Ibps Po 2020

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Direction (1 – 4) : In the given Choose the option which represents the

question, a word has been printed in bold. correct sequence of words, which will
Below the sentence, alternatives to the make the sentence grammatically and
emboldened word have been given as contextually correct. If the sentence is
(A), (B), (C) and (D), which may help correct as it is choose ‘E’ i.e. ‘No
improve the sentence. Choose the correct rearrangement required’ as your answer.
alternative out of the given five options.
In case the given sentence is correct as it 5. Coco Chanel’s great comfortable (A)
is, your answer will be option (E), i.e., to fashion was to make clothes elegant
"No replacement required". and functioning (B) for a person
contribution (C) in a rule bound public
1. After an deliberate period of sphere.
inactivity, Vesuvius erupted with A. ACB
devastating force in A D 79 B. BCA
A. enlarged C. CAB
B. essential D. CBA
C. amplified E. No rearrangement required
D. extended
E. No replacement required 6. In state (A), authority is vested in the
rule of citizenship that politics (B) the
2. The wedding received extensive powers of the limits (C).
welcoming in the newspapers. A. ACB
A. accounts B. CAB
B. critic C. BAC
C. coverage D. BCA
D. hunt E. No rearrangement required
E. No replacement required
7. Regular exercise can help boost (A)
3. The modern publishing industry is stress levels, lead (B) your chances of
dominated by a small number of large appetite control and reduce (C) to
companies that have abandoned on significant weight loss.
more or less the same business model for A. CBA
decades B. BCA
A. frowned C. CAB
B. relied D. ACB
C. caught E. No rearrangement required
D. influenced
E. No replacement required 8. The minister resources (A) an
needed (B) to arrange better
4. E-learning has a considerable talent to application (C).
improve the quality and effectiveness of A. ACB
traditional education. B. CAB
A. potential C. BCA
B. future D. CBA
C. impact E. No arrangement required
D. degree
E. No replacement required Direction (9 – 12) : In the given
question, a statement has been divided
Direction (5 – 8) : In the given into five segments, each of which is
statement some words have been denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E).
highlighted. These words may not be at Rearrange all the segments to form a
the correct place making the sentence coherent statement.
grammatically and contextually incorrect.


9. A) to larger entities such as customers incorrect, mark option E, i.e., "All are
B) and suppliers and reach out incorrect" as the answer.
C) adoption of the cloud enables business 13.
giants A) The supervisor charged his assistant of
D) to global customers efficaciously negligence towards duty.
E) to run their processes, connect B) The report state that the project have
A. CEBAD been running on time.
B. CAEBD C) The government is heavily relying on
C. CEABD the Atmanirbhar project to cope with the
D. CBEAD economic slump.
E. CDEAB A. Only A
B. Only B
10. A) manage music playback and C. Only C
B) calls with just a few D. Both A and C
C) clicks on the back of the earbud E. All are incorrect
D) touch controls that can help you
E) OnePlus earbuds offer 14. A) The centre and service has been
A. EABDC under development for the last one and a
B. EDBAC half years.
C. EADBC B) The centre will run on advanced
D. EDACB technologies and AI / ML tools to mitigate
E. EDABC potential threats.
C) We will be continue to invest in the
11. A) to localise in the vicinity of the centre in all forms as the business
cancerous site expands.
B) the study highlighted A. Only A
C) by manoeuvring nanomotors inside B. Only B
D) a new way of targeting cancer cells C. Only C
E) a tumour and waiting for them D. Both A and C
A. BCDEA E. All are incorrect
C. BECDA 15. A) The minister took full responsibility
D. EBCAD on the disaster and resigned.
E. EABCD B) The government have come under
attack from all sides for cutting education
12. A) a press conference in Ottawa, spending.
B) on family members, study permit C) The Republicans are relying on their
C) holders, and people entering on agricultural policies to deliver the
compassionate grounds farmers' votes.
D) as announced at A. Only A
E) Canada is planning to ease travel B. Only B
restrictions C. Only C
A. DEABC D. Both A and C
B. DBCAE E. All are incorrect
D. DABEC Direction (16 – 20) : Study the
E. DCAEB following information carefully and
answer the given questions.
Direction (13 – 15) : Three statements Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H
are given below at A, B and C . There may are seated in a linear row, some of them
be some errors in the given statements. are facing towards the North while others
Mark the correct statement as the are facing towards the South. H sits
answer. If all the statements are second to the left of E, who sits at an end


