Oral Hygiene & Health: Early Childhood Caries: A Literature Review
Oral Hygiene & Health: Early Childhood Caries: A Literature Review
Oral Hygiene & Health: Early Childhood Caries: A Literature Review
Review Article
Article Open
Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is defined as the presence of one or more decayed tooth surfaces in any primary
tooth in children 71 months of age or younger. ECC is the most common chronic illness among children and
adolescents. Studies have found caries prevalence among preschool children varies greatly in different countries,
ranging from 17 to 94%. However, in most of the studies; over 90% of decayed teeth were left untreated. Caries
progression can lead to pain and reduced ability to chew and eat, which may also lead to iron deficiency due to
malnutrition. Reduction of quality of life for children with ECC, resulting from disturbed sleeping and concentration
problems, has been reported. Children with severe caries may experience reduced weight and delayed growth. This
paper provides an updated literature review of ECC. The aetiology, clinical features, caries prevalence in recent
literature, consequences of caries infection and management of ECC are discussed.
Keywords: Early childhood caries; Children; Review and anti-microbial treatments can prevent or delay infant inoculation
Cariogenic bacteria such as MSis often transmitted from an
Early childhood caries (ECC) is defined as the presence of one expectant mother’s mouth to the infant. Moreover, horizontal
or more decayed tooth surfaces in any primary tooth in children 71 transmission of MS between members of a related group can also occur
months of age or younger [1]. ECC is the most common chronic illness [8]. Recent studies have also shown that MS can colonize the mouth
among children and adolescent. Caries progression can lead to pain and of pre-dentate infants [8,13]. Transmission of MS also occurs between
reduced ability to chew and eat, which may also lead to iron deficiency unrelated children older than 4 years of age. Doméjean et al. [14]
due to malnutrition [2]. Reduction of quality of life for children with reported MS could widely transmit from child to child in kindergarten.
ECC, resulting from disturbed sleeping and concentration problems,
has been reported. This paper performs a literature review for ECC. In addition to the establishment of oral flora, infants and
younger children have other unique risk factors for carries, including
Aetiology development of poor dietary habits and food preferences. High-
risk dietary practices appear to be established early, probably by
The aetiology of ECC involves the interaction between pathogenic
12 months of age, and are maintained throughout early childhood
organisms, fermentable carbohydrate substrate, host susceptibility, and
[15,16]. Frequent consumption of between-meal snacks and beverages
time [3,4]. With sufficient time, the cariogenic microorganisms in the
containing fermentable carbohydrates increases the risk of caries
presence of fermentable carbohydrates, such as sucrose, can induce
demineralization of tooth substance, which can progress to loss of due to prolonged contact between sugars in the consumed food or
tooth structure or cavitation. liquid and cariogenic bacteria on the susceptible teeth [17]. Sucrose
is considered to be a major cariogenic substance in the diet, acting as
The cariogenic microorganisms play an important part in caries a substrate both for the production of extracellular polysaccharides
development. Streptococcus mutan is an important pathogenic and for acid production of the dental plaque. Freshly squeezed or
organism in the development of caries lesions [5]. Vertical transmission commercially prepared fruit juices and fluid supplements that are
of cariogenic microbes from caretakers to children is possible. S. mutan claimed to be “natural health foods” frequently contain high sugar
constitutes about 60% of the cultivable flora of dental plaque obtained content and present caries risk to children. There is some controversy
from preschool children with ECC [5]. In children with few or no as to whether bovine and breast milk imposes risk for caries. Bovine
caries, S. mutans constitutes less than 1% of the flora [5]. A recent and human milk both contain lactose, which in vitro can enhance the
study reported an association between the amount of S. mutans and implantation of cariogenic bacteria and produce caries in laboratory
the prevalence of dental caries in children [6]. Apart from S. mutans, animals [3]. Although it is possible for breast and bovine milk to cause
a similarly high number of veillonella and lactobacilli have been found dental caries, the prevalence is low and is associated with frequent and
in children with ECC [3]. Lactobacilli counts are significantly higher
prolonged breast or bottle feeding, during the day and night, until the
within caries lesions than on adjacent tooth surfaces, suggesting that
child is two or more years old [18].
lactobacilli play a role in caries progression but not in lesion initiation
The major reservoir from which infants acquire cariogenic bacteria, *Corresponding author: CH Chu, Prince Philip Dental Hospital, Hong Kong SAR,
such as mutans streptococci (MS), is the mother’s saliva [3,8]. The China, Tel: +852 28590287; Fax: +852 2858 2532; E-mail: [email protected]
success of the transmission and resultant colonization of the maternal Received April 13, 2013; Accepted May 28, 2013; Published June 05, 2013
MS may relate to factors including magnitude of the inoculums [9],
Citation: Fung MHT, Wong MCM, Lo ECM, CH Chu (2013) Early Childhood
frequency of small-dose inoculations [10], and receipt of a minimum Caries: A Literature Review. Oral Hyg Health 1: 107. doi:10.4172/johh.1000107
infective dose [5]. Infants whose mothers have high levels of MS,
as a result of untreated caries, are at greater risk of acquiring the Copyright: © 2013 Fung MHT, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
organism earlier than children whose mothers have low levels of MS unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
[9]. Suppressing maternal reservoirs of MS via dental rehabilitation original author and source are credited.
