Sweden - Country Report: Response Questionnaire

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1.1 Response questionnaire

• Preliminary questionnaire for Working Group, filled in by The Min. of Environment, Sweden, 2009
• Questionnaire 1, filled in by The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning
(Boverket), shortened hereafter as ‘Boverket’, with help of The Ministry, June 2010, followed by
email correspondence
• Questionnaire 2, filled in by The Chalmers University of Technology, 11/5/2010, shortened here-
after as ‘Chalmers University’.

1.2 Rule system

1.2.1 Type of regulation

The Swedish building regulations are performance based.

Relevant laws concerning construction are

• The Planning and Building Act (1987:10)
• The Act on Technical Requirements for construction works, etc (1994:847)
• The Environmental code (1998:808)

Relevant Ordinances, issued by the government are:

• Planning and Building Ordinance (1987:383, many changes since then)
• Ordinance on Technical Requirements for Construction works, (1994:1215)

Sustainable construction is also regulated in The Environmental Code and The Work Environment

The governmental authority, Boverket, develops and issues Building Regulations and Design Regula-
tions. Both consist of mandatory provisions and general recommendations.

1.2.2 Regulated sustainability topics for new buildings

On the field of ecological quality there are regulations for energy performance, thermal insulation, air
permeability and water conservation/efficiency techniques, but no regulation on energy efficiency
techniques (e.g. low-energy light bulbs), waste reduction and use of recyclable/renewable materials.
In future regulations on usage of renewable energy sources will be introduced.

With respect to economic quality only the reduction of waste during the construction process is regu-

Some sustainable aspects of social quality are regulated, for example provision of safe and healthy
work conditions, and the provision of transport links to local context.

Most sustainable aspects of functional quality and technical quality are regulated

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The two respondents differ in their answers on some aspects of regulation of sustainable construc-
tion. Chalmers University has the idea the many of aspects in the questionnaire are only mentioned
as recommendations or as desirable for policy, but are not regulated by law. Boverket answers that
the general advice is to clarify the requirements, that are given as functional demands in the legisla-

1.2.3 Rules for existing buildings and for renovation of existing buildings
The building code applies for renovation of existing buildings with consideration to the extent of the
renovation and the possibilities of the building. Several regulations on sustainability aspects also ap-
ply for renovation of existing buildings, but only for renovation of the main structure or building ser-
For existing building only regulations exist on energy performance/thermal isolation and on water
conservation/efficiency techniques. In case of energy performance/thermal isolation a lower level
applies in comparison with new buildings.

1.2.4 Level of regulation

Most regulation on sustainability aspects is on a national level, with exception of the following social
and functional aspects, which are regulated on a local level:
• To provide local schools, health, social facilities
• To provide housing for the elderly
• To reject or discourage gated development
• To provide transport links to local context
• To provide links to adjacent neighbourhoods
• To the shape of the exterior

1.2.5 Background in EU-Directives

The following regulations have a background in EU-directives:
• Ecological quality: energy performance, usage of renewable energy sources, thermal insulation,
limitation of ozone depleting gasses;
• Economic quality: reduction of waste during the construction process;
• Functional quality: moisture protection of the building envelope, indoor air-quality, thermal com-
fort in winter, acoustic comfort, indoor air daylight entry;
• Technical quality: structural safety of the construction, fire resistance of the construction, safety
of a construction during a fire;

1.2.6 Ordering of the regulations

For all sustainability aspects, the regulations apply to all building types.

1.2.7 Type of requirements and deemed-to-satisfy solutions

Almost all regulation is performance based (’verifierbara funktionskrav’) There is documentation
available on accepted or deemed-to-satisfy solutions for all aspects of sustainability.

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1.2.8 Process of implementation
Most regulation is top-down implemented (mostly a government led process), with exception of the
regulation on technical quality aspects of sustainability: this was a cooperative process (governmental
parties collaborated with the construction sector).
Regulation on energy efficiency is dictated on what the market can achieve in recent constructions.

1.3 Enforcement regime
Building plans:
General: To start a construction work the owner of the building needs a building permit. In Sweden
the owner of the building is responsible for meeting the demands of the technical regulations. The
building permit only covers planning and local aspects (site, architecture) and does not take the tech-
nical design or technical requirements into account. The application for a permit is processed by the
local building committee. The committee checks the location of the construction work, the design, and
if the work fulfils the regulations of the detailed development plan. The assessment is mostly on pre-
cise siting and external appearance, not on technical design.
Sustainability aspects: Only social sustainability aspects of the plan are checked by the municipality.
(But Chalmers University answers that energy performance is also checked by the municipality.)

