming artillery/naval/air attacks by a
proportional fraction, and it has no effect on the antitank strength
or the morale of the defending units.

The advantages of being dug in do not apply to units that are

conducting probes. assaults, all-out assaults. or any type of

In Veliklye Luki, during hard freeze and deep snow ground

conditions. non-engineer units may dig in only in village and city
hexes. Engineer units may still dig in when they are in clear
terrain or forest hexes. bu t this takes twice as long as normal
(I.e.. four game-turns) . Both engineer and non-engineer units
may dig in when they are in lake hexes only during deep snow
conditions (when the lake becomes clear terrain for all purposes).

[lBJ 1~ Fortifications are constructed in the same manner as
301 ~ digging in. except that the first fortification marker in

'I -2- a hex may be built only by an engineer unit, and
UI l~~j constructing the first fortification in a hex normally
requires four turns. Like digging in. a fortification
may not be built or enlarged in a bunker hex. or in a hex that is
adjacent to an enemy unit. Unlike digging in. a fortification may
be built or enlarged In a swamp hex. but this takes twice as long
as normal u.e.. eight game-turns).

When units are defending in a hex that contains a fortification

large enough for all of them. it multiplies their defense strength
by 2. their antitank strength by 1.5. increases their morale by 2.
and halves the strength of Incoming artillery / naval/air attacks. If
a fortification is not large enough to contain all the units in a hex.
It multiplies their defense strength by 1 + (fortification size/stack
size). their antitank strength by 1 + (0.5 x (fortification size/stack
sizej), it halves the strength of incoming artillery and air attacks.
and it raises the morale of the defending units by 1.

Like being dug in. these advantages do not apply to units that are
conducting probes. assaults. or any type of movement.

In Velikiye Luki, during hard freeze ground conditions. engineer

units may still construct fortifications in all types of terrain except
lakes. but this takes twice as long as normal (i.e.. eight game­
turns) . Although fortifications may not be constructed on lake

80 Reference Manual Victory PAR'''

hexes during hard freeze conditions, they may be constructed on
Jake hexes during deep snow (when the lake becomes clear terrain
for all purposes). This also requires eight game-turns.

Note that in Velikiye Luki, for the purpose of constructing
field fortifications . construction battalions are engineer

Digging In and Fortifying in the Same Hex

A hex may not contain a completed dug in marker if it also
contains a completed fortification, and vice versa. Both may be
under construction at the same time (in which case the
fortification is the one that appears), and either may be under
construction in a hex that contains a completed one of the other
(in which case whichever one is completed is the one that

When a fortillcation is completed in a hex that already contains a

completed dug in marker, the size of the newly-completed
fortification is immediately increased by one-half of the size of the
dug in marker (fractions rounded down), and the dug in marker is
removed. For example. if a hex contains a completed dug in
marker of size "3," and a building fortification of size "1," when the
fortification is completed, it becomes size "2," and the dug in
marker is removed.

Units may be assigned to dig in a hex that already contains a

completed fortification . However, in this case the dug In marker
never appears on the map: when the units are flnlshed digging in,
the already-complete fortification marker is enlarged instead. The
amount that the fortification Is enlarged by depends on the size of
the unlt that is digging in: a company-slzed unit enlarges the size
of the fortification by 1. and a battalion-sized unit enlarges the
size of the fortification by 2 . For example. if a hex contains a
completed fortification marker of size 1, and a battalion-sized unit
digs in the hex, when it is finished digging in, the fortification
marker is enlarged from size 1 to size 3. This process may be
repeated to enlarge the fortification to size 5, and so on.

Victory PAKT·" Reference Manual 81

Attachment and Subordination

The purpose of the provisions for attachment and

subordination is to increase the realism of the
game by putting the players under some of the
restrtctions of a real military command structure.
Many wargames ignore this important topic. With
the result that players often develop an incorrect
sense of what is possible in the real world. Real
military commanders almost never enjoy the large degree of
flexibility that most wargarnes provide to their players. This is
especially true With regard to such things as sudden changes of
plan. coordinating the actions of many different units.
reorganizing those units. and dealing with the wishes and actions
of superiors. peers, and subordinates.

In order to provide a more realistic simulation of supply and
artillery support. each unit in V for VictoryTM games must always
be "at ta ch ed" to a headquarters unit. When a unit Is attached to
a particular HQ (a divisional HQ, for example), It functions as a
part of that division for all purposes . Except for units that are
attached to a Corps HQ . players may change attachments
only during the Planning Phase of each 6:00 AM (8:00 AM in
Velikiye Luki) game-tum. Units that are attached to a Corps
HQ may be re-attached to another HQ in that same Corps
during any Planning Phase. but other attachment changes may
be performed only during the 6:00 AM (8:00 AM in Vellk1ye Lukl)
Planning Phase.

During the Planning Phase of each 6:00 AM (8:00 AM in Velikiye

Luki) game-tum. players are free to reattach units among their
HQ's as they see fit. However, each HQ has an upper limit on the
total number of battalions that may be attached to it at the same
These limits are in Market-Garden and Velikiye Luki are the same
for both Sides. and are as follows:

Brigade and Divisional HQ's: 7 battalions per strength point of

unmodified defense strength currently possessed by the HQ untt.

Corps HQ's and Army HQ's: 4 battalions per strength point of

unmodified defense strength currently possessed by the HQ unit.

82 Reference Manual Victory PAK'"M

In Utah Beach these limits are:

American non-Corps HQ's: 8 battalions per strength point of

unmodified defense strength currently possessed by the HQ unit.

German non-Korps HQ's: 7 mobile battalions per strength paint

of unmodified defense strength currently possessed by the HQ
Corps HQ's of both sides: 4 mobile battalions per strength point
of unmodified defense strength currently possessed by the HQ

For the purposes of these limits. each company-sized unit COW1ts

as 1/3 of a battalion, and the HQ units themselves do not count
as part of the total. Note that these attachment limits may
actually be exceeded by up to two companies. if the companies
were attached to the HQ prior to the attachment of the last
battalion. Also, Gennan static units (i.e.. those with a movement
allowance of 0) do not count against the attachment limits of
German HQ's.

The limit on the number of units that may be attached to a given

HQ IS actually enforced only when you are changing
attachments. This is so that losses suffered by an HQ unit. or the
arrival or reinforcements, do not force an immediate change in
attachments. If an HQ unit is already at its attachment limit. its
"Attach" button on the HQ Sidebar does not activate.

Within the above limits. a unit may be attached to any friendly

HQ, regardless of the unit's official name or historical attachment.
For example. if the German player wishes, he Is free to reattach
the 1st Battalion. 1222nd Infantry Regiment (offlctally part of the
59th Infantry Dlvtstonl to the 9th 55 Panzer Division. If he does
this. the l st Battalion. 1222nd Regiment becomes part of the 9th
SS Panzer Division for aU purposes (except for regimental
integrity. and except that the name of the battalion does not
change when shown within the Unit Window).

1'0 change a unit's attachment. first go to the HQ Sidebar and

select the HQ that you wish to re-attach the unit to [i.e.. the HQ
that will be the new HQ for the unit in question). Then go to the
rnap (or the Unit Window, if the unit is stacked beneath another
one) and click on the unit that you wish to re-attach . At this
Point the "Attach" label appears on the button in the sidebar if the
re-attachment is permtsstble: clicking on it causes the selected
Unit to be re-attached to the HQ shown at the top of the sidebar.

Victory PpJ{l>' Reference Manual 83

If you re-attach any units after you have allocated supply to your
HQ's, the supply tonnage required for the affected units and HQ's
may differ significantly from what was already allocated. If the
most recent re-attachment results in insufficient supply tonnage
being available in the stockpile for the current HQ to be at its
previously allocated supply level, its supply level is reduced.

Note : after you have completed the Planning Phase of the 6:00
AM (8:00 AM in Vel1ktye Luki) game tum, you may not change
your attachments again until the next 6:00 AM Planning Phase
(six game-turns in the future), except that units attached to a
Corps Hg or Army HQ may be re-attached to any other HQ in
that same Corps or Army (subject to attachment and supply
limits). Information on current attachments may still be called up
for reference at any time by using the ~Q Sidebar.

In order to provide a more realistic simulation of military
command structures, especially with regards to rear-area supply
lines, each brigade and divisional HQ unit must always be
"subordinate" to a corps or army-level HQ. When a unit is
subordinate to a particular corps HQ, for example, it functions as
a part of that corps for all purposes. including supply lines. This
is especially Significant for the Russians in Veliktye Luki, whose
supply lines must normally include their corps HQ's.

During the Planning Phase of each 6 :00 AM {8:00 AM in Velikiye

Luki) game-turn, players are generally free to change
subordination among their HQ's as they see fit. However, each
corps HQ has an upper limit on the number of divisional HQ's
that may be subordinate to It at the same time. This limit is
equal to two dlvtsions per strength point of unmodified defense
strength currently possessed by the corps HQ unit. For the
purposes of this limit. each brigade HQ counts as one-third of a
division. For example. in Market-Garden, if the British XXX
Corps HQ has a current unmodIfied defense strength of 4, then it
can have up to 8 divisional HQ's subordinate to it. or 7 divisional
HQ's and 3 brigade HQ's, etc. Note that these subordination
limits may actually be exceeded by up to two brigade HQ's, if the
brigade HQ's were subordinate to the corps HQ prior to the
subordination of the last division.

Within the above limits. a brigade or divisional HQ may be

subordinate to any friendly corps HQ, regardless of the unit's
official name or historical attachment. (Exception: HQ's whose

84 Reference Manual VIctory PAJ{' >1

current higher HQ is not on the map may not change
5 ubordination.l

The limit on the number of HQ's that may be subordinate to a

given corps or army HQ Is actually enforced only when you are
changing subordination. This is so that losses suffered by an HQ
unit, or the arrival or reinforcements. do not force an immediate
change in subordination. If a corps or army HQ is already at its
subordination limit, its "Attach" button on the HQ Sidebar does
not activate when a divisional or brigade HQ is selected as the
current unit on the map.

To change the subordination of a brigade or divisional HQ. first go

to the HQ Sidebar and select the corps or army HQ that you want
to subordinate the brigade or dlvtsion to (t.e.. the corps or army
HQ that will be the new higher HQ for the unit in question). Then
go to the map (or the Unit Window, If the unit is stacked beneath
another one) and click on the brigade or divisional HQ unit. At
this point the "Attach" label appears on the button in the Sidebar
If the subordination Is permissible: clicking on it causes the
selected brigade or divisional HQ unit to be made subordinate to
the higher HQ shown at the top of the sidebar.

Note: after you have completed the Planning Phase of the 6:00
AM (8:00 AM in Velikiye Lukl) game tum, you may not change
subordination again until the next 6:00 AM (8:00 AM in Veliklye
Luki) Planning Phase (six game-turns in the future) . Information
on current subordination may still be called up for reference at
any time by using the "show" button on the HQ Sidebar.

Attachment Restrictions

British vm and XII corps ~ Market-Garden

(I§J] The British VIII and XII Corps Hg's and the units that


begin the game attached to them constitute the flank
protection for XXX Corps. These units consist of the 7th
and 11 th Armored Divisions. and the 3rd and 15th
l Infantry Divisions. The sole purpose of these units was to
protect XXX Corp's flanks, as well as the strategically important
Highway 69. Therefore. the units in these two Corps may not re­
attach to another HQ unit outside that same Corps. and other
British units that are not part of one of these Corps may not re­
attach into one of these Corps. In addition. the units of VIII and
XII Corps may not be assigned a supply level higher than

Victory PAJ<iM Reference Manual 85

defensive. Finally. the units in these two Corps are subject to
movement restrictions which prevent them from leaving their
historical areas of operation.

German Velildye Luld Garrison - Velikiye Luki

[I HO I]The German Velikiye Luki HQ and the units that begin the
VEL game attached to it constitute the "Veltkiye Luki Garrison."
The sole purpose of this garrison was to hold the fortified
and strategically important city of Vellkiye Luki. Therefore. the
units that comprise the garrison may not re-attach to another HQ
unit. and other German units that are not part of the garrison
may not re-attach to the Velikiye Lukt HQ. In addition. the
Velikiye Lukl HQ may not be assigned a supply level higher than
defensive unless the Air Superiortty Variants "Air Parity" or
"Limited Axis Air Superiority" are in effect. Finally, the units that
comprise the garrison are subject to movement restrictions which
prevent them from leaving the immediate vicinity of Velikiye Luki
(see "Movement").

German 6th Luftwaffe Field Division - Velikiye Luki

(IHO IJ The units of the 6th Luftwaffe Field Division may never be
6 LF re-attached to a dilTerent HQ unit, and other German
units may not re-attach to the 6th Luftwaffe Field HQ.
The 6th may not be assigned a supply level higher than defensive
if the Air Supertority Variant "Ltrntted Allied Air Superiority" Is In
effect. Finally, the units of the 6th are subject to movement
restrictions that prevent them from leaving their historical sector
(see "Movement").

German Cherbourg Garrison - Utah Beach

(IHO I] The German Cherbourg HQ and the units that begin the
[HER game attached to it constitute the "Cherbourg Garrison".
The sale purpose of this garrison was to defend the
strategically important port of Cherbourg. Therefore. the units
that comprise the garrison may not re-attach to another HQ unit.
In addition. the Cherbourg HQ may not be assigned a supply
level higher than defensive. and the units that comprise the
garrison are subject to movement restrictions that prevent them
from leaving the immediate vicinity of Cherbourg (see

Other German units that are not part of the garrison but are
within 15 hexes of the center of Cherbourg may attach to and re­

86 Reference Manual Victory PAKT"

attach from the Cherbourg HQ freely. subject to the overall limit
on the number of units that may be attached to the Cherbourg
HQ. However. while they are attached to the Cherbourg HQ. such
extra units are subject to the same movement and supply
restrictions as the rest of the garrison.

American 120th Infantry Regiment and 83rd Infantry

Division - Utah Beach

l§J The units of these divisions and the XIX Corps troops that
120 are attached to them may never be re-attached to a
l§J different HQ unit. Other American units that are not part
83 of these divisions. but are located within the proper area
on the map. may attach to and re-attach from these HQ's
freely, subject to the overall limit on the number of units that may
attach to a given HQ. However. while they are attached to one of
these HQ's. such extra units are subject to the same movement
restrictions as the rest of the units in that division (see

VIctory PAK"" Reference Manual 87


"The battle is fought and decided by the Quarlermaster before the

shooting begins" - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

The strength and capabilities of a military unit

depend on many things. but one of the more
important is supply - the constant flow of
ammunition. food. fuel, and a host of other items.
Without supply. an army cannot move or fight.
Real armies. therefore, have always devoted
considerable manpower and attention to logistics, which is the
"theory and practice" of supply.

Supply quantities in Victory PAKTM games are measured in tons.

These tonnage numbers are not arbitrary; they are based as
closely as possible on actual logistical data from WWII. In
addition to permitting a detailed , realistlc accounting of supply
allocations and expenditures. the tonnage numbers are also used
to determine which of five possible supply states each unit is in.
The five supply states in the game are: attack. general. defensive.
minimal. and no supply. A description of the meaning and effects
of each are given below.

Attack supply represents double supply - twice as much as

would normally be allocated. Units in attack supply therefore
have an abundance of food, gasoline. and spare parts. plus
"ammo to bum." As a result. their attack, defense. armor, and
antitank strengths are all increased by 50 percent. and their
morale is increased by one .

General supply represents a normal or full supply allocation;

units in general supply have (or can get) everything they need.

Defensive supply represents a reduced supply allocation.

Although units in defensive supply are receiving less of everything
than they should, the quantities of food. gasoline. and ammo are
adequate for defensrve operations. Units in defensive supply have
their attack and armor strengths halved, but their defense and
antitank strengths remain normal. Armored and motorized units
have their movement allowances halved.

Minimal supply represents a subsistence-level supply allocation.

Units in minimal supply are not receiving what they need for
heavy or prolonged combat; their attack strength is quartered,
and their defense, armor. and antitank strengths are all halved.

88 Reference Manual Vi ctory PAK'M

ArIllored and motorized units have their movement allowances
reduced to one-third of normal.

:No supply represents, for all practical purposes, just that.

Whatever food, gasoline, and ammo the men and vehicles have
with them at the moment is all there is. Units in a state of no
supply have their attack and armor strengths quartered, their
defense and antitank strengths halved , and their morale is
decreased by one. Armored and motorized units have their
movement allowances quartered. Furthermore, units that remain
in a state of no supply eventually surrender.

You will notice when playing V for Vtctoryt'" games that the unit
data window will have the unit name on top. followed by its type.
with its HQ attachment on the bottom. Between it's type and HQ
there is now a colored bar - the left half of the bar indicates the
unit's current supply level assigned by the HQ (Attack, General,
Defensive. Minimal, NONE) while the right half shows his supply
state (In Supply, Out 1. Out 2, Out 3. Out 4). The colors you will
see are green. blue, orange. red. black. with black being the
worst. Systems with B&W monitors will see a gray scaled effect
with light gray being more in supply and black being less in

German Supply Delivery

What the U.S, Army defined as "general supply" was considered
lavish oversupply by every other army of WWII. both AlUed and
Axis. A full-strength German infantry division needed an average
of 250 to 400 tons of supply per day for normal offensive
operations, and 150 to 200 tons for defensive combat. The
tonnage required was somewhat lower if the division was below
strength. and somewhat higher if it had extra artillery or other
support units attached,

DUring the time period of Market-Garden , most German units

remaining received adequate quantities of supply. This was
because they had fallen back toward major supply dumps much
closer to Germany, and were no longer hampered by long supply
lines which could be interdicted by Allied airpower and partisans.
Another reason was that, unlike the campaign in France,
American and British airpower was not used effectively in
Operation Market-Garden. This was because of a deliberate
Allied decision not to conduct tactical air interdiction near the
battle area, out of a fear of mistaken air attacks.

DUring the time period of Velikiye Luki, most German units

Victory PAK' -" Reference Manual 89

remaining received adequate quantities of supply. This was
because. once the rail lines were converted to German gauge. the
only significant threat to German supply lines was from the
partisans. Unlike American and Brttlsh atrpower, Russian air
attacks had only a small effect on the German supply situation.
Most Russian air missions were flown against targets which were
very near the front line: even when they had local air supertority,
Russian aircraft almost never flew more than 20 miles into the
German rearl

The Germans were able to maintain a small but useful air supply
capability on the Russian front, which they frequently had to rely
on . The ill-fated attempt to supply the entire Sixth Army at
Stalingrad by air was the largest and most well-known of the
failures , but there were some successes. Several smaller pockets
were adequately supplied by air. which enabled them to hold out
for long periods of time, even a whole winter. and they were
eventually rescued. Two examples of the latter were Cholm and
Dernyansk, both just north of the Velikiye Luki map area.

In the case of Velikiye Lukl, an attempt was made to supply the

besieged garrison by air. but practically all existing German
transport aircraft were fully occupied by the much larger
encirclement at Stallngrad. Therefore. less-suitable twtn-engtne
bombers and Stukas had to be employed to fly supplies into
Velikiye Luki, and these supplies had to be dropped by parachute.
because the pocket lacked a SUitable airfleld. Due to the light
loads the few available aircraft could carry. the bad flying
weather. and the lack of suitable landing fields and drop zones,
aerial supply deliveries to Velikiye Luki never came close to what
the garrison required on a daily basis.

Each game-tum. the tonnage of German supply that arrived

during the previous tum is calculated in the following manner:

1. A base tonnage is calculated. which includes a slight effect

from Allied strategic air interdiction in northern Germany.
and therefore depends on which Air Superiolity Option is
selected at the beginning of the game.
2. Depending on the Air Superiortty option and Allied air
allocations. the base tonnage may be further reduced by
Allied tactical air interdiction away from the immediate
battle area (which in tum depends partially upon the sky
conditions the previous tum).
3. The tonnage is randomly increased or reduced by up to 16
percent, to provide for some uncertainty and short-term

90 Reference Manual Victory PAK''''

The final number resulting from steps 1-3 above is the total
tonnage of German supply received during the previous game­

In VelikJye Luki, supply for the VellkJye Luki HQ and the units
attached to it is handled separately from the turn-by-turn
delivery which sustains the rest of the German force. The VelJkiye
Luki HQ represents a special fortress command that begins the
game with a large stockpile of supply reserved for its own use.
(Included as part of the VellkJye Luki stockpile are the limited
supply deliveries to Vellkiye Luki that took place via air drop.)
Other German HQ's may not draw supply from the Vellkiye LukJ
stockpile unless/until they are unable to trace a supply line to a
German supply source on the map edge. If the Velikiye LukJ HQ
exhausts its own stockpile. it must trace a supply line to a
German supply source on the map edge. and draw supply from
the common stockpile like any other German HQ (see "Su pply
Lines" below).

In Utah Beach, very few (if any) German units in Normandy were
ever in general supply. Most of them alternated between
defensive and minimal supply. spending more and more time in
minimal supply as the campaign wore on. Lack of supply was the
primary reason why a major German offensive against the Allied
beachhead In Normandy never developed. The German generals
wanted to go over to the offensive very badly. and they had the
necessary divisions to do so; many of these divisions were the
same ones that. six months and numerous defeats later. still
managed to breach the American line In the Ardennes. However.
unlike the Ardennes. the German supply situation in Normandy
was just too unfavorable, and what would otherwise have been a
mighty (and perhaps unstoppable) German force was reduced to
holding on by its fingertips from a lack of supply.

Although there is less data available on the German logistical

situation in Normandy. what exists is still sufficient for an
accurate simulation. Total German supply deliveries to
Normandy (including the Omaha and British sectors) averaged
around 3.000 tons per day in June; that was only 43 percent of
the 7,000 tons per day that the German commanders said they
needed in order to conduct a proper defense. and far short of the
14,000 tons per day that would have been required for a major.
sustained offensive. Virtually all the German supply that did
arrive in Normandy ultimately got there by truck or horse cart,
because the entire French rail net west of Paris was rendered
useless by constant Allied air attacks. The Luftwaffe did make

Victory PAKJ" Reference Manual 91

some night supply drops into Cherbourg and Carentan, but the
total tonnage delivered proved to be negligible (only 18 tons into
Carentan the night of June 11-12, and 188 tons into Cherbourg
between June 20 and 30). The Kriegsmarine (Navy) also delivered
several hundred tons to Cherbourg with submarines and torpedo

Of the 3,000 tons per day that was actually delivered to

Normandy, only about 38 percent (or some 1, 140 tons per day)
went to the Utah sector. The tonnage of German supply available
is calculated in the same marmer as noted above.

Supply for the Cherbourg HQ and the units attached to it is

handled separately from the turn-by-turn delivery and common
stockpile used by the rest of the German force. The Cherbourg
HQ represents a special fortress command that begins the game
with a large stockpile of supply reserved for its own use.
(Included as part of the Cherbourg stockpile are the special
supply deliveries to Cherbourg that took place via air drop and
sea transport.) Other German HQ's may not draw supply from
the Cherbourg stockpile unless/until they are unable to trace a
supply line to a road hex on the south map edge. If the
Cherbourg HQ exhausts its own stockpile, it must trace a supply
line to a road hex on the south map edge and draw supply from
the common stockpile like any other German HQ (see "Supply
Lines" below).

Allied Supply Delivery - Market Garden

British supply requirements were similar to comparable German
units, except for artillery. British artillery units required twice as
much ammunttton, fuel, and other items as their German
counterparts, because they had twice as many men and guns.
Overall, an average British division required slightly over 300 tons
of supply per day for normal offensive operations. and around 250
tons per day for defensive operations. These tonnages were lower
if the division was below strength, and higher if the division had
extra units attached. The British Army had a tendency to attack
only after a long period of preparation and buildup of strength,
replacements and supply, so the initial British supply stockpile is
large. Finally, at this point in the war the Luftwaffe was
beginning to re-assert itself as the front lines approached
Germany. so there may be some effect on British supply delivery
due to Gennan air interdiction.

The Allies had a large air supply capability on the Western front,
and during Operation Market-Garden they had no trouble

92 Reference Manual Victory PAW"

keeping their airborne formations in defensive supply by air. Air
supply durtng this battle arrived either by parachute or glider.

Each game-tum. the tonnage of Allied supply that arrived durtng

the previous game-tum is calculated in the following manner:

1. A base tonnage Is calculated. which may include some

effect from German air interdiction. and therefore depends
on which Air Superiority Option is selected at the
beginning of the game.
2. Depending on the Air Superiority option and German air
allocations. the base tonnage may be further reduced by
German tactical air interdiction (which in tum depends
partially upon the sky conditions the previous tum).
3. The tonnage is randomly increased or reduced by up to 16
percent, to provide for some uncertainty and short-term
variabill ty.

The final number resulting from steps 1-3 above is the total
tonnage of Allied supply received during the previous game-tum.

Russian Supply Delivery - Veli.k.iye Luki

Very little. if any. hard data has been published regarding Red
Army supply allocations. requirements and deliveries. It Is known
that the Red Army had a smaller and shorter logistical "tail" than
any other major combatant of WWlI. with fewer men in the rear to
supply each man on the front. Most Red Army units were also
short of both motor vehicles and horse drawn transport.
especially for the purpose of hauling supplies. and therefore were
tied more closely to their railheads than comparable units in
other armies. Another effect of the general lack of transport was
that it took the Red Anny a long time to build up the necessary
supply before each major offensive. especially artillery
ammunition. and {if things went well) not very long to use it up or
outrun its short supply lines. On the other hand, Red Army units
"lived off the land" somewhat more than the Germans did. and did
not normally require as much fuel. or as many spare parts and
other miscellaneous items.

All things considered, it seems safe to assume that a given Red

Army unit normally required less supply than a comparable
German unit with the same number of men and type of weapons.
In the game, a full-strength Russian rifle division requires around
200 tons of supply per day for normal offensive operations, and
about half that for defensive combat. As expected, the tonnage
required is somewhat lower if the division is below strength (as

Victory PAK'''' Reference Manual 93

most Red Anny rille divisions usually were), and somewhat higher
if It has extra artillery or other support units attached. The
tonnage of Russian supply avallable is calculated in the same
manner as for the British, noted above,

American Supply Delivery - Utah Beach

Officially, an average American infantry division in general supply
(and with typical corps-level and rear-area units attached)
required approximately 1,600 tons of supply per day. Actual
requirements were usually somewhat less than that. especially
early in the Normandy campaign. before all the corps-level and
rear-area units arrived. Although the American VII Corps was
not able to keep all of Its units in general supply all the time, that
was foreseen and planned for. and American units In Normandy
never really suffered from a lack of supply. In game terms, most
of them alternated equally between general and defensive supply,
as required by the current situation in their sector. From time to
time, some American units were probably in attack supply for a
day or two . Very few (if any) American units in Normandy were
ever reduced to a state of minimal supply.

During the time period covered by the game, an approximate total

of 141.450 tons of supply was delivered to the U.S. Army In the
Utah sector. Just under 90 percent of that arrived by sea and
was unloaded at Utah Beach; another 9 percent came out of the
tonnage that arrived by sea at Omaha Beach (this is what is used
by the units that enter the map at Istgnyl, and approximately one
percent (or some 1,500 tons) arrived by air. The combined
average of the Utah Beach and air deliveries was 4,756 tons per
day. an 11 percent shortfall from the planned average of 5,338
tons per day. The shortfall was due primarily to the great storm
June 19-22. although sporadic German artillery fire against the
beach (which lasted until June 12) and Gennan night air raids
also had some effect.

Each game-tum. the tonnage of American supply that arrived

during the previous game-tum is calculated in the following

1. The supply tonnage that was historically unloaded during

the previous turn is used as a base. For the four days
June 19-22 when historical deliveries were sharply
reduced by the storm, the planned figure of 950 tons per
turn is used as a base instead of the tonnage actually
2. Depending on what Air Superiority Option is selected at
the beginning of the game, the tonnage may be reduced by
German air interdiction (which in tum depends partially
upon the weather the previous turn).
3. The tonnage Is reduced by 90 percent if the weather
during the previous turn was storm,
4. The tonnage is randomly increased or reduced by up to 16
percent. to provide for some uncertainty and short-term
5. The tonnage is decreased by one percent for each modified
barrage strength point of German artillery or aircraft that
attacked any of the three Invasion Beach hexes during the
previous game-tum.

The final number resulting from steps 1-5 above is the total
tonnage of American supply received during the previous game­

Supply Allocation
During the 6:00 AM (8:00 AM in Velikiye Luki) Planning Phase of
each day. you may allocate supply to your units for the upcoming
day (six game-turns). Players may allocate supply only during
the 6:00 AM (8:00 AM in Vellkiye Luki) Planning Phases.
Each HQ unit may be assigned a supply level of your choice.
subject to the following constraints:

1. The total supply tonnage allocated to all your HQ's cannot

exceed the amount that is currently "on hand" (i.e.. what
has already been assigned plus what is still in the
2. If an HQ unit is not at full strength because it has suffered
losses. it may be restricted to a lower supply level.
3. You may not voluntarily assign HQ's to a state of no

When the 6:00 AM (8:00 AM in Velikiye Lukt) Planning Phase

begins, the game automatically:

1. Calculates how much supply was received during the

previous game-tum. and adds it to the stockpile.
2. Allocates sufficient supply to each of your HQ units for it
and all of its attached units to be In the same supply
state that was assigned to it on the previous day
(insofar as posstble. consistent with the constraints listed
above) .
3. Subtracts that amount of supply from the stockpile.

Victory PAKTM Reference Manual 95

In general, you may then assign a lower or higher level of supply
to one or more of your HQ's if you wish. To do this. select the HQ
you want by using the arrows at the top of the HQ Sidebar and/or
the expanded HQ display at the bottom of the screen. and then
click on the supply level button beneath the HQ untll the level
you want is showing on the button. The tonnage remaining In the
stockpile decreases if you assign a higher level of supply. and
increases if you assign a lower level of supply to a particular HQ.
If there is insufficient tonnage In the stockpile to assign the level
of supply you want, the supply level showing on the button rolls
back to "Minimal."

An HQ unit that is below strength because it has suffered losses

might not be able to fully supply all the units attached to it. To
be more specific. the maximum supply level that can be allocated
to a given HQ depends upon the number of units that are
attached to it, as well as the ratio of its current unmodified
defense strength to its maximum unmodified defense strength.

You may not voluntarily assign HQ's to a state of no supply. If

there is insufficient tonnage available to assign minimal supply to
each HQ. your staff assistant will place one or more of them in a
state of no supply.

In Market-Garden. the units of the British Vlll and XII Corps may
not be assigned a supply level higher than defensive, unless the
"No VIII and XIl Corps Restrictions" Valiant Is in effect.

In Velikiye Lukt, the German VeHkiye Lukl and 6th LuftwafTe Field
Division HQ's may not be assigned a supply level higher than
defensive unless the Air Superiority Variants "Air Parity" or
"Limited German Air Superiority" are in effect, or (for the Velikiye
Luki HQ only). the "No Velikiye Luki Restrictions" Valiant is in

The German Cherbourg HQ. in Utah Beach. may not be assigned

a supply level higher than defensive. unless the "No Cherbourg
Restrictions" Variant is in effect.

Supply Lines
Supply lines are important in the game because. in real life. most
of the units on both sides were unable to carry sufficient
quantities of supply (especially ammunition) with them all the
time as they moved and fought. This made them very dependent
on frequent resupply,

96 Rererence Manual Victory PAJ{T"

Each unit must have a supply line at the beginning of each game­
tum In order to receive the supply that has been allocated to it.
(Exception: In VeUkiye Luki the German Brandenburg commando
units normally do not need a supply line. See "Lim it ed
Intelligence.") In general. a supply line consists of a continuous
path of friendly-owned hexes. free of enemy units and enemy­
owned hexes. which begins at the unit in question. extends to the
HQ to which the unit is attached. then from the HQ to a road or
railroad hex, and finally from the road or railroad hex to a friendly
supply source. For Russian units. the supply line must also
include the unit's corps- and army-level HQ's. A supply line may
always be traced through a friendly-owned hex. even If that hex is
also in an enemy zone of control. Most units that cannot trace a
supply line immediately go to the next lower supply state. As long
as they remain unable to trace a supply line. their supply state
continues to decrease by one each tum. until they are in a state
of no supply.

A unit's supply line has no set maximum length: however. If the

length of any of the segments of the line exceeds a certain value.
the unit has a lower supply state than it should. based on the
tonnage it was allocated and is consuming. The length of each
segment of the supply line is calculated in hexes. The length that
each segment may be without a negative effect (for being too long)
depends on the current level of enemy air interdiction. which in
tum depends upon the Air Superiority Option selected at the
beginning of the game. current enemy air allocations. and the
current sky conditions. Supply lines may pass through an enemy
zone of control only if the hex is friendly-owned. Supply lines
may not enter or cross any terrain that is prohibited to the unit in

If the "Show Supply Lines" Option (under the Options menu) Is

"on," then each time you click on one of your units. the game
briefly draws the unit's supply line back to its current HQ. The
color of the supply line indicates whether. and how much. the
supply state of the unit is currently being reduced because of the
length of its supply line. A green supply line is not too long. and
so there is no reduction in the unit's supply state. Other colors
Indicate that the unit is too far from its HQ. and is therefore in a
lower supply state than it should be. In order of increasing length
of the supply line (and decreasing supply state for the unit). the
colors of supply lines are: green. blue, orange. red.

Supply lines (except for the Russians - see below) consist of three
segments. If there is no air interdiction. the first segment of the
supply line (from the unit to its HQl may be up to 12 hexes long

Victory PAK'''' Reference Manual 97


without any negative effect. However. that distance can be

reduced by air interdiction. and could theoretically be as short as
7 hexes. If the length of the first segment exceeds that base
distance (7 - 12 hexes) . the unit's supply state is lowered by one
level (for example. general supply becomes defensive supply).
although the tonnage actually consumed by the unit does not
decrease. If the length of the first segment exceeds twice the base
distance. the unit's supply state is lowered by two levels. and so
on. Ultimately. a unit allocated (and consuming) attack supply
functions for all purposes as if it were in minimal supply when
the length of the first segment of the supply line exceeds three
times the base distance (36 hexes if there is no air interdiction).
A unit that has a supply line is never reduced all the way to a
state of no supply because its supply line is too long.

If there is no air Interdiction, the second segment of the supply

line (from the HQ to a road hex) may also be up to 12 hexes long
without any negative effect. However. like the first segment. that
distance can be reduced by air interdiction. and could
theoretically be as short as 7 hexes. In the same manner as the
first segment. if the length of the second segment exceeds the
base distance. the supply state of all the units attached to that
HQ is lowered by one level, and so on.

The third segment of the supply line (from a road hex to a friendly
supply source) may consist of any number of continuous road
hexes. However, if this third segment ever has to "move off-road"
in order to reach a supply source (either because of enemy-owned
hexes . or because the road net "doesn't go there from here"). the
supply state of all the units attached to that HQ is lowered by one
level for each multiple (or fraction thereof) of the base distance
that must be spent to go around the obstacle or get to another
road .

Every supply line must Include the HQ to which the unit is

currently attached . HQ's themselves automatically meet this
requirement. Any unit that cannot trace a supply line to its HQ
immediately goes to the next lower supply state. As long as a unit
remains unable to trace a supply line. its supply state continues
to decrease by one each tum, until It is in a state of no supply.

German Supply Sources and Stockpiles - Market

There are a number of possible sources of supply for German
supply lines. German supply sources include all the primary

98 Reference Manual Victory PAJ{f "

road hexes on the edge of the Campaign Game map which begin
the game under German control, as well as a limited capability for
resupply by air. Regardless of the particular supply source. all
German supply tonnage is ultimately drawn from the same

Resupply by air works as follows. Depending on the current Air

Superiority Option, German HQ's may become a source of either
minimal or defensive supply for the units attached to them. If
the current Air Superiority option is "Ltrmted Allied" (the historical
srtuation). any German HQ that cannot trace a supply line to any
of the map-edge supply sources may become a source of minimal
supply for itself and all the units attached to it. If the current Air
SuperiOrity option is either "Air Parity" or "Limited Axis," any
Gennan HQ that cannot trace a supply line to any of the map­
edge supply sources may become a source of defensive supply
for itself and all the units attached to it.

In either case. this happens automatically if:

a) The HQ in question was allocated either attack. general. or

defensive supply on the last 6:00 AM Planning Phase
(which represents stretching out a normal allocation): or If
b) The HQ in question was allocated either mtnlmal or no
supply on the last 6:00 AM Planning Phase. and the sky
conditions since then (including the current sky
conditions) have included at least one daylight turn of
clear, light. or moderate overcast. This represents air

Supply tonnage for German units that use HQ's as their source of
supply is still subtracted from the German stockpile. Other units
besides HQ's never function as supply sources. and never receive
air supply on their own.