of the row. D sits to the immediate right 21. How many such pairs of digits are
of A, who faces the South. C sits second there in the number ‘73951286’ each of
to the left of D, who faces the same which has as many digits between them
direction as E. H, who is not an immediate in the number as in the number series
neighbour of A, faces the opposite (Both forward and backward)?
direction of E. F, who is a neighbour of A. 1
neither E nor H, faces the opposite B. More than 4
direction of C. B faces the South. G sits C. 2
second to the right of B. E and G face the D. 4
same direction. E. 3

16. How many people are facing towards Direction (22 – 26) : Study the
the North? following information and answer the
A. 3 questions.
B. 4 Six-A, T, M, X, L and P teams have their
C. 5 match in six different dates i.e. 7th and
D. 2 16th of three months i.e. March, April and
E. None of the above May. All the matches are played in
different cities i.e. Mumbai, Nagpur,
17. Who among the following sits third to Kanpur, Ahmedabad, Chennai and
the right of B? Ranchi.
A. D Team X has a match in the month having
B. A 30 days. Two teams have a match
C. F between Team X and the match played in
D. C Mumbai. Three teams have matches
E. None of the above between the match played in Mumbai and
the match played in Chennai. One team
18. Four of the following five are alike in has a match between Team A and the
a certain way and thus forms a group. match played in Chennai. The match
Find the one that does not belong to the played in Kanpur is just played after
group? Team A. Team T played the match just
A. C - F before the match played in Ahmedabad.
B. D - A T played a match on an even-numbered
C. B – H date. Two teams have a match between
D. F – D Team P and the match played in
E. A – G Ahmedabad. Team L played the match
just before the match played in Ranchi.
19. Which of the following statements are Team M does not play in Chennai.
A. D sits fourth to the right of E 22. Which among the following teams
B. C is an immediate neighbour of G played on 16th March?
C. F sits second to the left of H. A. Team M
D. B faces the same direction as C B. Team T
E. None is true. C. The team played in Kanpur
D. Team P
20. Who among the following sits fifth to E. None of these
the right of C?
A. H 23. How many teams played after Team
B. B L?
C. A A. Three
D. E B. More than three
E. None of the above C. Two
D. One


E. None No Page is Paper

All Paper is Note
24. Four of the following five are alike in Only a few Note is Board
a certain way and hence form a group. Conclusion:
Which of the following does not belong to I. Some Note is not Page
that group? II. Some Board is Paper
A. Team M A. Only I follows
B. Team T B. Only II follows
C. Team A C. Either I or II follows
D. Team L D. Both I and II follow
E. Team P E. Neither I nor II follows

25. How many teams played matches 29. Statements:

between team P and team T? Only a few Car is Bus
A. Two No bus is Truck
B. Three Only a few Truck is Bike
C. None Conclusion:
D. One I. Some car is not Truck
E. Four II. Some Bike being Bus is a possibility
A. Only I follows
26. In which of the following cities team B. Only II follows
L played a match? C. Either I or II follows
A. Chennai D. Both I and II follow
B. Kanpur E. Neither I nor II follows
C. Mumbai
D. Ranchi 30. Statements:
E. None of the above All Rod is Steel
Some Steel is Iron
Direction (27 – 30) : In the question Only a few Iron is Metal
below are given three statements Conclusion:
followed by the conclusions. You have to I. Some Rod is Iron
take the given statements to be true even II. Some Iron is not Metal
if they seem to be at variance with A. Only I follows
commonly known facts. Read all the B. Only II follows
conclusions and then decide which of the C. Either I or II follows
given conclusions logically follows from D. Both I and II follow
the given statements disregarding E. Neither I nor II follows
commonly known facts.
Direction (31 – 35) : What approximate
27. Statements: value will come in place of the question
All Lock is Clock mark (?) in the following question? (You
All Clock is Key are not expected to calculate the exact
Only a few Key is Door value)
I. Some Door is Clock 31. 468.02 + 79.91 ÷ 5.01 = ?2
II. All Key can never be Lock A. 12
A. Only I follows B. 11
B. Only II follows C. 18
C. Either I or II follows D. 22
D. Both I and II follow E. 24
E. Neither I nor II follows
32. 49.99% of 6400.002 ÷ 999.99 = ?
28. Statements: A. 3.6