Work under construction:

General: When a building permit has been launched it is again the building owner who has the total
responsibility to society to ensure that a construction work fulfils all the technical requirements. The
local authorities, the building inspection, have a purely supervisory responsibility. Before the construc-
tion work starts, the owner has to give in a building notice. This notice gives the building committee an
opportunity to assess the need for supervision and inspection. When a building notice is received, the
committee shall convene for a consultative meeting unless this is evidently unnecessary. At the mee-
ting the construction work will be examined at such issues as planning of the works, supervision and
other controls which are necessary to comply with the requirements of society.
At the time of the consultative meeting, or as soon as possible thereafter, the building committee shall
decide of an inspection schedule for the works. It is primarily the responsibility of the owner to set out
what inspections and verifications he considers necessary to confirm that the technical requirements
are met. The building committee shall determine whether the inspections proposed by the owner are
sufficient or if other actions have to be taken such as additional inspections, notifications and docu-
mentation. For complicated constructions or details the committee can also ask for the opinion of an
external expert.
When the inspection schedule has been decided, it is the building owner who has the responsibility to
ensure that it is compiled with. To aid him in this respect the owner shall normally have appointed a
quality assurance supervisor. The quality assurance supervisor shall assist the building owner, be
present at consultative meetings and inspections and also in other respect ensure that the inspection
schedule is complied with.
Sustainability aspects: sustainability aspects are not checked formally by the authorities. But for en-
ergy an energy certificate has to be issued within two years after the building is completed.

For this section also the following paper is used: B.Nivall - “The Swedish system for inspection and supervision
of works and products”, Conference paper ‘Competitiveness in the European construction sector’, Malmö, 6-7
Sept. 2001

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Finished construction work prior to occupation:
General: When the construction is completed and the building owner has met his obligations in ac-
cordance with the inspection schedule and the building committee has not found it necessary to inter-
vene as supervisory authority, the committee shall issue a completion certificate. If the building com-
mittee finds that the building owner has failed to satisfy all conditions necessary for the issue of a
completion certificate, the committee shall without undue delay decide to what extent use of the build-
ing shall be permissible until such time the failure has been remedied.
The supervision and inspection system described is intended not only to ensure that the technical
requirements in BVL have been compiled with, but also that the project agrees with the building per-
mit and with the detailed development plan or special area regulations. These issues should be given
the necessary considerations during consultative meetings and in the inspection plan, as well as
when the completion certificate is issued.
Sustainability aspects: only functional quality aspects are (visually) monitored by the technical advisor
on behalf of authorities (=building committee?). This monitoring is regulated in law.

Existing buildings in use: Energy-related aspects of existing buildings are monitored by the technical
advisor on behalf of owner. This is done superficially by means of a paper checklist.
Functional sustainability aspects are checked visually by the technical advisor on behalf of the au-
thorities. This monitoring process is regulated in law.

1.4 Sustainable construction initiatives – including public and joint public-private initia-

There are no special guidelines for a national strategy on sustainable construction as such. Sustain-
ability has to be interpreted in different ways into many areas. The environment is an important part of
In 1999 the Swedish Parliament adopted 16 national environmental objectives. These objectives
demonstrate what environmental situation should be achieved in the perspective of one generation.
The most relevant objective in this context is the one concerning a Good urban environment.
The Environmental Code and the national environmental objectives lay the groundwork for a decen-
tralisation of environmental endeavours. This boost opportunities and interest, above all in the busi-
ness and industrial community, to initiate measures promoting a better environment. The objectives
themselves provide guidelines for application of the Code.
There are sub-goals concerning indoor air in buildings focusing on sufficient ventilation and radon
levels in schools, day-nurseries and housing. The health aspects of the indoor air are stressed, noise
and use of energy are other aspects.
To stress the importance of an adequate working ventilation the Parliament introduced in 1992 a sys-
tem for obligatory checks of ventilation - systems.
The Swedish construction sector has voluntarily undertaken to reduce the amount of construction
waste by one half within a specific period of time.
Climate-change: There have been local investment programmes including grants to reduce energy-
consumption, replace fossils and electricity and reduce C02.
Energy-efficiency: Sub-goal saying: the total energy use per heated area unit in housing and offices
decreases. The decrease should be 20% up to year 2020 and 50 per cent up to 2050 in comparison
to the energy use in 1995. Up to the year 2020 the need of fossils fuels for energy use in buildings
should have come to an end and at the same time the percentage of renewables are continuously
Government regulation to sustainable construction and complementary sustainable construction initia-
tives in general work hand in hand in Sweden.

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Voluntary initiatives
The Building and Living Dialogue consists of voluntary agreements between the Government and
different actors within the sector of property-owners and managers, construction sector and others.
The aim of the dialogue is that those that are taking part want to get beyond what regulations stipu-
lates. The target is, to reach before 2025 a sustainable construction sector, mainly concerning a good
indoor air, efficient use of energy and the use of natural resources. The result of the efforts of the
participants has been presented in a booklet.
The Building and Living Dialogue as a whole is evaluated by an independent consultant. The envi-
ronmental objectives and especially the sub-goals are continuously monitored and evaluated by an
special organisation formed for that purpose.

Research activities
There is a cross-discipline research program that is financed partly by the construction sector and
partly by the Government concerning efficient use of energy and resources in construction and man-
agement of buildings. The program also includes buildings as a system, that is more of a holistic view
and studies on relations between technical systems, information and users behaviour.

1.5 Role of EU
On the question “Do you see any role for the EU to stimulate sustainable construction in your coun-
try?”, Chalmers University answers: “Yes, set higher ambitions.”

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Regulations on sustainable construction – Boverket

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Regulations on sustainable construction – Chalmers University

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Checking of building plans – Boverket

Checking of building plans – Chalmers University

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Checking of work under construction – Boverket

Checking of work under construction – Chalmers University

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Checking of the finished work, prior to occupation – Boverket

Checking of the finished work, prior to occupation – Chalmers University

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Checking of existing buildings in use – Boverket

Checking of existing buildings in use – Chalmers University

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