German Supply Lines, Sources and Stockpiles ­

Velikiye Luki
There are seven possible sources of supply for German supply
Itnes: each is listed below. The first four of the seven are road or
railroad hexes on the edge of the Campaign Game map: the fifth
and sixth are the special Velikiye Luki stockpile. and the seventh
represents resupply by air. There are a total of three different
stockpiles at these locations that German units actually draw
their supply from. The prtmary stockplle is normally used by all
German units except the Vellkiye Luki Garrison and the 6th

Victory PAJ(T>' Reference Manual 99

Luftwaffe Field Division. A secondary stockpile is reserved for the
6th. and the VelikJye Lukl stockpile is normally reserved for the
Velikiye Luki Garrison.

The following four map edge hexes constitute the normal source
of supply for an German units in the game except the Velikiye
Luki Garrison . They also represent alternate sources of supply
for the Vellkiye Lukt Garrison and the 6th Luftwaffe Field

1. The railroad hex at the very southwest comer of the

Campaign Game map .
2. The road hex In the center of the western edge of the
Campaign Game map.
3. The railroad hex on the north edge of the Campaign Game
map, near the northwest comer.
4. The western-most of the two road hexes near the center of
the southern edge of the Campaign Game map. This hex
also constitutes the prtmary source of supply for the 6th
Luftwaffe Field Division.

There are two hexes in VeUkiye Luki which constitute the primary
source of supply for the units that comprise the Vellkiye Luki
Garrison. and represent alternate sources of supply for all other
German units. These hexes are the Old Town Citadel (the fortress
on the west side of the river. adjacent to the river on four
hexstdes), and the West Railroad Station (the westernmost of two
adjacent fortress hexes, both on the railroad, near the eastern
edge of the city).

Finally, if the current Air Superiority Option is "Air Parity" or

"Limited German." German HQ's may become a source of
minimal supply. Any German HQ that cannot trace a supply line
to any of the four map edge supply sources or Velikiye Luki may
become a source of minimal supply for itself and all the units
attached to it. This happens automatically if:

a) The HQ in question was allocated either attack, general , or

defensive supply on the last 8:00 AM Planning Phase
(which represents stretching out a normal allocation); or if
b) The HQ in question was allocated either minimal or no
supply on the last 8:00 AM Planning Phase. the sky
conditions since then (including the current sky
conditions) have included at least one daylight tum of
clear. light, or moderate overcast. and the current Air
Superiority Option is either "Air Parity" or "Limited
German," This represents air supply.

100 Reference Manu al Victory PAKT"

Supply tonnage for Gennan units that use HQ's as their source of
supply Is still subtracted from the appropriate stockplle. Other
units besides HQ's never function as supply sources, and never
receive air supply on their own.

Note: regardless of the current tonnages in the three stockpiles.

a German HQ {other than the Vellkiye Lukl HQ) may not draw
supply from the Velikiye Lukl stockpile unless:

a) It cannot trace a supply line to any of the map edge hexes

listed above. and
b) It does not qualify as a source of mlnlmal supply itself.

Except for Brandenburg commando units, any unit that cannot

trace a supply line to its HQ immediately goes to the next lower
supply state. As long as a non-Brandenburg unit remains unable
to trace a supply line, its supply state continues to decrease by
one each tum, until it is in a state of no supply.

Allied Supply Sources and Stockpiles - Market

There are two possible sources of supply [or Allied supply lines.
The first is the primary road hex on the southern edge of the
Campaign Game map, and the second is resupply by air. There is
only one Allied supply stockpile which Is used by all Allied units,
regardless of which supply source they are using.

Resupply by air works as follows. Depending on the current Air

Superiortty Option, Allled HQ's may become a source of either
minimal or defensive supply for the units attached to them. If
the current Air Superiority option is either "Limited Allied" (the
historical situation) or "Air Parity," any Allied HQ that cannot
trace a supply line to the primary road hex on the southern edge
of the Campaign Game map may become a source of defensive
supply for itself and all the units attached to it. If the current Air
Superiority option is "Limited Axis," any Allied HQ that cannot
trace a supply line to the primary road hex on the southern edge
of the Campaign Game map may become a source of minimal
supply for itself and all the units attached to it.

In either case, this happens automatically if:

a) The HQ in question was allocated either attack, general, or
defensive supply on the last 6:00 AM Planning Phase

vJewry PAKT" Referenc e Manual 101

(which represents stretching out a normal allocation): or if
b) The HQ in question was allocated either minimal or no
supply on the last 6:00 AM Planning Phase. and the sky
conditions since then (including the current sky
conditions) have included at least one daylight tum of
clear. light. or moderate overcast. This represents air

Supply tonnage for Allied units that use HQ's as their source of
supply is still subtracted from the Allied stockplle. Other units
besides HQ'$ never function as supply sources, and never receive
air supply on their own.

Russian Supply Lines· Velikiye Luki

Russian supply lines consist of four segments. The first segment
begins at the unit in question. and extends to the HQ to which
the unit is attached. If there is no Gennan air interdiction and
the HQ is a dtvistonal. corps, or army HQ. the first segment of the
supply ltne may be up to 8 hexes long without any negative effect.
If the HQ is a brigade HQ. the first segment of the supply line may
be up to 5 hexes long without any negative effect. However. these
distances can be reduced by Gennan air interdiction. and could
theoretically be as short as 5 hexes for divisional and higher-level
HQ's. and 3 hexes for brigade HQ's. If the length of the first
segment exceeds that base distance (5 - 8 or 3 - 5 hexes.
depending on the type of HQ). the unit's supply state is lowered
by one level (for example. general supply becomes defensive
supply) . However. the tonnage actually consumed by the unit
does not decrease. If the length of the first segment exceeds twice
the base distance. the unit's supply state is lowered by two levels.
and so on. Ultimately. a unit allocated (and consuming) attack
supply functions for all purposes as if it were in minimal supply
when the length of the first segment of the supply line exceeds
three times the base distance (24 hexes if there is no German air
interdiction and the HQ Is divisional or higher: 15 hexes if the HQ
is a brigade HQ]. A unit that has a supply line is never reduced
all the way to a state of no supply because its supply line Is too

The second segment begins at the unit's HQ. and extends to Its
corps HQ. If there is no German air interdiction and the HQ is
not a cavalry or ski HQ. the second segment of the supply line
may also be up to 8 hexes long without any negative effect. If the
HQ Is a cavalry or ski HQ. the second segment of the supply line
may be up to 16 hexes long without any negative effect. However.
like the first segment. that distance can be reduced by German

102 Referen ce Manual Victory PAJ{l'"

air interdiction. and could theoretically be as short as 10 hexes
for cavalry and ski HQ's. and 5 hexes for all others. In the same
manner as the first segment. if the length of the second segment
exceeds the base distance. the supply state of all the units
attached to that HQ is lowered by one level. and so on.

The third segment of the supply line begins at the unit's corps
HQ. and extends to its army HQ. If there is no German air
interdiction. the third segment of the supply line may also be up
to 8 hexes long without any negative effect. However, like the first
two segments. that distance can be reduced by German air
Interdiction. and could theoretically be as short as 5 hexes. In
the same manner as the first two segments. if the length of the
third segment exceeds the base distance, the supply state of all
the units attached to that corps HQ is lowered by one level, and
so on.

The fourth and last segment of a Russian supply line begins at

the unit's army HQ. extends to a road or railroad hex, and from
there to a fiiendly supply source. This segment may consist of
any number of continuous road or railroad hexes. but no more
than 8 non-road Znon-ratlroad hexes (assuming there is no
German air interdiction). The base value of 8 non-road/non­
railroad hexes can be reduced by German air interdiction. and
could theoretically be as short as 5 hexes. Also. if this fourth
segment includes more than that base value of non-road/non­
railroad hexes. the supply state of all the units attached to that
army HQ is lowered by one level for each multiple (or fraction
thereof) of the base value of non-road/non-railroad hexes in the
fourth segment of the supply line.

Every Russian supply line must include the HQ to which the unit
Is currently attached, its corps HQ. and its army HQ. Army HQ's
themselves automatically meet this requirement. A unit that
cannot trace one or more of the four segments of its supply line
immediately goes to the next lower supply state. As long as it
remains unable to trace a supply line. its supply state continues
to decrease by one each tum, until it is in a state of no supply.

Russian Supply Sources and Stockpiles - Velikiye

There are four possible sources of supply for Russian supply
lines: each is listed below. All are road or ra1lroad hexes on the
edge of the Campaign Game map. There is only one Russian
stockpile which ts used by all Russian units, regardless of which

Vi ctory PAKT" Referenc e Manual 103

supply source they are tracing their supply line to.

The following four map edge hexes are the sources of supply for
all Russian units in the game:

1. The road hex at the very southeast comer of the Campaign

Game map.
2. The southernmost of two railroad hexes near the center of
the eastern edge of the Campaign Game map.
3 . The road hex in the upper middle of the eastern edge of
the Campaign Game map.
4. The road hex on the north map edge. near the northeast
comer of the Campaign Game map.

Note that, unlike German HQ's, Russian HQ units never serve as

a supply source. This is because the Red Air Force had no
slgnlftcant air supply capability. and was never able to use its
transport aircraft successfully for that purpose.

Supply Lines - Utah Beach

Supply lines are important in the game because, in real life. most
of the units on both sides were unable to carry sufficient
quantities of supply (especially ammunition) wlth them all the
time as they moved and fought. This made them very dependent
on frequent resupply.

Except as noted below, each unit must have a supply line at the
beginning of each game-tum in order to receive the supply that
has been allocated to it. A supply line consists of a continuous
path of friendly-owned hexes. free of enemy units and enemy­
owned hexes, which begins at the unit in question, extends to the
HQ to which the unit is attached, then from the HQ to a road hex,
and finally from the road hex to a friendly supply source. A
supply line may always be traced through a friendly-owned hex,
even if that hex is also in an enemy zone of control. Most units
that cannot trace a supply line immediately enter a state of no

There are two exceptions: German coastal artillery units (at all
times), and all units on the first day of the Campaign Game (June
7). German coastal artillery units are an exception because they
were "static" units, with many of their guns permanently
emplaced, and it was possible (and in fact easier) for them to
establish and maintain large ammo dumps close to the guns.
Since these ammo dumps were already in place when the game
begins. German coastal artillery units do not have to trace a

104 Reference Manual Victory PAKT"

supply line in order to be at their allocated supply level.

There are several reasons why the supply line requirement for all
other units is not In effect during the first day of the Campaign
Game. The American units that landed on D-Day and 0+1 were
all well-stocked with exira food and anununltion (in some cases
llterally all that the men could carry). There was relatively little
combat in the Utah sector on D-Day (at least from the standpoint
of ammunition expenditure by the ground units). and so most
American units still had plenty of supply with them when the
Campaign Game begins. Also. most of the German units in the
area did not see combat at allan D-Day. and a large number of
the Gennan units spent the majority of 0+ 1 still moving to the
front line. Therefore. when the Campaign Game begins. It is
assumed that all the units on both sides already have with them
all the supply they need for the day. and units are not required to
trace a supply line on June 7th [only). This allows players the
option of concentrating on geographic objectives on June 7th (as
their historical counterparts did). rather than having to worry
immediately about their supply lines.

American Supply Sources and Stockpiles - Utah

There are three possible sources of supply for American supply
lines: Utah Beach, the city of Islgny [southeast of Utah Beach),
and the American HQ units themselves. There are two different
stockpiles at these locations that American units actually draw
their supply from; the primary stockpile is used by all the
American units except the 120th Infantry Regiment and the 83rd
Infantry Division, and the secondary stockpile Is reserved for the
120th and 83rd.

The specific sources of supply for American unfts are:

1. The southernmost invasion beach hex of Utah Beach.

This constitutes the normal source of supply for all the
American units in the game except the 120th Infantry
Regiment and the 83rd Infantry Dtvtslon. It represents an
alternate source of supply for the 120th and 83rd.
2 . The easternmost hex of the city of lsigny (southeast of
Utah Beach). This constitutes the normal source of
supply for the 120th Infantry Regiment and the 83rd
Infantry Division. and also represents an alternate source
of supply for other American units that cannot trace a
supply line to Utah Beach.

ViClory PAKI" Reference Manual 105

3. Any American HQ unit (under certain circumstances).
This represents either the short-term stretching out of a
normal supply allocation that was already "In the
pipeline". or air supply. Any American HQ that cannot
trace a supply llne to either Utah Beach or Istgny may
become a source of minimal supply for Itself and all the
units attached to It. This happens automatically if:

a) The HQ in question was allocated either attack.

general. or defensive supply on the last 6:00 AM
Planning Phase (stretching out a normal allocation);
or If
b) The HQ in question was allocated either minimal or
no supply on the last 6:00 AM Planning Phase. the
weather since then (including the current weather)
has included at least one daylight turn of clear.
light, or moderate overcast. and the current Air
Superiority Option Is not "Limited German" (air

Note: supply tonnage for American units that use HQ's as their
source of supply is still subtracted from the appropriate
stockpile. Other units besides HQ's never function as supply
sources. and never receive air supply on their own.

German Supply Sources and Stockpiles - Utah

There are four possible sources of supply for German supply
lines: the two primary road hexes on the south edge of the
Campaign Game map, the Cherbourg stockpile, and the German
HQ units themselves. There are two different stockpiles at these
locations that German units actually draw their supply from; the
primary stockpile is normally used by all the German units except
the Cherbourg Garrison, and the Cherbourg stockpile is normally
reserved for the Cherbourg Garrison.

The specific sources of supply for German units are:

1. Either of the two primary road hexes on the south edge of

the Campaign Game map. These hexes constitute the
normal source of supply for all the German units in the
game except the Cherbourg Garrison. and represent an
alternate source of supply for the Cherbourg Garrison.
2. The Naval Arsenal in Cherbourg (the 3-hex fortress
complex adjacent to the ocean) . This constitutes the

106 Reference Manual Vtctory PAK'"

primary source of supply for the units that comprise the
Cherbourg Garrison. and represents an alternate source of
supply for all other German units.
3. If the current Air Superiority Option is "Air Parity" or
"Limited German" , German HQ's may function as a source
of minimal supply, exactly as described above for
American HQ's .

Note: regardless of the current tonnages in the two stockpiles. a

German HQ (other than the Cherbourg HQ) may not draw supply
from the Cherbourg stockpile unless:

1. It cannot trace a supply line to either of the primary road

hexes described above. and
2 . It does not qualify as a source of mInImal supply itself.

Captured Supply
There are four ways in which supply tonnage may be captured,
depending upon the game being played only one option may be

1. If an HQ unit is eliminated as a result of combat with

adjacent enemy units. a random percentage (0 to 100
percent) of the supply tonnage currently "on hand" with
that HQ unit is immediately added to the primary enemy
stockpile as captured supply. and the rest is lost. (The
supply currently "on hand" with an HQ is the amount that
it was allocated on the last 6:00 AM (8:00 AM in Veliklye
Lukl) Planning Phase minus what it and the units
attached to it have used since then .)
2. In VeUkiye Lukl, if a Russian unit ever occupies both the
Old Town Citadel and the West Railroad Station in
Velikiye Luki, a random percentage of the German Velikiye
Lukl stockpile (0 to 100 percent) is immediately added to
the primary Russian stockpile as captured supply. and the
Veliklye Lukl stockpile is reduced to 0 tons. Both of these
are special one-time adjustments: the Velikiye Lukl
stockpile never receives any additional supply delivertes.
(The Old Town Citadel is the fortress on the west side of
the river, adjacent to the river on four hexsides. and the
West Railroad Station is the westernmost of two adjacent
fortress hexes, both on the railroad, near the eastern edge
of the city.l
3 . If a German unit ever occupies the southernmost invasion
beach hex at Utah Beach, a random percentage of the
primary American stockpile (0 to 100 percent) is

Victory PAK''' Reference Manual 107

immediately added to the primary German stockpile as
captured supply, and the primary American stockpile Is
reduced to 0 tons. Both of these are special one-time
adjustments: American supply deltvertes to their primary
stockpile continue normally, and tonnage is again added
to the primary American stockpile on the next game-tum.
regardless of whether or not the southernmost invasion
beach hex remains under German ownership. The
continued arrival of American supply tonnage after the
loss of Utah Beach represents the re-routing of American
supply deliveries for VII Corps units to Omaha Beach
and/or air supply.
4. If an American unit ever occupies the Naval Arsenal in
Cherbourg (the 3-hex fortress complex adjacent to the
ocean). a random percentage of the German Cherbourg
stockpile (0 to 100 percent) .1s immediately added to the
primary American stockpile as captured supply, and the
Cherbourg stockpile is reduced to 0 tons. Both of these
are special one-time adjustments: the Cherbourg stockpile
never recelves any additional supply deliveries.

108 Reference Manual Victory PAKT"


"You and your troops have resisted stubbornly and gallantly. but
you are in a hopeless situation. The moment has come for you to
capitulate." - Major General J. Lawton Collins, American VII
Corps Commander. to the Commander of the German Cherbourg
Garrison. June 21, 1944

If things get bad enough in their immediate vicinity and stay that
way. sooner or later most men surrender rather than continue to
fight. Like the Indivtduals it contains. most units also have a
"breaking point." When one or more units are surrounded. out of
supply. and under attack, they gradually lose their ability. and
ultimately their will, to continue to resist. The larger and better­
prepared the "pocket." the longer it generally holds out, but
eventually. when all hope of victory or rescue is gone. the officers
and men in most units begin to wonder whether one more day of
resistance is worth their lives. Only rarely. and under special
circumstances. do surrounded units fight until the death of the
last man.

At the end of every game-turn. the game determines whether any

units have surrendered. The following units are susceptible to

1. HQ units that are in a state of no supply and cannot trace

a supply line to any friendly supply source.
2 . Non-HQ units that are in a state of no supply. are
adjacent to an enemy unit. and cannot trace a supply
line to any friendly HQ that is within 10 hexes.

For each unit that is susceptible to surrender. the game

generates a random number between 0 and 10 and compares it to
the unit's current morale. If the random number is greater than
the unit's current morale. there is a one in six chance that the
unit surrenders. Units that surrender are immediately removed
from the map. and are considered to be completely eliminated for
Victory point and replacement purposes. The game checks
surrender for HQ units first, followed by non-HQ units.

The following morale modifiers apply to surrender determination


HQ units:

1. Current morale is increased by one if the HQ Is not

VIctory PAKf>' Reference Manual 109

adjacent to an enemy unit.
2. Current morale Is decreased by one If the HQ is adjacent
to an enemy unit.
3 . In Vellkiye Lukl, current morale Is increased by two if the
HQ is Gennan (see following section).
4 . In Velikiye Lukl, current morale is increased by one if the
HQ is Russian Guards.

Non-HQ units:

1. Current morale is increased by one if the unit (or the stack

containing the unit, if it is not alone in the hex) has a
current (modified) defense strength of 4 or more.
2 . Current morale is decreased by one if the unit (or the
stack containing the unit, If it is not alone in the hex) has
a current [modified] defense strength of 2 or less.
3 . In Velikiye Luki, current morale Is Increased by two if the
unit is Oerman (see following section).
4 . In Velikiye Luki, current morale is increased by one if the
unit 1s Russian Guards.

Modifications to German Surrender - Velikiye Luki

The Russian front of WWII was notorious for its brutality. its lack
of quarter. and the ferocity and depth of hatred on both sides
which characterized much of the fighting. There were several
reasons for this phenomenon, which set the Russian front apart
from the conduct of WWII throughout most of the rest of Europe
and North Africa. First, both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union
were thoroughly totalitarian states. two of the most antl­
humanitarian regimes of modem times. Neither felt any remorse
over torturing and killing their own people by the millions, much
less those of their sworn enemy. On the German side. this
unfortunate situation was abetted by rabid antt-cornmuntsm, and
an element of ethnic disdain and even racial hatred of all Slavic
and Asiatic people, which was encouraged by official Nazi
propaganda at every opportunity. On the Russian side, there was
first and foremost a traditional lack of concern for the llves and
rights of individuals. which had always been a significant element
of Russian and central Asian culture, and which greatly pre­
dated the Bolshevik Revolution. Finally. it was also relevant that
the Soviet Union was not a Signatory to the Geneva Convention
regarding the "rules of war," and there was no Russian "Red
Cross" or its equivalent. Therefore. neither side on the Russian
front considered itself bound by the legal formalities of war that
applied elsewhere, and there was no outside influence to deter
war crimes. Unlike the "civilized" western front, where one of the

110 Reference Manual VIctory PAW"

main reasons the Allies were at war in the first place was to
prevent and punish such climes, on the Russian front there was
nothing to hold either side back from the most barbaric behavior
and savage reprisals.

B To help reflect the brutal and desperate nature of the

Russian front. many units in this game are less likely to
surrender than they would be on other fronts. This is
especially true for German S8 units. which were routinely
executed en masse soon after capture by the Russians , and which
(as a result) contained many men who preferred death in battle
over surrender to the Russians. Therefore. in this game . German
SS units never surrender, and the following procedure never
applies to them.

Victory PAK'" Reference Manual III


"Artillery is the God oj war, " - J oseph Stal i n

[c::=:J] c=:J] In addition to the attack, defense, armor. and
as antitank strengths that are possessed by all units.
each artillery unit also has a barrage strength. a
@l~ support strength. and a maximum range. Barrage
EJ~ strength is used to attack enemy-occupied hexes.

iii support strength is used to increase the defense

strength of hexes occupied by friendly units. and the
range Is the maximum distance in hexes from the artillery unit
that either of these two strengths may be used.

"Artillery" in the context of the game is defined as those weapons

designed primarily for indirect fire. such as mortars. howitzers.
and rocket launchers, Although in theory most anti-aircraft and
antitank guns also had a range of several hexes. these were direct
fire weapons that depended upon the gunners being able to see
their own targets. When firing at ground targets. that direct
sighting distance rarely exceeded one Market-Garden hex due to
terrain and atmospheric conditions, Furthermore. most anti­
aircraft and antitank units were not organized. trained. or
equipped to conduct indirect fire missions. which requlred
forward observers and very different (and more complex) fire
control techniques , Therefore, anti-aircraft and antitank units
are not considered artillery for game purposes. and do not have
barrage or support strengths or ranges against ground targets
(anti-aircraft units do have ranges against aircraft: see "Anti­
Aircraft Fire").

Artillery Movement and "Ready" Status

Artillery units may conduct tactical. strategic. automatic.
stack, and divisional movement like other units. However.
in order to conduct a fire mission, an artillery unit must
be "ready," In real life, this means that the guns are set up and
sufficient ammo is uri-crated and ready to fire , and (more
Importantly) that a fire control network is in place. which consists
of verified map locations, radio or field telephone contact with
authorized and properly located forward observers . an approved
fire plan. etc. Setting up the fire control network following a move
actually accounts for most of the time required to get "ready."
more so than setting up the guns themselves.

An artillery unit cannot be ready while it Is moving, and thus

112 Reference Manual Vi ctory PAK'"

cannot conduct a fire mission on the same tum in which it
moves. After it stops moving, one or more additional turns are
always required in order to prepare, after which it may fire.

All rocket and self-propelled artillery units only require one tum
to prepare. as do German light artillery units (defined as 75-76
mm guns). British. Polish, and American airborne artillery units
(equipped with portable 75mm guns) likewise require only one
tum. British field artillery units (equipped with 25-pounders)
and German non-self-propelled medium artillery units (l00-150
rnrn guns) require two turns to prepare. German heavy artillery
units (170 mm and larger guns) require three turns. and British
medium artillery units (l55mm guns and howitzers) require four
turns. Due to a nearly total lack of radios. surveying equipment.
and accurate maps, as well as a general shortage of transport for
ammunition, Russian artillery units require much longer to
prepare to fire. Russian mortar and rocket artillery units require
three turns to prepare: Russian light artillery units (defined as
76mm guns) require six turns; Russian medium artillery units
1122mm guns) require 12 turns: and Russian heavy artillery units
052mm guns) require 18 turns.

There are several events that can further delay an artillery unit's
readiness to fire. For both sides, moving to another hex or
becoming adjacent to an enemy unit cancels all time previously
spent preparing to fire. Digging in merely causes the unit to
make no progress that turn in preparing to fire.

Artillery units which are not ready. are not assigned movement or
dig in orders for that tum, and are not adjacent to an enemy unit.
automatically spend the tum preparing to fire, and continue to
prepare on subsequent turns until they are ready to fire. The
unit's ready status is indicated following the word "ready" on the
light side of the Unit Window: "" indicates that the unit is ready
and is presently capable of conducting a fire mission, A number
following the word "ready" Indicates the number of turns
remaining, barring other orders or attacks against it. untll the
unit will be ready to fire.

No extra time is required to go the other way. from ready to not

prepared; an artillery unit that is ready to fire may be assigned
movement orders at any time. and automatically loses its ready
status just before moving.

Artillery units may dig in like all other units. Ready status has no
effect on this, except that an artillery unit cannot dig in on the
same turn that it conducts a flre mission or is preparing to fire.

Victory PAK"" Reference Manual 113

Artillery units may benefit from both types of field fortifications
like all other units.

Artillery Fire Missions

,Q Artillery units that are ready. and whose current
~ barrage and/or support strengths are greater than
zero. may conduct fire missions. There are two
e W general types of fire missions: offensive and
defensive . Offensive fire missions can be further
subdivided into barrage. interdiction. "shoot and scoot." and on­
eall counterbattery. Defensive fire missions can be subdivided
into dedicated support and on-call support.

To assign a barrage. interdiction. or dedicated support mission.

click on the artillery unit. select it within the Unit Window (if it is
not the top unit in the stack). and then "alternate-click"
l''command-cltck" on Macintosh computers) on the intended
target hex on the map. An alternate method is to select the
artillery unit within the Unit Window. click on it again within the
Unit Window to open the Command Box. and then (if the "target"
symbol is showing on the artillery button) click on the intended
target hex on the map .

To assign a "shoot and scoot" fire mission. click repeatedly on the

artillery button within the Command Box until the "target plus
tactical movement" symbol is showing on the artillery button.
Then. click on the intended target hex on the map. Note that
"shoot and scoot" fire missions are limited to certain types of
artillery units; see "Offensive Fire Missions" below.

To assign on-call counterbattery or on-call support missions.

click repeatedly on the artillery button within the Command Box
until the option you want is shown. For these two types of fire
missions, it is not necessary to assign a specific target hex (in
fact, you can't); your staff assistant will pick the target hex for
you during the Execution Phase. based on events as they happen.

Whenever the Command Box is open for a selected artillery unit

that is ready. the cursor becomes a red bulls-eye, and remains so
while It is located over any hex that is within range of that
artillery unit. The cursor changes to an "X" when it is located
over a hex that is out of range for that artillery unit. For selected
and ready art1llery units whose Command Box is not open.
pressing the "alternate" key {"command" key on Macintosh
computers) and holding it down shows the bulls-eye and "X"
range indicators.

114 Reference Manual Victory pAf(1.\l

When a specific. permissible target hex Is assigned by clicking or
alternate-clicking on It (command-clicking on Macintosh
computers), it is marked with two target indicators of different
colors. The blue target indicator is temporary. and always
corresponds to the green border around the selected artillery
unit's hex. so that when you are reviewing your orders later. you
can easily see which target hex was assigned to that artillery unit.
The other target indicator is either a red bulls-eye or a green
shield, and remains after you de-select the artillery unit. The red
bulls-eye signifies a barrage. interdiction, or shoot-and-scoot
(offensive) fire mission. and the green shield Signifies a dedicated
support (defensive) fire mission.

If you selected the "One Division per Attack" Realism Option at

the beginning of the game. whenever you click on a target hex
that is within range. the game performs an attachment test to
verify that the target is a valid one for that artillery unit, based on
which HQ It is currently attached to.

One of the primary purposes of attachment (in combination with

the "One Division per Attack" Realism Option) is to limit artillery
fire to the support of units that are attached to the same HQ as
the artillery unit. The purpose of this restriction is to reward
players for following the standard and sound military practice of
making each HQ unit exclusively responsible for a well-defined
sector of the front line.

A potential target hex automatically passes the attachment test if

it is not adjacent to any friendly units. If a potential target hex is
adjacent to one or more friendly units, it passes the attachment
test if at least one of those adjacent friendly units Is attached to
the same HQ as the artillery unit. However. to prevent an
unrealistic degree of flexibility from the mixing of units of different
HQ's all along the front line. the "One Division per Attack"
restriction applies to all attacks , both artillery and non-artillery.
When this Realism Option Is In effect, no attack may include
Units that are attached to more than one HQ.

If the units of a particular HQ need more artillery support than

Can be provided by aircraft (which are not subject to the
attachment restrictions). the only solution is to attach more
artillery to that HQ . However. that cannot be done until the next
6:00 AM (8:00 AM in Velik1ye Luki) Planning Phase. unless the
additional artillery is attached to the unit's Corps HQ. This Is not
an arbitrary or artificial restriction; it is an intentional model of
how military command structures in WWlI really worked. In real

VIclary PAK'" Reference Manual 115

life, artillery from one division could not start firing in direct
su pport of another division wi thou t prior au thorlza tton,
comm unicatton. and planning (I. e. , reattachment). Calling
someone on the radlo or field telephone just wasn't sufficient.

In addition to the range and attachment tests. both British and

German artillery units must also pass a "battery access" test
whenever the "One Division per Attack" Realism Option is
selected. In this case, only one British or German artillery unit
may be assigned per target hex for each battalion-equivalent of
friendly units currently adjacent to that target hex. For the
purposes of this restriction, all companies adjacent to the target
hex count as one-third of a battalion. all remaining fractions are
rounded off to the nearest integer. and all artillery units are
considered to be equal in size. If there are no units adjacent to
the target hex. the player may assign a maximum of one artillery
unit to that target hex. The Amerfcan airborne divisions are not
under this restriction.

The above provision accurately reflects the limited flexibility of

both British and German artillery tactics, doctrines and
procedures. Although in theory British artillery techniques were
very similar to the superior American system. in which anyone of
several forward observers could quickly request and correct fire
from numerous artlllery battalions, as a practical matter there
were sttll important differences . By 1944. it had become standard
procedure for the commanders of British artillery units to
personally serve as one of the forward observers for their units.
The Idea behind this was that the commanders would be In a
position to give immediate orders for fire missions, rather than
simply make requests. thereby simplifying and speeding up the
whole process. While this worked very well In those particular
sectors where the commanders were located, lower-ranking
forward observers in other sectors frequently found it dlfflcult to
get timely responses to their fire support requests. In practice.
the forward-located British artillery commanders frequently
became too Involved in the battles closest to their own positions.
and lost track of how events elsewhere fitted into the "big picture".

The Germans had a slightly different set of problems with their

artillery. although the net result was similar. They normally
could not mass the fire of numerous artillery units in a short
period of time. This was because each German artillery observer
usually requested and controlled the fire from only one artillery
battalion. and so coordinating the fire from several artillery units
onto the same target was a more difficult and time consuming

116 Reference Manual Victory PAKf."

American and German artillery doctrines, tactics and procedures
were different from each other in significant ways. The greatest
difference was in the area of the artillery fire control systems
employed by the two armies. Under the American system, it was
possible for a single forward observer to request and control the
fire from all the artlllery units in his division. This made
American artillery very flexible and responsive. and capable of
rapid. heavy concentrations of fire. In some recorded cases, only
a few minutes elapsed between a verbal artillery request from an
authorized forward observer and the arrival of a devastating
barrage from numerous artillery battalions, all firing on the same

There were also many differences between Russian and German

artillery doctrines, tactics and procedures. In general, Russian
artillery had tremendous firepower due to its many units and
guns, but it was also slow to react, ponderous and clumsy, and
relied on WWI-era techniques characterized by heavy. pre­
planned, and inflexible concentrations of fire. Due prtmanly to
the lack of communications equipment, but also to a shortage of
technically trained personnel, Russian artillery required much
more time to coordinate and plan its fire missions than was the
case in the German Wehrmacht or other western armies. One
historical source states that "effective Soviet artillery fire required
hours, or days, of advance planning." Furthermore, once Russian
artillery fire plans were In place, they were difficult or impossible
to change. These factors made Russian artillery of limited use in
mobile or defensive situations.

The minimum range for all artillery fire missions Is one hex (l.e.,
an artillery unit may not fire any type of mission into its own hex).

Whenever an artillery unit itself comes under attack and uses Its
own defense strength, any fire missions that were assigned to it
for that game-tum (and have not yet been resolved) are delayed
by an amount of time proportional to the strength of the attack.

Offensive Fire Missions

@} There are four types of offensive fire missions: barrage.
Interdiction. "shoot and scoot," and on-eall counterbattery.
A barrage mission is a concentrated artillery attack in which the
barrage strength of an artillery unit is applied all-at-once against
the defense strength of an enemy unit in the target hex, with the
intention of inflicting damage on the enemy unit and/or forcing it
to retreat. An interdiction mission appl1es the barrage strength

Vlctory PAK'"" Reference Manual 117

of the artillery unit gradually. throughout the Execution Phase.
with the intention of interfering with enemy activities in the target
hex, especially enemy movement and artillery fire out of the target
hex. A "shoot and scoot" mission combines a barrage mission
with tactical movement. and can only be conducted by certain
types of artillery units. An on-call counterbattery mission
automatically applies the barrage strength of the artillery unit all­
at-once against a particular enemy artillery unit which fires
during the Execution Phase. Which enemy artillery unit is
determined by your Staff Assistant during the Execution Phase.

Specific target hexes for barrage, interdiction, and "shoot and

scoot" missions are assigned during the Planning Phase. and after
assignment are indicated by a red bulls-eye with the letter "A" on
it. "Shoot and scoot" fire missions are always resolved as barrage
attacks. Otherwise. whether an offensive fire mission with a pre­
designated target hex is resolved as barrage or interdiction during
the Execution Phase depends on whether or not the target hex is
currently occupied and how far away it is from friendly units: see
below for more detail. The specific target hex for an on-call
counterbattery mission Is not determined until the Execution

Note that the target he-x for a barrage or interdiction mission does
not have to contain known enemy units: unoccupied hexes or
suspected positions may be designated for attack. If an enemy
unit is there or enters the hex during the Execution Phase. it will
be attacked, Attacks made against hexes that remain unoccupied
throughout the Execution Phase have no effect except to consume
supply and add to the fatigue of the artillery unit.

If more than one artillery unit is firing on the same target hex, all
of their barrage strengths are added together and combined into
one attack.


If the target hex for an artillery fire mission is also being

probed or assaulted by friendly non-artillery units. the
modified barrage strength of the artillery unit is added to
the attack strength of the unit{s) conducting the probe or assault.
and no separate artillery attack is resolved.

[f the target hex for an artillery flre mlsslon is not being probed or
assaulted by friendly units, but is currently occupied by one or
more enemy units and is within three hexes of a friendly unit. the
modified barrage strength of the artillery unit is applied as a

118 Reference Manual Vtctory PAKT"

separate attack against each unit in the target hex if the final
combat odds of that separate barrage attack are at least 1:1.

In addition to the attackls) descrtbed above, barrage missions

which achieve a favorable combat result also cancel any
movement. attacks, or other actions about to be conducted by the
units In the target hex. If the combat result is unfavorable (from
the standpoint of the attacking artlllery) , then movement. attacks.
or other actions by the units in the target hex are merely delayed.

In terdiction

• 2.
A barrage attack is automatically resolved as interdiction
instead if any of the following conditions are true:

If the target hex is more than three hexes away from the
nearest friendly unit.
If the target hex is currently unoccupied.
If the target hex is not being attacked by friendly 000­
artillery units. and if the final combat odds of that
separate barrage attack are less than 1: 1.
4. If attacking an HQ which Is alone in a hex, the attack is
resolved as an interdiction regardless of the odds or
proximity of other friendly units.

Artillery attacks will be resolved as barrage attacks if the following

conditions are met:

1. If the target hex Is more than 2 h exes from a friendly unit

and the odds are greater than 1.0, the attack will resolve
as a barrage, otherwise it Is an interdiction.
2. If the target hex is within two hexes of a friendly unit, the
attack is resolved as a barrage If there is an enemy unit in
the hex.

The greater the barrage strength that is applied against a target

hex in an interdiction attack, the greater Is the probability that
enemy movement or artillery fire out of that hex (and/or other
activities there) will be delayed or prevented.