B. 5 initial investment of A is Rs. 6000,

C. 4.8 then the investment of B is
D. 2.4 A. Rs. 1800
E. 3.2 B. Rs. 2400
C. Rs. 3600
33. ? ÷ 2.997 + 799.98 × 8.9 = 9199.978 D. Rs. 4800
A. 6000 E. None of these
B. 5000
C. 4000 Direction (39 – 40) : Study the
D. 4800 following information carefully and
E. 6400 answer the questions given below.
25% of the boys and 60% of the girls
34. (1110.02 + 89.81) ÷ ? – √15 = 15.98 from a college participated in an event.
A. 60 Total number of girls in the college is
B. 120 equal to the number of boys, who do not
C. 80 participate in the event.
D. 75
E. 40 39. The number of girls, who participated
in the event is what percent more than
35. ? × 350.01 ÷ 3.992 = 983 ÷ 14.001 the number of boys, who participated in
A. 1.2 the event?
B. 1.8 A. 30%
C. 2.8 B. 35%
D. 3.2 C. 50%
E. 4 D. 80%
E. None of these
36. A shopkeeper bought 80 pens in Rs.
400. He sold 40 pens at 60% profit and 40. If the difference the number of boys
sold the remaining pens at 20% profit. If and girls, who participated in the event is
he had sold all the pens at a 15% profit, 40, then the total number of boys and
how much less profit would he have girls in the college is
made? A. 175
A. Rs. 65 B. 210
B. Rs. 80 C. 350
C. Rs. 100 D. 420
D. Rs. 120 E. None of these
E. None of these
Direction (41 – 45) : Study the
37. Present age of B will be half of A's age following line graph carefully and answer
4 years hence and double of A's age 5 the questions given below.
years ago, then what is the present age In the below line graph, the number of
of B? animals in two zoo A and B in the years –
A. 6 years 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007 is given.
B. 4 years
C. 8 years
D. 12 years
E. None of these

38. A started a business with a certain

capital. After 3 months A left the business
and B joins the business and remains in
business. If the ratio of the profit at
the end of the year is 5 : 6 and the


A. 184
B. 198
C. 222
D. 244
E. None of these

44. Sum of the number of animals in zoo-

B in the years 2001, 2003 and 2005
together is what percent more/less than
the sum of the number of animals in zoo-
A in the years 2001 and 2007 together?

41. What is the ratio of the number of A. 6 %

animals in zoo-A in the years 2001 and
2005 together and the number of animals B. 5 %
in zoo-B in the years 2003 and 2007
together? C. 3 %
A. 7 : 6
B. 6 : 7 D. 8 %
C. 5 : 6 E. None of these
D. 7 : 5
E. None of these 45. If the number of animals in zoo-B in
the years 2009 is 25% more than that in
42. What is the sum of the differences of the year 2007, then what is the average
the number of animals in zoo-A and zoo- number of animals in zoo-B in the years
B in the years 2001, 2003 and 2005? 2005, 2007 and 2009?
A. 185 A. 225
B. 235 B. 320
C. 255 C. 260
D. 275 D. 240
E. None of these E. None of these

43. In the years 2005, 35% of animals in

zoo-A and 55% of animals in zoo-B are
carnivorous, then what is the sum of the
number of carnivorous animals in zoo A
and B in the years 2005?