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As for the host factors, reduced salivary flow can predispose Clinical Features
children to the risk of caries. Salivation falls to a minimum during night
The development of ECC often follows a special pattern. The
sleep and reduces significantly during any sleep. This affects mechanical
pathogenesis frequently relates to the eruptive pattern of the primary
cleansing and buffering following fermentation of cariogenic substrates
dentition, the cariogenic feeding pattern, and the oral physiology of
[19]. The nursing liquid can stagnate and has cariogenic potential. the infant or child [3,4,23]. The caries attack usually starts on the labial
Therefore, a child put to bed with a nursing bottle filled with cariogenic surface of the upper anterior incisors. The initial lesion appears as a
substrate is at risk of caries. Moreover, demographic factors (e.g. age, whitish area of decalcification along the gingival margin. These lesions
oral hygiene, and socio-economic and cultural characteristics) also soon become pigmented and spread laterally and coronally. Caries on
affect the development of ECC [4]. A literature review found that most molars may start simultaneously in the pit and fissure area and the
studies determined an inverse relationship between oral hygiene status gingival area of the buccal surface. The four upper incisors are usually
and the incidence of ECC [3]. the more severely affected, since they are among the first teeth to erupt
and therefore have the longest exposure to cariogenic substances.
Children’s caries status is also found to be related to their socio-
Moreover, the nursing liquid always pools around these four teeth. The
economic background [20]. Poor parental education, low family mandibular incisors are more resistant to decay, which may be due to
income and single parenting are all associated with a higher caries rate their close proximity to the secretion area of the submandibular glands
of preschool children [3]. In addition, cultural and ethnic variables are as well as the cleansing action of the tongue during sucking [4]. The
also significant factors that predispose infants and children to ECC tongue extends anteriorly during sucking to form an oral seal, which
because diet, feeding habits, and pacifier use differ between cultures prevents the nursing liquid from pooling around the mandibular
[3]. Neglect, if ECC and untreated tooth decay is associated with incisors [24].
avoidance of care [21]; and aversive parental experience and disregard
for primary dentition are serious obstacles to improving the oral health Caries Prevalence
of children [22]. Some researchers suggested a global reduction of dental caries was
Search criteria
(Children AND caries experience OR caries prevalence AND 5 Years-old)
Language: English
Database searched
PubMed (2000-2013)
Pubmed (1980-2012)
Pubmed (1980-2012)
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observed in recent decades, Bagramian et al. [25] performed a literature from 17 to 94% (Table 1). However, more than half of the surveys found
search of the available epidemiological data of dental caries from many the caries prevalence is more than 50%; and in most of the studies, over
countries. They reported that the results indicate that there was a 90% of decayed teeth were left untreated.