Shoot and Scoot

I~ r
"Shoot and scoot" fire missions may be performed by self­
propelled. airborne, and rocket artillery units only: other
types of artillery units do not have enough mobility. To
assign a shoot and scoot fire mission, click repeatedly on the
artillery button within the Command Box until the "target plus

Victory PAK''' Reference Manual 119

tactical movement" symbol Is showing on the artillery button.
Then. click on the intended target hex on the map. Shoot and
scoot fire missions are resolved just like normal barrage missions,
except that the artillery unit automatically moves to an adjacent
hex immedlately after the fire mission is conducted. The purpose
of this one-hex tactical move is to avoid enemy counterbattery
fire . which might otherwise damage or destroy the artillery unit.
Exactly which adjacent hex the artillery unit moves to is
determined during the Execution Phase by your starr assistant.
After the move, the artillery unit must set up normally before it
can fire again .

On-eall Counterbattery

M Orr-call counterbattery fire missions represent

_ "opportunity" or short-notice barrage attacks against
enemy artlllery units which fire during the Execution
Phase. To assign an on-call counterbattery mission. click
repeatedly on the artillery button within the Command Box until
the "cannon plus target" symbol is shown . The specific target hex
for this type of fire mission is not assigned during the Planning
Phase , but is determined by the staff assistant immediately before
the attack is made.

Note: In Vel1kiye Luki, due to a variety of historical factors.

including a lack of spotting. range finding. and communications
equipment. Russian art1llery units may not conduct on-call
counterbattery missions.

Defensive Fire Missions

U There are two types of defensive fire missions: dedicated

support and on-call support. A dedicated support fire
mission assigns a specific hex or group of adjacent hexes to a
particular artillery unit during the Planning Phase. and then adds
the support strength of that artillery unit to the defense strength
of any friendly units in that hex or hexes if they are attacked by
adjacent enemy units during the following Execution Phase. An
on-call support fire mission does not assign an artillery unit a
specific hex or hexes to support. but instead places it into a "pool"
of artillery units. which are available to support any qualified
friendly unit which is attacked by adjacent enemy units during
the following Execution Phase.

Unlike offensive fire missions. an artillery unit may conduct

several defensive fire missions in one tum, using its support
strength several times to add to the defense strength of several

120 Reference Manual Victory PAK'"

Note: Rocket artillery may not be utilized for defensive fire

Dedicated Support

When the target hex for a barrage. interdiction, or

dedicated support fire mission is assigned, a green shield
appears on the target hex and each hex adjacent to it
that contains a friendly unit that is attached to the same HQ as
the artillery unit. The shield indicates that the support strength
of the artillery unit is automatically added to the total defense
strength of that friendly-occupied hex if the hex is probed or
assaulted by adjacent enemy units during the next Execution

All dedicated support fire missions are in addition to the

offensive fire mission that also takes place against the original
target hex if it is not occupied by friendly units when the attack is

Note: if the "One Division per Attack" Realism Option is In effect,

a defending unit or stack may not utilize the support strengths of
artillery units from more than one HQ, regardless of how many
units attached to different HQ's are present in the target hex.

On-Call Support

To assign an on-call support mission, click repeatedly on

the artillery button within the Command Box until the
"shield plus target" symbol is shown; then close the
Command Box . The specific hexes which the artillery unit will
support are not assigned durmg the Planning Phase, but are
determined during the Execution Phase by the staff assistant.
The staff assistant allocates the artillery units assigned to on-call
support among those hexes which are actually attacked by
adjacent enemy units, as the attacks occur during the Execution
Phase. A given artillery unit assigned to on-call support may use
its support strength to oppose more than one enemy attack,
depending on when the enemy attacks occur during the
Execution Phase, and the staff assistant's assessment of the

Victory PAKJ" Reference Manual 121

Automatic Artillery Allocation

Staff Duties
<> Handle All Operations

o Allocate Supply (Each Day)

o Ok: To Use Air Force

o Ok To Use Nauy
o Plot Ground Units (Each Turn)
o Handle Night Moue,s

Plan Fire Support Now

Plot Ground Units Now

If you wish, you can delegate some or all of the task of assigning
artillery fire missions to your staff assistant. To do this, select
either "Plan Fire Support (Each Tum)" or "Plan Fire Support Now"
from the Staff Duties pull-down Menu on the Menu Bar.

If "Plan Fire Support (Each Tum)" Is "on" (1. e., if the small
diamond to the left of it is filled in). each tum your staff assistant
automatically assigns a fire mission to each of your artillery units
that is ready to fire and that you did not assign orders for. If your
staff assistant determines that your front-line units need artillery
support. he assigns it for you: otherwise, he picks suitable
targets. The option "Ok to Use Air Force" allows you to delegate
requests for air support to your staff assistant as well. The option
"Ok to Use Navy" is selectable only in Utah. because there is no
naval support in the other two games. Note that with "Plan Fire
Support (Each Tum)," staff-assigned fire missions and air
support requests are not made until immediately after you go to
the Execution Phase (t.e.. you do not have an opportunity to
review them prior to Execution).

If you want to review and/or edit the fire missions and support
requests assigned by your staff assistant. make sure "Plan Fire
Support (Each Tum)" is "off: ' and select "Plan Fire Support Now"
instead. This causes your staff assistant to make all his target
assignments and support requests immediately. so that you can

122 Reference Manual Victory rAW""

review and revise them if you wish. Your staff assistant ma.kes
requests for air support also. if that option (beneath "Plan Fire
Support (Each Tum)" higher lip on the menu) is "on."

There are two ways to review your fire support plan before
Execution. If you want to see the assignments made by your staff
assistant, be sure that you have already selected "Plan Fire
Support Now." To see lines connecting all your artillery units
with their targets, select "Show Fire Support Plan" from the
"Planning" Menu. Or. you can click on an Individual artillery unit
to see a blue target indicator on its assigned target hex.

Regardless of which of these options is selected. your staff

assistant only assigns fire missions to artillery units that have
not received other orders or fire missions from you. If you have
selected "Plan Fire Support Now" and want to change something
the staff assistant has done. you can revise his orders freely. Just
as you would your own.

Modifications to Artillery Fire Strengths

The barrage and support strengths of artillery units may be
modified (usua.l1y reduced) by several factors. Ranges are never
modIfied. The effects of all the modffiers given below are
cumulative. Except for supply. these modifiers also apply to air


Barrage strengths are halved when the target hex Is beach.

invasion beach. swamp. bocage, forest, village, or city. and
quartered when the target hex is a bunker. beach bunker. or
fortress. Support strengths are not affected by terrain.


Barrage and support strengths are halved on night turns.


The following table shows the effect that different supply states
have on the barrage and support strengths of artillery units.

Victory pJ\K'M Reference Manual 123

Supply Barrage Support
State Strength Strength

Attack increased by 50 % increased by 50 %

General normal normal
Defensive halved normal
Minima! quartered halved
None zero quartered

Field Fortifications

Barrage strengths are reduced if the target hex contains a

completed field fortification (of either type) . The amount of the
reduction depends on the size of the field fortification and the
number of units in the hex: if the field fortification is large enough
to "contain" all the units in the hex. barrage strengths against the
hex are halved. Exception: units conducting probes. assaults. or
any type of movement do not benefit from field fortifications in
their hex.


Each point of disruption reduces an artillery unit's barrage and

support strengths by 3.3 percent.


Each point of fatigue reduces an artillery unit's barrage and

support strengths by 3 .3 percent.

124 Reference Manual Vi ctory PAKr>1

Naval Support - Utah Beach

"The effect of the heavy naval guns is so immense that no operation

oj any kind is possible in the area commanded by this rapid-fire
artillery. either by infantry or tanks." - Field Marshal Erwin
Rommel, June 10. 1944

The American and British units that landed tn

. Normandy were conveyed and supported by a vast
annada: 'Germ an naval forces stationed in France were ttny by
comparison. Against a total Allied force of 7 battleships. 3 escort
carriers. 25 cruisers and monitors. 121 destroyers. 1.055 smaller
surface warships. and 5.816 transports, landing craft. and
support ships. the German Naval Group West could muster only
5 destroyers. 40 torpedo boats. and 49 coastal submarines. The
overwhelming Allied air supertortty made matters even worse for
the Germans. As a result. German naval operations during
daylight hours were completely out of tile question: the life
expectancy of any German warship that ventured outside its
heavily-protected port tn daylight would have been measured in
minutes . and the German captains and admirals knew it,
German torpedo boats did have limited success with hit-and-run
raids at night: during June and July they sank or severely
damaged a light cruiser. 3 destroyers. 5 smaller warships and 11
transports. The U-boats only managed to sink two small
warships and one large transport. Mines caused more damage.
especially off Utah Beach, where they sank the American
destroyer Corry on D-Day and the American destroyer Glennon
on June 8 . Also lost to mtnes were a British destroyer. 10-12
smaller warships. and about 90 transports and landing craft. A
few small warships and landing craft were sunk by German
coastal artillery. However. these losses were nothing more than
pinpricks to the huge Allied force . and the Germans paid dearly
for their efforts. as almost all of their ships were lost in the

In the final analysis. German naval operations had no significant

effect on the overall course of the invasion. The Allies actually
lost more ships to the great storm in mid-June than they did to
Combat - a total of 153 smaller warships. transports. and landing
craft were wrecked in the gale. Total Allied naval losses in
Normandy (from all causes) amounted to Just 4 percent of their
initial force,

DUling their pre-invasion planning. the Allied commanders lmew

that gunfire support from the larger warships would be crucial to

ViClory PAK''' Reference Manual 125

the success of the invasion. A great deal of effort was therefore
devoted to planning the initial naval bombardment. and in
providing flexible fire support for the troops after they were off the
beach. Most of the battalions of the intttal assault force were
assigned a Shore Fire Control Party consisting of naval personnel.
Their job was to accompany the front-line troops and to maintaln
radio contact with the gunnery officers aboard one or more of the
large warships. This allowed fire requests and accurate target
Information to be quickly passed from the troops who needed help
to the big guns at sea. Later-arriving reinforcements also had
Shore Fire Control Parties attached at the divisional level.

These provtslons for naval gunfire support worked well and paid
off handsomely, especially at Utah Beach . The large warships
had tremendous firepower compared to conventional artillery, and
the Shore Fire Control Parties quickly became adept at calling
down heavy. accurate barrages anywhere, anytime. In their
reports. the German commanders all stressed how effective this
naval gunfire was: most of them thought that It inflicted more
damage on their front-line units than Allied aircraft. Field
Marshal Rommel. who was perhaps overstating his case. said In a
report dated June 10: "The effect of the heavy naval guns is so
immense that no operation of any kind is possible in the area
commanded by this rapid-fire artillery. either by infantry or
tanks. "

Requesting Naval Support

~- In the game. naval support works very much
....> + ­ like normal artillery. except that it is available
Battleship only to the American player. and ships do not
have to "prepare" in order to fire. To assign fire
missions to one or more warships , first click on the ship button
near the top of the Operations Sidebar. This causes the
Battleship Window to appear at the bottom of the screen, which
shows all the battleships in the game. A green dot next to the
ship's name (gray on B&W monitors) means that ship is avatlable
to conduct a fire mission on the current tum. A red dot (white on
B&W monitors) means it is not available. and tan (black on B&W
monitors) means it has already been assigned a fire mission. To
assign a target hex. move the cursor to the map and click on the
hex you want. just like for regular artillery. If the hex is within
range. the game assigns the fire mission to one of the available
ships. If for some reason you wish to choose which ship is
assigned to a particular target. click first on the ship's name
within the window. and then on the target hex.

126 Reference Manual Victory PAR'''

Each ship has barrage and support strengths and a maximum
range Just like regular artillery. All of the ships within a given
type or class have the same range and fire strengths. Once
assigned a target hex, a given ship conducts its fire mission
exactly as if it were a regular artillery unit. However, ships are
not subject to the attachment requirements that apply to regular
artlllery: a given ship may fire in support of units that are
attached to a different Hg each tum.

To go to the next type (or class) of ship, click on the large

ship button on the left side of the window. To close the Naval
Support Window altogether. click again on the ship button at the
top of the Operations SIdebar.

Note: although the game traces ship ranges from the gray ship
images that are located at Intervals along the east and north
coasts of the Cotentin Peninsula, these ship images are not where
the ships are actually located. Historically, even the destroyers
could not have come in that close because the water there is too
shallow. The ship images merely mark the approximate place
where their fire is crossing the beach: in reality, the destroyers
were usually located 5 hexes out from the beach. and the larger
ships were usually II hexes out. All of the ships' ranges take into
account their actual locations farther offshore than the gray
Images shown on the map.

Availability and Restrictions on Naval Support

Each ship can "carry" ammunition for a maximum of 8 turns of
fire, but some of them begin some scenarios with less than that.
The number after the word "Ammo" on the right side of the Ship
Window Is the number of turns of fire remaining for that ship.
The tum after a ship's ammo Is completely exhausted, it
automatically returns to England for more. When a ship returns
to England, it is usually available again in 9 turns.

Unlike other artillery units, ships do not have their barrage and
support strengths altered by supply considerations, and they are
not subject to any supply restrictions except that they must
return to England (and thus be temporarily unavailable) as
necessary to restock their ammo. When a ship is replenishing in
England, the number following the words "Status: England" on
the right side of the Ship Window is the number of turns
remaining until that ship wl.1l be available again.

Except for supply considerations, naval barrage and support

strengths are subject to all of the modifications to artillery fire

VICtory PAR'''' Reference Manual 127

strengths that are listed in the section on artillery.

Unlike regular artlllery units, a maximum of one ship may be

assigned per target hex each tum.

Naval support Is not possible if the current weather is "storm".

Destroyers may not conduct fire missions on night turns. They

were fully occupied with more important duties at night - namely.
anti-torpedo boat and anti-submarine patrols.

Note that German coastal artillery units may not fire at warships;
in reality. no Allied warship large enough to be included in the
game was significantly damaged by German coastal artillery.

Naval Support and Victory Points

In mid-clune. the Allied naval commanders in charge of the
invasion fleet began to worry about the effect of the constant,
heavy firing on the ships and their guns. The admiral in charge
of all American naval forces off the Normandy coast actually had
to warn the Army not to request so much fire support, because
the ship's guns were being worn out! By mid-June. the Allies also
needed to begin transferring as many ships as possible to the
Mediterranean to support the upcoming invasion of southern
France. In order to re-create these historical considerations in
the mind of the American player. there is a Victory point penalty
associated with utilizing naval support, especially after a certain
date . Prior to the flrst game-tum of June 18, each tum that a
ship conducts a fire mission, the American player loses the
following number of victory points:

Ship~ Victory Point Cost

Battleship 8 per ship per tum of fire

Heavy Cruiser 5 per ship per tum of fire
Monitor 2 per ship per tum of fire
Light Cruiser 1 per ship per turn of fire

There is no victory point penalty for fire missions conducted by

destroyers prior to June 18. For more information on victory
points. see 'Victory Conditions",

Naval Support Mter June 17

Histortcally. naval gunfire support in the Utah area was canceled

128 Reference Manual Victory PAK'''

on June 18: by that time most of the heavy fighting was either
over for the time being or had moved out of range of the ships.
Another naval bombardment force then returned from England
for one day on June 25 to support the assault on Cherbourg,

Naval support as described above is available to the American

player until the last turn of June 17. At his option, the American
player may request naval support after that date; however.
beginning on June 18, a different group of ships Is available. and
the victory point penalty for each turn of fire is greater:

Ship~ Victory Point Cost

Battleship 25 per ship per turn of fire

Heavy Cruiser 15 per ship per turn of fire
Light Cruiser 5 per ship per turn of fire
Destroyer 1 per ship per turn of fire

The ships that are available after June 17 are the ones that
actually participated in the bombardment of Cherbourg on June
25; their total bombardment strength Is slightly greater than the
total of those ships that are available before June 18.

Vlcto ry PAK"" Reference Manual 129

Air Interdiction and Ground Support

"If I didn't have air supremacy, I wouldn't be here." - Allied

Supreme Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower on a Normandy road
crowded with American vehicles, June 24, 1944

lIIIII Airpower - Market-Garden

Airpower did not have as much influence on the outcome of
Operation Market-Garden as it did on the Western front in
general. Although the Allies had nearly total air superiority over
the Western front as a whole in 1944, they did not choose to take
maximum advantage of it during Operation Market-Garden,
because of their fear of mistaken air attacks on front-line Allied
positions. In addition to reducing the effective level of Allied air
superiority during Operation Market-Garden, this decision
allowed the Germans to conduct some limited air activity as well,
German air operations were also aided by the fact that the front
was now much closer to the factories and major bases in
Germany, and German aircraft production was approaching its
wartime peak (which occurred in November 1944).

Airpower - Velikiye Luki

For a variety of reasons, airpower did not have as much influence
on the outcome of the Russian Front in WWII as it did on the
Western Front. One important factor was that neither side on the
Russian Front ever had total air superiority, although the
Germans were very close to it during the summer and early fall of
1941. The situation was different during 1942 and 1943, when
the Germans were capable of no more than limited air superiority
over whatever area of the front they considered most active or
most important, and the Russians typically had limited air
superiority elsewhere. Although greatly outnumbered later in the
war, the Luftwaffe 's tactical and technological superiority over the
Red Air Force remained such that, even as late as 1945. the
Luftwaffe was still able to manage "air parity" over whatever
limited portion of the front it considered most critical.

Other factors in alrpower's lack of decisiveness on the Russian

Front were:

1. The very great distances involved, which for both sides

tended to spread out the available airpower, and prevented

130 Reference Manual Victory PAK'"

Its effects from being as concentrated as was typically the
case on the smaller Western Front.
2. The primitive conditions and climatic extremes. which (for
both sides) often reduced the average number of sorties
that could be flown per aircraft per day, especially during
fall, winter. and sprtng.
3. The relatively low number of German aircraft. especially
after the summer of 1941. which prevented the Luftwaffe
from fully exploltlng its very large advantages over the Red
Air Force in experience, training. aerial tactics . and
4 . The doctrtnallimitations and technological backwardness
of the Red Air Force, which , even late in the war.
prevented it from using its great superiortty in numbers to
gain total air supertortty. Except for the performance and
outward appearance of most of its aircraft. the Red Air
Force relied exclusively on WWI-era tactics and
techniques. For example, Russian aircraft did not have
radios , and could communicate with each other and with
the ground only through visual signals and eye contact.
Also. only the squadron commanders were issued maps
and taught basic navigation principals; everyone else flew
"by the seat of their pantsl"

In the specific case of the battle for VeUkiye Luki, both sides had
very few aircraft operating in the vicinity during the time period
covered by the game. which is one of the reasons why published
historical data on the subject of airpower at Vel1kiye Luki Is
almost nonexistent. When placed into a larger strategic context.
this is not surprtsing. Although of local Importance, Velikiye Luki
was definitely secondary to the much larger battle that was raging
around Stalingrad at the same time. and which therefore had first
call on all avallable reserves and reinforcements, especially
aircraft, for both sides. Aircraft and air operations are included in
the game. but they have much less influence. availability, and
effectiveness than aircraft in many other wwn battles. Players
should therefore expect air operations in Vel1kiye Luki to be a
supplementary, rather than an essential or decisive, aspect of the

Airpower - Utah Beach

The Allies' naval superiority may have ensured a successful sea
voyage and amphibious landing. but it was their air superiortty
that ultimately brought about victory. By D-Day. the Allies had
almost total air superiority over Western Europe during daylight
hours: they had 10,500 operational combat aircraft based in

Vlctory PAK"M Reference Manual 131

England to support the invasion (roughly 5,400 fighters and
5,100 bombers). The Luftwaffe had only 850 operational combat
aircraft in Western Europe on June 6 {approximately 520 smgle­
engine fighters and 330 bombers and twin-engine fighter­
bombers}. Although the Luftwaffe did attempt to intervene over
Normandy, the overwhelming number of Allied fighters put the
German pilots purely on the defensive and left them unable to
accomplish anything by daylight, so night operations were the
Luftwaffe's only remaining option. For several weeks, the German
bombers were able to average between 100 and 200 sorties per
night against Allied shipping and the beach areas, approximately
1/4 of Which were in the Utah area. These raids would have
caused much more damage than they did were it not for the Allied
anti-aircraft units, which forced the German bombers to fly at
higher altitudes and reduced their accuracy. Still, several ships
were sunk by German bombers durmg these night raids
(including the American destroyer Meredith on June 8 just north
of Utah Beach), and they also dropped most of the naval mines
encountered by the Allies after June 12. The mines caused
constant headaches for the Allies, and they did reduce the
tonnage of supplies landed by a few percent per day. From the
German standpoint that was certainly worth doing, especially
since the Luftwaffe's losses at night were lower, but their efforts
were still far less effective than the great storm June 19-22,
which for those four days reduced the Allied supply tonnage
landed by an average of 82 percent per day.

During the month of June, the Allies flew a total of 130,000

sorties in support of the invasion, the Germans flew less than
14,000 opposing it, and German aircraft losses over France
exceeded 100 percent of their initial force .

When most people think of "air superiority", the first thing that
comes to mind is direct ground support of the front-line combat
units. While this occasionally produced spectacular results and
was almost always good for the morale of the Allied troops, in the
final analysis such attacks actually had less effect on the course
of the battle than did the interdiction campaign, which began in
earnest three months before the invasion. More important than
bombing and strafing the front-line German positions, the
interdiction effort against rear-area railroads, roads, and bridges
sealed off the German forces in Normandy from reinforcement
and supply. The Allied commanders knew that. in order to win.
they had to have numerical and logistical superiority on the
ground: they had to land men and equipment over the Normandy
beaches faster than the Germans could move them there by road
and rail. Air interdiction was the key; without it, the Germans

132 Reference Manual VIctory PAK'"

would certainly have reinforced their army in Normandy faster
than the Allies could have, and the German units would have
been better-supplied and more mobile. The result would
probably have been a larger and even more disastrous repeat of
the 1942 fiasco at Dteppe. That the Allies used their airpower
wisely and properly to "isolate the battlefield" Is a tribute to the
highest levels of their military leadership.

Air support for the American VII Corps In the Utah area was
provided by the American 9th Air Force. which consisted of 18
groups [54 squadrons) of fighter-bombers and 11 groups (44
squadrons) of light and medium bombers (approxtmately 1200
aircraft In all). The 9th Air Force was responsible for providing
ground support for the American units in Normandy. as well as
air interdiction up to 200 miles behind the German lines . The
American 8th Air Force. which contained the rest of the American
fighter-bombers based in England and all of the American 4­
engine heavy bombers based there. Dew mostly interdiction
missions over all of France during May. June, and July. In the
game, the American player has some control over the activities of
the 9th Air Force. but not the 8th. Thus. even if the American
player consistently assigns aU of the airpower under his control
(the 9th Air Force) to ground support, there is still some
interdiction taking place, due to the activities of the 8th Air Force
and the British.

Dally Aircraft Allocation

Durtng the 6:00 AM (8:00 AM in Velikiye Luki) Planning Phase at
the beginning of each day, players may assign the airpower under
their control to interdiction. ground support, or some combination
of the two. Air interdiction operates "behind the scenes" to
reduce enemy supply deliveries, delay enemy reinforcements,
reduce the length of enemy supply lines, and reduce the strategic
movement allowances of enemy units. Ground support consists
of attacks conducted by aircraft against specific target hexes on
the map, either independent of, or in combination with. attacks
made by regular ground units.

To allocate your airpower for the day. click on either the Calendar
or the weather picture within the General Sidebar, and then on
the aircraft button near the lower right comer of the Calendar
Window. This opens the Air Allocation Window at the bottom of
the Calendar.