1. Ans. D. control and lead to significant weight

There was a “period of inactivity” after loss.
which the volcano erupted. Since, it is not 8. Ans. C.
a human being, the word ‘deliberate’ is The correct order is BCA and the
inappropriate. Only ‘extended’ meaning statement is:
‘lasting longer than is usual or expected; The minister needed an application to
prolonged’ fits the context. arrange better resources.
So, the correct answer is D. 9. Ans. C.
2. Ans. C. The correct answer is CEABD and the
It is given in the sentence, it is mentioned statement is:
that the wedding received something Adoption of the cloud enables business
extensively in the newspapers. As per the giants to run their processes, connect to
context, only ‘coverage’ meaning ‘the larger entities such as customers and
treatment of an issue by the media’ is an suppliers to reach out to global customers
appropriate word. efficaciously.”
So, the correct answer is C. 10. Ans. E.
3. Ans. B. The correct answer is EDABC and the
Among the given options, the only verb statement is :
that can be followed by the preposition OnePlus earbuds offer touch controls that
‘on’ is ‘relied’. can help you manage music playback and
So, the correct answer is B. calls with just a few clicks on the back of
4. Ans. A. the earbud.
The only word which can contextually fit 11. Ans. B.
in the given sentence is ‘potential’. The correct order is BDCEA and the
So, the correct answer is A. statement is:
5. Ans. C. “The study highlighted a new way of
We need a noun at A as we have an targeting cancer cells by manoeuvring
adjective ‘great’ preceding it. Of the nanomotors inside a tumour and waiting
emboldened words, ‘contribution’ being a for them to localise in the vicinity of the
noun takes the first place. At B we need cancerous site.”
an adjective to maintain the parallel 12. Ans. C.
structure and match with ‘elegant’. So, The correct order is DAEBC and the
‘comfortable’ takes the 2nd place and B statement is:
takes the third position. The correct “As announced at a press conference in
sentence is : Ottawa, Canada is planning to ease travel
Coco Chanel’s great contribution (C) to restrictions on family members, study
fashion was to make clothes elegant and permit holders, and people entering on
comfortable (A) for a person functioning compassionate grounds.”
(B) in a rule-bound public sphere. 13. Ans. C.
6. Ans. D. Statement A: ‘With’ must be used instead
The correct arrangement is BCA and the of ‘of’ to rectify the sentence.
statement is : Statement B: It should be ‘stated/states’
In politics, authority is vested in the rule in place of ‘state’ and ‘has’ in place of
of citizenship that limits the powers of ‘have’ since the noun ‘project’ is singular.
the state. Statement C is grammatically correct.
7. Ans. C. 14. Ans. B.
The correct order is CAB and the correct Statement A: Instead of ‘has been’ it
sentence is: should be ‘have been’ as we are talking of
Regular exercise can help reduce stress two entities ‘center’ and ‘service’ joined
levels, boost your chances of appetite by conjunction ‘and’.
Statement B is grammatically correct


Statement C: The use of ‘be’ is incorrect 22. Ans. B.

and we need to omit to rectify the
15. Ans. C.
The errors in the sentences are:
A. The preposition ‘on’ needs to be
replaced by ‘for’.
B. There is an error of subject verb
agreement. Singular noun ‘government’
needs to be agreed by singular auxiliary
verb ‘has’.
Only sentence C is grammatically correct.
23. Ans. D.
So. the correct option is C
16. Ans. B.

17. Ans. B.

24. Ans. C.

18. Ans. C.
All except B and H are facing opposite

19. Ans. E. All teams played in the month having 31

days except Team A
25. Ans. B.