marked increase globally in the prevalence of dental caries. In general,
Consequences of Caries Infection
the increase in dental caries prevalence affects children as well as adults,
primary as well as permanent teeth, and coronal as well as root surfaces. Caries is the most common chronic illness among children and
This increase in dental caries signals a pending public health crisis [25]. adolescents, and it has a significant impact on oral health and general
A PubMed search of the studies published 2000 and after on primary health. Caries can lead to pain, inability to chew, and reduced ability to
dentition of preschool children was performed (Figure 1). We selected chew and eat. This results in limitations in the choice of foods and loss
5-year-old children as recommended by World Health Organisation of appetite. For this reason, children with severe caries may experience
for survey of primary teeth [26]. Studies have found caries prevalence reduced weight and delayed growth. Dental infection can spread
among preschool children varies greatly in different countries, ranging systemically which can be critical. In 2007, a 12-year-old boy living in
Study (Year) Site (Country) No. of children Age / yr % dmf>0 Mean dmft
Mantonanaki et al. (2013) [74] Attica (Greece) 605 5 17 Nil
64 (2008) 2.96 (2008)
64 (2009) 2.99 (2009)
Li et al. (2012) [75] Shanghai (China) 1850 5
65 (2010) 3.23 (2010)
64 (2011) 2.96 (2008)
Chu et al. (2012) [76] Shan state (Myanmar) 95 5 25 0.90
Wigen et al. (2011) [77] Oslo (Norway) 1348 5 11 Nil
Sufia et al. (1974) [78] Lahore (Pakistan) 700 3–5 75 (5 yr) 1.85
Simratvir et al. (2009) [79] Ludhiana (India) 609 3–6 59 (5 yr) 4.76 (1995)
Saravanan et al. (2008) [80] Tamilnadu (India) 508 5 – 10 72 3.00
Johannesburg (South
Cleaton-Jones et al. (2008) [81] 7185 2–5 59 (5 yr) 3.4 (5 yr)
2132 (1995) 72 (1995) 4.76 (1995)
Li et al. (2008) [82] Shanghai (China) 5
789 (2005) 78 (2005) 4.17 (2005)
Li et al. (2008) [83] Sichuan (China) Nil 5 59 2.77
Cheng et al. (2007) [84] Liaoning (China) 792 5 74 4.38
Ferreira et al. (2007) [85] Canoas (Brazil) 1487 0–5 40 1.53
England 216873 38 1.47
Pitts et al. (2007) [86] Wales 10660 5 53 2.38
Scotland (UK) 11161 46 2.16
Ferro et al. (2007) [87] North-Eastern (Italy) 3401 5 31 Nil
Wanjau et al. (2006) [88] 269 5 53 2.18
Ferro et al. (2006) [89] Veneto (Italy) 290 5 27 1.34
1.3 (1983)
Pitts et al. (2006) [90] Dundee (UK) 10381 5 43 1.4 (1993)
1.4 (2003)
30 (1997) 1.1 (1997)
Haugejorden et al. (2005) [91] Bergen (Norway) Nil 5 >40 (2001) 1.6 (2001)
36 (2003) 1.4 (2003)
Pitts et al. (2005) [92] Wales 5–6 39 2.16
Scotland (UK)
Skeie et al. (2005) [93] Oslo (Norway) 775 5 48 4.8
Lucas et al. (2005) [94] Minas Gerais (Brazil) Nil 5 67 Nil
Autio-Gold et al. (2005) [95] Alachua County (Florida) 221 5 48 2.5
Mello et al. (2004) [96] Itapetininga (Brazil) 291 5 Nil 2.63
Peressini et al. (2004) [97] Manitoulin (Ontario) 51 5 62 4.8
Ueda et al. (2004) [98] Cambira (Brazil) 5 69 3.5
Northern Philippines
Cariño et al. (2003) [99] 448 5 94 9.8
England 170
Pitts et al. (2001) [100] 5 40 1.52
Wales (UK) 731
Mora et al. (2000) [101] Granada (Spain) 173 2-5 37 Nil
Table 1: Caries prevalence among preschool children.
Page 4 of 7
Maryland, USA died of a toothache [27]. The bacteria from the dental provide funding to treat the massive amount of caries in children in
abscess had spread to his brain. developing countries. Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) is a
relatively new approach to the management of dental caries, originally
In the case of pulpal involvement, the abscess developed can developed to provide restorative dental treatment outside of the
potentially damage permanent teeth and incur enamel opacities, traditional clinical settings [52]. Taifour et al. [53] reported that ART
hypoplasia, or incomplete development. Premature loss of deciduous using glass ionomer yielded better results in treating carious lesions
teeth can lead to reduced dental arch, tooth displacement, tilting, and extending into dentine in primary teeth than the traditional treatment
rotations. Early loss of teeth results in difficulty in phonetics, affecting using amalgam after 3 years. Glass ionomer has the ability of bonding
normal language development. Pain associated with caries leads to chemically to enamel and dentine. Moreover, it releases fluoride and
reduced quality of life for children, which results from disturbed this is believed to prevent secondary caries formation and progression
sleeping and concentration problems [28-30]. Interruption in play [54]. ART treatment approach is recommended by the World Health
and school work from pain and infection due to caries can induce Organization for bringing restorative dental treatment to people who
emotional stress, including anger and instability. As a result of aesthetic would not normally have access to dental care [55]. This treatment
and/or phonetics problems, children may be teased by other children, can also be provided to patients who may have difficulty tolerating
which could negatively affect their self-esteem. Children may develop a conventional dental treatment with drilling and local anaesthesia
silent demeanor or avoid smiling and laughing as a result. injection.