Victory PAK'M Reference Manual 133

~~~= _ ". . '. '" " .' _' ''.J

* Interdi ct ion Ef f -ect on t-

he Enern *
On the left side of the Air Allocation Window are five buttons that
are used to determine what portion of your atrpower is assigned
to Interdiction and what portion is available for ground support;
click on the one you want. "Min im u m" means minimum
interdiction (and thus maximum ground support); "Maximum"
means maximum interdiction (and thus no ground support), The
middle setting ("Moderate") Is the one that was normally in effect
historically. and this Is also the default setting that is In effect at
the begJnn:ing of each scenario unless you change it.
I' • •

__ __ .._.. ~~~()~~~_~~~ppOI!_* __.. . . _

ToAlloc:o.J:e Ground Support for Tod8.Y~ Clickon
one or more We8.ther Pictures: (wove tight)
, , .

Besides choosing an Interdiction level. you may also
. decide which of the daylight turns of the upcoming
day you want ground support to be available. A green
aircraft silhouette within the weather box for that
turn (along the right edge of the Calendar) means that ground
support will be available on that tum. To allocate or cancel
ground support for a particular tum , click on the appropriate
box. Note that ground support is never available on night turns.
The more turns that ground support is available, the smaller
is the number of ground support missions that will probably
arrive on any given turn. The historical setting is for ground
support to be available on all three daylight turns, and this is also
the default setting that is in effect at the beginning of each
scenario unless you change it.

To close the Air Allocation Window. click again on the aircraft

button near the lower right comer of the Calendar Window (or
you can close the whole Calendar Window by clicking on the close
box at the upper left comer).

Note: the effects of air interdiction and the numbers of ground

support missions that actually arrive are severely limited in bad

134 Reference Manual Victory PJ\KT"

Ground Support
- To request ground support. first click on the

~ aircraft button at the top of the Operations

Fighter Bomber Sidebar. This causes the Ground Support
Window to appear at the bottom of the screen.
There are two different types of ground support missions: fighter­
bombers and light/medium bombers. Clicking on the large
aircraft button on the left side of the Ground Support Window
alternates between these options.

To assign either type of mission. click on the desired target hex on

the map when the option you want is showing on the aircraft
button. To close the Ground Support Window, click again on the
aircraft button at the top of the Operations Sidebar.

Unlike ships and regular artillery units. aircraft have a barrage

strength only. and all ground support missions are always
conducted as barrage attacks. Aircraft do not have a support
strength and cannot be used to add to the defense strength of a
friendly ground unit. This is because the equipment and
procedures that allowed front-line forward air controllers to talk
dJrectly to pilots in the air were not in common use until after the
time period covered by the game.

Unlike other types of barrage attacks. ground

~~' support always carries with it a risk that the
Light-Med Bomber planes will attack the wrong target hex (even
one occupied by friendly unitsl) . The chances
of a mistaken attack are less for fighter-bombers. ground attack
planes and dive bombers. and greater for light/medium bombers.
For all types of aircraft. the chances of a mistaken attack are
increased by bad weather (l.e.. sky conditions) and enemy anti­
aircraft fire. Finally. In Velik1ye Luki, Russian aircraft are more
likely to make a mistaken attack and hit the wrong target hex
that German aircraft.

As you would expect. a given ground support mission is more

likely to be carried out if the weather is good. and less likely to be
carried out if the weather is bad. Also. your decisions regarding
dally aircraft allocation may either increase or reduce the chance
that a given ground support mission will be carried out. Beyond
these general statements. however. you do not know ahead of
time exactly how many ground support missions will be carried
out on any given turn. You may assign target hexes for as many
missions as you wish (up to the indicated maximum). but the
more missions you request. the smaller is the chance that any

VIctory PAKT" Reference Manual 135

particular one of them will be carried out. The reason for
representing air attacks in this manner is that. in reality. ground
commanders in WWlI almost never decided which air units were
going to attack which targets. They also usually did not know
which air units or how many aircraft were actually available at
any given time: they simply made requests for ground support.
which the air commanders responded to as best they could.

Each tum, a maximum of one ground support mission per target

hex may be requested by each side. Ground support is never
available on night turns.

Note. that in Utah Beach some German air attacks against the
invasion beach hexes occur regardless of whether the "Total
Allied" Air Superiority option is in effect. Also note that these
attacks often occur on night turns. These attacks are not
considered "ground support" for game purposes . and the German
player has no control over the activities of these aircraft . These
attacks represent strategic-level German air operations that are
beyond the control of the German player, and are analogous to
the interdiction activities of the American 8th Air Force and the
British that benefit the American player. All German air attacks
made against an invasion beach hex (including the strategic
missions described above} can reduce American supply delivery
and/or inflict losses to American units in the target hex. The
American player can minimize the effect of these attacks by
keeping as many of his anti-aircraft untts as possible close to
Utah Beach and in a favorable supply state.

Finally. remember that. regardless of how many aircraft are

theoretically available, the number of air attacks that are carried
out during the Execution Phase of a particular turn is very
dependent on the current weather (sky conditions) that tum. If
the weather is bad and prevents the planes from flying. or causes
them to miss their targets ... well. those are the fortunes of war.
You should consider the weather forecast for the day when
planning your daily aircraft allocation (see 'Weather Forecasts").

Aunti-AJrcraft Fire

In addition to their capabilities as normal ground combat
units. anti-aircraft units also reduce the strength of
enemy air attacks that take place within their range. and
~ increase the chance that these air attacks will miss their
intended target hexes.

For anti-aircraft purposes only, heavy anti-aircraft units have a

136 Reference Manual Victory PAJ<T"

maximum range of 5 hexes. and light anti-aircraft units have a
ma.ximum range of 2 hexes.

Prior to resolving each air attack. the game automatically totals

the current enemy anti-aircraft strength within range of the target
hex, and reduces the strength of the air attack by a percentage
proportional to that total . Anti-aircraft fire also increases the
chance that the air attack will miss its intended target hex. The
more anti-aircraft units that are within range of a given target
hex, the greater both of these effects will be.

AJI anti-aircraft fire has a greater effect in good weather (sky

conditions). and a lesser effect in bad weather. Also. the higher
the supply state of the anti-aircraft units. the greater the effect
they have on enemy air attacks within their range.

Vlcto ry pAJ<T" Reference Manual 137


"War is sweet to those who have never experienced it." - Greek

Philosopher Pindar, circa 430 B.C.

Except for artillery and aircraft. all units must be

adjacent to enemy units in order to participate in

Combat occurs during the Execution Phase of the

game-turn. For each battle, the game calculates
(and may modify) the attack and defense strengths,
determines (and may modify) the initial combat odds.
determines the result of the battle. and implements
the result.

In general. units that have an attack strength greater than
zero may conduct four different types of attacks: probe.
assault with no advance. assault, and all-out assault.
In Veltktye Luki, Russian units that have an attack
II strength greater than zero may conduct probes and all-out
assaults, but not assaults without advances or ordinary
assaults. In each case and for both sides. the hex to be
attacked must be an adjacent hex, and an advance into it
after the attack may be prevented by movement
considerations such as terrain costs or enemy zones of
[II control.

Units on both sides with an attack strength of zero (such as

artillery and HQ units) may not conduct probes. holding attacks.
assaults. or all-out assaults. Offensive artillery fire missions are
attacks. but are not considered to be any of the four types of
attacks listed above : barrage strength should not be confused
with attack strength.

More than one unit may attack the same hex at the same time.
However. if the "One Division Per Attack" Realism Option is in
effect. all the units which attack the same hex on the same tum
must be attached to the same HQ (except for air support).

Finally, note that attacks which include units assigned to

different attack options (probe. all-out assault, etc.) are resolved
as the majority. or numerical average, of the different types. For
example, if one German unit is assigned to probe and two others

138 Reference Manual VIctory pAl{1"

are assigned to assault. all as part of the same attack. the attack
Is resolved as an assault. The individual units participating in
the joint attack still receive the benefits (or suffer the penalties) of
their own particular orders, such as reduced losses for units
assigned to probe, etc.

A probe is a careful, cautious attack to obtain information
and/or minimize the risk of losses to the attacking unit. A
unit that probes a hex containing enemy units will
probably engage in combat with them (depending on what the
enemy units do), but the results are less "bloody" (for both sides)
than an assault. All other factors being the same, a unit
conducting a probe suffers only half the losses of a unit
conducting a regular assault.

Assault with No Advance

An assault with no advance is a "holding attack" a
conventional, determined attack intended to inflict
casualties on the enemy and/or prevent the enemy from
moving or carrying out other activities, but which is not intended
to occupy ground or break through enemy lines. An assault with
no advance is resolved in the same manner as an "ordinary"
assault, except that units conducting this type of attack will not
advance after the battle, regardless of their success. Units
conducting an assault with no advance may be forced to retreat,
If their attack fails . Note that in Velikiye Luki, Russian units may
not conduct assaults without advances.

An assault is a conventional, determined attack. A unit
that assaults a hex containing enemy units will probably
engage in combat with them (depending on what the
enemy units do). Note that in Velikiye Lukt, Russian units may
not conduct "ordinary" assaults, only all-out assaults.

All-Out Assault
An all-out assault represents a maximum effort on the
part of the attacking unit. A unit assigned to all-out
assault therefore has an increased chance of success;
however, it also runs the risk of greatly increased losses if its
attack fails.

Victory PAW" Reference Manual 139

h-.. _
Units assigned to all-out assault use supply normally (I.e.. the
normal amount for whatever supply state they are in). This is
because an all-out assault represents more determination on the
part of the men, and that does not necessarily involve a greater
attack strength or more ammunition expenditure.

Attacks and Stacking

Although it is possible to assign probe. assault with no advance.
assault. or all-out assault orders to all the units in a hex that
have an attack strength. the maximum number that may use
their full attack and armor strengths is equal to two-thirds of the
stacking limit in that hex. Artillery units are not affected by this
restriction. In other words. for almost all the hexes on the map. a
maximum of two battalions from that hex may use their full
attack and armor strengths during the Execution Phase. This Is
because in most hexes there is no room on the front line for more
than two battalions. but there is room for a third one in the rear
of the hex. If you assign more than two-thirds of the stacking
limit In a hex to attack, the game conducts the attack using the
fraction of the total attack and armor strength that corresponds
to two-thirds of the stacking limit (usually six-sevenths, three­
quarters. or two-thirds. for 7 . 8. and 9 company-equivalents.
respectively) . Regardless of this "two-thirds" limit. all the units
assigned to attack are still eligible to participate in an advance
after combat (except those conducting holding attacks). and all
are also Hable to suffer losses and/or retreat if the combat result
is unfavorable.

Attacks and ZOnes of Control

Units that begin a tum in an enemy zone of control are not
required to attack. However. if they do attack, their advance after
combat may be hindered by the zones of control of nearby enemy
units. Just as ordinary movement would be. To prevent or
minimize the negative effects of enemy zones of control on your
movement and advances after combat, you should assign
separate attacks against all enemy units whose zones of control
might cause problems. These separate attacks may consist
exclusively of artillery and/or air support; there is no requirement
that they include front-line ground units. To experienced
wargamers, these extra attacks are known as "soak-off attacks.

The reason for making these extra attacks is that during every
attack with final odds of at least 1:4 . the zones of control of the

140 Reference Manual Victory PAK'"

defending units lose their ability to block enemy movement. This
effect begins when the attack occurs, and lasts for the remainder
of the Execution Phase. When you make extra attacks in order to
Inhibit the zones of control of nearby enemy units that are not the
prime targets of your attack, the units conducting the prime
attack may be able to advance farther after combat.

Modifications to Attack Strengths

In order to use its attack strength, a unit must be assigned to
conduct either a probe, an assault with no advance, an assault.
or an all-out assault. Artillery and HQ units always have an
attack strength of zero, and thus may never conduct probes,
holding attacks, or assaults. Other units may have their attack
strength modified by one or more of the following considerations.
If the cumulative effect of the following modifiers reduces a unit's
attack strength to zero (when rounded to the nearest integer), it
may not conduct probes, holding attacks. or assaults.


Supply State Effect on Attack Strength

Attack increased by 50 percent

General normal

Defensive halved

Minimal quartered

None quartered


Terrain Effect on

~ Attack Strength

Swamp halved (from swamp for all units)

halved (Into swamp for armored and motori
Polder halved (into or out of polder for all armored
and motorized units)
River halved (across river for all non-armored and
non-motorized units, regardless of bridges)
quartered (across river for armored and
motorized units, regardless of bridges
Major River quartered (across major river for all units.
regardless of bridges)

Victory PAK'M Reference Manual 141

Hill reduced by 25 % [uphill for all non-artillery
increased by 25 % (downhill for all non­
artillery units)

Terrain and Ground Conditions - Velikiye Luki

Terrain Ground Effect on

~ Condition Attack Strength

River Light Freeze halved (across river for all

non-armored and non­
motorized units, regardless
of road hex-sides)
quartered (across river for
armored and motorized
units. regardless of road
River Hard Freeze none
River Deep Snow none

Lake Light Freeze impassable for all units

Lake Hard Freeze halved (from lake for all non­
artillery units)
Lake Deep Snow same as clear terrain

Clear Deep Snow halved (from hex far all non­

armor. non-artillery units)


Each point of disruption reduces a unit's attack strength by 3 .3

percent of its current value, after madill cation for supply and


Each point of fatigue reduces a unit's attack strength by 3.3

percent of its current value. after modification for supply and

For example. if a full-strength British infantry battalion with a

"normal" attack strength of 8 is in attack supply. its attack
strength is increased to 12. If it has a disruption rating of 2. its
attack strength is reduced by 6 .6 percent of 12 (or 0.8) to 11.2.
and if it has a fatigue rating of 3 . its attack strength is reduced by

142 Refer ence Manual VIctory PAK'"

a further 9.9 percent of 12 (or 1.2) to 10. Its final modified attack
strength in this situation Is therefore 10.

Each unit has a defense strength that Is used when It
comes under attack. There are three different types of
defense that may be selected: retreat if attacked. defend
if attacked , and hold at all costs. 'Unlike movement and
attack. a unit (of either side) that is assigned to defend
may also conduct one or more of the secondary actions
shown to the right of the "Defend" button within the
n Command Box. Note that each type of defense may be
exercised either with or without the benefits of being dug
in or fortified: being dug in or fortified does not imply a particular
type of defense.

Retreat If Attacked
This causes the unit to automatically retreat after combat
if it is subject to an assault with no advance. regular
assault. or all-out assault by adjacent enemy units at a
final combat odds of I: I or higher. In addition. any combat losses
that the retreating unit receives in such an attack are halved. A
retreat is made only if the unit is attacked by adjacent enemy
units at I: I odds or higher: if it is attacked by artillery or aircraft
only, the combat is resolved as if the unit were under "Defend If
Attacked" orders. Also. the retreat hex is always picked for you by
your staff assistant. Note that this option is not available to the
Russians in VeUkiye Luki.

Defend If Attacked
This represents a standard defense: no special conditions
apply. This is also the default defense option that is
always used when a unit comes under attack while
rnovtng or conducting an attack of its own.

Hold At All Costs

This represents a maximum defensive effort. The higher
the unit's current morale. the greater the probability that
it 'Will stay in place and take additional losses rather than
retreat. There is no guarantee that it will always do so.

Victory PJ\KT·" Reference Manual 143

Defense and Stacking
Depending on the type of combat. an attack may affect all or just
some of the defending units in a hex. Artillery and air attacks
usually affect all the units in the target hex. while probes and
assaults mayor may not. In the case of artillery and/or air
attacks against hexes that are not being attacked by adjacent
enemy units. the total attack strength Is applied as a separate
attack against each unit in the target hex.

In the case of units that are attacked by adjacent enemy units,

the maximum number of defending units that may use their full
defense and antitank strengths is equal to two-thirds of the
stacking limit in that hex. If the hex contains less than or exactly
two-thirds of its stacking limit, all the units in the hex use their
full defense and antitank strengths to defend against the attack.
If the hex contains more than two-thirds of its stacking Unlit. the
game conducts the defense using the fraction of the total defense
and antitank strength that corresponds to two-thirds of the
stacking limit (usually six-sevenths, three-quarters. or two­
thirds. for 7. 8. and 9 company-equivalents. respectively) . Any
losses are distributed among all the defending units. If the
defense is unsuccessful and results in a retreat. all the units in
the defending hex must either retreat or take additional losses.

Modifications to Defense Strengths

The effects of the following modifiers are cumulative; however, a
unit's defense strength may never be reduced to less than 1
(rounded to the nearest integer).

Strategic Movement

A unit conducting strategic movement (either independently or in

combInation with riding. automatic, stack, or divisional
movement) has its defense strength halved .


A unit defending in a bunker or a beach bunker has Its defense

strength multiplied by 2.5. and a unit defending in a fortress hex
has its defense strength tripled.

144 Reference Manual Victory PAJ(T>I


Supply State Effect on Defense Strength

Attack increased by 50 % against attacks

by adjacent enemy units; normal
against pure artillery or air
General normal
Defensive normal
Minimal halved against attacks by adjacent
enemy units ; normal against pure
artillery or air
None halved against attacks by adjacent
enemy units ; normal against pure
artillery or air

Field Fortifications

~ Effect on Defense Strength

Dug In variable increase, up to 50 %

Fortified variable increase. up to doubled


Each point of disruption reduces a unit's defense strength by 3.3

percent of Its current value. after modifications for strategic
movement. supply, terrain , and field fortifications.


Each point of fatigue reduces a unit's defense strength by 3.3

percent of its current value. after modifications for strategic
movement. supply. terrain. and field fortifications.

For example, if a full-strength German infantry battalion with a

"normal" defense strength of 9 Is in minimal supply. its defense
strength Is halved to 4.5 against attacks by adjacent British
units. If it is alone in a hex that also contains a "du g In" marker
of size 3 or more, its defense strength is increased by 50 percent
to 6.75. If It has a disruption of 1, its defense strength is reduced
by 3.3 percent of6.75 (or 0.22) to 6.53, and if tt has a fatigue of6,
its defense strength is reduced by a further 19.8 percent of 6.75
(or 1.34), to 5.19 . Its final modified defense strength against
attacks by adjacent British units in this situation is therefore

Victory PAKT" Reference Manual 145

Modifications to Combat Odds
After the attack and defense strengths for a battle are calculated
and modified, the game divides the total modIfied attack strength
by the total modified defense strength to arrive at an Initial odds
ratio for that battle. The following considerations may then
modify the initial odds ratio: surprise (see below), defender's
terrain, regimental integrity. armor support. engineer support,
and morale. Most of these odds modifications apply only when
the combat involves enemy units in an adjacent hex; the only
ones that apply to an attack made exclusively by artillery, ships.
or aircraft are those for the defender's terrain. When applicable.
all odds modifications are cumulative.


In Veliktye Luki, whenever German Brandenburg commando

units participate in an attack while completely hidden from the
Russian player, the odds of the attack are increased by three.

Defender's Terrain

Terrain Type Effect on Final Combat Odds

(Defender's hex)

Clear none
Polder none
Swamp Reduced by one
Beach Reduced by one
Invasion Beach Reduced by one
Bocage Reduced by two
Forest Reduced by three
Village Reduced by two
City Reduced by three
Bunkers Reduced by three
Beach Bunkers Reduced by three
Fortress Reduced by three
Stream none
River none
Major River none
Lake none

146 Reference Manual Victory PA.f{l>l

Regimental Integrity
~ In addition to two or more infantry battalions, virtually all
.5P5 WWII Infantry regiments contained several smaller.

specialized support units of various types. such as
~ art1llery sections. antitank and mortar companies.
engineer and recon platoons, the regimental HQ company,

1 etc. The odds modification for regimental Integrity
represents the presence and effect of these small units,
which are not Included separately in the game but which are
assumed to be located with the majority of the regiment. It is also
an incentive to follow the nistortcal practice of keeping the
battalions of a regiment together if possible.

In general. infantry and airborne battalions that are part of an

infantry or airborne regiment are eligible to receive a favorable
modification to the odds when they participate in combat with an
adjacent enemy unit.

In order for a unit to receive this modifier, there must be another

unit of the same regiment located within two hexes of the battle
hex at the instant of combat (regardless of attachments). Each
side may receive a maximum of one odds adjustment for
regimental mtegrtty per battle. If the attacker has regimental
integrity. the combat odds are increased by one; if the defender
has it. they are decreased by one; if both have it, the two odds
adjustments cancel each other out and there Is no net odds

In the case of an attack Involving only artillery. ships, or aircraft,

neither side receives an adjustment for regimental integrity.

Brigade HQ units do not automatically provide integrity benefits

to infantry units attached to them.
For an explanation of how to read the battalion and regimental
designations on the units, see "Units."

Armor Support
G~ The combat value of armored vehicles in WWII was not a
06 constant; their value depended very much on the specific
[~ details of each individual battle. as well as the
Fl characteristics of the vehicles themselves . In some
battles, armor was the crucial, deciding factor; in other
battles, it made little difference whether armor (or that armor)
Partlelpated or not.

Victory PAK"" Reference Manual 147

In the Victory PAKTM games, the most Important measure of the
combat value of an armored unit is Its armor strength. Armor
strength is manipulated separately from attack and defense
strength, and therefore serves as a way for armor to affect the
combat odds only when the circumstances favor the use of armor.

Every unit in the game has an antitank strength. which Is also

manipulated separately from attack and defense strength . A
unit's antitank strength Is the primary factor that determines how
much effect enemy armor has against that unit.

Armor and mech recon units (only) have an armor strength that
may increase the combat odds when the unit is participating in
an attack. For each combat where an armor or mech recon unit
conducts an attack. the game compares the total modified armor
strength of the attacking units to the total modified antitank
strength of the defending units. If the attacker's total modified
armor strength Is greater than the defender's total modified
antitank strength, the combat odds for that battle are increased.
The size of the odds increase is determined by dividing the
attacker's total modified armor strength by the defender's total
modified antitank strength. The odds increase is thus at least
1.0, and may be much higher. Only attacking units are eligible
to receive an odds modification for armor support.

Armor Strengths
The following modifiers apply to armor strengths. If the
cumulative effect of these modifiers (rounded to the nearest
integer) reduces a unit's armor strength to zero. it has no ability
to increase the combat odds.


Supply State Effect on Armor Strength

Attack increased by 50 %
General normal
Defensive halved
Minimal halved
None quartered

148 Reference Manual VIctory PAK"1


Terrain TYPe Effect on Annor Strength

Hill reduced by 25 % (attacking uphill)

increased by 25 % (attacking
downhill )
Dike reduced by 25 % (attacking across)
Swamp halved (both into and out of swamp)
River halved [across river at bridge; In
Velikiye Luki - light freeze only).
quartered (across river not at bridge:
in Velikiye Luki - light freeze only)
Major River halved (across river at bridge)
quartered (across river not at bridge)

Each point of disruption reduces a unit's armor strength by 3.3
percent. after modification for supply state and terrain type. .

Each point of fatigue reduces a unit's armor strength by 3 .3
percent. after modification for supply state and terrain type.

For example. if a full-strength German tank company with a

"normal" armor strength of 6 is In attack supply, Us armor
strength is increased to 9. If it Is ordered to attack across a river
(not at a bridge), its armor strength Is quartered to 2.25. If it has
a disruption of 2 , its armor strength Is reduced by 6.6 percent of
2.25 (or 0 .15) to 2.1. and if it has a fatigue of 3, its armor
strength is reduced by a further 9 .9 percent of 2 .25 (or 0.22) to
1.88. Its final modified armor strength in this situation Is
therefore 1.88, and it is unlikely that this is enough to increase
the combat odds in most attacks.

Antitank. Strengths

The following modifiers apply to antitank strengths. All effects are

Cumulative. except that a unit's antitank strength may never be
reduced to less than 1 (when rounded to the nearest integer).

Strategic Movement

A unit conducting strategic movement (either independently or in

Victory PAKT" Referen ce Manual 149

combina tion with riding. au toma tic, stack, or divisional
movement] has its anti-tank strength halved.


Supply State Effect on Antitank Strength

Attack increased by 50 %
General normal
Defensive normal
Minimal halved
None halved

Terrain modifications to antitank strength apply to the defender

Terrain Type Effect on Antitank Strength

(Defender's hex)

Clear none
Polder none
Beach none
Invasion Beach none
Swamp none
Bocage doubled
Forest multipUed by 2.5
Village multiplied by 1.5
City doubled
Bunker doubled
Beach Bunker doubled
Fortress tripled
Stream none
River none
Major River none
Hill none
Dike none

Field Fortifications

~ Effect on Antitank Strength

Dug In Variable increase, up to 25 %

Fortified variable increase, up to 50 %

150 Reference Manual VI ctory PAKT'"


each point of disruption reduces a unit's antitank strength by 3.3

percent. after modification for strategic movement. supply state.
terrain. and field fortifications.

Each point of fatigue reduces a unit's antitank strength by 3.3
percent. after modification for strategtc movement. supply state.
terrain. and field fortifications.

For example. if a full-strength German infantry battalion with a

"normal" antitank strength of 4 Is in minimal supply. its antitank
strength is halved to 2. If it Is located in a city hex. its antitank
strength is doubled (back to 4). If it is ~one in a hex that also
contains a "dug in" marker of size 3 or more. its antitank strength
Is Increased by 25 percent to 5. If it has a disruption of 1. its
antitank strength is reduced by 3.3 percent of 5 (or 0.16) to 4.84.
and if it has a fatigue of 6. its antitank strength is reduced by a
further 19.8 percent of 5 (or 0.99). to 3.85. Its final modified
antitank strength in this situation Is therefore 3.85.

Engineer Support
(§] 1
Although they could (and often did) fight .as regular
infantry. combat engineers were actually support troops.
specially trained and equipped for assaulting fortified
positions. crossing rivers. and fighting enemy armor at close

Under certain circumstances. engineer units provide a favorable

odds modification to the attacker. If the defending units occupy a
Village. city. bunker, beach bunker. field fortification (either type).
and/or are across a river or major river from the attacker. the
combat odds are increased by one for each attacker'S hex which
contains an engineer unit that is using its attack strength in that

r@ Note that in Market-Garden. the British bridge units are

~ engineer units for the purpose of increasing the odds of
British attacks made across river and major river hexstdes

Note that in Velikiye Luki, the German 3rd Bridge
Battalion is an engineer unit for the purpose of increasing
the odds of Gennan attacks made across river hexsides

Victory PAKTM Reference Manual 151

only . Construction units are never considered to be engineers
for the purpose of increasing combat odds.

As discussed in an earlier section of this manual, morale is a
measure of the quality of a unit. independent of its size or

For each battle, the game compares the average current morale of
the attacking units to the average current morale of the defending
units (including all the artillery. and air support for both sides.
and weighted for whether any of the participating units are
companies in size). If the attacking units have the higher average
morale, the combat odds are increased by the difference between
the attacker's and defender's average morale. If the defending
units have the higher average morale. the combat odds are
decreased by the difference in average morale between the two
sides. If both sides have the same average morale. there is no
odds modification due to morale.

Example of Odds Modification

If the total modified British attack strength for an assault is 46.
and the total modified German defense strength is 10.5. the initial
odds ratio for the battle is 46/10.5 or 4.38: 1. If the German units
are located in a village hex. the odds are reduced by 2 to 2.38: l.
If the British have regimental integrity for the battle and the
Germans do not. the odds are increased by 1 to 3 .38: 1. If the
total modified British armor strength in the battIe is 12 , and the
total modified German antitank strength is 9 . the odds are
increased by 12/9 or 1.33. to 4.71 :1. If the German units are dug
in, and one British engineer unit is participating in the attack. the
odds are increased by 1 to 5.71: 1. And finally. if the average
morale of all the British units participating in the attack is 7. and
the average morale of all the German units participating is 6 .6.
the odds are reduced by .4 (7 - 6.6). to 5.31: L The final odds for
this battle are therefore 5.31: 1.

Combat Sequencing and Results

Both movement and combat take place throughout the Execution
Phase, and battles are resolved as they occur within the 4-hour
time span represented by the Execution Phase. The V for
VictoryTM system uses a continuous-odds algorithm to determine
combat results. in which all fractions are significant and retained.

152 Reference Manual Victory pAJ{1 ~

111e rounding off of combat odds to simple integers (such as 3: 1 or
5: 1). so common in most wargames, does not occur. Combat
odds of 3. 1: 1 are different. and better than, 3: 1. There is no set
minimum or maximum odds.

When a battle is resolved. the results may include losses, retreats.

and/or advances. Units may lose one or more strength points.
they may retreat one or more hexes. or they may advance one or
more hexes. Combat may also change the morale. disruption,
and fatigue of the units involved.

In generaL greater losses are suffered by units that lose a battle.
although the winner usually suffers losses as well. and it is
possible for the winner's losses to exceed the loser's (known since
Roman times as a Phynic victory). Losses are suffered in the
form of a reduction in attack and defense strengths of the affected
unit by one or more strength points; armor, antitank, barrage.
and support strengths may also be reduced. All other factors
being equal, losses suffered by armored and mech recon units,
company-sized units, units which are conducting probes. and
units which have been ordered to retreat if attacked are lower
than those suffered by other units. Losses suffered by units
which fall into more than one of the above categories are lower

Units that lose a battle may be required to retreat one or more
hexes. The game conducts the retreat according to the following

1. Away from enemy units and zones of control.

2. Towards a friendly supply source.
3. Through the terrain that costs the fewest movement

Units do not retreat into or through prohibited terrain or enemy­

Occupied hexes. Units may retreat through permissible terrain in
enemy zones of control if no other retreat path exists; however. in
this case the retreating units suffer additional losses. and the
presence of other friendly units does not negate the enemy zones
of control for the purpose of inflicting extra losses. For each hex
Containing an enemy zone of control that the retreating unit must
enter. its losses from that combat are increased by 25 percent. In

VIClOry PAK'M Reference Manual 153

the case of a retreating stack. each unit in the stack suffers these
additional losses. If no permissible retreat path exists, a unit
required to retreat stays In place and suffers additional losses

Retreat results never apply to units with a movement allowance of

zero. or to units in a bunker. beach bunker. or fortress hex. Also,
retreat results do not apply to units defending solely against
artillery or air attacks, unless the defending units are also
conducting a probe or assault. .

Attacking units that lose a battle are not required to retreat

unless they are making their attack from a clear terrain. lake or
polder hex. The max1rnum distance that an attacking unit has to
retreat is one hex.

If units defending against adjacent enemy units are eliminated or
forced to retreat. the units conducting the attack may be able to
advance Into the defender's hex, and possIbly farther. Units do
not advance into or through prohibited terrain or enemy-occupied
hexes. Untts may advance into or out of an enemy zone of
control; however. such advances may be hindered by the enemy
zones of control. just as ordinary movement would be . To
minimize the negative effects of enemy zones of control on your
movement and advances after combat. you should assign
separate attacks against all enemy units whose zones of control
might cause problems. These separate attacks may consist of
artillery and/or air support only: there is no requirement that
they Include front-line ground units. To experienced wargamers,
these extra attacks are known as "soak-off' attacks,

The reason for making these extra attacks is that in every 000­
interdiction attack with final odds of at least 1:4. the zones of
control of the defending units lose their ability to block enemy
movement. This effect begins when the attack occurs. and lasts
for the remainder of the Execution Phase.

The game conducts all advances along the defender's path of

retreat. Any terrain other than clear or polder slows the advance
and thus tends to "break contact" between the attacker and
defender. Units with a higher movement allowance and/or a
higher morale tend to advance farther. However. to reflect
doctrinal differences as well as actual combat performance.
British units never advance more than one hex after combat.

154 Referen ce Manual Victory PAK'"

finally. note that no unit may advance after combat across a
rnajor river hexstde unless:

1. That hexstde contains an intact bridge. or

2 . The advancing unit is ferried across the major river by an
engineer unit.

Battle Reports
There are two types of Battle Reports: Real Time Battle Reports
briefly appear within a Message Window when the battle is
resolved during the Execution Phase. After Action Battle
Reports contain more detailed information. and can be inspected
at your leisure during the After Action Phase. Both types of Battle
Reports can be turned "on " or "off' by selecting the appropriate
item from the Options Menu.

If "After Action Battle Reports" is "on." each turn ends with an

After Action Phase . During this phase. each he-x where a full­
scale battle occurred is outlined in red. and each hex where
Interdiction was assigned is outlined in purple. On black and
white monitors. these hexes are shown with thicker-than-normal
solid and dashed borders, respectively. Clicking on one of these
outlined hexes causes a Battle Report descrtblng the battle in that
hex to appear at the bottom of the screen.

After Action Battle Reports for full-scale battles have two parts: a
general briefing, and a detailed accounting of the combat odds
and odds modifications for that battle. You may view both of
these by clicking on the buttons on the left side of the Battle
Report Window.

Vt~IOry PAJ(T" Reference Manual 155

"The effect oj climate in Russia is that movement is impossible in
the mud oJ spring and autumn. the heat is unbearable In summer.
but wmter is the worst oj all Climate in Russia is nothmg but Q
series of naiural disasters." - German General von Gretffenburg

In general. the weather in all V for Vlctory'> games has two

components: sky conditions and ground conditions. Sky
conditions are essentially independent of temperature. and refer
only to cloudiness, prectpttatton, and flying weather. Sky
conditions therefore affect air operations. which in tum affect
ground support missions. air interdiction. supply ranges and
deliveries. anival of reinforcements. and strategic movement
allowances. Ground conditions, on the other hand. are driven
primarily by temperature , but also by prectpttatlon. In some
games in the V for Vtctoryr" series. ground conditions can affect
the movement and combat of most units.

Sky Conditions
The center portion of the General Sidebar contains a
~lb:::.h' picture of the current sky condition. along with the
L.~ current temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. There are
mV six possible sky conditions in the V for Victoryt'[
games: clear. light overcast. moderate overcast, heavy
overcast, snowing (which only appears in Velikiye Luld) and
storm.. These sky conditions affect air operations, which in tum
can affect ground support missions. air interdiction, supply
ranges. supply delivery. and strategic movement. Sky conditions
may also affect visibility. which in tum may affect movement
rates and zones of control.

Not surprisingly. good sky conditions generally favor the player

who has air superiority. When the weather is good . there are
more ground support missions available, the effects of air
interdiction on enemy movement and supply are increased, and
less enemy supply can be delivered by air. Also, heavy overcast
and storm conditions negate the beneficial effects of a full moon
on movement and zones of control at night.

Clicking on the picture of the sky condition on the General

Sidebar opens the Weather Window at the bottom of the screen.
and holding the mouse button down opens a small message
window which summarizes the effects of the current sky
condition. (See 'Weather Window" below.)

156 Reference Manual victory pAJ{T"

Ground Conditions - Market Garden
There is only one ground condition in Market-Garden, and that is
"dry" (or normal) ground.

Ground Conditions - Velikiye Luki

There are three ground conditions in Vel1kiye Luki: light freeze.
hard freeze, and deep snow. The current ground condition Is
shown within the Weather Window (see below). Light freeze
conditions are in effect at the beginning of several scenarios.
Including "To The Rescue. " "Red Storm." and the Campaign
Game. Light freeze conditions last until the ice thickness reaches
12 inches (nonnaLly early December). when hard freeze begins.
Hard freeze conditlons are indicated graphically by a switch to
lighter and whiter terrain colors on the map. Hard freeze lasts
until the snow accumulation reaches 20 Inches, when deep snow
conditions begin. Deep snow conditions are indicated graphically
by the disappearance of all water features. including rivers and
lakes. During the time period covered by the game (mid­
November to mid-danuary), both of the above changes in ground
condition (from light to hard freeze, and from hard freeze to deep
snow) are permanent, one-time only changes. Once frozen. lakes
and rivers do not melt. and once on the ground. deep snow
remains for the duration of the game.

During light freeze conditions (see "Movement"):

1. Lake hexes are impassable for all units.

2. River hexsldes have significant combat effects. and are
passable only for non-motorized. infantry-type units. (See
"Terrain. ")
3. Clear terrain and forest hexes have higher movement costs
for all units.

During hard freeze conditions (see "Movem ent"):

1. Lake hexes may be entered by all units.

2. River hexstdes become equivalent to stream hexsides for
all purposes. lose their combat effects. and become only a
minor obstacle to movement.
3. Clear terrain and forest hexes have lower movement costs
for all units.
4. Field fortifications are more difficult to construct. (See "Field

During deep snow conditions (see "Movement"):

Victory PAI0" Reference Manual 157

1. Lake hexes become clear terrain for all purposes.
2 . Rivers and streams disappear from the map.
3. All other terrain types have higher movement costs, except
for ski units.
4. All artillery fire is halved. due to the cushioning effect of
the snow.
5. Non-ski Infantry-type units, plus all engineer. antitank,
and anti-aircraft units attack out of clear terrain hexes at
half strength. due to movement difficulties caused by the
6. FIeld fortifications are more difficult to construct. (See
"Field Fortifications.")

Game Options
There are a total of six weather options that may be selected at
the beginning of each scenario. They are:

Historical. If you select this option. the tum-by-tum weather in

the game will be identical to the real weather conditions recorded
in the respective area during the time period covered by the game.

Realistic Probabilities - Market Garden. If you select this

option, the turn-by-tum weather will be different from the actual.
historical conditions, but the overall probabilities and average
temperatures will be the same as they were in reality. The
historical percentages of the five sky conditions under this option
are as follows:

Clear Light Moderate Heavy Storm
Overcast Overcast Overcast
1% 11% 42% 36% 10%

Less Cloudy. If this option is selected, the weather in the game

will be less cloudy than it was in reality. This improves the
availabthty and effectiveness of atrpower, benefiting the side that
has air superiority.

More Cloudy. If this option is selected, the weather will be more

cloudy than it was in reality. This reduces the availability and
effectiveness of atrpower, hindering the side which has air

158 Reference Manual VIctory PAK'"~

5 uperiortty.

Colder. If you select this option. the average temperature in the

game will be colder than it was in reality. Although this can have
a significant effect on the ground condition in other V for
victory'>' games . there is no effect in Market-Garden (other than
to show the colder temperatures on the screen).

Warmer. If you select this option. the average temperature in the

game will be warmer than it was in reality. Although this can
have a significant effect on the ground condition in other V for
VictoryTMgames. there is no effect in Market-Garden (other than
to show the warmer temperatures on the screen).

Realistic Probabilities - Velikiye Luki. If you select this option,

the turn-by-tum weather will be different from the actual,
historical conditions. but the overall probabilities and average
temperatures will be the same as they were in reality. The