20. Ans. A.

21. Ans. B.
26. Ans. A.

The pairs of digits are: (7, 9), (3, 5), (3,

The pairs of digits are: (7, 9), (3, 5), (3,
8), (5, 8), (1, 2)


After approximation, we get

(1110 + 90) ÷ ? – 4 = 16
⇒ 1200 ÷ ? = 16 + 4 = 20
⇒ ? = 1200 ÷ 20 = 60.
35. Ans. D.
? × 350.01 ÷ 3.992 = 983 ÷ 14.001
After approximation, we get
? × 350 ÷ 16 = 980 ÷ 14
⇒ ? × 350 ÷ 16 = 70
⇒ ? = (70 × 16) ÷ 350 = 3.2
36. Ans. C.
27. Ans. E.
Cost of per pen= 400/80
= 5 Rs/pen
Profit on 40 pens(at 60% profit)=
5×40×60%= 120 Rs
Profit on remaining pens(at 20% profit)=
5×40×20%= 40 Rs
Total profit on All the pens(at 15%
28. Ans. A. profit)= 5×80×15%=60
Required difference= (120+40)-60
=100 Rs.
37. Ans. A.
Let the present ages of A and B be a
years and b years, then
29. Ans. D. According to question

b= = 2(a – 5)
⇒ (a + 4) = 4(a – 5)
⇒ (4a – a) = 4 × 5 + 4 = 24
30. Ans. B. ⇒ 3a = 24
Hence, the present age of B = b = 2(a
– 5) = 2(8 – 5) = 6 years.
38. Ans. B.
Let investment of B = Rs. x, then
According to question
(6000 × 3) : {x × (12 – 3)} = 5 : 6
31. Ans. D.
⇒ 2000 : x = 5 : 6
?2 = 468.02 + 79.91 ÷ 5.01 ≈ 468 + 80
⇒ x = 2400
÷ 5 = 468 + 16 = 484 = 222
39. Ans. D.
⇒ ? = 22
ATQ, (100-25)% of Boys = Total number
32. Ans. E.
of girls
?= 49.99% of 6400.002 ÷ 999.99 ≈ 50%
⇒ 75% of B= G
of 6400 ÷ 1000 = 3200 ÷ 1000 = 3.2
⇒ Boys : Girls = 4 : 3
33. Ans. A.
Let number of Boys & girls respectively 4x
? ÷ 2.997 + 799.98 × 8.9 = 9199.978
, 3x
After approximation, we get
? ÷ 3 + 800 × 9 = 9200
⇒ ? = (9200 – 7200) × 3 = 2000 × 3 = Required% = × 100
6000. = 80
?= 49.99% of 6400.002 ÷ 999.99 ≈ 50% 40. Ans. C.
of 6400 ÷ 1000 = 3200 ÷ 1000 = 3.2 ATQ, (100-25)% of Boys = Total number
34. Ans. A. of girls
(1110.02 + 89.81) ÷ ? – √15 = 15.98 ⇒ 75% of B= G


⇒ Boys : Girls = 4 : 3
Let number of Boys & girls respectively 4x
, 3x
⇒ 60% of 3x – 25% of 4x = 40
⇒ X= 50
So number of boys & girls= (3x + 4x) =
7× 50 = 350
41. Ans. A.
number of animals in zoo-A in the years
2001 and 2005 together = 240+320
= 560
number of animals in zoo-B in the years
2003 and 2007 together = 160+320
= 480
Required Ratio,
⇒ 560 : 480
42. Ans. C.
difference of the number of animals in
zoo-A and zoo-B in the years 2001= 60
difference of the number of animals in
zoo-A and zoo-B in the years 2003= 115
difference of the number of animals in
zoo-A and zoo-B in the years 2005= 80
required Sum= 60+115+80
= 255
43. Ans. D.
In the years 2005,
35% of animals in zoo-A= 112
55% of animals in zoo-B = 132
Required sum= 244
44. Ans. C.
Sum of the number of animals in zoo-B in
the years 2001, 2003 and 2005 together
= 180+160+240
sum of the number of animals in zoo-A in
the years 2001 and 2007 together=
= 600

Required %= ×100= 3 %
45. Ans. B.
number of animals in zoo-B in the years

2009 = 320×
= 400
Average number of animals in zoo-B in
the years 2005, 2007 and 2009=

= 320



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