ECC is associated with a higher risk of new carious lesions in Managing caries through minimally-invasive and low-cost
both the primary and permanent dentitions. Early onset of caries is methods is a critical issue. Caries-arresting treatment that aims to halt
associated with future caries development [31-36]. Infants with ECC or slow caries progression provides a practical solution for minimizing
grow at a slower pace than caries-free infants, experiencing with children’s discomfort and problems stemming from caries. Caries
insufficient physical development, especially in height and weight has been demonstrated to be arrested and remineralized with the use
[37,38]. Some young children with ECC may be severely underweight of chemical modalities such as topical fluorides [56] and sugar free
because of associated pain and the disinclination to eat. ECC may also chewing gum [57]. Topical fluorides have been used to prevent and
lead to iron deficiency due to malnutrition [2]. arrest dental caries. Fluoride application can either be self-applied or
Hospitalizations and emergency room visits are required to manage professionally applied. Self-applied fluorides reduce the cost of using
pain and spreading of infections due to caries [39-42]. These visits professional staff but not the cost of the material as it is consumed
increase treatment costs and time [43,44], while also causing children frequently in low concentrations. Self-application of fluorides also
to suffer from loss of school days and increased days with restricted requires close supervision and the procedures may not be suitable for
activity [45-47], as well as from diminished ability to learn [47,48]. young children.
Management of Early Childhood Caries When the caries progresses substantially into dentine, the mineral
component is demineralised and the organic component of collagen
Regarding the prevention and management of ECC, the focus has fibres breaks down. Carious lesions can also theoretically become
been on modifying the dental, infectious, and behavioural determinants arrested at any stage in the progression of caries. Arrested dentine
of the disease [49]. The treatment objectives for ECC are commonly to caries is clinically defined by the hardness of the dentine surface and
improve oral hygiene; to eliminate carious teeth; and to improve the a yellow to dark brown coloration [58]. Advanced carious lesions in
functioning and aesthetics of the child [23]. The management of ECC dentine consist of two distinct layers with different microscopic and
often requires education of both the parents and the child to improve chemical structure [59]. Two types of microbiological carious infected
their dental awareness and attitude toward dental health. The current dentine lesions were found: the lactobacilli-rich infected dentine (which
best practice recommended by the American Academy of Pediatric has high numbers of lactobacilli) and the non-lactobacilli-rich infected
Dentistry includes twice-daily use of fluoridated toothpaste for dentine (which as a low number of lactobacilli and a diverse micro-
dentate children. Parents should provide assisted tooth brushing for flora) [60]. Although dental caries causes demineralization of mineral
preschool-age children. Oral hygiene measures for all children should tissue and denaturation of collagen fibres, the inner layer is scarcely
be implemented no later than the time of eruption of the first primary infected by bacteria but is affected by plaque acid [61]. The inner part
molar tooth. of dentine caries still contains a high concentration of mineral salts and
Conventional care usually involves preventive and restorative care. can be remineralized [62].
Preventive care includes dental health education, dietary analysis and It has been shown that the pulp can remain vital in primary teeth
advice, the use of fluoride agents, and the use of anti-bacterial agents with deep dentine caries. Eidelman et al. [63] reported that 69% of
like chlorhexidine varnish and fissure sealant to prevent new caries the carious primary incisors in their study had a normal pulp without
development. Topical anti-microbial therapy using povidone iodine pulpal exposure. When the dentinal tubules in the area between the soft
has been reported effective in the prevention of ECC [50]. Restorative and the hard dentine were obstructed with large mineral crystals, caries
care may involve restoration of carious teeth with dental materials was arrested. Another study found that the lesion in arrested caries had
like silver amalgam, composite resins, or glass ionomer cements. A a higher pH than that of active caries lesions [64]. A histopathological
stainless steel crown can be used to restore large multi-surface carious study of carious primary teeth in children found that arrested caries
lesions. Pulpotomy [51] and pulpectomy are treatments for the pulpally had a significantly more favourable pulpal status than active caries [65].
involved carious teeth. Teeth with a poor prognosis should be extracted It may even be possible to monitor caries lesions with frank cavitation
to prevent pain and the spreading of infection. without placing a restoration on the carious lesion if there is evidence
The Commonwealth Dental Association and the World Health that the caries process has been arrested [66].
Organization held a workshop in 1986 on equity in oral health. Cost-effective caries preventive procedures have been used to tackle
One of the many challenges addressed at the workshop was how to the severe caries problem in children in disadvantaged communities.
Page 5 of 7
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This work is part of Dr Marcus Ho Tak Fung’s Ph.D. study. Drs. C 51: 305-312.
H Chu, Edward C M Lo and May C M Wong served as supervisors for 23. Chu CH (2000) Treatment of early childhood caries: a review and case report.
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Zhang Shinan for their editing and proof reading. The authors report
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