historical percentages of the five sky conditions under this option
are as follows :


Clear Light Moderate Heavy Snowing

Overcast Overcast Overcast
5% 19% 38% 31% 7%

Also, hard freeze and deep snow ground conditions will begin
approximately on their historical dates (which are December 4
and December 10. respectively).

The last four weather options allow you to select whether the sky
conditions in the game will be less cloudy or more cloudy than
they were historically. and whether the average temperature in
the game will be colder or warmer than it was historically. (Recall
that temperature has a strong effect on ground condttton.) There
are many possible combinations. but the two that have the
greatest effect on the game are:

Less Cloudy and Colder. If these two options are selected in

combination. the weather will be less cloudy than it was in reality,
and the average temperature in the game will be colder than it
was in reality. This improves the availabflity and effectiveness of
airpower, benefiting the side that has air superiority. It also

Victory PAK''' Reference Manual 159

reduces snowfall and snow accumulation, which improves the
mobllity of ground units by hastening the onset of hard freeze
ground conditions. and by delaying the onset of deep snow.

More Cloudy and Wanner. If these two options are selected in

combination. the weather will be more cloudy than it was in
reality, and the average temperature in the game will be warmer
than it was in reality. This reduces the availability and
effectiveness of atrpower, hindering the side that has air
superiority. It also extends the duration of light freeze ground
conditions and increases snowfall and snow accumulation. both
of which reduce the mobil1ty of ground units.

For additional information on these weather options and their

effect on the game. see "Historical Options and Variants."

Realistic Probabilities - Utah Beach. If you select this option,

the tum-by-tum weather will be different from the actual,
historical weather. but each weather condition will occur the
same percentage of the time as it actually did in Normandy in
June 1944. These historical percentages are as follows:

@] ~ ~

Clear Light Moderate Heavy Storm

Overcast Overcast Overcast
4% 15% 37% 36% 8%

Weather Window

I] ffio • Water Snow' Ice
Ground State

To open the Weather Window at the bottom of the screen. click on

the picture of the sky condition on the General Sidebar. The
Weather Window contains (from left to right): a picture of the
current sky condition and temperature: three windows which
show the current liquid water "excess", the current average snow
depth in inches. the current average ice thickness on the rivers in
inches, and the current ground condition. As mentioned above.
in Operation Market-Garden there Is never any snow or ice. and

160 Reference Manual Victory PAK'""

the ground condition is always "dry."

Weather Forecasts
Clicking on the calendar page within the General Sidebar causes
the Calendar Window to appear. Among other things. the
Calendar Window shows a pictorial forecast of the predicted sky
conditions for each of the next five days. The forecast shown
within each daily square on the Calendar is an average of the
forecast sky conditions and temperatures for all six turns of that
day. Temperatures are always In degrees Fahrenheit. To see the
forecast sky conditions for each of the six turns of a particular
day. click on the weather picture within one of the daily squares:
the tum-by-tum forecast for that day appears on the right side of
the Calendar. Keep in mind that sometimes weather forecasts
are right and sometimes they are wrong!

Allied weather forecasts for Europe in the latter part of WWII were
better and more accurate than German forecasts. This was
because European weather systems tend to move from west to
east, which means they cross over Britatn and France before
entering Holland. This aided the Allied meteorologists
considerably when making forecasts for Holland, since it allowed
them to "see what weather was coming" before It reached Holland.
This was an advantage the Germans did not have. since their
access to weather data from western Europe was very limited
duIing the time period covered by the game. Therefore. in
Market-Garden, the weather forecast shown to the Allied player is
more likely to be accurate than the one shown to the German
player. especially for the next two days.

German weather forecasts for European Russia in WWII were

better and more accurate than Russian forecasts. There were
three reasons for this. First, many European weather systems
tend to move from west to east, which means they cross over
Germany and Poland before entering the Soviet Union. This aided
the German meteorologists considerably when making their
forecasts for Russia. Second, the ability to "see what weather was
coming" was an advantage the Russians did not have. since their
access to west European weather data was very limited. (There
was apparently no regular exchange of weather data between the
Russians and the western Allies.) And finally. the Russian
technical and scientific services. such as meteorology, were
generally less advanced than those of Germany and the western
Allies in WWII. which meant that the Russians could not even
make the best use of what weather data was available to them.
Therefore. in Vel1k1ye Luki , the weather forecast shown to the

Victory PAK'" Reference Manual 161

German player is more likely to be accurate than the one shown
to the Russian player. especially for the next two days.

In Utah Beach the ability of the American and British

meteorologists to make better weather forecasts than their
German counterparts actually had a large effect on the degree of
surprise that was achieved against the Germans on D-Day. and
therefore on the success of the invasion itself. The weather
conditions over England and France on June 4th and 5th, 1944
were very bad (heavy overcast and storm). but the Allied forecast
called for significant improvement on the 6th and 7th. The final
decision on whether to launch the invasion or postpone it because
of the weather was up to the Allied Supreme Commander. General
Eisenhower. He knew exactly what was at stake: if. after
committing to "go", the prevailing storm conditions had continued
through the 6th and 7th . the entire invasion probably would have
failed. In one of the great command decisions of history,
Eisenhower took the gamble and trusted the weather forecast.
The invasion fleet weighed anchor early on June 5th and began a
difficult voyage south through high winds, driving rain , and very
rough seas.

All that the Germans meteorologists knew on the 4th and 5th was
that an Allied invasion was impossible in the current weather;
they had no data to indicate that conditions were about to get
much better. As a result, when dawn broke on June 6th under
clearing skies and calming seas, the German commanders were
"caught with their pants down". If the German meteorologists
had access to the same weather data as their Allied counterparts.
the entire German Army in France would probably have been on
full alertl

162 Reference Manual Victory PAJ{l"


In many of the Victory PAKDI game scenarios.

one or both sides receive reinforcements
(additional units) during the course of the game.
Unless delayed for some reason. reinforcements
scheduled to arrive on a particular day appear on
the map at the end of the Execution Phase of one
of the turns of that day. Once they are on the
map. reinforcements may be assigned orders like
all other units.

To see what future reinforcements are available for your side and
when and where they are currently scheduled to arrive. click on
the calendar page within the General Sidebar. This opens the
Calendar Window. which shows the days reinforcements are
currently scheduled to arrive by means of ensigns (for the British
player). stars (for the Russians) or crosses (for the German
player). Clicking on one of these symbols causes the units that
are scheduled to arrive that day to appear at the bottom of the
screen. along with a red dot on the small inset map that shows
where they are scheduled to arrive. Clicking on one of these
retnforcmg units causes the normal unit data that pertains to
that specific unit to be displayed on the left and right sides of the
window. If more than nine units are scheduled to arrive that day.
a scroll button is active on the right side of the window. You can
view additional "rows" of units by clicking on this scroll button.

HQ's that arrive as reinforcements are always in defensive supply

when they arrive on the map. Assuming that they have and can
keep a supply line after they are on the map, they remain in
defenstve supply until the next 6:00 AM (8:00 AM in Velikiye Luk1)
Planning Phase. when they are treated just like all other HQ's for
supply allocation purposes.

Allied Reinforcements - Market Garden

Most British reinforcements arrive near the
4 center of the southern map edge. However. early
the Campaign Game. the British and American
airborne divisions receive reinforcements by air.
Airborne reinforcements arrive at predetermined hexes within the
map area .

In the event that the normal entry paint for a non-airborne

reinforcement is occupied by a German unit or is in the zone of

Viclory PAK'"" Reference Manual 163

control of a German unit. the reinforcing unit instead enters the
map at the nearest non-blocked hex, after a slight delay.
Airborne reinforcements may be delayed either by a German unit
in the arrival hex. or by storm or heavy overcast weather
conditions. German zones of control alone do not prevent the
arrival of airborne reinforcements.

Russian Reinforcements - Velikiye Luki

6 Most Russian reinforcements arrive near the

~ c::!;-f"
center of the eastern map edge . However. early in
the Campaign Game. the 360th Rifle Division
arrives at the southeast comer of the map, and
In mid-December the 1077th Guards Rifle Regiment arrives on
the north edge of the Campaign Game map, near the northeast

In the event that its nonnal entry point Is occupied by a German

unit or is in the zone of control of a German unit. a reinforcing
Russian unit instead enters the map at the nearest non-blocked
map edge hex, after a slight delay.

Also, Russian reinforcements may be delayed due to the effects of

German air interdiction.

German Reinforcements - Market Garden

German reinforcements arrive at a variety of map
l~~ edge hexes located alL around the Campaign Game
map. The German piayer needs to remain alert for
\ L.

the arrival of reinforcements, so he does not lose

any opportunities to move newly arrived unitsl

In the event that its normal entry point is occupied by an Allied

unit or is in the zone of control of an Allied unit. a reinforcing
German unit instead enters the map at the nearest non-blocked
map edge hex. after a slight delay.

German Reinforcements - Velikiye Luki

Most German reinforcements arrive at the
southwest comer of the Campaign Game map.
However, in the Campaign Game, German
reinforcements also arrive on the north edge of
the map (near the northwest comer). near the center of the south
edge of the map. and in the center of the west edge of the map.

164 Referen ce Manual VIctory PAJ(T"

In the event that its normal entry point is occupied by a Russian
unit or is in the zone of control of a Russian unit. a reinforcing
German unit Instead enters the map at the nearest non-blocked
map edge hex. after a slight delay.

Also . German reinforcements may be delayed due to the effects of

Russian air interdiction.

American Reinforcements - Utah Beach

Most American reinforcements arrive at Utah
Beach. However. on the first tum of the
Campaign Game. several glider units of the 82rld
Airborne Division arrive south of St. Mere Eglise,
and later in the Campaign Game the units of the 120th Infantry
Regiment and the 83rd Infantry Division (plus attachments) arrive
at Islgny (on the map edge southeast of Utah Beach).

Reinforcements scheduled for Utah Beach do not arrive during

game-turns when the weather is storm: they are Instead delayed
until the next non-storm turn. In the unlikely event that the
southern-most invasion beach hex is either occupied by Or is
adjacent to German units. American reinforcements scheduled to
arrive at Utah Beach are delayed two days and arrive at Istgny
instead . (The game assumes that they were diverted to Omaha
Beach, and then moved to Istgny.)

If an Air Superiortty option other than "Total Allied" is in effect.

American reinforcements may also be delayed due to the effects of
German air lnterdicUon.

German Reinforcements - Utah Beach

All German reinforcements arrrve on the south
map edge. The normal entry locations are the
primary roads at the southwest and southeast
comers of the Campaign Game map. In the
event that its normal entry point is occupied by an American unit
or is in the zone of control of an American unit. a reinforcing unit
instead enters at the nearest non-blocked map-edge road hex. or
(in the unlikely event that all map-edge roads are blocked) at the
nearest non-blocked. non-road map-edge hex.

German reinforcements are normally delayed by Allied air

interdiction. The extent of the delay depends on the Air

Victory PAK'" Reference Manual 165

Superiority Option selected at the beginning of the game, the
Interdiction level selected by the American player each day, and
the tum-by-tum weather (better weather causes more delay),
Selecting an Air Superiority Option other than "Total Allied" at the
beginning of the game usually causes German reinforcements to
arrive earlier than they did historically.

166 Reference Manual VIctory PA



'F.fP{aci'mmi:.s av'a.i{a6 ~' to af[ :l-It!.-S

++ ++
It)f-Eng Arty .~ ,l.,-A T Arm or HQ "!'. i t'b (l rr.~
- -
All the armies represented in the V for Victoryt" series
maintained rear-area replacement organizations. whose
purpose was to train new recruits and then process them
as replacements for the various front-line combat units. The
function of these replacement organizations is represented in V
for Vtctory!» games by "replacement points." Both sides may use
replacement points to rebuild engineer and infantry-type units
that have suffered losses. and the Allied player has replacement
points for British armored units as well . Untts that have
surrendered or been completely eliminated may not be rebuilt
using replacement points. Replacement points may not be used
to rebuild HQ's , antitank, anti-aircraft. or artillery-type units.
and losses suffered by those kinds of units may not be replaced.
(Exception: some HQ units which are eliminated in combat may
be automatically replaced. but this does not involve the use of
replacement paints. See below.)

In order to use replacement points to rebuild a unit . first click on

it,and then click on it again within the Unit Window to open the
Command Box. Assign it one of the three types of defense. and
then click on the "Replacem en t" button (illustrated above. and
located above the "Admin" label within the Command Box).
Finally. close the Command Box by clicking on the unit again.

Note that no replacements are available for any of the Allied

airborne units (American. British. or Polish). This is due to a
htstortcal lack of available jump-qualified replacements, as well
as a shortage of available transport space to deliver such
replacements to the units.

In order to receive replacements. a unit may not be in a state of

no supply. and it may not be in an enemy zone of control. Also, a
Unit may not move. attack. dig in. or fortify during the tum that it
receives replacements . It may be recovering from disruption
and/or fatigue . Both side's units may receive a maximum of one
replacement point each per turn.

Each infantry replacement point restores one strength point of

unmodified attack and defense strength to infantry and engineer

Victory PAK"'" Reference Manual 167

units. Depending on the strength of the unit receiving the
replacements. some antitank strength may be restored as well.

Each armor replacement point restores one strength point of

unmodified attack and defense strength to armored units. plus a
generally greater amount of unmodified armor and antitank
strength. (Note that there is no separate button for armor
replacement points: the correct type of replacement point is
automatically used, depending on what kind of unit is receiving
the replacements.)

Provided that each unit meets the conditions listed above, and
subject to the total number of replacement points of that type
currently available. there is no restrlction on the number of
different units that may receive replacements during the same

Replacement points carmot be used to increase the strength of a

unit above its normal full strength.

British Replacements - Market Garden

The British regimental system fanned the basis of the British
Army. Under this system. British infantry and armored regiments
were administrative formations only. not combat formations.
Each regiment consisted of a variable (and sometimes large)
number of battalions. and each regiment drew virtually all of its
recruits from its own limited geographic area (typically only one
county or city). Individual battalions were then assigned to
brigades for combat purposes. without regard for regimental
affll1ations. Regardless of which brigade or division they were
assigned to, the individual battalions maintained a permanent
affiliation with their home regiment for training. administrative.
and historical purposes. All replacements were trained and
delivered to Individual battalions by their own regiments. not by
some generic army-wide replacement structure. as in other
armies. Promotions and transfers generally took place only
within regiments; British soldiers rarely transferred from one
regiment to another. Thus. most British soldiers maintained a
permanent. life-long affiliation with a single regiment. which
added greatly to the importance of unique regimental insignia and
traditions, as well as the troops' sense of professtonaltsrn,
cohesion, and belonging. The negative aspects of the regimental
system were that it fostered clan-like suspicion, mistrust. and
even hatred between different regiments. as well as less flexibility
with regard to administrative matters. particularly the flow of
replacements. Since almost all British replacements were already

168 Reference Manual Victory PAW"

earmarked for specific units from their first day of trammg and
could not simply be sent wherever they were needed the most,
ample notice and planning time was required before an offensive,
to insure that replacements would be available when needed.
This was one .of several factors which added to the British
tendency to take a long time to plan and build up for their

In U1e game, the British receive an unlimited number of infantry

and armor replacement points, since Operation Market-Garden
was a planned offensive and the need for replacements was
anticipated. For the sake of playability. there is no restriction on
which infantry-type units may use infantry replacements and
which armor-type units may use armor replacements. However
[as noted above), there are no replacements available for British,
American, or Polish airborne units.

British replacement points are added to the unit receiving them

one at a time (i.e .. one strength point per unit receiving
replacements per tum) . More than one unit may receive
replacements during the same tum.

To reflect the worsening British manpower situation by this stage

of the war and the caution which that produced in British military
planning, each British replacement point (of either type) used
by the Allied player costs him 10 victory points.

Russian Replacements - VeUkiye Luki

Compared to the size of the army it supported. the Red Army's
rear-area replacement and training establishment was much
smaller than those of the other major combatants of WWIl. This
was because it was the Red Army's policy not to make any
attempt to replace rank-and-file personnel losses, in most units
at least, while the unit was on the front line. The strength of
most Russian units, especially infantry divisions, therefore
declined rapidly in action, and eventually the division, severely
weakened and depleted. had to be withdrawn for complete

This practice made sense given the nature of the Red Army - a
mass levy which relied on sheer numbers of men rather than the
personal skills and combat performance of individual soldiers. In
Such an army, a large replacement and training establishment
was not needed, and. given the low level of education and
technical skill among the Soviet population as a whole. probably
Would not have been justified by the results. It was more

Victory PAKT" Reference Manual 169

important to get as many men as possible into action as quickly
as possible.

The majority of men entering the Red Army went directly from
clvtllan life into their final combat units, where they received a
bare minimum of individual and unit training. before going into
action with that same unit. Both new divisions and depleted,
veteran divisions were routinely filled out and brought up to
strength by the wholesale incorporation of masses of raw recruits,
often obtained locally. who had not yet received any training at
all. It was a simple. almost crude method that resulted in very
high casualties among the poorly-trained recruits, especially early
in the war. but it got large numbers of men into action quickly,
and in the end it worked.

The only differences between infantry and other types of units in

this regard were that men with more tntelligence or education
tended to be assigned to the more technically-oriented units such
as armor and artillery. and such units usually had to spend more
time training as a unit before going into action.

The Red Army did maintain a few separate replacement and

training units. but only for those specialists who required
significantly more education, technical skill. and training than the
rank-and-file soldiers. Such specialists included officers and
commissars. pilots, artillerymen. snipers. and mechanics. all of
which had their own special schools and replacement units.
Thus. when an officer such as a battalion or regimental
commander was killed. a trained replacement was sent
specifically to take his place. but that did not happen for
individual enlisted men. or even most NCO's.

In the game. the Russian player receives a small number of

infantry replacement points. These are not intended to represent
the mass influx of untrained manpower that was necessary in
order to rebuild a significant number of rifle battalions. and are
far from sufficient for that purpose. Rather. they represent two
things: a small but steady flow of trained personnel for specialist
units such as ski brigades and engineer battalions; and also a
limited number of lightly-wounded men who are fit to return to
duty after only a short time away from their units, There is no
restriction on what kinds of infantry-type units may use these
replacements. and the Russian player is free to use them to
rebuild any infantry-type units (including cavalry) that he wishes.
This is not a lapse of historical detail or accuracy: it is in the
Russian player's interest to reserve his small number of infantry
replacement points for his best and most important units, which

170 Reference Manual VIctory PAJ(1""

Is very close to standard Red Army practice.

Like personnel replacements, delivery of new heavy equipment

such as tanks was also generally limited to new units still in the
process of formation , or to units In the rear that had suffered
heavy losses and were being completely rebuilt. Therefore, in the
game, armor replacement points represent temporarily disabled
vehicles which have been repaired by field maintenance and
workshop units near the front and returned to service, rather
than new vehicles fresh from the factories.

The number of Russian replacement points available varies from

scenario to scenario. In the Campaign Game, the Russian player
receives a total of 27 infantry replacement points for infantry, ski.
cavalry, and engineer units, and 18 armor replacement points. A
fraction of these "arrive" (t.e .• become available) each day, at the
rate of 3 infantry replacement points and 2 armor replacement
points per week. Unused replacement points may be
accumulated from day to day and week to week. Note that the
Russian player may not rebuild HQ units using replacement
points. However, eliminated Russian divisional, corps. and army
HQ's automatically return to play at the end of the next 4:00 AM
Execution Phase. if there are any units attached to that HQ
which are still in play, and if one of these units occupies, or is
adjacent to, a hex which is not in a German zone of control. and
is permissible terrain for the HQ unit. Russian brigade HQ's are
never replaced.

Russian replacement points are added to the unit receiving them

one at a time (t.e .. one strength point per untt receiving
replacements per tum). If there are enough replacement points
available, more than one unit may receive replacements during
the same tum.

In VeUkiye Luki, there Is no victory point penalty {for either side]

for using replacement points.

German Replacements - Market Garden

The German Replacement Army was a large. carefully-organized
establishment, responsible for drafting men, training them,
buildtng new units, and providlng personnel replacements for all
existing units In the German Army. During the first part of the
War, new German recruits and draftees received their basic
training in a Replacement Army unit in Germany. after which
those assigned as field replacements were transferred to a "Field
Replacement and Training" battalion near the front line. ("Feld

Vlctory PAKl''' Reference Manual 171

Ersatz und Ausbtldung" in German: usually abbreviated as either
FE or FA. especially in wargames.l Each division In the German
Army contained one of these replacement and training battalions,
and there were also a number of them attached directly to higher
HQ's. such as corps and field armies.

These field replacement battalions served several purposes,

Including: advanced training for newly arrived replacements
before sending them on to actual field units: a
convalescent/limited duty unit for the "walking wounded" during
their recuperation: rear-area security: and finally, as a last-ditch,
emergency reserve.

Beginning with the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941,

the Replacement Army and the field replacement battalions were
generally unable to process enough replacements to maintain
front-line German divisions at full strength. especially when the
divisions were engaged in heavy or prolonged combat. The three
principal reasons for this were: (1) the limited German manpower
pool: (2) losses which were much heavier than expected: and (3)
Hitler's personal preference for creating additional , entirely new
divisions instead of using the same manpower to keep existing
units at full strength. The result was that German divisions
always got weaker and weaker the longer they remained on the
front line . Eventually, German divisions were always reduced to
burned-out shells, and the surviving remnants then had to be
withdrawn for complete rebuilding with new personnel. a process
that normally took several months or more.

By 1944. these huge losses. combined with the critical need for
even more men on the front lines. were responsible for great
stresses within the German replacement system. Numerous
short-cuts and emergency measures were taken in the training
programs. tncludtng the transfer of whole training divisions from
the Replacement Army in Germany to occupied countries and/or
areas closer to the front. In the Market-Garden area, such units
included the 84th. 85th, 180th, and 406th Training Divisions, all
of which were rushed from Germany into Holland on an
emergency basis, and then redesignated as infantry divisions after
the conclusion of the battle. This polley of sending training units
into combat provided a short-term increase in German manpower
at the front (albeit a lot of it incompletely trained manpower), at
the expense of replacements for the regular combat units .

The ability of the Germans to replace lost heavy equipment

(tanks, etc .) was even more limited. In fact. front-line German
units almost never received any new vehicles or guns: such items

172 Referen ce Manual Victory pAR'"

usually went only to brand-new dtvisions still in the process of
fannation. or to units in the rear area that had suffered heavy
losses and were being completely rebuilt. In the Market-Garden
area. no new or replacement vehicles were available to German
front-One units during the time period covered by the game.

The number of German replacement points available varies from

scenario to scenario. In the Campaign Game. the German player
begins the game with a total of 44 infantry replacement points for
non-airborne infantry and engineer units. 3 airborne
replacement points. and no armor replacement points.

German replacement points are added to the unit receiving them

one at a time tt.e.. one strength point per unit receiving
replacements per turn). If there are enough replacement points
available. more than one unit may receive replacements during
the same turn.

Unlike the Allied player. the German player never suffers a victory
point penalty for using replacement points.

German Replacements - Velikiye Luki

The German Replacement Army 'was a large. carefully-organized
establishment. responsible for drafting men, training them.
building new units, and provtdmg personnel replacements for all
existing units in the German Army. New German recruits and
draftees received their basic training 1n a Replacement Army unit
In Germany. after which those assigned as field replacements
were transferred to a "Field Replacement and Training" battalion
near the front line, ['Feld Ersatz und Ausbildung" 1n German;
usually abbreviated as either FE or FA, especially in wargames.)
Each division in the German Army contained one of these
replacement and training battalions. and there were also a
number of them attached directly to higher HQ's. such as corps
and field armies.

These field replacement battalions served several purposes.

Including: advanced training for newly arrived replacements
before sendIng them on to actual field units; a
convalescent/limited duty unit for the "walking wounded" during
their recuperation; rear-area security; and finally. as a last-ditch.
emergency reserve.
Beginning with the German tnvasion of the Soviet Union, the
Replacement Army and the field replacement battalions were
generally unable to process enough replacements to maintain

Victory PAK'M ReFerence Manual 173

front-line German divisions at full strength, especially when the
divisions were engaged In heavy or prolonged combat. The three
principal reasons for this were: (1) the limited German manpower
pool; {2) losses which were much heavier than expected: and (3)
Hitler's personal preference for creating additional, entirely new
divisions Instead of using the same manpower to keep existing
units at full strength. The result was that, just like in the Red
Army, German divisions always got weaker and weaker the longer
they remained on the front line, although German divisions of all
types had more "staying power" that their Red Army counterparts,
and lasted longer before having to be withdrawn. Eventually
though. German d ivisions were always reduced to burned-out
shells. and the surviving remnants then had to be withdrawn for
complete rebuildtng with new personnel , a process that normally
took several months or more.

The ability of the Germans to replace lost heavy equipment

(tanks, etc .) was even more limited. In fact, front-line German
units almost never received any n.ew vehicles or guns: such items
usually went only to brand-new dtvisions still in the process of
formation, or to units in the rear area that had suffered heavy
losses and were being completely rebuilt. Armor replacement
points therefore represent temporarily disabled vehicles which
have been repaired by field maintenance and workshop units near
the front and returned to service, rather than new vehicles fresh
from the factories.

In the game . the field replacement battalions of all but one of the
German divisions are assumed to be part of the divisional HQ,
and are not included as separate units. The sale exception is the
field replacement battalion of the 83rd Infantry Division, which is
represented in the game as a separate unit. The reason for tills is
that the 83rd's field replacement battalion was historically
committed to front-line combat within the City of Velikiye Luki,
due to the extremely critical nature of the fighting there. Since
several of the scenarios in the game recreate that situation. we
felt it was important to include all the units that did, in fact, fight

The number of German replacement points available varies from

scenario to scenario. In the Campaign Game, the German player
receives a total of 90 infantry replacement points for non-airborne
infantry and engineer units, and 18 armor replacement points. A
fraction of these "arrive" (i.e.. become available) each day. at the
rate of 10 infantry replacement points and 2 armor replacement
points per week. Unused replacement points may be
accumulated from day to day and week to week. Note that the

174 Reference Manual Victory PAK''''

Gennan player may not rebuild the following kinds of units using
replacement points: Brandenburg commandos. airborne infantry.
or HQ units. However. eliminated German HQ's automatically
return to play at the end of the next 4 :00 AM Execution Phase. if
there are any units attached to that HQ which are still in play.
and if one of these units occupies. or is adjacent to. a hex which
is not in a Russian zone of control, and is permissible terrain for
the HQ unit.

German replacement points are added to the unit receiving them

one at a time Ii.e .. one strength point per unit receiving
replacements per turn) . If there are enough replacement points
available. more than one unit may receive replacements during
the same turn.

In Vellkiye Lukt, there is no victory point penalty (for either side)

for using replacement points.

American Replacements - Utah Beach

The U.S. Army Ground Forces Command (AGF) was the
organization responsible for the training and processing of
replacements for the combat units of the U.S. Army. AGF had the
deliberate and ambitious goal of providtng a flow of trained
replacements sufficient to keep all 90 divisions of the U.S . Army
in combat and at full strength indefmitely. Despite some minor
difficulties. this massive replacement system functioned generally
as intended. and beginning in 1943 it was able to keep almost all
U.S. Army divisions at or near full strength in manpower,
regardless of their losses. No other army in the world had
anything like this kind of replacement capability. and it made the
U.S. Army far more effective than its relatively small number of
divtsions would otherwise indicate. Even though the average
American divtston in Normandy lost 50 percent of its infantrymen
month (a much higher casualty rate than almost all pre-invasion
estimates). AGF's replacement system was still able to keep up.
maintaining most units in Normandy at or near full strength in
manpower. The only significant exceptions were the two airborne
dtvtsions. which required more parachute-qualified replacements
than the small number of jump schools could train in a short
period of time .

Replacements for lost heavy equipment (such as tanks and

artillery pieces) were harder for American units to obtain than
personnel replacements. because (1) the actual losses of such
items greatly exceeded the pre-invasion estimates (American tank
losses in Normandy were almost jour times greater than expected) ,

Victory PAK''' Reference Manual 175

and (2) the considerable difficulties and delays Involved in
packaging. loading. shipping. and dehvertng such large and heavy
items. While all heavy equipment losses suffered by American
units were eventually replaced. the process took much longer
than personnel replacements . and so replacements for heavy
equipment are beyond the scope of this game.

Except for airborne infantry and airborne engineers. the American

player always has an unlimited number of replacement paints
available. The number of replacement points available for
American airborne infantry and airborne engineer units varies
from scenario to scenario. Each non-airborne. non-HQ
replacement point used by the American player costs him 5
victory points. and each HQ replacement point used by the
American player costs him 50 victory points.

In the Campaign Game. the American player begins with 40

airborne replacement paints available. and a starting victory point
score of +80 victory points for regular infantry replacements "n ot
taken". Twenty of the airborne replacement points represent true
replacements. and the other twenty represent the delayed "return"
of personnel who were too scattered by the initial drop to fight
with their units during the first day of the invasion. The +80
victory point score represents replacement manpower that was
already assigned. before the invasion, to the 4th Infantry Division,
but which was not needed due to the lower-than-expected D-Day
casualties at Utah Beach.

American replacement points are normally added to the unit

receiving them in groups of two (t.e.. two strength points per
tum) . A unit never receives more than two replacement points in
one tum. The following situations could cause it to receive only

1. The unit receiving the replacements only needs one

replacement point to bring it up to full strength.
2. An airborne unit is receiving replacements and the re is
only one airborne replacement point still available.
3. An American HQ unit is receiving replacements. HQ units
may only receive one replacement point per tum.

German Replacements - Utah Beach

The German Replacement Army began the war with a much
smaller population base of suitable young men to draw from than
did the U.S. Army Ground Forces Command. To make matters
worse, by 1944 that smaller pool of available German manpower

176 Reference Manual Victory pAJ{'''

was almost exhausted. Consequently. most German units in
Normandy were not able to replace their losses. During the
month of June 1944. total German dead, wounded . and mtsslng
In Normandy amounted to some 70.000 men. During that same
month only about 8 ,000 replacements arrived.

Although most German dtvtslons had their own field replacement

battalions (included as part of the divisional HQ unit in Utah
Beach), these replacement battalions depended on a supply of
recruits from the Replacement Army that was never adequate.
The result was that German divisions always got weaker" and
weaker the longer they remained on the front line. Eventually.
German divisions were always reduced to bumed-out shells. and
the surviving remnants then had to be withdrawn for complete
rebuilding. a process that normally took several months or more.

The ability of the Germans to replace lost heavy equipment

(tanks. etc .) was even more lirnited. In fact. front-line German
units almost never received any new vehicles or guns; such Items
usually went only to brand-new divisions still in the process of
formation. or to units in the rear area that had suffered heavy
losses and were being completely rebuilt.

The number of German replacement points available varies from

scenario to scenario. In the Campaign Game. the German player
has a total of 32 replacement points for non-airborne infantry
and engineer units, The German player may not rebuild airborne
infantry or HQ units.

German replacement points are added to the unit receiving them

one at a time (t.e .. one strength point per unit receiving
replacements per tum) . If there are enough replacement points
remaining. more than one unit may receive replacements during
the same turn.

Unlike the American player, the German player never suffers a

Victory point penalty for using replacement paints.

Victory PAK'"" Reference Manual 177

Victory Conditions

Victory in V for Vlctory '" games is assessed

numerically through the tabulation of victory points.
In each scenario, victory points are awarded to both
s ides for possession of geographic objectives and inflicting losses
on the enemy. The game keeps track of each side's current
victory point total, and makes whatever adjustments are required
each tum.

During any Planning Phase, players may examine the geographic

objectives for the scenario, the current victory point totals for
both sides, and the current victory level by clicking on the ~V for
Vlctoryt'<" button at the bottom of the General Sidebar. This
opens the Victory Window at the bottom of the screen.

Geographic Objectives

Points ' ?4 r~ l Points
per tum ~ owner ~ to date

In each scenario, there are a number of geographic objectives that

represent the majority of the victory points that each side can
earn. Each scenario has a different set of geographic objectives
and their corresponding values in victory points. In each scenario
(except the Velikiye Lukl scenario "Into the City"). all the
geographic objectives for that scenario are labeled on the map.
To see what each of these objectives is worth, use the "Next" and
"Locate" buttons on the right side of the Victory Window.

Alternately. you can use the Victory Location

Buttons. These buttons, when clicked will center
th e map on areas which offer victory points when
captured. If your MAC has a 12" screen or
smaller. these buttons will not appear on your

At the end of every game-tum. victory points are

awarded to one side or the other for possession of
each geographic objective. Additional victory points are also
awarded at the end of each scenario for possession of eacb
geographic objective at that time . For each objective, the
victory points awarded for possession at the end of the scenario
are equal to the value of that objective to that side each turn

178 Reference Manual Victory PAW"

JJ1ultiplied by the number of turns in the scenario. In other
words. each objective is worth just as much to hold at the end of
the scenario as it is to hold throughout the entire scenario. Thus.
there are benefits both for taking and holding each objective as
long as possible. and for holding it at the end of the scenario.

\IJ.~tory PAK''' Reference Manual 179

Victory Conditions - Market Garden

In each Market-Garden scenario, each objective is worth the same

number of victory paints to each side. Below is a list of the
geographic objectives in the Campaign Game, and their victory
paint values in that scenario.

Campaign Game Geographic Objectives

City /Village Victory Points Victory Points
per Turn at End

Arnhem Bridge 24 1680

Nijmegen 20 1400
Grave Bridge 5 350
Zan Bridge 4 280
Best Bridge 4 280
Eindhoven 4 280
Groesbeeck 4 280
Oosterbeck 4 280
Driel 4 280
Fort Lent 4 280
Doumont 4­ 280
Helmond 4 280
Veghel 4 280
Velp 4­ 280
Kiete 4 280
Ehrke 4­ 280
Ede 4 280
Larte 4 280

Losses Inflicted on Enemy Units

In each scenario, both sides receive 20 victory points for each
unmodified defense strength point of enemy armor, mech recon,
artillery, or HQ that is lost, and 10 victory points for each
unmodified defense strength point of enemy infantry, engine~r.
antitank, or anti-aircraft that is lost. Exception: the Allied player
only receives 5 Victory points for each unmodified defense
strength point of German Ost infantry that is lost.

Victory Point Penalties

To reflect the worsening British manpower situation and the
caution which that produced in British military planning. each

180 Reference Manual Victory PAW"

British replacement point (of either type) used by the Allied
player costs him. 10 victory points.

Victory Levels
........ . ,. - -- -
--....-- ~~
. ',' . -~

M=,r gin8.1 :~t ~J . Kills ~ ' * 1\

Clt l~S
Viet Oty Ships .
Repl::or.:emetlts .
Success Bale : +

'To assess the performance of both sides relative to the actual

campaign and to assign some meaning to the result. the game
keeps track of the current Victory Level. It does this at the end of

each tum by subtracting the current German victory- point

total from the current Allied total, with the result being defined
as the current score. During any Planning Phase. you can open
the Victory Window by clicking on the "V for Victory" button at
the bottom of the General Sidebar. You can see the current
victory level on the far left side of the Victory Window. The
current score can be easily calculated by subtracting the current
German victory point total from the current Allied total; the game
does this for you and displays the result on the graph in the
middle of the window. In each scenario. each blue dot on the
graph represents the cumulative victory point score at the end -of
a certain period of time. The number of turns represented by
each dot are variable, and depend upon the length of the
scenario. The exact relationship is that each dot represents the
cumulative score after 1/26th of the length of the current
scenario (because the graph is only wide enough for 26 dots). For
most of the scenarios. this means that each dot represents the
cumulative score for some fraction of a turn: in the Campaign
Game each dot represents the cumulative victory point score for
2.7 turns.

There are six victory levels . They are listed below. along with their
corresponding scores and the historical implications of that
victory level if it were to become the final. end-of-game result in
the Campaign Game.

Decisive Allied Victory (Score: +8000 or more) . The 21 st Army

Group has won an overwhelming victory, crushing the German
forces in southern Holland. quickly seizing a bridgehead over the
Rhine and cutting a corridor into the German Reich. The
Germans probably will not be able to stop an Allied advance into
the Ruhr industrial complex, and the V-2 launch sites
threatening England will be isolated. The war may be over before

Victory PAK''' Reference Manual 181


Substantial Allied Victory (Score: +4000 to +7999). The 21st

Army Group has performed well, taking Arnhem, inflicting
significant losses on the Germans, and threatening the supply
line for much of the German 15th Army in Holland. The stage is
now set for further Allied advances which could isolate the 15th
Army, as well as possible offensives into Germany itself. aimed at
capturing the key Runr industrial complex before the end of the

Marginal Allied Victory (Score: +1 to +3999). The 21st Army

Group has achieved most of its goals for the offensive. although
not without some difficulties. Mounting German resistance Will
probably prevent any quick or major Victories in this sector before
the end of the year. but it mightbe possible to reach the coast in
northern Holland , threatening the flanks of the German 15th

Marginal German Victory (Score: 0 to -3999). The German

defense of this area has been fairly successful, but a further Allied
advance could open a gap between the German 2nd Parachute
and 15th Armies. threatening the flanks of both . Additional
British attacks can be expected in the near future , and it is
uncertain whether or not they can be contained.

Substantial German Victory (Score: -4000 to -7999). (Note:

This is the historical result of the Campaign Game.) This British
offensive. at least, has failed . The Germans have successfully
"bought time" by holding Arnhem, thereby preventing any British
drives beyond the Rhine. Although renewed British offensives in
this area can be expected before the end of the year, it should be
possible to contain them without yielding too much ground or
suffering major German losses.

Decisive German Victory (Score: -8000 or less). The German

defense of the Arnhem area has been masterful. and the British
21st Army Group has suffered Significant losses without achieving
any of Its major objectives. Arnhem will remain in German hands
for the foreseeable future, and the Allies will not cross the Rhine
River in 1944. Furthermore, if the German forces now assembled
near Arnhern are not urgently needed elsewhere, a German
offensive can probably be launched from this area to complement
the planned Ardennes offensive later in the year.

182 Reference Manual V1CIOry pAf{1"

Victory Conditions - Velikiye Luki

In some Velikiye Luki scenarios. objectives may be worth more

victory points to one side than to the other side. Also. in all
scenarios except "Into the City." the city of Velik1ye Luki and the
large village of Novosokolniki are multi-hex objectives. This
means that. in the case of Velikiye Luki, the Russian player
must own every hex of the city in order to gain any victory points
for it; the German player gains all the points for it even if he only
holds one hex of it. This situation is reversed for Novosokolnikt.
where the German player must own every hex of the village in
order to gain any victory points for it: the Russian player gains all
the points for it even if he only holds one hex of it. (In "Into the
City" only. Velikiye Luki is not a multi-hex objective, and
individual hexes within the city constitute separate geographic

Below is a list of the geographic objectives in the Campaign Game.

and their victory point values in that scenario. Each objective in
the Campaign Game is worth the same number of victory points
to each side.

Campaign Game Geographic Objectives

City/Village Victory Points Victory Points
per Turn at End

Velikiye Luki 6 2400

Novosokoln:lk:i 5 2000
Vaskovo 1 400
Voyevo 1 400
Nasva 1 400
Kiselevichi 1 400
Shubino 1 400
Vlasye 1 400
Izocha 1 400

Note that Vaskovo and the other villages listed below it are all
located on the railroad that runs from north to south. near the
West edge of the map. This railroad is the main Vitebsk­
Leningrad line. important for the supply of the southern portion
of the German Army Group North. Possession of these villages
(actually small railroad stations) represents long-term control
OVer that portion of the line.

Vktory PAKT" Reference Manual 183

Losses Inflicted on Enemy Units
In each scenario. the Russians receive 20 victory points for each
unmodified defense strength point of Gennan armor. mech recon.
artillery, or HQ that is lost. and 10 victory points for each
unmodified defense strength point of German infantry. ski.
security, engineer. antitank. or anti-aircraft that is lost.

In each scenario. the Gennans receive 2 victory points for each

unmodified defense strength point of Russian armor, mech recon,
artillery. or HQ that ts lost. and 1 Victory point for each
unmodified defense strength point of Russian infantry. ski,
cavalry. engineer. antitank . or anti-aircraft that is lost.

Victory Point Penalties

Unlike some of the other games in the V for Vlctory!" series. in
Velikiye Luki there are no victory point penalties for either side.

Victory Levels
_ •• ,' .. " "' • I I I' " ,. . • . .. .... , •... _ .. , " or . ' • • •- " 0"

~, , ~, "' I " -"~'

M~g irlal ~ Total . ~

. GetTI~81) , . Cities ~ Rep l9.(;~~et'lts .

Victor,.-' Ships . . J E t'lem~/ Lo :s:ses
- ,':'j;' . ;.
' • •

To assess the performance of both sides relative to the actual

campaign and to assign some meaning to the result. the game
keeps track of the current Victory Level. It does this at the end of
each tum by subtracting the current German victory point
total from the current Russian total. with the result being
defined as the current score. During any Planning Phase. you
can open the Victory Window by clicking on the "V for Victory"
button at the bottom of the General Sidebar. You can see the
current victory level on the far left side of the Victory Window.
The current score can be easily calculated by subtracting the
current German victory point total from the current Russian total:
the game does this for you and displays the result on the graph in
the middle of the window. In each scenario. each blue dot on the
graph represents the cumulative victory point score at the end of
a certain period of time. The number of turns represented by
each dot are variable . and depend upon the length of the
scenario. The exact relationship is that each dot represents the
cumulative score after 1/26th of the length of the current
scenario (because the graph is only wide enough for 26 dots). For

184 Referen ce Manual Vl ctory PAKl"

most of the scenarios. this means that each dot represents the
cUITlulative score for two or three turns: in the Campaign Game.
because of its great length. each dot represents the cumulative
~ictory point score for 15 turns (2.5 days).

There are six victory levels . They are listed below. along with their
corresponding scores and the historical implications of that
victory level if it were to become the Ilnal. end-of-game result in
the Campaign Game.

Decisive Russian Victory (Score: +8000 or more). The 3rd

Shock Army has won an overwhelming victory. crushing the
German forces in the Veliktye Lukl area. quickly seizing the city.
and cutting the supply line for much of the German Army Group
North. Due to the simultaneous Russian victory at Stallngrad.
German reserves have been stretched to the breaking point. and
the Germans probably will not be able to stop a Russian advance
beyond Vellktye Luki to Pskov and Riga in early 1943. This will
trap the entirety of Army Group North, lift the siege of Leningrad,
and permit an advance into Poland before the end of 1943.

Substantial Russian Victory (Score: +4000 to +7999). The 3rd

Shock Army has performed well. taking Velikiye Luki, tnfltcttng
significant losses on the Germans. and threatening the supply
line for much of the German Army Group North. The stage is now
set for further advances in 1943 which could isolate Army Group
North. as well as possible offensives beyond Vellkiye Lukl to the
south, aimed at liberating Vitebsk and Smolensk before the end of
the year.

Marginal Russian Victory (Score: +1 to +3999). The 3rd Shock

Army has achieved most of its goals for the offensive. although
not without some difficulties. Sttff German resistance will
probably prevent any quick or major victories in this sector in
1943. but it might be possible to reach Pskov and/or Vitebsk.
threatening the flanks of the German Army Groups North and
Center. respectively.

Marginal German Victory (Score: 0 to -3999) . The German

defense of this area has only been partially successful. and a
further Russian advance could open a gap between Army Groups
North and Center. threatening the flanks of both . Additional
Russian attacks can be expected in the near future. and it is
uncertain whether or not they can be contained.

Substantial German Victory (Score: -4000 to -7999). (Note:

this is the historical result of the Campaign Game.) The Germans

Vlctory PAK''' Reference Manual 185

have successfully "bough t time" by holding Vellkiye Luki against
strong Russian pressure for almost two months. thereby
protecting the vital Vitebsk-Lentngrad railroad. and preventing
any strong Russian drives beyond Velikiye Lukl. Although
renewed Russian offensives in th is area can be expected in 1943.
it should be possible to contain them without yielding too much
ground or suffering major German losses.

Decisive German Victory (Score: -8000 or less). The German

defense of Velikiy e Luki has been masterful. and the Russian 3rd
Shock Army has suffered significant losses without achieving any
of its major objectives. Velikiye Luki will remain in German
hands throughout 1943. a finn anchor at the boundary between
Army Groups North and Center. Furthermore. if the German
forces now assembled near Velikiye Luki are not urgently needed
elsewhere. a German offen sive can probably be launched from
Velikiye Luki to the east. with the objective of taking Toropets,
and eliminating the threat to the German-occupied salient at

L86 Referen ce Manual Victory PAJ<''''

~ Victory Conditions ~ Utah Beach

In the Campaign Game, the geographic objectives correspond to

all the named cities on the map. The next page contains a list of
all the named cttles, and their victory point values in these two

campaign Game Geographic Objectives

City Victory Points per Turn
Campaign Game
[Same for both Sides)

Cherbourg 16
Carentan 8
Isigny 3
st. Mere Eglise 3
Periers 2
Lessay 2
La Haye du Putts 2
Carteret 1
St. Saveur Ie Vicompte 1
Montebourg 1
Valognes 1
Bnquebec 1
St. Vaast la Hougue 1
Quettehou 1

Losses Inflicted on Enemy Units

In each scenario. each side receives 20 victory points for each
unmodified defense strength point of enemy armor, mech recon.
artillery, or HQ that Is lost. Exception: the American player only
receives 10 victory points for each unmodified defense strength
point of German light panzer that is lost - i.e .. the 100th and
206th Light Panzer Battalions.

In each scenario. each side receives 10 victory points for each

unmodified defense strength point of enemy infantry. engineer.
antitank, or anti-aircraft that Is lost. Exception: the American
player only receives 5 victory points for each unmodified defense
strength point of German Ost infantry that is lost.

The victory points awarded for inflicting losses on an enemy unit

are tripled if the enemy unit surrenders, is in a state of no supply

Victory PAJ{T" Reference Manual 187

when its losses are taken. or if its losses are due to not having a
retreat path or retreating through an enemy zone of controL.

Victory Point Penalties

American Replacements: Each replacement point used by the
American player to rebuild an HQ unit costs him 50 victory
points . Each non-airborne replacement point used by the
American player to rebuild a non-airborne infantry or engineer
unit costs him 5 victory points.

'Na val Support: For each fire mission conducted by a ship, the
American player loses the following number of victory points:

Ship~ Victory Point Cost

(per ship per flre mission)
(before June 18/ June 18 and after)

Battleship 8/25
Heavy Cruiser 5/ 15
Monitor 2 I - (not in play)
Light Cruiser 1/5
Destroyer 0/1

Victory Levels
. - .... - _. ..

M~.t"giMJ II
Total ~
Iii Cities .
~ Replacements
~ * .: j

Viet oty Ships EnemyLosses ~ .

-To assess the performance of both sides relative to the actual

campaign and to assign some meaning to the result. the game
keeps track of the current Victory Level. It does this at the end of
each tum by subtracting the current German victory point
total from the current American total. with the result being
defined as the current score. During any Planning Phase, you
can open the Victory Window by clicking on the ~v for Victory"
button at the bottom of the General Sidebar. You can see the
current victory level on the far left side of the Victory Window­
The current score can be easily calculated by subtracting the
current German Victory point total from the current American
total: the game does this for you and displays the result on the
graph in the middle of the window. In each scenario except the
Campaign Game. each blue dot on the graph represents the

188 Reference Manual Victory PAJ<'~

cumulative victory point score at the end of each turn. In the
Campaign Game. each blue dot on the graph represents the
cumulative victory point score at the end of each day. and the
orange dots show the corresponding historical victory point
scores from the actual campaign.

There are six victory levels. They are listed below. along with their
corresponding scores and the hlstortcal implications of that
victory level if it were to become the final. end-of-game result in
the Campaign Game.

Decisive American Victory (Score: +8000 or more). The

American VII Corps has won an overwhelming victory. crushing
the German forces In the Utah sector. If the same thing has
happened In the Omaha and British sectors. the remaining
Gennan forces in Western Europe will not be able to stop the
Allied armies. The war In Europe may be over before the end of

Substantial American Victory (Score: +4000 to +7999). (Note:

this is the historical result of the Campaign Game.) So far. the
invasion has gone essentially as planned in the Utah sector. with
the American VII Corps suffering only slight delays . If the
situation Is similar in the Omaha and British sectors. an Allied
breakout from Normandy will probably occur towards the end of
the summer. Paris should be liberated soon afterwards. and most
of France should be liberated before the end of the year.

Marginal American Victory (Score: +1 to +3999). The Gennan

defenses in the Utah sector have been tougher than anticipated
by the Allies. The American VII Corps has achieved most (but not
all) of its objectives. and Is somewhat behind schedule. If the
situation is similar in the Omaha and British sectors. a clean
Allied breakout from Normandy remains possible. If that can be
achteved, it should also be possible to liberate Paris before the
end of the year.

Marginal German Victory (Score: 0 to -3999) . For the most

part, the German defense of the Utah sector has been solid and
competent. The American VII Corps is definitely behind schedule
in achieving Its objectives. Unless the situation is significantly
better for the Allies in the Omaha and British sectors. a clean
Allied breakout from Normandy is unlikely. The liberation of most
of Normandy and Brittany before the end of the summer is still
Possible. but it will be slow going, and it is uncertain whether or
not Paris can be liberated in 1944.

Victory PAR''' Reference Manual 189

Substantial German Victory (Score: -4000 to -7999). Despite
some minor setbacks, the German defense of the Utah sector has
been largely successful, and the American VII Corps has failed to
achieve most of Its objectives. Unless the situation is very
different in the Omaha and British sectors. it is unlikely that the
Allies will realize their goals for the campaign. Normandy will
probably be the only part of France to be liberated in 1944. and
the war may last beyond the end of 1945.

Decisive German Victory (Score: -8000 or less). The German

defense of the Utah sector has been masterful: the American VII
Corps has failed to achieve any of its major objectives. If the
situation is the same in the Omaha and British sectors. the entire
Allied invasion of Normandy has failed. Another major Allied
invasion will have to be made somewhere else in Europe. but that
cannot occur before May 1945, due to planning. buildup. and
weather constraints. The war will not be over until 1946 at the

190 Referen ce Manual V1ctOI)' PAK""

Ilistorical Options and Variants

At the beginning of each game. players may select one or more of

the following Historical Options and Variants. Each of them
constitutes a plausible alternate history, and each of them
changes the game situation into something that did not actually
happen in reality, but could have. More than one of them may be
in effect at the same time, although not all of them are relevant in
every scenario. Only the ones that make sense with the chosen
scenario are selectable. Historical Options and Variants may be
selected only at the beginning of each game. and may not be
changed after leaving the Scenario Selection Screen.

Within the Scenario Selection Screen. the Historical Options and

Variants are organized into the categories of "Allied Variants."
"Axis Variants." 'Weather." and "Air Superiority," Within this
section of the manual, they are organized into two different
categories, based on their effect on the play balance of the game.

Note : some of these variants exert a strong influence on the play

balance of the game. For that reason. players should feel free to
use them to adjust the play balance, if the opponents are not of
equal skill or experience. In the list that follows. the relative effect
of each variant on play balance is stated immediately after its

Random Variants
At the bottom of both the Allied and Axis Variant Menus within
the Scenario Selection Screen is an option labeled "Random
Variant." If this option is selected, the game w:Ill randomly select
and implement one of the other variants from that same list,
without automatically revealing to the players which variant was
selected. There Is also a ten percent chance that two of the other
variants from that same list will be randomly selected and

The primary purpose of this feature is to enhance uncertainty.

limited intelligence, and reaUsm. In order to make the best use of
this feature, you should select the Random Variant for the
opposing Side . rather than your own. That way, you will not
always know which units your opponent has. how strong his
airpower is, etc. If you select the Random Variant for both sides
in a two-player game, along with all the other Realism Options,
you can expect a lot of uncertainty and surprise!
Historical Options and Variants - Market


Options and Variants That Favor the Allied Player

Less Cloudy Weather (Greatest Effect on Play Balance)

The time period covered by this game is September 17

- - --
to September 28, 1944.

time were overcast and foggy.

The actual weather
conditions recorded near Arnhem during much of that

If the "Less Cloudy" option is selected on the Weather menu. the

weather in the game will favor the side which has air superiority
and is on the offensive early tn the game (usually the Allies). This
is because the better sky conditions improve the avallabtlity and
effectiveness of atrpower. It will also allow the Allied player better
supply for his airborne units, and earlier airborne reinforcements.

Optional Drop ZOnes for Allied Airborne Divisions (Major

Effect on Play Balance)

If this option is selected, two of the drop zones for the Allied
airborne units are moved from their historical locations to areas
which . in hindsight . would have been better and more
advantageous. This allows two important objectives (the
Groesheek Heights and the bridge at Arnhem) to be taken much
more quickly.

No restrictions on British VIII and XII Corps (Major Effect on

Play Balance)

Historically, the British VIII and XII Corps were assigned the
missions of covering XXX Corp's right and left flanks (respectively)
as XXX Corps advanced toward Arnhem, This meant that the
units of XII and VIII Corps were not free to advance to Amhem on
their own. Furthermore , the units of VIII and XII Corps were
typically (for the British) non-aggressive in the conduct of their
mission. and thus failed to take advantage of German weaknesses
in their sectors. The result was that they contributed less to the
battle than they could have. if their leadership had been more

192 Reference Manual VIctory PAJ<T"

If this option is selected, the units of the British VIII and XlI
Corps are free to move and attack without restrictions. This
includes the 7th and 11th Armored Divisions. and the 3rd and
15th Infantry Divisions. This allows the Allied player a great deal
more strength and flexibility in the conduct of his offensive.

Gennan 9th 88 Panzer Division Not in Play (Major Effect on

play Balance)

Historically, the 9th SS Panzer Division was scheduled to

leave for Germany on September 18 (the day after the
Campaign Game begins) for rebuilding. Several units of
the division had already left the map area, and were preparing to
board trains for Germany when the Allied offensive began. These
units were able to return to the Amhem area w1thin a few hours
after the Allied air drops. If the entire division had left Just a few
days earlier, it would not have been available to participate in this

If this variant is selected. the units of the 9th SS Panzer Division

will not appear in the game. greatly reducing German strength in
th e Amhem area.

Entire German 9th 58 Panzer Division Delayed (Moderate

Effect on Play Balance)

Iii This variant assumes that the entire 9th 55 Panzer

Division had already left the map area (see Variant
Number 4 above). but was still close enough to be able to
return as a reinforcement.

Optional Drop Zones for Allied Airborne Reinforcements

(Moderate Effect on Play Balance)

If this option is selected, the drop zones for the Allied airborne
reinforcements of the British 1st Airborne Division, the American
82nd Airborne Dlviston, and the Polish 1st Parachute Brigade are
moved from their historical locations to areas which. in hindsight.
would have been better and more advantageous. This allows two
important objectives (the Groesbeek Heights and the bridge at
Arnhem) to be reinforced much more quickly.

Victory PAK' '' Reference Manual 193

Options and Variants That Favor the German

Air Parity (Major Effect on Play Balance)

- -- This option assumes that neither side had air
I '~ superiority over Holland during the a u tu m n of
1944, and that British and German air
Fighter Bomber
strengths in the area were roughly equal. This
could easily have happened If the Luftwaffe and the German High
Command had made a few different decisions regarding aircraft
production and the air war.

If this option is s elected, bo th sides receive approximately equal

levels of ground s u p port and air interdiction. In addition, both
sides have an equal air supply capability for isolated HQ's .

Limited Axis Air Superiority (Greatest Effect on Play Balance)

This op tion assumes that the Luftwaffe was

~ ~a~ either a far larger and stronger force than was
Light-Mea Bomber actually the case during the autumn of 1944.
or that (for whatever reason) most of the
remaining Luftwaffe was committed to the Arnhem area during
the time period covered by the game.

If this option is selected. the German player receives more gr ou n d

support and air interdiction than the Allied player. In addition.
both sides have an air supply capability for isolated HQ's. but the
Allied air supply capability is limited to minimal supply.

Note that the Air Superiority options for "Total Allied" and "Total
Axis" Air Superiority are not selectable. In the case of "Total
Allied" Air Superiority, this is because the Allied plan for this
battle deliberately avoided maximum use of available airpower.
due to the unacceptable risk of mistaken air attack which it posed
to the airborne divisions and XXX Corps' armored spearheads. In
the case of "Total Axis" Air Supertortty, this is because s u ch a
situation in the air war would have been historically incompatible
with the ground battle as depicted on the map. and would have
led instead to a fundamentally different ground situation. which
is b eyond the scope of the game.

194 Reference Manual V ictory PAKT>f

£ntire 9th SS Panzer Division begins in play (Major Effect on
Play Balance)

II Between September 1 and September H. the 9th SS

Panzer Divtslon handed over most of its heavy equipment
to the neighboring 10th SS, in preparation for returning to
Gennany for a complete refit. Several units of the 9th SS had
already left the map area, and were preparing to board t rains for
Gennany when the Allied offensive began. These units were able
to return to the Amhem area within a few hours after the Allied
air drop. Had their departure from the area covered by the game
map been slightly delayed, German strength in the Amhem area
would have been much greater in the first critical hours after the
Allied air drop.

This option assumes that the entire 9th SS Panzer Division was
sUII in the Amhem area when the Allied offensive begins.

More Cloudy Weather (Major Effect on Play Balance)

i :X Although the historical weather conditions during this


battle were not particularly good, they could have

been worse, and that would have hindered the Allies
even more. If the "More Cloudy" option is selected on
the Weather menu, the weather in the game will favor the side
which does not have air superiority and is on the defensive early
in the game (usually the Germans). This is because the worse sky
conditions reduce the availability and effectiveness of airpower. It
also reduces the available supply for Allied airborne units. and
delays Allied airborne reinforcements.

More German Infantry Replacements (Moderate Effect on Play


On September 10. 1944, the spearheads of the American Third

and Seventh Armies linked up near the city of Dijon in east­
central France. Third Anny was moving east from Normandy and
was already well past Parts. and Seventh Army was moving north
up the Rhone valley, after landing in southern France. The link­
Up trapped some 130,000 German troops who were still located in
southwestern France. Approximately 100.000 of these men were
miscellaneous security and rear-area troops dispersed into small
garrisons located throughout the region. The other 30,000
Contained a higher proportion of combat troops, holding out at
the strongly fortified Atlantic ports of Lortent, St. Nazaire, Royan,
and La Rochelle. Although the German High Command had seen
the encirclement coming, and soon after August 15 had ordered

Victory PAl<"" Reference Manual 195

all men not located at the ports to evacuate toward Germany. the
majority of them were unable to escape due to insufficient
warning, a lack of transportation. and harassment from local
partisans. Moving mostly on foot in small groups and out of
contact with each other. v1rtually all of the 100,000 men
comprising the rear area troops and general countryside garrisons
were quickly rounded up by the Allies . The firmly entrenched
garrisons at Lorient, St. Nazalre, Royan. and La Rochelle. on the
other hand . were able to hold out until the end of the war.
Unfortunately for the German war effort. the Allies did not need
these ports. made no attempts to take them by force. and were
qutte content to let the German garrisons there quietly sit out the
rest of the war.

In retrospect. it would not have been that hard for most of these
men to escape to Germany. All that would have been required
was for the evacuation order to come two or three weeks earlier.
just before the American breakout from Normandy in late July.
Even before the breakout. many German generals saw the
handwriting on the wall very clearly. Under the circumstances, a
pullout from the most distant. least valuable. and most
indefensible reaches of France made excellent military sense, so
much so that the order to evacuate was actually given, although
too late to really accomplish anything. With just a little foresight.
that same order could have been given three weeks earlier. in
time to get nearly everyone out. Furthermore. if Hitler had placed
a higher value on defending Germany than on holding four
isolated French ports over 600 miles behind the lines. the 30.000
men located there could also have joined the withdrawal. If these
steps had been taken. the additional manpower would have
formed a welcome addition to the harried German forces
gathering along their own border in September 1944.

This variant assumes that a timely evacuation from southwestern

France and the Atlantic ports added these 130.000 men to the
Gennan replacement pool in August and September 1944. This
would have been enough manpower to bring over 20 badly
depleted dtvtslons back to full strength. and some of these men
would undoubtedly have gone to the German divisions in Holland.
Therefore. if this variant is selected. the German player receives
40 additional infantry replacement points at the beginning of the
Campaign Game. Proportionately fewer are received in shorter

At the beginning of each scenario in which this variant has been

selected. the game automatically uses a number of these extra
replacement points to Increase the initial strength of German

196 Reference Manual Victory pAW"

infantry units, both those that begin on the map and those that
arrive as reinforcements. The remainder of the extra replacement
points are added to those that were historically available.

Victory PAK'" Reference Manual 197

Historical Options and Variants - Velikiye


Options and Variants That Favor the Russian


Less Cloudy and Colder Weather (Greatest Effect on Play


The time period covered by this game is November 15.

V ~ 1942 to January 19, 1943. The actual weather
cond1tions recorded near Veltkiye Luki during that
time were close to average, and were much better than
the preceding winter of 1941-42, which had been the coldest
Russian winter in over 150 years. Due to the milder. more
average conditions during the winter of 1942-43, the winter
weather was not a Significant hindrance to military operations like
it had been the previous year.

A surprising point about combat during Russian winters is that.

for the wetter and more swampy areas which cover much of the
northern half of European Russia, including the area around
Velikiye Lukl, average winter conditions are actually better for
most military operations than the warmer temperatures which
prevail during the rest of the year. Thls is because the numerous
swamps and water obstacles freeze over during even average
winters, and therefore cease to be a hindrance to movement and
combat. The best winter conditions in Russia are therefore those
which are cold but also clear, with a minimum of snowfall, since
snow also hinders movement and combat after a certain amount
of it accumulates.

If both the "Less Cloudy" and "Colder" options are selected on the
Weather menu, the weather in the game will favor the side which
has air superiority and is on the offensive early in the game
(usually the Russians). This is because the mobtltty-enhancmg
hard freeze ground conditions begin earlier and last longer, and
the better sky conditions improve the availabll1ty and
effectiveness of airpower.

198 Reference Manual Victory PAKJ"

Russian 24th Cavalry Division In Play (Major Effect on Play

~ The Russian 24th Cavalry Division was held in reserve

2'tC just east of the map area for the duration of the battle of
Velikiye Lukt, and did not enter the map area during the
time period covered by the game. The 24th Cavalry was a typical
Red Army cavalry division. deficient in artillery and weak in total
firepower compared to most Red Army rifle divisions, but more
mobile than either a rifle division or a motorized unit, especially
In difficult terrain. The 24th Cavalry would therefore have been a
very useful addition to 3rd Shock Army. particularly during the
early stages of the battle, when the Russians helel the initiative
and were threatening the German flanks and rear. Long-range,
mobile operations into the enemy rear was the exact role that Red
Army cavalry divisions were designed for and excelled at, and the
appearance of the 24th early in the battle would have caused the
Germans many headaches.

If this variant is selected. the 24th Cavalry Division either starts

on the map, or appears as a reinforcement early in the game
(depending on the scenario) .

Russian 47th Rifle Division in Play (Moderate Effect on Play


Russian 334th Rifle Division in Play (Moderate Effect on Play


Russian 54th Rifle Brigade in Play (Minor Effect on Play


~J Like the 24th Cavalry Dtvtsion. all three of these units

't1 were held in reserve just east of the map area for the
~J duration of the battle. and did not enter the map area
334 during the time period covered by the game. These were
fi@]) average Red Army units, and by themselves would not
~ have tipped the balance at Velikiye Luki dectslvely in favor
of the Russians. However. any or all of them could easily
have been asstgned to 3rd Shock Anny, and would have
strengthened the Russian offensive against Velikiye Luki and the
Vltebsk-Lentngrad railroad beyond it.

If one or more of the above variants are selected, the units in

question either start on the map. or appear as reinforcements

VIctory PAK"" Reference Manual 199

during the course of the game (depending on the scenario).

Options and Variants That Favor the German


Air Parity (Major Effect on Play Balance)

This option assumes that neither side had air

~ superiority over Velikiye Luki during the winter
Fi(Jhte:r Bomber of 1942-43. and that Russian and Gennan air
strengths in the area were roughly equal. This
could easily have happened if the Luftwaffe and the Gennan High
Command had made a few different decisions regarding aircraft
and the air war. and/or if the Gennan situation on the southern
portion of the front (near Stalingrad) was less critical.

If this option is selected, both sides receive approximately equal

levels of ground support and air interdiction. In addition, the
Germans (only) have an air supply capability for Isolated HQ's.

Limited Axis Air Superiority (Greatest Effect on Play Balance)

This option assumes that the Luftwaffe was
~;~ either a larger and stronger force than was
U(Jht-Med BOIT\ber actually the case during the winter of 1942-43.
or that (for whatever reason) much of the
German airpower that was historically assigned to the Stallngrad
area during the time period covered by the game was committed
to the Velikiye Luki sector instead.

If this option is selected, the German player receives more ground

support and air interdiction than the Russian player. In addition.
the Germans (only) have an air supply capability for isolated

Note that the Air Superiority options for "Total Allied" [le .. Total
Russian) and "Total Axis" Air Superiority are not selectable. This
is because either situation in the air war during the winter of
1942-43 would have been historically incompatible with the
ground battle as depicted on the map. and would have led instead
to a fundamentally different ground situation, which is beyond
the scope of the game,

200 Reference Manual Victory PM'"

German 1st Fallschirmjager Division in Play (Major Effect on
play Balance)

r§j1 The 1st Fallschlrmjager (Airbome) Division was a very elite

lIUJ unit - not only was it the first German airborne division.
but it was also the first division-sized airborne unit in the
world. and it played an Impressive part In numerous German
victories during the first two years of the war. Ongtnally known
as the 7th Flieger Division, it was officially redesignated the 1st
faJlschlrmjager Division in October 1942. just before the time
period covered by the game. (In spite of the official name change.
it was still frequently referred to as the 7th Flieger until the spring
of 1943.)

Between November 1942 and January 1943. the 1st

FaJischinnjager Division was in 9th Army reserve near Velizh,
about 30 kilometers south of the Velikiye Luki map edge.
Although the entire division was available and could have been
sent to Velikiye Luki, for several reasons only one of its battalions
was actually committed. and it arrived too late to significantly
affect the outcome. Had the German forces fighting near Velikiye
Luki been reinforced in a timely manner by the entire 1st
Fallschirmjager Division. the outcome of the battle might have
been very different.

If this variant is selected. the entire 1st Fallschlrmjager Division

either starts on the map. or appears as a reinforcement early in
the game (depending on the scenario).

More Cloudy and Warmer Weather (Major Effect on Play


As discussed above under Variant # 1. winter

conditions which are slightly colder and drier than
average are actually better for mil1tary operations in
this part of Russia . Conversely. winter conditions
which are slightly warmer and wetter than average are worse for
military operations here. because the swamps and rivers remain
unfrozen longer. and also because more snow accumulates.
further hindering movement and combat.

If both the "More Cloudy" and 'Warmer" options are selected on

the Weather menu. the weather in the game will favor the side
Which does not have air superiority and is on the defensive early
in the game (usually the Germans). This is because the mobility­
enhancing hard freeze ground conditions begin later and last for a
Shorter period of time before deep snow accumulates. and also
because the worse sky conditions decrease the availabtltty and
effectiveness of airpower.

More Infantry Replacements (Moderate Effect on Play


[I}lQ I)If this variant is selected. the 6th Luftwaffe Field Division
elF does not appear in the game. and the German player
receives additional infantry replacement points Instead.
(Note that these extra replacement points are available even in
scenarios where the 6th Luftwaffe Field Division would not have
arrived anyway.) Although it sounds like a Simple matter, this Is
actually the least likely of all the Historical Options and Variants.
It presumes that Adolf Hitler and/or Hermann Goering were very
different kinds of people. less Inclined to adopt self-serving
pollttcal solutions to military-problems, and more willing to listen
to. and be persuaded by, rational arguments put forth by their
military advisors.

As discussed earlier in the section on "Units," the Luftwaffe field

divisions were a product of the internal infighting and empire­
building that helped doom the Third Reich. Because of heavy
German air losses between 1940 and 1942 (especially among
bomber units), and the inability of the German aircraft industry
to replace these losses, by September 1942 the Luftwaffe had a
personnel surplus of some 200.000 men. These were not
primarily air crews but rather ground crews. mechanics. drivers.
staff officers. radio operators. and office workers who were no
longer needed in their Original capacities due to the decrease in
German air strength. Although the Gennan Anny wanted these
men and laid claim to them. Hermann Goering (with Hitler's
approval) would not allow their transfer, and insisted that they
remain in the Luftwaffe and be formed into Luftwaffe field (I.e.,
infantry) divisions, in spite of the fact that most of them had little
or no training as infantrymen. This was done over the objections
of mllltary professionals in both the Army and Luftwaffe. In all.
22 of these Luftwaffe field divisions were created. and they proved
to be a disastrous waste of high-quality manpower, They were
committed to combat without sufficient training or leadership.
performed poorly in action. and suffered from excessive and
unnecessary casualties. However. given a few months of proper
infantry training and distributed as replacements under regular
German Army NCO's and officers. these same men would have
significantly strengthened the German Army at a critical stage of
the war. In game terms. each of the ineffective Luftwaffe field
Divisions cost the German Army approximately 90 infantry
replacement points, enough to bring two badly depleted infantry

202 Reference Manual Victory pA/C'''

divisions back up to full strength and capability.

This variant assumes that Hitler and/or Goering "saw the light."
and transferred the surplus Luftwaffe personnel to the Army for
training as infantry replacements. As mentioned above , if this
variant is selected. the 6th Luftwaffe Field Division does not
appear in the game. and the German player receives 90 additional
infantry replacement points instead. (More precisely, 90 is the
total additional replacement points received over the duration of
the Campaign Game: proportionately fewer are received in shorter

At the begmntng of each scenario. the game automatically uses a

number of these replacement points to increase the initial
strength of Gennan infantry units, both those that begin on the
map and those that arrive as reinforcements. The remainder of
the extra replacement points are assumed to become available
gradually over the length of the Campaign Game, and are added
to those that normally "arrive" each day.

No Restrictions on Velikiye Luki Garrison (Minor Effect on

Play Balance)

Velikiye Luki is one of several strategically Important cities
VEL in the region between Leningrad and Moscow. This whole
area of Russia is characterized by very difficult terrain.
with numerous lakes. rivers. and large expanses of swamp and
trackless forest. Much of the terrain is essentially impassable for
heavy military traffic. at least for most of the year. and cities such
as Velikiye Luki form natural and obvious "choke points" along
the few good roads and rail lines. It made good military sense to
fortify and garrison these key cities. and the Germans were quick
to do so .
By November 1942. the Gennans had occupied Velikiye Luki for
over a year, and had been preparing its defenses for much of that
time. In addition to building bunkers and other types of
fortifications, they established a semi-permanent garrison
consisting of miscellaneous rear-area support and security units,
whtch could be committed to front-line combat in an emergency.
Perhaps more Significant than the security troops was the small
stockpile of food, ammunition and other equipment that they also
established in VeUkiye Luki, and which was reserved for the use
of the garrison in case the Russians surrounded the City. This
stockpile. combined with some limited and mostly ineffective air
drops of supply. was the principal factor that allowed the German
garrison to hold out for a period of almost two months after it was

Victory PAX'"' Reference Manual 203


Although it is not obvious that any better use could have been
made of the troops and supplies which the Germans withheld to
defend Veliklye Luki in case of a prolonged siege, an alternate
strategy that might have worked just as well or better in the long
run would have been to make Immediate use of the extra
resources at Vellkiye Luki to counterattack and destroy the
Russian forces ad vancing on the City. Therefore . this variant
assumes that. soon after the beginning of the Russian offensive
against Velikiye Luki, the Germans decided on an all-out
counterattack as the best method to defend the city. rather than
attempting to "ride it out." If this variant is selected, there are no
restrictions on the supply level that may be assigned to the
VeHkiye Luki HQ, the units that are attached to it are not subject
to any movement restrictions. and they are able to re-attach to
other HQ's like all other German units. In addition. the separate
stockplle of supply tonnage that is normally reserved for the
Veltklye Luki Garrison is added to the overall German stockpile at
the beginning of the game, and the Old Town Citadel and West
Railroad Station in Vellkiye Luki no longer function as sources of
supply for any German units.

204 Reference Manual Victory PAW"

Historical Options and Variants - Utah


At the beginning of each game. players may select one or more of

the following Historical Options and Variants. Each of them
constitutes a plausible alternate history. and each of them
changes the game situation Into something that did not actually
happen in reality, but could have. More than one of them may be
in effect at the same time. although not all of them are relevant in
every scenario. Only the ones that make sense with the chosen
scenario are selectable. Historical Options and Variants may be
selected only at the beginning of each game. and may not be
changed after leaving the Scenario Selection Screen.

Within the Scenario Selection Screen. the Historical Options and

Variants are organized into the categories of 'W ea t h er". "Air
Superiority", and 'Variants." Within this section of the manual.
they are organized Into two different categories. based on their
effect on the play balance of the game.

Note: most of these variants exert a strong Influence on the play

balance of the game. For that reason , players should feel free to
use them to adjust the play balance. if the opponents are not of
equal skill or experience. In the list that follows. the relative effect
of each variant on play balance is stated immediately after its

Options and Variants That Favor the American


Delayed Arrival of the German 91st Division and/or 6th
Fallschirmjager Regiment (Greatest Effect on Play Balance)

a Prior to May 1944, German units In the Utah area were

91 I1mited to the 243rd and 709th Infantry Divisions. the
IHQ I division-sized Cherbourg Garrison. and approximately 35
6FJ batteries of coastal art1l1ery. This was clearly an
inadequate force. given the strategic importance of
Cherbourg and the long coastlines of the Cotentin Peninsula.
However, numerous other sectors along the French coast were
just as weak. and so In May the Germans began moving units
from the French Interior to the coast. and also reinforced them
with additional divisions and smaller units transferred from
Gennany. This was done mostly at Rommel's insistence.

Victory PAK''' Reference Manual 205

although Hitler readily agreed with some of what Rommel wanted.
The 91st Infantry Division and the 6th Fallschirrnjager (Airborne)
Regiment. both strong, hlgh-quality units. were sent directly from
Germany to the Cotentin Peninsula. where they arrived In mid­
May. These new units added signtflcantly to the German strength
In the Utah area. Following the invasion. these two units were
responsible [or much (if not most) of the resistance encountered
by the American VlI Corps. If the arrival of elther or both of these
German units had been delayed past June 6th. the Americans
would have found their objectives much easier to achieve.

These two variants assume that either the 91st Infantry Division,
the 6th Fallschirmjager Regiment. or both (as selected on the
"Variants" Menu) were stlll In transit to Normandy on D-Day.
This could easily have happened due to a delay In Issuing their
movement orders, or from the effects of Allied air interdiction on
the French transportation network. The units selected do not
begin the Campaign Game on the map. but arrive as
reinforcements. Exactly when they arrive depends on the weather
and Allied air interdiction.

More Clear Weather (Major Effect on Play Balance)

The actual weather conditions over Western Europe

during the summer of 1944 were abnormally bad. In
fact, it was the worst summer weather England and
France had experienced in many decades. It was
cloudy, cold, windy, and wet, with severe storms - more like
winter than summer. The bad flying conditions and rough seas
hindered the Allies greatly.

If the "More Clear Weather" option is selected, the weather in the

game corresponds to an average summer for Western Europe,
which consists of more clear weather. less cloudiness, and no
storms. Better weather therefore improves the availability and
effectiveness of American airpower, as well as eliminates the
numerous d1fficulties for the American side caused by the storms.

Under this option, each weather condition occurs the same

percentage of the time as it does during an average summer in
Western Europe. These percentages are as follows: the data is
based on the actual weather experienced during the Battle of
Britain. summer 1940.

206 Reference Manual VIctory PAK'""


Clear Light Moderate Heavy Storm

Overcast Overcast Overcast
21% 16% 35% 28% 0%

Original Airborne Plan (Major Effect on Play Balance)

[1E9J] By the second week of May 1944. the Allied plan for the
82 invasion of Normandy was essentially complete. Accurate
intelligence information had been assembled on the
identities. locations. and strengths of all German untts in
Normandy. The German forces in the Utah area were known to
be fairly weak and to consist of the 243rd and 709th Infantry
Divisions, plus coastal artillery. and a Cherbourg garrison
composed of miscellaneous smaller units. Every aspect of the
invasion plan had been checked and double-checked: everything
was ready. Then. at the last minute. horrified Allied intelligence
officers discovered significant German re-deployments in
Normandy . including the arrival of major additional
reinforcements. Had the carefully-guarded plan for "Operation
Overlord" been compromised? Did the Germans know

The German reinforcements arriving in the Utah area were

quickly identified as the veteran 91 st Infantry Division and the
elite 6th Fallschirmjager (Airborne) Regiment. After several very
worrisome days. the Allied commanders and intelligence officers
had received enough information to conclude that the heightened
German activity was just due to general preparedness on the
enemy's part. Nothing indicated that the Germans knew
Normandy would be the invasion site. and so the invasion could
still go forward generally as planned. However. the arrival of
strong German reinforcements in the Utah sector did make the
Original (and very bold) American airborne plan seem too risky.
This plan called for the 82nd Airborne Division to be dropped on
the west side of the Cotentin Peninsula, over 25 miles (40 hexes)
from Utah Beach. The 82nd's mission there was to cut the west
Side of the peninsula (and thereby isolate Cherbourg) right at the
very beginning of the invasion. Given the German strengths and
deployments as they stood in April. it was a good plan that
probably would have worked. But the Allied commanders were
sufftctently "spooked" by the arrival of the extra German units
just two weeks before D-Day that they decided to move the 82nd's

VIctory PAK''' Reference Manual 207

drop zones some 15 miles to the east. much closer to Utah Beach.
a n d to give the 82nd the more conservative mission of capturing
St. Mere Egllse and two nearby bridges over the Merderet River.
The 10 I st Airborne Division's asstgnmen ts (securing the
causeways out of the coastal swamp behind Utah Beach and
capturing Carentan) were left. unchanged.

This variant assumes that the American commanders kept their

original airborne plan for the Utah sector and that the 82nd
landed in its original drop zones on the western side of the
Cotentin Peninsula.

Note: if the German 91st Division Is present. this option results

in a very high-risk (but potentially high-gain) situation for the
American player. If the 91st is not present, there is less risk to
the more aggressive Original airborne plan , and the overall game
balance then strongly favors the American player.

Extra American Units (As-Planned Arrival of the 321st and

907th Artillery Battalions of the American 101st Airbome
Division) (Very Minor Effect on Play Balance)

00 Due to the lack of enough gliders. two of the 101 st

3i!J Airborne Division's artillery battalions. the 321st and
L.:.J 907th. had to cross the Channel by ship . They were
sm supposed to unload at Utah Beach at mid-day on the 6th
(D-Day). and the men did. but the guns were on another
ship that was "temporarily misplaced" and not unloaded until the
9th. The 10 l st's third artillery battalion. the 377th Parachute
Artillery. lost all but one of its guns in the Initial drop on D-Day
morning. and replacement guns were not delivered until June
20th. As a result of these mishaps . the 10Ist Airborne had to
make do without any of its own artillery until June 10th.

This variant assumes that the 321 st and 907th Glider Artillery
Battalions were unloaded at Utah Beach on June 6th as planned,
and therefore were in position to support the rest of the 101st
when the Campaign Game begins.

208 Reference Manual Vlctory PAK'''

Options and Variants That Favor the German

Limited Allied Air Superiority (Moderate Effect on Play


This option assumes that the Allies still had air

l l~ superiority over Western Europe in 1944, but
Fighter Bomber that it was less than total. and that the
Luftwaffe was at least capable of making its
presence felt on the battlefield. This could eastly have happened
if the German High Command had made a few different decisions
regarding aircraft production and the air war between 1942 and
1944. and/or if the Germans had converted their economy to a
total war footing In 1942 instead of 1943 .

If this option is selected. fewer American aircraft are available for

ground support. Allied air interdiction has less effect on German
strategic movement and the arrival of German supply and
reinforcements. German air attacks and air interdiction have
some effect on the arrival of American supply and reinforcements.
and the German player may request and receive some ground

Although the nistorical A1r Superiority Option was "Total Allied", it

is Interesting to note that the Allied commanders all assumed that
the Luftwaffe was still a force to be reckoned With, and made their
plans accordingly. Once the invasion was launched. the lack of
any significant German aerial opposition actually came as a
pleasant surprise to the AWed troops and their commanders.
Therefore. In the air at least. this option also represents what the
Allies expected to encounter.

Air Parity (Major Effect on Play Balance)

This option assumes that neither side had air

I I~ superiority over Western Europe in 1944, and
that Allied and German air strengths were
Fighter Bomber
roughly equal. This could have happened if,
following its defeat 1n the Battle of Britain in 1940, Germany had
taken the lesson to heart and had subsequently placed much
greater emphasis on maintaining and improving its own alrpower.
Although it is unlikely that the Allies would have launched a
major invasion Without first achieving at least some degree o f air
superiority. there are at least two events that could have led to

Victory PAK''' Reference Manual 209

that result: a major strategic miscalculation, and/or political
necessity. such as the Imminent collapse of the Soviet Union
unless something were done Immediately to draw off as much
German strength as possible.

If this option is selected. both sides receive approximately equal

levels of ground support and air interdiction. In addition. the
effects of Allied air Interdiction on German strategic movement,
supply. and reinforcements are greatly reduced: German air
Interdiction has a negative effect on American strategic
movement. supply. and reinforcements; and both sides have an
air supply capability for isolated HQ's.

Limited German Air Superiority (Greatest Effect on Play


This is the least likely of all the Historical

~,!:I$) Options and Variants, It is difficult to Imagine
Light-hied Bomber a situation where the Allies would actually have
launched a major invasion in the face of
superior German atrpower, even If the Soviet Union were on the
verge of collapse and this was seen as absolutely the last
opportunity to keep Russia in the war and to regain a foothold on
the Continent. However. given good secrecy and security, and if
the attention of the German High Command was focused
elsewhere. a surprise invasion might have been earned out.

If this option is selected. the German player receives more ground

support and air Interdiction than the American player, In
addition. the German player has an air supply capabl11ty for
Isolated HQ units. and the American player does not.

If the war was going so well for the Germans that they still had
some measure of air superiority over France in 1944. 1t is also
likely that they would have had fewer troops guarding the
"Atlantic Wall". Therefore. delaying the arrival of both the
German 91st Infantry Division and the 6th Fallschlrmjager
Regiment in combination with this option makes good historical
sense. It also preserves at least some degree of play balance.
Adding the Original American airborne plan as well should just
about even things up. and should make for a wild and free­
wheeling game that is not too divorced from reality.

There is no "Total German" Air Superiority option. because a

major Allied invasion under such extremely unfavorable
circumstances could not have succeeded. and would never have
been seriously contemplated.

210 Reference Manual VIctory PAW'"

German 319th Division in Play (Major Effect on Play Balance)

[IHQ IJ Just west of the Utah Beach map area, only a few miles off
319 the French coast, lie the British Channel Islands of Jersey.
Guernsey. Alderney, and Sark. All four of these small
islands were occupied by the Germans in July 1940. immediately
after the fall of France. They were the only part of the British
home terrttortes to be occupIed by the Germans in WWII. and due
to Hitler's obsessions they played a much larger role in German
defensive planning than their actual value warranted.

As early as 1941, the Germans (at Hitler's direction) began a

massive fortification effort on the islands. By 1944. they had
ferried over and emplaced a total of 65 pieces of heavy coastal
artillery (6" to 12" guns), almost 400 light and heavy anti-aircraft
guns. and had constructed huge numbers of concrete bunkers,
special beach defenses. tank traps. etc. They had dug tunnels
and laid mines and barbed wire allover the islands. and had
established a very powerful garrison consisting of over 40,000
men. including the entire 319th Infantry Division, reinforced by a
panzer battalion and two Ost battalions. These obscure islands
were probably the strongest part of the entire "Atlantic Wall"!
Hitler's intention was to make the islands impregnable. and he
succeeded - the Allies never had any serious plans to invade
them; they weren't worth the cost. Unfortunately for the
Germans. making them impregnable wasn't worth the cost.
etther. When it was deployed to the islands in 1941, the 319th
was just an average German infantry division. But the 319th was
able to stay out of harm's wayan the Channel Islands. and by
1944. when the rest of the German Army had been bled white in
Russia, the 319th was still at full strength and was one of only a
handful of German infantry divisions that still maintained the
early-war nine-battalion organization. With its attached panzer
battalion and Ost units. in June 1944 the 319th was possibly the
strongest regular infantry division in the entire German Army.
From D-Day until the end of the war. this impressive division
continued to stand guard on the Channel Islands. preparing to
defend against an Invasion that the Allies never seriously
contemplated. When the war in Europe ended in May 1945. the
319th came out of its island bunkers and went into captivity
without ever having fired a shot.

The Channel Islands were a good location for coastal artillery,

because from there the heavy guns could dominate the Bay of St.
Malo and protect the German shipping route between Brest and
Cherbourg, However, a much better and more logical use for the
319th would have been to defend the nearby port of Cherbourg,

victory PAK'" Reference Manual 211

What Hitler failed to realize was that the Channel Islands were
important only so long as both Brest and Cherbourg remained in
German hands; once either of those ports fell, the Islands lost all
of their strategic value. Furthermore. as one of the larger ports
on the French mainland. Cherbourg was much more important
for the AWes to take, and for the Germans to hold. than any
offshore islands could ever be.

This variant assumes that the above argument was presented to

Hitler early in 1944 and that he was persuaded by it. Several
months prior to D-Day, the 319th. including its panzer and Ost
battalions, could have been transferred to Cherbourg to reinforce
the garrison there. The coastal artillery could not have been so
easily moved . and the flak units would still have been needed on
the islands to protect the big guns.

If this variant is selected, the 319th is added to the initial forces

of the Cherbourg Garrison. The 319th is subject to the same
restrictions as all other units of the Ch erbourg Garrison (I.e., its
units may not voluntarily move more than 15 hexes from the
center of Cherbourg, and may not be assigned a supply level
higher than defensive). The 319th HQ uses the Naval Arsenal in
Cherbourg as its source of supply. and additional tonnage Is
added to that stockpile to compensate for the larger-than­
histortcal garrison.

No Restrictions on Cherbourg Garrison (Moderate Effect on

Play Balance)

(IHQ IJ As part of their defensive preparations all along the

CH£R Atlantic Wall, the Germans paid particular attention to
fortifying all the large and medium-sized port cities, in an
attempt to deny their use to the invading Allies. Each of the
larger ports had some sort of quasi-independent status as a
"fortress command". and each of them was supposed to have
enough troops and supplies to allow it to hold out indefinitely.
even If surrounded. None of them were actually that strong. but
in the case of Cherbourg, the large German garrison there still
had plenty of ammunition. food, and other supplies when the city
fell at the end of June. even though the garrison had been
effectively isolated for almost two weeks.

Few historians have questioned the German strategy of heavily

fortifying and guarding these key ports. which was an obvtous
and logical thing to do. The strategy also paid off, at least to some
extent, because it took the Allies far longer than they planned to
capture each port, repair the damages from German demolitions.

212 Referen ce Manual Victory PAK'''

and get the port back into service. In the case of Cherbourg.
Allied pre-invasion plans called for it to be captured by mid-dune
and to begin receiving cargo before the end of June, As it turned
out. the stubborn German defenses and thorough demolitions
combined to keep the port out of service for an extra month. and
by the time Cherbourg was finally able to begin receiving cargo at
the end of July. the Allies had unloaded approximately 30 percent
less cargo In Normandy than they had originally planned. The
manpower buildup was less affected. since it was easier to unload
men over the beaches than supplies and heavy equipment.

Although it is not obvious that any better use could have been
made of the troops and supplies which the Germans withheld to
defend Cherbourg, an alternate strategy that might have worked
just as well or better in the long run would have been to make
immediate use of the extra resources at Cherbourg to put the
maximum possible pressure on the Utah beachhead as early as
possible. Therefore. this variant assumes that, soon after the
invasion, one of the German commanders convinced Hitler to
commit the troops and supplies located at Cherbourg to
immediate front-line operations. in an attempt to crush the Utah
beachhead before it became too large.

If this variant is selected. the Cherbourg HQ may be assigned a

supply level higher than defensive. the units that are attached to
it are not subject to any movement restrictions, and they are able
to re-attach to other HQ's like all other German units. In
addition. the separate stockpile of supply tonnage that is
normally reserved for the Cherbourg Garrison is added to the
overall German stockpile at the beginning of the game, and the
Naval Arsenal in Cherbourg no longer functions as a source of
supply for any German units,

Note: if this variant is selected in comblnatton with the "German

319th Division in Play". their combined effect on play balance
should be regarded as "very major" ,

Extra German Units (Arrival of the 17th SS Recon Battalion

and the 943rd Infantry Regiment with the Rest of Their
Divisions) (Minor Effect on Play Balance)

On D-Day, the 17th SS Panzergrenadler Division was in
reserve south of the Loire River. almost 200 miles from the
Invaston beaches. Late on that day. it received orders to
move to the front. and it began its northward journey by rail the
next day (June 7th. the day the Campaign Game begins). What
should have been an easy one-day railroad movement instead

Victory PAKl" Reference Manual 213

became a six-day ordeal. due to the fact that all the bridges over
the Loire RIver were destroyed by Allied aircraft on the 6th and
7th. When the lead unit of the divtstori. the 17th 55 Recon
Battalion. arrived near the front on June l Oth, there was a gaping
12-mlle-wide hole in the German lines south of Omaha Beach,
and the 17th 55 Recon was the only unit available to fill the gap.
By the time the bulk of the division arrived two days later on the
12th. the situation south of Omaha Beach had stabilized , but the
Recon Battalion could not be spared, and so it remained in the
Omaha sector, attached to the 2nd Panzer Division. It was not
released to return to its own division until July.

~ A similar circumstance befell the 943rd Infantry Regiment

'1'13 of the 353rd Infantry Division. The 353rd was located
~ near the port of Brest in Brittany on D-Day, also
."'13 approximately 200 miles from the invasion beaches, and
was ordered to begin moving to the front in Normandy on
June 10th. Railroad movement was impossible, and the dtvislon
had relatively few trucks. so most of the men had to walk. On
June 16, the two battalions of the 943rd Regiment arrived by.
bicycle at 51. 1.0, where they immediately had to be placed into
the llne to help defend the City, By the time the rest of the 353rd
arrived (still on foot) four days later on the 20th. St. La was
holding, but catastrophe loomed further north, where the
Americans had broken out of the Utah beachhead , advanced to
the west coast, and isolated the bulk of the German forces in the
Cotentln Peninsula. The 353rd had to go straight into the line
near La Haye du Putts, without its 943rd Regiment.

This variant assumes the front-line situation in the neighboring

Omaha sector is better for the Germans than It was historically.
and the 17th 55 Recon Battalion and the 943rd Infantry
Regiment are not needed in that area. These units therefore
arrive on the map as normal reinforcements , probably in advance
of the rest of their dtvisions.

214 Reference Manu al VIctory PAKT"

General Comments and Design Philosophy
Our admittedly ambitious goal for Utah Beach was to produce the
most comprehensive. accurate. and realistic op erational-level
wargame yet published. in either cardboard-and-paper or
computer form, and still keep the flnal product completely
playable and user-friendly. You. the players. are the ones who
will decide whether or not we have succeeded.

Why Do This On a Computer?

Conventional board wargames (1.e .. those that utilize a paper map
and cardboard unit counters rather than a computer) have
inherent limitations In the important ar ea s of limited intelligence.
data manipulation. and simultaneous activity. A proper
treatment of limited intelligence requires some sort of blind or
umpired play. but this has proven to be especially difficult in the
board wargame format. To make matters worse. the quantity of
data that an unassisted human player can be expected to keep
track of and use is surprisingly small. And finally. the
simultaneous integration of the activities of both sides in a game.
to the extent that they are in reality. is a very difficult and
unrewarding task in a board wargarne if there are more than a.
handful of units involved. The old "reali s m vs. playabtltty" debate
in wargaming is actually just a consequence of these inherent
limitations of board wargames. More "realism" (i.e.. completeness
and accuracy) requires more data and complexity. which. for
unassisted human players. then makes the game less "playable".
The only solution to this dilemma is a technological one . . .
computers! Carefully-designed computer wargames can include
complex and realistic treatments of all the elements mentioned
above and more. without compromising playability. As evidence
for this claim. we offer Utah Beach.

Realism of Command
All wargamers want their games to be "realistic", but what does
realism mean in the context of a wargame? John Hill (designer of
the excellent tactical wargame Squad Leader) has said that. on a
scale of 1 to 10. the most realistic wargame possible would be a
"2". He is. of course. referring to the fear. pain. suffering. and
death of the real thing. On a very tactical level (ltke Squad
Leader), John is probably right. At that level you don't want too
much realism , You play Squad Leader in comfortable
surroundings to enjoy yourself. and you will survive the game.

VIctory PAKT'" Reference Manual 215

Your historical counterpart might not have survived. and in any
case his life and surroundings were miserable. But as we move
up to larger units. John's statement becomes less true. Colonels
and generals are usually more concerned with how to fight and
win their battles than with their own personal survival, and they
certainly face much less privation than the average soldier. And
while preserving the lives of as many of their men as possible is
always in the back of their minds. such mid- and upper-level
officers usually have to make their decisions without regard for
the detailed fate of any specific individuals. There is no reason
why a game on the scale of Utah Beach can't be a completely
accurate and realistic re-creation of the military problems and
options faced by the field commanders.

Players In Utah Beach represent the middle or operational range

of ground force command. t.e .. the regimental through corps
commanders. This level of command is responsible for directing
the actions of battalions. regiments, and divisions - where they
move. whether they attack or defend, how much supply they
receive. etc. Most lower level (tactical) and higher level (strategic)
considerations are beyond the control of such commanders , and
so we made them beyond the control of the players as well.
Tactical-level considerations in Utah Beach are handled in an
abstract or random manner: strategic-level considerations are
presented as fixed and not subject to change. An example of an
abstracted tactical level consideration is what happens during
any battle: the players are not able to direct the fire or movement
of individual tanks or Infantry squads. because the officers at the
level of command represented by the player normaJly exercised no
direct control over such details. The best example of a strategic
level consideration imposed from above Is the geographic
objectives in each scenario: the players are not able to choose
their own geographic objectives because. In reality. such decisions
were made at a higher level of command than that represented by
the players. In the Campaign Game (for example). the American
player has been "ordered" to take Cherbourg as quickly as
possible. and the authority to alter that objective does not reside
at the level of command represented by the player.

Our primary design objective for Utah Beach was what we call
"realism of command". We wanted the players to be faced with
the same situations. problems. concerns. unknowns. and
limitations that their historical counterparts were . We also
wanted the same solutions. options. incentives. and trade-offs
that existed in reality to exist in the game . If something In the
real world depended upon or affected something else. we tried to
preserve that relationship in the game. If something was

216 Reference Manual Victory PAJ<T>I

reasonably possible in reality. we tried to make it possible in the
game. If something was impossible or very unlikely In reality. we
tried to make it impossible in the game . We tried to design and
construct the game so that the strategies, tactics. and decisions
that worked or were correct in reality also worked or were corr ect
in the game (and for the same reasons). We intended the game to
be a model of reality. and we believed that. with the help of a
computer, there was no reason why it couldn't be a good model.

What Happened to D-Day?

Many players are no doubt wondering why the Campaign Game of
Utah Beach begins on the day after De-Day, and does not include
the events of De-Day itself. The answer relates back to the
level/realism of command concept described above. While the
events of De-Day may be very interesting and are certainly very
important htstortcally, they are also inappropriate to include from
the standpoint of the level of command represented by the players
in Utah Beach. For the Allies. D-Day was a very carefully and
completely planned and rehearsed operation; for the Germans. it
came as a total surprise. The effect was that the officers on both
sides at the levels represented by the players (and above) had
essentially no real-time control over what happened on D-Day.
Once the invasion "machine" was put into motion. there was very
little that any of the mid- or upper-level commanders could do
except read fragmentary reports and "wait for the smoke to clear".
Rather than have all the units on both sides move and attack
under the exclusive control of the computer for the entire first day
of the invasion, we chose to start the game on June 7th (0+1).
when the commanders at the levels represented by the players
had regained their control of events and once again had important
decisions to make.

Levels of Difficulty Play Balance and the Historical


Options and Variants

Players familiar with other computer wargames may notice that
Utah Beach has a different approach regarding multiple levels of
difficulty than many other games. Obviously. any game that
seeks to attract and satisfy a large cross-section of the gaming
public must be able to provide players of widely differmg abilities
With equally challenging situations. Many of the other computer
wargarnes published to date have multiple levels of difficulty that
are arrived at by Simply making the computer's units stronger or
more numerous. the human player's units weaker or less
numerous. or some combination. Usually. no attempt is made to

Victory PAK''' Referen ce Manual 217

make the game more difficult or easier by having the computer
actually play better or worse: it Just gets stronger or weaker forces
relative to the human player. This approach may be acceptable
for non-historical games or for games that are not trying to
portray a specific historical battle as accurately as possible.
However, for games such as Utah Beach, which are trying to be
accurate models of well-known historical events, such tinkering
with the relative strengths and capabil1ties of actual historical
units makes a mockery of the intended historical accuracy of the

Utah Beach seeks to accommodate players of differing ablllties by

means of the Historical Options and Variants, each of which
constitutes a plausible (t.e. , historically reasonable) alternative to
the actual events. Rather than simply making all the American
units twice as strong (an adjustment for which there would be
absolutely no historical Justification). a game of Utah Beach can
be equally biased in favor of the American player by assuming
that the German gIst Infantry Division was delayed in reaching
Normandy, an event that could easily have happened. In this
way, the game becomes a more complete and accurate model of

What is Missing?
In spite of the long list of features which are included in Utah
Beach, we do not believe the game is perfect. and there are areas
where we believe its realism can be improved. A number of these
areas are listed below. organized by subject.

None of these factors had a significant effect an the outcome of

the invasion In the Utah sector. and so. with only limited time
and resources at our disposal. we had no choice but to
concentrate our efforts on the more important features. In the
future, we hope to expand the game system to include some of
these things.

Terrain, Units and Movement

Although there is some elevated terrain within the area covered by

the game. hills are not included as a separate terraln type.

It would be useful to be able to designate a "group" of units (not

necessarily an entlre stack) that would all receive the same orders
at the same time, and wauld all stay together when moving.

218 Reference Manual Victory PAK'"

It would be useful and very realistic to be able to break most
battalion-sized units down into their component companies.

It would be useful for the HQ Sidebar to "show" all the battalions

of a particular regiment and all the companies of a particular

In reality, motorized infantry and semi-motorized engineer units

could dismount from their vehicles when necessary and leave
them behind to facilitate movement through difficult terrain.
Units in the game cannot do this.

In reality, a unit's morale is Influenced by whether it won or lost

the last battle it participated in. The game does not take this into


It would be useful and realistic to assign supply on a unit-by-unit

basis, so that units attached to the same HQ could be assigned
different supply levels.

The game calculates the lengths of supply lines in hexes; it would

be more realistic to use strategic movement points.

When a unit's supply line is cut, it would be more realistic for its
supply state to decrease gradually, rather than suddenly.

Although artillery interdiction missions against the enemy's road

net should have an effect on the enemy's supply lines, this is not
included in the game.

Construction (or non-combat) engineer units are not included in

the game, even though they did have an effect on supply through
maintenance, repair, and improvements to the roads. These units
were also capable of combat duty in an emergency.

It would be useful and realistic for some artillery units to be
capable of immediate counterbattery fire, which would
automatically attack enemy artillery units as soon as they
revealed their locations by firing.

The guns of most German coastal artillery units had limited

traverse, and generally could not fire into the half-circle facing
directly inland and away from the ocean. Such restrictions are

Victory PAKT" Reference Manual 219

not included in the game.

Ships and Naval Support

Because Utah Beach is a game about land combat in Normandy.

we deliberately omitted or abstracted those aspects of the naval
war which had the least effect on ground operations. These
include individual variations among the ships within each class.
and not allowing ships to be fired at, damaged. or sunk by
German coastal artillery. mines. torpedo boats. or aircraft.

In reality, all of the larger warships (battleships and heavy

cruisers) had secondary guns which also were used to fire at on­
shore targets. Even though these secondary guns were large
enough to justify separate barrage. support, and range values.
they are not included in the game.

In reality. fewer ships would have been available for naval support
if the Allies had not had total air supertortty, due to the increased
strength and activities of the Luftwaffe. However, this is not
reflected in the game.

In reality, after naval support in the Utah area was canceled on

June 18th, most of the larger warships returned to England and
did not remain on station off the Normandy coast. The game
takes this into account by increasing the victory point cost of
naval support to the American player after June 17th. However,
it would be more realistic for the American player to decide for
himself, subject to various victory point incentives and penalties,
the level of naval support he wanted and when it would be
available. There should also be a realistic time delay
(approximately two days) between the time that any changes are
made with respect to the level of naval support and the time the
change actually takes effect.

Aircraft and Ground Support

In reality, there was often a time delay of more than one tum
between the time that some ground support missions. especially
bomber missions. were requested and the time that the planes
actually arrived. The game does not take this into account.


In reality, German reinforcements sometimes arIived at less than

full strength due to Allied air attacks on them while they were

220 Reference Manual VIctory PM'''

moving to the front. The game does not take this into account.
and does not inflict losses on reinforcements due to the effects of
enemy air interdiction.

In reality, commanders did not have to acceptreinforcements if

they felt they did not need them or could gain some other
advantage by not taking them. It would be realistic for players to
be able to decline reinforcements in exchange for some other
benefit (such as a victory point bonus). but this Is not included in
the game.

In reality. both sides converted surplus rear-area personnel into
additional replacements for their front-line infantry units; the
game does not take this into account.

What About the Partisans in Velikiye Luki?

One well-known aspect of the Russian front that is not covered in
this game is the partisan movement. Partisans played very little.
if any. role in the battle for Vellk1ye Luki, and there were several
reasons for this. First and foremost was the fact that most
partisan bands operated deep in the German rear. typically 100
or more miles behind the front line. specifically in order to avoid
contact with regular German combat units. Compared to almost
all regular combat units. even the best partisan units were poorly
supplied. lightly armed. and deflctent in heavy weapons, training.
and professional leadership. Most partisan units were incapable
of winning a prolonged. stand-up battle against significant
opposition, and they knew it. The partisans were a threat to the
Germans because they conducted sabotage. ambushes and
surprise attacks against trains. supply columns, and weak
security forces deep in the rear. and created a general diversion of
scarce German resources, not because of foolhardy attacks on
powerful German combat units. Even as late as 1944. by which
time there were huge areas in the German rear which had been
virtually ceded to the partisans and which were devoid of any
Significant German presence, German combat units retreating
from the front were still able to pass through these same
"partisan-controlled" zones with impunity, because regular
combat units of battalion size and larger had little to fear from the
lightly-armed partisans.
A second (and perhaps more surprising) factor was that winter
was the worst time of year for the partisans to operate. To begin

VIctory PAK"" Reference MWJUal 221

'wi th . long-term, outdoor "wilderness" survival during the frigid
winter months was a difficult propos1t1on even for native
Russians, and required most of their day-to-day attention; little
energy or resources were left over to fight the Germans. Second.
most partisan units were poorly equipped for winter combat, and
did not have access to proper winter combat clothing, snow
smocks, skis, etc. Due to the deep snow and their bulkier.
heavier winter clothing. the mobility of the partisans was also
significantly reduced . Third, winter removed most of their natural
cover and concealment. Unlike summer. it was very difficult for
partisans to move around during the winter months without
being observed . They were always vulnerable to aerial
observation and attack anyway, 'a n d the wintertime loss of
seasonal vegetation greatly increased the danger to the partisans
from German aircraft, some of which were usually available for
anti-partisan rnlsslons . In addition to the lack of vegetative cover.
the smoke from the partisan's cooking and camp fires was much
more obvious in the winter, and of course all their movements left
readily visible tracks and trails in the snow. German
reconnaissance aircraft and security patrols looked for such
clues, and attacked the most obvious and/or most vulnerable
partisan camps whenever possible. The cumulative effect of these
factors was that partisan capabilities were greatly reduced durtng
the winter months.

Historical Simplifications
No wargame, not even a complex and advanced computer
wargame, can be as detailed as the real thing, The art of game
design lies in knowing. or deciding. when and where it Is possible
to simplify matters, without compromising what it Is you are
trying to portray. Listed below are two of the "judgment calls"
which we made 10 designing V for Victoryl-' games.

1. As stated a couple of times in the manual. HQ units do not

represent the actual command post only, but rather a number of
rear-area units, many of which are concerned in some way with
supply. A typical HQ unit with 2 or 4 strength points represents
2,000 to 4.000 men. organized into several battal1on- and
company-sized units such as quartermaster. transportation and
truck battalions. signal, medical and maintenance battalions.
replacement battalions, bakery and butchery companies, military
police companies. field post office units. and so on. Now
obviously. all this stuff was never present in one hex at the same
time. In fact. it was almost always spread out over a rather large
area. However. breaking the HQ down into its component units
and showing each of them In its correct location on the map

222 Reference Manual Victory PAh."TM

would have been a huge complication, for very little gam. At the
other end of the spectrum, not having HQ units at all would mean
a much less realistic portrayal of supply lines. which would be a
serious detraction from the operational accuracy of the game.
The point is that representing HQ units the way we have is
actually a compromise. intended to show the primary purpose
and effect of activities and operations in the rear area, with no
more details or complications than absolutely necessary.

2. Most of the scenarios in Market-Garden, including the

Campaign Game, begin on the 10:00 AM turn of September 17,
1944. As most students of the battle will know, the air drops
actually occurred at noon that day (12:00 PM). However, fitting
the correct September sunrise and sunset times into the V for
Victory?" time scale and turn sequence dictated three daylight
turns, beginning at 6:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 2:00 PM. The result
is an extra two hours of daylight for the Allied player the first day.
This tends to help the Allies a little bit. and is a simple way to
account for some of the advantages they enjoyed, namely the
element of surprise and having the initiative that day.

VIctory PAK"" Reference Manual 223

Historical References Consulted

The amount of published literature and reference material dealing

with the Western front of wwn is gigantic. and a complete study
of all of it would literally require a lifetime. The following
bibliography therefore makes no attempt to provide a complete
reading list on the subject of Operation Market-Garden. the
Veliklye Luki battle or the Utah Beach operation; the references
listed consist only of those which we specifically consulted in
researching and designing this game.


Utah Beach

American Battleships. Carriers, and Cruisers, by Lenton , 1972.

This is a small handbook-type volume with useful
technical data on the Ameli can ships.
The Armed Forces of World War II: Uniforms, Insignia, and
Organization. by Mollo. 1981. Although the emphasis of
this attractively-illustrated book is on the uniforms and
rank insignia of all the combatants. it does contain some
interesting and useful text describing the equipment.
organization. and history of each countrtes' armed forces.
The Army Air Forces in World War 1.L Volume Three: Argument to
V-E Day. January 1944 to May 1945. edited by Craven
and Cate, 1983. This is the relevant volume of the eight­
volume Official History of the U,S. Army Air Force in WWlI.
It contains a great deal of interesting and useful
information about American air operations prior to and
during the campaign in Normandy.
Breakout and Pursuit. by Blumenson, 1961 (reprinted 1978).
This excellent volume of the U.S. Army Official History of
WWII picks up at the beginning of July 1944. where
Cross-Channel Attack (see below) leaves off. Although the
events described by this book occur after the time period
covered by Utah Beach, it does contain detailed maps and
terrain descriptions of the southern part of the Utah
Beach map area, as well as information on the American
l20th Infantry Regiment and 83rd Infantry Division.
British and American Artillery of World War ~. by Hogg. 1978.
This is a very complete and detailed technical and
operational history of the different kinds of British and
American artillery pieces in WWlI.
Blitish Cruisers of World War Two , by Raven and Roberts. 1980.

224 Reference Manual Victory PAW'"

This is a massive book with complete technical data on the
British cruisers that participated.
Brute Force: Allied Strategy and Tactics in the Second World
War, by Ellis. 1990. Only one chapter of this excellent
book is devoted to Normandy per se. but the consistent
theme is both relevant and interesting. The author
believes that the Allies emerged victorious from WWlI only
because of their overwhelming economic strength and
vastly greater numbers of men. weapons, and supplies,
and not because of better equipment. tactics. or military
leadership. The book contains a lot of statistical data to
back up that assertion. including some illuminating
information on the manpower and material balance in
Normandy. The book also gives a sobering critique of
Allied strategy. tactics and generalship, which apparently
(and unfortunately) required such huge margins of
numerical superiority in order to prevail.
The Chemical Warfare Service: The Chemicals in Combat. by
Kleber and Birdsell. 1966. Another of the many official
U.S . Army Histories of WWII that we consulted while
researching Utah Beach, this volume contains complete
information. almost impossible to find elsewhere. on the
American 4.2" heavy mortar units. Officially known as
Chemical Mortar Battalions, these units were part of the
U.S. Army Chemical Warfare Service. not the Artillery.
(The American 4.2" mortar was originally designed before
WWII to fire poison gas shells. but it was quickly
discovered that the weapon was superbly suited to high­
explosive shells as well, and it was In this capacity that it
was actually used .)
Combat Chronology. 1941-1945, compiled by Carter and Mueller,
1973. This volume is part of the Official History of the
U.S. Arrny Air Force in WWII. It is a complete and very
detailed day-by-day listing of aU USAAF combat
operations in WWlI. Including units, targets, numbers and
types of planes. weather conditions, and losses.
Condensed AnalYSiS of the Ninth Air Force in the European
Theater of Operations. by Headquarters Staff. U.S. Anny
Air Force. 1946 (reprinted 1984). This book summarizes
the history. organization, and operations of the American
Ninth Air Force. which provided most of the ground
support for the U.S. Anny in Normandy. It also contains
an extensive list of recommendations and lessons learned
from the campaign.
Cross-Channel Attack, by Harrison. 1951 (reprinted 1977). This
is the Official U.S. Army History of the Normandy
invasion. It is clear and well-written, and makes extensive

Vtctory PAKt" Reference Manual 225

use of both American and Gennan archival documents
and official records. The book describes the activities of
both American and Gennan units in great detail. and also
contains a large number of very detailed, fold-out
topographic battle maps which are essential to any serious
study of the campaign.
The Cross of Lorraine: f1 Combat History of the 79th Infantry
Division. June 1942 =December 1945. by the Divisional
Historians, 1945 (reprinted 1986). This is the Official
History of the American 79th Infantry Division in 'WWII,
and it gives complete information on the movements and
actions of the 79th and all its subordinate units.
Although the text is quite detailed with regard to which
units of the 79th did what. where, and when. the book
lacks detailed maps, and the background and reasons
behind many events are not covered. Except for one
interesting chart at the end of the book, only minimal
information is given about opposing Gennan units . But
these flaws are not too surprising. given the fact that most
of the book was actually written and published before the
war was over.
D-Day. by Young, 1981. This is a brtef but well-illustrated
overview of the events of June 6th. The focus of this book
is on Omaha and the British beaches.
D-Day: The Normandy Invasion in Retrospect, edited by the
Eisenhower Foundation. 1971. This book is a collection of
papers and historical essays written to commemorate the
25th anniversary of D-Day. All of the papers and essays
deal with one or more aspects of the campaign in
Normandy. Most of them provide very interesting
discussions of relevant historical questions, controversies,
and might-have-beens.
D-Day: Spearhead ofInvasion, by Thompson, 1968 (numerous
subsequent editions). This concise, clearly-written. and
well-illustrated book provides an excellent overview of
both sides' preparations for D-Day, and of the invasion
itself. Events after June 6th are not covered. One
interesting aspect of the book is the very large number of
De-Day photographs it contains, an average of one per
page, most of which have not been published in other
Dropzone Normandy, by Crookenden, 1976. This is a very
complete and detailed history of the initial airborne
Eisenhower's Lieutenants: The CampaiW of France and Germany
1944-1945, by Weigley, 1981. This well-written book
gives an excellent and very interesting inside look at the

226 Reference Manual Victory PAW"

U.S. Army during the last year of the war, with emphasis
on indrvidual American leaders and their personalities and
decisions. In addition. the author devotes considerable
attention to American strategic and tactical doctrine in
WWII. tracing its consistent and logical evolution from the
early 1800's. He also compares American strategy, tactics,
and doctrine with those of the British and Germans. The
first quarter of the book deals specifically with Normandy.
and it contains a lot of interesting information about the
campaign that does not seem to have been published
anywhere else.
Faint Praise: American Tanks and Tank Destroyers During World
War n, by Baily. 1983. and Seek, Strike, and Destroy:
U.S . Army Tank Destroyer Doctrine in World War II. by
Gabel, 1985. If you've ever wondered why American tanks
were inferior to their German counterparts, these two
books explain everything. Basically, it boils down to
unrealistic ideas and incorrect conclusions that the U.S.
Army drew from poor technical intelligence on the early­
war German victories. which led to the establishment of a
set of fundamentally flawed doctrines. Believe it or not.
American tanks were deliberately designed and intended
to oppose unarmored targets only. not to trade blows with
German tanks . Official American doctrine called for
German tanks to be left to the tank destroyers, which
were also not designed for frontal combat against en emy
tanks . The tank destroyers were supposed to use their
superior speed and maneuverability to ambush and
counterattack German tanks from their flanks . While
American tank destroyers did have better guns than
American tanks, they were only somewhat more
maneuverable and had considerably less armor. Thus
neither was a match for the Germans in the real world.
where it was usually impossible to avoid a toe-to-toe
slugfest with the panzers, In short. American armored
doctrine did not survive the acid test of combat. the
quality of American armored vehicles was only barely
adequate, and in the end the war was won through
numerical, logistical, and air superiority.
First Across the Rhine: The 291st Combat Engineer Battalion in
France. Belgium, mQ Germany. by Pergrtn, 1989. This is
an interesting and very readable ftrst-person account by
the commander of the 291st. Chapters 4-8 deal with
Normandy. Unfortunately, Pergrin makes numerous
simple errors that should have been caught by his ghost­
writer, such as identifying the main armament on a
captured German Panther tank as an 88-mm gun, and

Victory PAK'M Reference Manual 227

stating many times that the distance between St. Mere
Eglise and Carentan is 30 miles. when in fact a glance at
any map shows it is less than 10 miles. Nevertheless, the
book does give a good account of the activities of the
American combat engineers in the rear areas - chiefly road
and bridge maintenance and mtne-cleartng.
France Reborn: The History of the Liberation, June 1944-Ma'y
1945. by Aron, 1964. This book gives a good account of
the activities of the French Resistance in connection with
the invasion. as well as the change-over from Vichy to
Gaulist civilian government in the newly-liberated areas.
Also covered are the internal politics of the various French
parties. groups. and factions, and their relations with the
British and Americans. The French Resistance movement
in Normandy was small and ineffective, and, apart from
providing some limited Intelligence information to the
Allies. it played an instgruflcant role in the campaign. This
was because Normandy had remained reasonably
prosperous, and therefore content. under German
occupation and Vichy civil administration. and this in tum
led to a weak local Resistance movement. The opposite
was the case in the nearby province of Brittany, however,
which had always been a hot-bed of Resistance activity.
dating all the way back to 1940.
German Armour in the Channel Islands, 1941-1945, by Bryans
and Glnns, (no date). This book is a very complete and
detailed history, with many photographs, of every aspect
of the 213th Panzer Battalion. which was equipped with
captured French Char B tanks and was located on the
Channel Islands from 1942 to 1945.
German Fortifications in Jersey, by Ginns and Bryans, 1978.
This is a very complete and detailed accounting of all
known Gennan weapons and defenstve positions located
and constructed on the British Channel Island of Jersey.
It also includes much additional information on the
German 319th Infantry Division, which composed the bulk
of the Channel Islands garrison.
G.1.: The American Soldier in WWII. by Kennett, 1989. This Is a
very readable and interesting description of the
psychology. sociology, and personal and daily lives of the
U.S. Army men in WWII.
The Glider War. by Mrazek, 1975. This book contains a lot of
detailed information. apparently available nowhere else.
on the American glider troops, glider units, and their
operations in Normandy and elsewhere.
Grenades and Mortars, by Hogg, 1974. This book has some
interesting information on the mortars used by both sides

228 Reference MlUlUaJ Victory PAK'~

in Normandy.
The Guns 1939-45, by Hogg, 1970. This Is a reasonably complete
technical history and operational evaluation of each
country's artillery equipment during WW1I.
Hitler's Fortress Cherbourg. by Breuer. 1984. This is a fast­
paced and very readable popular account of the landing at
Utah Beach and subsequent operations in the Cotentin
Peninsula, up to and including the capture of Cherbourg.
Although It is much more anecdotal in nature than the
scholarly official hlstortes, with a lot of short and colorful
quotes that make it read like a novel. it is well-written and
well-researched. and it does an excellent job of setting the
An Introduction to Climate, by Trewartha, 1968. This book
contains a lot of information on the average weather
conditions in Western Europe.
The Invasion of France and Germany. 1944-1945. by Morison.
1975. This is Volume 11 of Morison's definitive History of
U.S. Naval Operations in WWII. Approximately two-thirds
of the book Is devoted to Normandy. Extremely complete
and well-written, It contains essential information on
shore bombardment and naval gunfire support. German
naval operations. the effects of the great storm, and repair
operations at the demolished port of Cherbourg,
Invasion =They're Coming!. by Carell, 1973 (numerous previous
and subsequent editions). This book Is a very popularized
account of the campaign for Normandy. as seen through
German eyes. It was originally wrttten and published in
Germany in 1960, and the first of many English editions
appeared soon after that. Although the author is quite a
sensationalist. the obvious historical drama of the subject
matter helps to pardon his exclamation-point style. and
the book can be rather riveting to read. However, caution
must be exercised by those who wish to use this book as a
serious histortcal reference : it does contain errors.
especially with regard to unit identifications on both stdes ,
Still, It is one of the few books available in English that
focus on the German experience in Normandy, and that
makes it worthy of at least some attention.
Jackboot: The ~ of the German Soldier, by Laffin, 1965
(reprtnted 1989). This book begins in 1713 with the army
built by King Frederick William of Prussia (Frederick the
Great's father), and ends with the defeat of Germany in
1945. Only the last quarter of the book Is devoted to the
German soldier of WWlI. Nevertheless. the first part of the
book provides Interesting and relevant background
reading. for the legendary performance of the German

Victory PAKT" Reference Manual 229

soldier of WWII was not an accident and did not occur in a
vacuum; It was the product of some 250 years of military
and national history . This book does a good Job of
explaining why the German Army of WWlI was able to do
what it did. However. the author is on less finn ground
when he argues , in the end. that traditional German
militarism Is still alive and well but carefully disguised.
and that a resurgent Germany w1ll eventually and
inevitably return to its aggressive. expansionist ways. I
have been to Germany and lived with Germans, and I
don't believe it.
Jersey BeSieged, 1944, by Bryans and Ginns. 1980. This book,
publ1shed by the Channel Islands Occupation SOCiety. is a
collection of photographs. most with long and informative
captions. of various aspects of the German occupation.
with emphasis on German defensive weapons and
Logistical Support of the Armies . Volumes 1 and 11. by
Ruppenthal, 1953 and 1959. These two volumes of the
Official U.S. Army History of WWII contain a priceless
wealth of hard information on U.S . Army supply
requirements. plans, problems. and capabilities. together
with complete tonnage data. They are the definitive
account of how the U.S. Army in Western Europe was
supplied In 1944-45.
Military Effectiveness, Volume III: The Second World War, edited
by Millett and Murray. 1988. This is a very informative
and scholarly collection of professional research papers
that describe and analyze the strengths. weaknesses, and
overall effectiveness of the armed forces of each of the
major combatants of WWlI. Chapter 2 deals specifically
with the American Armed Forces. Chapter 5 with the
German Wehrmacht, and Chapters 8. 9. and 10 compare
and contrast the various nation's armed forces and draw
some general conclusions. The consensus of the authors
and editors is that the German Wehrmacht reigned
supreme at the tactical and operational levels , but failed
disasterously at the strategic and political levels. They
regard the record of the Amertcan Armed Forces as mixed.
also - but In a different way; with both good and bad at
each of the four levels analyzed. However. it was at the
strategic and political levels that American dominance
primarily asserted itself, thus leading to ultimate victory.
Mirus: The Making of £! Battery, by Partridge and Walbridge.
1983. This Is a complete and very detailed history of the
German coastal artillery units located on the British
Channel Islands in WWlI, with emphasis on the largest of

230 Reference Manual VIctory PAKT'"

the batteries. code-named "Mirus".
Mission Accomplished. by the U.S. VII Corps Historical Staff.
1945. This is a very generalized. send-one-home-to-the­
folks commemorative book published for the men of the
vn Corps in occupied Germany in the latter half of 1945.
Besides general interest. its chief value lies in the very
detailed listing of al1 the independent sub-divisional units
that were ever attached to the VII Corps. including
artillery. anti-aircraft. and engineers. plus an amazing
host of rear-area. non-combat units such as army bands,
postal and paymaster units. shoe repair detachments.
fumigation and bath companies. etc.
The Narrow Margin, by Wood and Dempster, 1961 , and SaWe
Over Britain, by Mason, 1969. These two books are about
the Battle of Britain in 1940. but they contain detailed
day-by-day weather data for the English Channel during
an average summer. Utah Beach uses this 1940 data for
the "More Clear Weather" option.
Normandy Bridgehead. by Essame, 1970. This is a very well­
illustrated, clear. concise, and useful summary of the
entire campaign in Normandy, beginning on June 7th.
The events of D-Day are not covered. The author was a
British brigade commander in Normandy. so naturally the
majority of the book is devoted to the British part of the
operation. Although brief, his account and analysis of
American operations in Normandy is quite good.
The Normandy Campaign, by Patrick, 1986. This is a well­
illustrated overview of the Battle for Normandy.
Numerous informative sidebars. 1n the style of Strategy
and Tactics magazine, highlight important aspects of the
campaign. Unfortunately. this clearly-written and often
insightful book is marred by numerous errors in the photo
captions and in the identification of various German units.
Numbers. Predictions. and War. by Dupuy. 1979. This excellent
book presents a detailed and very comprehensive
mathematical model of ground combat, with emphasis on
the latter half of WWII in Europe. The author makes a
very convincing case for the validity of the model. which he
has used to successfully "predict" the outcome of over 150
historical battles since 1805. Although Utah Beach does
not make use of this model, as most of the game was
designed before the book was consulted. we were delighted
to discover that there is very good agreement between our
game algorithms and the data and conclusions given in
the book.
On To Berlin, by Gavin. 1979. This is an interesting and well­
written first-person account by the Assistant Commander

Victory PJ\KT'" Reference Manual 231

of the 82nd Airborne Division. One chapter pertains to
Normandy, and it contains the best available description
of the original American airborne plan, which was changed
Just before D-Day.
Operation Neptune. by Schofield. 1974. This book describes. in
brief but reasonably complete fashion. all the various
naval aspects of the invasion and subsequent battle for
Normandy. The author was one of the British naval
commanders during the operation.
Options of Command, by Dupuy, 1984. This book is an
interesting and easy-to-read investigation of ten famous
"rntgnt-have-beens" from WWIL one of which is the
invasion of Normandy. What if the Germans had made
better use of the resources that they actually had in
France in 19447 What if Rommel had been given more
authority to organize and deploy all German forces in
France as he saw fit? . What if significant numbers of
German jet aircraft had been committed just a few months
earlier than they were historically, and had been able to
participate in early. all-out operations against the landing
beaches on June 6th and 7th? Had these things
happened, and they very easily could have. the result
might well have been a disaster for the Allies, causing
wwn to extend into 1946 or beyond.
Order of Battle. U.S. Army, World War n, by Stanton. 1984. This
massive book is an tndtspenstble research tool for serious
military historians. It contains detailed information on
every U.S. Army combat and engineer unit of WWlI,
divisional and sub-divisional, from the 1st Armored
Division through the 977th Anti-Aircraft Battalion to the
7057th (Italian) Engineer Battalion. including equipment.
dates of arrival/departure, combat histories. campaign
honors, and some attachment data. The only criticism I
can make of this fabulous book is that it does not provide
complete attachment data for most of the independent.
non-divisional units .
Out Of The Blue: U.S. Army Airborne Operations tn WWIl. by
Huston, 1981. The emphasis of this book is the "big
picture" of manpower, doctrine. equipment. training.
resupply. command. and high-level battle plans. rather
than detailed tactical accounts. Only the first part of
Chapter 7 deals specifically with Normandy. although
much of the rest of the book contains relevant background
Overlord, by Hastings, 1984. This is by far the best and most
interesting general work available on the Battle for
Normandy. It is very well-researched and carefully

232 Reference Manual VIctory PAK'''

documented. and yet remains highly readable. If you're
going to read just one book about Normandy, this should
be it. It is "revisionist" in the sense that It challenges a lot
of traditional ideas about the campaign, and it has been
described as "controversial". The author's central thesis is
that the German Wehrmacht stood without equal as the
toughest. most highly skilled. most effective. and most
thoroughly professional army ofWWII; that in the summer
of 1944 it was still, man-for-man. by far the best army in
the world: and that its defeat in Normandy was
accomplished only by the combination of overwhelming
Allied numerical superiority and Hitler's incredible
stupidity. This is strong stuff. quite at valiance with most
of what has come out of Hollywood in the last 50 years.
The book also reveals many little-known facts and inside
stories about the campaign's major events and
personalities. which are not included in the official
histories or more traditional accounts.
Panzers in Normandy. Then and Now, by Lefevre. 1983. This
fascinating and profusely illustrated book is a complete
technical and operational history of all the German Panzer
regiments and battalions that served in Normandy.
including the obscure 100th and 206th Panzer Battalions.
which fought in the Utah area and were equipped with
obsolete French tanks.
Paratrooper!. by Devlin, 1979. This interesting and well-written
book is a complete history of the American airborne forces
in WWlI. One chapter is devoted to Normandy.
b. PlctoIial History of the U.S . Army. by Gurney. 1966. This very
large and profusely illustrated book contains dozens of
very interesting photographs taken in Normandy. There is
considerable coverage of rear-area bndgmg, maintenance,
supply, and construction activities, and many of the photo
captions are specific enough to locate on a map the exact
place the photo was taken.
Pictorial Record. The War Against Germany: Europe and
Adjacent Areas , by the Office of the Chief of Military
History. U.S. Army. 1951 [reprinted 1969). Approximately
the Ilrst one-third of this book documents the American
build-up in England. the D-Day assault. and subsequent
operations In Normandy. The primary value of this book
to us in designing Utah Beach was the excellent aerial
photographs of some of the cities In the game. especially
Carentan and Cherbourg.
Prelude to Overlord. by Wynn and Young. 1983. This book is a
useful account of the Allied air operations that preceded
the Invasion. It includes complete and detailed air orders-

Victory PAK''' Reference Manual 233

of-battle for both sides on D-Day.
The Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops, by
Palmer. WHey. and Keast, 1948. Another of the numerous
Official U.S. Army Histories ofWWlI: this volume contains
a complete and detailed history of the U.S. Army
replacement system.
Rendezvous With Destiny , by Rapport and Northwood. 1948
(reprinted 1965) . This large book is the Offlclal History of
the American lOlst Airborne Division. It contains a very
lengthy and detailed account of the Division's service In
The Rise and Fall of the German Air Force 1933-1945. edited by
Tantum and Hoffschmtdt, 1969: German AII' Force
Bombers of World War Two, Volumes 1 and 2., by Alfred
Price, 1968 and 1969; Hitler's Luftwaffe. by Wood and
Gunston, (no date); Warplanes of the Third Reich, by
Wl1llam Green. 1976; Junkers Bombers. Volume I
(Warbfrds Illustrated #43). by Griehl. 1987: Luftwaffe, by
Murray. 1985; German Afr Force Airlift Operations. by
Morzik. 1968: and Luftwaffe Fighter Units. Europe 1942­
45 (Osprey Airwar #241. by Shores, 1979. These books
were used to compile the necessary data on the Luftwaffe
for Utah Beach. "What Luftwaffe?" is not too far from the
mark, at least under the historical "Total Allied" Air
Superiority Option. Actually, the Germans did average
100-200 bomber sorties per night against Allied shipping
and the beaches, about one-quarter of which was in the
Utah area, but Allied anti-aircraft fire forced the German
bombers to operate from higher altitudes and kept their
results to a mintmum. Due to the overwhelming Allied air
superiority (nearly 15.000 Allied sorties on June 6th
alonell, almost all Luftwaffe commanders considered
daylight operations over Normandy to be suicidal.
DIfferent Air Superiority Options may be selected at the
beginning of each game to Investigate the effects of
reduced Allied air superiority.
Rommeltn Normandy. by Ruge, 1979. This is a very interesting
and well-written first-person account by the German
naval officer who served on Rommel's staff for most of
1944. It contains some useful information on German
deployments and defensive measures, as well as informed
speculation on what might have happened in the
aftermath of the July 20 attempt on Hitler's life if Rommel
himself had not been seriously wounded just three days
Six Armies in Normandy. by Keegan. 1983. This is an excellent
and very readable general-Interest account of the

234 Reference Manual Victory PAW"

campaign in Normandy. It begins with the planning of the
Invasion and continues through to the liberation of Paris,
by successively focusing on one unit from each of the
major nationalities that participated. The author's
purpose is to impart some understanding of the unique
personality, character. and experiences of each of these
nationalities. while tying the various threads together into
a unified whole. and he succeeds admirably.
Storming Eagles: German Airborne Forces in World War 11.. by
Lucas. 1988. Chapter 16 of this tantal1zlng (but also
frustrating and disorganized) book deals with the German
airborne units in Normandy and Brittany. Unfortunately.
the author leaves out or only hints at a lot of important
information that he obviously had access to. but chose not
to share. This was probably a deliberate attempt to make
the book smaller and less scholarly, and thus improve its
popular sales, The serious reader should beware of
numerous errors: there Is frequent confusion between the
Brittany and Cotentin Peninsulas. for example.
Strike From the §h;. The History of Battlefield Air Attack. 1911­
1945. by Hallion, 1989. Chapter 14 of this excellent and
informative book analyzes Allied ground support
operations in Western Europe during the last year of the
war, with emphasis on Normandy.
The Struggle for Europe. by Wilmot. 1963. This is an excellent
general history of the ground war in Western Europe. with
emphasis on Normandy. The author is obviously a great
admirer of British Field Marshal Montgomery. and in fact
the entire book is written from the British perspective.
which is not surprising since Wilmot Is an Australian
military historian and the book was originally published in
England. Although this book was one of the first full­
length studies of the campaign to be published (the first
edition came out In 1952), it remains an excellent. if
traditional. summary and overview.
Supplying War : Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton. by van
Creveld, 1980. Chapter 7 is an interesting analysis of the
logistics of the Normandy invasion and subsequent Allied
operations on the Continent. Van Crefeld's thesis,
apparently correct. is that the Allied logisticians were too
conservative in all their assumptions and projections.
Ultra in the West: The Normandy Campaign of 1944-45. by
Bennett. 1980. One of the best-kept secrets of WWlI was
the fact that, from mid-1940 on. the British were
intercepting and immediately decoding Virtually all of the
top-secret German radio traffic that passed back and forth
between German units and their higher headquarters.

VIctory PJ\KT>' Reference Manual 235

Just between January 1944 and May 1945. over 200.000
German military radio messages were Intercepted.
decoded. translated, and analyzed. Scrupulous security
on the part of the Allies kept the Germans from ever
suspecting that their top-secret radio communications
network was completely compromised. The extent of this
operation. and its influence upon Allied conduct of the
war. was so secret that it was not Widely known until the
early 1970'5, and was not officially admitted by the British
Government until 1977. Because of "Ultra" (the code
name for intelligence information derived from these radio
intercepts), the senior American and British commanders
frequently knew exactly what the opposing German
commanders were planning to do. as well as numerous
details about the strengths. weaknesses. supply
situations. locations. and orders of many German combat
units. The author of this book was one of the British
officers in charge of intercepting and decoding the German
radio traffic. and he has written an excellent account of
how it was all done. how the information was used. and
the effect it had upon the decisions made by the Allied
commanders. The author also shows how "Ultra" did not
win the war by itself and did not reveal everything about
the Germans: only messages sent by long-range radio
could be intercepted. and the value of the information
sometimes depended upon exactly how it was interpreted.
However. there can be no doubt that "Ultra" constituted
one more rather large nail in the coffin of the Third Reich.
Uniforms. Organization. and History of the Waffen-SS. Volume~,
by Bender and Taylor. 1975. The chapter on the 17th SS
Panzergrenadter Division contains some useful
information on the unit's service In Normandy.
Unit Organizations of World War II. by Myers. 1977. This book
contains generic TO&E data for many of the different
kinds of German and American units that fought in
U.S.A.A.F. Medium Bomber Units. ETO and MTO 1942-45
fAircam/Airwar !rD. and U.S.A.A.F. Fighter Units, Europe
1942-45 fAircam/Airwar 11m, both by Franctllon, 1977.
These books contain useful technical data on the
American aircraft. as well as orders of battle and brief
histories of each unit.
U.S . Airborne Forces of WWlI (Uniforms Illustrated # 181. by
Laughlin. 1987. This is a good photographic history of
American Airborne Forces in WWII. The lengthy captions
include a lot of interesting information.
U.S. Army Handbook 1939-1945, by Forty, 1980. This book has

236 Reference Manual VIctory PAl0"

all kinds of useful information on the U.S. Army in WWIl,
especially on TO&E 's, supply tonnages and requirements,
and engineer units.
U.S . Army Order of Battle. European Theater of Operations,
1943-1945, edited by Madej, 1983 . This book is a
tabulation of numerous U.S. Army order-of-battle
documents and unit records dating from the end of WWII.
It proved useful in tracking down some of the independent
American corps-level units (artillery, engineer, and anti­
aircraft battalions) that served in the Utah area.
U .S. Destroyer Operations in WW]l, by Roscoe, 1953. This
massive book contains a chapter with detailed information
on American destroyer operations off Utah Beach.
The USS Texas, by Egan, Lott, and Sumerall, 1976. This book
contains useful technical information on the Texas.
Utah Beach to Cherbourg, by Ruppenthal, 1947 (reprinted 1984).
This is the official , complete and definitive account of U.S.
Army operations in the Cotentin Peninsula in June 1944.
Most of the research for this excellent book was done "on
the scene", during and immediately after the events being
described. by the author in his capacity as an offlcial U.S.
Army htstortan. More detailed than Cross-Channel Attack
(see above), this book contains numerous photographs,
many of them aerial photos, that show the actual "lay of
the land", plus a large number of detailed topographic
battle maps, many of them more detailed than those in
Cross-Channel Attack. The information given on German
units is also quite accurate, and very impressive for an
immediate-postwar publication: the author obviously had
full access to all Vll Corps Intelligence records, captured
documents, and German prisoner interviews.
Victory in the West. Volume t The Battle of Normandy. by Ellis,
1962 (reprinted with corrections, 1974) . This large and
excellent book is one of the British Official Histories of
WWlL It includes some of the most detailed, accurate and
beauttful topographic battle maps ever published. The
book's emphasis is, of course, on the British units, but the
Americans are not ignored, and the book also devotes
considerable attention to air and naval operations, and to
the situation as seen from the German side.

Velikiye Luki

Bender, Roger James, and Odegard, Warren W, Uniforms,

Organization, and History oj the Panzertruppe, Bender
Publishing. 1980.
Boyd. Alexander, The Soviet Air Force Since 1918. Stein and Day ,

vtctory PAK'" Reference Manual 237

Carell, Paul. Scorched Earth: The Russo-German War, 1943-44,
Ballantine. 1973.
Dunnigan, James, et al. War in the East: The Russo-German
Conjuct, 1941-45, Simulations Publications, Inc" 1977.
Dupuy, Colonel T, N., Numbers, Predictions. and War: Using
History to Evaluate Combat Factors and Predict the
Outcome of Battles. Bobbs-Merrtll . 1979.
Ellis, John, Brute Force: AWed Strategy and Tactics in the Second
World War, Viking. 1990.
Fetzer. Leland (translator). and Wagner, Ray (editor), The Soviet
Air Force in World War II: The Official History. OriginaLLy
Published by the Ministry of Defense oj the USSR.
Doubleday, 1973.
Hardesty, Von. Red Phoenix: The Rise oj Soviet Air Power. 1941­
1945, Smtthsontan Institution Press. 1982.
Hogg, Ian V, Grenades and Mortars, Ballantine, 1974.
_ _ _. The Guns 1939-45, Ballantine. 1970.
Liddell Hart. B. H. (editor). The Red Anny, Harcourt, Brace, and
Company. 1956.
Littlejohn. David. Foreiqn Legions oj the Third Reich. Volume 1:

Norway. DenITUlfk, FTance, Bender Publishing, 1979.

Lucas. James. Alpine Elite: German Mountain Troops oJ World War

Two, Jane's, 1980.

_ _ _ ' Kommando: German Special Forces in World War Two.
St. Martin's Press. 1985.
_ _ _' Storming Eagles: German Airbome Forces in World War
Two, Arms and Armour Press, 1988.
_ _ _, War on the Eastern Front. 1941-1945: The German
Soldier in Russia, Stefn and Day. 1980.
Millett . Allan R.. and Murray. Williamson (editors). Military
Effectiveness, Volume ill: The Second World War, Allen and
Unwin. 1988.
Mitcham. Samuel W. Jr.. Hitler's Legions: The German Army

Order oj Battle. World War IT. Stein and Day. 1985.

Mollo. Andrew, The Armed Forces oj World War II: Uniforms.

Insignia. and Orqanizaiton; Crown. 1981.

Morzik, Fritz. USAF Historical Studies No. 167: German Air Force
Airlift Operations, Arno. 1968.
Murray. Williamson. Luftwaffe, Nautical and Aviation Publishing
Company, 1985.
Myers. David , Unit Organizations oj World War II, Z and M
Enterprises. 1977.
Plocher. Hermann. USAF Historical Studies No. 154: The German
Air Force Versus Russia. 1942. Arno, 1968.
_ _ _• USAF Historical Studies No. 155: The German Air Force
Versus Russia, 1943, Arno, 1968.

238 Reference ManuaJ VIc LOry PAl{T'"

Pamer, Robert. and Conner. Albert, The Red Anny Order oj Battle
in the Great Patriotic War, Presidio, 1985.
Price. Alfred, Luftwaffe Handbook 1939-1945. Scribner's. 1977.
Quarrie , Bruce. German Airbome Troops, 1939-45, Osprey. 1986.
Ruffner, Kevin Conley, Luftwaffe Field. Divisions, 1941-45. Osprey.
Salisbury. Harrison. The 900 Days: The Siege oj Leningrad.
Harper and Row, 1969.
Sasso, Major Claude R., Soviet Night Operations in World War II.
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. 1982.
Schwabedtssen. Walter. USAF Historical Studies No. 175: The
Russian Air Force in the Eyes oj Gennan Commanders,
Seaton. Albert. The Russo-German. War 1941-45. Presidio, 1990.
Shores. Christopher. LujtuJaffe Fighter Units, Russia 1941-45, Sky
Books. 1978.
Tantum, W. H.. and Hoffschmidt, E. J. (editors). TIle Rise and FaU
of the German Air Force: 1933 to 1945. WE Inc, 1969.
Trewartha, Glenn T.. An Introduction to Climate, Fourth Edition.
McGraw-Hill, 1968,
Uebe, Klaus. USAF Historical Studies No. 176: Russian Reactions
to German AiTpower in World. War II. Arno, 1968.
U.S Department of the Army, Pamphlet #20-201, Military
Improvisations During the Russian Campaign. U.S.
Government Printing Office. 1951.
_ _ _. Pamphlet #20-230. Russian Combat Methods in World
War II, U.S. Government Printing Office. 1950.
_ _---:. Pamphlet #20-231. Combat in Russian Forests and
Swamps, U.S . Government Printing Office. 1951.
_ _ _ , Pamphlet #20-233. German Defense Tactics Against
Russian Breakthroughs. U.S. Government Printing Office.
_ _ _. Pamphlet #20-234, Operations of Encircled Forces:
German Experiences in Russia. U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1952.
_ _ _, Pamphlet #20-236. Night Combat, U.S. Government
Printing Office. 1953.
_ _ _ ' Pamphlet #20-290. Terrain Factors in the Russian

Campaign.. U.S. Government Printing Office. 1951.

_ _---:. Pamphlet #20-291. Effects of Climate on Combat in

European Russia, U.S. Government Printing Office. 1952.

U.S. War Department. TM 30-430, Handbook on U.S.S.R. Military
Forces. U.S . Government Printing Office, 1945.
Wood. Tony, and Gunston, Bill. Hitler's Luftwaffe. Crescent. no
Wray, Major TImothy, Standing Fast: German Defensive Doctrine
on the Russian Front Durt.n.g World War II, Prewar to March

Victory PAJ<l>l Reference Manual 239

1943. U.S. Anny Command and General Staff College.
Zaloga. Steven. The Red Army of the Great Patriotic War 1941-45,
Osprey, 1989.
_ _ _ ' and Grandsen. James. Soviet Tanks and Combat
Vehicles of World War Two, Arms and Armour Press. 1984.
Ziemke, Earl. StaIingrad to Berlin: The German Defeat in the East,
U.S . Government Printing Office. 1968.


Bender. Roger James, and Odegard . Warren W, Uniforms.

Organization, and History of the Panzertruppe, Bender
Publishing. 1980.
Bender. Roger James. and Taylor. Hugh Page. Uniforms.
Organization, and History of the WaJfen-5S. Volume Three.
R. James Bender Publishing. 1978.
Blumenson, Martin. United States Army in World War II. The
European Theater of Operations: Breakout and Pursuit.
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1978.
Dupuy. Colonel T. N.. Numbers. Predictions. and War: Using
History to Evaluate Combat Factors and Predict the
Outcome of Battles. Bobbs-Merrtll, 1979.
Ellis. John, Brute Force: Allied Strategy and Tactics in the Second
World War. Viking. 1990.
Ellis. Major L. F.• Victory in the West. Volume II. The Defeat of
Germany, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1968.
Furbrtnger, Herbert. 9.SS-Panzer-Diuision, 1944: Notttuuulie­
Tamopol-Arnhem, Editions Helmdal, 1984.
Joslen, Lieutenant-Colonel H.F., Orders oj Battle. Volumes I and
II, United Kingdom and CoLonial Formations and Units in
the Second World War, 1939-1945. Her Majesty's
Stationery Office, 1960.
Laughlin. Cameron P.. U.S. Airborne Forces of World War Two.
Arms and Armour Press. 1987.
Lucas. James. Storming Eagles: German Airborne Forces in World
War TWo. Arms and Armour Press. 1988.
MacDonald, Charles B., United States Army in World War II. The
European Theater oj Operations: The Siegfried Line
Campaign. U.S . Government Printing Office. 1963.
Middlebrook, Martin. and Everitt, Chris, The Bomber Command
War Diaries, An Operational Reference Book: 1939 - 1945,
Penguin Books, 1979,
Millett, Allan R.. and Murray. Williamson (editors). Military
Effectiveness. Volume III: The Second World War, Allen and
Unwin, 1988.
Mitcham, Samuel W. .Jr., Hitler's Legions: The German Army

240 Reference Manual Victory PAK'''

Order of Baiiie, World War II, Stein and Day. 1985.
Murray. W1lliamson. Luftwaffe, Nautical and Aviation Publishing
Company, 1985.
Myers, David. Unit Organizations oj World War II, Z and M
Enterprises. 1977.
Quarrie, Bruce. Gennan Airborne Troops, 1939-45. Osprey. 1986.
Tantum, W. H" and Hoffschmldt. E. J. (editors). The Rise and Fall
ojthe German Air Force: 1933 to 1945. WE Inc. 1969.
Trewartha, Glenn T. . An Introduction to Climate. Fourth Edition.
McGraw-Hill. 1968.
U.S. Department of the Army. Pamphlet #20-236. Night Combat.
U.S. Government Printing Office. 1953.
Wllmot, Chester. The Strugglejor Europe, Harper and Row. 1963.
Wood. Tony, and Gunston. Bill. Hitler's Luftwaffe. Crescent. no

Magazine and Journal Articals

Utah Beach

"Atlantic Wall", by Fowler. in War Monthly #53. 1978. This article

provides somewhat more detail on the types and
construction of beach defenses than the article by
Williams In World War!l magazine (see below) .
"Barrier Against Any Invasion", by Williams, in World War II. Sept.
1986. This article gives a good overview of the defenses
along the Atlantic Wall, with emphasis on Omaha and
Utah beaches.
"Enthroning the King: Artillery and the Twentieth Century
Wargame", by Owen. in Sirategy and Tactics # 135. 1990.
This informative article describes the different artillery
doctrines and procedures that were used by the major
combatants of WWII. Not every army did it the same way.
Furthermore, artillery pieces are no different than any
other weapons: how they are used Is usually more
important than the specific characteristics of the weapons
"The King of Battle: Artillery in the PanzerBlltz Series". by
Schwamberger. in The Avalon Hill General. Vol. 25 #3.
1989. This is another good article about what WWII
artillery could and couldn't do. and what the differences
were between the major European combatants.
"Nebelwerfer", by Hogg. in War Monthly #30. 1976. This is a
useful technical and operational history of the famous
German rocket mortars.

Victory PAKT" Reference Manual 241

"The Organization of the U.S. Army in Europe. 1944-1945". by
Ferraiolo. tn Strategy and Tactics #30. 1971. This article
gives a good general overview of the U.S. Army in Western
Europe during the last year of the war.
"Overlord: The Normandy Invasion". by Non, in Strategy and
Tactics Special Editlon.!t..Q.. 1984. ThiS article gives a
general overview of the invasion and subsequent events.
up to the capture of Cherbourg. However. it includes little
of value to anyone who has access to other sources. Most
of what passes for historical analysis in this article is
shallow. dated. and/or flawed; there are numerous errors
and over-stmpltftcattons in the data tables: and the
relative combat strengths Hsted for the units are wrong.
"Sleep Loss and the Continuous Battle", by Smith. in Strategy and
Tactics #80. 1980. This article summarizes the results of
actual combat experience. as well as recent medical tests
conducted on military units during training exercises, with
regard to the effects of sleep loss and fatigue on combat
operations. The fatigue system in Utah Beach is based on
this information.

Velikiye Lukl

Armstrong. Richard. Russian Katyusha Rocket Launchers. World

War n, July 1986, pp. 16,64-66, 1986.
Astell, John, Soviet Guards. Europa # 10. pp. 20-26, 1989.
Bomba. Ty, Sunrise oj Victory: How Strategy's End Turned the
Tide in the East. Command Magazine #2. pp. 16-49. 1990.
Dunnigan, James, Organization oj Soviet Ground Forces. Strategy
and Tactics #23, pp. 14-20, 1970.
_ _ _ ' Soviet and German Weapons and Tactics in the East
1941-45. Strategy and Tactics #28. pp. 19-30. 1971.
Kane, Steven. VeWciye Luki: A Miniature Stalinqrad. WW2 Journal
Vol. 2 #4. pp. 4-(3, 1975.
Landwehr. Richard. Freikorps Denmark. Slegrunen Special Issue
#50. pp. 7-95, 1990.
_ _ _ ,(editor). Profile oj the 1st SS InJantry Brigade (Motorized) .
Siegrunen #39. pp. 17-18, 1985.
Miranda. Joseph. The Brandenburqers, Strategy and Tactics
# 100. p. 10. 1985.
Nlehorster, Leo. Luftwaffe Field DivLsions, World War Enthusiast
Vol. 1 #6. pp. 165-192. 1974.
Owen. Seth. Enthroning the King: Artillery and the Twentieth
Century Wargame, Strategy and Tactics # 135. pp. 50-53.
Patrick. Stephen. War in the East: The Russo-Gennan Conflict,
1941-45, Strategy and Tactics #41, pp. 15-39. 1973.

242 Reference Manual VIctory PA,KT"

Posey, Craig. Man and Superman: Utilization oj Russian
Manpower and Material in Advanced Squad Leader. ASL
Annual '89 . pp. 37-54, The Avalon Hlll Game Company,
Schwamberger. Carl. The King oj Battle: Artillery in the Panzerbliiz
Series. Avalon Hill General Vol. 25 #3. pp. 38-40. 1989.
Sharp. Charles, A Horse is a Horse: Soviet Cavalry in Europa.
Europa #24. pp. 33-37. 1992.
Stanton. Shelby. Researching White Death, The Grenadier #9. pp.
14-18. 1980.
Zaloga. Steven. Soviet Rocket Artillery 1917-1945. Part T. Military
Journal VoL 1 #2. pp. 4-7. 1977.
_ _ _ , Soviet Rocket Artillery 1917-1945, Part II. Military
Journal Vol. 1 #4 , pp. 5-12. 1977.


Mack. Donald. 'To See Her Redcoats Marching Jrom the Hal": The
British Regimental System Since 1660. Strategy and
Tactics # 153, pp. 41-49. 1992.
Markuss, Charles , Tommy Atkins at War: The British in ASL.
Avalon Hill General Vol. 25 #6. pp . 6-12 , 1989.
Owen. Seth. Enthroning the King: Artillery and the Twentieth
Century Wargame. Strategy and Tactics # 135, pp. 50-53.
Schwamberger. Carl . The King oj Battle: Artill.ery in the Panzerblitz
Series. Avalon Hill General Vol. 25 #3. pp. 38-40. 1989.

Avalon Hill Game Company. Advanced Squad Leader. 1985 (with
numerous subsequent additions).
Chadwick. Frank. White Death: Velikiye Luki. The Stalingrad oj
the North, Game Designer's Workshop, 1979.
Simulations Publications Inc., Highway To The Reich ,1977.
GMT Games. Air Bridge to vtcton). 1992.
Advanced Squad Leader. by the Avalon Hill Game Company, 1985
(with numerous subsequent additions). Advanced Squad
Leader (or ASL) is a revtston and expansion of an earlier
Avalon Hill wargame called Squad Leader. ASL is a very
detailed. complete , and realistic tactical-level wargame
system that covers every aspect of WWlI ground combat.
The armor and antitank strengths of the armored,
antitank, and anti-aircraft units in Utah Beach are based
on the armor and penetration values given in ASL. Like
many sets of rules for wargammg with armor mlruatures,

VIctory PAK''' Reference Manual 243

ASL contains a vast amount of data on vehicles. guns.
armor thicknesses. etc. The difference between ASL and
most sets of rules for armor miniatures Is that the
designers of ASL have done a much better Job of
integrating all that data and applying it to real-world
situations. as opposed to the theoretical exercise in long­
range target shooting that you get with most miniatures
rules. The ASL designers have also done an excellent job
of analyzing the data. summarizing It, and presenting it in
a manner that makes it much easier to compare the
strengths and weaknesses of various vehicles and guns as
they actually performed. instead of their theoretical,
proving-ground characteristics.
Atlantic Wall. by Simulations Publications. Inc .. 1978. Atlantic
Wall is a brilliantly-inspired but poorly-executed
operational-level simulation of the first month in
Normandy. Like most of SPI's larger games. it features an
excellent basic design coupled with incomplete research
and incomplete and inadequate playtesttng, (SPI. now out
of business. was infamous for its extensive use of loud and
unskilled Juveniles as playtesters.) In spite of the fact that
the large game map is very appealing visually. much of the
terrain depicted is wrong. In addition. the terrain
restrictions on movement and combat are all too lenient.
and. as a result. Allied movement and combat operations
are far too mobile, Although two pages of official errata for
the game were later published. most of the errata actually
makes things worse rather than better. The biggest
problem with the game and errata as published is that
there is no way for the Germans to establish and hold any
of thetr historical defensive lines for as long as they did in
reality; major rules changes are required just in order to
give the German player any hope of achieving the historical
result, much less any measure of victory.
The Longest Day. by the Avalon Hill Game Company. 1980.
Similiar to Atlantic Wall in size and scope, The Longest
Day is a large. operational-level simulation of the entire
campaign in Normandy. At first glance. The Lonflest Day
seems impressive and definitive. but. like Atlantic Wall ,
problems appear upon closer examination. Although the
historical research on the German order of battle is
superb. the relatively much easier to research Allied order
of battle is marred by numerous errors. unnecessary over­
simplifications. and questionable design decisions .
Documents and sources are listed in the extensive
bibliography, and discussed explicitly in the excellent
footnotes. that shoufd have had a strong influence on the

244 Reference Manual Victory PAK'''

Allied orders of battle and unit strengths, but none of that
information made it on to the unit counters. Did the
designer run out of ttme here, or just lose interest in
working on the American and British OS's? Worse. the
game rules contain incentives for the players to do some
very non-htstorical things. Just one example of this is a
rule that encourages the mixing of units from two different
divisIons in an attack. in order to avoid expending supply
for either division. Finally. one of the stranger and more
Inexplicable aspects of this game is the use, on the unit
counters of both sides. of German WWII-era military
symbols. rather than the standard American symbols that
are used by virtually all other wargarnes. The designer
insists that the German symbols serve to better
distinguish the different types of units and their game
effects. but that is simply not true. The standard
American military symbols. or slight modifications to
them, would have served just as well. and would have
been far less confusing to everyone. One is tempted to
suspect that the designer merely rationalized his own
preference in the matter.

Victory PAKTM Reference Manual 245

Glossary, Pronunciation Guide and


ANG: an abbreviation of "Angers": the German unit which carries

this designation was the "Alarm Battalion" of the German Army
Engineer School at Angers. France.

Angers \aw-zhay\: a city in west-central France.

Atlantic Wall: the belt of German coastal fortlflcations that

theoretically extended from Norway to Spain, but were of
significant strength only in the Normandy and Calais areas of
France, in the Immediate vicinity of major ports. and on the
German-occupied British Channel Islands.

BAR: an abbreviation of "Barfleur", and the name of two German

coastal artillery batteries located near the town of that name.

Barfleur \ba-flu-oor\: a minor port at the northeast tip of the

Cotentln Peninsula.

BB : the standard military abbreviation for battleship.

Bocage \bak-azh\: the French word for the typical Normandy

terrain. which consisted of huge numbers of small fields, each
enclosed by thick and impenetrable hedgerows.

Briquebec \breek-bek\: a city on the western side of the

Cotentln Peninsula.

BRO: an abbreviation of "Bromm". which was the name of several

German coastal artillery batteries located to the east of

CA: the standard military abbreviation for heavy cruiser.

Carentan vkar-roon-tah'v: a city near the eastern base of the

Cotentin Peninsula.

Carteret \ka-tear-aye\: a city on the west coast of the Cotentln


CHER: an abbreviation of "Cherbourg''.

Cherbourg \share-boo-er\: the largest port city in Normandy.

246 Reference Manual VIctory PAJ{'>'

CRR: an abbreviation of "Cherbourg",

CL: the standard military abbreviation for light cruiser.

Cotentin \ka-taw-tih\: the name of the peninsula that extends

northward from Normandy into the English Channel.

Coutances \koo-taw\: a city near the west coast of the Cotentin


DD: the standard military abbreviation for destroyer.

Fallschinnjager \fall-sherm-yae-ger\: the German word for

"airborne" or "paratrooper".

FJ: an abbreviation of "Fallschtrmjager''.

FJA: an abbreviation of "Fallschlrmjager Ausbildung", which is

German for "Airborne Training".

F 1a k : an abbreviation of the German word

'fltegerabwehrkanone". which means "anti-aircraft gun".

Fliegerabwehrkanone \fleHer-ab-ver-kan-on\: the German

word for "anti-aircraft gun". usually abbreviated as "flak".

HA: an abbreviation of "Hamburg", which was the name of two

German coastal artillery batteries east of Cherbourg.

Heer \here \: the German word for "army".

Hg: a common abbreviation of "Headquarters".

Interdiction : the military tactic of attacking the enemy's rear

areas and supply lines, instead of his front-line positions.

Isigny \easy-knee\: a city near the eastern base of the Cotentin


Kampfgruppe \kampf-group-ah\ : the German word for

"battlegroup". meaning a temporary command consisting of

miscellaneous smaller units . often abbreviated as "KG".

KM: an abbreviation of "Krtegsrnartne": the German unit that

carries this designation was a naval infantry battalion.

Krlegsmarlne \kreegs-marine\: the German word for "navy".

VIctory PAK'>l Reference Manual 247

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